Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER l. .: 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, October 19, 1948 Healy-Brown Wedding Is Event of This Afternoon Wed this afternoon in a simple ceremony in St. Josephs Catho lic church were Miss Sibyl Brown, daughter of Mrs. Fay Brown and Jack Brown, and Frank J. Healy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Healy, the service taking f place at 4 o'clock with Father Killian of Marylhurst college, officiating. White chrysanthe mums with a few pink ones dec orated the church for the wed ding. Wayne Meusey sang "Ave Maria" and he also played the organ music. Mr. Brown gave his daughter in marriage. The bride was charming in a gray slipper satin afternoon suit designed with straight skirt and fitted jacket. The jacket was styled with a high round neckline with a row of tiny buttons covered in the dress material down the front, and a double ruffled peplum ex tending to a point in the back. With her costume the bride wore a strand of pearls, gift of the bridegroom: a gray feather hat and black accessories. She carried a white prayer book with a lavender orchid. Attendants Listed Miss Jayne Schneideman of Portland was maid of honor. She work a dark green after noon dress, fashioned with a bustle back and three-quarters length sleeves. She wore black accessories and hat and carried an arrangement of autumn-colored flowers, Joseph Healy was best man for his brother. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Brown wore a two-piece afternoon suit in black and jade green with black accessories and a corsage of talisman roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a taupe satin dress with black ac cesories and a corsage of salmon colored glorified begonia with trikatene leaves. Reception Follows The reception following was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Healy. The bride's ta ble was set with the wedding cake in pink and white with pink and white bouvardia and smilax arranged around it. Mrs. Thomas Tongue III of Portland, sister of Mr. Healy, cut the cake. Mrs. Duone Brown, sister-in-law of the bride, presided at the punch bowl and Miss Mac yealy of Portland, aunt of the bridegroom, presided at the cof fee urn. For traveling, the bride wore an aqua knit two-piece suit with fur coat and black accessories and her orchid. The couple are to make their home In Salem at 140 East Lin coln street. Betrothal Told Four Corners Mr and Mrs. Homer Bales, 110 Beck avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mi3s Mildred Bales, to Leonard Remington, on of Mrs. Ellon Rebington, Portland road. The wedding will take place in the near future. To Meet Wednesday The Ladies of the GAR are to meet Wednesday for a no-host lunch eon at 12 o'clock nocn in the YWCA, a social meeting follow ing. Council Meeting Women's council of the First Christian church Is to meet Thursday October 21 at 11 a.m. for a busi ncss session. There will be a sack lunch at noon and a pro gram at l p.m., with Glen Wea ver as guest speaker. There Will be a nursery for babies and tmall children. Maccabees Event The Mac cabees will meet Thursday eve ning at 248 North Commercial, runner to be at 6:30 o'clock The men of the order are to furnish the ham, J. Edgar Rcny as chairman, and each familv attending is to take a hot vege table, salad, or a pumpkin pie. Woodburn Woodburn Junior Woman's club will have a barn dance for members and prospec tive members and their hus bands, Wednesday evening, Oc tober 20 at the Woodhurn Grange hall at 8 o'clock. Men are asked to wear jeans and the women will wear print dresses. A no-host dinner will be served Birthday Party Mrs. W. M. Bushey was sur prised at a buffet sunper given in honor of her birthday at the home of Mrs. Harry Hobson, by Mrs. Paul Camp and Mrs. Hob- son. The table was beautifully decorated with a huge cake as a centerpiece. Mrs. Bushey re ceived many gifts and the eve ning was spent in conversation. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Hobson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Camp, Mrs. W. M. Bushey, Mrs. Bert Crary, Mrs. Morrall Crary and Morrall Crary, Jr., John Hobson, Doug las Hobson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moravec and Nikie Moravec. Liberty Mrs. C. W. Stacey entertained South Salem WCTU day in her home. Mrs. Sidney Thursday in her home. Mrs. Sid ney Van Dyke led the devotion. There was a discussion of the measures and candidates to be voted in the November election. Present were Mrs. Lillian Connor, Mrs. Aaron Schalk, Mrs. Emil Stripling, Mrs. Wylie Ro losson, Mrs, Charles Vick, Mrs. L. E. Gilkey, Mrs. Alma Barkus. Mrs. L. M. Laws, Mrs. Leona Johanson, Mrs. Wesley Turner, Mrs. Dora Atwill, Mrs. Anna Brown, Mrs. Elsie Trick, Mrs. J. S. Murray, Mrs. Mason Bish op, Mrs. Virgil Burson, Mrs. C. W. Stacey and Mrs. Sidney Van Dyke who assisted. Social Club Salem chapter, Order of Eastern Star, announ ces its social club will hold a 12:15 o'clock luncheon Wednes day at the Masonic temple. Mrs. Carl Snyder is chairman and on the committee are Mrs. Eric Petre, Mrs. Harry Lucas, and Mrs. Leonard Kephart. There will be a class of instruc tion following the luncheon. Game at Eugene of Interest "On to Eugene," is the chant for a large group of Salem folk next week-end who will go to take in the annual Homecoming festivities at University of Ore gon and the game between Ore gon and Washington State col lege Saturday afternoon on Hayward field. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becke, their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Shinn, and their younger daughter, Miss Marjorie Becke, who is to be home from Annie Wright seminary at Tacoma, will make up a group going to the game. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hug gins and Mr. and Mrs. Brcyman Boise will be among those going from here, as will be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis W. Hun tington and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks will be going to the game. UNESCO Topic at AAUW Luncheon A talk on UNESCO, its pur poses and the conference held by that organization in San Francisco last spring, was given for Salem branch, American As sociation of University Women, Saturday, by William H. Wins low of Willamette law school faculty who attended the con ference. More than 60 attended the luncheon. Many new members were introduced by Mrs. Dena Aim Davis, membership chair man. Among those attending the meeting were Mrs. John O. Burcham of Salem, stale AAUW president, and Mrs. John Blair of Lakeview, state fellowship chairman. Announcement was made the November 13 luncheon will be an open meeting, members to invite guests. The board meet ing is slated for November 9. Wednesday Event The wo men of the Knight Memorial church are serving luncheon at the church Wednesday at 12:30 o'clock, followed by a business and fellowship meeting. Board Meets The board of Women of Ro tary met Friday for dessert at the home of Mrs. Floyd Bress ler and made plans for the fall tea and other activities of the group. At the meeting were Mrs. Abner K. Kline, Mrs. Clay Cochran, Mrs. Harry B. John son, Mrs. J. L. Franzen, Mrs. Lawrence Ballmer, Mrs. Ralpn H. Cooley, and the hostess. Winners for Golf Awarded Woodburn Nineteen women were out for play and luncheon at the Woodburn golf club on "ladies' day" with Mrs. Edward C. Coman and Mrs. Dean Bish oprick as hostesses. Committee for next week will be Mrs. Clyde Cutsforth and Mrs. Marion Hen ning. Mrs. C. W. Kerstcn was win ner of the eclectic contest for the month of September in the A Class and Mrs. Carl Magnuson won the B division. Recent tournament results were: Championship class, Mrs. George D. Jones won over Mrs. L. Steelhammer. First flight, Mrs. C. W. Ker sten won over Mrs. Ivan DeAr mond. Second flight, Mrs. Clyde Cutsforth won over Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. Gerald Smith won over Mrs. George Timm. Mrs. Cutsforth won the sec ond flight later by defeating Mrs. Gerald Smith. Fourth flight, Mrs. Charles Blinn won over Mrs. Carl Mag nuson. Matches coming up will be Mrs. George D. Jones vs. Mrs. Gladys Clark for the champion ship and Mrs. C. W. Kersten vs. Mrs. P. C. McLaughlin to deter mine the winner of the first flight, To Meet Friday Disabled American Veterans . auxiliary will meet on Friday at. the home of Mrs. William Noyes, 585 North Liberty to sew for the bazaar which will be held De cember 13. A no-host puncheon will be served at noon. On Sat urday the auxiliary " will join the chapter at Silverton and will assist with the forget-me-not sale there. DAV, chapter No. 6 is the only chapter in Marion county. League Tea Of Interest The annual fall tea of the Wo men's Army and Navy League of Portland will draw a large group from the local unit, Wed nesday, the event to be. at the home of Mrs. Edward Snow on SW Riverwood road from 3 un til 5 o'clock. The retiring board of directors and those serving on committees last year will be honored at this event. Mes dames G. D. Wahl and Samuel P. Jenkins are co-chairmen, as sisted by Mrs. Roy V. Cosner, Mrs. Louis Ccntro, Mrs. Lee Al fred, Mrs. William H. Hammond and Mrs. Thomas E. Rilea. Among those planning to go from here are Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., president of the' Salem Wo men's Army and Navy League, Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr., Mrs. H. G. Maison, Mrs. E. E. Bergman, Mrs. J. V. Schur, Mrs. Raymftnd F. Olson, Mrs. Farley Mogan, Mrs. J. L. Bourne. For Faculty Group The Faculty Women's club at Willamette university is to hon or new members of the faculty at its first meeting Thursday afternoon when the group will be entertained at tea at the home of Mrs. G. Herbert Smith. The event is arranged for 2:30 o'clock. Officers of the Faculty club for this year include: Mrs. Smith as president; Mrs. Roy Locken our, vice president; Miss Olive M. Dahl as secretary-treasurer. Salem Heights Mrs. C. A Ratcliff, chairman of the In ternational Relations commit tee of the Marion County Fed eration of Women's clubs, spoke to the Seaside Woman's club on Tuesday, Oct. 12 on "Uni ted Nations Citizenship." On Tuesday night she spoke to the Kiwanis club on "UNESCO a Going Concern." Mrs. Ratcliff was interviewed on Friday over KOAC on "UNESCO On the March." She represented the Oregon Federation of Woman's clubs at the UNESCO confer ence last May in San Francisco. Alumnae Meeting Mrs. Fran cis Smith is to be hostess at her home, Cascade drive, Tuesday evening for a meeting of the Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae. J ..oo -A . -VuV A.. ,. - lrV CP RECORDS Ernest Bloch recordings: Abodah (God's Worship) No. 15887 Baal Shem (Pictures of Chassidic Life) No. 11-8575 Downstairs, Oregon Bldf. State & High Ph. 3-8632 It's tima to place your orders for your Christmas monograming! Millers' are equipped to process your Greeting cards . . , stationery , . , book matches . . , coasters , . . playing cards, tte. provided, o( course, your orders are given early. The special monograming offer shown at the right at $1.00, is a saving you tannot afford to miss! It is for a limited time 'I Miller'j new monoerammlng depart ment is now open and ready for your inspection. Come in and choose your Christmas greeting cards . . . choose the type and style of lettering you prefer. ALL ORDERS FOR CHRITMAS CARD MONOGRAMM1NG MUST BE IN BEFORE DEC. 1st Club H6sts Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Coo ley will entertain Tuesday eve ning for their bridge ciub, a late supper to be served. In the club are Mr. and Mrs. M. Dougton, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Canfield, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Needham, and Mr, and Mrs. Cooley. " Woodburn Bill Erwert of Woodburn was placed in nomin ation to receive national recogni tion in "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities" by the faculty activities committee of St. Martins college, Olympia, Wash. From a total of 12 nomi nees the student council will elect -four representatives and two alternatives to serve as St. Martin's choice in the national publication. Rep. Norblad To Give Talk Woodburn Congressman Walter Norblad of Astoria, U.S. representative from the first Oregon district, will be the speaker at the October dinner meeting of the Woodburn Busi ness and Professional Women's club, Thursday evening, October 21 in the parish hall of St. Mary's Episcopal church. Also featured on the program will be Mrs. Josephine Albert Spauld ing, democratic candidate for state representative for Marion county, who will give vocal numbers and Miss Aloha Edland of Monitor in marimba solos. Congressman Norblad will speak on the topic "Use Your Vote in 1948." Employers and employes of local club members will be spe- J cial guests for the evening The dinner is being arranged by the public affairs committee which includes Mrs. Clark C. McCall, Mrs. E. F. Johnson, Mrs. Dor othy Haynes, Mrs. Burton Wil lcford, Mrs. H. D. Miller and Miss Alycc Johnson. This meeting is a part of the local observance of "National Business Women's Week." Other features of the week were the president's breakfast Sunday morning and attendance at the First Presbyterian church at the 11 o'clock service on Sunday, October 17. Auxiliary meeting Izaak Walton League auxiliary is meeting Wednesday at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Rein holdt, 1B85 Saginaw street. CROMPTON fabric Great-Wale Corduroys- This lovely new Great-wale, corduroy by Crompton is the last word in rich smooth fabrics for your winter coat or suit . . . In those delicious shades . Hopi Turquoise Blue! Anchor Blue! Strato Grey! Hunting Red! Red Spice! Emerald Green! Parchment! $225 yard 21 Deviated iy $69 75 THE COAT MODELED IN THIS AD IS ONE OF AUTUMN'S LEADING COAT FASHIONS! MADE BY 'MISS CALIFORNIA' ... of lovely Stroock woolen fab ric . . . the coat leaves nothing to be desired in coat apparel fashions! SEE IT AT MILLER'S . . . TRY IT ON'. . . YOU'LL WANT IT FOR NEXT SATURDAY'S GAME . . . This and many other famous names in the world of fashions are to be found at Miller's. The newest suits and dresses, too. are here just as they are revealed in Vogue, Harp er's and Charm magazines. Three Best Winter Shades v AUTUMN RUST WINTER WHITE DAWN GREY V J 1: i . . ii I ' i AN EXCIUJIVI fARIC I p ft ; .. . jj j 2nd Floor ' I ; . - j