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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1948)
I Local Paragraphs Work on Oratorio The Salem rolleg nd Academy choir has ftarted rehearsals for the pro duction of the oratorio "The Holy ity" by Gaul and will practice leach Monday. The production kill be presented to the public L Christmas time. Academy students recently heard a re- broadcast of their Friday's pro gram through the medium of a wire recorder. Double Accident Raymond lobbe, 11, 160 Union, was car rying a milK Dottle Wednesday when he was struck by an au- imobile driven by Philip C. ood, 122B Dearborn, Portland. When Stobbe fell to the street he cut a hand on a piece of the buttle and first aid was called. iood said his attention was on another boy on a biocle. First d also was called for Billy Killinger, 6 months old infant who fell from a second floor window at his home, 235 Hood street, but wasn"t hurt except (or some minor bruises. Propose Minor Ch.tnges On- v minor changes weie propos ed in ground floor pians of the new courthouse when the court house building commission met Wednesday afternoon with Pi- etro Belluschi, Portland archi tect, to discus his latest group of tentative sketches The gen eral arrangement of the floor plana has previously been pub lished. At Wednesday's session county officials Interested look ed over the proposals to offer suggestions and Judges and sev eral attorneys had previously examined the sketches Mr. Bel luschi will revamp r.e plans to mept the suggestions offered and another set is expected to be submitted In a few weeks. Sheriffs to Meet Sheriff Denver Young, aecretar-y of the State Association o2 Sheriffs, announces that the annual meeting will be held In Port land December 2 to 4. An nouncement was made after he had conferred with Sheriff Claude McCaulley, Bend, presi dent of the organization. Licensed at Albany Obtain- marriage licenses at Albany! e Kav D J.. ; 1 1 - 1 1 weiclon H. Greer, both of Leb. Wilburt Heyne and Jean amson, both of Lebanon; HnVt inri FHnn V1 Mi of Sweet Home; Richard e! an and Milrir p stti- hnth n ilk.... i ' ana 10 P. Tetter and May E, Black, of Albany. ing were anon; Willi. John both Nel mier. Jack both Jersey Club Meets The Dost- poned meeting of ine Marion county Jersey Cattle club will ne held at the Henry Zorn home at ChamDoea Sunrlnv The meeting was Dosinnneri from October 24 by tne funeral service for M. E. DGuire, Jer sey breeder of the Silverton district. Probation Granted Circuit Judge George R. Duncan Wed nesday sentenced Jowph Hoff man, Salem, to six months in the county jail on a charge of passing a $10 check at a local shoe store and granted him pro bation, I condition being he make restitution on this and 10 other checks which he admit ted passing on Salem and Dal las banks. Pr" n J f.,. !.... Little returned from Bend this week by Sheriff Denver Young to answer to forgery chargeB was taken to Stayton Justice court Wednesday and bound ov er to the grand Jury. He alleged ly passed two bad checks in Stayton last August. Lebanon Invites Nurses The monthly meeting of the Oregon State Nurses' association of dis trict No. 6, comprising Linn and Benton counties, will be held at the Lebanon federal housing project recreation hall Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. William Thomas, Lebanon at torney, wil apeak and Elnora C. Thompson, representing state association headquarters, will discuss any of the various prob lems that may be presented. Health Program Held Em ployes of the Salem Indian school at Chemawa were given an outline of a health program Wednesday by representatives of the Marlon county tubercu losis and health association. Mrs. Agnes Booth, county school superintendent spoke on the work being carried by the schools: Mrs. Ruby Bunnell, nresentintf movie on human growth and W. H. Balllie. of the state employment service, who led the discussion period More than 50 members of the school staff attended Turner Plans Social A bas ket social and rummage sale will be held at the Turner school Friday night by pupils of the seventh and eighth grades. Proceeds will be used in the purchase of school equip ment. 8. P. Party Southern Pact lie employes will hold their first loclal event of the fall at Beav er hall Saturday evening at 8:30 A potluck dinner will be serv ed to be followed by dancing at B o clock. BORN Th Capital laamal alf.mM UK fallawlna nfw rltltnH: CHorrtrLDTo Mr anil Mf. Dnnam J Srhorrifkl, IMS Portland Rd . at the Salam O.n.ral nospllal. t bor. Oct. l. cmirjln-Ta Mr. and Mra. trnaat a aVhnldvr. la? Oart. Wwt Oal.m. at thr aalam Oaneral fioapltal. a bar, Oft. 17. AI.LtNRY Tn Mr and Mra M J Al. knby. IITI Mill, at tha aalam Oanaral noapitai, alrl, Oct. 17. TWirr To Mr. and Mra Marnard L, Sta Park, al ina ealam oanfral naaanal, a tlrl. Oct. 17. rlYKW T Mr and Mra Jnhn Plrnn Mnnmonth. at the Salan Ocncral h al alia I. a alrl, Oct. IT. mi-Tn Mr. an4 Mra K-nnrth t It. Aleanv. at tha Salem Oanaral hoa. Vital. tor, Oct. It. Wnorv- Ta Mr and Mra arariMl Wand Brnot. at tha aal'fli oanaral naaniial, ao. Oct. 17. TVETUanf - Ta Ur and M , V lraraon. 2J.S Lc. at tha Salca naapiui, a gin Qci. IT, Firemen Stare Dance Vol unteers of the Aumville fire department are sponsoring a benefit dance Saturday night at the Aumsville dance pavil lion with music by the Range Riders. Building Permits Harrv Col lins, to build a one-story dwell ing at 2045 Lee, $5000. Leo M. Boire, to build a one-story dwell ing and garage at 1195 North 24th, $10,600. Spaeth to Speak Sigmund Spaeth, described as the "Tune Detective" of the air and "one of America's cleverest and most popular speakers on music" ar rived by train in Salem Thurs day forenoon and will give his popular music-lecture before the Salem Knife and Fork club at the Marion hotel at 7 o'clock Thursday evening. Spaeth, na tionally known figure, once coached football and wrote sports for years. He is an au thor of 21 books on music. In cluding "The Common Sense of Music" that went through 20 edi tions. Metropolitan Opera com pany Saturday broadcasts have featured Spaeth for a number of years. Bumped by Auto Raymond Stabbe, 11, 160 Union, was treat ed by first aid crewmen Wednes day for a cut hand after he was bumped from a bicycle by a car driven by Philip C. Good, 122B Dearborn. The accident occur red on Front street. Good said a train was coming south on the street at the time, and that he had seen the girl on a bicycle but did not observe the boy un til his fender brushed him, ac cording to police reports. Visit In San Francisco Charles Klnzer of Salem, who is visiting a son In San Francisco, Frances Greenwood of Santa Rosa, Calif., a former resident of this city and Kate Driscoll also of Salem, were recent din ner guests of Mrs. Sylvia Kelly Furlough in San Francisco. Mrs Driscoll plans to remain In San Francisco for an Indefinite period. 'Mum" Shop Expands Or ganization or individual Thanks giving tables will be featured at the annual chrysanthemum show at the Armory November 6 and 7 with early reservation of ta bles urged by Mrs. John Doug las. president of the Little Gar den club of Salem Heights, who will receive these as well as Mrs Jary at Jary's Florists. Tables will be limited to ten and will be provided by the club. While this originally was the annual "mum" show of the Little Gar den club, the organization is co operating with the Salem Op timist club for the event this year. Coffee Shop Filing Olin O and Geraldlne Cross. 2370 Fair grounds road, have fried certi ficate of assumed business name with the county clerk for Cross Coffee shop. t Pre Halloween Event Pre Halloween event of this week is the stag party to be given by members of Marion post, No. 661, VFW at the VFW hall Fri day for members of that post. The party is set to start at 7:30 o'clock and persons Interested In joining the post will be accepted for membership at the door all during the evening. Musical en- tertainment is being brought from Portland for the party at which contests will be conducted and refreshmentss erved. Woodburn Player Injured Earl Butterfield, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Neal A. But terfield of Woodburn, is in the Salem Memorial hospital with a broken leg which he suffered while playing football. The leg was broken between the knee and hip and the bone splintered and has been put in traction splints. It will later be put In a cast. Child Cuts Ankle Michael Britton, 3 4 years old. got a severe cut on the ankle while at play Thursday at his home, 1215 South 19th. First aid was called to dress the wound. Lumber Firm Files Certifi cate of assumed business name for Huddleston's Retail Yard, lumber and building materials. Silverton, has been filed with the county clerk by Virgil and Ruth Huddleston, both route 2, Silverton. I - . . l WW--. 1 i . V v : W.-Y. ... ' til . Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 28, 194817 'iMioop of the Flfiii cavalry reKi 'ment first cavalry J.vdilon sni I the Aumviila man. who joined the 'iarmv in Salem in June 2. 1947, la i i currently workinn a a parachute ! npttr-r and reuairman with tne Thursday. Orteber ft I parachute mam-enance company. We.r Kalem iu No 424S. VFW. " airborne division rear Sendai, Military Men and Veterans at West Salem American Leuion hall Mendowlarlt post No. 6102, VFW. at VFW hall. Organized naval reserve unit at Building T-S14. Salem airport. Field Artillery battalion and en gineer construction group 635th : composite group. Army Reserve, at i Army Reserve qiionaet huts at 7:30 I PJn. l-.Uerton Tup Man MaJ. Rov C Edfi-erton. fialem anny reserve officer, was the first man in the elasn at the two-week command and general staff school ol the northern military district of the Sixth anny held thu past two weeks at Vancouver Banarks. The .school, a "vest-pocket" edition of the command and Rfnenil staff school at Fort Lenvenworth, was attended by 59 reserve and Na tional Guard officers from Oregon. Washington, Idaho and Montana. Senator Cordon Recommends Early Completion of Detroit, Meridian and Dorena Dams Salem civic leaders attending today's breakfast in his honor hear Senator Guy Coraon re commend early completion of Detroit, Meridian rind Do rena dams. From left: W. W. Chadwick, Paul Wallace, Senator Guy Cordon and Ivan Oakes of the Willamette Basin commission. Locate Pole Line Permit has been granted by the county court to the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company to ex tend a pole line along the Quin aby road 6034 feet. To Haul Logs Log hauling permits have been granted by the county court to Harold F. Wiltse, route 1, Lyons: and Adell Hutchinson, Mill City. Wanted at Kelso Sheriff Denver Young is in receipt of a warrant from Kelso. Wash., charging Clarence Little with grand larceny, no details being given. Little is under arrest here on two charges of forgery and has been bound over to the grand jury under $1500 bail cov ering the two charger An addi tional $1000 bail has been fixed under the Washington charge but no ball has been posted. Paving Planned County Com m i s s I o n e r Rice stated Thursday he had been advised by the state highway depart ment it planned starting im mediate paving of the road near the penitentiary caused by in stallation of a new bridge there and consequent change In align ment of the road. He said the plan was to close the road until Saturday and logging and other traffic being advised to detour via Lancaster drive and Center street. Dr. Purvine Appointed G,ov. John Hall today appointed Dr. Ralph E. Purvine, Salem, to the state board of medical examin ers. He succeeds the late Dr. Ir vin I. Fox of Eugene. During the war, Dr. Purvine was state medical officer for selective service. Chin-up Store Opens Grand opening of the Chin-up club of Oregon store at 1275 North Church street is set for Satur day from 9:30 o'clock in the morning until 9 o clock in the evening. The public is invited and doughnuts and coffee will be served. The store will have a grocery department, full con fectionary, articles made by handicapped persons and both used and new apparel together with gift wrapping paper. The store will be managed by hand capped persons under the guid ance of the board of directors of the Chin-up club. All proflls will be turned Into the club fund. Draft Board Moving The Marion county draft board moving from the armory Friday and will be located at 359 Court street after 9 o'clock. The new location is with the office of se lective service records and Is in the alley at the rear of the Portland General Electric com pany. Salemites on Program Co pies of the program of the Ore gon Reel a m a 1 1 o n association state meeting to be held at Grants Pass November 3 and 4 are being received here and show C. E. Stricklin, state en gineer, and Lee McAllister, en gineer of the bureau of recla mation, are slated to aonear. It la expected a number of others will attend from Salem. Memorial Dismissals Dis charged from the Salem Memor ial hospital are Mrs. Virgil Jack son, Stayton, and Infant son: Mrs. Norman Jones, 1190 S. 22nd street, and Infant son; Mrs. Lyle Kleen. 960 S. 1 4th street, and infant son; Mrs. Robb Emehiser, Rt. 2, Box 296, and infant daugn ter, and Mrs. Leon Hilton. West Stayton. and Infant daughter. Junior CDA Formed Or- Organization of a Junior Catho lic Daughters of America group was perfected recently at meeting at the home of Helen Belsher. The group will be known. as Troop Rose of Lima. Decision was made regarding dues, initiation fees and uni forms and it was decided to sponsor both a big and a little sister club. Talks were given by Mrs. Jones, the new coun sellor and Mrs. Corey. Detroit Dam Continued from Page 1) During his recent visit to Washington Senator Cordon said that he checked with the budget department and found that the president was prepar ing a business-like budget. In answer to a question con cerning the Hoover governmen tal reorganization report, to be submitted to congress in Janu ary, Senator Cordon said that those in congress had no hope that the entire plan itself would be adopted. 'However, certain segments may be adopted, he said. "Much will depend upon the wishes of Gov. Dewey, who w1!!!, after assuming the presi dency, have soma definite Ideas that will be presented to conRress in relation to re-organization." Senator Cordon said that he did not believe Russia wanted war but instead was carrying on a cold war to keep the en tire world upset as they carry on a program of expanding their territory. He congratulated Ivan Oakes, secretary of the Willam ette valley basin commission and members of the commis sion for the work performed in connection with the project. Wednesday night Senator Cordon was the principal speaker at a republican rally held in the Grange hall at Monmouth. Enllat In Armed Forrea Enlisted in the armed forces this week through the local army and air force recruiting vntion were Marvin R. Saxton, former Willam ette university student now resid ing in Albany, and James P. Clau sen of Corvallls 8axton enlisted In the air force for tiiree vears find Clausen signed for one year nf service witli the regular Brniv. Clausen has had one vear of work at Oregon State college. Japan. Twenly-fnur Promoted Twentv-fniir memm-rs o? the Sa lem organized marine coips reserve unit recened diplomas of promo lion from pri'. ales t privates first class at the Wednesday night meeting of the unit Promoted wvre Roy L Pearsall, Jack Varbel. Ted R. Wnite Darrell G Burst. Walter o. W'.-s'.ir.-, Don ald T. Enuall. Ruhaid W Fether ston. Wesley Nist, Thomas v. Brennan. Otis O. Jones. David K. King. Norman E. Cotter. Roger E. Mason, Delbert J. Dittfr Ciermon Ctireton Ronald V Nriirn. Dar rell R ' Etzel. Willis N. Collins, Wavne A Bradford. Fred J Blnke, Rov L West. Finest E. Gailb. Ger ald R. McGllire and Donald C. Jefferies. . In Japan From the Eighth army in Japan comes word of three men from this area. Clavton Dunn, son of Mr and Mrs. Coliimbtut Dunn nf 2310 North Fourth street. Pvt. Donald J. Ed gar, son of Mr. and Mis. J. W. Fdgar of route 1. Salem: and Pvt Bobby Williamson, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Odls Williamson of route 1. Aumsville. Dunn was one of those men who as a member of the 2Nh Infantry division honor guard participated In the review for Lt. Gen. Walton H Walter, now commanding gen- hsd recently been assigned to E ning of this week Refresher Courne Starta Held Wednesday night at tha temporary naval rese,-e training center at the Salem airport was the initial session of the officers refresher course being given week ly for any naval reserve officers of the area interested in the course. The course for which uniforms are not required is planned with two 4fi minute periods each Wed nesday night at the naval reserve training center with the session starting at 7 30 pm Courses are designed to be of Interest to all branches of the naval service and are coordinated with naval corres pondence courses. Credits required for retirement purposes will be given for attending these meetings. At the Wednesday night session a discussion was held on the vari ety of subjects proposed and a number of Instructor assignments made. Leading the discussion next week will be Lt, Conrad Paulson, USNR. whose subject will be "Na val Organization Ashore." No. 16 Will Meet Townsend club No. 16 will miet at the home of Mrs. Anna Arnold. 2256 Ford street. Thursday eve- Funeral Services For E. H. Williams - Communicable Disease Two cases of pneumonia and as many cases of tuberculosis were re ported in Marlon county dur ing the week ending Oct. 23 by the state department of health. One case of dysentery and an other of scarlet fever were re corded during the period. One Instance of Rocky Mountain fever was reported during the week ending Oct. 16. Back From Trip Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woelke have re turned from Montana where they went to visit relatives and he also was on an elk hunting trip but failed to get an elk. He is Marion county road foreman. Funeral services will be held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for Erwln H. Williams, who died at his residence in the Liberty district October 27. Interment will be at Belcrest Memorial park. Williams, born at Onlria, Ea ton county, Michigan, December 25, 1871, came to the Salem area 37 years ago from Washing ton and settled In the Liberty district residing there until his death. Surviving are his wife, Min nie Williams of Salem; a daugh ter, Mrs. R. J. Bettencourt of Lodi, Calif.; two sons, Leon Wil liams of Toledo and Guy Wil liams of Salem; and five grandchildren. More and More Salem Housewives Are Shopping RANDALL'S 1288 STATE ST. For Top Quality Meat Products At Amazingly Low Prices "After Prisoners Sheriff Den ver Young and Deputy Sherilf William DeVall went to Port land Thursday to bring back Elmer Haab and Fred Flsco, ex convicts, wanted here on a charge of larceny at the stale prison farm. They had been working there as trusties and after their release a trailer with a motor and pump disappeared and later turned up where they were sold in Portland. The pro perly disappeared Inst March. Salem Court News Young Tom Turkeys, 45c lb. We draw and wrap; also some baby beef for your locker. C. S Orwift, 4375 Silverton Rd. Phone 26128. 280 Five-course Sunday Dinners at Silver Falls Lodge $1.50 and up. Open 1 to 8 p.m. 280 Reroof now with Johns-Man-ville shingles. Don t gamble with an old roof. Mathis Bros.. 164 8. Commercial. Fret esti mates. Ph. 34642. Karagul Karpet It's new, it's reversible, It s 1011 virgin wool and woven through and through and only 14. 0.1 per sq. yd. Ph. 3-7648 or 3-3364 260 OILMORE'S Up-itairs Dress Shop, 439 Court. Arrival of new dresses, new suits and coats. Regular and half sites. 258 Of special Interest to the dis criminating hostess Is the Spec ial Linen Sale at the Better Bed ding Store this week. Savings of 20 to 25 T- on many finest Lun cheon, Bridge, and place mat sets, ready to ue at home or for gifts, 512 State St. 258 Rummage Sale at the First Methodist Church. Fri. & Sat.. Oct. 29 and 30. 159 Insured savings eern more than two percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association, 560 State street. Baraar to be held by the Knight Memorial church In the Snlem Gas & Coke window all day Friday, Oct. 29. 258 Rmg. Fri, 141 8. Winter. 258 Till Nov. 1st only; all unfin ished furniture 20 off. Wood rows, 450 Center. 25B Hey Folks Don't wait too long to fill your lockers with beef. The sea son Is closing, tin' price won't last long. Eastern Oregon Hereford branded quality, 3BUjc lb. Randall's Fine Meats 1288 State St. Phone 36489 259 Closing out Sport Coats. 314,75. 20 off on all other items. Walerya Mens Wear, 2007 N. Capitol St., Salem, Ore. 260 This week only; unfinished furniture 20 off. Wood row. 450 Center. 258" For bathroom of distinction colored plumbing fixture; now. Judfon's, 279 North Com'1. 284 Oregon 6tate Mothers rum- Truck owner and mage sale. Over Oreenbaumn's. meetina. Marion hot. 8 n m jFri. and Sat Oct 29-30. 231 Thursday, Oct 38. 258 Circuit Court A. Mrndrtft m Htrrr L. MrBurnMt nnd Jack L Dorrfe, partner in Sultm Or-ntral Jotobini com pan v. rtrarlnt irt for November 12 lor dr(fm1nU to ho cans. rh thrr have not turn, tn mon ey lleted due under ft former court order. El'i E. v Sum Muhlemin, dtrorre complaint illeM cruel and In tin (nun ret ment. Married January I. in Salem. Capital Bier trie company Hand' market, complaint lor 1331.05, Interest, and foreclosure ot a lien. Delore Marie Spencer by Olen Stiedltl, tuardun ad litem, n Mm Siienrer. com plaint lo aet an i rte marnaae contract anrl reotore name Delorea Marie Hhepherd tn platnMff who alleaedlr not nf lea a ate at time of her mirrtaie October It, 1948. In Reno, Nev. L. Wane Wniht a Karl ml Leatar Stir nil. temporary injunction ordered dis solved. Orant C lotera, ftdmlniatritor of the estate of fiefse Lou Biter va Southern Paflrit eompan? ana othera. defendant Llovd L Mr Kenle c ranted ttnsion of time to file bill of exception and (ran, cript on appeal. Atlaa Lumber company f Keith Brown Bui Mini aupplv company, complaint for Mill for lumber alleaedlr not delivered to plaintiff. State Dorothv Cartney. order that wenmna and enaatement rlnt heltt as evidence be returned to W. C. Ramtio. nahtlnl oaner. and a trtr he;rt m evident be returned to W Rue, tout 1. Silverton, it runt fill owner. atate ta Duane arnith order aendlnt defendant to state hospital for 30 davs for men'al observation on motion of dis trict attorney. Jar AncWsnn ta 0nrt f. Lund de fault tNdamen) for t;i and interest tn action on a note. E;.tabti Mnorehonse Setnt and Clar ion I Stf.nke '-a Arthvir Schoenburt, ap plication for trial Dorofhy A a Warne g Chane. tnm Pia nt fot divorce a!itea eriel and Inhu man treatment aska ruatodv f a cMld and 131 month tor Ita aupport. Married Attiaat II. .III. Wau M Tweed Christian Pe-ee. en application for plae on motion docket. Tror aca:aa M k guff rurmitu company and othera. demurrer to reply. Clara L Tom In va William A. Cook application for trial. Probate Court R J. JanK eat ate Tallied tn ran nf Sfrooo, a. I. tfana named ftrtmlnlntrator. Theodore Roth estate valued at In eg ress of 12ft 000 In personal prnpertv. Flfle m. nnin namen anminiMramx ftnn Kd ward T. Roth. Arthur Hmlfher and J A Fenler. appraleri. Next of kin are It Med as Kl'le M Roth. Widow, and Oenrae P. Roth. Tranres E. Roth and Marvin A. Rnth, children. Corft Spurlorlt estate valued at mnn Nina flpurlork Rerklet named armlli IMratrlt and A. B Hr.we. Hmh A Miller and Raymond Andrew appramera. .10 bv J. Ray Rhoten. L. J. Pane and I. M. Raett. Fred J Miller tuardianahip. annual account of P;nneer Trust company, ausr. dian. approved. DiHtrit t Court Verla A Klampe. Rt parkin en hlthway, fined II and costs. Joe t Wartime Rt. no fuc permit fined 110 and costa with fine impend ed. neree J. Nus. list Kdaewaier. no drivers Hrensa. fined II and cou with fine suspended. Olenn Rlaltely, Haft Rrook. violation of haie apd rule, fined no and coxa fine suspended. Police Court Volstlon of built speed ruler Vtrti! R ap:d;na MO Pare, fmd ft I n Robert ft. K-Mchnirk, nervate f nd IIS Darvl I. Van Cieie Rt. T ball IT H0 FM T Wrleht A,vrton eid. William ichlr man, Portland, bail in Rvreastve apee thro'teh tnter.erttoit Richard C. Xaatnn. cai-Pae. fined HO. o nviffler: Hber D. Ray, 41 1 Huh. ball II . Vseranrv Morrla Veal, Jefferson. an 'en'ed to five davs ;n jatl with to jail term to be a iteiten rted noon perment of 'he fine, driver Urenee revoked for one ear. Albert ft Hanifn'md II tnar ni P-sri Piirtt. II, wait rets, bout Cowuti. Wftaa, A complete line of the Very Best Ment Products nt the lowest possible price. If you are not RetlinR the best in meat at these prices come Into HandalPs this week and let us help you save dollars on your food budget. Branded Quality Eastern Ore Ron Hereford beef. Hormel's Hams and all meat wieners, fresh fish fresh dress ed and drawn poultry. You've Gone o Long Time Without Those Delicious HORMEL'S - WEINERS - J5c Northern Halibut Steaks Lb. 39c White Fish FILLETS , 33c Fresh Ocenn Cnuvht Salmon Steak Lb. 49c VEAL Short Ribs Veal Breait O La mh Brraal, lb. 25c ROASTS Beef Lamb Veal , 45c STEAKS Beef Lamb Veal Lb. 57c LOCKER BEEF Eoftern Oregon Hereford Beef Branded Quality LB. 39V2C Randall's Fine Meats 12MM St;ite SI. Phone .VlitSU BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET "The Home of Better Values" 12H8 Slate St. Cauliflowei Well trimmed hf II). 7c Squash ,lubh.rd, ,, OVor or M.irhlrh.arl h. iV Potatoes Clnnd quality .No. !'J . . 50 lb. baa 98c Apples l.nnl Jonathan .,J9c Popcorn OQ Yellow hullraa. t lha. Wb Peanuts rr,vh ro,.lr OQt Juntlio Full quart nii'antirr Kleenex 301) 79c 3 hor. ' ' Baby Foods 95c Cirrher'a, (lappa. Ili-inr 3 cam Salmon f'anr.T ( himwk t -lb. ran 65c Margarine (tniri'D Allawrrt lb. 35c