i X RENT HOUSES .I bedroom home near Salem Heights achool. oil fir. turn. Larue lot. 165 mo. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS aWW HlihB' Phcnc 2-4139 Jm256' -MJt. aEMl-MOD. Furn. cottage. Ph. 3-SV18. )m257 t BEDROOM mod. home. elrc. heat, parllr turn., Including elect Mr rang and re fYtctraior, $85 per month. Ph. 2-1126 3tCW t-BDRM. hs. lor leas. Call at 450 Trron Ave., Salem lm SQ8 RENT MISCELLANEOUS BESS SPACE in well located downtown Hire. Desk and rhalr lurn. Rent r oaabla. Receptionist In office. Call Mori . Tub, or Wrd.. B to 6 p.m. Ph. 3-14BB. TRAILER SPACE, large At all, laundry room, clean showers, water ft drain at stalls, City school bus. Near gro- ry store. Clean ft quiet. Weekly rale. IMP S- Com l. BU8IM:hsHM for rem H L BtiflJ OOVER or Electrolux cleaners with at UehmentH II 00 a day HOWSER BROS. Ph. 1 -3648 1' TJ DRIVE trucks, ears. Ph. 3-96Q0 J AAAti I1KED PIANOS. H L, Stiff. 1 0 t0 ft food Job rent a food floor sand r. Wa aell everything to complete the HOWS ER BROS. Ph. 3-3646. BOtTRE JACKS, coma along, chain and rev notst RUtn tool HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3646 SKOOR SANDER for rent Montgorr rj Ward. J , ARMOR A YH Orone Good Health Rent r Sell- H C. Push. 684 N. 17th. Ph. 3-46M. feABDEN TRACTORS, plum 01 ni tool Mint sprayers, lawn roller, lawn mow fs. auto tools, drllla. belt and due f j - lander, hedr clipper J I HOWSER BROS Ph. 3-3646. V htcKS anJ cara lor rent Smitty'a Clip- par Service Ph. 3-9600, Corner Center ADO Churrtl BtS Tt-rrrla WANTED TO RENT TOl'NO CPLE. with child would Ilk furn. Mrtlr film, or unfurn. hou by Nov. , ' I Ph. 33423. lalM' COt PLE with 2 mo. old baby need furn. apt. with refng.. private bath ft laun dry facilities. On the S. aide. Ph. 25081 f;er 6 pm. Ja2aT COr PLE YR. OLD baby need small Boon or apt., furn. Reasonable rent. Cloe to town. Will repair. Call Mr. B'Cks at 3-9408, 8 to 4:15 P- Ja3S8- BMP POSSIBLE adults would like to rent furnished 2 bedroom or larger home here . or will exchange tor furn. 5 rm. apt. In Los AnRtles. Few months or longer. Write Box M. Capital Journal. Ja256 1-BFDROOM home for my 8-yr -old girl and her mother. Furnished or partly furnished. Prefer W. Salem. Ph. 3-7205. J si 58 CO I PLE with l'a-year child want clean (urn. 2-bedroom house or apt. Prefer N. Salem area. Phone 3-2415 day. Ja260 WOI'LD LIKE 3 room furn. or partly furn. apt. with bath. Ph. 39509. Ja257 FI'RN. or unfurn house for lawyer, .wife ft t children. Call 28988. Ja257 ROOM AND BOARD KM- Jt BOARD for employed mother ft Child. Ph. 3-6818. JJ280' LOST AND FOUND JjOST Single strand of pearl with silver clasp. Sentimental value. Reward. Call '3-9386 after 5. k257 TOST Person seen taking black cloth , purse In Montgomery Ward Saturday ' about 3:30. Serial number of bills - i known. Reward. Mrs. Wayne Kessel. - Rt. 8, Box 800. Ph. 2-1131. k260 ' iosT Billfold containing currency, key, driver' He. etc. Reward for return. Meivtn lrien, ki. o, box t-n. a-ionn. k25R iOST: Ladles' brown purse in or near Aumaville. owner can lnenuiy. rte ward. Roaella Wellman. Silverton. Ore. to ST Springer Spaniel with black ft j whlto marking, strayed sun. momma-. Phone 36430. k?57 MISCELLANEOUS flEAD and worthless azocx removed on V momenfa notice. Ph. 3-M00. m271 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR, SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY BEMLER DENTIST Adolpta Bids State ft Commercial St SALEM Phone 3-3311. m CROCnETED- table cloth, etc: table . i model radio: also prewar Frlgldalre. J 2581 Cherry Ave m257 lES IPRINOfS, ZZi Matter. 464 Court CAT your borne electrically It'a c(.d vnltat clean, economical Bee as lot trtt wtlmate. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO.. 353 N Liberty m alAVE"YOt'R SINGER Sewing machine ) repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3513 for free pick up and de livery aervlce op all make of machine Free aaiimate alven before work 1 atarted. Singer Sewing Machine Co. no N Ccmm'l. m TIME TO FERTILIZE P9E ORGANIC FERTILIZER VERFECT FOR LAWNS ft GARDENS 6 SACKS 15 00 tt PER TON FRES DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN SALEM WEST MUSHROOM FARM PH 3-8127 FVE. 2-4137 m BUILDING MATERIAL ,x INSIDE dftor Jam. $3.90 per set; 1 panel aoora. so ana up. cninaie. rooiing. V hake. plvboard Insulation board, wd. gutter, masonlte. EOLA LUMBER CO Salem-Dallas Hwy. Phone 3-5950 ma265 rf M MttrK PER M AND TP. De livery. Ph. 31245. Commercial Lumher Co.. 3165 So. 'Com I rnaja; snii. pipe a flttlnan. bulldlni pape: 3.85 per roll. Maonlte 10c per ft 4' flooring; 8133 per M. Roofing $4 00 M. ft up. 'i in. wall board in 4x8 sheet only 167.50 per M. Kohler lav atone lis c O LONG Rt. I. Box 3. Salem. 1 'ml. north of Ketzer. Ph. 35821. ma236 V and 'i" sheet rock. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD, ma BUILDERS - FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? COMPLETE atock of ahiplap. 2 x4" timber, all grade, at UNBEATABLE PRICES ' WEST SALEM LUMBER CO. H Milt N of Edxewater St on Wallace Rd Ph. 1-9593 Fret Delivery ma264 INSULATION and Weatherstnpplng Cro fOOt Brothers Ph 24fi.6 mh FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BTEINW AY-GRAND piano. Ph. 34H03. n27 CHOIt-E ROME BEAUTY apple. Delivered anvwhere in Salem. Hancock. Call 24260. n259- 1 CASE ol Remington Express shotgun ahe I U. 13 tuaee. No. 6 shot, heavy base. $3.00 per box. Ph. 3-3981. 840 Hovt. h256 ISFD 7-FT. REFRIGERATOR. Kifby sweeper, toilet, electric range. 122 50 610 So. Com l n29 TaRGE SIZEIiFFRTI violet rav lamp. Will sell cheap or trade for ahot gun- Csl! 30471 after I p m n3.tt IUT REPWSESS a good make home freeser soon la rural vicinity of De troit. Will sell cheap In that locaiit father than restock. Write Bet 4$. Capital Journal n356 M Iiixl3 clay tile, lie each. Phone HM n35 REXAIH AIR CLEANER ff.FAMi y washing the air Scrubs floors picks p aerub water: duit: humidifies, eodomea. Drowns dut and dirt In a Churning wafer hath No bag to empty, Just pour the din away REX AIR ALES ft SFRVICI ISM NEBRASKA AVE iALRM, ORE. PH. 3-4MT B378 Tllir hair drvers, hair" eUpptrs YEATER AFPUANCI CU. BJ4J AUTOMOBILES If You Don't Know Your Cars Know Your Dealer SPECIALS 1948 Pontiac 8 Streamliner 4-door sedan. R & H $1S!)S 1946 Ford convertable uper de luxe, radio and heater. . 1745 1941 Chevrolet 6-past. coupe, radio and heater 12BS 1940 Ford 4-door sedan, heater S4S 1939 Chevrolet business coupe, radio and heater .... 795 WARNER MOTOR CO. USED CAR DEPT. 545 Center FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I FARM MACHINERY llf,-30 MrCormack Deerlng Tractor 16 ft. Disc 1 Leti 16" Hay or EnAliait Chopper 1 Moline Hammer Mill 2 Surge Milking Bucket ft Pulsators Owner farm sold ft leaving town Bargain Price 4930 N. River Rd. Phone Salem 3-3734 n257 THE BIGGEST SALE OP THE YEAR JS ON AT WARD'S FARM STOREII Oet your Farm Need Dunn Ward Week and SAVE EXTRA DOLLARS' Reg. 89c Dairy Pall 58c Rec. 13 811 Water Bowl IS 18 Reg. 134 95 Separator I2R.88 Rea. 12.10 EKit Cartons l 48 Reg. 146.30 Cement Mixer 84188 WARD'S FARM STORE Trade and High SU. Salem n357 SPINET PIANOS at ale price. Knabe. Krakauer, Fiaher ft Lter ey Spinet. 150. down, 34 month lor bal SHOP TALLMAN'S ft SAVE 39S S. 12th. A mile from high price n359 THOR Automate Washers. Gladlroni "ALL" Automatic Wash. Marhina Soap Recommended by Thor Hollywood Appliance Co., Ph. 34439 SKILL portable elec. saw. Good condition. lis. 885 Mission i. L iJndeVwooD typewriter. 835. 5-ton winch, nearly new car heater, nearly new galvanlied water tank. Ph. 3-3951 n2f7 LARGE SIZE Colman (furnace typel cir culating heater, like new. E. J. Fordyce. Rt. 5. BOX 68. nI5B -00 APPLE BOXER 20c each. Bolmeir Market, 17 ft Center. n257 REX-AIR vacuum cleaner, aame a new. perfect condition. 137.50. 2105 Univer sity. Phone 3-058. n256" AIRWAY eantmer vacuum cleaner, latest model, like new. Sacrifice lor $47 50. 2105 University. Ph. 2-0548. n256- AB APT. ELEC. RANGE. Exc. cond. Ph. 24716. n257 SEWING MA- HIVE, new Universal and Sew Oem. Portable ft cabinet. 3 used machine, 125.00 ea. W. Davenport. 1930 N. 18ih. "266 PLASTI-KOTE. the cellophane like finish lor floors, woodwork, linoleum, require no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n263 SE WARD'S COMPLETE LINE OF 7 HP. POWER CHAIN SAWS! Fella big tim ber In half the time of hand cutters. I.laht weieht. latest type chisel chain, stall proof clutch. Priced 8100 lower than you expect. 36" Bar 1460 WARD'S FARM STORE Trade and High fits. Salem, Ore, n3W r.FNFKAi. ELECTRIC warning machines. The lamon model AW-032. Limited supply. Special at $119.95. Gevurtz Furniture Co. 'A Little Down on a Big Bill" 275 N. Liberty. Ph. 3-4618 nasi1 ANTIQl'E bedroom set, dining table and 6 chairs: sewing machine and other pieces of furniture. Phone 3-5174. n25B Beautiful Philco Console radio. 1943 model Guaranteed Good a New $39.50 HEIDERS, 428 Court St. RECONDITIONED oil heaters. Judson. Phone 3-4141. n256 GUARANTEED used oil heater. Judson. 279 N. Commercial. n256 SAVAGE AUTO. shotaun. 13 game. R. E. Bahnsen, 1030 Wilber. n258 MAHOGANY spinet piano, practically nrw, hfct-Mln for as ah. It90 So. Cottaee. n358 3 PCE. DARK walnut bedroom suite with ood box SDrines. All lor wo. Apt sire W"lKewood gas range. pract!rlly new. $85.00. 1694 N. Com L Ph. n258 TIMBER FOR RALE 35 million feet of gold saw timber. Contact the Mt. Ansel L.ana LO. Main omre, mi. nmn, win Branch office. Oregon Clty n256 MILLER ton AMP. arc welder, used very little. A1m & rase refrigerator pop cooler, like new. Oordon a uaraae, Sl.aw. Ph. 26F22. Silem. n261 IT'S HERE! The beautiful new Duo- Therm Sheraton Fuel Oil Healer! Looks like fine period furniture, fives you wave of thrifty warmth without work or dirt See it at OOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. Phone 3-961 1 467 Court St n356' CUSTOM AIRE oil circulator, used one year. Two oil drums, tubing, and fit tings 175. R. O. Smith, 370 W. Brown ing. n258 MAN'S TOP COAT, fur lined ski jacket. 3 ladies' coats, girl coat slr.e 12. 3 a iris suits and other articles. Piv 20468, n258 FRESH EGGS. Hayesvtlle Store. Ph. 24319. nJMI SOUT"WIND Auto Heater, new. Also la dle.' black skunk chubby size 14-16. Ph 2-3234 after p m n258 NEARLY NEW None electric ramie, chrome enamel dinette set. two match ing rues, coffee table, desk ft chair, fluorescent desk lamp, ft davenport ft chair. See at 2144 N. 34 th St. 2 blks ea. of Lansing Ave. n2TiB MAN'S TOP COAT, sire 39. and four suits, s re 39 short, Ph 3J7M. n2R FRANUUETTF. WALNUTS 12c lb. you plrk up. Turn left at Renter school, follow pavement 3 miles. W L- Woe lk. Rt 3. Box 170C. n257 DESK lamps' bed" lamps." orld 'globes, desk pen sets, YEATER APPLIANCE CO n263 I1363" FERTILIZFR. Cow or chicken manure Delivered in Salem. Well rotted or fresh 15 00 per cubic yard del. Also manure bv sack 31 00 per sack at place or wilt del. 3 sack order. Phillip Bros.. Rt Box 118. Salem Ph. 6BF22. fl ELECTRIC rsrori. nhl!eht. lantern YEATER APPLIANCE CO P23 GUARANTEED Car Radio Service. Marr Rsdio 3152 B Commercial St. B266 CEDAR POSTS, Ph 68-F-3). I'SFD electric ranges, refrigerator wash er and water haters YE ATF.R APPLIANCE CO B863" . STI US for harve bag of all Kir We specially la cleaning ft mending A 8 Bag Co. 34T Kearney St Ph plant 1-1677 B33 HEAT VOIR home electrically It's eon venwat, clean, Koaatateal. Bee as tat Ire esvms'e YKATFR APPl.IANCt OO. 3ss 11 Liberty a OIL CIRfllATORV all s!ri t YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 'AUTOMOBILES Phone 33012 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SALEM tiAND (ihAVSX COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 13 B V yd. 12 00 per hr 10 at S yds. 9 60 per hr D-7 Oat ft Dorer 9 80 per hr D-6 Cat ft Dorer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat ft Doter 1.00 per hr Pliom Day 3-9408 Evening 3-8246 Salem. Oregon o WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CO L'Ri;sifKD HOCK for roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, aarden snd Biiildomt dratna.-e anrt d;fcli:nu V-yd- shovel and drag line. Ph. 3-9249 REVERE WARE, pressure cookers, coo Lit sheets trult J ulcers, eitg cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n363 ELECTRIC BLANKETS, comforters and sheet. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n263 ELECTRIC room heaters. 110-220 vults. radiant and fan types, steam radiators. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n263" PHILCO Table Model Radio. 4-tube. In ood working order. 110. Reminiton Typewriter, wide carriage. S35. A BUY. 965 Garnet St or Ph. 3-6255. n256 GRAND PIANOS at Ale prices. Knabe. Steinway, Lester. Baldwin. Fisher, Gul branson. Steger ft others. New. re built ft used. Priced from $695. Term to suit SHOP TALLMANS A SAVE 395 S. 12th. A' mile from high prices. n259 GARDEN SAND, biave.. crushed roc it Shovel ft drag-line excavating WALL 'LINO SAND ft GRAVEL CO Ph. 3-9249 MIXERS. TOASTERS. waffle bakers, sandwich grills, coffee makers, perco lators, bleniiors, roaster. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n263 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Sewing machine, any make or cond. W. Davenport. Ph. 3-7871. 1330 N. 18th. na2S0 WANTED Sewing mach., any cond. Sundale Exch. 594 N. Liberty Ph. 25511 USED FI RNITI RE. Phone 3-9185. na pTrSONAL ARTHRITIS? Consult DrJ.A. Hombouah. Naturapath and Chiropractor. Inde pendence. p275 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS P O Box 724. Phone 35234. p31t AUTOMOBILES 147 PLYM. 4-door sedan: maroon color; heater: low mileage. A real buy In' thLs one: seat covers. ACME MOTOR CO. Front & Center 0.2.V7 t4l PLYMOl'TH sedan, seat covers; new paint; heater: new tires. This is a very cleAn enr and priced rUht, ACME MOTOR CO. Front & Center q257 1947 CADILLAC sedm model "62". two tone color: scat covers: white s de wall tires; chrome wheel rinps: side m;rrors; many extra. Low mileage: driven only bv one owner. This Is a beautiful car. See at ACME MOTOR CO. Front & Center Phone 3-7722 n2S? 14 FORD "6" sedan: heater: low mile age; sest rover. Very clpart. ACME MOTOR CO. Front & Center q257 1111 PACKARD 4-door scdnn, beautiful black finisn. A-l cond.: lm or extras. Bargain price. See at Maple Auto Cnirt or Phone 1511. Lehsnon. Ore. ti-'fil- l!itn FORD coupe, n-w green paint; heat er. Tim is a dandy Utile car. ACME MOTOR CO. Front & Center q2VT' FOR SALE: '3B PI.Y310I TII 4-dcor sedan. Motor, tire and body in good condition. Call 22025 after 6 pm. q2.S6 '41 FORD 4 door sedan. $1100 cath or $450 down on terms. 1910 N. 23rd between 6 a. m. and 6 p. m. q238 IBM OLDS, coupe, by owner. Looks nice and runs well: new r:na and built-in rear seat. Phone 3-7533 or call at 18R5 N. 16th, q2.i6" l3Jt FORD 4-dr. super deluxe, new mo'.or. 90. tire, nrlainal paint low mile nee, 1795. See oriainal owner at 679 N, H.sh q2i8' l:tw ( HI V. dump truck. Sell or trade fnr car of equal value. Steve Meissner. Mt Anael. nJSl 'In FORD tudor - RAH. rxrellent C"n 180. Eve at 2120 Brrry. Ph. 2-7907 o2"8' l)IH NASH flo sedan, low mlape. good tires, air cond.. fine ronttltion throtigh out. Real value here at I14S Terms arranged After 6 p.m. or Ph. 24518 11(17 Elm. W Salem. q258 BRAND NEW 1948 Biftf se'flan" Blue color. 3J4O0. Will trade. Ph. 26067 0,261- I Mi HE LUXE roadster In exrc itionally good condition, original i nt. seal beam Itchts; nw 'op and curtains: good tires: mo'lf perfect. One oner. Phrme 3-2257, $ miles south on 99E. Harris Farm. q2"i league's for User. Cars WE PRICE FM RIflHT WE SFLL FM RTf'.HT THAT'S WHY WE SELL MOTIF COME ON IN AND LOOK THESE CARS OVER. WE MILL MAKE YOU A REAL DEAL' 194? F"rd 4-door sedan 194 Buck 4-door srrttn 1042 Huftson 4-door sedsn 1943 Bulek sedanep 1942 H idon 4-door dn 1941 Dodte 4-donr sedan 191 Nn 4-door sedsn 140 Buirk 4-door sedan 1H0 eV iideb:-r 4-door sedsn 19io N.h 4-fioor sedan 1919 prd V-8 85 foipe ISS Oldsmon le 4-door sedan 191A prmt;ar 4-d-r sedsn THESE AND MANY OTHERS ON DISPLAY TEAGUE MOTOR CO. YOUR KAISER FRAZER DEALER 352 N. COMMERCIAL PHONE 2-4173 q2' IB.lt ri YHOI TH roup. RAH n- en gine, 1773 cash or equ.tr. Pn. 3-8414 lJ6" 1917 Rt I K itr 4-dT, ledan, list n-w 6tt. I Breys At. ii6 t AUTOMOBILES IBI7 CHev. Fleetmaster sedsn Exc. cond Low mileage. 199!. Ph. 36348 q257 (OKI) sedsn with fast V-8 motor. RH. very eood condition. 1295. 1019 Front St . Woodburn a260 Iftl7 SAH Ht. 4-door sedan. Ph. 2-3124 Sfilffl Sinnvv.ew Ave q260' PRIVITE PRTY: 1540 Pont, sedan RAH Be.sl olfer. 346 N. 13th St. after 3 P ni q257 'II PNTlt' sedan. 2 dnv.na. 1 bnck ni ft 1 spotlUht. hester I13:0. Excel, cond ; or 1101 and '31 Model A cue. or roaster. Rt. 2. Box 21. Pti. 4081. Claude Oier. Q-'9 AS FORD PH aTt! new t op h d. brakes, Merc, motor. 1150 N Cliurrh q?A0 lititq'rilEVROI.FT in excellent rend Bv owner. Ph. 3-465 2S1 l MODEL A FORD. Ph. 2967, Dala. Small Stock Low Price Top Quality Bii Rs run m OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Eisner Motors to Sell WANTED - 0 ft Ml CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRINO YOUR CAR HFRI WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT IT'S WORTH ANPERSON USFP CRS 240 CENTER BT. PHONE 3-3734 q PONT1ACS HERRALL OWENS CO. 660 N Liberty Ph. 3-4,113 We Buy Used Cars FOR HIGHEST PRICES SEE Tea sue Motor Co. 355 N Liberty Phone 24173. i Eisner Motors to Buy This Tim Ira HUDSON! Service Sales Farts Horn of Good Used Cars 6HROCK MOTOR CO Church ft Chemeketa St. Ph 3-9101 W ANTED Good cieao cars Square Deai Used Cars 1155 a 13th Eisner Motors Fine Cars OUR RF PUT. AT ION depends on your sat isfaction. Lees Used Cars. 240 N Church MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTEitS INDIAN, nearly new. will sell with equity. reasonable. 1173 N. 4tliSt. 2. -.19 HARI.FY 61. overhead, high lift cam. good cond. 760 N. Church. Ph. 29201. qa257 INDIAN WORLD'S FINEST UOTORCYCLR Repairing all makes ana models. 6HROCK MOTORCYCLE SALES 3007 Portland Rd. Ph 31423 FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST Up to 40 Years and NO Commission) Leo N. Child. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. - Phone 23663 T256- GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS S-136 and M-328 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 36 S. Commercial St Tel 3-9161. CASH $25 to $500 Your way and Fast on Personals "PICK-YOUR-OWN-PAYMENT" plan. It's simple as A-B-C Just do this: A Tell us how much you need and and a few facts about your credit and Job in person or by phone if you r busy. B Then you sign without endorsers and cet the cs-sh. Proof: 4 out of 3 who ask us for a loan, get it! C Then repay In monthly Install ments which you aelect to lit your purse. Don't borrow unnecessarily but If a cash loan solves a problem, aet In touch with Mrs. Oalllnger. Personal's 'YES' Manager, today , LOANS 125 tr 13.00 OB Salary ft Purmfure. ' Up to $500- on Auto Personal Finance Co. Ph. 2-2464 1. Oalllnger, Manager 518 State Rm. 121 Lit. S122-M105 r?60 FIVE PER CENT Interest on your savings. We have a choice supply of 'eal estate mortgagee, properties In Salem and vicinity, amount $500 to $10 000. ' t these for sound Investments. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 34131; Eves. 35206 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church Parkin a Plenty Ph. 3-2457 Lie. No. M-I59 S-154 T 44 REAL EST A 1 E LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS SI ATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 "lh St '.- 9-316 M-333 PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms on larger loans long and ihort time parmen.s ROT H SIMMONS 131 South Commercial St. Phont 1-9161 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'4i and k VOI R OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Ca-'h for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mori rates. CAPITOL 8ECtmrTIES OO 201 Pioneer Trust Bidg Pn 1-7163. r TRAlLtti'''' ' '''' '' """ tS-FT.FA(TOR"v TRAILER house With front dollv wheel. Also 1 wheel rr trailer. Real buys. 730 Mill. Ph. 3360 WILL si. 1,1, or trade my enuay In unfin ished home In Keer dLst for 24 fl or Is rer trailer house 5145 Newht-n Dr. W of Kever scliool t2: in IT. cohered waon tra;ler liouse for ssle or irarie for equity in larger trailer hoise 1155 S 14(h 1238 IUIA MOD. 25 ft Elcar trailer house in A-l condition Home after 5 30 tve ninBS. 3215 Portland rrt. 1257 fl" TTREA"MLITE'tTai7erhousei 1 55 S. 14th. t356 TRANSPORTATION DRIVING tft flan Frsnc.sco end of wek Want r.dera lo share expanses. Ph S4M6 XJ5$ DIRECTORY AIlDINfl MACHINES All makes used machin'S o!d rented reoalrtl Roen. 45$ Court. Phone 1-6773 AITOMOTIVI MARION MOTORS NASH RERVICI Towing servi-e day phone l-B!$t Right lr4 313 Center 0 At TO PAIN TI N G C-ple ajto pa.nt nc. 123. Dick A no C lnlc. 1281 fl 12'n ALTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for ail mate ol A j:o Pq o Morrow i Radio Co 153 S L feer-y Ph 8-895$ 4 At TO WRECKER GENERATORS REBUILT. Trailer tt made to o.der Eir prires. ll'h St Junction Autv Wrecker. Pa. 1-62 266 Wheat Holds, Corn Lower Chicago. OL-t. 26 Profit cashing toward the close of to day's board of trade session re duced prices somewhat, after a fairly steady advance. Wheat advanced on commercial buy ing, bolstered by reports of DIRECTORY PH TI RE FRAMING Picture framing, llutrheon Pa.nt Slore Phone 3-66HT o' Mike Panek. 275 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-5161. . ra&i- ft wheel aligning specialist. O260 HI 11. DING CONTRACTORS FRAME or misonrv const ruction. Pumice Rl M.DOINCi Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg , clear ing teeth for brush, V:rgil Hiisxey, 1010 Fairview ave. Ph 2-3146. Saiem. 0264 BlM.nOlNti, GRADING Bulldozing, grading, clearing, dirt mov ing aitli small Carryall. Oeo. Wirth, 840 Plymouth Drhe. Ph. 21367. 02T3 CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling. Pn. 2-4850. 515 S. 2 1st St. o260 t'ASU REGISTERS Ins tunt delivery ot new RCA registers All makes old. rented, repaired Roen 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o CHIMNEY SWFEP Furnace chimneys, vacuum cleaned. Ersley. 771 2 1st St. Ph. 3-7176. o260 CEMENT WORKS General Cement Contracting. Cliff Ellis. 1305 N. 19tn St. Phone 3-4071. o272" EXTERMINATORS Cockroarh, Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056, Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl. o'260 B.elthaupt's for flowers. Dial 3-9179. FLOP R L A Y 1 SO En pert Flooring, lem. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. W a tit ins Co. products. Free de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5395. o' ..AWN MOWFR ft KNIIC SHARPENING LAWNMOWERS. scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 986 Center. Ph. 36833 02 .i6' MATTRESSES Capital Beddinx. Phone 3-40B9. MOVING AND HAULING Moving and hauling. Ph. 2-2395. 260' MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Man dolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 CourL Ph. $-7569 o266 OFFICE FURNITURP ft SUPPLIES Dvsk chairs, file and filing supplies, afes, duplicator and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief case Pierce Wire Recorders Roen. 456 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE CaiPcyVounger, Ph. 36072. PAINTING ft PAPER1IANGING Painting and papcrhanainx. Free estimate-. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 0272 Painting, Spray or Brush. Ph. 2-2604. Roy Hanson. Work guaranteed. o260 P.lfstrom's are equipped to do youi painting. Phone 2-2493. o PAINTING ft PAPFRIIANGING Exnert PaperhanKing and Painting H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-3015, Free est. o273 PLUMBING DECATI'R A MAERZ-phimhing. electri cal supplies, water systems. General repair work. Phone 3-6223. 173 S. Com l o275 PRUNING. SPRAYING Pruning ft Spravmn. equipped for any lob. Ph. 37!00, 130 Roberts Ave. o280 RADIO SERVICE Ray Moore, 3270 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-9433 REDUCING, MASSAGES F-7. Way Welch Control Steam Baths Reduced rates. Ph. 3-6253. o261' SA SD A ND G RM'EL Oarden Soli, crtuned rock Shovel and dragline excavatina Walling Sand ft Ora-el Co. Phone 3-9249. o Cat. Shovel ft Truck work of an tlnda. LLOYD M. HILL. INC Pb. 3-4361 RL 2, Bos 32B 0272" SAW FILING F. X. Roasch. 674 8. 'capital St. o277 SEWER WERVlcK Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented r.i?or-sharp steel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drain S-ptic tink eleanerl reasonable. Ph. 3-5327 or 3-9468. o SEPTIC TANKS K P. Hamel Septic Tanks Cleaned. Fleetric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143 8th St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o272 Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Serrlre on R'wera 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-946$ . 3-5?27 o260 rHNSTB a STURAGk Local ft Distance Transfer, storage Burner out coal briquet Trucks to Portland dally Agent Lvon Van L!ne for houseoold goods 10 r tforma points Larmer Transfer ft Storage. Ph 3-3131 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Heminaton. Royal and UiulerwoV portables Ail maHeji usr-o machines Repairs and rent. Roe a. 4ie Court VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. Ph. 3-7328. W E A T 1 IE R STRIPPING Free estlmslea. T. PULLMAN Ph 3-5985 0261 WIN II ( W "ri.l A N I it Acme A'.ndow Cleanrra. Windows waI.s ft wood org cleaned Flnnr ciean ed. waxed and polished Ph 8-3337 347 Court Lanidoc. CuiOerison and Mather WELL DRILLING lt drill. ns Rte. 2, Snlem, WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross. Ph." 3-8173 or3-8674 wtionT sawdust Wen ia Co rn 34011 LODGKS --i I O O r meeiA every r VikL wwinnav nigni vm- ' ItorA Welcome Fraternal Order pf Eagles meets every Tuesday at S p m Mor than million members Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When vour skin i irritated ith pirno .s ret b tches and ottier Akin blemish trom exter na cajsek .on re crwzv with it :.hiriK i jrt.it try Sknitone Ointment. Itchlnp ons Drompt ly Smarttnr duamw-Hrs in. me dihtelv Sinitnne intmepl it hIm, wond'Tful for :tchins feet crocks hetwten toes anc Ath lete s Foot For Rale Wlllett's ''.ta1 Dnif Store SUlt at Liberty i'hoiA U8 storage during SepiembeF. j Corn and soybeans advanced on reports that the commodity ! credit corporation wai enter- taining offers for export. Re j ports that Holland had purchas ed ."80,0011 bushles of oy brant over night, brought on short covering. Corn bookings on j to-arrive basis were placed at j 200,000 bushels. 1 The first trade in September 'wheal (1949) was recorded around noon at tw'o cents under July wheat. At the close wheat was un changed to N higher, than yes terday's finish. Decern be 1 $2.29 V Corn was l to 'j low er, December $1 .37 - 4 . Oats were to an higher. December 77;i. Rye was 1 cent to 24 higher. December $1,85 4. Soy beans were l4 lower to 2 M higher. November $2.51 U-1. Lard was 2 to 7 cents per hun dredweight higher, November $19.35. Market Quotations Saiem l.lvcitorb Manet iBy Valley Packing Company! Sheared lambs 819 00 Wooled lambs $20 00 Yearling 110 00 to 112.00 Ees 2 00 U 7 00 Fat dalrv rows $14 00 to $16 00 Cutter cow $1100 to $15 00 Dairy heifer 115 00 lo 117.00 Bulls 117.00 to 133 00 Calves U00 to 450 lbs.) ..114 00 to 133.00 Veal 1130-300 lb. I choice. 12 4 00 to $35.00 Hogs Price paid within 25o ol Fort land prices for each type. Portland Prodaea Bullerfal Tentative, euoject to Imme diate cnanse. Premium quality maximum of .35 to one percent acidity delivered to Portland. 69-72c lb., first quality 64-67c lo; second quality 63-66c lb.; valley route and country points, 2o less than first Butter Wholesale, P O B, bulk cubes sre-le AA. 93 score. 66c lb.: A, 93 core, 66c lb.; B. 90 score, 62c: C. 69 score, 61c lb. Above price are atrlcily nominal. C heese Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon singles. 43-49c. Oregon $ lb. loaf, 46-51c. Triplets, c less than sin gle Egga l Te wholesalers) A grade large. 61'i-66lie. medium. 59x-0 A small 45-50 'ac: B trade large. 52-58'jc ten Purcnased from farmer Current receipts 57,I-6013c, buyers pay 3-3 ',ic pre mium lor eggx. Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers. Grade AA print. 71c: AA carton. 72c: A print. 71c: A cartons, T2c: B prints, 67c. Lets Price to retailer: AA large 77-"8c ; certified A large 69c doa.; A large 67 -68c. A A medium. 65c; certified A medium. 63c: A medium. 60-62c; A mall. 50-52c: cartons 3c addition!. Cheese Price i retailers: Portland, Oregon singles, 46-51c; Oregon loaf. I lb., 49-55c; triples ic less than single. Poultry Live Chicken No. 1 quality FOB plants. No. 1 broilers under 2l lb., 34-3ttc lb.; frvcrs 3-4 lbs., 38-40c lb.; over 4 lbs 36c lb; roasters 4 lbs ana over, 37-38c lb., fowl. Leghorn, under 4 lbs 26-29c lb.: over 4 lbs. 28-29r; colored fowl all wemht 31 -32c; lb.; old roosters, all weights. 18-19C. Rahbiti Averaie to retailers lor local' iy dressed animals, 58-62c; fryers, live white, 3 2 -33c lb.; colored, 30-31c; old or heavv, 15.1Hc. Rabbit a Dressed, retail, 60-65C. Turkey (Prices quoted are net to the producer on a dressed weight basis) U. S. No. 1 young torn, 43 -44c Ib.j No. 1, ynimti hens, ,iS-54c. Portland Mfsrellanpoiis 4'anrara Bark Dry 20c lb., green 7c lb Wool Valley coarse and medium gradea. 45c lb. Mohair 35c lb on 12-month growth. Hides Calve 38c lb according to wo le lit kips 20c lb : g-ern beef 11-ne lb., bulbs, 8-9c lb.; country buyers pay 2c less Nut Quotations Walnuts -Franquettes first quality Jum bo, 34.7c; large, 32.7c. medium 37.3c, second quality Jumbos, 30.3c; large. 38 3c; meamm, 26.2c: baby, 23 2c: soil shell first quality large, 29.7c; medium, 36.3; sec and qua'1 large 37.3c; medium. 34.7e; babT 32 3c Filberts Jumbo. 30c lb. I large, l$c; medium 16c, small 13c. 'Quotations above supplied fey North west Nut Growers Quotations are on the basil of 100-lb. baa purchase fob plant. ) Portland Grain Portland, Ore., Oct. 96 (? Wheat: Ho futures quoted. Cash tram: Oats No. 3 IB-lb. while 59 00. barley No. 2 45-lb. BW 50.50. Cash wheat lbid: Soft while 3.30: soft white 'no rexi 2.20; white club 2.20; west ern red 3 30. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 30; 10 per rent 2 21; 11 per cent 2.25; 12 per cent 2 29 Today" rar receipts: Wheal I; barley I flour 1; corn 1; mil Heed 2. Chicago. Oct. 36 (4 (USDA1 Salable hous 9 000. total 13.000; market active, fully 25 higher on butcher. 25-M higher on sows: bulk good and choir 90-290 lo. butchers 26 00-36 35; one load ohoiee 430 lb. 26 50; heavier welaht scarce: a few good and choice 160-10 lbs. 35 00-35 7ft; most good and choice sos under 400 lbs 34 00-24.75: heavier weight 23.00-34.00 good clearance. Salable caiile 4.500, total 4.700; salable cahes 500. total 500: slaughter ateers and he stock trone to 50 hiaiier: bulls steady to weak, vealerx firm: several loads choice steers 1.315 lbs. down 37 30-J 00 top 36 00: most good to low choice steer 30 50135 50. load medium 1050 lb Mon tana araxser 26 25. five loads food to low choice Colorado fed heifer 33 50-3) 75' I.KC.AL, NOTICE OF BOND SALE Notice Is herebv given Ihat sealed bid will he received by the undersigned until the hour of 7 30 OClock P M. on the 9th dav of November. 1948. and Immediate!, thereafter publicly opened bv the S'noot D .'trirl Hoard of School District No. 24C 1. Msnon Countv Oregon, at die School Ad mlnisiratton Office, 4A0 N High Street, in Stkm. Oregon, for an issue of bonds of sa.rt Srhool D.sinet In tlie smnunt of One M.ll.on Five Tundred THo'issnd Dol lars ' l son oon i said bonds to be dster cfmber 31. 1948 and to mature aerially in numerical order as follows on Iecember 31. 150. 470 000 on Decem ber 11, 1951: 171000 on December 3l.l9f2. 70nri0 on December 31. 1951 180 000 on Ijfri-mher 11. I'i4 l0 'K10 on Derember 31. fl'.5 R0 000 on December 31 19 6 180 (Inn on riecniher 3! 1957. 180 010 on De cember 311958 '10 ftnft on l)efemDer 3t l5t tftfl 000 on December 31 1880. 190 000 on Deremher 31 1961 190 0n0 on De. 000 on December 31. 1982 I BO. Oof) on De. cemher 31 lt"V $100 000 on December 31 1064: 1100 OOfl on December 31 1985 1100 000 on Deremoer 31, 1966, 1100,000 on Deremoer 31, 1Q87 Said bonds to bear Interest at the rs'e of not to exceed 3". per annum pavable semi-annually, on June 3Hn and Ierem her 31st. principal and Interest pnahle at the offire of trie Countv Terasurer of Marion Coml. in Sakm, Oregon. Tne pr;iinnsl amount of slid bonds 1 S'lhiect o prior redemption a a whole or in part. ' th option or th achnol dl'ricl on December 31 1958 m an interest pavmenl date thereafter upon notice of reirmpt.on alien b publica tion at least nnc at let thirty davs or, or to tii flute of redemption. In a newspaper P thlisned and circulated In the Countv of Marion and state of Ore on at a prlr-e en ml to I fe principal amount thereof toeetner W th unpaid interesl ar crn'1 theteon at tite date of redemption 8:d bond were d ily authorised at an rtion hr'.d on April 16 IU46 R'i must be a-om named bv a eer t !.ed e. ecs :n tne amount of Thirty Tt.onand Dollsr MlOOOOOOi. The aooro .n 'eral op.n-on of J W Ah i er will be furnished to successlui ibirtder Te boa-d reserves the right to reject anr and all b.ds Cormelt C Ward Clrk ft iiool D.stnet No 34CJ Mar, on 'oint, Oreeon ' P ib ieat.on data. October 19, $8, Hovtm ' rear 3, 1948. Capital Journal Salem, Ore., Stocks Advance Up to 2 Points New York. Oct. 28 P' The stock market resumed its Octo ber advance today following yesterday's modest setback. The price list showed a few sticky spots but gains of frac tions to around z points were in a clear majority. Volume headed pa. -it the 1.- 000.000-share mark once more. with dealings at the rate of i 00.000 even with Monday's business. Motors were in the driver's seat throughout the day. Gener al Motors hit a high for the year with a gain of one point and smaller advance were post ed for Chrysler and Studebaker. Interest in the rails was slight most of the time. A block of 1.100 shares of U. S. Steel changed hands late in the day at 86 4, down L4. Higher prices were paid for U.S. Rubber, Douglas Aircraft, Union Pacific, Illinois Central, Gulf Oil, Allied Chemical, Gen eral Electric. Du Pont, Western Union, and Twentieth Century Fox. Stocks Quotations (By the Asoclated Press I American Can Am Pow ft Lt Am Tel ft Tel Anaconda Bendlx Aviation , Beth Steel . 10 .IMS oeing Airplane Calif Packing Canadian Pacific Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth ft Sou , Con Vultee Continental Can Crown ZelUrbsch - 43S 57 S rtis Writht , Douglas Aircraft Dupsnt de Nem General Electric Oeneral Food eral Motors Good yes r Tire 49S Int Harvester Int Paper - Kennecott Libby MrN ft L Long Bell "A ' Montf.tmery Ward Nash Kelvin tor 57S, . 18 , 31 , 16 , 30S '. n . 96 1 . 45V Dairy NY Central Northern Pacific Pac Am Fish . Pac Gas ft Elec Pac Tel ft Tel , Penny J C Radio Corp Rayonler Ravonier Pfd no ids Metals Richfield Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific 18 , 411, 60S 9 Standard Oil Cal Studebaker Corp . 36 '4 , 10W Sunshine Mining Tranaamerlca Union Oil Cal Union Pacific United Airline U 8 Steel Warner Bros Pic Wool worth . . . , Students Enjoy Swim Grand Island Mrs Dale L Fowler, Mrs. Raymond Palmer and Mrs. V. V. Scoggan furnish ed transportation and chaper oned 16 students of the four up per grades' of Grand Island school on a swimming party held at the Salem Y.M.C.A. pool Saturday evening Leroy Rockhill won first place for a stunt. The capital Investment of ths U. S. oil industry is placed at 20 billion dollars. common and medium eows 16 50-30 66: canners and cutters 14 00-18 35: medium and good sausage bulls 31 00-31.50. veal era 33 00 down, stock cattle steady. Salable sheep 3.000, total 4 000. slaugh ter lamb 35 lower: practical top 34.60; ewes very scarce, steady to weak. Portland. Ore., Oct. 16 4r-Livestock Cal tie salable 150. ralves 3ft: market opening moderately active, about steady on limited supply: aales of light -medium grades grass steers and good feeders late Monday strong tn medium to mostly $0 rents higher, medium-good beef rows around 50 rets up : top Monday 36 fnr one load good-fed steers; most grassera 35 M) down, rommon-low medium grades today 16 50-34; ranner-rutter rows largely 13-16: medium beef eows 18-19: asking above 33 for good beef bulls, medium trades heavy calves 30-33.50; good-choice vealers quoted 36 50-36. Hogs salable 125. market mostly steady: extreme top 35 cents higher: odd selected lots 195-309 lbs. Harrows-gilt, up to 26 75 but hulk of good-choice I8n-3I0 lbs 36 50; 350-360 bs 36.50: good .150-50 lb sow, 34 10 3: good -rhotce lfiO lb feeder p es 39.50 Hherp aalable 300. market sleady. good rho1e wooled tamba up to 32, No 1 pelt lambs 31 50; medium-good grades 30: common down to 17. good yearlings 16: heavy ewes salable around S, llghtwelghli quoted lo 6 50 pp ft? Fw?n nrjrw fk f;uhicm-f.ra(1ed oil fmrner, the nrweM achievement in automatic: heat. You'll art all ihe comfortable, healthful heat vou ned . . with to little oil you'll be mated at the sawn: vou make' (art the facii right now about ( entury 4 fammii ( uhion r.idting that Rive you oil burner oceration to vibfiorvfrrw. o quiet you ran carcelr hear it an arm i lenrth away. D. E. Cooper & Son S40 Hood St. Diol 3-3603 (trMltmn: Pint xtwxtf heating plant. AJAr.t. ! 1 at i Mmlicttrii ar CENTURY U8lsttfll6 CORPORATION, Cidir Rifits, low Tuesday, October 2ft, 194ft 19 Salem Markets Completed from report f Salegg dealer for in guidane of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised daily.i Retail Feed Mm Egg Mash 14 so Rabbit Eerd OHMiM 3$. Datr Eeed 1140 Pewit rv: Huting Prim So 1 colored hens. SVc; No I Le(tn'rn hens 36-; No. 1 colored frvers, 3 lo and up 3$c; 1 trptt 2' lbs. 3tc lb. No. 1 aid roosters, 14-l$e, Elf. Buting Trices large gtud A A lie: A grade, 69c , mediu.ii. gj.sji , pullet a. 42-45r Wholesale Price A A grade T, - a grarf r, mediums. 66-70c; pallets. 48-52 doa. BHlterfat Premium. Hr: No 1, 87-69r; No, 3 0- 66c (Buying prices'. Butler Wholesale, A, Tie. Reiall ararig A 7c OBITUARY Mrs. Tom Hromii Albany Funeral ervice for Mrs Tom Hroinas. who died at the A)bsn Oeneral hospital Sunday, will be held from tn Fiaher funeral home at I pm, M- eslay. Burial will be In the Willamena Memorial park. Mr. Hromas, a native of CechoslovAKia. had been a resident of near Albany for the past 13 years She married to Mr Hroma. February 17, 1906 at Seward. Neb. who survive her as do two children Anton Hroma. and Adeline Houfek, Albanv, a brother, An ton Hurt, David City. Neb . and a sister, France Kranda. Minnesota. She was a member of th Z C B.J. lodg Oregon 376. Blaaar cVnlna Williams) Anan- Rimer Benton Williamson, 59. president of th Bank of Albany died Monday at the Albany Oeneral hospital following a long Illness Funeral serv es will be held Wednesday at 3 30 pm . from the First Methodist churrh Bur ial will b tn the Masonic cemetery Wil ls on was born February 33. 1889 in the Oak Grote community in Benton ountv and wa the son of the late Mr. nd Mrs. Thomas B. Williamson He had spent hi Hfe in Albany. CorvalU and ral Benton county. In Portland on -Tun 1920 he married Ntldeaarde Ruin Spillman. Mr. Williamson was graduat ed from Oregon State college at Corval lis with a bachelor of science degree tn 1909 He later took graduate work In banking at the University of Washington. The deceased bean hut active career in ihe school teaching profession and waji at one time principal of the Central school in Cow all t. He had been enaaaed in the banking business in Albany sine 1913. Besides being president of the Bank of Albany, he was a director of th Mountain State Power Co . he had served a treasurer of the city or Albany front 1922 to 1945 Mr. Williamson was a vet eran of World War I. havtne. served ax an ensign In the U. S. navy. He wa a mem ber of the American Lecloa. Among his other activities, he was a tru' of th w.c.t.u. Children s Farm Home at in time of his death, he was a past president of the Albany Chamber of Oommerre. a member of the Albanv Rotary club, a former Albanv colleae trustee, a trustee of rhe Albanv Methodist church, a member of St. Johns Lodge No. 17 A F. ft AM, Knight Templar. Roral Arch Masons. Order of the Eastern Star, and Laurel Lodge No. 1. Knight of Pythla. Survlv. in beaide hi widow, are his two chil dren. Thomas Benton Williamson, attend mi Harvard Law school at Cambridge, Mass.. a daughter. RHnor Ann, student at Oregon State college, a brother. Clvd E. Williamson, with whom he had been associated In business sin A 1917, a sis ter. Pearl Frances Schmidt, route No 4, Albany, also three nephews and a niece. Hush Arthar Mearham Lebanon Hum h Arthur Meacham. 44, was killed Oct . 23. in a logging acci dent at the Willamette National Lumber company camp 30 miles above Cascadia, when a lo rolled from his truck lust as he finished loading and was prepar ing to throw his chain. He was born Nov. 1. 1903 In Rltaville, Wash., and had lived at Foster for the past five years. Survivors are his widow. Rose Anna, and 13 children: Richard. Hugh, Jr.. Donald Bruce, Oale. Ieonard, Donna. Charon. Ju dith, Marsha. Mrs. Roy Slater, all of Foster. Mrs. Clair Mclntyre. Sweet Home; brother, Marlon O. of Union, and two grandchildren. Services will he held at 3 p.m. Thursday at the Howe -Huston chapel In Sweet Home and Interment UI be in the Lebanon I OOF cemetery, Matilda lane Shllta Silverton Mstilda Jane Shi! Is. 85. died at her Scott Mills home Monday night where she hsd lived for 35 years. Born Nov. 16. 1863 In Indiana Survived by a daughter, Mr. Leonora Woodford of Leb anon: two sons, Francis and Henry Shi It of Seoits Mills: four brothers. Frank. Tom and Leonard Frv of Wisconsin; William Fry of ScoiU Mill. Funeral services at th rolls Mills Christian church Thtirsdnv, Concluding rites at Maple drove ceme tery. Scott Mills, under direction ol Ekman funeral home. Virginia Rebecca Crane Stayton Virginia Rebecca Crane at a local hospital October 3s. at the aae f 68 years. Survived bv three sons, Clem ent and Keith Crane of Salem, Men Crane of Turner: six daughters, 01 Sac re. Opal Shoen and Ronnie Wort sewoda of Salem. Erma Koons of Wald port. Carmen Hue of Charleston, Ore4 and Florence Texan of Me hams. Ore ; 34 grandchildren and four great grand children : two sister and three brot her In Missouri. Funeral services will o Wednesday. October 37. at 3 P m a the Weddle Funeral home In Stayton. Burial a: Aumsville cemetery. LOOK OUT FOR PIN-WOMIS Recent medical report reveal Ihat an amaxintc number of children land grown nna too) may be victims of Pin-Worm often without auspeeimg- -what fa wronel And thee peat, jiving- insid the human body, can cause real distress. So watch out fnr the warning- aitrna that gnay m-an Pin-Worms especially thu aurtrravatin: rectal itch. Get JAYNI'S P-W and folio the directions. P-W is th Pin-Worm treatment dVvel med in the laboratories of Dr. H. Jayne ft Rn. after y-ra nf patient research. Tha mall. My.in-tak F-W tablet- act In j Special way U rfinoy in-Wrma. Ask rwur druggiei; PW for fin-Worms I ILidt OIL BURUEFt Ye make th ' hew tins; icwvm " your vactt tion time . , . free from heat ins: work anil worrv. You can do it ith a (.r'NTt'RY FKEE Hn. Saver Survey of 1117 1