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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1948)
Prizewinners i in i in Art work David Remington and Dale Jones, pupils at the Garfield and Bush grade schools, respective ly, tied as grand prize winners in connection with a program of creative art based on the radio program "This Land of Make Believe." Each Monday afternoon the children listen to the broadcast of the story and then draw or paint a picture il lustrating the story. A week ago Lauren Porter, third grader, and David Reming ton, fourth grader both of Gar field school, won over all com petitors in the state in their re spective classes. David Remington and Dale Jones were in competition with all pupils in the first to eighth grade group. As a result of Monday's broad cast listening Carol Ann Whit man of Garfield received honor able mention in the third grade division. Pictures are judged for crea tive artistic talent and for ac curacy in illustrating the stories. The Garfield teacher whose pupils have been successful is Mrs. Ethel Carothers Dale 'Jones is a pupil of Mrs. Alice Robinson, three months ended September 30. Multnomah county's share of S35.235 vai th hicropat uhiU Marion was second with $5253. wacKamas was next with $4751 $3761. Lane county received $3,- Amusement Device Tax Distributed The state department today distributed $81,219 to counties, and gave $121,828 to the state public welfare fund. The money came from taxes on amusement devices for the Lions Take Straw Vote On 2 Ballot Issues While it was explained that the Salem Lions club does not participate in politics, individ ual members were given an op portunity to pass Judgment on two issues during their luncheon Thursday noon. They voted 98 to 8 in favor of retaining the present city manager form of government and 90 to 17 for a by-pass highway east of the city. Al Cox, coach of the freshman football team at Oregon State college, showed pictures of last Saturday's Rook-Frosh contest played in Corvallis and won by the Rooks. Carlos Houck, ex-Sa-lem high gridder, now a member of the State freshman squad, indicates he is collegiate mater ial, Cox said. Mrs. Allen Returns Woodburn Mrs. E. J. Allen returned home Wednesday night from a ten day visit in Berk ley, Calif., at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Lauer. State Police Arrest 3,446 for Violations State police arrested 3,446 persons during September for violating motor vehicle laws, and they warned 6,901 others. Fines and sentences for these offenses totaled $28,174 and 3,-! 296 days in Jail. There were 77 arrests for drunken driving, fines and sen tences totaling $6,120 and 1,695 days in jail. In the general law enforce ment field, the officers arrested 397 persons. Fines and sentences totaled $4,916 and 107 years in prison. The officers also arrested 217 persons for violating game laws and 14 for violating commercial fishing laws. Large Hole Punched Through New Paving County Commissioner Rice nnmin0 in finlem from Sllverton Thursday morning discovered a large hole 10 or 12 feet long ana about 18 inches wide punched thrmish the new Davement just this side of the Pudding river road on the work recently com pleted under the federal aid improvement made by the state highway department with fed eral funds. He said the damage was near the edge of the road and apparently some heavy truck had gone through the sur facing. He said that striping work on the same road which had been started by the county striping crew was held up by Thursday's rain. It had started the center striping at th end of the new improvement past the Central Howell school and had worked about two miles toward Salem when stopped. The court had attempted to get the state high way department to do the strip ing but that department had no machine available in his loca- FOR Better Law Enforcement In MARION COUNTY VOTE HERBERT W. CARTER for DISTRICT ATTORNEY Paid Adv. by carttif lor Diat. At torney comm. E. L. Crawtord, Chairman. Salrm. Ore. Hon Just at present and turned the work back to the county. The road itself will be turned over to the county for mainte nance after acceptance. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, October 29, 1948 15 Amity Band Gaining numbers 43 members. They fur- Amity The new Amity band nish music for ball games and directed bv Joe M. Barr, nowlother events. Reserve Yours Now for Christmas Delivery iiitaiiitia pi rrnuin nniirnnT fc AUlUJMiib OLtLnnu bumruni BonuAi WHISKEY BLEND i"5Sr 49 GRAIN C"il-.J1 MUTUAL SMUT! 86.8 proof -wHames"- 360 Q30 45 Qr. X Pint WHY!! Should the Salem Firemen be on ex ception oi to working hours? Salem Firemen at present work 84 hours per week. Let's compare Salem with other cities. Dayi Off HAtn-t per wert per Month Portland "n - Lebanon " Baker W La Grande T Med ford Vancouver, ffn. ?S Lob Angeles 82 Ban Francisco M New York 45.8 Sacramento, Cal. 70 Spokane 3 Tacoma M 1 Everett 60 S Seattle ia 4 Bremerton M 7 Carnal, Wash. 40 8 Wenatchee 1 4 Port Angeles 67 5 Puyallup 7j 4 Areraf Average dart off Aft-plus per month hr. per week 5-plus m Salem 84 per wk. 0 per mo. VOTE FOR FIREMEN'S 63-HOUR WEEK VOTE 500 X YES Pd. Adr. by Salem Firemen, Olen Shedeek, See. W 1y im i:omisov 45 Quart 3.35 Pint 2.10 MEANS SMOOTHER DRINKS ! Una Glanmora whlikl.i or blended with choicest grain neutral spirits but Instead of being bottled Immediately, "Thompson" Is put bock Into barrels ! Hake It smoother, tastier. Wad wiSAay, 86 proof. 77 itraight whitkht In ihh product or four yeor or mor pld. 30 itrvlght whiiJtwi 70 grain Mtrfraf ipirHu OLENMORI DISTILlf HIES COMPANY lOUtSVHII. KENTUCKY A FEW PENNIES A NIGHT! A'aw dvmlabl in Om or Two-Control modttt Automatic Blanket keeps you cozy all night no matter bow. the weather changes outside! Let the winter winds blow ! You cn sleep sweetly, colily til night through under your cloud-light G-E Automatic Blanket. Exclusive G-E Bedside Control adjusts MtomdticMy to weather changes within the bedroom. G-E Blankets come in One-control models, or Two-control models (for double bed sleepers who like different degrees of sleeping warmth). 72kS6 inches. Blue, rote, green, cedar. At yatt G-E dealer's, or leading department stores. Launders beautifully. Carefully made to rigid General Electric safety atandarae, and acjttaota by Underwriters' Laboratories, Im, 340 Court DI.IM49J AILIE $400 and $500 SPOUT SIIOKS ami PLAY SHOES 1 Cf ' S'rzot 3 to 9 ' AAtoB 176 N. Liberty Capitaljijournal Will Bring You THE No American can afford to miss! enerafl iseinhower writes his own story! "GHISADE Kl EUROPE" The Capital Journal, Salem's leading newspaper, begins on November 6 the exclusive serialization In Salem of the most important story of our generation. General Eisenhower's own story, "CRUSADE IN EUROPE," is the authentic, behind-the-scenes report the whole story of America's most desperate war and America's most cru cial victory. The Supreme Commander of the greatest military force ever assembled writes a stirring, straightforward personal account . . . mincing no words, pulling no punches, as he discloses the tremendous life-and-death decisions, the constant clash of famous personalities, battlefield successes and battlefield failures, baffling political Intrigues on foreign soil, the tick lish relationship between American and Russian officers and men. General Eisenhower's own story Is more than a great war story. "Crusade in Europe." by the force and power and complete honesty inherent In Its writer, will enable evervnne who reads It to understand how the Axis menace was beaten and destroyed and why the peace of all nations Is still being seriously threatened In our world of todayl ' ' . - , . r -- f , Att "t i . -it, 1 I ' 1 ( ' f 'ft UJ V i ;i . 1 -v J ) . . l ff MSiAN lACHIACrl No American enn afford to misa thit atoryl SUBSCRIPTION COUPON . I Pleose . Stort . the . CAPITAL JOURNAL ' Start reading it Nov. 6, and continue reading it every day in the CapitalgJournal RAI.KM'S I.KAIIINd NEW SPAPKR The above stnry should he a MUST for your readinff. Send in the attached coupon. Writ tn 1.t ru wtah voyr capital Jd'irntl ti n-tin to th atldr.. ba le for which 1 aav sna rasular tarrlar bor at th. anfl of aaen month. Name Address a ii B Or phone 2210G. Vour order will receive immediate attention. Subscribe tn the Capital Journal, Salem's Leading Newspaper. I!y carrier: $1.00 per month. By mail In Oregon: $.75 per month, $8.00 per year.