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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1948)
1M-1111 ' -I : DP's board 'Ship to Freedom' The first displaced persons to be allowed to enter the United States under the new Con ( gressional act begin to file aboard the U. S. army transport General Black at Bremerhaven, Germany. They represent 11 nations and number 813. (AP Wirephoto via radio from London) Keizer School Hot Lunch Program to Start Tuesday Keizer, Oct. 25 Hot lunches will be served the students of Keizer school starting next Tuesday noon. The three lower grades will be served at 11:30 o'clock and the upper grades served starting at 11:45 o'clock. Mrs. Sid McNeil and Mrs. Fred Fellsmith have been secured as cooks. A new electric water heater has been installed to replace the former hot water boiler used in previous years and this will make the kitchen a much cooler work area. Church Society Guest The Missionary society of Kei zer held its October meeting at the home of Mrs. Porter McFar land with Mrs. L. A. Wood co hostess with Mrs. McFarland. Mrs. Paul Geil gave the devo tion and Mrs. Hugh . Adams the lesson study. Mrs. Mervin Hickman presid ed at the business meeting and election of officers for the en suing year was held. Officers for the coming year 1948-49 will be: Mrs. Harry Laurence, presi dent; Mrs. Orie Salter, vice president; Mrs. Lauren Stettler, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Charles Ronk, corresponding secretary. The group voted to hold a rummage sale December 2 at the hall above Greenbaum's store in Salem. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served to Mrs. J. E. Clark, Mrs. Paul Geil, Mrs. L. E. Gilkey, Mrs. Art Ol denburg, Mrs. Orie Salter, Mrs. Lauren Stettler, Mrs. Mervin Movies Are Shown For Hubbard PTA Hubbard The Hubbard Parent-Teachers association met in the school gym, with 31 present. A picture, "Green Harvest" was shown telling the story of opera tion of a tree farm and reforesta tion practices in the Pacific Northwest. Mrs. J. C. Beddens classes won the contest in the recent membership drive and also the attendance banner for the most parents present. ' Mrs. Arthur Zehner, member ship chairman reported a mem bership of 75, 37 old and 38 new members. The study group was organ ized under the leadership of Mrs. Harold Colgan and invited the group to her home November 11 at o'clock to hear an educational radio program. Mrs. Howard Jones called a meeting of the ways and means committee at the home of Mis. Tom DeArmand. Plans for rais ing money were discussed. Oth er members of the committee are Mrs. Leonard Miller Harold Colgan and Mrs. Ben Miller. Oak Point Extension Unit Meets Wednesday Oak Point The Independ ence home extension unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Bullock Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Mrs. Viola Shaffer, home demonstra tion agent will demonstrate "Color in the Home." A covered dish dinner will be served at noon. Officers of the local unit are chairman, Mrs. Orley Brown; vice chairman, Mrs. Charles Bullock; secretary treasurer, Mrs. R. A. Alderson. Amity Sixth Grade Names New Officers Amity The sixth grade Am ity grammar school has elected the following officers: Presi dent, Patricia Fuller; vice presi dent, Connie Funk; secretary, Wayne Weiher; treasurer, Duayne Turley; sergeant-at-arms, Walter Lawson; monitors, black board, Fred Shandy; waste basket, Susie Stutsman; fire chief, Ralph Pinger; reporters, Joan Nielson, Bctte Freeman. Friday, October 29 the class will sponsor of Halloween party with their mothers as guests. Games and refreshments for diversion. (Advertisement) Rheumatic Pain For quick, delightfully comforting help for aches and pajns of Rheumatism, ArthriLis, Neuritis, Iiinbago, Sciatica, or NeuraHria try KOM1ND. A pleasant tasteless medicine that works through the blood. First dose usually starts al leviating pain so you can work, enjoy life and sleen morit comfortably. Hot KOMIND at druggist today. Quick sat isfaction or money oacK guaranteed. IS YOUR WATCH TAKING ' TIME OFF? fOW watch into action to do tht job y expert of it Bring it in nd lei our specialists look it ever. Reliable service is eur watchword. And for new beauty, restyle your watch with a smart jumjh whoi urn Continue Your Income Your normal income continues if your place of business is damaged by fire if you carry BUSINESS INTERRUP TION insurance with Solem's General of America Agent Mi 8AI.EM AND COOS BAT 129 North Commercial St Dial 3-9119 FIVE LOWEST RATES IN THE NORTHWEST ARE NOT STATE REGULATED Salem Eugene Canby Monmouth Tacoma ARE NOT STATE REGULATED Consistently lower rotes, consistently better service: BUT NO STATE REGU LATION. Salem Electric for seven years, Eugene, for forty years, and Tacoma for fifty-five years. Salem Electric has never refused service to anyone within the boundaries of our lines. No delay in hooking up ranges, ware- heaters or electric heat. The steadily Increasing number of people using our service demonstrates the ' quality of our service. SAVE 20 VOTE 504 X YES Salem Electric Is controlled by five Directors elected by the users themselves. Each of these five men is a user himself and the benefits that he receives from the Company is in the reduced rates he pays on his own light bill. No director can profit from the sale of Salem Electric stock. These men are Interested in a company that gives the best possible service and THE LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. Not so the Directors of PGE who are interested first In HIGH PROFITS on their stock and only in such service as is necessary to keep the public buy ing their power. Salem Electric Regular (Within Salem ft W. Salem) 1.01 1.00 4.S0 PGE Regular Rat 1.65 MS 1.0$ PGE Special Rat (Salem Only) 1S7 1.17 1.77 Residential Rate Commercial Rat SOkwh. JOOkwh. SOOkwh. 750kwh. 1500kwh. (OOOkwh. KWD. II KWD. 10 KWD. .5 14.70 1S.30 14.57 S7.00 S0.I7 Ram arabove (See schedule 32) Pd. Adv. by Board of Directors, Salem Electric, Dr. O. A. Olson, Salem, Ore. Hickman, past president; Mrs. Harry Lawrence, Mrs. Charles Ronk, Mrs. Lois Sawyer, Mrs. Hugh Aoams, and the hostesss,, Mrs. McFarland and Mrs. Woods. Sewing Club F.lects Keizer Ladies Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. Nick Le Rud on Lakebrook road for their first tail meeting. A lunch was served at noon and a birthday cake was pre sented to those who have had birthdays since the last meet ing. Honored were Mrs. Kee fer, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. McClay and Mrs. Ideen. The yearly election of offic ers was held. Elected were: Mrs. LeRud, president; Mrs. J. E. Whiteside, vice-president; Mr. Daly, secretary-treasurer. , The day was spent in quilting a quilt. Present were Mrs. Sam Rich ards, Miss Ruth Rulifson, Miss Lois Keefcr, Mrs. Ben ClaBRi'tt, Mrs. Luther Melton, Mrs. Clar ence Day, Mrs. Leonard Gilkey, Mrs. Roy Melson, Mrs. J. E. Whitehead, Mrs. J. A Gardner. Mrs. R. B. McClay, Mrs. Elmer Ideen, Mrs. Paul Smith, and the hostess, Mrs. LeRud. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. B. Mc Clay who lives at 323 Mission street, Salem. Paul Baker Honored Paul Baker was honored on his birthday recently by his parents. Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Baker, who entertained a group of Paul's high school friends at a dancing party at their country home in Keizer. At a late hour refreshments were served to the following guests: Miss Marianne Aston, Miss Mitzi Patrick, Miss Marilyn Hall, Miss Arlene Mey er, Don Bennett, Curtis Humph rey, Doyle McMillin and Paul Baker. Club Members Busy The Dine and Do club held (Advertisement) RHEUMATISM YIELDS TO SPECIALIZED SYSTEM OF TREATMENT Excelsior Springs, Mo., Sept. 20 So successful has a special ized system proven for treating rheumatism and arthritis that an amazing new book will be sent free to any reader of this paper wno win write for it. The book entitled. "Rheuma tism," fully explains why drugs and medicines give only tempo rary relief and fail to remove the causes of the trouble. The Ball Clinic, Excelsior Springs, Mo., has perfected a specialized system of treatment for rheumatism and arthritis combined with the world fam ous mineral waters and baths This new system of treatment is fully described in the book and tells how it may be possible for you lo Una freedom from rheu matism. You incur no obligation in sending for this instructive book. It may be the means of saving you years of untold misery. For writing promptly, the Clinic will send their newly combined book entitled, "Rheumatism Good Health, Life's Greatest Bless ing." Address your letter to The Ball Clinic. Dept. 2611, Excel sior Springs. Missouri, but be sure to write today. 125 PATTERNS PRICE HUTCHEON'S PAINT STORE "BUT YOUR PAINT AT A PAINT STORE" 162N.Com'l. Ph.3-6687 Its work meeting at the home of Mrs. P. O. McFarland. Pres ent were: Mrs. J. L. Sloan, Mrs. Gerald L a p p e n, Mrs. H. H. Breneman, Mrs. Belle Lansing, Mrs. J. D. Watson, Mrs. E. T. Owens, Mrs. Alfred Stredwick, and Mrs. McFarland. The group worked during the day, tearing, braiding and sewing on rugs for the Children's Farm Home at Corvallis. Jefferson Offers Home Talent Nignt Jefferson Abe Lyman and his Californians" and "Carmen Mcranda and Mighty Casey" are just a few of the famous per sonalities who will be on hand to entertain you when the Jef ferson grade school talent night premiers in the Jefferson school gym Friday night at 8 o'clock. Profits will be used to purchase playground equipment for the school. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 23, 1948 II Bridge Club Opens Independence Season Independence The first meeting of the fall season of the Wednesday Bridge club was held at the home of Mrs. Ivy Thomas with all members pres ent. A 7 o'clock supper was serv ed at the Monmouth hotel pre ceding the evening of cards with place cards set for Mrs. Erma Cooper, Mrs. C. A. Fratz ke, Mrs. Elmer Addison. Mrs. Ralph Kletzing, Mrs. Clara Wil liams, Mrs. R. M. Walker, Mrs. SOFT, SMOOTH xi) MY- w nrsF.rouKlv ness, kerp kin tnft w tram-ant. .cir ntilVn1 medicated CUT1CUKA Map nd Ointment, 1( this happened to you on what wouldn't you give to STOP 21 FASTER! Official tests show, FISK. Safety Stripes slop you up to 21 faster on wet slippery roads. Safti-FIights give you a "soft" ride. They carry a lot more air at a lot less pressure. Mileage? 60 more safe mites than the best of ordinary tires due to the tremendous dcpih of the tread and the Safety Stripe. Ask for a free demonstration ride. h ;.. V. .-2 FISK Salem Tire Service TIMC TO M.TNtt SAM BARRY 545 Marion JOHN VKRSTEKG Phone 3-3412 Paul Robinson, Mrs. Thelma Tallcnt, Mrs. Mclford Nelson, Mrs. James Hart, Mrs. Clarence Harwood and the hostess Mrs. Thomas. High scores ror the evening of bridfie were won by Mrs. K: rt and Mrs. Addison. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Nelson. IT)-. If you're going to California ...but MjfSF want to sleep enroute at lowest cost - ...then your train is the BEAVER Our popular economy train, The Bcaier, carries tourist Pullmans which give you the comfort of a full, standard-size berth in an airs) conditioned car at sub stantially leas cost than for travel in standard Pullmans. Or you can ride in comfort able chair cars at still lower fares. The Beaver has lounge and dining cars zips to San Francisco on a fast schedule. Next time try this friendly train and enjoy solid com fort at our very lowest fare. The friendly Southern Pocifi C. A. LARSON, Agent Phone 3-9244 - Sue ru immm : xrt& , 'v ' ! r f ?CH Vv 4 K iliriKii in n i i r'xn VtAi r m ilAMMMjwaa 1 T"0" ' I PROVE FOR YOURSELF WHAT THROAT SPECIALISTS REPORTED WHEN 30-Day smoking test revealed NO THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS! ti(oncyBacc (Gtiutanfcc! Try Camels and test them as you smoke them. If, at any time, you arc not convinced that Camels are the mildest cigarette you have ever smoked, return the package with the unused Camels and we will refund its full purchase price, plus postage. (Siiml) . ;. atYNOIDs TOBAOrX) company WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA i i:u......U............... lit this test, hundreds of men tnd women smoked Caincli-and only Camels for 30 consecutive days. Each week, their throats were examined by noted throat spcciaMits-a total of 2470 exacting examinations. From coast to coast, these throat specialists reported NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking Camels! Test Camels for yourself for 30 days. Sec how Camels suit your "T-7one",. T hr TjMe and T fer Throat. Let Vpril OW N TASTE trll you about the ruli, full llavor of Camel's choice tobaccos. Let VorK OW'M THHOAT tell you the wonderful story of Camel's cool, cool mildness. Yes -prove Camel mildness for yourself. You'll enjoy the Camel mild ness test. You'll find out bow mild a ciM-trette can be! According to a Nationwide survey! MORE DOCTORS SMOKE CAMELS THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE Doctors smoke for plraiurr, too! And when thfre Icadrna fndpncndfnt rftiarch orgnni'ia. irons aiked 1 13,597 doctors what cigarette they smoked, the brand tamed moot wu (jimelt