East Salem PTA Baekc Adult Education program ta ';-" "t regular meeting for the new echool year of the Swegle Parent-Teacher association was held ai lhe schoolhouse Tuesday night and with the adult education nro p. of the c.ty the subject for the discussion ita by George porter, director of adult education. ueorge In the Salem district there are . . novv 28 different subjects taught in special adult classes under the four headings- extension classes trainees, less than college, and for students who must attend night classes because they are not able to be In regular school classes during the day. No spe cial educational requirements are made for attendance in these classes which are from two to four hour classes once a week. Any one in the district may ask for a special class in the subject they want taught, and if there are 12 or 15 interested a class will be held. Several members of the audience are taking some of this work. There are between 400 and 500 subjects that qualifed teach ers might have a class in. Mu sical numbers on the program were piano numbers by Donna Brandt and accordion numbers by Lanny Dibbern. The new president, Mrs. Mel vin LaDue, presided at the bus iness meeting. The vice presi- dent, Mrs. Harold Alderman, Rave the executive board meet ing report. Members voted to sponsor the new girl scout troop being organized and the Brownie troop which has been organzied. Mrs. Helen Albin spoke of the backing the association is giv ing two bills which the voters will decide at the comng elec tion The president reminded members of the special radio programs over KOAC, the coun ty meetings, and general plans for the year. This group with other parent groups of tht sub urban districts will have land scaping of the school grounds as one project. The teachers were introduced and formed the receiving line with the head teacher, Arthur Roloff introducing. Mrs. George Quinn and Mrs. Marion West served on the refreshment com mittee. An aquarium with small tropical fish will be awarded to the room which has the most parents attending meet ings, with a count being made at each meeting, and the award remaining in the room until the next regular meeting. The pri mary, Mrs. Charles rving's room will have the aquarium this month. Albany School Board Names White Clerk Albany Leslie A. White, local insurance agent, was elect ed by the Albany school board at a special meeting as district school clerk. The new clerk is a veteran educator, serving for 25 continuous years as city su perintendent of schools at Minot, N.D. He entered the insurance business here in May, 1946. White will replace Dan Bren neman, who resigned but wests Moose Hunters Leaving Silverton Roy Davenport, lo cal city mail carrier, and Henry Peters, Donald Peters, Chris Neitling and Ed Gilbert, of Stay ton, will leave Saturday for Prince George, B.C., for a moose hunting trip. The group will go by auto to Prince George, and by boat to the moose country. WANTED Walnuts - Filberts - Nut Meat ?uGAIiST.PR,CE CASH 0N DELIVERY FOR CHARD RUN. SEE US BEFJRE YOU SELL. Morris Klorfein Packing Co. OR- 460 N. Front Street SALEM Telephone 3-7633 WEEK-END iivvv niitn ill ui J, It BRAND MHWrjU ! APPLE CIDER at psgm APPLE GROWERS ASSOCIATION J HOOD HIVIK, OKIOON You May Be The Lucky One TO FIND A DRESS IN THIS GROUP! SECOND FLOOR CLEARANCE ON WOMEN'S DRESSES Every one top hits This season's stock Newest of styles. Because of broken lots, odd sizes we or clearing. See them today! Savings galore. PENMEY'S SECOND FLOOR i)88 CLEARANCE ON LOWER PRICED DRESSES TOO In Our Downstairs Store Broken lots in rayon prints, crepes and solid colors. Ideal for town or house wear. Each one was much higher in price. See them today. i DOWNSTAIRS STORE NOW ONLY 98 Girls Here's What You've Wanted Since the War! "PUFFET" ELASTIC PANTIES Elastic gatherings. Pretty pastel colon. Loco trimmed 69c PENNEY'S Main Floor HERE'S A REAL BUY FOR THE MEN DRESS SHIRTS FANCY FRINTS, SOLID COLORS, and ASSORTED SIZES 1.98 Remember PENNEY'S Are Open Until 9 Every Friday Nite Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, October 22, 194815 foil Vtat. You'll know Dixie Bella every time by its disci De rive taste. Distilled from finest imported herb, fruits, berricA and choice grain neutral spirits. T1 ; W 1 ml PA. Visaed Vry (jt4 o rnoof MsmcD rao tee gajm tmrnm. spsms conhncmim aenmma coaroxwiow. mnADami. We Honestly Believe) That You Can't Buy A Better Bicycle For The Money, Than The 1948 A HIAWATHA j L.L.C. PRICE From QwerantMd Far Lite Exerting "Bald-Onn Finish Choice ef Many Models RaaHy, Hfawofto btkt art tha bast buys of tha year. Rugged Itr.amlln.d from, and aN ports guaront..d against d.f.ets. Far a mw thrill toko If a Hrowotho bifca. Girl s Mniiel Hiawatha "Standard". Full 26" Site. Reg-. OQ95 Low Price S43.95 ' Lower Ll?lnf Cult B.I. PIPE WRENCHES 2.49 tern, (ifra heavy eon Tvctiorv Drop forgid bor. Real bvy. AXES, AXE HANDLES M. shot. M, Jy,J, . JO 2 . 2.49 t HNOifl. JJ.nr, ft want tnckory. .,. jo, yt Us.. lMt Cm ut. Cooking Tasks Are Easier with the Right Utensil for Every Job! Own a Whole Setl Two-Tint Cooking Fork Flexible Blending Fork Soup Ladle Folate Mather Long Handle Can Opener Measuring Scoop Icing Spatula Batting Spoon Perforated Mixing Spoon Fine Moth 2Vi in. Strainer Flat Bottom Strainer Pancake Turner Hamburger Turner Shaped Handle Turner Batter Blender laty Knife Sharpen' YOUR CHOICE 19 EACH lie Hiawatha "Standard" rY. Our Reg. Low Price 43.95 PBSz I 3995 .Watat W WITH PURCHASE OF I IRONING BOARD Tod and loiHc-.dg.d Cov.r glvm JTT with nils sturdy wood-top Ironing "J J loard. SSF W SSF r--'i fvisjfc"" "Si ;:J t.S COFFEE MAKER 1.59 Our rogwlar prk 1-98 China drip Coll. a Mokr. Alutnlrwai upper attlon. lowor living Cost Mg BEATER, BOWL 98 Pitcher ihoped low) with egg boater ond a noiwpatter fitted cover. K-M MIXER 34.95 100'ipoed Knopp Monarch Miier with 2 mining bowii and tvkeri portable mixers r"-rxt r'IX"! Tr-. lwr gL. COMBINET 1.15 fatytoHecmbeled-oil nomet rVihw. Sanitary, GLASS WAX 59 p. Fanouf Oald t.al GlosWa.cl.omglas aiDyt hol prol ttva wax Alio. ROLLING PIN 59 Gland finish pin tra. Ing Pht with asy haa dllng toll taarlnf : I HS BUILDING PAPER; 15 lb. Saturated Felt Our Regular Low Price, t.47 , - ' L.L.C. PRICE 2.29 roll Tht pnprr comii In ft roll it" wldf nd hrvn 324 m ft. per 'oil. U.ted tor Rravel roofs, lining cnifiifn hniKPs. ou! hiilldltn, unrier Aftphalt hlnslei or aiding.. ROOFING FOR EVERY PURSE AND PURPOSE 45 Lb. Roofing Mica sur face roofing made on 34 Ih. felt. Complete with 198 roofing nails. Roll . 105 Lb. Staueered Edsre Rooting. Jaile green slate. Fine felt saturated with pure asphalt. II. L. 092 approved. Roll ... 105 I.b. Roll Brick Siding. Black mortar lines resem ble regular bricks. To he used as siding. A.42 Roll 90 Lb. Hoofing. Jade green slate. Finest felt saturated with pure asphalt. Oil U.L. approved. Roll Sower Z5iv i g Go s f $&A Our Paint Contains 15 TITANIUM Read The Formula Printed on Every Can Then Compare With Others Selling ForMore Outside White 3 98 AUON IN I OAL LOTS 15 THanlvm Dioxide, the whlteit pigment known to man, plut 100 pvra Itnteed OH and i2 white food for durability end body. We guarantee greater coverogo and hiding power, HOMEOUARD PAINT BRUSHES Mad. o 100 Pura Chln.s Hog Srritl.t. n IP Lasts longer. Holr won't fall out. R.g. 2.9S .H J llomrguard Thinner, absolute high quality. One (ial. Bulk S Exterior Primer, get this necessity at savings. 5 G:iK 1D.8S Trim and Shutter Paint, In flattering colors. (Juart 1.89 "TRAILWAY" COMPOUNDED MOTOR OIL 2 Gallon Can SAE 20-30-40 $1 ff Federal U Exciit Tox Included Trailway Motor Oil is corefully compounder) to com bat motor corrosion. Contoins approved additives . , . detergent for engine cleanliness . . . oxidation Inhibi tor for longer life- Salem Phone 37177 Oregon