JO Capital Journal, SaTem, Ore., Friday, October 29. 194ft Campus Clippings OREGON STATE COLLEGE By MARILYN HILL Tht dampening tffect which iifually falls over the campu during mid-term week wa almost miraculously lifted when the Bevr foothall squad broke the jinx and defeated UCLA 28 0 last Saturday. A huge rally was held for the team when they re'urned home on Sunday. Dads will take over the canrip- ...... ... .ui. e... .. lh.i. I in office. The hall li divided In- nual dav. The whole day is ! to sections with officers for each packed full of things to do. Re gistration is Saturday morning with each father registering un der the s hool his child is in. Then the dads will hold a meet ing to elect the club officers for h nom-r.o vur In the after noon they will watch the Oregon ! d"nce" group. Peggy Barrick holds the office of house manager for her section; Alicia Cover is secretary-treasurer; and Shirlee Rei ms nn Is music chairman. Sorority pledges from several houses were honored at formal held In the various State- MichiCan S'ate football K"'"P- ni unit,, pre,em-n name from a special reserved sec-!"chi meW All-Stars'1 with the tion on Bell field. pledges appearing on the pro- After the game dinners will!iram " lineuP nd ,he be held in various living groups I chaperone, as "referees. The ., in iL . , ,-. ,1 iininn Th front room was covered with banquet in the M.U. will seat 300. wno will hear Dan Poling, dean of men, as toastmaster. Climaxing the activities of the day will be the Dad's day dance in the M.U. ballroom with mu sic furnished by Hermie Grind land and his all-girl orchestra. A flash card section will be featured at the game Saturday when 400 fraternity and 400 In dependent men combine their talents. The boys will have a reserved section and will all wear white shirts. Results from elections at Wal do hall placed many Salemite crepe floor. paper from ceiling to and another room was U.AM.I Tut D- J T1.U m nniwn ivai 1 1 vvcu ilia uren 10 neiie munihlt FEMALE PAINS Art you troubled by diatreM of f ml functional montblr dlaturb ncfST Doa thia make jou culler from pln, feci wo nrvoiu. ok, bleb -strung t lucb times? Then o try Lydla B. Plnkhtun's Vegetable) Compound to ) lucb ytnp tomi! In a recent medical teat tfala proved remarkably helpful to wom an troubled tbla way. Any drugstore. transformed fnto I locker room! The Gamma Phi Beta soror-' complete with shower. Goaliity became a "crescent fantasy" posts and a scoreboard were Saturday night with the main found in the dining room. , theme built around the pledge Pi easm s eiYJuwonsi pin. Figures in the triangular shape of the pin decorated one side of the living room and held the names of the pledges. A RABBIT SHOW Poultry Building STATE FAIRGROUNDS PUBLIC WELCOME Nov. 6 and 7. S a.m.-lO p.m. giant crescent greeted the dane-tto represent the sky . . . pink 'in the shape of pledge pins. Sa. era as they entered the door, clouds floated around the rooms lem guests for the dance were The ceiling was covered with in many places. The programs. Joan Smith, Diane Ferry, and colored cheese cloth and stars in keeping with the theme, were Ann Carson. Ivith that 0 Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER 99 . 1948 "It Pays to Trad at SchaeferV 1899 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1948 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We haw a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let us fi'l your prescription. This Week's Specials THICK OR TREAT Orange nd Black Jelly Beans lb. 30c Black Gum Drops Ih. 30c Bridf-e Mix, Societe lb. 49c Peanut Brittle lb. 39c Hard Candy lb. 29c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug And Candy Special Store in Salem 1 1I N. Cem'l. St. Phone J-J 1 97 r 2-9 1 23 am B . sif. wrr m m Am m m m m m i m MM MM M M M m aW - 1 11 Z7 I't m mm m Am at mtmw hi in. ; i ji . m -s. m -. -. msi i " fifths--- m ill r a. am . ir a. : a : I (AU ; it isn't i ! an evenin8 ' I i PM has a special quality, a clear, clean taste that speaks of better distilling, and blending! An extra mildness and mellowness that make hoeta and guest agree "The Pleasure's Mutual". One drink will tell you why PM sales multiplied 50 times in just 8 years! . . . Next time you order, order PM. You'll ask for it over and over again! ii VE IAIXT Notional Distillers Products Corporation; New York; N; Y5 Blended WhisVey. 86 Proof. 70 Grain Neutral Spirits. Come in for a Demonstration! ELECTRIC RATES UNDER PROPOSED FRANCHISE AM Tf OIIAMTITV ; 22950 See its features See its price ' 5Vt? it change from CLOTHES Washer to DISH Washer in Vh minutes. I SUM TO ill THI THOR AUTOMAGIC OlADIONI Com bl Im mvr femout On-Minwf ihirt Ovnwnifrotion before you do on other day's Ironing. BROADWAY APPLIANCE CO. 453 Court, Salem, Ore. Journal Want Ads Pay fVW A 8 W Vm a Yl.r I -profit orqan Public Utilities Commissioner does not regulate Salem electric rates You wouldn't give the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker or anybody else a signed check with the amount left blank. You wouldn't let anyone be the sole judge as to how much he could drain your bank account. Yet this in effect Is what Salem Electric is asking users of electricity to do approve a blank check" franchise and tax subsidy ... a franchise which contains no pro vision of any kind for proper regula tion of rates in the interest of the public You should insist on regulation of electric rates by your own state government before granting a fran chise to any electric utility. In the past this regulation has brought electric rates in Salem lower and lower, has kept them low even dur ing the present period of high prices for almost everything else the con sumer buys. Salem Electric can increase rates anytime it wants to after it gets the franchise it seeks. In the past it luu jnoraased rates ... at its own whim ... without public control. Say NO to a "Blank Check" Fraturiiit. Insist that any Electric System seeking to operate in Salem first submits to public regulation of its rates and service standards L AT YOUR STORE OR at YniiR nnno liV., . -w w i wwi a ;i SIM Depend on MAYFLOWER for freshness and quality One of the good thinps about Mayflower Milk is that it is so easy to buy always available and near at hand! You'll find it, icy cold, in the refrigerator at your neighborhood grocery store or brought to your home on convenient regu larly scheduled delivery right to your doorstep. Get the Mayflower habit drink it at every meal and enjoy milk at iU very best I Ask for Mayflower Products by name I r KIEEE IT IS Its New It's Different! THE MOST COMFORTABLE CHAIR EVER IT MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED -'rl v if' THE COUNTOUR CHAIR LOUNGE APPROVED BY: Doctors, hospitals, cosmetologists, and smart home owners. COMFORT RELAXATION HEALTH 'Elrvalrs ffft Supports body from hrari to foot Proper support for Hlni barks with a.e In all positions Clinics endorse this design to provide relaxation for ten it nerves. Favor your heart Assists blood circulation with less heart effort For Free Demonstration Prices and terms Come in and see us. M. K. N. FURNITURE CO. HIS Idfewator, Weet UUm Prempt Courteous Radio & Appliance Service