Alfalfa Seed Crop Very Low The federal department re port on alfalfa seed production just received indicates it ai the smallest In 16 years over the nation. Oregon's production is placed at 6400 bushels as compared with 7200 in 1947 and a 1937 through 1946 average of 15,540 bushels. Over the United States the 1948 production is estimated at 954.700 bushels as compared with 1,703.000 for 1947 and 1,259,920 bushels as a 1937 through 1946 yearly average. Says the report in part: Generally speaking, weather this year was unfavorable for the production of alfalfa seed. In a number of states it was too dry while the crop was grow ing, but too wet at pollinating time. Other factors which brought about reductions in acreage and yield per acre were heavier infestation of grasshop pers than usual, local shortages and high prices of hay, and sharp declines in prices received by growers for the 1947 crop of alfalfa seed. Exports of alfalfa seed for the year ended June 30, 1948, were 968.292 pounds, compared with 729,052 pounds in the preceding year and the 1942-46 average of 651,617 pounds. Imports for the year ended June 30, 1948, were 7,552,500 pounds, compared with 9.259, 000 pounds for the preceding year and the 5-year average of 6,621,960 pounds. Production of alfalfa seed in Canada was forecast on Septem ber 15 by the Canadian depart ment of agriculture at 12,731, 000 pounds of clean seed, com pared with 10,723,000 pounds in 1947 and the 1937-47 average of 6,793,000 pounds. Current supplies of alfalfa seed in the United States, in cluding production this year and carry-over, total 63,063,000 10 Down, Fay Monthly Venetian Blinds And shades Now Available ELMER (THE BLIND MAN) 145 Ruse St. Phone 732S WEST SALEM Slats in Aluminum. Steel and Wood. Choice of Taps Colon Measured and IniUUed Within 30 Mile. Call Anytime for Free Estimates Phone 37328 pounds of clean seed. This is 38 per cent smaller than in 1947 and 7 per cent below the 1942 46 average. Boys in Stolen Car Steal False Teeth Some resident of Silverton or Woodburn is having dietary troubles today, and the answer to his problem is in the hands of Salem police. Two 14 -year -old Portland boys, driving a car they stole from a used car lot in Portland, rifled parked cars in the two Marion county cities Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. Their loot one set of china clippers (uppers) and one first aid kit. SKIN IRRITATION? QUICK KUEF WITH MENTHOUmiM tOOTHtf.MUlVlt NORMAL MEAUNt MENTHOLATUM ; i J Sr. High School Students! $ NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO I LEARN TO DANCE THE EASY WA Y I Th i: S n d a , I -aul strmAironcj. ;: School of Dancing ; IS NOW BEGINNING BALLROOM CLASSES j LEARN : The Waltz, Fox Trot, Swing, Rhumba, Samba j; & 2 Step. $2.00 Discount If You Enroll by J Thursday, Oct. 21. J GO TO 1990 MISSION ST. TODAY Classes Begin Tonight, Oct. 21 at 7:30 P.M. !; SPECIAL -SALE- Til i i f fti v - ' . Originally 4.95 FABRIMATIC ELECTRIC IRON 2.45 NOW Here's an iron that says "Nix" to high prices. Sturdily con structed for long, durable, economical service. ORIG. 12.50 KENT 4-PIECE COFFEE SET Consists of glass coffeemaker serving bot tle, sugar, creamer, and mirror tray. Ex. 4 At" cellent Christmas gift ..NOW 4eJ ORIG. 5.95 KENT COFFEE MAKER Guaranteed heat-proof glass. Furnished with automatic filter timer. Cleans in- A P stontly NOW jcOj ORIG. 9.40 ROYALMASTER HEATER Maximum heat with even radiation. Heat ing element is protected. Handle for m Ap L moving ....NOW J. 7 J COUPON WHEELS BALANCED 1.25 ONLY With This Coupon Offer Expires October 30th They were held by Juvenile authorities in Salem after be ing nabbed by local police on a stolen car charge. Church Class Invited Silverton Mrs. P. W. Nofs ker will be hostess at her home at 839 Chadwick street October 21, to members of the Loyal Guards class of the Methodist church. Mrs. Pearl Porter is teacher of the class. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 21, 1948 13 198 S. Commercial Phone 3-9136 My Shirts are whiter and last longer, since my wife has started using WHITE ROSE ' 1 H&VN J 17LXIDE ' M. V And what's more there is no lingering offensive "wash-day" smell. You feel extra proud when you put en clean shirt that's been washed in WHITE ROSE Better coffee every time &X 'quality is so much belter GALLA-RINI 1 v - " 'BJ'W World's Only CONCERT ACCORDIONIST Presented by WILTSEY MUSIC STUDIOS OCTOBER 26th 8:15 P.M. . Leslie Jr. Hi Auditorium Tickets On Sale Now at Heider's and Salem Record Shop or Phone 3-7186 w RfflRKET 170S South 12th St., Salem, Oregon YOUR COMPLETE FOOD STORE ALWAYS LOW PRICES Sparkling Soda Fountain LADIES' LOUNGE Always Courteous Service I OPEN 9 TO 9 EVERY DAY I I EXTRA SAVINGS SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS TOO Friday & Saturday, Oct. 22-23 TRY OUR EVERYDAY SAVINGS Baby Food 6 .on.J.Cc Gerber's, Strained or Chopped. AlbersOars 3 lb, 9 7 c Quick or Regular for a Fine 1 J Breakfast. v cake flour o r do 33 59 Softasilk. Salad Dressing Quarts 59c Tang. Fine for Sandwiches . pt. PEAS W cans Select Garden, A Fine Buy. NUCOA Rich with Vitamin ENVOY TISSUE Soft and Absorbent Desco D?Xd 3 Put a Wag In Your Dog': DREFT Lsi,9.' A Thousand and One Uses . . . , Campbell's Soups 6 A Fast .Meal or Appetizer. 5 69 SUE OC 3 Rolls . . fVf J cans Q 1 , Tai.) f 29 95 CELERY ib. Large, Crisp Stalks. VII U pCS Tokay A. lb,. For a Fine Salad or Lunches . . YAMS 2 ,b, For That Added Taste. or 9 v.arrurs Turnips j lbs J? A Real Economy Buy. 19 19 13 FRYERS ,b Colored, A Real Ttreat. HENS .b Fine for Stewing. Pork Shoulder ROASTS lb HAM LOAF b Beef, Pork, Ham, Freshly Gr'nd 59 43 59 69 LADD'S HAVE WHAT YOU WANT PARK 'N MARKET Better I?(D0(dlS i 3025 GARDEN ROAD THANKS We thought you would like our new store. We even hoped that you would all sample something on our shelves, but we never thought vou would visit us in sueh great num bers during our first day! So Ht SAY THANK YOU SALEM, what you have seen is only the beginning. We pledge that day in and day out we will continue to bring you meats and groceries you'll be glad to have at prices everyone can afford to pay. C R1SCO SHORTENING With Coupon IHTZ GRAN. SOAP With Coupon Large Package . . . TIDE Modern Washday Miracle With Coupon Large Package . . . IVORY SOAP Medium Sire Bars In. Tin for 94c 23c 23c 19c SWIFTS mm PICNICS Lb. O BACON 4QC SQUARES Lb.4fw Beef I'rime Rib LCt ROLLED ROAST .... Lb. D3W BEEF eT POT ROAST Lb. 5 1 TONOI ES Lb.31- SWIFTS 7X BROOKFIELI) Links Lb. 10 Re Sure to STOP and HI' Y Carcass Beef for Those Lockers HEINZ Strained Baby Food HEINZ Junior Baby Food . . CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP . . . 3 3 3 for for for VERMONT MAID SYRUP 12 ox PUMPKIN. Standby Brand Lge. 2 4 Size Can KISIIER CAKE FLOUR 2 Ib. Package RISQUICK t'i Ib. Package CIGARETTES Carton 25c 29c 29c 25c . 10c . 25c 43c $1,39 FRESH BUTTER BREAD 1 Ih. Loaves Assorted Layer AQ CAKES 17C to DINNER ROLLS; Poppy Seed Parker House, etc., Dos. Ilydrox COOKIES R-oz. Package 16c 75c 30c 23c DESCO DOG FOOD aih of Fresh Meal Plus the Fresh Liver Makes it Belter. J cans Special Today it for A3V 49c 49c Flav-R-Pac Fresh Frozen STRAWBERRIES; Pkg. . Flav-R-Pac Fresh Frozen RASPBERRIES; Pkg. Flav-R-Pac Fresh Frozen AQf ASPARAGUS SPEARS; Pkg.'" Try Lorkrr-Pak Fresh Frozen Peas In 10 Unit Package C"t AQ You Save 2S 54.47 Modern Frozen Food Lockers We Cut and Wrap for Your Lorker Fresh Vegetables Pumkins ,. 3c YaiTIS gouthern . 3 fTr' 25 c Potatoes 15ib bag 5 9c Deschutes Fancy No. 1 YELLOW Onions 3 'ft 14c (let Your Favorite MAGAZINES Hrre COLGATE TOOTH PASTE Giant Size FREE 1 Cake Woodbury Facial Snap With Purchase of Woodbury tdf Beauty Lotion. (Tins Tax) 7C TOM f RE.ME SHAMPOO With Lanolin; Tube FIT( 118 SHAMPOO Regular 75c 43c 49c 59c -imported PICKUPS ihii whit iHt tmrm 1,L trW tnr lhl fvrntnf nark n4 fr tfrlv lunrhr Jm H fln 'W mt S lh(R U flv IkAl ln4l7l4salUf. KAl KAI NA KM B CHEESE, In the Crock . BORDEN'S Pippin Roll Sharp American Cheese, pkg. Hrins Swaet Mixed 7Q riCKLES; 24-os. Jar s Nallev's Treasure PICKLES; 1 Pint Jars 93c 21c 27c EBNER'S PARK 'N MARKET GARDEN ROAD AM) PARK AVE. The Aristocrat of all bleaches!