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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1948)
i. Gilbert-Willard Wedding In St. Joseph's Church St. Joseph', church was the scene of a fall wedding Tuesday, Mr SnH m pJ r'Aft M,S! Estella Willard' dauht o Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Willard of Salem, was married to Harold 'Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tea Changed to Moxley Residence Delta Delta Delta alumnae announce that their tea planned for Thursday afternoon is to be held at the home of Mrs. Fred B. Moxley, 875 Mission street, the hours to be from 3 until 5 o'clock. The tea originally had been planned at the George Weller residence, but due to an unexpected situation the place was changed. The tea honors Mrs. C. R. Nelson, member of the sorority who Is new at Willamette this year as Panhellenlc adviser. District President Visits Auxiliary Mrs. Robert Kreason of Dal las, president of district No. 2, ..American Legion auxiliary, was a special guest at the meeting of Capital unit No. 9 here, Mon day evening. She talked to the group on the creed of the Le gion. Other guests included Mrs. C. E. Cooper. Mrs. C. W. Richey, Mrs. Robert E. Palmateer, Miss Joella Summerville, Miss Shir ley Thede, Mrs. Wayne Kunze, visitor from Orchards, Wash., and Mrs. Laura Cleveland who came over from Dallas with Mrs. Kreason. New members introduced in cluded Mrs. B. M. Bennett, Mrs. T. H. Thede, Mrs. Oscar C. Christensen, Mrs. Pete Jensen. Invitation was read by Mrs. Helen McLeod, president, for a Halloween party for the auxil iary at the Legion club, Octo ber 29. Mrs. C. M. Craig, re habilitation chairman, announc ed gifts for the veterans hospital Christmas gift shop should be in by November 15. The auxiliary rummage sale was announced for November 27. Announcement was made the sewing group will meet all day this Thursday at the home of Mrs. Rose Maurer, 481 North 18th, with a no-host luncheon at noon. For the music, Monday, Miss Elsie Klepp played piano num , bers and Mrs. Robert Gahlsdorf sang, accompanied by Mrs. A. W. Lovcik. In charge of the. social hoirr were Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, chairman, and members of the membership committee. Mrs. Frank Marshall and Mrs. Mem Pearce poured. Feted on Birthday Mrs. Farley Mogan was host ess Sunday evening at a party to honor Mr. Mogan on the oc casion of his birthday. Feature of the party was the Swiss mu sical box sent from Paris, France, by Mrs. Mogan's bro ther, Frank Dorsey Young, with the tune, "Happy Birthday." Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. Estes Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riches and David, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lindbeck, Mrs. Martha Farley, Mr. and Mrs. Mogan and daughter, Martha. Gilbert of Aumsville, Ore. The bride was given in marriage by ner latner. The ceremony was performed by Father Gerald Lenahen. Wayne Muessv was soloist. The bride's gown ' was of heavy white satin fashioned with nylon yoke. The bodice was tight fitting and buttoned to the waist. Long, tight sleeves buttoned at the wrists and the lull-bustled skirt ended in a long train. The bride wore a fingertip veil of net bordered In lace and held in place by a coronet-shaped crown. Her corsage was a single orchid on a white prayer book, Miss Dorothy Gilbert, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. Her floor length gown was of aqua taffeta fashioned with ruffled bodice and full skirt. She carried a corsage of bronze and gold asters and wore a wreath of matching flowers in her hair. Miss Patricia Willard, sister of the bride, and Miss Florence Comstock, were brdesmaids. Miss Willard wore peach taffeta and Miss Comstock's gown was of blue taffeta. They were identical with shirred bodices and full skirts, and were set off in back with huge butterfly bows. They wore long matching mitts and carried nosegays of contrasting asters, with match ing wreaths in their hair. Joe Schneider, uncle of the bridegroom, was best man and James Comstock ana Erwin Speer were ushers. For her son's wedding, Mrs. Gilbert chose a wine colored suit of wool with black acces sories. Mrs. Willard wore a dressmaker suit of forest green with brown accessories, and both wore corsages of white gardenias. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Woman's club. Mrs. Mary Gilbert was in charge of serv ing and was assisted by Mrs. Pat McCaffery and Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Gilbert, Jr. Miss Georgia Gilbert cut the cake. Miss Shirley Schneider passed the guest book and Miss Doris Willard and Miss Lcreta Rob ertson had charge of the gift table. When the young couple left on their honeymoon to Cali fornia, the bride wore a black wool suit with gray accessories. Federation Event Scheduled Friday Calendared for Friday Is the fall's first meeting of the Marion County Federation of Women's clubs. The meeting Is to be in the Salem Woman's club house with the Salem Woman'! club and the Junior Woman's club at the host groups. Registration will begin at 9:30 a. m., the session at 10 a. m. Luncheon will be at 12 o'clock, served in the First Con gregational church with the women of the church in charge. The afternoon program takes up at 1:45 o'clock and T. M. Medford, Salem business man, will be guest speaker, discuss ing the price of peace, Special music will be given by the Salem high school band. There are 29 clubs of the county in the federation. Mrs Paul Griebenow is president. CDA Troop Meets The Lady of Fatima troop, Junior Catholic Daughters of America, met at the home of Miss Dora Rohland Friday. Bandages were turned in for the Salem first aid car. Health honors were read and committee reports given. A birthday gift was presented Mrs. Lloyd Lemons the troop adviser, and refreshments were served. They will make their home near Aumsville where they are build ing a new home. Salemites Going South Honoring Mrs. Roy H. Sim mons, who is to leave soon for Palm Springs with Mr. Sim mons to spend several weeks, Mrs. Wayne P. Loder is enter taining informally Thursday afternoon, inviting a group of friends for luncheon and bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Linn C. Smith are to entertain for Mr. and Mrs. Simmons next Sunday eve ning, inviting about 20 for a buffet supper at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons will be leaving the first of the week. They plan to return to Salem for Christmas. Mill City Guest speaker at the Mill City Woman's club meeting Tuesday night will be Mrs. Henry Hanzen, Salem, who will discuss state issues in the November election. Mrs. Han zen formerly a member of the legislature, has long been active in state affairs. Accompanying Mrs. Hanzen will be Mrs. Jo sephine Albert Spaulding, who is running for representative from Marion. Mrs. Spaulding is an outstanding vocalist of the northwest and will sing a group of songs for the program. Hos tesses for the evening are Mrs Vernon Todd and Mrs. Clay ton Baltimore. To Meet Wednesday Cen tralia temple, No. 11,' Pythian Sisters, is meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Knights of Py thias hall. Silver Tea Funds For Formula Room .. Proceeds from the benefit tea planned by the Salem General Hospital auxiliary on November 4 will go to the new formula room at the hospital, is an nounced by the auxiliary offi cers. Tickets for the tea will be in the mail Thursday and the money is to be sent to Mrs. Chandler Brown, the commit tee states. The tea is to be given the afternoon of November 4 at the home of Mrs. Charles D. Wood. In Nevada Vacationing at Reno, Nev. are Mrs. Lou Mogan and Mrs. Katherine Nickerson. White Shrine The local group of the White Shrine of Je rusalem met Monday evening, Mrs. Percy Kelly and C. P. Da vis presiding. Past officers of the White Shrine were honored. Twelve of these were at the meeting. There was a degree and presentation of gifts. An Miss Wed HARD OF HEARING " fZgfftO HearfnghAid UMOMO-nC Batteries HEARING AID All mas This Week Special No. 1016 Battery, 18c James N. Taft & Associates 218 Oregon Bldg., Salem 1 A completely new oiena i 1 of coffees. Never before A completely n of coffees. Never before such rich, full-bodied flavor at such an amaz ingly low price I NEW Skirts, Blouses, Scarfs and Other Accessory Items Also Shop Our 2 SPECIALS in SUITS AND DRESSES SMART SHOP 115 N. Liberty Ricket Oct. 15 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, October liL 1948 7 In the Jason Lee Methodist church last Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Miss Frances Ricket. daughter of Ross Ricket and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Van Cleave of Salem, was married to Luther K. Osborn, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Os born of Independence. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson at tended the couple. The bride wore a gray suit with gray and black accessories, and a corsage of orchids. Only members of the families were present for the wedding. The reception following was in the church parlors. Following a trip to the beaches and to southern Oregon the couple will be at home in Salem. initiatory ceremonial was stag ed with Mrs. Bessie Sutton of Corvallis and Mrs. Ethel Cox of Albany bping initiated. A so cial followed the meeting. MODERN OIL HEAT FOR YOUR HOME DESIGNED FOR THE HOME WITH THE GROUND FLOOR UTILITY-FURNACE ROOM ' tuma-WATT HIBOY Balanced Flam Auto-. matlc Air Conditioning Oil Burning Furnaco hardly takes any floor space , . , measures just a bit over 2 feet In both width and depth. Straight up and down and easy to clean. The Radiant-Air "Hi.1 Boy" forces heated, fil tered air to all rooms . . J , Includes Rubber-Set ( ELECTRO - WATT Bal anced Flam Oil Burner, Minneapolis- Honeywell Controls. Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. lOSS Broadwar Salem, Orecon "Hooting Heodquorters" Phona SflSM Day ar Niatat Hi 0 fid i i Fur Trim Coats Tuxedos . Fur Collars Regular up to 79.95, NOW 4995 Sizes 10 to 18 . -1 A n. mm 7 HAW GLOWS WITH Ht&HU&m ! Let Vaseline' Soapless Shampoo show you the true beauty of your hair . wake up hidden highlights, bring out a glorious sheen! GLEAMS WW CUANUNCSSl This superfine powder dissolves Instantly in any kind of water . . . whips into deep-action euds that get your hair immaculate. More news: no Bpecial rinse needed ever. I Sm tVWWSatin.s.erk waves, glossy curls . . . see how easy they are to set after a 'Vaseline' Shampoo! Hair's softer, lovelier, for days and (Jays! Get yours today ... at toilet goods counters everywhere. i TV 1 S'Vj-fc4S vaseline Ik V TRaOI mar SOAPLESS shampoo IMVES IKE Mil CLEAN . . . FUU OF SNIENI Special f GENERAL ELECTRIC m UPRIGHT CLEANERJL PLUS jf ' ATTACHMENTS mjjm J msim n rif 10 m OFFER GOOD fnffM M0D:i FOR A LIMITED Vtirfll TIME ONLY CIjM lllllllllil FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Ph.3-4619 464 State Street Salem, Oregon THE MOST FALL SHOE FOR THE MONEY WE'VE SEEN I Yes, here's fashion, fit and foot flattery all rolled into one smart shoe! And at the lowest price for this quality shoe you'll find in or out of town. Here's "the shoe with the beautiful fit" crafted in a truly wondrous variety of styles for the woman who demands that value swing along with fashion! , 'jF THI JHOI WITH THl BIAUTIfUt 111 481 STATE ST.