18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 21, 1948 CLAMIFTID ADVKBTltlNOl Pee Lin Per Lto I time. 1H Par LlDt f tlDQM .....eoe Per Lin. 1 month 12.00 Ouuid. of eJaleiD 15e per lln. per a. Mln. loci 1 time, mtn. soe time mln. 11.2. No Refuxlj ftCADEUS la Leeel New Cel. Onlel Per Hue tot To Place n Ad Phone Z-2406 Planning to Remodel or Repair? See the Ads Under Building Material FOR SALE HOUSES fOe.000 Veer met 4-yr -old horn ear Ens le wood Dist.. J bed rns up. 1 down. Oil firnut. Hdwd Jin. Bxcellent bur. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemekete St. h. 3-9271 Eve. 2-5260 100.00 Down. New 2 bed rm. home unf. Attic. L. R., Kitchen. Hdwd. firs., fire place, attached iUMf Nice location. 8S.ftno Beawttfallr landscaped lot with nice ft Rm. horn built In '40, Hdwd, lira., furnace heat. 1.500 Nice Hollywood 4 B. R. Living R., Dlmm R . Kitchen. Bsmt. Oil lur- piM. A nice clean noine. ,su umet, HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors HI Chemeketa Bt Ph. 1-8271 Eves. 2-5260 a352' ft,960 New 1 bed rm. home with att. car. and utility oil lur. ana new a. jus. Beautiful kitchen. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 311271 Eve. 2-8058 s252' m win oq t hd rm. home with full base ment, fur. dbl. car. Near Huh and Grade schools. Call Mr. waiters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtor 341 Chemeketa Bt Ph. 1-9371 Eve. 3-5280 e252' $12,750 REDUCED FROM 114,500 An Ideal family home located In Walnut Park. t lame bedrooms. 2 complete hatha, snaeious livins room and dininit room, firtplaee, very niee kitchen and breakfaat room. lull Dsmi, air cona uto. heat, dbl. lar. This la tha heat bur In Salem. CHAS.HUDKINS&SON Realtor! 160 N. High Bt. Phone 2-4139 a252 f HE LOW PRICED home for you In En- alewood district. The filberts nave oeen picked, grapes are ready A figs will soon be ripe. Lots of shrubbery. Newly decorated. Full basement, tuba, garage, etc. 16500. Terms. Call 29BI0 or 22461 t-BDRM. hse. Choice lot on King wood Held h La. Leas than cost. Elec. heat, call 31469. a252 4-RM. ROr St. Rt. 4, Box 340. Baxter Rd., South. a 286 NEW 7 ROOM HOME NEVER BEEN LIVED IN. Double plumb ing. All electric heat. Has upstairs and plastered basement. Plastered garage, all hardwood floors. Terraced back yard to creek. Cost $18,000 to build, will sacrifice for (18,900. Will consider older house for down payment For in formation, inquire at Stevens Used Cars. 678 S. 12th St., Salem. a255 BT OWNER Brand new 2 bdrm. home. Lee. utility rm.. Inc. liv. rm., dm. rm., dbl. ear., aulo. oil furnace, piped over head to each rm., fireplace with mantle and butl tin bookcase. Ven. blind, hdwd. firs. 700 lal. per hr. deep well. Lot 90x130, shrubbery In and yard graded Immed pots. Located on pavement 810 mile 8. of Hoyt St.. on Fairview Home Rd., in new Trl-Mountaln View sub division. Priced to selL Ph. 35638. a 253 f BDRM. HOUSE; 1 blk. OSC campus. Corvallia; 190 mo. Income; lurn. Terms. 1mm. poss. 373-Y Albany. a253 BY OWNER: Modern 5-rm. home. Hdwd. floors, ven. blinds, oil heat. Insulated. (Iom to schools, stores ft bus. Priced for qnlck sate. 9.10 N. 13th. a250 ELL OR TRADE lor suburban home Three bdrm. home, large rooms. Auto matic oil he a. Recently redecorated. Full basement with toilet ft shower. Shad trees, nuts, shrubs, larden, liv ing stream. 8 bllts. to Capitol Bldf. 114. 000. Tel 3-8121. a25J 1150 DN. New F H.A. home, all hdwd. floors, 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, din., kitchen ft utility. Attached ga ratre, automatic oil furnace. Full price $7950 00. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 361 Chemeketa Ph. 34886-31545 Bveg. 28568, 266H6, 37565 a352 $3000 DN. $15,500 TERM less than rent. Immed. poas. for this beautiful, modern home on Klne wood Hts. Built in best ranch house tradition, this home oilers a beautiful kitchen, an attract, liv. ft Dm. area high-lluhted by picture window, a lovely fireplace ft hdwd. firs. Its two badrmi. have larae closets. Its bath la extra large with many binlt-ins. IU utility porch is amply large ft offers Its ewa shower, closet ft lavatory. Ex cellent basement with auto, oil furn. Celled dbla. garage. Its the best buy anywhere. Walter Mus-grave Realtors 1233 Edaewatcr Ph. 3-3100 a255 MB." BARGAIN HUNTER. Here Is your deal. Attractive Mod. 3 BR plast. home, near Parrtsh ft Sr. hmh school. Features lie. LK. DR. fireplace, hdwd., dble. Plumbini. basement ft fumare. Fenced back yard Immed. Poas. Oood loan available. ItW.MV OOAMI DOWN IMMED. POM. Plsst. S BR homt. elec., kit. garaue. lae. lot. Ideal loc. Onlv J 30 00 per month. 162110. WHAT HAVE you tr trade on this 2 BR sub. home. bus service, city gas very lood loc. 14000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Lli.tin.s Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-BJ8H, Eve. 3-7440 a252 JfEW 4-f.drm., full bmt., dbl. aaratie. Ph. owner for appt 2-4284. a $600 DOWN BJFR8 la yor opportunity to move ntht into a brand new 3 -bdrm. home wiLh beautiful H W. fir., flirplat-e. V B . larce lot A a Sp'endH nrUliiiorhood. $75 00 per mon. $8000 t, pne. kin(;wood heu'.mts IT TOli RE looaint tor a lovelv hone with a view, s home you'll be de Ik hied show you're tmndA a homt you will be proud as a kmc to own. let as show fon thia modern 3-BH ranch home. Walter MusRTav1 Rraltom 1331 Ed re water Ph 3-5108. a355 TmLL house. In city, paved atrett, bath, 1)350. NEW 3 res. house. Ninth. )ust completed, I TR. edd very files 1 bedroom home Newly decorated, lovelv kitchen, loorl loealion a rut surroundmcs. larea Ini, walnut trees, alosc to city bus line. 4650 R. I8TH. ST. Pine t BR prewar bmtt home, fireplace, coved eilin. Hld floor, excellent kitchen ft DR. bne ment, furnace. If you need a food home aec this one. I11.1MI R. E. MEREDITH. REALTOR 7f 8 Commerelal Ph. 3 8841 1S2 Jew f.ifirHOMr-. fVmpAY iwn PAL LIKE HENT VOU lirr A (IOOI) HOME ERA. INSPECTED AND AP PHOVETl. TC11T ARE NfrT O AM It LI NCI WITH MATERIAL AND rONSTRl'C TON, t BR-S HDWD ElMJRA NICE KfTCHEM. tfTlLrrT RM . At'Tt -MATIL" HEAT. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. SHOWN BY APPT. ONLY. R. E. MEREDITH, REALTOR 178 8. Commercial Ph 3-8N4I a352 Lale built t BR home Ketier DlMrrft T'nfin. upstair. Attached iwraie. Lot OH , $JVS0 down. Call O, V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. Hraltors 183 HiRh 81 Ph. 3-41't EveilI-820 3H tUM. 4 room home on Norway Si. Oil rlrr and aai ranee Included. Oarate. Lot I0xl3. Fruit and nut tree Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO Rrnltori 1M 8, Hih ' Ph. 1-4121 ve. I-I304) (U53 FOR SALE HOUSES F. H. A. Homes Meal t-bedrooen, with living room and dinlnc room, hardwood floors thru out, automatic oil heat piped to all rooms $1350 down. Pull price only $7950, monthly payment $.0O. Immediate West Salem Mast slean. we-war bllt home, auto matic heat, attached aaraie, paved street, city water and sewer, bus and school near oj. aas r n.i. wnuniu ment of 15400 ready to o. or will take a good State O l. loan. S7,mw. Kxciuaivc. South Salem Very Bice attractive year-old 3 -bedroom home, with baseiwent and automatic oil furnace with heat to all rooms, corner sot, near arade school, excellent kitchen, food fireplace, drapes and lares mirror over fire place soe. Will o F H.A. or liberal terms can be ar ranged, Quick posneaalon. Exclusive. State Veteran Would you like a 3-bedroom suburban home on a larae lot, near city bus line, lor 16.000 with about 1500 down, monthly pay menu around 150 00. or per haps you would prefer a three-bedroom with attached garane, for about $6950. that could be handled with a reasonably small down payment. We have both, but know they won't hut very long. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N Oamtal. Ph. 38216. Eva. 3-7111 a!53 REDUCED PRICE M0 t-M. shower, modem, attach, v a race. South. tawo -BR. St aired to unf in. tUlc. Larce lot. Trees. Nice view. Leslie Dial 8A3oa 1-bed room plastered. Oarage and workshop. Two lame lots N.E. SOflAB Lovely. LR. DN. Kn.. one bed room. Attach, garaee ft utility room. Salem Realty Co. 149 I. High Phon 3-7660. Eve. 2-4773. 2-4581. 2-5580 a252 BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME FAIRMOIINT BILL DIKT. Lit. rm., din., kit. nook, 2 bedrm., den ft bath on main floor. Full tin. basement with knotty pine playrm. and bar, bedrm., shower rm. and laundry. Electric air condition ing furnace, insulated and weather stripped. Dble. ear. att.. extra large lot. 1970 John at. Phone 3-B226. a354 $10,500 New modern 5 BR home all on one floor. South. Close to school and bus. Auto oil furnace. Attached garage. Fruit trees. 82500 down, balance FHA. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4131 Evenings 2-5561 a255 BARGAIN Where but at Colbaths can 70U buy a deal like this? Older type home with LR. DR. nook. 4 bedrooms, full cmn't. basement, double garage, lge. corner Int clone in east. Only 85500. Terms 11500 down. DRIVE BY This 3 bedroom home at 1080 Ferry St., has LR, DR, double kitchen, full base ment with apartment rental, furnace, lge. corner lot. dble. garage. Price 7SM). Terms 12000 down. Call us tor apptmt. Open Ives. Till 1 Col bath Land Co. 1683 Center Ph. 2-4552. a252 SI8M DOWN. 135 57 per mo. 4 buys a new 2 bdrm, home only S65O0. fl','50 DOWN, 850 per mo. Incl. Int., lot looxjKO. living rm, nearm, duo, aoi Bar aire ft fruit rm. 14350. SO.1O DOWN, small mo. payments buys un finished home, large view lot total price 32750. TO BUY BELL OR RENT Call Ralph Bent Realtor Ph. 3-3133 2330 S. Commercial St. SPECIALS BEST LIKTINO. 17.850. 3-bedroom home with room lor 2 more, hardwood floors, fireplace, elec. heat. Large lot. Very well landscaped. Attached garage. Imme diate pomcsIoii. Call Muddy. tJ.2.0 DOWN. 3-bdrm. home close to Sa lem Heights school. All hardwood floors, oil heat In every room, attached gar age. City bus and water. Thia won't last. Call Maddy for appointment before tt la too late. OLSON & REEVE, REALTORS 84ft Bo. Commercial Ph. 3-45M a253' New modern 3 BR home east. Unfin ished upstairs. Oil furnace. Hardwood floors. Venetian blinds. Attached gar age. Large lot. On bua line. Immediate posaession. 81000 down. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 183 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121 Evenings 3-5561 a25ft HOUSE FOR BALE 7 rooms. 3 bdrma. up, 1 bdrm. down. Full basem't. ft turn. Lot 104x50. Oar age. 64000 down, balance easy pay ments. Sea Anderson after 6:30 p.m. 22.5 N. 5th. Last wit. this house will be for sale. a35ft FOR SALE: Near 810 A. In Keller Dtst., 3-rm. house, lights, elec. water system, pressure pumps, wired for range, hen house. 12650 If taken Immed. Svtfi Pleas ant View Dr. B. end of Alder Ave. off Cherry Ave. a254 SMAIX 4-rm. house, city water, gas. elec. 11300 lor aulck sale. 460,i S. 31st St. a354 NEW S-RM. HE. ON ACRE 8 blks. from bus. 14000 furnished. NrW S HR. HOME. NORTH, OVER 1600 SO. FT. Lovely fireplace. HW floors, Oil furnace, le. lot. Best of location. 1 16.000. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court Street. Salrm. Oregon Phone 2-3i39. Etc. 2-4169 or 8-36.13 a3,S3 BY OWNER 4-rm. house with bsmt.. H a., close in. 4135 Macleay rd. 13800. a 253 NEW 3-BDTtwf DOWN FLOORED ATTIC, Bendlx washer ft ven tilation fan. lots of built -ins A close! space. Oak floors, electric heat, insu lated, weathers! ripped. S block from bus on pa led St near Leslie ft Bush school. 12.300 down. bat. E H.A. loan. R C. LEE A CO 1130 Oxfotd Ph. 3-5423. a354 SMALL MEAN HOME, plastered. Insulat ed nice lot, ex Ira coll as e, garare. IS"0 1813 N L.bertv. a354 MM BI'Yft new I -bdrm. home on large lot east. Cwtder car as part pay. 10 OriM Ave off Tea Ave a?4 FOR SALE LOTS II w. Lot Mljxl28 aoulh Cl'v water. Re stricted location. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 153 8. Huh St Ph. 3-4131 Evening t-5561 aa355 5i no tVoonrn or view. Will build for you. Ph. J-4JM a WOODED hi II Id t view lot. appro 071187 Owner 730 E. Browning or Ph. noon 2-271 a .. FOR SALE FARMS rvnniMi invr farm. 30 Acres, large-1 ly silt bottom land, trrig. from yr. I stream Inrls. 10 A, heavy prod. hona. ! 4 A. bflijtenberriee Oood 6 rm. Ke.. 1 basem't . furnace, dble garage. 8 at an barn silo, other bides. VERY OOOD AT 113.000 WI1 1. AMETTE VUEV UTOril RANCH Here's the eet-up yon have been look Ins for. 138 Acres near good town on State Hlchwar 14 miles from Salem. 450 Arrea cult. SM A seeded fertilised, yr. round wster, all fenced, woven wire. 3't million ft timber. 3 BR home. 2 barns A other bldss.. elec., phone, mall, milk ft school routes. Priced at 840 per acre. le loan available 1IIH1. rll ftTOi'K OR DAIRY. 150 A productive loam all eutt. Ie. aet of bldas., sprint water aat , well fenced Ideal loc. on paved road, near food school ft mkt. town, elec., school bus service, all rts. bv door About i ol land la bottom Wen CROP ALL IN. WILL GROSS 115.000 OH MORE Don t fall to call and see this 135 000. Larsen Home & Ioan Co. Exclusive LLStlnsPernnal Service 164 8. COS.L Pa. 0386; vf. I 1440 bill REAL ESTATE Mc KILL0P REAL ESTATE REALTORS 169 South HiRh Salem Phone 3-5131 or 3-8620 View Property, fifteen acres, lays well, windmill and well, ft miles from center of town, beautiful building aite, wny (4500. Owner wij also consider selling half of property for 12500. About 30 acres, river bottom land, cleared, partly In mint, some In cherries, with Irrigation system. 87,600, or can be purchased without Irrigation system. 1 Acre, clone -in, 2-B. R. bungalow, plastered Interior. HW floors. LR, large kitcben, builtins. bath, ven. blinds, automatic heating, double garage, poultry house, garden spot. 1 block to bus. $9,050. In City excellent location south, close to bus and schools, well built 2 B. R. home, plastered Interior, fireplace. LR. DH, bath. K.. nook, builtlna. Ven. blinds, full basemerit, automatic ail furnace, immediate possession. Five acres in popular location, close m. Dutch style home, eight yean old, 3 BR down, 1 up. Basement, double garage, poultry house, barn, family orchard, 1 mile to school. Auto Court. II deluxe rentals, excellent location. 650' frontag e 250' deep. If Interested tn a good and going grocery, YOU should see this, all new futures and equipment. 8 year lease with option, 2 BR apartment living quarters with complete bath, city bua by door. COME IN OR CALL Evenings 3-4937 GRABENHORST SPECIALS BUSINESS BUILDING EXCELLENT LOCATION Best of con atruclion, 42x50 ft., good lighting, heat ft plbg.. can be purchased at $2,500 down. DON'T MISS IT. A real buy. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst. DRY CLEANING BUSINESS LOCATED IN SMALL Willamette Valley town. Includes complete dry cleaning equipment and blrig. Doing a nice busi ness. Price $15,500. Call O. H. Oraben horst, Jr. STORE WITH LIVING QUARTERS STORE BULUINO wltn 2 seta of living quarters, located close to city ol Baiem, excellent opportunity for grocery or res taurant. Large corner lot and excep tionally good buy at 16 500. FOR DE TAILS call coourn l. urabennorst. Grabenhorst Phone 3-3471 Evenings 2-2S48 3 For Prompt, Courteous Service OLSON & REEVE BARGAINS 4-ROOM HOUSE Abrama Ave. Nice large lot with fruit. 13500. Call Dent. RKSTA1 RANT 89E South. S1500 down. Call Dent. is ACRE 8M0O 3-bedroom hoiuse, large double garage and large chicken house. Very neat and clean. About t miles South. Some terms. Call Dent. $1000 DOWN Buys this unfinished 3-bedroom home wiring and plumbing roughed in up and down, 2 toilets. Rock lath nearly on. Full price 13000. Here is your chance to own a good home cheap. Call Reeve. $IAOO DOWN St'BUKBAN New 5-room house with unfinished at tic, hardwood floors, wired for range, elec. water heater, plant d. acre North. Reduced price 87350. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 148 So. Commercial FOR SALE FARMS FARM BARGAINS Independence, 20 Acres 18200 Jefferson. 16 Acres 6500 Turner, 40 Acres 7000 Salem. 67 Acres 15.000 Open Eves. Till 7 C0LBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 2-4552 b252 FOR RALE: Farm. 252 acres. 15 acres in cultivation. 50 acres In oats v veicn. planted: 14 acres of cherries: S room house. New barn 40x65. new tool shed and other out buildings. Small down payment required, fruit payments from there on. Route 8, Box 105, Oak Grove Road. Salem, Oregon. b255 $1000. 40 acres lor a ted about i mnei or, $ room home, barn, poultry house. 30 A. cultivation. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 153 8. High fit. Ph. 3-4121 Eves. 2-5206 bZ53 FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER. 5-room modern home. Most ly furnished, has large shop ft garaiir combined. Big barn for 4 cows. Plenty of voung fruit trees ft berries on 4'3 A. Rt. 1. Box 318, Hubbard. bb252. LAND BARGAINS! City and vacation lots 310: Ranch lands 25c to S3, acre min bid in Oregon, Wash, ft Calif. 6c stamps brings cir culars ft maps. Pacific Lands, Box 2350-PJ, Hollywood 28, California. bb252 I'H.VI.Ofl ACRE located South. Hag 4 room home. Well, young orcnara. -r50. Unfinished home east. Has well and elec. pump. Nice lot. Terms Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 153 8. High St., Ph. 3-4121, Eves. 2-520B DD233 WONrJlFuirOPPORTWlTY' for future development this CLOSE IN 60 ACHE TRACT With paved roads on 3 sides. Drive out, aec location CENTER STREET LANCASTER DRIVE, AUBURN ROAD Price Is reasonable. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Ph. 24793 bb254 1 ACRES of lard 4 rm. house on high way, some furniture, price 14000.00. HUBER'R REAL ESTATE Monmouth, Oregon fab252 I4.MMI run price, for this 6' Acres with a clean 2 bedroom hoiwo. chicken house. Close to Shaw Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 3-9271 Eves. 2-865R bh352 REAL ESTATE A GOOD HOME 4 Bdrm. Hardwood floors, fireplace double plumbing, garage, oil furnace, basement. 117.000. NEW I Bdrm.. Dining room. Liv room. Kitchen. wired for ranse. hardwood floors, 6-10 acre. 3 bblk. to school 16950. S ACRE I roam hat, p'.iimbinc, wired for ranee, garaie, good lerms. 1mm. possession, 13500. CLOSE IN t Bar. mMern home on eorner kit. auto heal, fireplace, faraee, eery food term.. Burt Piclia Realtors Phone 2-3fi4. Eve. 2-1032 2-S3A0 S37 N. HiRh Street BEST BUYS NEW LISTINGS SPECIAL $(5S00 FULL TRICE a Suburban. 3 B R house, unfin. up stairs, freshly repainted inside and out. New chicken house, pmate well, terms ar ranted $(5500 FULL PRICE I B R. house, hdwd firs, lrce. lot. ear very close to ens. sch. and stores. Inside rite limits. Priced for quick sale. Terms $.1000 DOWN A very nice t B R. home, almost new. auto furnace, gar., weatherslrtpped and Insulated Immed possession. FuU price only 8500. Payments like rent at 4 Interest. Al Issak & Co., Realtors 3013 Portland Rd Ph. 1-1330: 1-4500 Eve. 8-0413: I SSSI ri3 REST A I' RANT oVlt OaO DOWN l.ow pavments. slock ft equipment Price 1000. I yr. lease at 150 per mo a buiMine C. E. COVII LB REAL ESTATE Turner, Ore. ph 33 eJ53 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE or 3-7163 ,e253 I 980 FAIRVIEW t BDRM.. 3 YRS. OLD, 1 acre of ground on edge of city limits. Liv. rm.. din. rm nice bath ft kitchen, hdwd. firs, thru out. full bus ml., elec. heat, weather stripped and Insulated. Beat of soil. 22 cherry trees. 4 walnut trees, berries, big garden spot. Priced right with terms to be arranged. Call Roy Ferris. 3 BDRMS. NIC E 8 YRS. OLD home, 3 bdrms.. 1 un- lm. rm., garage, oil furnace. Insulated. Lal 60x120. nice location. Price J 10.000. Call Peter Geisei. 10 ACRE9 SOUTH RIVER . ROAD Beautiful home in lovely setting. 2-bdrm. ft den. fireplace, lge. liv. ft din. rm.. full basmt.. auto-heat, located on aide of hill. This is a place for real living. can ari west, Bros., Realtors - 1772 3-4369 23-F-14 2-1010 List Your Property With Us c252 FOR RENT ' Nice 4-room flat. Cheap rent. Holly wood district. Buy furniture, srioo Small house. acre 4 miles Irom city limits. Best of soil. TODAY'S BEST BI'Y 89850. 3-bedroom home (all on one floori. 16x20 living room, large kitchen done in knotty pine, breakfast bar. Inrbe dining room, hardwood floors, oil floor furnace. This is truly a good buy. Call Reeve. 13500 DOWN Balance like rent. 2 -bed room home, all hardwood floors, oil heat. Ven. blinds, attached garage. Immediate possession. Owner moving back east. Close to store and bus. First call gets It. Call Maddy. REAL ESTATE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS 1 room and bath, corner lot, close In. 14250. 6 rooms and bath, plastered, basement, furnace, elec. wster heater, large corner lot, cIom in. a real buy, 85000.00. Extra lee. lot. 3 bdrm. mod. home, ce ment foundation, wired for range, elec. water heater, cement floored utility, 5350. New 4 rm. ft bath, well constructed, wired for range, electric water heater, Bendlx washer, garage, look this over, 17850.00. Strictly modern. 1 rm. plastered home, pecan hardwood floors, automatic fur nace, vents to each room, large Iv. rm. with fireplace, knotty pine den. large bedrooms, good sized kitchen, lots of built-in.,, pa I to. double earage. nice cor ner lot. beautiful lawn and shrubs, priced at considerably less than build ing cost, you should see this before you buy or build. It's a dandy. 2 unit business building, x leased, good investment. 112.000.00. I acres, all cultivated. 2 bedroom home, barn, etc., 2 acres berries, close in on highway, a nice acreage, 87500.00. 4 acres close In. new 'pre-wart 0 rm. mod. double constructed, plastered, all on one floor home, full basement, auto matic heat and hot water, large spa cious rms.. kitchen and bath all In tile board, double garane, good sized barn, machine shed, chicken house, the hon. alone is worth far more than the sac rifice price of 111.000.00. Terms. 33 acres valley farm, best of soil. 30 acres cultivated, 1 rm. house, wired for ranse, elec. water heater, good sl2ed barn, chicken houe and barn, stock and equipment including tractor on rubber, rubber tired wagon, stock trail er, mower, rake. disc, plows, cultivators, etc., a real value at $14,000.00. We have other lists. Come In and look them over. Terms can be arranged on most of our properties. Call or write for sale list and picture bulletin. HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SILVERTON, OREGON Phone 161 C2W CALABA'S COLUMN YES IT CAN BE HAD FOR ONLY $5750 you can own this attrac tive smell home with double garage, nice yard and a large lot 55 x 314, Just sub urban with city bua service, good dis trict. WILL TRADE FOR FORTLAND HOME WILL TRADE our home located on Park Ave. for similar home in Portland, we have a modern 2 bedroom home with unliiitshed upstairs, fireplace, hardwood floor., sarnie, lot Is 75x150. nice yard, price Is 16750 NICE NEW 3 BEDROOMS AM. ON one floor, nice living-room with fireplace, lance utilltv room. auto, piped oil furnace, large lot price la 111.000. snd you may moe rttht in. Riu.v- Citlaba & Co., Realtors 231 N. Hifih St. Phone 3-S838 Eve. 3-5514, 3-3779. 3-8593 NELSON NEWS S4700 WITH ELE. RANGE Knottv pine Interior. Open beam cell ing Mod Path with built-in tub. Comb. L R. ft D R. (14x251. Oood sired bdrm. RUSTIC HOME $6500 Crnisan Creek rd. Neat I bdrm. home with utll. rm. Lae. ear. Ideal setting with tall firs and other native shrub bery. About lli ac, Spring water. N. E. SUBURBAN I B. R 1st fir Owner-built new. Ideal floor plans with Ire. util. rm., beaut I -l iUv decorated Hwd. firs, thruout. Tile fplace. weather stripped, insulated. On bus, about S ac. lot. 115 500 INCOME PROPERTY One unit on W. Capital and one on Center St These are excellent Vocation., Stop in and get full details from Mr. FAMILY HARDWARE STORE In good location. Will show good earning rapacity and unlimited possibilities. Appro v 835 OPO tor stork and fixtures. 40 AC. FARM EAST Good 7-rm. house, plastered mod. lge.. bam (4384 chicken hse.. 500 eapactlr Ths place li In oq pavement. Price 13.1 600. If nont of the above meet your re quirements tell us what you want. It we do not already have it listed, we probably know where to find it for you quickly. Nelson & Nelson Specializing Realtors 708 M. Hieh. Phone 8-432 c358 INCOME HOME: 4-rm hoist and 3-rm. hou.e, 3-rm. cabin, dble. gar . 1 va cant now. 70 income and home all for MOOO Call atter I p.aa. W. L. Hen ?, u Hi way Ave. 15l REAL ESTATE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS NEAT AND CI.CAN 3-bedroom, living room, kitchen-dinette romb All rooms are large. Double garage. Lot approximately. 120 x 230. A food buy. $5000. TAKE TIME TO READ THIS. Lovely new ranch type home. Two bedrooms, living room, dinette, kitchen, lull basement, air cond. oil turn. Vt acre with large trees. Only $8500. HOVE RIOHT IN. Large family home of 3 bedrooms. The living room Is approxi mately 16 X 28; full else dining room; fireplace; basement with automatic furnace. Nice corner lot with double garage and sprinkling system. Ask to see this. 315,000. BFAt'TIFL'L LARGE 4 -bed room home with 2 fireplaces and large picture windows. Situated Just east of town on 32 well-planted acres with year-round stream. 40 x 80 barn. Mo.tly all equipped. Really a choice buy. $26,500. For these and many more CALL or SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc.. Realtors "32 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Ph 2-3663 Evenings call: 2-4007, 3-5620. or 2-5B55 c252 REAL ESTATE s-BR altra modern noma witn all the things you would want in your dream home. Larcc 'L' -shaped kitchen and utility combined, large living room and dining room with an entire wall of glass and a beautiful paneled fireplace. Top quality construction and Is located on a large suburban lot m a new dis trict. DON'T MISS SEEING THIS. fe.150 down balance approx. ISO per 'mo. will buy a very nice suburban 2-BR home exceptionally well built. It has attached garage, large utility room, hardwood floors, large view windows and the full price is only 19750. WE HAVE A FEW EXCEPTIONALLY PINE FARMS, and also some unimproved acreage that arc well worth the money. Goodwin and McMillin, Realtors 484 Court Phone 1-470? Evening 2-7283 or 3-5141 c252 WANTED REAL ESTATE WILL PAY CASH I am looking for good buya so It you want to sell bad enough to sell reas onable just phone 3-4151 or sec Wal ter Corbet room 311 Hotel Senator, Sa lem, Oregon. ' ca355 FOR SATISFACTORY results Hat your city, auburbao and business properties with SEVERIN REALTY CO. Joe Hlmmel, Mgr. 212 N. Blgb St. Ph. 4018: Eves. 1901 a WE ARE in need of gooa houses to sell in or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4131 NOTICE! If your property is tor gale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 13 8 High St eaa EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TO TRADE: Lovely view Cascade Ter races lot on Kins wood Heights for late model car, or cash and what have you? Write N. L. Andersen, P.O. Box 384. Olg Harbor, Wash. cb254 FOR KALE OR TRADE by owner. Mod. 4 B R. bungalow. 17.97 A. Nice large rooms. Oil heat. Elect, water heater, wired for range. Oar., barn, etc. 8 ml. S. Ladd ft Bush Bank. Want mod. hie. same size, city or suburban. Write Box 33, Capital Journal. cb254 WILL TRADE IIO.-VW. 8 Acres with a very good 4 bed room modern home. Large L.R., fire place, nice floors, basement, furnace, elect, wtr. htr., very good, large barn. Bottom soil, a real buy. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9271 Eve. 2-8658 Cb252 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MEN ATTENTION! Have proposition of interest to men with house to house selling experltnce. Good profits. Per manent. Arc no handicap. Write Raw leigh'a Dept. ORT-155-216H, Oakland 7. Calif. cd252 FOR SALE 2-HABS BF.Al'TY SHOP'S in Pendleton and Hermiston. Ore. Florence Turner, 111 SW. Hally St. Phone 550, "endle ton. Ore. cd253' OPPORTUNITY FOR PERMANENT resident man f woman who can devote at least four hours dally to the mailing of and en graving of extremely high class sign and plaoue work. Will thoroughly teach this profitable, light and interesting work a responsible party only. Not a partner shipno selling. About a $900 invest ment will be necessary for precision apparatus and materials. Details fay appointment only H. W. Sands, 3580 8. Commercial. Salem. rd253 FURNITURE FOR SALE GOOD davenport, antique hall table, 2 rockers, 2 elec. irons, stand table, rug pad 19x12). other Items. Priced to sell. 1530 S. High. d252 USED BARGAINS Hotpolnt electric, range $35.00 Lang wood range $49.50 General Electric washer $29.50 Duo-Therm oil heater $:i9.50 Small oil heater $12.50 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St. Phone 3-9811. WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 6110 da MONEY TO LOAN On Watches, Luggace, Tools ft Guns We buy for cash. Sell or trade. Bundale Exchange, 594 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-5511 TOP PRICES paid for used furniture. tools and naroware. can air rteiser. P8fi5 289 N Commercial. da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: penny," a gray 4-year-old mare with Arab breeding. Call 330H4 or J6123. Reasonably priced. e256 $ COLTS One 2 yr. old, white with tan marking., hair Arabian and halt quar ter horse, one 16 mo. old sorrel with 3 white feet and white strip in face, one half Arabian and thoroughbred. Call 3-6450 or 575 N. 14th. e256 FOR SALE: Beautiful Parade Horse, Reg. American Saddle Bred Gelding. 7 years o!d. 15 3" hands, would make an Ideal poe horse. Write P. O. Box 783. Sa lrm. Oregon. e254 PALOMINO MARE. 4 rr. old. pure white mane and tail. Gentle disposition. Ph. 3-6IJ3 or 3-30B4 e252 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDFD ft LICENSED livestock buver. . McCandllsh, 1127 B. 35th. Ph. 3-6147. ea254 I. I. SNETHKN ft SON, Licensed and Bonded cattle buvers. Ph. 2-1345. ea3.,a PETS REGISTERED COCKER PI PS from cham pion stock, your pick of titter for 125 00 16:n N lth St. Ph 37717 erJS4 FUEL YOU HAUL DRY WOOD 3515 MISSION GOOD, clean, fresh cut screened sawdust. Oregon Fuel CO. Pn. J-5UJ, eeaes- TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh Cut Sawdust Dry 16" Millwood Ak far ft H Greew Stamp Prompt Delivery - Ph. 3-4683 West Salem Fuel Co. II-1N. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DH Y PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD 11-tH CLFAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDl'ST RURAL DELIVERIES PIPSEL AND STOVE OIL Phone : Salem 3-4031 Alo pick u wood at 152$ Edge water St. w Salem lg-IN. GREEN edging 15 50 a load. Dbl loan itvou, vrvgon rwi v., rn. a-a.v'.v e:64 GOOD DRY edtines, i'jo green ft drr 18" olaOv Oregon Fuel Co . Ph 8 -$. oc2$- I REAL ESTATE FUEL CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS. Weekly HatchtA Nea Hampshire. Ph. S28H1. Lee'a Hatchery. f PRODUCE Colored Fryers Test roosters ready for service. Ph. 3-1298. ff252 CAMPBELLS grapes. 5c lb. R. P. Barn well. Pb. 25957. 2 miles on Wallace Rd. 11254 PEARS, late variety. 3645 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4510. Bring containers. 11253 FOR SALE: Cucumbers 2c lb.. U-Pick. Ar thur Evans, Rt. 3, Box 2S4, Salem, at Clearlake. ff252 GRAPES U-PICK. 4c lb. Out W. Salem 3 ml. on Wallace Rd. 1 ml. River Bend Sand ft Gravel Rd. Box 191 A. A. E Pellter. ff254 HELP WANTED WANTED exp . weavers. Thomas Kay Woolen Mill Co., 260 8. 12th. g MAN AND WIFE or housekeeper for home with children. Good wages and room and board. 3915 N. River rd. g252 HELP WANTED MALE HAVE OPENING for working partner In Salem's only plating Co. Specialists In aold-sllver-nlckel-baby shoe bronzing. Will teach trade to right party. Phone for appointment 3-7771. ga254 MILLWRIGHT FOREMAN wanted. Ex perienced In Power House construc tion. Rate S2.70 per hour. Submit ex perience record to United Engineers ft Constructors Inc. P O. Box 176. Springfield. Oregon. ga256 BOY for part time work. Aft. ft eve. Apply 264 N. Com'l. ga252 OPERATOR for Skagit Diesel Yarder working as drag line in gravel pit. Must be able to take rare of and make nec essary adjustments. Phone 1554 Sil ver ton. ga252 HELP WANTED FEMALE DISHWASHER at Lausanne hall, Willam ette university. Call Miss Jack, 39266. gb254" HOUSEKEEPER urgently needed at 1710 Waller St. gb252 WANTED: Exp. sw no. -book keeper, Mon mouth Cooperative Warehouse, Mon mojtn, Oreg. gb253 ATTRACTIVE girls over 18 for full and part time usherettes. Apply In person. Grand Theater. gb254 RECEPTIONIST, exp. In typing & book keeping needed In local doctor's office. Write Box 43.Capital Journal. gb252 GIRL to assist with payroll and personnel work. Must be able to take dictation. Exc. opportunity for advancement. Ap ply Mrs. Ellis, Montgomery Ward, Salem. gb' LADY to come in 8 to 5 mon. thru. Frl., to take care for small child. Call 2-7759 after $ p.m. 1210 8. 17th. Apt 2. K 1)252 WANTED SALESMAN NATIONALLY KNOWN reliable co. has opening for 2 men in local territory. Home nights. Only men looking for permanent positions ap1v. References required. See W. W. Basset t, Senator hotel. 7:30 to 8 30 p.m., 21st Oct. CR252 INSURANCE SALESMAN, full or part time. Experience unnecessary. Auto, Truck. Fire and Casualty lines. Ooen territory, new Incentive commission plaa. competitive rate. Farmers Insur ance Group. V. J. Bill" Oko. District Arnt. 466 Court street. Salem. Oregon. Tel. 3-5661. Call or write for appoint ment. g2.)6 OLD ESTABLISHED national firm re cently promoted two men to manager ial positions, leaving openings in our sales organization for two men. Mut have car. Our men are now earninti 1150 per week each snd up. Contact Mr. Simpson. 248 N. Com'l., Room 23 any day before 3 o'clock. kk25? EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Commercial Placement Aeency Technical Sales Clerical Promot. Friendly Service No Charre to Employers 360 State Street Ph. 2-1488. g(252 WANTED POSITIONS FILLING STATION work, f per., day shift. Salem area. Ph. 3-3856. h254 AMBITIOUS high school boy wants work after school and Saturdays. Ph. 2-5198 h254 TYPING done in my home. Ph. 3-4778 mornings. h254 PAINTING. J. E. Savoy. Phone 3-3081. h254 ACCOUNTANT BOOKKEEPER. Full charge. 5'i yrs. public accounting ex perience. Desire 5 day wek position. Ruth Schaffer, 475 Wayne Drive. h25 'MAMA, Mrs. Brown will give me good care while you're busv. by hrH tiny, wk . or month." 1180 Shlpplne. h256 LIGtlT HOUSEWORK or child care with room and board. Exper. refer. Red 301. Silverton. h252 EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants per manent work. Richard Aires, Box 336. Willamina. 1.253 EXPER. STENO. and bookkeeper desires emplovment. 40 hour week preferred , Wnte Box 39. Capital Journal. h2S3 BABY Sitting. Ph. 2-6623. h24 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. hi 62 TREE WORK, trimming, removing Insur ed operator. Free Estimates, Jonn Payne Ph. 26014. 346 8 Church. h256 "WANTE D EUR SITV R BtO glue ft repan Lee Brag's. Ph. 21233. h AUlO PAINTING )UM a shade better b Ray Etter Call Shrork Motor Co. 3-9101 b TREE WORK, trimming, topping, fel'.ine. removing Ins oper Free e.t. W H McAllister. 640 Trade St. Ph. 31496 h253 CA.RE FOR children In my home. mo, to 5 yra. 183 B. 18th.. Ph. 3-6876. hi.VT WILL DO TYPING in my home 3030 Brooks St. Turn right at 3900 Brooks . h262 Attention: SHIPPERS and TRUCKERS Traffic and Office Manager, experienced in truck transportation office proced ure Including pavroll. accounting. O. . ft D. and claims, billing: also, have working knowledge of tariffs t am looking for a permanent position with a future tn Salem or Portland or Inter mediate points. Please write Box 61. Scot is Mills, lor Interview h!52 HOME REPAIRS and remodeling b Al bert Brant, builder. 810 Beck ave. phone 31135. Immediate service Only 10', down, up to 36 mos. on bal. hJJ To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 RESORT PROPERTY "UNBELIEVABLE BARGAIN IT'S TRUE 64 lots each 50x100, all viewing the ocean. Ca-scade head. Devils lake and Devil's Lake golf course on paved road. Priced for quick sale, 18$ each If sold all touctiier. WANT TO TRADE? We have client with income property who wish to trade for property In or near Salem. V. L. M tickler. Realtors. Box 546, Oceanlake, Ore. Ph. Dels Ice, 131. ha254 FOR RENT ROOMS LARGE NEATLY furnished room, 125 mo. Automatic heat, close in, 1434 Perry St. Jk254 ATTRACTIVE RM. Priv. home. Oentle man. Gar. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 36368. Jk254 LARGE HEATED bedrm., 2 double beds. Home and kitchen prlveleges. 2 bsns. 01 school girls preferred. Phone 1-3683. Jk254 Qt'lET sip. rm., bath adj., turn. heat. Em p. man. 1210 N. Front, corner Mar ket. Jk254 LG. DOUBLE rm.. fireplace and outside ent. 2 girls or emp. couple. Bus line. Ph. 26462. Jk254 FURN. ROOM, employrd lady. 1050 N. 15th. Jk253 FURN. SLEEPING rm., heated. No drink ers or pets. 607 N. Com'l. Jk252 ATTRACTIVE warm rm., 1st floor for emp. lady, close In, 740 Chemeketa St. Jk252 For Rent Nice sleeping room Imenl. 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. lk25l Newly Furnished sleeping room. Walking distance. Men only. 745 8. Com'l. )k255 NEAT. CLEAN, attractive room for em ployed gentleman. Ph. 34248. Jk254 ROOMS to rent by the month. Hotel Sa lem. 161 8. Hub St. Telephone 1-1161. Jk' CLOSE IN, well heated sleeping room. 658 Center St. Jk253 SLPU. KM. for men. PH. 39058. 395 N. 14th Jk258 HOLLYWOOD, sip. rms. Ph. 36093. Jk253 FOR RENT APARTMENTS LARGE 3-RM. FURN. upstairs flat. To quiet middle-aged couple. No children pets or drinkers. Call after 6:30 p.m. 930 Garnet St. Jp252 ONE-ROOM apt. with kitchenette. 790 N Commercial. Jp254 ATTRACTIVE small furnished apartment. 125 Gerth, West Salem. JP254 MOD. FURN. cottage, 1 bdrm., 145 mo. 2 mi. N of Brooks on SOE Rose Cottages. JP256 FOR RLNT: FURN. APT. No drinkers. 195 S. 24th. JP253 3-ROOM upstairs furn. apt. No drinking. 2310 N. Fourth JP253 DOUBLES ft singles all furnished, elec. heat, city and school bus. 3580 8. Coml. Jp274 FURN. 2 rms. Priv. bath, gar. Castle Hall. 'JE. 3 mi. 8. State St. Jp252 FOR RENT HOUSES i-RM. SEMI-MODERN cottage. Ph. 26618. Jm252 I BDRM. FURN. cottage. Also trailer hse. Utilities paid. Take children. Trailer Park Village. li m. North Highway 99E. Jm2S4 1 BDRM. HSE. 2985 Brooks st. Jm252 NEW 2-BDKM. hse. for lease. Call at 450 Tryon Ave., Salem. Jm MODERN S-BR cabins, oil heat, garage. 2860 S. Commercial, partly furn. )m254 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE. 585 S. Com'l. J254 FOR RENT or lease, garage, work shop or warehouse space, cement floor, 37x45 ft. Location by Swegle school. Phone 3-3166. 1254 TRAILER SPACE, large stalls, laundry room, clean showers, water ft drain at stalls. City ft school bus. Near gro cery store. Clean ft quiet. Weekly rates. 3580 S. Com'l. J257 PRIVATE OFFICE, will share recep tion room. Oregon Building. Ph. 3-6455 after 5:30. J255 BUSINESS BUILDING BRAND new 1600 aq. ft. choice Iocs t, on North. Auto, heat, driveway with park inn lot in rear and large rear entrance, long lease available, Immed. poss. Call us todny. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 3015 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596, Eve. 2-0473, 3-3558 J252 BUSINESS RM. for ren. H L Stiff J' HOOVFR cr Electrolux cleaners with at tachments 8100 a day HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3646 )' uTdRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 3-9600 i GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. TO DO a good lob rent a good floor gand er. We sell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-S648. J" HOUSE JACKS, come along, chain and rope nnlsts auto tools HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-1648 J IKONFRS bv work Phone 24439 FLOOR SANDER for rent ifootgorrry Ward. J 4RMORAYS Ozone Good Health. Rent Sell. H C. Pugh. 684 N. 17th Ph. 3-4692 GARDEN TRACTORS, plumbing tools, paint sprayers, lawn roller, lawn mow ers, auto tools, drills, belt and disc ander. hedste clippers HOWSER BROS. Ph. $-364fl. J Till CKS n3 cars for rent Smltty'a Clip per Service. Ph. 1-9600. Corner Center and Church St I' WANTED TO RENT 3-BKDROOM HOUSE. Phone 3-4667. Ja235 HAVE YOU a clean 3 Bedrm Furn.. or un I urn. home with garaee for Reasonable Rent? Prefer North Salem area, Resp. coup'.e with 1 child. Best of rels. Need by Nov. 1st. Write Box 45, Capital Journal. Ja253 MUST HAVE place to star In Salem wlule husband is tn hospital tor my self ft child 5 years. Will take care of children ft hoive in exchange for room ft board ft small salary. Smoke, do not drink. Write Mrs. R. Hill, Foster, Ore gon. Gen. Del Ja253 1 BDRM. unf urn. house. 3 adults. Ph. 3-7215 daytime or 2-1337 after 0. J a 253 FAMILY OF 3 de.slre 2 bdrm. turn, or unfurn, apt. by Nov. I. Best of Ret, Ph. 2-34!5 davs. Ja253 Ins. Eiecnttve opening office in Salem. Wife and 2-year-old son desire 2-bed-room home In goood district. Reply Box 41. Capital Journal. Ja252 WANTFH: Room- with private bath or small apt. Employed lady. P O. Box 493 fa3'3 ROOM AND BOARD ELDERLY people cared for tn my country home. Write Box 33. Capital Journal. J1255 WIIL WORK for room and board. Chris tian home preferred In Salem vicinity Ssm AcarVmv. West Sstem )t22 LOST AND FOUND WILL THE party please call 2-6348 who found some medical supplies In their enr Tuesday alternoon. k254' LOT: Black Border Collie. Phone FLOYD ELLIS. 3-9217 k354 LOT 17 Jewel Harve) woman's Watch, cold band. Wed aft . Oct. 20. en Liber ty .-t near " Pikes'" Reward. Mary Bennett Rt. 1. Box 85B. Rickreall. kJ54 Rt'WARO for cold rimmed glasses lost tn or near Prim It Park. Ph. 35212. 1180 0 Liberty W52 LOST pair of natural colored plastic frame glasses. No case. Between N Liberty and town 827 N. liberty. k253 lOT: M Co;i brown A white Mra. 8iy Bs.isrd, 1151 8. 14th. Reward k 2$J MISCELLANEOUS CAMELLIAS. 50c up; asaleas. 35c up: King Alfred bulbs. $0c dog. Merrill' Green houes. Brooks. DEAD and worthless stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 8-5000. 8,371 LEa SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. B.260 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR l-HR. SERVICE IN HOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. -State ft Commercial1 0U. SALEM Phone 3-3311. HEAT your home electrically. It'a con venient clean, economical. Bee tu tor tree estimate. T EATER APPUAifCB CO., 255 N. Liberty. HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing aenmt repaired by 0 qualified Singer represen tative. Pb, 2513 for Ire pick 9 and de livery servies 00 all makes of machine. Free estimate given before work 1 started. Singer Sewing Machine Oev. 130 N. Comm'l. TIME TO FERTILIZE OSE OROANIO FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS ft GARDENS 6 SACKS $5.00, $10 PER TON FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN SALEM WEST MUSHROOM FARM PH. 3-8127 EVE. 3-4397 m' BUILDING MATERIAL SOIL PIPE A fittings, building paper, t2. 85 per roll. Masonlte 10c per ft. 4" flooring 6125 per M. Roofing $4.00 a sq. ft up. in. wall board in 4x8 sheets only 167.50 per M. Kohler lavatories tlft. C. G. LONG Rt. 2. Boxe 35, Salem. 1 ml. north of Kelrer. Ph. 25821. ma356 NEW 3-FT. doors, 310.50. Asbestos shake siding, 310 sq. New rock lath plaster board and used Inch sheet rock. Cedar shakes. $9 per sq. C. O. Long. Rt. 2, Box 3t. Salem. One mile N. of Reiser. ma365 Insulate Your Home With Blown in Rock Wool Fuel Savings Will Pay for It FHA Long-term Payments CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE Phone 3-3748 or 3-4955 ABC Insulation Co. 1535 Broadway BUILDERS - FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? COMPLETE stock of shlplap, t"x4" a, timbers, all grades, at UNBEATABLE PRICES WEST SALEM LUMBER CO. I tk Mile N. of Edgewatcr St on ' Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-0593 Pre Deliver ma264" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LOOK FOLKS PRICES ARE DOWN FALL CLEANUP New Appliance Values ! Silent Sioux Oil was haw Heater $99.75 $ 84.50 Quirk Heat Oil Heater. .126.95 89.50 Charter Oak Oil Heater 83.00 09.00 12 cu. Ft. Estate Home Freezer 414.1$ 349 TS Pireplace Screens .... 19.95 14.95 Fireoiace Screens 14.9.H 9 95 Crosley Console Radios. 167.7$ 137.9$ Bendlx Consolette .... 895 69 95 3-Burner Hot Plate . . . 22.40 12.50 5-Pc. Set West Bend Aluminum Ware. Spe cial 18.7$ Electric Plug-In Heat- 32.75 19.95 Electric Plug-In Heat ers. other5 17.S0 8.95 These are Floor Models single Item close-outs. Gevurtz Furniture Co. "A Little Down on a Big Bill" 275 N. Liberty Ph. 3-4618 n253 GENERAL ELECTRIC washing machines. The famous model AW-032. Limited supply. Special at 8119.95. Gevurtz Furniture Co. "A Little Down on a Big Bill" 275 N. Liberty. Ph. 3-4615 B257" ONE O'xS 12-pane window. Practically new. 117 50. Ph 3-9345. 3435 Center. n254 USED G. E. Comb, washer and mangle, recondition ed and guaranteed. Terms. VINCE 8 ELECTRIC I?7 a- Liberty Ph. 39239. n254 WOOD FURNACE for sale. Ph. 26719. 1425 N. 18th. n254 '$1 MODEL A coupe. Ph. Dallas 2967 be tween 8 and 5. n354 ELECTRIC SHAVERS See our ad When factory man will be at our store. VINCE'S ELECTRIC 137 S. Liberty. 20230 n254 GUARANTEED used oil heaters. Judsons. 279 N. Com'l. n252 DUO THERM oil circulator with blower, S55. Electric heater, 15. Western electric vacuum cleaner. 112.50. 30-sel. oil pump and tank. 620. S'j H. P. Evin rude outboard motor. $7$. C. J. Hum insng. 220 Park Lane. n254 FREEZERS Upright and chest type. 1149.9$ and tip Terms. VINCE'S ELECTRIC 157 I. Liberty. 39339. h254? MAKE I GALLONS DO THE WORK OP 4 with a Duo-Therm Hepplewhlte Fuel Oil Heater and patented Power-Alr Blower. Come In and let us explain how you can save up to 25 on your fuel bills. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. Ph. 39411. 467 Court St. n253 WOOD CIRCULATOR heater. Nearly new. 1097 8. 13th. n354 USED Reconditioned washing machine. $84 78 White Porcelain late model wood ranae. 139 95 G. E. eu. ft. refrigerator, thoroughly overhauled. 1135. Gevurtz Furniture Co. "A Little Down on a Big Bill" 375 N. Llblrty Ph. . 461ft APT. SIZE Prlgldalre. Used less than 2 mo. 1434 Perry, Salem. n252 USED refrigerators. Small sites, In oood condition. Terms. VTNCE 8 ELECTRIC 157 8. Liberty Ph. 2923$. B2B4 COMR. GAS RANGE and garbage burner with coila. Ph. 3-5367 after $ p. m. n3S4 NICE CLEAN walnuts. 15c lb. 3390 Sunn. Thweve. njM VINCE'S ELECTRIC 1S7 8. Liberty. Ph. 39230 New and used appliances for hone and "m n334 GIRLS' NEW SUIT 7 and blue winter coat. $5. Site 12. Bargains. Wood ranae with coils, exc. cond. Rte. $. Box 00$. on Orchard Hts. rd. Ph. 17F21. n354 ELECTRIC room heaters. 110-220 ot.niC radiant and fan types, steam radiators. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n23 $0.0 ENFIELD with Weaver K-2.5 scope. Oood Elk can. $110. 000 N. 17th. St. n3S4 HOTPOINT electric range 140. Large bed with springs and Innersprlog mattress $35 Matching large dresser with mir ror 115. Extra innerspring mattress III. Large oil painting with antique frame 111. Oil circulator 130. Thret large oil barr-ls Xi each. Kitchen sink with fit tlngg 18. See at 1425 N. llth at. Ph. 37217. B3S4 ELECTRIC RE 4. TERS Portable and wall type, now available at VTNCE S ELECTRIC 187 80. Liberty. I93H niJ4 (Continued on Page 19)