10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, October 2.1. 1948 Heart's Haven By RUTH ROSEMARY CORBY "Darling!" Gina wai all con trition, her blonde hair a scent ed cloud as she swooped down on her aunt and kissed her soft cheek. "I'll keep the crowd un der control for the sake of these cronies of yours. But the niece is such a queer duck always dodging off and looking down her nose. It's a nice nose too funny she hasn't Just swarms of men around," To Eve and Julie, presenting themselves at the Marbury suite at five-thirty, the hostess and her niece seemed to be in per fect accord. Mrs. Marbury came forward instantly and drew them into a group of chattering young people, whom she intro duced with vague gestures right and left. Eve instantly identified Gina; he was curious to see what type of girl she could be. She noticed with surprise that Gina was regarding her with the same challenging expression. It was Gina who spoke first, and held out her hand. "Hello!" "Why hello!" Eve's husky voice held a surprised note. Gina's welcome had taken her entirely off guard. The next minute Gina's arm was slipped through hers, and Eve was turned half away from the crowd. "All those who want to be presented the line forms at the right," Gina announced, her long red-tipped fingers warding off the men nearest. "I'm not go ing to have this gal killed in the rush." "Just introduce her to me, then." A young blend giant looked down at Eve unsmiling ly, but she suspected there were dimples. "I'll protect her." "You're the worst of the lot!" Gina's retort brought a ready grin, and Eve saw that, as she had thought, there was one lop sided dimple. "But I suppose I'll have to do it. Eve, this is Neil Bowron, third, and if he even mentions moonlight, run like a deer. This is Evangeline Pren tice, Neil." "I like moonlight," said Eve thoughtfully. Instantly Neil slopped, picked her up in his arms, and started for the door. "Out of my way," he com manded Gina. "We're going to look for some moonlight.". In the ensuing hubbub. Eve found herself set on her feet aRain, slightly bewildered, but having entirely lost her first feeling of strangeness. No one seemed to object to the little scene. The girls told her care lessly "not to mind Neil" and the men crowded up for their introductions until Neil was pushed into the background. One slight earnest-looking young man whose hair was per petually in his eyes, came up just as Eve began to look for Julie. "I'm Hamilton Milliard," he said casually. "My frieids call me Ham. I hope you don't think we're just a bunch of rough necks." "Not at all," Eve managed, al though her heart was thumping heavily. "Usually introductions are so dull, don't you think?" "Good girl!" Ham caught Gi na's hand as she walked by and said in a stag whisper: "If I don't propose some night this la the reason why." He pointed a finger at Eve. Gina's small face was unex prctedly serious. "I don't believe I'd mind," she said slowly. "I'm afraid I'm going to like her, Ham." Fun at Last The rest of them evidently ac cepted Gina's pronouncement, and Eve found herself the cen ter of a laughing group that dissolved and came together again with apparent lack of de sign. Yet she knew, even with out glancing over her shoulder, that Neil Bowron was always near at hand. For the first time since she had come to the hotel indeed, for the first time in many months Eve began to en joy herself. She forgot that she did nol belong, that most of these young people even Neil were ac cepting her on fare value. She entered Into their running com ment on the hotel and its lack of excitement, until a question from one r,f then girls brought ROOM AN Dl OAR D '. ', f I GOT THE IDEA FOR. THE POTTOWLESS WELL 4 THE 'PUFFLE PERSONAL W OF KNOWLEDGE OU NAVE I SERVICE Or ADVICE AND ON EVERY SUPJECT WAS I CINlON' FROV VOU. ENTHRALLED ME X SAT brilliant discourses I ( spellbound while you V AT THE DINNER. J f DISCUSSED ANY topic; ( TABLE ( rPQV PALEOIOIC FOSSILS j ' I TO PRESENT- DAY WORLD AFFAIRS ' 1 UTTERLY VvAMA2iNG'- J J-- I THERE ARE A f-T ;-J B XMjs FEW THINGS I j 5 - lJ f jr PONT KNOy '"fT lS; l UnCYCLOPEDIAi 1 ' I i ' jP UUl PUFFLE,..N-MUl iTinMnmvi n innmri , 11 F.aII fcs her up short. "Are you coming down to Spring Lake next month?" she inquired. "Don't stay at the ho tel we can put you up." Eve caught her breath and hoped she did not look as star tled as she felt. "My aunt must return to New York," she said fumblingly. "We we haven't made any plans beyond that." Again Eve looked desperately for Julie, but she and Mrs. Mar bury were sitting at ease in a corner, talking briskly and pay ing no attention to the others. Eve was hoping for escape when she felt Neil's hand on her arm. She glanced up gratefully. "The moonlight's turned off but there's a nice sunset out on the terrace," he said in a low tone. "Maybe we could make it do. What do you think?" Eve nodded, and together they strolled to the long, open windows. Julie, happening to see them go interrupted her hostess' often-repeated complaint about Mr. Rodman's lateness. 'Who is that with Eve?" she asked with a shade of concern. The man was too handsome to be true, she told herself. Mrs. Marbury looked around, and locating them just as they stepped outside, said placidly, "Oh, that's Neil. Neil Bowion, you know. Nice boy. I knew his mother quite well at one time, but she's lived abroad now for the last five years. She married a count, I believe. Well at last!" Her exclamation was directed toward two men who came in at that moment and stood, obvious ly ill at ease, just where the maid had left them. The older man was almost bald, and his head shone almost as much as his unrimmed glasse. The other man, looking around with what Julie privately thought was a disdainful expression, appeared more at ease, but defiant, as if he dared the assembled party to do its worst. To he rontinued Young Pcphim Dress This pert frock brings the "big sister peplum styling to little sister's sizes! Added attractions are the eye-catching panel front and contrasting collar, the choice of puff sleeves or rippling arm hole ruffles. No. 24'.!!) is cut in sizes 2, 4 6, and 8. Size 4. 24 yds. 35-in , '.. yd. 35-in. contrasting. Send 2.sc for each pattern with rsiime. Address and Style Number. Stale sle desired. If you would like to see over 200 other patterns styles that cover all Mes, ane.s, and ou'asioiif tncludlnii a special section devoten to a va riety ot ('hiisliniLs KilU you call make easily anil eeonpiriraUy be sure to order a copy of the Pall Winter Fashion Book. tt'. R woiv rierful book for home-sewers and the price Is lust ?(V. Address PAT- TURN DKPARTMKNT Capital Journal. Mission St., San Fran elseo T. Calif. By Gene Ahern LEI'S GET BNT.K TO THE OFHCE.f GOSH, HONEY I'D I WHY DONT YOU COME " WHV.' THATO BE I V V T CERTAMLY &0S. MPS SONNY.' BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE PLANNED TO GET BACK AND WAVE DINNER I FINE EVERYTHING M girt BAn'MS'-SrCfirWlYXa I PAYROLL OF SP0T5H0T MAGAZINE A BABY SITTER WITH ME , CUPCAKE ? J WORKS OUT JUST g " T I WANT YOU TO HELP ME WITH 7 FOR THIS EVENING. mmn r-DANDY, DOESNT IT, H 1 l T FOLLOW THAT CAB, DRIVER I . THE STORY AND PICTURES SO WE COULD EAT f?rHVl , KIT? m Pllflii J , YOU TOOK OF THE HOTEL SURE, OUT FOR A 4 V i jMJ t2r"v.. li1 JV.TS ' e ' ' 8 M I I I Z'- au- MONSTEP-FRIEIID OF MOORS ) fANO THE BLOOO HE GAVE V "TN Mm, HEV'-STOM'-KEtP 1 4? Jf IT GAVE LI'L ABNER TH' 1 f MIRROR -AH S A "5, 'ZdC YT Z. AOwVuMTHtnilr H$m ANSWER T"TH' 4 NERSOS WJCHr) VSlWfSS'T I u i 'MIRROR' "..rSHkiSxWORRUBLE PROBLEM 1 TELL ME. I " . t&7 IS I "0 L SL gfc II SSs-'tO'SAO.E HAWKINS J L WHO -O OXT Kji (iLJ ' 'ti lAtfi i ??Sr day ah wants H AMMALJ'' uO'Viin FS IP1 ' t llt! 9VrSSM A ANSWER, TOO. J SXj, 1 vlfl f5i! I- ... . . J .. L yV.,.. ,.,,,-ri ,', Ku up ha vson fyjuix DOES Vc-srtS KEX M ? I M TAKING ACEN5U&, f" HAVE VOU NO-ilil wcu.,vnM o I J, , ..r-o Vo lOMnfupO W-lM M VOUNGMAN) WHAT IS J Q&g OTHER NAME? MJi YOUR FATHER ' ' OTHER NMAE WURMOTHER JSl u -n your name? JJlE" !TrrrS;NME My wy V ' UTTS SPiz j j j ' --(rjH -., 'lisiHliy 1 I MY GOODNESS.' WHAT'S ir""W"iiI" j I h ft t. P nil nnr I r9" UlJaMLllilM yES,Mi M)SS ALL THIS CONFUSION ? , J"0 I" 1 5,5',W.6! D ALL CISHT, P.USTY. YOU V FINCH. WHO LET THAT DOS Iff .jS uB'e utVprr SO TO AMSS BWWN'S CtASS V A IN-? tf I HE 5 HUkT, 5 HoZeSy' ijf V IT v I '. 1 1 j&h Wmm II DONNlCOMt TO ). .1 MM I FIX HI W U NEVER MIND. BETTY! J I I fTIU NO MH Ot M!Kt! t SUPPOSL J MOMMY!.. AND MEET A.4UrPFR,MH4 Aui"viM WELL ALL BE HAVING t .THAT SCAUP HBICK IN HliOlO YVl YDUR AUNT MARY- WHOS TO I gRICKER' L ' 6 ' ' DINNER AROUND EIGHT! r ( A6tlN!"GAMBLIN6jll: I w HAVE THE. HIGH PRIVILEGE S V wV DONN CAN TAY UP. -IN V POOH UTTLt WIFEL M Of RIDING MfRDON YOU FOR J W?V4Y?j2.Tr I HONOR OF MRS. WORTH'S IRAJ sj." r -rZ T A THE NEXT FEW MONTHS' fS lUjklinS .Ty I ARRIVAL! ifr?T vTV .a mm. wbww 3- r-rtNCfc ritfttl ;imtOl RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY 'KSLM IKGW no NBO :00, Tk N'Bmbfr .15 Tik ft Number SO Tru mr 4ft f Trut r FU Bandi of Land Hands of Land Hit Soma Elmrr Petfrtoa Frank Hrmlniwar Ml Alloa Nrira Orrhntrs Proudly We Hail Proudlf We Hall Judy Cnov Judy Canova, Mdkint Dram Tabrrn. fcrhoea Hawaii Calls Hawaii Calls Dnnli Day Prorram Grand Ole Ovrj Grand Ole Opry TBA Dink Trmplrlon Lite Brtlna al Hit Life Bttlni t Kll Vic Damon Show Trulb or Comraurnrfi News Mnnlra Whalrn ChUholm Trail Orrhtit Glrnwood Ballroom Orchestra, Oprn House Oprn Houso Hpfn House News Hit Parade Hit Parade Hollywood Stat Tbratrr N'ewi Current Cholc Id die Cantor Eddie Cantor Orchestra Orchestra. Was Museum Wax Museum SliriTbrf" Open House SUNDAY Radio Bible Class Radio Bible Class Voice of Prophecy Voice of Prophecy National Radio Pulpit Musie Mus ie First Baptist Ch. First Baptist Ch. Reviewing Stand Reviewing Stand Church In Rome Church In Home John Doe'a Music TB 1BA Eternal Light Klernal Light TBA Lutheran Lutheran Hour Wm. Shlrer John B. Kennedy Sun Favorites Canary Pet Show Glenn Shrllry Glenn Shelley Chiraeo Round Table 1st Piano Quartet 1M Piano Quartet 1'nlv. Theater L'nir. Theater Orchestra Rill Cunningham Vet. Wanla Know News Cotnmenl'ry Sons O'Guns Juvenile Jury Juvenile Jury HffcUhe of Mystery House of Mystery True Detective Mysteries I'niv. Theater I'niv. Theater Man's Family Man's Family Quii Kids Ouii Kids Musical Data Chuck Foster Your American Music Quick at Flash Quick as a Flash Symphonelte Synrphonette Music America Loves Roy Rogera Roy Rogera Nick Carter Nick Carter Orcron Album Oregon Album Oregon Album Oregon Album Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmei Contacts for Christ Jack Benny Jack Benny Harris Si Faye Harris Si Faye C hari leM r" C arthy Charlie McCarthy Fred Allen Fred .Allen Wings of Healing Winra of stealing Orchestra Behind the Front Page Jimmi Fidler TBA Merry-Go-Round Merry-GoRaund Album Familiar Music 30 Questions m Questions Walter Winchetl Rhyme In Rhvth Take or Leave It Take or Leave It Horace Heidt Horace Heidt TBA TBA It's A Living It's A Living Ozzfe St Harriet Ozzie Si Harriet Symphony Hour Symphony Hour News Sunday Serenade Orchestra News Symphony Hour Symphony Hour Jack Benny Jack Benny Revival Revival Revival Revival Hour Hour Hour Hour News Nora Martin Catholic Hour Catholic Hour nol Sign Off News Decision Now Wax Museum Wax Museum Sign Off Sat. P.M. 5:00, Meet the Band; 5:1.1, Football Scoreboard; 5: Hit, Teen Tunes i 6:(HI, Here's to Vets; 6:15, Home Edition; fi:3ii Ken Mason Workshop! 7:011, Musical Etchings! 1:30 W'hix Quid X:0, Lone Ranger; 8:30. Amazing Mr. Malonet 9:00. Gangbusters; What' My Name; 111:00. News; Hl:t5. Hank Wea ver; 10:30, Hawthorne Thing; 11:00 Sign Off. Sunday A.M. 7:0fl, Coast lo Coast on a Bus; R:00. Fine Arts Quartet; 8:30, Hour of Faith: f):l)0, Soulh ernairesi 0:30, Message of Israel; 10:00, Top o' the Morning! 10:30, National Ves pers; 11:00, Parade of Hits; 1l::i0, Piano Playhouse; 11 AM, Thai Changing World; rj:l.. Future of Amerirai 1'i:3 Treasury Rand Show; 1:00. Ted Malone; 1:15, John ny Thompson: I ::i0: Metropolitan Audi tions; -i:)Hi, Quiet Pleasei X:30. Counter spy; 3:00. Latin Americana; 8:30, Greatest Housewives' Warning Chicago (U.R) Housewives wanting to survive the annual fall housecleaning are urged by the National Safety Council to observe the following "don'ts." Don't allow rolled rugs to block doorways. Don't permit stray nails and tacks to lie around on the floor. Don't pile your arms so full of things that you can't see where you are going. Don't stand on a rocker or unsteady chair to take down curtains and drapes. Don't allow greasy rags or debris of any kind to accumu late. They are fire hazards. Don't use inflammable clean- ACROSS atv, Growlim dim F.xpuniira Snapping 14. Ron-Ins Imple ment 3. Ratify Tli 40. Rodent 4;. Step decent 4.". lncle: ticoLcti 47. Al-vao 4?. Alwava So. K justed fi2. Nccaliva v"Ti M. Kind of Judno 6a. Hebrew word fnr t!M 58. Hand cover itua 59. Guliln'i low eat note 10. Withdraw 62. Twofold 64. Placed 1n safe knrplnaj 65. Bonbon beetle 15. Two: prefli 16. Cauldron IA. Compasi point 19. Sraton 31. Rrpan 22. IVli..t 24. Metal con tainers 2. Location 25. 2000 pound, 21". Finished SI. Propel one', self in water 13. Concerning A 3 4 J 1 7 I I? ' W 3 73 75 rj a 3T23 2f 30 ft 3i 33 3rpf 40 Al 2 43 44. 4S 4i47 3 4f 5i 53 54 tfJj sis si to bl 5" P.M. I I KOCO KOIN CBS Round 1'b Time Round I'p Time Round I'P Time Round I'p Time Scoreboard !H Kon Mrloitv by Candlrllcht Knox MannlBC Dancer Ahead Some ( Tlmti News Winner Take All Winner Take All Re Ignoranl Re linaranl Hometown Reunion Musle HemorlM CBS Feature Tempo Time Tempo Tim Serenade Serrnade Youth Center Youth Center Glen Miller Freddy Martin Vaurhn Monroe Vaughn Monro King II Again Sing II Again Sing" ffAgaln News Frldi LeMar Jukrbos Revue Jukebox Kevue Danrinc Party Piaskln Parade Danrint Party Sport News Danclni Party Oaneim Party Dancing Party Danrinc Party Sing II Ataki Running Ro Running Bof Five Star FinaT" Orchestra, Orrheslrn Orchestra. Mellow iTlhi Mood Orchestra 11:35 Newt Sign-Off Sl.n Off Church f Air Church of Alt Church of Air Church ef Air News Jester Golden Gate Qu. Golden Gale Qui. Sports Review Clark Dennis Ave Maria Hour Ave Maria Hour News I'niv. Explorer Tabernacle Tabernacle Invitation I Learning Guest Star News Gosnel Sinters Leiliert Wayne King Wavne King Joseph C. Harscb People Aland Tell It Again Tell It Again First Baptist Ch First Baptist Ch. First Baptist Ch. First Baptist Ch. Festival of Song Festival of Song People's Platform People's Platfoim Serenade for Strings News Guy Lombardo Symphony Symphony Symphony Symphony Music St Worda MunIo Si Words Music & Words .Music St Words Symphony Svmphony Skyway t Stars Sammy Kaye Sammy Kaye Music for Sunday Music for Sunday Jfllh Century Drawing Room Sunday Serenade i Sunday Serenade Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Crooks' Cruli News Jack In ill Trade Jack fn all Trade Family Hour Family Honr Pause That Refreshes Gene Autry Gene Autry Amos 'n' Andy Amos rn' Andy Dallas Ministerial W'altrr Pidceon Sunday Serenade Sunday Serenade My Favorite Husband News My Serenade Helen Ha ye Helen Hayes Our Miss Brook Our Miss Brook News Melody bv Candlelight Frank DeVal Frank DeVal Allen Roth Allen Roth I.um 'n' Ahner l.um n' Ahner Strike It Rich Strike It Rich Music of Manhattan Norman Cloutier Norman Cloutier Sam Spade Sam Spade The Whistler The Whistler Studio 13 studio 1.1 Conrert Hall Concert Hall You Are There You Are There Philip Marlowe Philip Marlowe Ave Maria Hour Ave Maria Hour Lawrence W'elk Five Star Final Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra News Sign Off Orchestra Orchestra i-Off Story Fver Toldi 4.00, Co for the Housat i.W, Curt Masscy Show: 5:00, Stop the Music; A:00, Walter Winchell: 6:15, Louella Parsons) 6:31. Theatre Guild; 7:30, Jimmie Fidleri 7:43, Newsweek Look Ahead; :IMI Drew Pearson: 11:15, Monday Morning Headlinrs; 8:30, Johnny Fletrheri ft: 00, Research Report! 0:13, Roadside Chapel: 0:30. Claremont Holel Orch.i 10:00, Richfield Reporter; 10:15, Dream f.irlt 10:30. Bridge to Dreamland; 11:00, Organ Reveries; 11:15. Hotel Stevens Orch.i 1 l:;to, Jas Philharmonic) 12:00, Xtra Hour; 1:00, sign Off. KOAC Saturday P.M. 5:00, On tfa L'pbcati 5:50, 550 Sports clubt ft:00. News; (1:1ft. This Is South Africa) 0:30, Look at Australia; 8:45, London Let ter! ?:oo. Grand Opera Tonight i 11:45, News; 0:00. Kay Kyser and his Orrhes trai 0:30, Lawrence Elliott and His Or chestral 10:o, Sign Off. Rugged Watch THERMOPOLIS, Wyo. U.R When William Montgomery lost his watch in the rugged Wagon mound country near here 15 months ago he never expected to see it again. But after lying in sun. rain, and snow, the watch was found by Luke McNeil. Montgomery gave the winder a few twists and the watch started off (gain without even a shake. ing fluids near open fires. The council said that one third of all accidents in Chicago during the first six months of 1948 occurred in homes. Solution of Yesterday's Puulf) DOWN 2. Source I. Symbrt! for sodium i. Inquire 8. A hound . Park in th RockiB 7. Comp:iniom I. Hurl lft. Tionoun 11. Wi! nian of the Oreeka 1J. Amerimn Knernl 17. Pufile call Hi. W-.fh'n: comb. form 5S. Near 2. Burn 2T. Cranfi ". Pasa piowr? Kind of plc 2. Pwarfei IT. Volcanic matter S'. T.ar drains S. Kc dlKh 41. Oiiniir 43. Oiitrfim 44. Talks Mlf ii. Comparative ending 4. Orasi II. AraMan chieftAm it. Crvtnlliie4 rain ST. Wrath :. IrtsHtutst tult M. A far u M A CA wgpjto A RjS 9 V U UlA.RtaSlO C TjA L TEPff(ffiPjOR T BRA o lilEiiSJ M ' Rl5 HTM V Rty TA IB aJoJaH X H Is L 'rBc0 M ART I F0" HToj Wj AIT' E B'L O0 IR U BfijTfRiEfcdu R AiRKjOl I udRISHO D 1 eAN lIvCTsTeipIu C E V v ' 1 1-1