of p 12 Capital Journal, Salem, 5. F. Company Buys Oregon Steel Portland, Oct. 28 The Oregon Steel mill have been purchased by the Gilmore Steel and Supply company, San Fran cisco. The itructural steel firm here ia the only steel producer In Oregon, processing scrap iron and ateel in its electric furn aces. Details of the deal were not disclosed. A. G. Thies, vice president of the California firm said the mill would remain as a sepa rate operation and Arthur M. Mears, president, would remain as consultant. He said the plant will be expanded. "We feel the Paciiic north west holds one of the foremost possibilities in the United rnn't let Backache. Rheumatic Paine. Nervoneneae, (jetting Up Nighta, Irfa Pains, Hurtling Paneagea, Swollen Anklee. or Clrclea Under Kyea, due to Tton-orKantc and non-ayatemlc Kidney tin madder i routue, mane you reel old and mlaerahla without trying CY8TEX. finally the rtret doae of CYfcTEX atart to work Immediately helping nature riean out eceaa aeida and waatea which often cnuae many palna. achea, aoreneaa ind etmneaa. uet UISTKA at drugglat. Batlafactlon or money back guaranteed (Advtrtlxement How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsioa relieves promptly becauM it goes right to the itit of the trouble to help loosen end expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw. tender, inflamed bronchial mucous memhranet. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have vour money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs.Chest Colds, Bronchitis Don't let 'am throw dust in your eyes This Time! Vote 310 X Yes Old Ago Pension Act Give the old folks a break. Pay them a $50 pension. Destroy the police system of the Welfare Commission. 310 X Yes Paid Adv. Oregon Old Age Pension Committee Joe E. Dunne, Portland, Ore. Elect Peery T. Buren Municipal Judge Voters' Popular Choice In May Primary Klertion Fair ond Impartial Qualified Attorney - Veteran Pd. Artv. 8urn lor Muni Judta Comm. rraiia I). eras. Chairman, aalpm. Or PALMISTRY READINGS Drat Time In Vour Clt! Will Trll Vour Past, Prevent n Future Y T ""er An : , S )ueallon ViyT OPt N 9 A.M. AdvrrtUrmrnt PILES Hurt Like Sin! But Now I Grin ThoiiMnii rhihr aroann to gnnn. V$ m. H"nl rlrnrrnta hv untr,) Th. Fn e.. mi.pl , uni, mil I'MHinK VI " r why. rt. tuh Thrtrnl t hp. im o,ntm-nt nr He ir.ri Ir.nny. K.iUoW Ur (Jllfi at all dni atorta aver) til2 1 Don't Neglect Slipping False Teeth V fUi iMth lrip, Lp or Aht -n yn t m Ik tuh nr nrw Don I W innntixl nl r mntrrkjutl h $ irh hfMlir). PATrrTH. n IkB ! (Tt.ri(l) fMiwdf r in pn..li!e nn Tur rlttM ttfw (Ia itth mm ftrrr.l? i OMm ronf d'nt tHri M f uritf and irtrt'il mm Corf Nn umm iv. wtT tut nr fiirtt 0l TMi UTTf tnriiy at inr drm Mr. Ore., Thursday, Oct. 28, 1948; States," Thies added The new parent corporation has plants in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Oakland. Gil more has had a fabricating and distributing facility her for the past two years. Food Prices Slightly Lower in Past 30 Days Portland, Oct. 28 iPi The federal bureau of labor itatis tics reported today that food prices here dropped 12 percent between mid-August and mid September. The index of retail food pri ces on Sept. 15 was 231 4 of the 1935-39 average and 10.2 per cent above a year ago A slight drop in meat, poultry and fish prices was responsible for the decline. ' ia' 40 trrnrrjM - - w v u. a a DON'T VAoC u"'0'1 q W ll I FORGET! -root .t T LiS There Are Co . c NO PARKING ?uin t5V- ' c 7 METERS k w.,ncCC at the VISTA " "fc-59c L rsl Y Pn -7 duum UN 99 AT CITY LIMITS 1 Mr MW'h- m k a q Murphy Praised For Fire Prevention Marion county had an out standing record this year for the few fires on state lands and other lands under protection of the atate, according to Al bert K. Wiesndanger, executive secretary of Keep Oregon Green asociation. On these lands only two fires were reported and these burned over only 2 "i acres. County Judge Grant Murphy RABBIT SHOW Poultry Building STATE FAIRGROUNDS PUBLIC WELCOME Nov. 6 and 7, 8 a.m.-IO p.m. VHIHBBIiHaiMaHHnpjHW IHaMMajjjMaaJIMaiMailiaiaH. . has been chairman of the Keep Oregon Green committee for Marlon county for several years. In a letter to Judge Murphy the executive secretary wrote: "Your personal interest in our program to reduce man-caused fires it largely responsible for this fine record. In almost ev 10 Down, Pa; Monthly Venetian Blinds And Shades Now Available ELMER (THE BLIND MAY) 1453 Burr SI. Phona 1328 WEST SALEM Slata in Aluminum,. Steel ana Wood Choice of Tape Colors Measured and Installed . Within 30 Miles Call Anytime for Free Estimates Phone 37328 Sc 5 V? ! 50UTH ery case you delivered your fire-prevention material In per son to your committeemen when on other work in their districts, and they did a fine Job distribut I Makes good icings better I CITY LIMITS ON ing the material where It would be most effective." a, piuMtCfreUy Better coffee every time SPACE S& quality is so much better I Sy mm Iemteh frir.tr nr troot" CDrPIAITIF? rrtD ii a i nni.'ii ICE CREAM Pumpkin Center qt. 33c APPLE CIDER Hood River gal. 59c TRICK OR TREAT ORANGE PEEL CANDY Ib 15c CANDY BARS Reg. 5c 6 for 25c h lji PUMPKIN 2 can 10C Cranberry Sauce 0cean sPray 2 for 29c HI-H0 CRACKERS , 23c HUNT'S PEACHES 2 .. 29c BUTTER Grade A Rosebud lb. 68c MINCE MEAT 1Ibi 14oi.35c CAKE MIX. ........ ....8... 25c RED DOT COFFEE . 33c SPUDS No. 1 Netted Genu. . .15 Ibi. 59c GRAPES Tokay 2 lbs. 15c CELERY lb6c CABBAGE Kraut 10 lbs. 98c APPLES spitzenberg Vi box (20 lbs.) 89c SUNKIST ORANGES 2 , 25c Make Saving Center Your Holiday Meat Buying Center ROASTING J TURKEYS Fre,h 45C EVISCERATED FF TURKEYS Fresh-Fryer, . 55C GROUND 1A Chili Meat SIS,., 39C BEEF ifL SHORT RIBS Meat On.... fc7v RIB STEAK . . 49e Both Stores Open From 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Includ. Sundays Two Money Saving Markets SAVING CENTER SALEM Mile North of the Underpass TORES ('n v V W. SALEM At the Foot of the Bridge