I Dayton Club Hears About Alaska Life Dayton The Pleasant Hour Reading club met in the home of Mrs. Alfred J. Frencr, Friday afternoon. Mrs. Delia U'Ren pre sided over the meeitng. Mrs. Clark Foster gave a ten minute English lesson which was instructive. Mrs. O. C. Goodrich was leader for the aft ernoon and her topic was Alaska. Mrs. Goodrich and her husband spent four months there this summer with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vel ton Goodrich who make their home at Juneau. She showed colored snapshots she had taken, Several years ago the Good riches sold their home to Mr, and Mrs. French and her daugh ter, Mrs. Russell Coburn became a member of the club this day The Reading club was organized in 1905 and Mrs. Goodrich has been a member the longest of any present member. Collect was read by the 18 members present. Refreshments were served by the hostess with Mrs. Gordon Graham assisting. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Brooks Sweeney November 5. Mrs. Schindler Honor Guest Baker's Home Unionvale Complimenting Mrs. Henry Schindler, a party was held at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker. Attending were Mrs. Schind ler, Mrs. Richard Jones, Mrs. Royal Hibbs, Mrs. Ed Clow. Mrs John Clow, Mrs. Charles Clow, Mrs. Orval McCandless, Mrs. Hert flambeau. Mrs. E. J. Wild er, Mrs. Harry Tompkins, Mrs. Jacob Tompkins, Jr., Mrs. Mar ion Dixon, Mrs. Carl Schindler, Mrs. Allen Lien, Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler, Mrs. Claude Snel burne, Mrs. Clifford Woodward, Mrs. Jacob S. Roth, Mrs. Hale Hendrickson, Mrs. Walter Dei bel, Mrs. Carrie Kldd, Mrs. C. J. Countiss, Mrs. Lavelle Pat terson and Mrs. Baker. Unionvale Prepares Homecoming Affair Unionvale The annual homecoming and rally day at the Unionvale Evangelical United Brethren church will be observed Sunday, October 24 Rev. Robert Waggoner, pastor of First Evangelical United Breth ren church of Portland will be the guest speaker at 2:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morn ing service at 1 1 o clock. Fel lowship dinner 12:30 p. m. Aft ernoon services beg'n at 2:30 Free will offerings will be re ceived. Singers from Pacific col lege, Newberg, will be guests. (Advertisement) RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Creomuhioo relieves promptly because it goes right to the scat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Crcomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs,ChestColds,Bronchitis ia2 YOUR BEST DOLLAR BUY IS WHEN YOU BECAUSE IT'S 1 TIMES FASTER SAVES MONEY. TOOI TO PORTLAND .... 30 mil. SEATTLE iy4 hrs. SAN FRANCISCO . . 4 hrt. LOS ANGELES . . . 7V4 hn. mm f. "all Cast" Call 2-2455 or 2-2456 or aa authorized travol agent. PRICES GOOD THROUGH WEDNESDAY I THRIFTY BUYS AT FRED NEVER Drug VALUES TO $1.00 Men's Toiletries Your Choice Old Waverley Lavender Lotion am Old Waverley Shave Bowl N Roycemore Shave Lotion ataJw Roycemore Men's Cologne Roycemore Men's Soap 4 tor 97c 39e Fred Meyer Glycerin, 4 oz 29 C 39c Fred Meyer Spirits of Peppermint, 1 oz 27c 51c Fred Meyer Spirits of Camphor, 2 oz 33c 69c Fred Meyer Camphor Liniment, 8 oz 43 C 15c Value Facial Quality Toilet Tissue 1000 Sheets S Ply Mill Run 10c 3 for 29 e 9.59 Case of 100 2.59 Fred Meyer Heavy Mineral Oil, gal 2.19 69c Norco Saccharin, V4 gr., 1,000's 49 c 21c Fred Meyer Citrate of Magnesia, 12 oz 19c 10c Spuncraft Linen Tablets 6 'or 50c 49c Fred Meyer Iron and Yeost Toblets 43 C Downstairs Variety 89c Aluminum Muffin Tins 49c 59e Pottery Batter Pitcher 29 C 10c Napkin Holder, 15c Napkins, both for 9 c 59c Dust Mop Heads 39 C Jeanette Pink Dinnerware Open stock. Your choice Creamers, Sugars, Tumblers, Juice Glasses, Cups, Saucers. 9c Each 89c Aluminum Strainer 98c Aluminum Percolator . . . 25c Zippo Indoor Clothes Line. 59c 69c 19c Downstairs Auto Supply 2.95 Roller Skates 1.98 7.95 Electric Iron 5.89 3 95 Electric Percolator 2.98 Halloween Candies Trick or Treat Mix, lb. 49 C Buttercream Candy Corn, lb 35 C Orange and Black Jelly Beans, lb 29 C Hallowe'en Mellow Cherries, lb 49c Free Trick or Treat .Bag with 49c Candy Purchase Bakery GOLDEN BROWN DONUTS Plain 30c dot. Sugar .. 35 C doz. Iced 40c doi. Pumpkin Face Cookies 23 C doz., 2 doz. 45 C Gingerbread Cats 8c to., 2 'or 15c Hallowe'en Ice Cream Brick 39 C )' Apparel 2.98 Rayon Tailored Blouse, pink, blue, white, sites 34 to 38 2.29 79c-89c Mannequin Panties,' plain or lace trim, pink, blue, white, yellow 59c and 69c 2.98 Value Men's Sanforized Shirts 1.79 Fred Meyer c revile fad 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 TO ESMY HOPPER PENAL Shop Wards Tuesday For Extra Sayings Misses' Wool Coats Compare at 24.95. Misses' A fQO 100 all wool coats in fit- I QOO ted or flare styles. Choice of wine, green, grey or black. Sizes 10 20. FASHIONS, Second Floor BATH TOWELS Reg. 69c. Thick, heavy I "f weight white cotton terry M t towels with pastel borders. Generous bath size 22"x44". DOMESTICS, Second Floor GIRLS' BLOUSES 166 Reg. 1.98 girls' cotton broadcloth blouses. Assort ed colors with embroidery or eyelet trims. Sizes 7 to 14. GIRLS', Main Floor MEN'S WORK PANTS 277 1 Reg. 3.39 men's heavy 8 oz. weight tan cotton army twill work pants. Sanforiz ed shrunk. Sizes 30-40. MEN'S, Main Floor Men's Hunting Coats Reg. 6.95 Wards famous "Red Head" quality water l I repellant hunting coats. Rubber game pockets. Sizes 33-46. SPORTS, Basement Floor 1 LITTLE GIRL DOLLS 288 Reg. 3.95. One assortment of little girl dolls, some with real hair. Colorful cotton dresses. TOYS, Mezzanine Floor DOUBLE SINK Reg. 47.93 steel double AOQ compartment sink. Acid- lfOO resisting enamel finish. Complete with fittings. Size 32x21. PLUMBING, Basement Floor Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 25, 1948 S Buy Your Christmas Gifts on Wards Lay-Away Plan 1 ""tmtomfomm. YEAR'S LOWEST PRICES! TWO ONE r h I LLCREST VELVET RUG AND CUSHION Reg. 93.70 Keep extra dollars in your pocket . . . and put extra beauty on your floors ... by buying your Hillcrest NOW! Thickly tufted of imported virgin wools . . . wear-tested for durability. Choose yours from new tone-on-tone leaf patterns in decorator-colors. Save. TUESDAY ONLY 99 6.98 GRENADIERS NOW CUT-PRICED! Men! These handsome black oxfords are built for comfort and style. 6-11. SALE! 2.98 PIONEER DENIM DUNGAREES 66 Husky, Sanforized 11 -oz. blue denim. Bartacked strain pockets. 6 pockets. REDUCED! REG. 3.98 TWO-TONE PRISCILLAS, p r3 44 54 ING REDUCED FROM 65c Gal. in 5 s Resaturates felt, composition roofs. Thick, heavy, won't crack. Gal. 64c WARDS "RED HEAD" SHELLS i Save on shotgun shells at Wards! None better at any price! r-, . ti . u.i.l.a eta v" powder. SALE! GABLE TOP TOOL BOX 3 88 Mi 188 Rr. 5 95 24-gauge steel. Rust resistant enamel fin ish. Four cantilever trays. 1x7Hx8H. 3-TAB HEXAGON SHINGLES "Suuare Colorful, long lasting! Ceramic ran ule surfaced asphalt. Covers 100 sq.ft. MASTER GARAGE VISE WARD WEEK SPECIAL f C Q38 FM COMBINATION la Beautiful mahneany labinrt! Until KM and AM Automatic chanter! Top value! 688 Krg. 7.95 Semi-steel . . . with handy ipo jaws. 180' swivel. 3 "i -in. jaws open to 5 inches. SALE! 5.98 ELECTRIC WHIPPER 499 Ward Werk-Prirrd! Hand-size, you'll use it every day! Whips eggs, cream, sauces, etc. in a jiffy' SALE! 1.19 STEP-ON PAIL Q4c (t Save nnw' Chanti rleer trim on white enameled steel! Red cover. Save at Wards! Sis SALE! VITALIZED MOTOR OIL 17 1 ' Fed. tax Inc. Bring your containers stock un now! Why pay 35c a quart, buy Wards Vitalized' Shop 'Til 9 P.M. Friday Nite 148 N. LIBERTY