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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1948)
OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DOIBI.E WINDOW set with frame and tight, new shower and fitting. res taurant u plait. 3 burner oil stove. 1 wheel ear trailer all in food cond. T30 Will. n354 WAT KB HEATERS Kite trie range and refrigerators aailable at VINCE8 ELECTRIC IftT 8. Liberty 8t. Ph. 39339. n354 SLECTRir hair dryers, hairclippers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 0363 FARM MACHINERY 116-30 McCormack Deerlng Tractor 1 ft. Disc 1 Let 18" Hay or Erusllagt Chopper 1 Moline Hammer Mill J Bursa Milking Buckets ft Pulaetor Owner a farm sold & leaving town Bars in Prices 4030 N. -River Rd. Phone Salem 1-3134 r.357 APT. SIZE A R range excellent con dition 375. Pll. 37534. HOYT ST. SURPLUS OIL CIRCl'LATORK one more week at 129.95 Tenls and Tarpe, Small and large TOILETS Kitchen Sink Lava tories Bath room etx Washers O E. Elect rlc Welders Thermadore Electric Heaters Apt. size Electric Ranges Electric Water heaters Electric house and outside wir -entrance boxes 100 Amp. Range cables Range outlets Oak Bed-side Tables 15 00 and 17.50 Wall safe lire safe Fire Engine 1941 GMC IS Ton low bed 14' Hat bed Truck, dual axle, Jish plated frame, like new bunk beds. 3 varieties Swivel chairs $12.50 Electric light plantf mall and large Saw Mill Engines Dish washers Bakery electric oven Steam Kettles Steam Cookers McClellan Sad dle Doors with hardware and frame Sash Furnace hot water or steam hot air furnace with blower C03 Fire Ex tinguishers Canvas Cots, New, 14.00 Extra toilet tanks OALV. PIPE 4' Doors for 8" Walls 115.00. fcOME SOUTH ON 12th TO LARGE HOYT SIGN. TURN EAST ONE BLOCK. n.253 FOR RALE Airoflame circulating oil heater, 235.00. Rt. 6, Box 305, Phone 13-F-3. n253 12 GAt'OE Browning auto.. 36340; 13 gauge Ethic pump, 176 00; 33 Winchester auto., 135.00: 965 N. 15th St., after 6 P M. Phone 3-5240. n253 80-30 WNCH ESTER rifle with shells. Good condition, 956. 310ft University. Ph. 20458. n352 S1IH Hewitt Oil Circulator. Ued 6 mo. Very good eondltoln. $50. Call 3-2958 or 3-1B47. n253 Used very little n252 HOOVER vacuum cleaner, new, rebuilt motor. $30. Also 0x10 rug, good con dition. $15.00. Ph. 26003. n253 ATTENTION New Iff kilowatt. 110 volt automatic elec tric plant on skids, only 11200. Phone 3-4129, evenlnas 3-0211. n355 THE BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR IS ON AT WARD'S FARM STORE! 1 Get your Farm Needs During Ward Week and SAVE EXTRA DOLLARS' Rei. 89c Dairy Pail 58c Reg. S3. 89 Water Bowl 13.18 Reg. 134.95 Separator (28.88 Reg. 12.10 Eag Cartons 11.48 Reg. 146.50 Cement Mixer $41.88 WARD S FARM STORE Trade and High Sta. Salem n257 MARION ELECTRIC ranges. First new model since war. Come see them at HOLLYWOOD APPLIANCE CO. 3005 Fairgrounds Road. IEn WARD'S COMPLETE LINE OF 1 HP. POWER CHAIN SAWS! Fells big tim ber In half the time of hand cutters. Light weight, latest type chisel chain, stall proof clutch. Priced $100 lower than you expect. 36" Bar $460 WARD S FARM STORE Trade and High SU. Salem, Orei. n260 FRANQUETTE WALNUTS 12c lb. you pick up. Turn left at Keizer school, follow pavement 3 miles. W L. Woelk, Rt. 3. Box HOC. n251 ELECTRIC CLOCKS and door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n263 DESK LAMPS, bed lamps, -orld globes, desk pen sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n263 D363a FERTILIZER. Cow or chicken manure. Delivered in Salem. Well rotted or fresh. $5.00 per cubic yard del. Also manure by sack $1.00 per sack at place or will del. $ sack order. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 6, Box 118, Salem. Ph. 68F23. n PLASTI-KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors, woodwork, linoleum, requires no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n263 SPINET PIANOS at sale prices. Knabe, Krakauer, Fisher tt Lester Betsy Ross Spinets. 150. down, 34 months for bal. SHOP TALLMAN 8 A SAVE $95 S. 12th. A mile from high prices n259 OIL HEATERS HEAT 1 TO 6 ROOMS. TERMS. VINCES ELECTRIC 157 8. Liberty St. Ph. 39239. n234 Til OR Automatic Washers, Oledlrona "ALL" Automatic Wash. Machine Soap Recommended by Thor Hollywood Appliance Co., Ph. 14439 at GAUGE dble barren ahotrun. In per fect shape. Kenneth Hanson. Ph. 2-6779 n354 RUSSIAN Pony fur coat, slie 11. Reas onable. Ph. 3-1064. n2S4 VICTROLA wood stove tt Schulhoff piano. 705 8. 2 lit. Call after 5 p.m. n254 263 SALEM SAND t. ORAVEL COUP ANT Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer Basement tqulpment Rental 15 B -4 yds. 12 00 per br 10 B S yds. 9 60 per br D-7 Cat & Doier 9 60 per br D-6 Cat it Doier $.40 per hr D-4 Cat A Dozer 1.00 per hr Phone Days 3-840I Evening 1-8246 Salem. Oregon n 8.283 WALLINO SAND GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways eement, ready mil concrete, gardeo aand Bulldozing drainers and ditching fc-yd. shovel and drag Una. Ph. $--9249 B REVERE WARE! pressure cookers. cocLle sheets, fruit Juicer, egg cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO B33 ELECTRIC BLANKETS, comfortcra and sheets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n383 It GI' AGE WINCHESTER pump Oood eond. 3 boxes of sheila. $40. University. Ph 30458. NEW PnilTO M' refrigerator. 40 lb quirk free. capacity. Owner leaving town. A bare in. 4930 l. mm a. n253 SPECIAL value In coats and suits al LORMAN8. 1109 Edgewater St.. W. Sa lem. Open until 7 pm. n254 PACK ARD-REI.L radio-phonograph console, original price 1300. Selling at reason able redurtoln. Can be seen evenings after I. Inquire for Ralph Melllng. 1137 N. 9th St.. Cnrvallli. 1)353 TAPE RECORDER, ntw 1300. Ph. 67F1J n353 PHI LOO Table Model Rsdio. 4-tube In aood worklna order. 110. Remintton Typewriter, wide earrlate, 135. A BUY. MS Garnet St. or Ph. J-as&. n356 Attention, Farmers, Club House Owners! Re tart Opera I art! Wards now hart selection of Power Plants from 350 to 35.oao waits. Ynu too can enjoy the advantaa-ei of electricity although ynu are miles from the high lines. Ask tor free booklet tort at MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ! ! L!Drt n Mill MM' r.l annw r4E up to 15 ft. lonl. I'.t Toj rotn, irHl i.t th.m Tar- lor'a Oral store. !nd,pndnct. Or. ! tAI KAIHI.NO MM HIM. rii. J"-0 iU AUTOMOBILES FROM ALL Particularly ANOLEt you tan be assured COMPARE OUR 1947 FORD CONVERTIBLE CLUB COUPE Radio-Heater. Very Low Mileage, Sportlight $2095 1946 Ford Deluxe Coupe $1445 1A47 Ford sedan, with all the trimmings 1946 Ford Deluxe Tudor 1948 Chevrolet Tudor 1946 Buick Super Sedan, R&H 1941 Oldsmobile "8" Sedan 1941 Ford Super Sedan 1941 Ford Super Tudor 1942 Studebaker Club Coupe 1941 Plymouth Four Door Sedan CHEAPIES 1938 Chevrolet Tudor $573 1941 Ford Tudor 995 1935 Nash Sedan 195 SALEM'S FINEST VALLEY MOTOR LOT Center at High Ph. 3-3147 Open Saturday P. M. Evenings by appointment WARNER MOTOR CO. REMEMBER If You Don't Know Your Car . . . Know Your Dealer 1948 Studebaker Land-Cruiser, R&H. Ovedrive. 1947 Mercury Four-Door Sedan 1947 Ford Four-Door Sedan. R&H 1947 Ford Two-Door Sedan. R&H 1946 Pontiac Four-Door Sedan. R&H 1946 Ford Convertible. R&H 1941 Chevrolet Five-Passenger Coupe. R&H 1941 Chrysler Royal Coupe. R&H 1941 Ford Four-Door Sedan 1940 Ford Two-Door Sedan Investigate Our Easy Payment Plan. Lowest Rates. WARNER MOTOR COMPANY S43 Center St. Phone 33012 W Bur and Srll Quality 1948 PONTIAC SEDANET Hydramatic Drive Two-Tone Blue & Grey Radio & Heater, Whitewall Tires Windshield Washers The Price $2995.00. ORVAL'S Center at Church Ph.3-4702 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE BY PRIVATE USER 1TH40 International bull doier Isaacson blade. Has Just been rebuilt 1 T9 International wide auaic cat with roustabout crane, 34' boom. Od, cond. 1 1940 Ross lumber carrier, model 90, 42" package, food condition. 11948 Vauahan lift truck, 3000 lb. cap acity, like new. 11941 k-I International dump-truck, 8 yd. bed, lood tires and general con dition, K-7 motor. WALLACE H. BON EST E ELI, INC. 3060 Portland Road, Salem Phones 3-4444 or 3-3954. n253 BEAUTIFl'L S-skln Kolinsky scarf. Reasonable. Ph. 39482 after 6 p.m. APT. SIZE AB ELEC. RANGE, little. 1630 D St. Mali's Tan Gabardine Top Coat and black and white tweed ault. Slaa 38. Each 125. Call 2-2956. n252 GUARANTEED Car Radio Service. Radio 2152's 8. Commercial St. CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 88-F-33. USED electric ranges, refrigerators, wash ers and water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n363 SEE US for harvest bags of all kind We pedant to cleaning mending. 8. A 8 Bag Co. 347 Kearney St Ph plant, 2-1877. a B2R3 BEAT TOUR home electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical. Sea a lor tret estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 355 N Liberty 0 GRAND PIANOS at sala prices. Knabe, Stelnway, Lster. saiawin. risner. uui branson. Steger St others. New, re built A. used. Priced from $691. Terms to suit SHOP TALLICA NS A 8AVI 191 a, 12th. A milt from high prices n25ft GARDEN SAND, aiftvew crushed rock Shovel A drac-line exeavatint wall LINO SAND ft GRAVEL CO. Ph. 1-9349 MIXERS, TOASTERS. waffle bakers, sandwich grills, coffee makers, perco lators, blendori, master. YEATER APPLIANCE CO WANTED MISCELLANEOUS MI STARD DISHES tt tooth pick holders. Ph. 33343 after 6 p.m. na254- WANTED Sewing math., any cond Sundalt Each. 694 N Ubtrtt Ph. 25511 I'SED FI'RMTrRi:. Phone 3-9185. PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 724. Phone 3.MS4 Boi P311 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE: 'M PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan. Motor, tires and body in aood condition. Call 32025 after 5 p m. Q.254 M PLYMOUTH sedan In good condition 1485. Call 23380. H154 WESTERN MOTORS This Is Not the ONLY Place to Safelv Buy a USED CAR But It's ONE OF THE FEW 1946 Chevrolet Aero, fully equipped Driven only 61 miles. Priced ai 8100 below honk. 1939 Plymouth. Oood rond . Itf. 1936 Chevrolet 4-Dr, Sedan. Ex. condl tlon. 6476. Many others to rhoost from. All of them Barfatn Priced have a Repatatfaa tar Keeping t'aed Car Prteei Dawn" WESTERN MOTORS Corner 12th & Miuion Ph. 3-9622 163 4 Quality and Price C Pete i Used Carfc West Salem 1948 Chev. Sedan. RH 1848 Pord Club CP, loaded with tit r as ItO Chev. 3-dr. RA-H. 1941 Chev. 4-dr RAtH 1948 Btude. I-pass RAH. As 1 1941 Pit. Sdn 1983 PETE'S USED CARS West Salem 03VJ' M Cfirv. t-dr aedan 3 new tires. Oood runnina condition. 1488 Stat, apt. after fivt p. m q243 WANT TO SI T '37 or 88 Chev, Ph. Dal las 3987 between I and I. aJS4 18H8 DO DOR COI'PE Heater Oood motor. brakes and tires. 1344 S. L.berty Phone 1-1TP fl2M M Pt.YMOI TH tv Vw pa nt ll or tritke an rffer Reimtna Motor 8rvtr 1384) PwtlU It. 334 AUTOMOBILES "Square Deal" at Valley. PRICES AUTOMOBILES YOU MIOHT DRIVE A MILLION MILES With never an accident, but what about tomorrow T Are your Brakes Safe? Ars your Tires Safe Is your Steering Safe Better be Sure. Drlva In and find out. Ron's Motor Co. USED CAR SPECIALS 1948 DeSoto Custom Sedan. R&H. De froster. 7.000 miles. 1941 Chevrolet Sp. Deluxe Sedan. R&H. Defroster. 1940 Butck Sedan. Sp.. RAH. 1939 Bulrlt Sedan Sp.. RAtH. 1939 Studebaker Sedan Coupe. H. 1938 Olds "6" Coupe, Heater. 1938 Plymouth Coupe. New Dodgt mo tor. R&H. 1937 Dodge Sedan. Heater. WEEK-END SPECIALS 1934 Chevrolet Sedan. R&H., 8350. 1929 Model A.. 8135. 1928 Chevrolet 2-Dr., 8126. RON'S MOTOR CO. General Automotive Repair Phont 3-4598. 240 S High 4 Blk. Below Elslnort Theater q253- '41 OLDS Convertible. Just complete over- nauied. 4 new tires. New brake, shock, and front end. Paint, top. upholder? perfect. Immaculate. 2202 State. q254 1I2 FORD truck. Perfect cond. Haa new 1947 Mercury motor, 3 -a peed action & 3- peed Brownie. This truck miiM tell lmmed. 130 Roberts Ave. Ph. 3-7900. 0.251- It CHRYSLER 5-paJW. cpc. Oraham, 1750. Ph. 2-8628. 8950. 41 q254 19 MASTER CHEV. 2-dr. Heater, spot light, mechanically perfect. Very good rubber. Set at 1118 Madison or call 3-8Q.S2. q2M NEW, ONE-TON, stake body. Studebaker truck, driven from Chlcaao. Chicaeo 11M price. Contact. Wall Bison, Rt. 9. Box 828. Salem. q254 87 RI'ICK Special, reasonable, R&H. 1411 Stata St. Westslda iround floor apt. q.254- BRAND NEW 1948 International truck, 10-20 rubber. 3 speed axle, tachometer, heater. Pull sale price. Ph, Salem 3-A666. q2M 1940 CHEV. 3-door (erty). The mechanic special. .7MO0. SAM'S MOTOR CO. 270 N. CHURCH q353 MY BANKER JUST SHOT HIMSELF Because I wouldn't make him my partner. With prices like these, no wonder my business Is so good. Grab yourself a bargain while prices are low. 1946 Ford 5-Pass. Cpe. Heater Low mileage $1795 1941 Buick Super Club Cpe. R&H. Orig. paint . $1495 1941 Mercury 4 Dr. Sedan. R&H. Orig. paint. Gd. mo tor and tires $1295 1939 Dodge Sedan. Heater, new paint. Clean $995 1937 Ford "8S"' Sedan. Gd mo tor It tires $395 1938 Olds Conv. Cpe. Excellent condition $495 1935 Ford Sedan. New uphol stery $295 1930 Dodge Sedan. It runs. $100 TRUCKS 194ft Dodge 2-Ton Flatbed. Low mileage $1995 1942 Ford Dump Truck . $1095 12TH ST. AUTO SALES 755 S. 12th Ph. 3-5653 4353 BT OWNER, 1947 Chev. Pietmajter sport aedsn Ph. 2646 4251 'a MOD I. A roadster petr eond , pa.nt 1100. Rar Mendnhall. Rt 3 729. Salem. Inqui'e L:brty store. good OJS4 tnss PONTIAC i set rover tire Ave. Ph. 21737 Mecri. at. 834 xc . M DP OTO sedan Overdrive, good condition. Ph. 3-1784, Rt. 3, Bos 13 .52' AUTOMOBILES Shroek Sez: Choora a n.w rar eir.fuMjr anil you know how It will perform. It. lu.t th. urn. In U.ed Car .hopping, l( you rhoo. your carefully. A reliabl. draltr who , been (loin. bu.m.A. (or yrar. Int.ndA to kttp hu buxin. or vr-ar. to cornr. too. and h can do that only by ..llini d.prndabla can. You know what you re letting when you buy your Uied Car here SEE THESE VALUES TODAY 1947 Hudson Commodore 8 4-door sedan, heater, overdrive and drivemaster. 1946 Hudson Commodore 8 4-door sedan, radio and heater, and drivemaster. 1946 Hudson Commodore 6-4 door sedan, with heater and over drive. 1947 Chevrolet Club coupe with heater and sport light. 1947 Ford Coupe, heater and sport light, 1946 Ford Coupe, heater and sport light. 1939 Plymouth 2-dr. sedan. 1939 Ford, 2 dr sedan. 1939 Olds, 4 dr sedan. 1937 Chevrolet, 4 dr sedan. Many other makei and model, to ehooao from. REMEMBER We'll be here tomorrow to back up what we say and do today. Satisfaction with each transaction. SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY This Time It's Hudson Where Chemeketa goes to Church Phone 3-7922 Open evenings by appointment Listen to Buck Nation every noon over KSLM 12:45 to 1 P.M. Q353 Capps Used Cars '41 Chevrolet Club Coupe Special Deluxe '41 DeSoto 4-Door Sedan '41 Studebaker Champion Coach, $895. Radio & Heater. Ovedrive. '39 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan '40 Dodge 2-Door Sedan '40 Plymouth 2-Door Coach. Heater. CAPPS USED CARS 253 Union Ph. 3-6143 AUTOMOBILES 11(40 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan, motor perfect, very clean Inside, radio ft heat er. 1119500. SAM'S MOTOR CO. 370 N. CHURCH q253 TEAGUE'S . FOR USED CARS IN 30 MINUTES YOU CAN OET A OOOD USED CAR AT RIOHT PRICE AND TERMS TOU PICK IT YOU LIKI IT IT S YOURS 1047 Ford 4 Door Sedan 4 1U8 Buick Special 4 Door Sedan 1943 Buick Sedanette 1942 Hudson Custom 4 Door Sedan 1041 Dodie 4 Door Sedan 1941 Nah 4 Door Sedan 1941 Chevrolet 5 Pass. Coup 19(0 Nftxh 4 Door Sedan 1940 Studebaker 4 Door Sedan 1939 Ford Coupe V8-85 1937 Buick 4 Door Sedan MOST OP THESE CARS EQUIPPED WITH RADIOS AND HEATERS ON DISPLAY AT OUR DOWNTOWN USED CAR CENTER Teague Motor Company Your Kaiser - Frazer Dealer 352 N. Commercial Phone 2-4173 q353' Ifttn PONTIAC 8, 4-dr. sedan. New motor, It heater. See this J70 H. CHURM-I q253- seat covers, radio one. 11195.00. SAM'S MOTOR CO. Small Stock Low Prices Top Quality Big Bargains OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Don't Depend ON LUCK And certainly nobody can depend on new car pro duction. But you can de pend on a nearly new or used car when you buy from SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1948 Ford Club Coupe 1947 Dodge 'Two ol them) 1947 Ford Sedan 1941 Chevrolet ft Passenger Coup 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Coupe 1940 B'ltrk Super 4-Dr. 1940 Dodfte 4-Dr. 1939 Bulrk. 1725 1039 Chevrolet. 8725 1929 Chevrolet 2-Dr , 318ft in A-l ronriltloni Two-whaal Sleeotna Trailer SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th St. Ph. 2-6639 Two-Wheel Stock Trailer C.2&3' 101ft FORD V-8 4-door sedan. 6900 miles Radio, heater, defrosters. Like new 12095 00 SAM S MOTOR CO. 270 N. CHURCH q253 1 CHRYSLER 4-dr. sedan, A-l cond. OrlBlnnl owner, RAH. 721 S. 13th St. Ph. 25384. q251 1011 RI'ICK Club coupe clean tiMid and out. Radio, heater. Motor perfect. (1445 00 SAM'S MOTOR CO. 270 CHURCH q253 !M8 FORD ft-cyl. mile-. Just likr new SAMS MOTOR CO. -ton pick 8000 11805 00. 270 N. CHURCH q2.i3 CADILLAC, 1948 sedan 81. Perfect condi tion. Driven br one owner. 13130. Ph. 38164 after 8. l q253 IMlt HTl'DERAKER coupe Commander, with overdrive. Oood cond. Ph. 20784 q253 '.15 OLD -8". Oood cond. 100 tires. Call at 1254 Ruee. West Salem. q333 Tft.7 CHEV. S-ton pickup. 4-peed trans mlM:on. Perfert condition. 11795 00 SAM'S MOTOR CO. 270 N. CHURCH q253 191. SPECIAL DELUXE FORD coach W. 8 tires. RAH. Ven. blind. Fender skirt. Defroster, clean Uirnuihnut. Mechanic ally perfect. 1164 So 13th. q253 Eisner Motors to Sell OR TRADE '43 Chev. trurk. 3 speed axle. 8 25 tires. Rt. T. Rot 148 Phone 3-15R0. J'a miles N. of underpin. q353 WANT TO TRADE 1938 Chev. Panel for '16 or '37 Ctiev. ton Pickup. RONS MOTOR CO , 340 S. HlSb St. Ph. 3-498 q351- Three Figured Trifties at 1293 and 123S 8. 13th. Dick's Used Cars Full Lot to Chooee Prom NO CAR PRICED OVER $999 Buv, Sell or Trade Finance an Car Every Car Ouaranteed q3l WANTED - OSr.D CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRIN0 YOUR CAR HERB WI WILL PAY TOO WHAT ITS WORTH ANDERSON USED CARS 140 CENTER BT. PHONE 3-3734 i PONT1ACS HERRALL OWENS CO St) N Liberty PH 1-4111 87 NAH. radio new rubotr. 13. Clean throughout. 893 N. Summer a flat lam 1353 MODFI, A PORD In etrel cond. Bee Erl Rr'vkj. at arner Motor 0.3S8- '41 MT1CI "sta"'nn"wBB fn Nw mttir. tirf A-l etnd Easy Term. 1191 W:n .a Ave. 1130). 4)251 IAUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES WANT TO BUY 37 or later Willys. Con dition not Important. Ph. Silver ton 1061. 500 8. Second street. q252 '38 FORD deluxe 4-dr., R&H, 569 N. q351 Liberty, pn. 2aa39. 1941 Pentlae Sedanette. 1140 S. 22nd St. q252 "17 STUDEBAKER coupe, good cond. 770 cnemetteta, upstairs alter ft p m. q252 We Buy Used Cars FOR HIGHEST PRICES SEK Teague Motor Co. 355 N. Liberty Phone 24173. Eisner Motors to Buy This Time It s HUDSON I Serrlce . Sales . Pans Bom at Oood Used Care SHROCK MOTOR OO Church Chemeketa sta. Ph. WANTED Oood clean ears- Square Dea. Used Cars 1155 8 l2th Eisner Motors Fine Cars OUR REPUTATION depends on your sat isfaction. Lees Used Cars. 240 N. Church MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTEilS 7 WHIZZER motor blc. Mu sacrl- ce.) $120 with 340 down. Excell. cond. 55 S. Lancaster dr. (ft blk. 8. of Corners on bus line). qa254 '47 SALS BURY motor scooter, 90. Cheap. Rt. 7, FOR SALE OR TRADE: My equity In 1948 Harley Davidson 74 O.H.V. 1030 D St- qa252 WILL sell equity In '48 motorcycle. Li quire 5125 Ne where; Dr.. Salem. qa253 INDIAN WORLD'S FINEST MOTORCYCLB Repairing all makes and model. SHROCK MOTORCYCLB SALES 1007 Portland Rd. Ph. 11433 j BOATS 4-FT. BOAT, marine varnish finish, ft H.P. motor. Never used. 278S Port lend Rd Sell this week between 8 8 P m . Ph. 28108 OlJ4 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: Real entate mortsaie loans. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortaaae. Approved city loans. Low Interest rates. LEO N. CHILD. INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3683 r35S CASH $25 to $500 Your way and Fast on Personal's "PICK-YOUR-OWN-PAYMENT" plan. It' simple a A-B-0 Just do this: A Tell us how much you need and and a few facta about your credit and Job in person or by phone if you're busy. B Then you elan without endorsers and aet the cuh. Proof: 4 out of ft who ask us for a loan, get ttt C Then repay In monthly Install ments which you select to fit your purse. Don't borrow unnecessarily but tf i Mh loan solves a problem, eel lr touch with Mrs. Oalllnier, Personal's 'YES' Manaier. today LOANS 123 to 1300 on 1 Salary A Furniture, Up to 1500 on Auto Personal Finance Co. Ph. 3-3464 B. Oalllnier. Manarer 518 State Rm. 135 Lie. S122-MI65 r280 FIVE PER CENT lnteret on your BavlnaV We have a cholre eupply of 'eal estate mortgages, property In 8al-m and vicinity, amounts 8500 to 310 000. ' e thee for sound Investment. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 133 S. Huh St. Ph. 34121; Eve. 23208 AUTO LOANS WTLLAMETTI CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 1-2437 Lie. No. M-159 S-154 4Se REAL EATAiE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 153 n U;th St 9-218 M 1)1 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS -111 and M-138 and ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 118 S. Commercial St. Tel. 1-9181. ! PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and teraaj on larger loan long and short llano payment ROT H SIMMONS 131 South Commercial St. Phont 1-1181 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4' and 8 rot R OWN TERM of repayment within reason Can for Real Islet Contract and pVrortd Morteaaes CAPITOL SECURITIES: OO T1 P oner Trit B 1e Pi 1-7!8J r TRAILERS ONE t-WHEEL stork tri.ler. 483 er Rd Pn flom IJTH fMI MOD".5 ft-Elear' A-l condition Htm after siM. 3311 Portland rd. TRAILERS WILL rfi.l or trade my equity In unfin ished home in Kener dit. for 74 ft. or larger trailer house. 6145 Neoers di W. of Kelier son t.V.O 87 37 FT. TR4IIFR house, sleeps 4 B'e at 4to W Mam. Owner at ai after 4 p. m. Veteran's Village month. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All m-ikes ued machines, so'.d rented repaired. Roen. 456 Court. Phone 3-8771 41TOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day phone 1-9386. Nltht 1804. 333 Center. o At' TO PAINTINfi uto paintint. I3S. 1395 6 13th St At TO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes ol Auto Radio Morrow Radio Co 153 8. Liberty. Ph 3-5953 O AI'TO WRECKERS GENERATORS RFRTILT. Trailer axles made to order Fair prices. 13th St. Junction Auto Wreckers. Ph. 2-8308. o2 PICTI'RE FRAMING . Hutch ton Paint Store. Mlkt Panek. 275 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-5181. rrane fc wheel alien ma specialist. o260 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, levelinc, road b'.dc, clear Inc teeth for brush. Virtil Hiukey, 1010 Fairview axe. Ph 2-3148. Salem. o24 BULLDOZING, GRADING Bulldoring. grading1, cleanna. dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Geo. Wlrth, 840 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 21367. o273 CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling Ph. 2-4850. 515 S. 21st St. O300 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery or new RCA registers All makes old. rented, repaired Roen 458 Court. Ph 3-6773. O CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chlmnrys, vacuum cleaned. Enaley, 771 21st St. Ph. 3-7178. o260 CEMENT WORKS al Coment Contracting. Cliff Ellis. N. 19th St. Phone 3-4071. o272 CONTRACTOR Alt Brothers Bid. Contractors. Phone Salem 3-2780. Silverton Black 17ft. o260 EXTERMINATORS B.elthaupt's for flower. Dial 3-9179. Q FLOO RM L A Y IN G HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watkln Co. product. Free de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5395. LAWN MOWER KNIIK RIIARPENlNfi LAWNMOWERS. seizor, knlve sharp ened. Dexter. 968 Center. Ph. 38833. 0338 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4089. MOVING AND HAI LING Moving and hauling. Ph. 3-2393. o20 M It SIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar Man dolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 1-7509 0268 OFFICE H'RNITIIRR BUPPLIES Desk chairs, file and filing supplies safes, duplicator and supplies, desk lam pa, typewriter stands, brief eases Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 458 Oourt OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger, Pli. 36072. PAINTING 4 PAPERIIANGINO Painting and paprrlmnelna. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 8.S7 Shipping. o272 Painting. Spray or Brush. Ph. 3-2884. Roy Hanson. Work guaranteed. o260 Elfatrom's are equipped painting. Phone 2-2493. PAINTINO tt PAPER HANGING Expert Paperhanglng and Painting. H J. Woodworth Ph. 3-3015. Free est. 0273 DECATUR A MAERZ plumbing, electri cal supplies, water systems Oeneral repair work. Phone 1-6323. 173 8. Com') 0275 RADIO SERVICE Ray Moore. 3270 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-9413 REDUCING, MASSAGES E-Z Way Weight Control. Steam Rath Reduced rates. Ph. 3-6253. 0261' S A N D A N 0C, R AVE L Oarden Soli, erusned rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand A Gravel Co. Phone 1-9249 o Cat. Shovel A? Truck work of all klnda. LLOYD M. HILL. INC Ph 3-4367 RL 3. Boa 33R o272 SAW FILING F. X. Roach. 874 8 Capital St. o277 SEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter eacluslve. patented rnror-shsrp at eel cutting blades Clean gewer or drain Septic tank eleaned reasonable,. Ph 3-8327 or 3-9488. o' SEPTIC" TANKS K. F Hamel Septic Tank Cleaned Electric machine ervlre on aewer and drain line Guaranteed work. 1143 8th St., West Ralfm. Ph 3-7404 o272 Mike's Srptic Service. Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Rowers 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem Ph. 3-9468 3--.127 O260 TRANSFER A STORAGE Loral A Distance Transfer, storage Burner oil,, coal briquets Trucks 10 Portland dally Aeent Lvon Van Line for hou.etio;d food n Csltfornla potn Larmer Transfer ea Storage. Pb 1-3131 TYPFHRITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal and UndrrwoV portables All anaka wK maehinee Repa.r and rent. Roen. iSt Court VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. WFA T HE RT RIPPING Free wtimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph 3-965 0261 WINDOW CI.EANI.Ntl Acme Window Cleaners Windows wall ft woodwort cleaned F'oor clean ed, waxed and polished Ph 3-3177 3(7 Court. Lang doc, Culberuon and Mather WELL DRILLING WYMORE well dri Rte. S, Boi 317 ... flkm 3 J. A Sneed Son. we"ii"d rilling." 301 B roofs St., Salem. Ph. 3-6609. o253 WOOD SAWING R. B. CrnM. Ph. 3-8178 or 3-8674. 0369 WOOD ft rtAWIirST ' Weft Salem Fuel Co Ph34rill " e LODGKR f-N. I O. O r mectA evpry CJ--S5 at night VU- irom Welcome FTntprnai Order of EaRif mreu vprv TupsrisT st I p.m Mors than a million mfmbert. A Psrlfir I yt5tAM F.t Urtae No. SO. AT Al Dnrrrt Frlrtnv, O. v totwr 22. 7pm 23 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Capita! Journal. Salem. Ore?.. Market Quotations BaJtsw Livesterfe Maraet (By Valley Pedum Company) Lamb 1M YearLuue 110.00 to 113 ou E e U 00 to noo Kt dairy rows 114 00 to 113 00 Cutter co IU 00 to 114 00 Dairy hellers 115 00 to in no la II 7 iki to 1.1 w Calves (300 to ihO lb i .114 00 to K. 00 ilMI-300 Itu i moire H (Ml to tioo Ho. prices paid within 3io ol Port end prices lor each type. utleriat Tentettve. eualeet to Imme- Qkiality man of .33 to one percent aridity delneted to,'""ai mwmi n Portland. -73c lb , Iirst ejnalny 64-47c Ooodvear Tire R'. second quality 01-66C .b . eney , route and country points. 3e les tnan . (ir,l Batter Wholesale. F.OB, bu.k cubes erade AA. 93 score. c lb.; A. V2 score, i 90 score, 93r . C. R9 score, 81c lb Above price ere strictly nominal. CheeM SclUnt price to Port .and wrto.e- aale Otesnn inslex. 44-ftlc. Ores an 8 lb. loaf, 47-33C. Tripleu 'iC leas tnan sin gle. tin I TO wnoieijeri A grade (arte. I 88Wc. medium. SO's-fto1 . A email 45-50'ac. B grade large, 52-58'ic Eie PurcnaAFd from farmer Current receipu 57S-80iC. buyers pay 3-3'c pre mium lor eei. Portland Dairy Mart. Butter Price to retailers. Orade AA print. 7lc; AA carton. 73c; A print. 7lc; A carton, lie: h prtnu, ewe. Eeta Price to retailer large I certified A large dor ; A large 87-68c: A A medium. certified i A medium. 83c; A medium. 60-63c, A -mall. 50-53c; cartons 2c additional. Cheete Price to retailers, poruena Oregon single. 4C-53c; Oreeon loaf, ft lb., 49-5?c; triples '-tC leu than single. Chickens raying price to produc ers; No. 1 broilers under 2' lbs., 34-36c i lb.; fryers 2-4 lb., 3B-40c lb.; over 4 lb. 38-40c lb.: rosAtera 4 lbs. end over, 3R-40c lb.; (owl, Leghorn, under 4 lbs., 36-29C lb.; over 4 lb. 28-29r; colored fowl all weight 31-33c; lb.; old roosters, all weight. 18-lBc. Rabbits Average to retailers for local ly dr d animals, ft8-82c; fryers, live white, 32-33C io.; coiorea, sd-iio; oia or hfuvv, 15.18c. Rabbits Dressed, retail. 80-85a. Turkeys (Prices quoted are net to the producer on a dreed weight basis) J.S. No 1 young torn. 41-430 ID., no. i, ouna hen. 50-51. Portland Mlscellanesna 4'anrara Bark Dry 30e lb., green It It) Waal Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 35c lb. on 13-month growtn. Hides Calve 28c lb. according to weiaht kips 20c lb ; green beef U-12c Jb.: bulbs. 8-9c lb.; country buyers pay 1c less Not Q not al lone Walnuts -Pranquette first quality Jum bo. 34.7c; large. 33.7c; medium. 27.2c, second quality Jumbos. 30.2c: large, 213c; medium, 3fl 3c; baby, 23. ac: soil sneii iirsi quality large. 29.7c; medium, 28.2; sec- and quality large 37.2c. medium, 34.7c; baby. 32 2e. Filberts Jumbo. 30c Rm large, lftci medium 18c, email 13c. (Quotations above supplied by North west Nut Grower Quotations are on the bast of 100-lb. bag purchase lob plant.) Salem Markets Completed from report of Salem dealer for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Reader, (Revised dally. I Retail Feed Prlree Egg Mash 14 90. Rabbit Feed Pellets 14 It. Dairy Feed 13.90 Poultry: Buying Prices Nb. I colored hens, 30c: No. I Leshorn hen, 2Kc; No. 1 colored fryers, 3 lb, and up 38c; No. 1 fryer, 3 .-3 toe. 34a lb. No 1 old roosters, 14-15c. ass Buying Prices Large grade AA 69c; A grade. 6c, medium. 58-tfOc. pullets, 73c: medium. 65-67r; pullet. 4aC dot. Wholesale Price AA grade. 73c; A grade 72c: medium. 65-67r; pullets, 50c dos. Rutterfat Premium. 71c, No. 1, 67 69r: No. 2. 60-Aflr Buying price Butler Wholesale, A, 7U. Retail, grade A, 76c. Perlland Llveslork Poriland. Ore.. Oct. 31 8JB -Livestock Cattle salable 300. calves 78; market moderately active on cow but slow on steer. les of steer late Wednesday weak-lower; low medium grade 33, one load above averase medium 25, cutter common steer 17-20: cutter-common heif ers 16-19; ome held higher; canner-rut-ter cow irons, largely 13-13 50; Shell down to 11 and below. 1st dairy type cow 18-16 30; medium beef cow up to IB 50; bulls scarce, medium-eood grade Wednexday 20-22 50; few good vealer xtrong at 27 35; choice quotable to 28 or above; good heavy calves salable around 25-26. Hoe salable 125: market active, steady; good-choice 180-210 lb. 3 35-3 V). 350 2R0 rb. 26 50: 165 lb weight 26. good 3.SO-550 lb. sow 24 50-23; Choice 108 lb. feeder pig 30. Sheep salable 100; market very slow; mattered sale tadv with Wedneday' lamb 20; aood-choice wooleri kind ,50 lower close, few medium-eood shorn lunlahle up to It 50. eond slaughter ewes up to 8 50; common down to ft. Portland Grain Portland. Ore., Oct. 31 (A?) Wheat lu turex not quoted Cnh wheat bid I soft white 2 19V oft, white (excluding rex 3 19'fa, white club 3 I9'; welern red 3 19V Hard red winter: Ordinary 3 18H; 11 per cent 3 23; 13 per rent. 3 27. Todav's car receipt: Wheat 13: barley 18; Hour 3; corn 1: oat 3. mlllfeed I. Chlraao Livestock Chicttso, Ol. 21 A"i ft'SDA -Sal-ahle hotc 9.0O0, totsl 13 500. butchers xtesdv to 25 cent lower; fairly active but riOM-d xlow on few hoe: sow active, ful ly xleartv- lop 26 65 tor one load, few load 26 6fl most good and rlwuce 1M 260 lb butcher 26 40-26 50: odd sales down to 36 25: other weight arce: few 160-180 lb. 35 50-26 65: lot around 475 lb. 34 00. bulk gwod and choice aow under 400 lb 34 35-35 35: few 35 50 mt 400 550 H 33 50-14 35 aood clegrance I. COAL NOTICE OF SI RUT VACATION Notice 1 hereby e ven thst on Septem ber 13. 196. leco Hi int. Lee V. Ohmart. Rudy F. Calaba and xeven other persons filed a petition w.lh n city rerorrter nt the City of Halem Oreson, reqiiexling the) Common Co'inrtl of xa.d Cltv to vacate that port. on of Ca.mar CO'irt rtminrled on the nor'h bv tiia south line of Pearl fl'reet and on the south bv the otn iine of Lot 17 BlocK 2 of Cslmar Add.tion to the C t of Salem, a if said line r ev'endert eaterlT psrsll'l ai'h the with line of pearl Street, and tist the aa,d rommon rounrll ha f .ed the 3th dav of Ortober. l4 at the hour or 7 10 ocloci. pm Pflr. ft the time, and 'he rouncll chamber a the Citv Hall of the City of Salem. Oregon, a the place, for the hearing of tha a d peti tion and any and all obiertmn and rem ontran thereto rthiectlon to such vacation If any there be. should be made in wntina end fi.ed alth the city recorder of a.d City prior to the time of the hesrine. By order of the Common Council- ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder. Sept. 13. 30; Oct 7 14 31 1946 Backache. May Be Of Tired Kidneys Tf r.cWawne and let pme are makmg ymg fnleerable, don't just complain and do noth ing, about them. Nature maw be warnetgj you that your hidners need ttanttesa. The kidney art Nature' chiel www af taking eerese accts and poeonoue waste Out of the blood. They help nsoet people pea bout 1 pints a day. If the 1 5 mile of kidney rubes and Altera don't work well, poisonous eraet matter etaya tn the blood These powan may start neat att Thursday, October 21, 194ft 19 Stocks Quotations flv the Aoc;Bted Prei American Can Am Pn A I.t Am Tel it Tel Anaconda Bend ix Aiiauon Beth S:ee Boeing Airplane Calif Packint Canadian Pacific Case J I Caterpillar Chn Com wit It A- Sou 4 Con Vultee in1; Continental Can 3 Cronn ZelUrbacn .. 2H Curll Wruhi o Dniula A.rcraft 4r, D jpsnt de Nem IT'i General Electric n fieieral Food. av. mt mnnirr id t Paper V) i iKennecftt 59 i - noy tarn ar i 9, I - fni Monl.imer Ward I Nash Kelvinator . . . (Nut Dairy I NY rentra! I Northern Pacific .. t Pac Am Fth !"'( Pac Oaj It Flee Par Tel ft Tel .., Penny J C Radio Corp Ravonler Ravnmer Pfd Reynold Metals . Rlfhf:e'd Safewav Store ,., Sears Roebuck ... Southern Pacific . . 34 . US . I7S . 404 . y . 89" Standard Oil Cal . IflUideheker Corp Sunhine Mining 10' Tranamerica lij Union Oil Cal jt, Union Pacific 91 United Airline 2 U 8 Steel Warner Brn Pic 9' Woolworth 40 DEATHS Mrs. Rosette Clark Mrs. Rosette Clark, 84, Tate resldtnt of route 9. box 668, Salem, at a Vocal hos pital October 31. Survived by son. H. L. and Ernest Clark of Salem: Ray Clark of Banner. Ark.; eister, Mrs. Anna St. John of Narhes. Wah . and 18 grandchildren. Announcement of service later by Clough Barrlck company. Anna M. Bonne In thi city October 21. Anna M. Itonnn, late resident of 380 North 18th etreet. at the aee of 76 year. Survived by her hue band. T E. Ronne of Salem: and threo sister, Prance Ayers of Salem, and Mrs. L. C. Mat Chan and Eli-abeth Re Id. both of Minneapolis, Minn. Member of Malt Chapter, Order of Eastern Star at Sent Crur. Calif. Service will be held Sat urdar. October 33, at 8 p m. at the W. T. Rlsdon chapel with ritualistic service by Chadwkk chapter No. 37, OM Conclud ing service ( Mt. Crest Abbey Maus oleum. OBITUARY Frank H. Sutton Stayton -Frank H. Sutton. rl. resident here for the lat 18 month, died Wednes day at a Salem hospital. He was a car penter and had been In 111 health for some time. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Friday from the Wertdlft funeral home, Rev. Wlllard Buckner offi ciating and burial in the Fox Valley eem- etery. Sutton wax born at Hancock. la., June 37. 1870. He married Emma Karen at Pairlax, N. D. Sept. 30, 1905. coming to Oreaon 32 years aco and to Lyon about five years ago. Beside hi widow he 1 survived by a son, Frank R. Sutton. Waldport; thtree daughter, Mr. Lenta, Wilson, Lyons; Mrs. Gladv Billing. Sa lem and Mr. Svble Redfern, Orehami eleven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Another son. Pfc. M. A. Sutton, wa killed In the South PaciflO while serving with the Marines. Al Burns Albany -Al Burns, 33, editor of West ern Stamp Collector and Internationally known in philatelic circle, died of g heart aliment at hi home at 314 Ells worth street. Funeral semens, in chart of the Fortmillcr-Fredericksen home, will be announced. Under Burns' administra tion, starting in July, 1945. the Western Stamp Collector had crown remarkably and had recently attained the large circulation of any similar publication m the world He aUo became reputedly tha world best known stamp editor. A vet eran of World War I. he wa born Octo ber 8, 1693. in Putnrm county, tnd- Ha had lived In Kan, before removing hactt to h:s native state Irom whence he earn to Albany. Mr. Burn wa a member of the Methodist ehurch, Albany Rotary club, the Masonic lodge and Rcotttxri Rite bodies and the Veterans of Foreign War He had Just completed a term a president of tht Kana club of Oreeon. Residua his widow. Burn k survived b two sons. Dale of Indianapolis. Ind., and Robert: and two da u liter, Retiy and Barbara Joan all of Albanv. A brother, Juell S. Burns, live in Indianapolis. Charlea Srhmltlt Albany Charle Schmidt. 16 Alhanf route 1. died a' his home Tuesdar. of heart dteae. Funeral service will he held from the Fisher funeral home at 3 pm. Fridav. Burial will be in the St. Johns cemetery of Albany. Schmidt waft born December 14. 1873, at Berlin, Wis, where be spent 40 years before ftominf to Albany 36 years ago. Ha married Mary A Busxlan. at Milwaukee. Wis. No vember 37, 1807. who died in 1941, Sur viving ere three son. Ravmnnd and Arthur of Albany route 1, and Herbert, of Lebanon route 3, and daughters, Elsie Um mn, Philomath, and Lorraine Weber of Vancouver. B. O, ft brother nd eight grandchildren. Mr. David fl. Roth Albany--Mra. David O. RotA, Tt. 116 S. Madixnn street, died at the family home Tuesday. Drain was the result of heart disease. Funeral services will be held at the Fairview Mennonlte church, Saturday at 3 p m Burial will be in the Memorial park Mrs. Rotn was born February IS, 1876. In Oni ario, Canada, and at the ae of two ear came wi'h her parent to Jefferson rountv, Neh , ahe cwme to Albanv in 1918. She wa iiiarned December irt lfr9, at Lncoin, Nrbr . to Dswd O Hoih, who died in mt. Surviving are to sou. sM and Amna Roth Albanv and nine s rnrlrh:idren and a xLMer. Mm Annie Roih. Pltmith Ad. . so''CORHST7 BETWEEN TOES UrVir, Tn n'. Mv r-li... .nrl n. gW1 SMi mm, .fl rnrn. h,lm,n tn u. tha .pa. p.. I M..(t t'nrn Sim. Dp. Hrlnll'. Zinrt-r.Ha. FOR PIH-EORflS slly-tMitl !. me nt thai gsti real easvHe Leg Pain! k .. ID Danger Sign ftalne, lose of pep arrffr. teHlnt ctj mghts, swelling, pufflneas under the eye head a he and dissinese. Frequent er ecantw) IMisag smarting and burning some show there at eomethinfl wrong wittf your kidnere or hladdtr, Don t wait! Ak your druggM for Drn"t Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used euccesaulla fry millions lor over 10 yean. Doan'e tivw happy rl" ' h'P th ' mtlM kidney tubes fluin out posoni IM asaaasV tot yam f ua