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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1948)
BY BECK What To Do? CapitalAJourna! An Independent Newspaper Established 1888 GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher ROBERT LETTS JONES, Auiitant Publisher Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che meketa St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Want Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409. Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press end The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also news published therein. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier: Weekly, Z5e; Monthly, $1.00; One Tear, S12.00. By Mall In Oregon! Monthly, 75c; Mos., M OO; One Year, s.8.00. U.S. Ontoide Oregon I Monthly, 11.00; ( Mot., $6.00; Year, $12. 4 Salem, Oregon, Thursday, October 21, 1948 I Two Bills on the Ballot to Be Beaten ' There are two groups that repeatedly get vicious initia tive bills on the ballot despite repeated rejections by the people. One is the Townsend group seeking bigger and bet ter pensions for women over 60 and men over 65 years of age. The other the liquor, night club, hotels and beer hall SIPS FOR SUPPER and barkeepers union interests seeking amendments to the Knox state liquor control law that would virtually restore the saloon and eventually bring back the tragedies of the prohibition era. The Townsend bill appears on the ballot as the second of the initiative bills. Its ballot title reads: , " '.-..-'-r- I KNOW YOURE 1 i -jjiXJ' (COONTRV WHERE THERE 4j , . I ARE KW WOMEN. YOURS fftiV' ' I ' I TN OOINO TO A SrX' iff ' Hi V. SHOE STORE FOR MEN The Ultimate OREGON OLD AGE PENSION ACT Purpose: Directing Ore gon legislature to provide funds by continuing appropriations and enact all necessary legislation to provide for and pay each needy female citizen of Oregon, 60 years of age, and each needy male citizen, 65 years of age, a minimum monthly pension of $50, to feed, clothe, house, and provide hospital, medical, dental and other needed care, and provide decent burials for such needy citizens. Governor to appoint a commissioner to adminis ter act; authorizing state board of control to issue certificates of indebtedness; state public welfare commission to administer during interim; limiting cost of admnistration to one percentum of income. Vote YES or NO In 1946 Oregon voters rejected the Townsend pension $100-at-60 3 percent transaction tax by No 244,960 to Yes 86,374, and believed the era of crack-pot business stifling bootstrap-lifting pension plans was over, but financial ex ploitation of misinformed but earnest "senior citizens" was too profitable to abandon after three defeats, the others being in 1938, and 1944. The bill is erroneous in procedure and defiant of econo .mics and probably unconstitutional as well. The old people are now taken care of by the present federal-state-county assistance system which it proposes to supplement. It directs the legislature to enact legislation and rob other state funds to finance pensions and directs courts to uphold unconstitutional legislation and contradic tory and confusing in its provisions. The cost would depend on an Interpretation of the bill's pro visions. The OREGON VOTER estimates that there might be 85,000 men and women over 65 and 60 who have other income less than $50 a month. On that basis the cost would be in excess of $4,250,000 a month or $50,000,000 a year, with no money in sight. One of the results would be the withdrawal of federal security aid which now amounts to $30 of each $50 old age pension paid in the state. One fourth of the needy aged now receive pensions of $50 a month and the average is about $46. Medical, hospital and funeral benefits are provided in addition. It would be those who do not need pensions who would benefit if funds could be found. Vote 811 X No. The liquor by the drink bill has the ballot title : OREGON LIQUOR DISPENSING LICENSING ACT Purpose: Authorizing Oregon Liquor Control Commission to issue dis pensing licenses to its licensed hotels, restaurants, clubs and common carriers of passengers for hire, permitting mixing, serving and selling of alcoholic liquor with or without food or meals on such conditions as prescribed by the commission. Re quiring annual license fee of $500, performance bond of $5,000, and in addition to purchase price of liquor, a tax of 25c per container of 32 ounces, and lc per ounce for each ounce over S2. Making provisions of Oregon liquor control act, rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, applicable to licenses. Vote YES or NO It might better be called, what it is, a bill to promote and Increase drunkenness through elaborate cocktail bars, and weaken control, and the experience of California In permit- ting selling by the drink is reflected in statistics which show that California leads all the states in arrests for in toxication. Vote 317 X No. Why a Stab in the Dark? The North Cnpitol street parking problem comes before the city council next Monday. It will be in the form of a resolution to ban parking north from Court street through the Hollywood district to the underpass. Such a ban at this time does not appear to hold the so lution to the traffic problem on that heavily traveled thoroughfare. A reckless move on the part of the city council could offer no more than a slab in the dark at Improving a complex problem. At the same time, however, it must be admitted by all concerned, whether in the Hollywood district or not, that some move toward easing the traffic problem there and elsewhere in the city must be taken. The Hollywood district is nnt the only one faced with a creeping paralysis that traffic congestion can cause. There are other sections of the city, including the down town area, that are similarly on the spot. It is only a natural result of a growing citv and area. The solution, therefore, should be one for the entire sec tion and not any one district, such as the Hollywood dis trict. The threatened ban, however, should come as a warning" that only through the concerted effort of the district peo ple and the city itself can a satisfactory solution be possi- The stale highway department must be considered as a direct partner In the solution, since Highway 99E is in volved north and south and the state highway carrying traffic along Center street across the Salem-Vi'est Salem bridge east and west. Some solution must be found. There can be little argu ment about that, l'erhaps, it will be a combination of off street parking with street widening. In any event, passage of a ban for North Capitol street Monday night would do more harm than good at this time. 'Cold Treatment' From Landlord Lot Angeles When Mrs. Itabel Cotton thought hrr landlords wera giving her tht eold treatment, she not plrnty steamed up enough to tilt a $11,000 damage suit against Faul and Ida Tresser. The Tremrrs, ahe charged, tried to drive her out of the house by cutting down tht heat In hrr room, disconnecting all heat In the bathroom, nailing the bathroom windows open, and removing the bathroom shades. Mrs. Colton said she suffered bronchitis. Insomnia, and fall bladder trouble from the resulting chill and embarrass ment The defendants, denying the charges, said they gave Mrs. Cotton an eviction notice becaust their own lease had expired. By 00.4 UPJOHN We've read and heard a thousand stories in re penurious Scotch men, have seen thrift tested in most every form, but w think we ran across the payoff this a.m statement returned to the sher iff's office. The taxpayer on re ceiving the statement in the open window type envelope used wrote Same was in the shape of a tax Dob fjpjohs check for his taxes, stuffed it and the state ment back into the envelope in which it was rece i v e d , but merely turned over the state' ment to hide the address. sealed the envelope with Scotch tape and dropped it In a mail box. It came back to the sher iff's office with a three-cent due stamp attached. But really what worries is how he could have wasted all that Scotch tape? If the same procedure was follow ed on each of the 40,000 state ments sent out it would cost the county a tidy $1200, but the taxes would be paid. er the fact that it's the first time in 16 years they've had a "home of their own." Ruth Versteeg, publicity manager, says al though at present their group is rather small, now they have their own little theater they hope to enlarge into a really important civic organization. ,( And which no doubt they will. Their first play is "Listen to Leon" and they hope lots of Sa lemites will be listenin. Note the secretary of state has figured out that there's one car in Oregon to every 3.4 people. We can guess where Clarence Byrd is counted in on this. Our little comment of last evening on the squirrels not being smart enough to detect an off-grade walnut is belied by our compatriot Fred Zimmer man who says out his way he has encountered any number of nuts with a slight hole gnawed in them and apparently reject ed by the discriminating squir rel. That may be Just Fred's way of Indicating to us even the squirrels are smarter out in his end of town. Venison De Luxe Hermiston, Ore. IIP) Mrs. F. L. Beaver can never say that her husband failed "to bring home the bacon" this hunting season. And he didn't have to stop at the butcher shop, either. "The meat's hanging on the porch," Beaver told his wife af ter he and a group of friends had returned from a hard day In the woods. Eager, Mrs. Beav er dashed out to take a look. Yes. she found a carcass, all right. One dressed jackrabbit. When cigarettes were two packs for 31 cents there were always pennies for the parking meter, what with four cents change on every transaction. Now they're reduced to two for 29 there's only a penny back in change and motorists are shy of pennies for the parking meters and have to drop in nickels in- Salem Civic Players who op en their 1048-49 season Friday evening at 155 S. Liberty street, stead. A case of where they sav- r leeang preiiy peppea up ov- ed money by spending more. MacKENZIE'S COLUMN German View: Battle for Berlin Is the Battle for Europe By REIMAN MORIN (S1tltatlnii for Drum M.rkrntlr, AP N.wa Anllyit) "If you give up Berlin, you give up Europe," the German said. "It is as simple as that." He is a Berliner, a member of that group of newspapermen wno nave oeen in me United ly Rtlman Mortn States studying American news papers and their methods. Quite prob ably, his opin ions are weight ed on the side of A m e r 1 can policy in Ger many, since he lives under the protection of American arms and practices his profession by virtue of an A m rl c an li cense. However, he Is no yes-man. He Is quietly critical of some phases of American policy, but not as It relates to Berlin. His reasoning, I think, is worth reporting, as a counter poise to the arguments of many Americans who believe we have blundered terribly by clinging to our perilous toehold In Ber lin. They say we should have pulled out, because 1. Berlin is untenable, strate gically. The airlift can be stopped Just as the trains were stopped. 2. By staying, we have per mitted the Importance of the city to be ballooned to such pro portions (hat we cannot afford to quit Berlin, and the Russians cannot afford to let us stay there. 3. Thus, the Americans In Berlin are, In fact, at the mercy of the Russian army, and the United States, as a whole, may be dragged into war by "the action of any trigger-happy cor poral," and over an issue that Is Intrinsically unimportant to America. So goes the line of criticism against the position tins govern ment has taken on Berlin. Now comes the answer of the German editor. (He speaks ex cellent English, by the way.) "In the first place, it you get out of nerlln suppose you withdraw to the Anglo-Ameri can zones of occupation in the west then you merely transfer the point of friction. But, he said, i result of vastly greater consequence would ac crue If the Americans pulled back. He estimated that less than one per cent of the German peo ple, even those who live in the Russian zones, are communists or even communistically in clined, at this point. "It is not dttficiult to picture the fate of these people if all Germany comes under Russian control." WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Dewey, as President, Would Need Fair-Minded Senate By DREW PEARSON . Washington The record of congret during recent years Is not unlike the present garbled politics of the country. Party lines have been cut. Republicans sometimes voted with democrats: some democrats lined up with republicans. This will probably continue. It will prob ably also be true that Dew ey will get as much support from certain W he will from some republi cans. On interna tional issues now probably the most Im portant before congress it is certain that most democratic senators will give him more backing than such Isolationists as Brooks of Illinois, Dworshak of Idaho, or Robertson of Wy- Sequel to Speeding-Fine Story Los Angeles MWWunlclpal Judge O. Benton Worley iruch prefers $15 American money over $1,000,000 In Chinese greenbacks. , . , This became evident when his honor refused to accept that amount In Chinese notes to pay s $15 speeding fine. The million dollars, Chinese, are worth only two bucks, Ameri- '"judge Worley ordered the money returned to Francis G. Gorman, now In Shanghai, and said If $15 In American money is not forthcoming shortly, he will Issue a warrant for Gorman's arrest when he returns to this country. The Judge declined the offer of two deputies to serve the warrant on Gorman In the Orient. mini, In fact, the irrepressible, lov- , u" proo- personality, Ferguson won't stand up under fire. He has lost 11 chance of being Dewey's at torney general the lob he so tM'.tsw". -" ; ,t .." ardently coveted. Ed Johnson, democrat. Colo- pQOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER knows his legislative onions, Johnson does a good job for his state and his voting record usually represents the folks back home. He is a competent public servant. James Murray, democrat, Montana Though a million aire, Murray has spent all his years in the senate battling for the underdog. No tenator on either side of the aisle has a better record. On iniernational A Difference in Few Years By HAL BOYLE Washington W-Five years ago next month Hans-Norbert Finkel came to the United States as a German war prisoner. He had been captured in Tunisia with Field Marshal Rommel s Afrika korps. Finkel, now 28, is back in America again. This time he is stances. He is one of 25 Ger man editors able Congressman John Taber le " health and housing, he and publishers has already served notice that "Pp0I' P6"!?' ,ar b?t,er ' ' ' " d V. man iiib uur cuueague zrom ociiuiiai wi Montana. American Press Edward V. Robertson, repub- Institute at Co- lican. Wvomine Manager nf lumbla umver- guest under different circum- the G.O.P. isolationists are plan ning to give brother Dewey a rough time on two issues economy and international co operation. Electing the right kind of senate, therefore, is second only to the election of president. With this in mind, here is the Merry-Go-Round roll-call of U. S. Senators up for election next month: Joseph Ball, republican, Min nesota a mixed-up personality who gets tangled in his own emotions. A former news- the Coe ranch, owned by his brother-in-law, the senator has been the undying friend of the big sheep and cattle men, but voted against most measures for labor and the little fellow. Born in England, he married the daughter of H. H. Rogers, part- Ral Borl man, Ball came to the senate and chauffeur on the govern' determined to do right, but ment payroll. when he swung to Roosevelt in 1044 he was so ostracized by his own republicans that, to win back their favor, he swung to the reactionary extreme. Joe sity. These visitors from Europe's uneasy fulcrum attended a cou ple of news conferences here. They were impressed by the informality and freedom with ner of old John D. Rockefeller which reporters quesuonea gov- cation and information. Our pa Robertson has usually voted rnment officials, and said such pers are much more influential isolationist nH r h ,, a h . conierences wouia nave ei wealthy man. has had his nnier. They things "In Germany we try first to find the theory underlying the idea. The German is bound to ask, 'What lies behind it?' And this is true of all Europeans." Finkel said he thought one sign of superficiality here was the way the average American read his newspaper. "There are usually four post sibilities," he smiled. "The rnnrinr will lnnk first for thf comics, the baseball results, the the headlines. Only the fifth man will first read the news stories. "The German has a different approach to his newspaper. He looks to it first for advice, edu- t no ugh a - "-. Chapman Revercomb, repub lican. West Virginia Hand some smooth-talking, likable Chappie tangled with Dewey over the displaced persons bill also said some about America. nice But politically than those here. But they were more interest ed in discussing the world po litical situation than compar ing journalistic methods. They guests usually say nice things. had nothing but praise for the ' ' allied airlift. Since Finkel, now political "It was for us the first posi- editor of Dena, American-li- tive evidence that you would has now been on so many dlf- and was even criticized hv his censed German news agency, perform what you promised," ferent sides of so many dif ferent fences that he has lost his usefulness. Styles Bridges, republican, New Hampshire a tough forth right scrapper who has usually voted against his isolationist G.O.P. colleagues. He watches pennies, raises cain over too much spending and frequently votes against the G.O.P. re actionaries. Bridges is an asset to the senate. "Curley" Brooks, republican, Illinois Brooks has been op posed to almost all of Dewey's New York record. A likable person with a charming wife. Brooks is wholly controlled by the Chicago Tribune and is al most proud of It. If re-elected, he will be in Dewey's hair on many issues. Henry Dworshak, republican, Idaho A long with Curley Brooks, he is the most dyed-in-the wool isolationist in the sen ate. Dworshak permitted his mailing list to be used by a Hitler propagandist, was glad to have the support of Gerald L. K. Smith, and is one of the few western senators who didn't fight hard for reclamation. His mediocre senate record Includes trying to get an honorable dis charge for an American soldier convicted of rape, murder and running a boy down with a mo torcycle. Dworshak will be no asset to Dewey. Homer Ferguson, republican, Michigan Came to the senate with a record for graft cleanup and as long as the democrats controlled the senate, Fergu son had a healthy knack of keeping them on their toes. Once he got Into power, how ever, Ferguson lost that knack. He made a fool of himself in the Howard Hughes investiga tion and was bluffed out of his probe of Senator Thomas of Ok lahoma when Thomas threat ened to go after Ferguson. Fi nally, he dropped the Tucker auto investigation for reasons best known to himself, but after the GOP national committee woman from Michigan was paid $17,850. A homey, congenial own church (Presbyterian) for religious discrimination in con nection with this bill. Chappie has consistently voted with the big business interests of his state. Other senatorial candidates will be covered in future col umns. fCopyrlBht 1948) had looked at the United States from both sides of the table, I asked him what he found most disappointing in this country. "This spirit of superficiality," he said, "and 1 don't mean just politically. "Here, If you get an idea, you try to do something with It fast give it a practical application. You say, 'Let's try it.' said Finkel. I thought afterward what an odd conversation it had been. Four years ago Finkel was a war prisoner in the American midwest, and I was with the U. S. First army trying to reach and cross the Rhine to link up with the Russian forces. It was a reunion of fighting men hoped would bring peace forever. Schilling Poultry Seasoning Appttlting spites blended juii right for perfect, tempting poultry drcuing...ind other meit dishet, tool Get Schilling, qutlity fimoul for 67 yen. THIRIII NO ItTTIRCOrFfEl Not it snjr prinl Thcrmo-Ktgulutd Rooting girei ih iamt Kch Itvof la trto- pound. Try Schilling! II VMCEIS A ELECWiC INVITES YOU TO FREE SHAVE with the New Mnbeani SHAVEMASTER Beard thick and wiry? Skin sensi tive? That's OKI This nsw loctrlc has what H takes. W say H will give you th fastest, closest comfort-shave you ever had. Doubt It? Tried other electric shavers and given them up? That's OK, tool We're looking for men like you. Why not "Call our hand"? Entirely Different from all others! 4 v C , ' I leVlf'V. HERE FOR ONE DAY ONLY FRIDAY, October 22 A Factory Trained Expert to Show You All About SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTERS and Make Any Needed Repairs on Your Old One. VirJCS'S ELECTRIC 157 S. Liberty Dial 3-9239