18 Capital Journal, Salem, UHinn ABVMTIMKQl Per LID 1M Per Lint I time eoe Per Line time We Per Line 1 month 12.00 Outetd. of Selem IS. per line per aT. u:n. fori S timer mm. toe fl tlmne mm. 11.30. Ho Rrtunda MiDms-le Lecel Neve Col. O.lri Per line oe T Plact an Ad Phone 2-2406 Spooks Move Furniture on Halloween, but in expensive "Furniture for Sale" Ads Can Do it Anytime to Sale houses PRICED FOR QUICK KALE" ONLY mi. N VV. 1 icrf At J BR hse. 168 wfll A eke. !irri: Irrnv.. WORTH VHIII UK .KINO AT MM JfffW view home. 2 KM. 1 LR PR. Patio, at'acmd mni'f, 'I1 Onr lr-400. Tmim if i..'.n-d For thm and Of t are B. ISHERWOOD. rtKALTOR Pho;.e 0F11 or 1 tr.H 2aft EE TrMtltf TODAY. One of Saii'm's better bom. Very well located in e.si emem. BR . full basement, oil hetU, soinf furnuhinuis go. You will not buy more for ill 500 Vk BtKT V.U'I. MI electric 3-BR home btttll to r H A. -ipec. features ue. L,n dinette. 3 la'- BS, tub A sriower batli lav. kit.. hdwd.. ven. blinds, la, lot restricted di.-lru-t. Co.? to bos. .school At store. 1MMKD. POSS. Only 19500. Larsen Home & Loan Co aclusive Listing Personal Service 164 S. Com ), St. Ph. 3-83B9; Eve 3-7440 HT OWNKR. 3 bdrm. home, rented now for 150 a mo. Pull price onlT itm. 1 1100 down. 130 a mo. flee at lllfl Bin t . w, Salem between 7 A $ p.m. or Ph. 27738 aSfiO' SPECIAL Immediate possesion, 3 bdnn. furn home with full bsmt.. wood furn . 3 A of land, small barn, family fruit, lo cated on S River road. Make a reason able offer. Exclusive. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8216, Eve. 3-8518 or 37217. aiiai 4-RM. HOUSE. Rt. Rd., South. 4, Box 540. Baxter NEW 4-Bdrm., full bsmt... dbl. garage. Ph owner lor appt 3-4284. a HMALL CLEAN HOME, plalered, InMllat ed. nice lot, extra coltane. garaxr, Priced right. 1H15 N. Llbcrty, afiT PARTLY furnUhed 3 bedrrn. mod. hoint-; 11500 down. 38)0 Moonroe. a258 LEAVING STATE, desire to rl my equi ty In 2-bdrm. home, monthly payment ta 144.30. Located aouth. 1 btk. eaJtt of Hulaey Ave. 3880 Peck Ave. a2S8 w17.?Jp Beautiful new rambling atyle home on acre. Close In. Ie hv. rin.: din. rm., nook; 3 bdrm : dble. plumbing: oil pipe furn.: dble. (arse. Will con sider amall houae on trade. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemekrta St. Phone 3-9271 Kit. 2-6A80 2,iB" tfMtw Five-room house with full hut ment: furnace; nice yard Close to bus and atorea. Drive by 54D Market St. If Interested call KOSTEIN & ADOLPH, INC I10IJi N. Commecial St. Phone 3-3030 Eve. 3-8314 8258 MM-Very good 2-bedroom with ttalra to gttle: tee. lot. near grade school. Owner leaving. Call Mr. Wallers. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtor! 341 Chemekela St. Phone 3-M71 Eve. 3-66H0 fcV OWNER, -b-room older Type )mur, large eajnt f-ront lot; fruit and nut tree. Inglewood diflt-rlcl. Ph. 3-5174. n2;8 t-RRnROOM home with gnnwe. Venetian blinds; insulated: fruit house and wnter system; one rear old. I4V00. 425 Illinois St. a2(tl rURNISHEf) 1 10.500 ArflVILIJ, DIHT. 1 acre. 2-bedroom house. years old: cow and chick. All furniture in. exct-llenl condition. Worth the money Call Ed Luktnbrnl HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors Phone 3-IST1 341 Chemeketa Ft. Eves. 2-flfiHO a25 iaa Five -room plastered hou.sr on large lot, well located at 472 N 17Mi. R OSTEIN & ADOLPH, INC. 110'i N. Commecial Ht. Phone 3-3030 Eves. 3-8314 a 2I8 IMMTD. PoAs.. by owner 8 years old. 3 bedroom home. Oood stairs to floored attic: elean and in good condition Large lot. garden and ntre shrubs. Reasonably priced. Call 2-4M3. J"!!! ( ftrnROOM HOME. 3 acre good aoll, aprlng creek, ISMiO 1TE t mi.KOOM HOME, furnished, on 1 acre f 7MHI. lrtm THK RKAI. ES I' ATE MAHKET 43J N. HlRh St Ph 24.HJ a2,.M RT OWNrR. heautilul vlt w home on King wood Heights. 3 large bedrooms, liv ing room, dining room, kiti h , with nook. 2 baths, ulillty rm.. plumbed lor Rendu, large dble. gnrane, Tins home has fireplace, httwd f Irr-. and is plas tered throughout, InMilutrri and bus a large patio II you're mtirrytrri In beauty, comfort ami a view, don't ml.ss this home. Call 3 ISM before 1pm BV OWNIH. 3-Mar-old. l-lwi:m hdwd firs, attiicttcd irttaae. oil heat lt; C St IMi 2 411it l.'M' T6tit R 3 bit! m lime I acre bsm A chicken hon.-c Henr Kuprr. Ht 4 Hon 108 Ph 3M,:. 7 $1000 DOWN And bslsnre like ren inio this nice, rn'nrl home with l.H, HH n ed gnrnac, in ci! N hi 1 and stores Inunc COI.BAT1I I.A.N H CO. mat ( i ntrr ! FOR HV OH MR H47 Con: aMer P a or it to 1 Nf W ROM I t V at !, ch'tiI:.iiu- J i.. rooms. I l't:i lli'.-r curvet. !i;c,,.. ' lsre lt nit r."n. o n ro. ir. n 'I drape thrci m i" .', t . i"c r. ft. .,' washer and irr 1 lu'iie t i Insulated I iir 'tin mnnn-lic. i Tiew, For fn!l lii!i Mini 'i please c P. H MFt t KMI 11 ChfrrehrlH l" "nr - nr 3 ',' r'.enmii 2 . - : " MAN1IP.N I.M;i''rNf I RM A R1H. I p.a- .1-..- f .- . ...i, i: heat, nit" iv a;- d I'M V ! Bslsnre at 1 -o mo A.. m i. . n. . Tils h-wne i re. I . it "in You can mnif 'n r,l i i-, In ,tr gee til Irvme Ir ir ts r brm prne tien c .1 AI.nTN ROM FA ItMl f.-TrF Jjag rairaroiT.l I'd MW -bdrm brtme, rvr' J" '.) iM'n AM. , .0 doan H iff -no m. ;. m 4rV . MEAT, elsn and elrve In hoi - HH. !! DR. K Nok. v- ivt,ti tt,,t,,i, t.i basement, fuinace, gsrake, all tut JCT.'i easy rerms $msMi 1-ftiiiTi honir I m oM $nisKi a ta la n A sm utt , r i e nu Pm. Int-r.y 1-btlrm h -ur Eni fwoi dist This IS a H V i ' rt,, TO Bl'Y Mil - cm! l'F'.T RALPH Mr NT Healtor - P' 3 J.;.! 1330 S. CommtTcuil SI lit OHM Lee. w'.,i -P'SUil lir ly rm 4th , gar, auto oil fu'nn.r. i hed i each rm . Iiit v and bu Itin bookcasr. Vt n t-ii; f.rs 7M gal per hr. dec i Kf 1 JC shrubbery in and i; rnvned poss liocsted on p.vr an u S of Novl St on fmr Rd . in new Tri-Mounta.n i sivision. Priced to seil. Th. gtrtdfd nil 10 II 'tnr Ore., WadrtMtday, Oct. 17, 1948 FOR SALE HOUSES WEST SALEM, we have a 3 bedroom bora, ll vine loom, dining room, kitchen, bath, elec. hsat. Will take a OI loan. Priced it 17900 A 4-REDKOOM home, living room. dining room, kitchen, bath. Th is it a good in I vestment. Priced at 19000. ON NORTH CHI HCH Street, we have an I older home ith 1 bedrooms, llvint room, dining room, kit he. Quite a lot I of fruit, nuu end berrie. Wall to waL I carpets Prced at mM A NEW HOME with a splendid view. Lot u Mx 140 2 bedrooms quite good aiae plenty ol cupboard apace, oil furnact Will take FHA loaa. Priced at $970. K EXCELLENT modern ewn kone wild v.tw oo lot 103x103, new, 34 bed rooms with IS baths, living room, n Inn room, k lie hen. btiHt-tnj, nook, car peted floor, fireplace, drapes, wired tor ramie and water heater doublt garage. Price of 921,500.60 Included Ben dn washer, dryer, konef, large eboaeii and lou of storMt room. lnavleted and P. H. Bell, Realtor 31 Chemeketa Phone 3-48M 3-1545 Evenings 3-1565, 2-M86, 3-8501 91 BY OWNER" 3-Ha D ROOM houae. See We atttahan: H A a pples, walnuu, IllborU. aHriowd. peaches, grapes, beirws. bdt garden soil. 1195 Chemawa Rd S2571 BARGAIN? $3500 2 bedrm. home in West Salem on corner lot. $3700 3 bedrm. home In S E Salem, two stoves it linoleum goes with place. II, 000 down, bal. at 140 per mo. $4200 M"d 1 bedrm. home on cor. lot. M I 11200 down, bal. like rent. $4700 Attractive 3 rm. home on li A. North Furn. This U a good buy In any language. $4750 Small 2 bedrm. home on cor. lot on creek. This la a very nice spot. Lot 100 x120'. For above listings, contact Bergland. ART MADSEN 1326 Stat Rf 36438 KTh'rfpn. Englewood Dlst. 5 room house part ly furnished. Close to bus St stores. ROSTEIN & ADOLPH, INC. 110'j N. Commercial St. Phone 3-30.10 -Eves 3-6314 35S SEVERIN REALTY CO. :12 N High St. Telephone 1-4016 bedrms, living rm. large kitchen, modern bathrm, lrge. utility rm, elec. pump, beau tiful flowers and shrubs. All for $5,950. This won't last. F?v Phnne or 3-1084 SEVERIN REALTY CO. 3 ROOM house for sale. 5 ml. from Salem, ' ml. East of Green Apple Market. Geo. Hetland. Rt. 7. Box 376E. a ISO BY OWNER 2 bdrms. LR. DR. kltfh.. hath. hsmt.. hdwd. firs.. Immed. poss. At a low price for this house, Ph 3-9813 or 3-3722 a259 BY OWNER Attractive 2-bedroom home In good rond.: hit1, f-rn.; fplr : large bunt.; fruit room and var.-fji'; sawdust burt.er and launrirr fi'ilitiev Clote to schools and bus. P.-lced rtasonnhly. 1040 Shipping. tJ.'B DRIVE BY 1110 N. 17TH RT. Then call us for appointment. This has full base ment. 3 fireplaces. Nice back yard. I-BR HOME EAST-LOT 60x216 A". mortgage $1413. Total price $10,700. JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court St.. Salem. Ore. Ph. 3-3639. Eve. 3-4769 or 3-3613 a258 JI'RT FINISHED, well constructed 2-bed room home; L shaped living and dining room: hdwd. floors: automatic oil fur nace; utility room; atl ached garage. All this you may have for only $B300, wilh SinsO down. See Poller. N. J. Lindjrren - FA D. Potter REALTORS 215 8 High St. Phone 3-3630 a258 FINE ENGLEWOOD HOME .ton N. IKTII ST. Is the address of this 3 -bdrm home, with fireplace: full base ment: V-bhnds: nice yard. Everything in lip-top shape. Price $12,000. Good terms. Why not call us for an appoint ment now BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 2-3649 337 N High St. Eves. 2-5390 or 3-1033 a3!S9 BY OWNER. 5-rm modern home, Yen. blinds, fireplace, auto, hot water, heater, floor tu mace Large vard, 17950. 813 Eitina Lane Phone 2-3292. B36fl FOR SALE LOTS VIEW PROPERTY, 130 ft. x 185 ft Ideal blda sit-. Went Salem, near Cascade Ur A Glen Creek Dr Call 3-9309 aa361 BY OWNER Excellent building lots in Stewart's Addition lo Wood burn. Would sell one block of 6 lot to contractor tonlne to build houses to sell. See Bon ner eSteaart. 316 Hron St. a a 360 view. Will build for FOR SALE FARMS WANTED: Repair, alteration, new con struction. By job or hour. Ph. 2-4904, h2S9 LOW TRICED FARM. 40 acres good loam, nearly all cull. New small hse. A barn aster V elec . near amall town. Tills nh .12M. tPM ls.1. n R(i IN. 5', acres close In Sa-h-m -Dallas high ay. good prod Royal Anne cherries, small hse . garage 3 poii li ry h,e gravity soring water to hUlKs A 'ine view site here, f.soo dn. . 00 per mo. Larson Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Ltslins Personal Service IB4 S. Com l. Ph. 3-83R9. Eve. 3-7440 J ACRES, huiise, hrn, hunting and fish ing, slock Owner. G Babbitt, Rt 1, llx Ifli Toledo. $12,000. b259 IFOR SALE ACREAGE MMriKt. yHM 3 A black loam mi :r cow calv es. hows, chickens. Neat Miull 1-bedrimin modern, oil heatrd lu-e , cdne of cit Total price I84.SO. COODWIN & McMILl.IN Renltor.1 Phone 3-4707 44 Court. Eves 3-314$. 3-713 bhj--g 8 ACRFS Very imvd 4-bdrm modern home. I H. ftreplsce. nice floors, bsmt . le W Heater Wrv good large hot'om sold. A real buy. Call Ray Kin -uta HUFF REAL ESTATE CO llr.lr 341 Chemekela St I'hone S :7l rves. 2-86S8 bb28- I'MMPHOVKD LAND (RI all riltnated. good dark soil. in t'l.emrni. shoif ii.tance east laooo it 'RI a on pi e merit east, about 65 " cnltnatrc' balance limber. A i.v.n v Kir at !-; SALKM REALTY CO. Rcnltorx Plionr 37860, $4:71, 24fl br257 ItV OWMR in acie in the fast growing Hwefle iV.s'rict Tlie acreaite U close lo s. iiivii a htesl (or subdivision. Ph. 39460 REAL ESTATE til I li t Wr.t P'rm A Polk county llOllieS 1 4. 'of) j ur B lJHr MWIXVP. RFAI.TOR Phime e-Pil ,.r 3.11.11 CJ57 t t.OOD IOTS la ICeiter at 1 h n'd to mt tennnis RtlrNTM lots 100 up lOtllT t-BR home North. NW floors trt clace. gaiatie bit b door, j A t''i00 Mire acreate available JOK HUTCHISON - REALTOR 4.S5 Courf Street. Salem Oregon Phone 2-3629. Eve 1-4:89 or I )mi elM Journal Want Ads Pay FOR RENT HOUSES " , MAKE AN OFFER FOUR 1-bedroom homes ranging in price from $10,750 to $11, $00, each with oil furnaces, two in town, two in the country. FHA financing, easy terms. If you need lots of room and want comfortable living, make an offer. You might be pleasantly lur prised. CHAS. ISO X. Migh St. HUDKINS Realtors SULLIVAN REALTY CO. OPEN HOUSE ALL WEEK Open All Day and in the Evenings aCAl'TIFUL VIEW New ranch type 1-bedroom home; double plumbing. Pecan hdwd. floors. Full basement with rumpus room and fireplace. Woodwork finished in natural colors. Dbl. garage and terraced lawn. Drive through W. Salem and turn right on Kingwood Dr. then turn left and follow our signs. $14,500. SULLIVAN REALTY CO, Hit Por.l.no Rd. Phone MJSJ REAL ESTATE SNAP New home! Price gut from $7500 to 16150 for qukk sale 2 bedrooms down, unfinished attic, hardwood floors, elec. water heater, wired for range, utility room, automatic water syctem, one third acre. Near bus and store. Call Reeve. V., ACRE 12300 Small house. Best of soil. On pavement near Roberts Station. BEST LISTING 17850. 3 bedroom home with room for 3 more, hardwood floors, fireplace, elec. heat. Large lot. very well land scaped. Attached garage. Immediate possession. Call Maddy. OLSON & REEVE, REALTORS $43 B- Commercial LEO N. CHILDS, INC. Realtors IT WILL PAY YOI' TO LOOK AT THIS kitchen and dinette. There is also a douoie garage ana ine lot is approximately 130x230. The price ta only 15900 Ask to see It. HOME AND INCOME 3 complete apt. Full basement. Lot about 50x100 with double garage. Located close to bus and stores. Full price 16500. NEWi VIEWt AND JUST FOR YOU Lovely plastered 3-bedroom ranch type home with full basement and automatic oil furnace; V acre with large lir and oak trees. Priced right at $8500. THREE NEW 2-bedorom plastered homes have hdwd. firs, electric heat; electric stoves and electric not water neaters. Showing good rental returns. The price is $20,000. and will take small developed or undeveloped acreage north or east as part payment. If you don't see It advertised CALL US LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS "3 Years of Dependable Service te Heme Owners" 344 State St. Phone 3-3663 Even in a call: 3-5855; 3-5620; or 3-4007 c258 REAL ESTATE CALABA'S COLUMN BRAND NEW $5900 WILL BE finished shortly: cute 3-bedroom home; attractive inMQe ana ou. good buy for only 15900. BEST LITTLE BUY YET COZY 3-bedroom home, well built and only about 10 years old: nice 4 acre land: variety of fruit: completely fenced; good water system, sufficient for Irrigation; cement driveway and walks to barn and chicken house; ' block to bus. Good location and ONLY 16950 JUST EAST DNGI.IWOOD school dlst ; new I-room home with unfinished upstairs; firepl.; hardwood floors; oil furnace; garage; extra large lot; nrw district. Only 18100. Good FHA terms available. RUDY CALABA & CO. Realtors Ph. .1-5838; Eves. 3-3779, 3-5514 231 N. High St. e LOOK AT THiS A 2-bdrm. home with an unfinished upstairs located just olf E. Center St.. deep lot 60x200; only 8 yrs. old: good fireplace: Immediate possession: only 1 blk. to city bus: has a State O.I. loan commitment. Price Is 16350. Lee Ohmart & Co.. Realtors 477 Court St. Ph. 24115-6: Eve Ph 3-6770, 3-4122, 2-5906. C25B WANTED REAL ESTATE WE NEED LISTINGS from 1 acre on up. Priced around $000. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Phone 3-364$ 331 N. High St ca259 WE ASK In need ol good bouses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 ca NOTICE! H your property is tor sale. rent or exchange, list -It with us. have alt kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1S3 8 High St We BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAKE A LOOK at this new deal on Stouts Gro. Hdw. Store. Lease on bldg.. house to rent. bldg. repaired Stock at inventory. Fixtures reasonable Oood business A low overhead. Perrydsle. Ore cd28l TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF THESE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Lunch Counter Beauty Shop Men a Clothing Store Gift Store Tavern Auto Repair Shop with Home A 1 Acre. B. ISHFRWOOD. HFALTOR PHONE 6F11 or 3-88.16 rd358 AIM RTNlT N TH lit CNH Well loratcri, clean, rentals $400 mo. Price i;5O00 ash THE HEAL EFT A IE MAHKET 4.1.1 N H.nh St Ph. .'47SU cdisa A MONEY MAKER TAVERN doing good business: excellent high av frontage and location Price ol $22 500 Includes building, Mock fu tures. Iiv Ing quarters, etc. Half cash will handle Shown by appt otilv BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3-3849 317 N High St. Eves. 3-5.190 or 2-10.12 Cd25 NKLSON NEWS EXCELLENT WHOLESALE PUS1NESS SOI ND legiiimate hunne dome profit able biistiieis Will take about $10 000 to handle This ta a wonderful set-up tor an at--revue merchant Call at our of fice for full details Nelson & Nelson Specialising Realtor T"3 N High Phone 3 4:I cdJ7 TR tniNO Pl"T in West Salem. 1104 Rdsewater Si. Handling fine line of ctothina antiguea and curiits Will sell slock and business and building. See J A Hna land edJM flX HEtl'TN forces owner to sacrifice -unit auto court with modern S-bedroom home. Iocs led on 99E. Will take soent trade. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Phone 3-9271 sTves I -( cdi8 saanw for this pumice and cement block uainess Thm price Includes all prop erty and equipment read M go. This will go O I. Call Rav Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Phone 3-9371 Eves. 3-m To Place Classified Ads Phong 2-2406 F0R SAll HOUSES & SON Phone 1-4129 I REAL ESTATE $2,500 4 large rooms. Nice big lot. Set at 150 Abranrta Ave., or call Dent. $5,500 f rooms, partly finished. Close to school, bus past door. About 3 acres. South. Oood terms. Call Dent. $6,800 3 bedrooms. 11600 dom-n, Call Dent. New Home, per month. $1,250 DOWN 3 bedroom home close to Salem Heights school. Hardwood floors oil heat In ev ery room, attached garage. City bus and water. Call Maddy. Ph. 3-4590. C3S8 cute J-bed room home with large living rm.. Upstairs apt. renting for I4S per month. setting on one lot In good location. All FURNITURE FOR SALE ANTIUtlE walnut marble top bedroom set. Ph. 3-3470. d257 BEST GRADE Blgelow rug 9x10. Chrome and glass coffee table. Kenmore vac uum cleaner. Cull 34387. d259 LIGHT MAHOGANY dining rm. table with extra pull out leaves, 6 chalra. This Is an expensive set but should be refinish- ed. will sell lor $125. 9x12 French Wilton rug. slightly worn, $15.00. 1 American Oriental 1'3x8'v. Like new, $50. 740 unman Ave. Ph. 38213. d260' CLOSING OUT SALE 3-PC. Waterrall bedroom suite, regular 1129 50, now 199.50 4-pc. living room group; regular $167.50. now $125 Daveno and platform rocker, regular 199 50, now 179.50 Dutches washing machine, regular 1129.50. now 105 Mate btreet Purniture 1900 State Phone 3-7596 d258 USED BARGAINS Hotpoint electric rang $36 00 Lang wood range $49 50 General Electric washer $29 50 Duo-Therm oil heater $39.50 Small oil heater $12 50 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 461 Court St. Phona 3-9611. WANTED FURNITURE Hir.nr.ST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph. 6110 da MONEY TO LOAN On Watches, Luggage, Tools A Guns We buy for cash. Sell or trade. Sundale Exchange, 694 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-5511 da TOP PRICES paid for used furniture, tools and hardware. Call Mr Reiser. 988$ 385 N Commercial. da AUCTIONS FIRMTIRE Al'CTION TONIGHT at 7 pm. at Lane Sud tells Auction Sales Yard, located I't miles East of Fair grounds on Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-609B. dd227 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SELL OR TRADE: Guernsey cows of good production, fresh and coming fresh. Price reasonable. Rt. 1, Box 336. A. Peters e258 II EWTS. $10 00 each W. A. Bauman. Rt I. Box 366, Aumsville, 1 mile north of Shaw e2M LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A I.ICENSFD livestock buver C. McCandltah, 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. ea360a T. SNETIIEN A SON. Licensed and Rondcd cuttle huvers Ph 2-1S4V e27R RABBITS RIBBITS for your locker, cut A wrapped. Wums Rabbit ry, 3983 State St Ph IfioFi eh?9 PETS RHV Mexican Chihuahua puppies. 4 wks. id. Phone 3-7117 or 3305 Broadway ec261 FM KI T. COt KI R SPANIEL A pups. papers. E. Collins. Aumsville. Tel. Oft ice ec261 PI PS FOR MI F, 5 weeks old. Cocker. 4945 Wolf Street, Keuer District. ec22 BABY MIX1CA.N chihuahua puppies. 4- wks. id Call eve. 430 Miller Ave, Dallas. ec?8 FUEL FR"E WOOD for the removal of the prune trees 4 miles from Ladd A Bush on mac ads mi red road About three acres of it Phone 689J eremnes or noontime elflS YOT.T HAUL DRY WOOD 3575 MIS8ION GOOD, clean, fresh rut screened sawd-ist Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533. e366 TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh Cut Sawdust Drv 16 ' Millwood A k far SAN Green Stamps Prompt Delivery - Ph. 37443 ee West Salem Fuel Co. II-IN DRY OR ORFFN SLAB WOOD PRY PLANFR ENDS OLD GROWTH BI OCR WOOD 16 -IN CI F AN NO R .RK RCRFFNETI SAWDUST RURAL DFIIV FRIES DTFSFL AND STOVE OIL Phone : Salem 3-4031 Alt pick up wood at 133$ Edge water St W Salem e 18-H. C.RFrN edema is 50 a load. Dbl. load tiO OO. Oregon Fuel Co, Ph. 3-5533 ee264 GOOD DRT 18" dr if" slab. ecktnt. also green A Oregon. Fuel Co. P-h REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS WILL TRADE ir YOU WANT a good farm for a city home, Investigate this; 310 acres located 10 miles out; 300 at. under cult: 110 ac. pasture and timber. Year round creek; 100 ac. In fescue grass; 14 ac. of cherries, new modern 5 rm. nome. full ba.seraent. 011 furnace and 2 fireplaces: garage; Ige. machine shed and sheep shed. Will take modern home or acreage home up to 615.000 on sale Will take soma term. Call O. H Orabenhorst. Jr. AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS SftTARLIHHED in same location for 13 year, located on mala thoioughfare; Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 3-3471; Evenings 3-2941. 3-1772, 3-4360. 23-P-14. 3-8010 For Prompt, Courteous Service, List Your Property With Us McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY REALTORS 169 South High Salem Phone S-5131 or 3-8620 ONE -HALF ACRE and 3-bed room bungalow; plastered interior: hdwd. floors; electric cooking and water heating: double garage: 1 block to bus. Located north Just out aule city limits; poultry houae; nice garden spot. HA loan can be arranged. ONLT t7M lor this nice 3 BR home In West Salem: plastered Interior; hdwd. floors; bath: LR: large kitchen; utility room: electric cook in and heating, garage: about 3-year-old home. Close enough to walk to business dlst. FHA loan can be arranged. REALLY A BARGAIN New, high-type beauty salon. Owner is to leave Salem. This is wru aiiuatea ana tuny equipped enop; s-year lease witn option. EXCELLENT SOIL Slightly less than one acre, and 3 BR house; LR; kitchen; bath; electric water system; electric water heating; attached garage; $5500. HAVE HOt'SE for lease by year at 160 per ment: gas stove and gas heating. Oood location south; close to bus line. COME IN OR CALL Evenings 3-7163 or 3-4937 c259' REIMANN FOR $1500 DOWN 3-ROOM new modern home with full deep basement: auto, oil heat. All hardwood floors: tiled fireplace; restricted dis trict. No. 248. $1000 DOWN LARGE 3-bedroom house with unfinished upstairs; full basement; fireplace; large kitchen wired for range. Paved street North. Close to all schools. No. 214. $25 DOWN LOTS with water, electricity, trees, bus service. North or Northeast. Pine soil. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE REALTORS 201 S. High Ph. 3-9203; Eve. & Sun. 2-4628, 3-5905 C257 LEE OHMART & WEST SALEM SPECIAL You may have immediate possession of this cozy 2 bedroom home located right on Piedmont Or.; fireplace; at tractive paneling; part basement with excellent new oil furnace. Price Is 18, 950. Better see it today. WANT TO BUY A QUALITY HOME? Just one blk. from McKlnley Grade school; large lot with view and a love ly 64 foot ranch type home; 2 bed rooms and den; elec. heat: completely Insulated and weather-stripped: 12x21 ft. swimming pool in back yard: best of construction thru-out Ar best of F. H.A. financing. Immediate possesion. Call Mr. Sullivan or Mr. Stewart. Day or night. LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 2-4115-6 Eve. Phone 2-5996; 2-4722; 3-6770 FUEL CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS, Weekly Hatches N( Hampshire. Ph. 33861. Loe'a Hatchery. PRODUCE WHITE. FACED beet, 3c 1 pearr 2 per box. Ph. 3-1639. HELP WANTED EXP. variety store cierk. capable of as suming responsibility. State qualifica tions and islary expected. Write Box 6 Capital Jourral. fif-fi ALL YOUNG DEMOCRATS 14 to 40 years of Marlon county, meet at Willamette U campus, Cresto Cottage. Wednesday, Oct. 37. 1 p. m. FREE Spudnuts and Coffee Served Pd. Adv. by Joe Larkln, Salem, Ore. g257 WALNUT PICKERS. Ph. 35211 eves. g257 HELP WANTED MALE WOULD LIKE someone to care for 7 yr. old airl after school about 4 hrs. In vicinity of West Salem grade school. Ph. 3-7205. ga259 BUDGET MANAGER to take complete charge of adv., sales collections on time payment sales. Experience pre ferred, but can train intelligent man with adaptibility Initiative. Salary plus bonus arrangement. Write 49 Capital Journal. ga25Ba MAN, 35 TO 40 yrs. old for Installation of blown rock wool ft batts. Exp. pret. but not necessary. Apply 2385 Mission ga257 EXPER. International truck and tractor mechanic. Only exper. need apply. See Mr Orr, shop foreman. James H. Maden Co, 3955 Silverton rd., Salem, Ore. ga358 JOURNEYMEN form carpenters. Long Job. Good wages, j. o. watts con struction Co.. 610 Bo. 30th St.. Cor vallis Ore. ga264 HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL for light housework care of gb259 child. 938 Shipping HI SCHOOL GIRL to work for rm., bd. A amall wage. Ph. 38938 after 6 p.m. gb258 White's gb257 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Commercial Placement AGENCY 360 State St. Ph. 21488 No Fee in Advance Secretary-Receptionist Steno-bkpr. Ins. If ice Stenographer day week Typist-bookkeeper- Dallas Tvpist-book keeper Salem Steno Part time WANTED SALESMAN IF YOU ARE a good salesman with sales managers exp. we may have a proposi tion that will interest you. Ph. 38496 af ter Oct. 24 gs2S7 DI D FHT ABI l-lirn national firm recent ly promoted two men to managerial positions, lesring openings In our sales organ irat ion for two men. Must have car. Our me are now earning 110 per week each and up Contact Mr Simpson. 346 N. Com 1, Room 33 any (sv hefor f cle r r.,l WANTED POSITIONS TREE WORK Trimminjr, Removing INSURED OPERATOR 36014 h)63 PLAIN srwiNG. altering, mending. M home or yours Ph. 26604 H3S9 PIANO PlYFRTThoroughlv exp "old-time and mod 15.S0 N 4th after 6 p m or Ruby Mikkelson. Miller a Jewelry dept h359 CARE FOR children In my home Prefer 6 mos to 8 years. 183 S. l$th. Ph. 26876 h362 SHINC.ti'RS and roofers Cooper Bros. PlT 3-1089 h25$ LANDSCAPING, new lawns, planting, rototilllns, grading, tree trimming. Rich ard Boyer. Ph 3-3356 h3TI DRESSMAKING. Ouar. Reag. 1530 Trade h273 BABY sitting. Pb. 3 m. I REAL ESTATE bldgi. recently modern lied : 3 modern gai pumps: excellent garage facilities; large oil refinery facilities. Truly a fine opportunity. Call C. L. Orabenhorst. 1540 B STREET 3 BEDROOMS. 1 down. 3 up: dble. plumb ing, hdwd. firs; hv. rm., din. rm.: fire place: full basement; Just 3 blocks east ol high school; t50. Call Roy Ferris. CUTE AND COZY NICE 3 -bed room home with fireplace; hdwd. firs.; dinette; basement.: garage: fenced back lawn; lovely shrubs. Call Peter Ociser. month; 3 BRs; LR: kitchen: bath; base REAL ESTATE Balance $15 per month. See them today! 12 GONE OF THE NEW livable unfinished homes for $300 down and $30 per month; 3 more left to sell. Don't late. See us today I 53 ACRES OF VERY FINE SOIL with 10 acres of choice berries. Rest of farm already seeded. Nice modern 8-room house. Lota of outbuilding, Only for sale because owner must return east. This Is your opportunity at $29,500. No. 1060. CO., REALTORS MORE DRIVE BUYS 525 Highland Ave 4,950 1455 Fery St $ 5,500 236 E. Salem Ht. Ave $ 6.450 2330 8. 12th St $ 7.750 860-864 Mill St. (3 rentals) I 7,950 MOVE RIGHT IN A 3-bedroom English style home In the Englewood district for only $9,500. Built In an Ideal construction year U939); lull basement; good condition thru-out. See Mr. Brasher. WANTED POSITIONS INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 1-6796. WANTED. FURNITURE to glue repair Leo Bros. Ph. 21233. h """"NO iw a shad better by Ray Etter. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101 CARE FOR children In my home. 6 mos. to 3 yrs. 163 6. 18th Ph. 2-6816. h257 WILL DO TYPING In aiy home. 3030 Brooks St. Turn right at 3900 Brooks ha 62 HOME REPAIRS and remodellnsr bert Brant, builder. S10 Beck ave. Phone 31125. immediate service. Only 10 down, up to 36 mo, on bal. h212 HOUSEWORK by the hour, experienced Call Lna Lane, Trailer Plaxa, between 6 and 7 p. m. h257 DRESSMAKING Cherry Ave. Alt. Ph. 3-7004. 2440 h280 ox sitting. Phone 2-0580 or 3-3991. h280 MAN in his sixties, with many years exp in retail stores, wants regular or part time employment. Write Capital Journal Bo 0 h258 FIRST CLASS carpenter work New or 38281. h280 j-cmoaei. Large or small, Ph. fcXPERIENCED day A hourly care for young children, reasonable rate. Ph 3-1506. 1675 N. 4th St. h261 TREE WORK, trimming, topping, felling removing. Ins. opr. Free est. W H McAllister, 840 Trade. Ph. 21496 h261 " excellent roster home or day care lor small children. 955 Tam arack St. Ph. 3-6395. n258 EXPERIENCED Christian woman general housework. Call 2-6433. WILL DO TYPING In my home. Ph. 39561. h258 EDUCATION WANTED MEN 16 to 46 to train for REFRIGERATION and Air Conditioning in our well equipped school shop. We teach you to build, maintain and repair deep freesers. milk cooler, boi tie coolers, walk-tn coolers and all oth er types of domestic and commercial equipment. For information on training, housing, terms, part-time employment, etc., see O. 1 Jensen, Marion Hotel f Wednesday & Thursday October 3th A 28th V 00 a m. to 9:00 p.m. Approved for Vets hh2Mi TO EARN MORE LEARN MORE WRITE or call for free catalog on 400 I C S. course. Don McNeill. Interna tional Correspondence Schools 1553 State. Salem. Ph. 3-6330. G.I. approved. hh2fi2 FOR RENT ROOMS FURN. HEATED sleeping rm. No drlnk ers and nopets. 607 N Com'l. jk258 SLEEPING ROOM In private home. Dav lime employed. 694 N. Church. jk259 SLEEPING room for empIoyedgentleman" Ph. 31176. Jk25a. ROOM for gentleman, private ba:h 633 N. Winter. Call In person after 6 pm k2BQ" CLOSE IN sleeping 658 Center St. rm., hot ft cold water Jk257 nth hot plate privileges Jk257 ATTRACT, gar. 96$ : n . prlv. home, gentlemen. Summer. Ph. 3-6366 Jk2S7 ROOMS to rent by the month. Hotel Sa lem, 161 8. High St. Telephone 3-3161 SLPG. RM. for men. Ph. 39051. 395 N. 14th Jk?n FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICE AFT. Completely furn. 363 8 I6'h JP259 FURN. cottage. 3315 Portland Rd. Jp382 RM. APT . outside entrance, fully equipped with all conveniences and utilities I blk. from business center Ph. 3-7511 jp2.S7 Fl'RN. 1 bdrm. ft 1 bdrm. apt. Ph. 254M l-ROOM kitchenette furn. apt., 411 Evergreen Ave. 1 RM FURN. apt. 3603 Maple Are Ph. 3i(tS Jp256 NICE ROOM tor I or 3, kitch. privileges, free phone near feus ft hospital Pi I-M4A. JP337 FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN, Ul'lET, warm 1 room apt. Middle aed lady. 645 Ferry. )P NICE unlurn. apt. 181 1 Chemeketa. Jp357 t ROOM nicely furn. dry facilities. $t)7.50. 550 N. Summer St. apt., good laun Ambassador Apt.. JP25T t ROOM apt. prlv. bath on 1st floor. Emp. No drinkers. 640 Chemeketa. Jpa5 DOIHLEK it singlet all furnished, elec. heat, city and school bus. 35W 0. Coml. jP214 FOR RENT HOUSES ONE BR ALL ELECTRIC house close to bus. Emp couple preferred. 1113 6th St.. Wet Salem. Jm257 FIVE-ROOM ultra mod. home, excel, loca tion: auto, furnace: tank heater; range; Friijidaire; auio. home laundry; brkft. set; lurn. No children, no pets. Reler. required. Immed. pot., $136 month. Write Box 54 Capital Journal. Jm263 TRAILER HOUSE. 944 N. Commercial. See Gung Sing. Jm258 furn. cottage. Ph Jm251 NEW 3-BDRM. lise. for kase. Call at 450 Tryon Ave., Salem Jm FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS Keith Brown. Paint sprayer. linoleum roller, asphalt tile cutter, calking gun, linoleum scribing tool, floor sander. floor e-dner. Keith Brown Lum ber Yard, Front 6c Court Sts. Ph. 39163. J25V TRAILER SPACE, large stalls, laundry room, clean showers, water tV drain at stalls. City 6c school bus. Near gro cery store. Clean 4c quiet. Weekly rates, 3580 S Com l. J257 BCSINESS RM. for ren-. H L Stiff j HOOVER or Electrolux cleaners with at tachments $1 00 a day HOWSER BROS Ph. 3-3646 J V DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 3-9600 GOOD I'SED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job rem a good floor sand er. We sell everything to complete tbe HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3646. HOL'se JACKS, come alotus, chain and rope hoists auto tools HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3648 IRONFKS oy week Phone 34439 FLOOR SANDER for rent Ward. Montgon-' ry r ARMOR AYS Ozone Good Health Rent Sell. H C. Pugh, 684 N. 17th. Ph. $-4693. i GARDEN TRACTORS, plumbing tools, paint sprayers, lawn roller, lawn mow ers, auto tools, drills, belt and disc sander. hedve clippers HOWSEK BROS. Ph. 3-3646. ! TRICKS and cars for rent Smltty'a Clip per Service. Ph. 3-9600. Corner Center and Church Sts ) WANTED TO RENT Fl'RN. APT. or sm. house, 2 or 3 rm. by middle-aged cple. No children, no pets, no drinkers. Exc. refer. Must be reas onable. Ph. 36313. Ja259 ELDERLY COI'PLE want 3 or 4 rm. un lurn. house in W. Salem. Ref. furn. Ex cellent care guaranteed. Phone 3-6849. Ja359 YOI NG CPI.E. with child would like furn. partly rum. or umurn. nouse oy Nov. I. Ph. 33423. Ja258 COI'PLE alth 2 mo. old baby need furn. apt. with refrlg., private bath Sc laun dry facilities. On the 8. side. Ph. 25081 after 6 p.m. Ja257 COUPLE A YR. house or apt.. Close to town. Hicks at 3-9408. OLD baby need small furn. Reasonable rent. Will repair. Call Mrs. 8 to 4:15 p.. Ja258 -BEDROOM home for my 8-yr.-old girl and her mother. Furnished or partly lurnisned. rreier w. saiem. Ph. 3-1305 ia258 COUPLE with l'i-year child want clean furn. 2-bedroom house or apt. Prefer N Salem area. Phone 2-2415 days. Ja260 WOULD LIKE 3 room furn. or partly furn. apt. with bath. Ph. 39509. H351 unfurn house for lawyer, I children. Call 20989. Ja251 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD Court. ROOM also table board. 1563 JJ282 RM. A BOARD for employed mother ft Child. Ph. 3-6818. JJ260 LOST AND FOUND LOST Single strand of pearls with silver clasp. Sentimental value. Reward. Call 3-9386 after 5. k351 LOST Person seen taking black cloth purse in Montgomery Ward Saturday about 3:30 Serial numbers of bills known. Heward. Mrs. Wayne Kesael, Rt. 8. Box 800. Ph. 3-1131. k260 LOST Billfold containing currency, key, driver's lie, etc. Reward for return, Melvin Lien, Rt. 6, Box 420. Ph. 3-16D6. k258 LOST Springer Spaniel with black ft white markings. Strayed Sun. morning. Phone 36430. k357 LOST In downtown Salem. pair of rim less glasses. Phone Aums 'Ule 682 col lect. Reward. k259 MISCELLANEOUS DEAD and worthless stock removed or. moment's notice. Ph. 3-5000. m371 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bide. State ft Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311. m LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. 1T1260 HEAT your home electrically It's con venient clean, economical See us for free estimate YEATER APPLIANCE CO 355 N Liberty m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative Ph. 3513 for free pick up and de livery service oo all makes of machines Free estimate given berore work fa started Singer Sewing Machine Co. ISO N Comm'l ni TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS Si GARDENS $ SACKS 15 00. 110 PER TON FREE DELIVERY' ANYWHERE IN SALEM WEST MUSHROOM FARM PH ?:J EVf 3-4397 m BUILDING MATERIAL I DRY DIMENSION LUMBER. 2x6 to 3x13. tv.CHiv It. H. Wlens. Rt. I, Box 399. ma259 NO 3 1x6 SHIPLAP 140 00 PER 1000 IN LOAD lots. West Salem Lumber Co.. H mile north of Edgewater 8t. on Wallace Rd. Phone 3-9593. ma263 INSIDE door Jams. $3 90 per set; 1 panel doors. $9 50 and up. Shingles, rooting, shakes, phbo.ird insulation board, wd. gutter, maontte. EOLA LUMBER CO. Salem-Dallas Hwy. Phong 1-5950 ma265 NEW LUMBER Si,- PER M AND IT, De livery Ph 33245, Commercial Lumber Co. 3165 So Coml ma258 'a" and 'i" sheet rock. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ma BUILDERS - FARMERS WHY PAY MORE COMPLETE stock of ahlplap. fur 6 timber, all grades, at UNBEATABLE PRICES WEST SALEM LUMBER CO t Mile N of Edcewatar St on Wallace Rd. Ph. 1-9593 Fret Delivery ma364 INSULATION and West herstripptng Cro fiWt Brothers Ph 2456 Hi1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS oil con nJ57 ALMOST NIW Western Holly Oas Ranse 1100 5X5 8 25th S n25S LIKE LOW COST HF AT Get a Duo Therm Royal Fuel Oil Heater Power Air Blower w.ll save up to 35 percent on fuel give vou workless. dirties heat. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC 487 Cflurt Ph 39611 n3S7" GOOD WlNCwEiTlR 20 ga. pump gun 150. Also 410 shotgun 11$. 313 8. 31t St nJSf SUITS, cos's dresrs site 9-10. worn. Call at 344 Richmond Ave. ad fiir Juiirli I AMIAIIt unVT CT CITRPT HQ . OIL ClftCI'LATOsU. M9 9ft. Ten Li and Tarpa small and large, sleeping bags, steam furnace, hot air blower furnace, oil floor furnace, washing machines, new and used. Kitchen sinks, lavatories, toilet. inch salv. pipe,' bath tubs, ELECTRIC Apt. slie ranges, house and outside wire. 100 Amp. entrance boxes, range outlets, range cable. EXTRA TOILET TANKS electric light plants. Electric Water heaters, upright and ta ble top. sawmill engines, 1941 OMC W too truck, 6000 OaL Wood water tank. Come south on 12th to tht ditch across the road, that is the new Fsirview Sewer on HOYT ST. Try to jvet eait one block or follow the detour signs from 12th St. B359 USED DOOM $ ft. 6" I I It. ". Llk new with frames fc hardware $13.50. Windows, double single sash. Also French. Large elate glass front door. Dining buffet with leaded glass. Ph. 3733$ B259 USED SPINET PIANO WI RLITZER. 1 month old. Trade In on Baldwin Acroaoaic, $100 discount Iron list price. Free bench. Stone Piano Co. 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. B263 COLLIERS $c a copy until Nov. 30. Sixty weeks $3 by sub. Call or write Mn. Paul H. Ha user, 935 Saginaw. Phona 3-1838. n262 ALL WHITE enamel wood stove with pol ished steel, large reservoir, colls, Rte. 6, Box 127. Salem. n259 Gl'ARANTEED used oil heaters. Judson's. 279 N. Commercial. n257 ONE LARGE Duo Therm oil heater. Call mornings. 1740 8. Capitol. n259 ZEIGLER oil heater, brown and crearnj large size $80. Ph. 2-2734. 3836 Cherry n25 CROCHETED table model radio; also 2581 Cherry Ave. cloths, etc.; labia prewar Prlgldaire. n258 SMARTLY STYLED Ph. 26780. lur coat. n259a USED BL'T GOOD army officer's leather traveling bag $8. Call after I p.m. at 1385 Jefferson St. n259 NESCO elec. stove.. 633 Edina Lane. Ph. 23292. B260 LADIES BLUE WHITE DIAMOND solitaire ring. 721 8. 12th between $ A 6. n259 KARACl'L COAT, excel, cond. Small size. 125. Ph. 36604. n259a PRACTICALLY NEW Oulbrason oil cir culator, with 185 gal. barrel. 70 Ever green Ave. n259 BABY BUGGY, 112.00. J. Wlens, Rt. 6, Box 399. n258 STEIN WAY-GRAND piano. Ph. 34803. D257 CHOICE ROME BEAUTY apples. Delivered anywhere in Salem. Hancock. Call 34280. 1.259 USED 7 -FT. REFRIGERATOR, Klrby sweeper, toilet, electric rangg, $22.50. 610 So. Com'l n259 659 6x8x12 clay 3-5660. tile, 15c each. REX AIR AIR CLEANER CLEANS by washing the air. Scrubs floors, picks up scrub water; dusts; humidifies; deodorizes. Drowns dust and dirt In a churning water bath. No bag to empty; Just pour the dirt away. REXAIR 8 ALES A SERVICE 1860 NEBRASKA AVE. SALEM, ORE. PH. 1-4517 H378 ELECTRIC hair dryers, hair clippers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. D263 FARM MACHINERY 1 13-30 McCormack Deering Traetor 16 ft. Disc 1 Lets 16 ' Hay or Ensilagt Chopper 1 Moline Hammer Mill 1 Surge Milking Buckets ft Pulsatorg Owner's farm sold ft leaving town Bargain Prices 4930 N. River Rd. Phone Salem 1-3734 P357 THE aWOGtSf SALE OP THE TEAR IS ON AT WARD'S FARM STORE!! Oet your Farm Heeds During Ward Week and SAVE EXTRA DOLLARS! Reg. 89c Dairy Pall 58c Reg. $3.89 Water Bowl 3.m Reg. $34.95 Separator 126 88 Reg. $1.10 Egg Cartons i.4S Beg. $46.89 Ccnaoat Mixar $41.81 WARD'S FARM STORE Trad and High Sts. Salem n257 SPINET PIANOS at sale prices. Knaba. Krakauer, Fisher ft Lester Betsy Ross Spinets. 150. down, 24 months for bal. BHOP TALL MAN'S ft SAVE 395 8. 13th. A milt from high prices. n359 THOE Automagic Washers. Oladlrons "ALL" Automatic Wash. Machine Soap Recommended by Trior Hollywood Appliance Co., Ph. 14439 SKILL portable elec. saw. $76. 895 Mission St. Oood condition. n357 UNDERWOOD typewriter, $38. $-ton winch, nearly new car heater, nearly new galvanised water tank. Ph. 3-3951. &35T tot APPLE BOXES 30c each. Bofcmelr Market, 17 ft Center. n257 AB APT. ELEC. BANGS. Ext. ond. Ph. 3716. B257 SEWING MACHINE, new Universal and Sew Gem. Portable ft cabinet. 3 used machines, $25.00 ea. W. Davenport, 1930 N. l$th. n2g PLASTI-KOTE. the cellophane Ilka finish ror noors, woodwork, linoleum, requlrea no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE CO B363 APARTMENT electric and gat ranges. ir.jwe.rt ArfLIAritJlS CO n263 RADIOS and record players. ICAICK Srf L1ANCE CO 23 WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways cement, reaoy m:x concrete, gardes sand Bui hiding drainage and ditching. -yd. above) and drag Una. Ph. 3-9249. REVERE WARE, pressure cookers. eooT.lt aneria. iruu juicers, egg cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n363 ELECTRIC BLANKETS, comforters and sheets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n263 ELECTRIC room heaters, 1 10-220 fnlts. - -.iiu !vrn, iirm raaiaiura. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n263 GRAND PIANOS at sale prices. Knabe, l"nl1"'. iMirr. Dsiawin, risner. out branion. Steger ft others. New, re built ft used. Priced from $693. Terms to suit SHOP TALLMANS ft SAVE 39S 8. 12th. A milt from high prices. 0359 GARDEN SAND, Oiave, crushed roet- Shovel ft drag-line excavating WALL LINO SAND ft O RAVEL CO Ph. 3-1249. MIXERS, TOASTER. waffle bakers. sandwich grills, coffee makers, per co la tors, blendors, roasters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO a 36.1 SET WARD'S COMPLETE LINE OF 7 HP. POWER CHAIN SAWS' Fells big tim ber in half tht time of hand gutters. Light weight, latest type ehtfe chain stall proof clutch. Priced $104) lower than you expect 86" Bar 4t WARD'S FARM STORE Tradt and High Sts. Salem, Oreg niAfl ELECTRIC CLOCKS and door chime i. YEATER APPUANCE CO. nl general ELECTRIC washmg machines. The famous model AW -013. Limited supply. Special at $119 9$. Gevurtz Furniture Co. "A Little Down on a Big Bill" 171 H. Liberty. pn. $.41 ft . a257 ANTIQUE bedroom set. dining twtlt and chairs; sewing machine and other pieces of fumue. Phone 3-3174. n25$ Beautiful Philco Console radio. 1943 model Guaranteed Oood a New $39 50 HEIDERS. 428 Court St. 35l SAVAGE AUTO hottun. It gauge. R. I Bahnsen, 100 W;l(r Bi5i ri dining room suite. Ph. 31544 - n3A8 (Continued on Page 19) J