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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1948)
Four Corners People Hosts For Special Anniversaries Four Corners Oct. 19Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Baker, Mon roe avenue were hosts Sunday at a family dinner. The occasion being Baker's b.rthday anniversary and his parents" Mr and Mrs J. P. Baker of Portland, 49th wedding anniversary. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mosley, Portland, Mr. and Mrs aidci t t.vcijn uuu Jen nie Baker of Dallas; Mr, and Mrs. Earl Baker, Naomi and Barbara Baker of Salem and Mrs, Don Morgan, Larry Mor gan of Camas, Wash., Margaret, David, Bernard and Robert Ba ker. Hosts to pinochle club on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs Jess Mcllnay, 3830 Mahrt ave nue. Playing were Messrs and Mesdames Ray Osborn, William Fiester, S. H. Cable, E. E. Wal ker, Hardie Phillips, W. P. Merriam, Cecil Walker, Sonny Walker and Henry Boden. Hon ors went to Mrs. Cecil Walker, Henry Boden, Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Phillips. 'Teeners Hold Party Teen Kanteen met at the community hall Saturday. Dan cing and ping-pong furnishe-1 venter t a i n m e n t . Chaperones ' were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schre cengost, Mrs. Mabel Pearson, Mrs. George James, Mrs. Nelia Poindexter. About 30 were present. There will be a sne cial Kanteen meeting at the community hall Oct. 21. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Webster, 420 S. Lancaster and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kroll of Birkenfeld, Ore., have returned from a week's trip to Redding and Chico, Calif. At Redding they visited Mrs. Web ster's niece. Webster is super vising foreman for the tele phone company here. Carolyn and Donna Meyer went with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones to Netarts, Ore., for the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay and family, and Henry Boden of 3830 Mahrt avenue, their house guests Mr. and Mrs. O. B". Mc llnay of Crete, Neb., drove to DeLake on Sunday where they met Mr. and Mrs. Orva New burn, Donald Newburn and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth New burn and family all of Portland The party then drove to Agate beach for the day. Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Batterton and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Deen, Durbin avenue, have returned from a ten day trip to Kimbalt, Neb., where they were called by the death of Mrs. Batterton's twin sister, Mrs. William Bat terton. House guest in the Ben Swin ford home last week was Mrs Swinford's sister, Mrs. E, E. Menser of Gresham. . , A Oregon Tops on Adult Increase Portland. Onf 10 m bureau of census report today usien uregon as the nation's icaacr in increase of adult pop ulalion. An increase of 361,000 adults since 1940 lifted the state to a total of 1 109,000, an increase of io n per cent. Washington iu-l per cent, was the state. For those under 21, Oregon up No. 2 ranked lecorid, increasing 175, 000 to total of S16 000, The percentage increase was California was high with per cent Increase, 51.2. 59.7 Dewey, if Elected, Will Stay on Job Albany, Oct. 19 MWrhomas E. Dewey will continue as gov ernor of New York up to the day of his inauguration as pres ident, if he is elected Novem ber 2. Paul Lockwood, Dewey's secretary, told a reporter today that the New York governor wishes to maintain the contin uity in office and so would not resign until time for bim to take over the presidency if the elec tion returns are favorable to him. Lieut. Gov, Joe K Hanley would become governor in this I event. COSTS IESS THAN gf A DOZEN New Overtime Plan Effective The new overtime pay inter pretations under the fair labor standards act (federal wage and hour law) regarding certain types of premium payments for work on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or at night, are now in effect in Oregon. The new method of comput ing overtime rates became ef f ec- ttive Monday according to Madi son R. Smith, who represents the wage and hour and public contracts divisions, U.S. depart ments of labor, In this state. The interpretations are based on the decision of the U.S. su preme court in the longshore back wage cases, originally handed down June 1 and reaf firmed October 11 when the high tribunal refused to grant a rehearing on the so-called "overtime on overtime" issue, Smith said. "Under the interpretations, pcAceBrealdW o. iu premium payments made for work in excess of a bona fide daily or weekly standard are true overtime payments and need not be included in the reg ular rate, and may be offset against statutory overtime com pensation due under the act," Capital Journal, Saiem, Ore,, Tuesday, October 19, IS4S 5 Smith said. "A higher wage rate paid to an employe because of undesir able hours or undesirable or dangerous work, rather than be cause of previous work for a specified number of hours, is not a true overtime premium and must be included in deter, mining employe's regular hourly rate of pay for overtime pur poses. It may not be offset against any statutory compen sation due the employe." jdS COSTS IKS - THAN Kr M MAKE CO0fflS a dozen DAVrpi JustatWwotertowon- k EW, Mix and moke 46 delicious cookies. 3 jf v- Mmimx? SPECIAL,0 T SALE O tn it: ROMAN MEAL NATURE'S BREAKFAST CEREAL HEDGE PLANTS Laurel, Boxwood, Privet, California Gofrfen Privet, Pyrimidaiis and Other Material for Hedges. SHRUBS and ORNAMENTALS FERRILL'S NURSERY WW 1 .V.Cx Phone 2-1307 1;3 Mi, East of Ketzer A compiejeiy new blond of coffees. Never before such rich, full-bodied flavor at such an amazingly low price! THE PIKE PUMPKIN HUCKLEBERRY Ice Cream Fall Flavors Now Ready Aiwoys 20 fioyors of the Pike QiioliSy to choose from. Ask for several flavors in yaur take-home pack and make up your own sundaes, splits and ffoaSs. THE PIKE 138 S. Liberty Pbort 3-6S2S 150 N, Commercial Frat Leaders to Meet Eugene, Oct, 19 VP) Frater nity leaders from campuses in 10 western states will hold the annual western regional inter fraternity conference here Octo ber 27-30. Save Over $100.00 Why?? LACK OF STORAGE SPACE Selling Only a Limited Number Now is the time to work and build your soil SPECIAL TERMS IF NEEDED TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 355 N, Liberty Salem, Oregon Phone 24173 DOCTOR RELIES ON RPM" TO CARE FOR HIS CARS ' KWM'Ztof over any other motor oil in the Wes ac cording to independent survey. Dr. S. A. McCool of Elma, Washington, says, I have used nothing but RPM Motor Oil during the ten years I've been practicing. In spite of hard usage my cars have held up re; markably well." That's because RPM stops carbon troubles, clings to engine hot spots, protects idle engines from rust. We'll take better care of your car Stop at independent Chevron Gat Stations or Standard Stations, inc., for Standard of California products SURPRISING WHAT GOOD PAINT WILL DO TO MAKE YOUR ROOMS LOOK BRIGHT AND NEW LOCAL TRADEMARKS, j PABCO CINDEK ENAMEL The Elite of Decorative Enamels Porcelain like finish hard, rugged, slick smooth surface; no "toe-hold" for dirt, stains, grease or smudges. Washing does not hurt its sparkling beauty. For a professional job with out professional experience. For use on wood, glass, metal. PABCO MULTI-SERVICE ENAMEL High Quality Medium Price For interior and exterior use. Permanent, high gloss; beautiful, correctly styled colors. PABCO WALL C0ATER Unequalled One Coat Flat Paint Washable For use over piaster, kalsomine, wall paper, old paint. Covers most surfaces in one coat. PABCO CLEAR VARNISH Craftsman Floor & Interior Varnish Decorative varnish for floors and ail interior finishing. Waterproof, srainproof, hard, bril liant gloss. Long lasting, tough, elastic will not spot. PABCO HYDR0SEAL The Black & White Answer to Cracks Black Hydroseol for leaks In roofs, gutters, flashings, valleys, rain pipe, concrete wails, etc. Remains flexible, does not get brittle. White Hydroseol the asbestos re-inforced colking compound for leaks in stucco, wood, concrete or brick, around window end door frames. Can be painted over. PABCO WET PATCH Your Ace in the Hole A thick, black mastic that con be applied in any weather. Sticks to wet, damp or dry sur faces. Does not get brittle. Keep a can for emergency repairs. ifr Particularly Recommendei for Lecturers, TeacHere, Sales Par sons, and efSiers wKo meat Hs Public, HO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY DR. SEMLER Suggests,. J IMMEDIATE RESTORATION If you need extraction end want to start wearing your new Dental Plates as quickly as possibletake advantage of Mmme diate Restoration Service ', the modern technique that enables you io start wear ing your plates THE SAME DAY your final extractions are completed. Avoid the em barrassment and annoyance of "Toothless Days" ... prevent loss of valuable time from work. Ask Your Dentist, to ( "1 4., itf t fkh j HARRY - " CV.u SEMLER Vs.. L tST J&- PALAIS NEW PLATES in 1 day If no exiFSGSion ts necessary, csm fn fore 10:00 a. m. (any day except Satui dny$ and your new Dental: Plates w'di he ready fyr you hy 5:3& fK ew THB SAME DAY, Thss ronvsrnt, t$ms saving service avsffabJs sf itU three Dr. ScmJer Dertiai Offices Pcniatiti, Saiem and Eugene SPECIAL SERVICE for OUT-OF-TOWN PATIENTS . . , itcjfctrdicsj at whether or not yciui need extraction, we ytifi make every effort t& fit you witiv new Dentsf PJm quick ly. Your Kftrk ustraffy completed bx I to 3 days (difficuif coses excepted) PAY WEEKLY or MONTHLY Ask ytmr Dentist afrnrit the hcattttfa! new Transparent Psisie Detwures, so Ufeiiice in every deuii,. yen can wear ihesa with prsde and c&nfjdmte snd fprf ibey sf& Nsiy ntUy Voiirs. modern ptate are fitted rnr Lssting Comfort and Vrgormo, icpeodabJe Chese-mjf Power end you cart strpw ttwir teatmie spppsrsttce hy hsvmg ihem set with TRANSLUCENT TREBYTE TEETJf , carefully (rJected to add charm to vaur sratfc WEAR PLATES WHILE PAYtNG On pfrovaJ of your credit, take as fog 5t fff er 15 month to pay for yotir Dental PJjter, fiasy Credit Term Adjusted to your own budget. WATERS-AOOtPH SiDS EijaMi ffCS STATE t CDMMEROAL B- WATER S-ADOiPH StDG STATE i COMMERCIAL ) gas 3-3311 HOOTS? fcjg M i:3Q fM... Sm4evK rJC AM t Oif Front and Court Stj. Phone 3-9163