1 2 Capita Journal, Salem, Or., Thursday, October 21, 1948 Purebred Stockmen By-pass Shows in Breeding Program By CLAUDE ITECSLOFF That Oregon purebred stockmen are by-passing livestock ahowi In their breeding program! ia evident at the annual itock ahow aeason cornea to a close. Production recordi, progeny aelectioh, bull grading and auction ales are taking the place o the ehowring Judge in selection of tud airea and dama. The original purpoae of fairt waa to provide a place for trad ing, and they were important meant of diatributing fine live stock in the daya when pure bred were few in numbers. At the first Oregon Stat fair John Minto of Salem told hit prize Merino ram for 1100. However, livestock ahowa have more re cently become chiefly exhibi tions, very little stock changing hands during the show. Survey During Summer Particularly in dairy cattle, production recorda are of prime importance in breeding atock (election. During the past sum mer several dairy breed associ ations held breed classification field dayt in the Willamette val ley and a survey was taken of the points which breedert con aider most In their selection of animals to go Into their pure bred dairy herds. It showed that, by the average breeder, produc tion records alone are consider ed equal in importance to the total of all other points. Pedi gree of the animal was valued at 28 percent; breed classifica tion rated 17 percent; and show ring record was given 7 percent value. Almost half of the breed era placed no consideration at all on ahow ring records. Marion and Polk counties have long been the home of world famous Jerseys but they are shown sparingly. Polk coun ty Jerseys hold 40 percent of the world's butterfat records and five out of the seven highest tested Jersey sirea were bred in the county yet no Polk county breeders competed at either Oregon State fair or Pacific In ternational this year. The Mar ion county Jersey Cattle club eep peas in the family The healthful ay to keep the family happy at BealtlBe - aerve law PEAS generously and often. Eveet, tender! Juloy - with real garden-fresh flavor. Suoh a easy, eoonoaleal vay to dress up your seals I Another faff Tine reed. r fltMriwJwIaifierMi "SM 'quality is so much better' Grocer all over th country hv Judged for ihtBW, from oenpejrieota Med right la their own store. They have en us open and compare 8 W product with any other brand on their ehcWce. From their own aptriaooa, they have Judged 8 W Quality beat, every time. - law UNI OO0l..rmi better list IB members In Who' Who, western Jersey directory, but thia year only two exhibit were made at the above showi by Marion county breedert. Range Men Critical Several western U.S. range experiment atations have col lected data showing there is lit tle relation between show ring appearance and cow productiv ity or rate of gain of their calves. Progeny selection hat proven that some fine show animals produce offspring that are very inefficient meat producers and cannot properly utilize feeds on which less attractive animals make ample gains. Range stockmen have long considered stock show Judging as Impractical. Bull classifica tion work in connection with auction sales in range area Is rapidly developing as a means of distributing good sires in the rang country. At recent range bull sale in Burns, Harney coun ty, (6 bulls averaged 1501 per head, buyer being mostly local ranchers. The thowring hat been de serted for the auction sal by many of the most successful purebred sheepmen of the Wil lamette valley. Rambouillet, the breed most important in the sheep economy of the state, was not even represented at either the Oregon State fair or Pacific International thia year. Only two of the top 10 rams which sold for an average of $1000 or more at this year'a national ram sale, Salt Lake City, had ever been inside a ahow ring. Odditie Attract Some competent livestock ob servers feel that the final place of the livestock show will be educational rather than func tional. An ever increasing num ber of city folk need an insight into where and how their ani mal food is produced. Thus the triplet calves, an oddity occur ring only once In 188.000 mat Ingt, displayed at the Pacific In, ternational, were viewed by cu riout thousands while the out- atanding thow animals in the barna were noted by breed fa miliars only. Present day showa relate to that which it pleasing to the eye, not to economy of produc, tion or utility of the animal They are displays of beautiful animals and serve as a meant of advertising. The display fca ture, though not important from a breeding standpoint, may still be functional enough to justify livestock shows. School Bonds Voted Eugene, Oct. 21 Wi Voters in the Bethel district have ap proved $400,000 bond issue to finance a combination junior and senior high school for 1,000 pupils. Pineapples, which are almost seeaiess, are grown irom slips richer flavored percolator coffee 'Freshest Vegetables in Town" - DANISH - SQUASH FOR Cm v n 1 1 v (w richer flavored Silex coffee 'JJt'im: JQ LiAr--. r? richer flavored 1 ltdrip coffee MwmwmwmwmMMmmwMMt (jjJlV7rWHIM YOU USE GOLDEN WESTl fAr3 fj"vM EVERY WAY-it't pure delight! For Golden West B If Pff g 7jr-i.M is extra rich in flavor-packed Central American M 1 A 1 Jt I I Jjh9v coffee. And it'a ground 3 waya-regular, drip, Silex S "TajJ-AJ y"r con"M maker can extract all its goodness. ft I f I Mi I i V Try the right grind -get the richest flavored cup M V Dry Red or Lge. White ' BEANS 2-s29c : r-z-t Crackers '35' h l Hr7e Church Women Serve Election Day Dinner Woodburn The WSCS of the Methodist church met at the church and plans were discussed for the annual election day din ner and bazaar to be held at the church November 2 at ( o'clock. Delegates elected to the atate convention of the WSCS to be held in Salem Thursday and Fri day of this week were Mr. James Livesay, Mrs. A. E. Aus tin and Mrs. Charles Buchanan. Mrs. L. E. Keller led the de votional service on the topic "We Meet the Challenge." and Mrs. N. F. Tyler gave an inspira tional talk on "Alaska Among the Northern Lights." Hostesses were Mrs. C. W. Low, Mrs. Mabel Cook, Mrs. Florine Page and Mrs. Lowell Moore. $8,700 Paid for Champ Hereford Breeding Bull SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAS Kansas City, Oct. 21 SWITfHFD TO fAIVFRT Herbert Chandier. central Ore- nilinEU U lALYEttl gon rancher, paid $8,700 for "" one of 55 champion Hereford ij'Sj breeding animals sold yesterday Ji J at the American Royal Live- J J9V 4 ttock exposition. The bull was M. W. Prince ft C'.jW Larry 7th from the Milky Way g flj-ffi Wvi Hereford ranch, Phoenix, Ariz. fc,S'm , Made? Tut Protad Thlt v T Vi'M-i'ZfiSm Great to Relieve MONTHLY jj FEMALE PAINS 1 Folks everywhere will m".Tuon1.T' oThT?i. tell you they switched KOMaf Vom this ffltki you .uffnr , n rrom pun, imi mrwmt. .. because Calvert Keserve hlh-.tning t tucb timer Then . . . otiTtT(ii..rini.iiMBivtbi. ia smoother always! Compound to rli.v. iup.li .jmp torn I ! In a rMent medlcl tMt thia . prod rmrkBlT helpful to worn- CALVERT REHEHVK Blended Whiskey id troublxl mu w. Aw drugntor.. 86 , prooI-65 Qran Neutral SplrlU. VLYDIA L PINKHAM Calvert DMmm Co-Ntw Yorlt Clty Try Ann Pillsbury's easy-fo-rnake Jiaimor uamffWfMem 1 box Plllibury Crvtl Mt tfesJy 2V cupt sugar 4 cups laimor Crein(Mrriet "iJ BtCbiI )i iup weter 1 tatle)spent comttarcli tJlJ rM 1? S mtT ylatSS 1 cups applt tllcM t tobltpons w error & f$Jtli Fiji 1L iti ilftJJjLlj""" Prepare pie crust as directed on package. Roll out SjLLy'- one half of dough and fit into 9-inch pan. Combine trfVvi ugar, water, apple slices and Eatmor Cranberries J- '' in saucepan. Cook mixture until cranberries pop- You'U want to try more de about 10 minutes. Make a paste of cornstarch and jdoui fresh cranberry re remaining water, stir into fruit and continue cook- ff f-L eipeM right awayt Send today ing until mixture is thick and clear about S min- JyM for 40-page, full -color recipe utcs. Cool and pour into pie shell. Roll out remain- fJv? book Cranbevrits end Haw ing crust and cut in strips. Arrange pastry strips Jbe Ck Thm Wrt Eatmor crisscross fashion over top. Bake in moderately hot PmF && Cranberries, 90 West Broad oven (425F.) 25 minutes. Makes one 9-inch pie. , jjjjW way,Dept.24,N.Y.7,N.Y. JUICY Oranges each TEXAS - PINK Grapefruit .0 c n Pork 'N' Beans SPAM LUNCHEON MEAT 12-ot. 39 abv hm Clapp's Strained Par-T-Pak 20c ur iriixers Full Quart Bottle VISIT THE ALL NEW 12TH STREET HARDWARE 1430 SO. 12TH Our frttiljttofi H ! Mr. Mr for olniri in H mak 12th Strt Salam't bott shoppin cnlr Rmmbr, No Porkinf Mtr A Reol'FIRI-KINO" JADE-ITE BOWLI With ooch packogo of Albrs Oati m m O IDS. A 39c mm OXOl D Q-f Salad Dressing pt. 1 SOLID PAK 07T1 Tomatoes 2Vi size " CATSUP 2 80TTLIS. 35c HEINZ, "THE BEST" O 7 bT CATSUP 2-LB. PKG. DURKEI CO A OLEO CANDY OC BARS or GUM 6 MANNING'S CC.fl COFFEE lb. OOC Schillings Golden West M. J. B. Chase & Sanborn Maxwell House Folger's Hills Bros. Choot from Th. Famous Ceffsot G3 S f Best If - . . I 5J) Values - vfoTonwy 2 lb. $1.05 'H. .