.Pickets Assail Cameraman Rome. Ga.. Oct. 27 iPi John L. Scarbrough, reporter-photographer o( the Rome News-Tribune, said he was attacked bv pickets today in front of the struck Celanese corporation of America plant. More than 1.500 striking workers Jammed the streets leading to the main entrance of the mill as some workers tried to enter while a sound truck of the Textile Workers of Amer ica (CIO) blared instructions to union leatiers, Scarbrough said. As he moved to the edge of the crowd Just before dawn, he was surrounded suddenly by a dozen men, some armed with soft drink bottles. They ordered him to leave, Scarbrough ad ded. When he remained, the group grabbed him and struck him over the head, then escorted him to his car, he reported. There was no immediate comment from union officials on Scar brough's charges. It was the first demonstration by the striking workers. Super ior Court Judge H. E. Nichols "late yesterday issued a tem porary restraining order against mass picketing at Celanese. However, Joe D. Pedigo or dered all strikers to be on the picket line at 5:30, an hour be fore the mill was to have open ed In in effort to end the 73- aay oia waiKOUl. Celanese appealed to all work ers to return to their jobs at an eight percent wage increase, which already has been accep ted by the Celanese Corpora tion's Hopewell. Va., plant. Hardware Store on North High Is Sold The City hardware store, 265 North High street, has been sold by W. E. Kiekel to G. Ira Moore of McMinnville, who has taken over. Moore was for 18 years In the petroleum products, household supplies and automotive busi ness at McMinnville. The fam ily came here recently and a home has been purchased at 1890 Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have two children, a son in high school and a daughter in the grades. Mr. Kiekel came here from Colorado, and expectF to remain here, but plans are indefinite. (Advmuementl Nose Red and Raw to a cold? To relieve smarting irritation and help nature heal, smooth on a bit of lentle, toothing, carefully medicated RESIMQL0INENT Don't let 'em throw dust in your eyes This Time! Vote 310 X Yes Old Age Pension Act Give the old folks a break. Pay them a $50 pension. Destroy the police system of the Welfare Commission. 310 X Yes Paid Adv. Oregon Old Age Pension Committee Joe E. Dunne, Portland, Ore. Libel Case Goes To Grand Jury Tnlerfn Ore Oct. 27 i? The Lincoln county grand Jury will pass on whether or not the crim inal libel complaint by State I.epislntnr .Impnh Wilson against publishers of the Waldport Rec ord will go to trial. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van De Velde are named defendants in the suit involving publication of statements from the Oregon Vot er about Wilson In the Waldport newspaper. The Van De Veldes appeared yesterday it a hear ing before Justice of the Peace Earl Conrad. Both are free without bail. Wilson is the republican can didate for state senator from Lincoln and Tillamook counties He claims the reprint was criti cal of him and untrue The grand Jury will not con vene until February. Iron was taken from New York and Pennsylvania mines as early as 1710, Medford Man Wins Freedom Medford, Oct. 27 ''Forrest Wilsort has been acquitted of the slaying of John B. Camden in a 1948 poker game by a Jack son county circuit court jury that heard his retrial on the charges. The jury exonerated Wilson NOW BUYING FILBERTS and WALNUTS Highest Cash Price Paid on Delivery H. R. JONES ' at the Shryder Transfer 285 S. Cottage Ph. S4966 W 1, i Vote Josephine Albert SPAULDING Representative For MARION COUNTY ". . . Mrs. Spaulding has the Intel 1 i g e n c e . back ground, public spirit and enterprise to make a fine career as legislator." (C. C. Chapman. Oregon Voter April 24. 1948) Pd. Adv. by Spauldma for Rrp. Comm. Hrnrjr R. Crawford, chair man. Btryl Holt, aterctarr. after an hour of deliberating last night. A second trial was ordered by the Oregon supreme court on the ground that the instructions to the jury in the original trial were in error. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 27. 19." 0 Camden was fatally wounded by a shot gun blast when a niHsked man attempted to hold up a poker game in a neighbor- In the first trial i hood garage. Wilson had left Wilson was sentenced to life in the game shortly before the prison. 'shooting. The public libraries in tiie United Stales, exclusive of col ieiie anri school libraries, con tain more than 1 14.000.0110 books, will) an annual cirruki tion of more than 425.000.0U0 volume mm 7. V,;; . ( r , -.,2,. . " Rose Valley cheese has all of me natural goodness of rich, whole milk. Plus mellow flavor. Plus the skill of expert cheese makers. Plus all ot the health ad vantages of pasteurization ... It is the finest cheddar cheese that our 36-year-old creamery association knows how to make. Through your grocer, we are proud to recommend and offer Rose Valley Cheese. Aged Rose Valley Cheese is available in limited quantities. Ask jour troeer. Mi. Angel -fiVSu, 1 mm From th 2500 members of the Mt. Angel Cooperative Creamery, Mt. Angel, Oregon . . . Makers of Roie Valley sweet cream butter. 125 PATTERNS Vi PRICE HUTCHEON'S PAINT STORE "BUY YOUR PAINT AT A PAINT STORE" 162N.Com'l. Ph.3-6687 HEAR . The Honorable Robert L Elfstrom Mayor of Salem . . . President of The League of Oregon Cities OS THE SUBJECT 'McKay, the Man' - ,4i 4-p... '' J Bring Your Troubles to Us. Free Information on the Care of Your Shrubs F.A. Doerfler & Sons NURSERY 150 N. Lancaster Dr., Salem, Ore. Office Phone Z-1322 in behalf of DOUGLAS McKAY Republican Candidate FOR GOVERNOR KSLM 8.-00 P.M. TONIGHT (Wednesday) Pttd Adv. MtKfcy for Oovernor Comm. W. L. IBI1H Phllilpi, Chmn. 510 N. OomiBtrctfcl St., elm, Ort. WAR SURPLUS OUR CANDIDATES FOR LOWER COST OF LIVING raw I . Cm .y . I I "f SI i. Srajnt, tttC Standard of Value Seagram's wSurc SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN. 8LENDE0 WHISKEY. U.I Proof. 65 S Grain N.ulrtl Soirits. W't txttnun CrritiM, CfcrytUr Buildirf. Nw Tort BLANKETS $395 New Crew All Wool. New BUNK BEDS Genuine G. I., hardwood. Makes two singles too. With Mattresses $2450 U. S. N. Officers' Type OXFORDS Long wearing navy last. Pair Also in brown $695 rOFFFF POT F Genuine Royal Chef. 6-8 cup size. Reg. $2.75 DISH RAG Large size. Heavy weight. 7c JEEP LIGHTS Sealed beam, ideal for fog light, back up lights, etc. 2 m wmmm $125 m m 1 &M wmWi for U. S. A. Fatigue, Ideal Work Jacket. Like New. 79c Russian Ballot VOTE YES ONLY 1 Fire Extinguishers S. $6.95 Flashlights ibZZ: :':h ... $lc00 V Can Opener 59c Duck Call Records $2.50 Tell you how. Rifle Brushes 30"": 5c V Recoil Boots ...75c S Flashlight Batteries 4 19c Standard size Ray-o-Vac. Rain Capes games, hunting, etc.. 29c I Open Pa ve" 7 nings V !fc9:00 Hardwood Frame Camp Stools me 89c Rain Parkas $325 Heavy cover. Brand new . . U.S.N. Absolute ly water and wind proof .... Pants to Match . $2.95 WATCHES PX Sfock U'alf rprrwif, shock prnnf, .mtt magnrtir, st.iinlp'.?! caw, nwpfp Ketone! hiind, luminous dial, 1 year finrantcp. 7-Jcwcl 15-Jewel 17-Jewel $14.50 $19.50 $27.50 I n r I . Tax Lots of Pilot Jackets (cloth or leather) TENTS, TARPS, COTS, RAIN COATS, SHOES, ETC. Come in and see all the money saving values in tools. Handkerchief Hemmed edoe, large size, soft. 2 - 2k Adhesive Tape 1 " width, metal roll. 9c CASCADE MERCANTILE FAIRGROUNDS RD. & NORTH CHURCH Pd. Adv. by Better Bargains on War Surplus Committee, Boyd "Sunshine" Babbitt, Chrmn.