FOR RENT HOUSES fejKllBNT 1 bdrm. home, pittly futn i, ml. S. of Colonial House on Hlah- Hlh Jm2S2 ft' Al.l, EXEC. 1-bdrm, home, unlurn lor adult. 165 per mo. Ph. 3-4313. Jm252 fOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS business building RAM1 new 1600 sq. It. choice location Horn. Auto, heat, driveway with park j, lot tn rear and line rear en trine. ont. lease available, lmmed. pots. Call u tonay. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 3015 Portland Rd. ph. 9-7820, 2596, Eve. 3-0473, 3-3558 l2il' lOs i si:SS BM. !orrcntH. L Stlf! ' pobvJB or Electrolux cleaners wltb at- HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3646 j- pltlVE trucks, cars. Ph. 3-8600 goon USED P1AN08. H L. Stiff. to DO a food Job rent a good floor land er. We aell every t bint to complete the Job HOW8ER BROS. Ph. 3-3616. ) nofsE JACKS, come along, chain and tope hoists auto tool HOVVSER BROS. Ph. 3-3646 J IgoisTK. by week Phone 34439 fLOOK SANDEB for rent Montgotr rj wnra. y irmoraYS ozone' Good Health. Rpni Sell. H O. Pmh. Si H. nth. Ph. 9-40)2. ) GARDEN TRACTORS, plumbing tools paint sprayer, lawn roller, lawn mow. .era, auto tools, drill, belt and disc t'.andrr. hedite clippers HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3648. TRt'CKB and cars for rent Smtttj'a Clip, per Service. Ph. 3-9600. Cornet Centet and Church Sts ! WANTED TO RENT PARENTS of boy lost In river need house for change of location. Ph. 26682 or 3135 N. Llbrrty. Ja252 Jni. Fierutlve opening office tn Salem. Wife and 2-year-old son desire 2-brd-room home In goood district. Rrply Box 41, Capital Journal. Ja252 ffAXTED: Room with private bath or small apt. Employed lady. P.O. Box 492. . Ja25J I-BEDROOM HOUSE. Phone 2-4667. I QUIET, refined adults want to rent 3 bdrm, unfurn. home, Salem or E. Sa lem preferred. Ph. 2-2839. Ja254 FAMILY of 4 want 3 bdrm. home with basement. Call 73-P-2. Ja251 LOST AND FOUND FOUND In Parish Gap area, phone Turner 22 one bull. kZfiO LOST: Male ColUe, brown to white. Mrs. Roy Ballard, 1155 S. 14th. Reward. k-3 MISCELLANEOUS DEAD and worthies.1; stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 3-5000. n.271 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bids State it Commercial 6u SALEM Phone 3-3311. jn' BEAT your home electrically It's con venient clean, economical See us for frea estimate. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 255 N Liberty m HAVE YOUB SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3512 for free pick up and de livery service on all makes of machines Free estimate given before work 1 started. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Comm'l. m TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS & GARDENS 6 SACKS (5.00, 110 PER TON FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN SALEM WEST MUSHROOM FARM PH 8127 EVE 2-4307 01 r BUILDING MATERIAL NEW 3-FT. doors, $10.50. Asbestos shake sicine, siu sq. new tock lain piuhiei board and used Inch sheet rock. Cedar shakes. SO per sq. C. O. Lonn, Rt. 3, Box 35, Salem. One mile N. of Kelzcr. ma255 H" and 14" sheet rock. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD, ma' Insulate Your Home With Blown in Rock Wool FUEL SAVINGS Will Pay for It FHA Long-term Payments CALL NOW POR FREE ESTIMATE Phone 3-4748 or 3-4955 ABC Insulation BUILDERS - FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? COMPLETE stock of shiplap, 3"x4" 'I, timbers, all grades, at UNBEATABLE PRICES WEST SALEM LUMBER CO. H Mile N. of Edgewater St. on Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593 Free Delivery ma264' INSULATION and WeatherstrlPPlDf. Cro FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS POR SALE: Wood range and hot water . tank. 718 N. Front. "25 WAHOON COAT, 620; red coat, $5; brown Wallabv. $10; red fox cape, 636: green coat. $25; sizes 14 and 16s. in good cond. 4 Antique clock, $20. Call after 6 p. m. and Sat. and Sun. 1610 S. Comc'l St. n250 6-RM. oil circulating heater. 240 S. 16th. n250 TROWBRIDGE PIANO, rebuilt, unusually wet tone. Walnut case. $386. $35 down. 112 t. month. TALLMAN'S 5 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. n2S0 rilllO Table Model Radio. 4-tube. In good working order. $10. Remlnnton Typewriter, wide carriage. $35. A BUY. 965 Garnet St. tr Ph. 3-6255. n258 Attention, Farmers, Club House Owners! Resort Operators! Wards now have a selection of Power Plants from 350 to 35.000 tt.. vmi too can enjoy the advantages of electricity although you are miles from tne nign " for free booklet today. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 15BN. Liberty ph. 3-3191 niW : FOR SALE BY PRIVATE USER 1 TH40 International bulldozer B t. ...... ki.j. u.. tnif hnn rebuilt. 1 T9 International wide guige cat with roustabout crane. 24' boom. uo. 11940 Ross lumber carrier, model 90, 42" package, good condition. 11846 Vaughnti lift truck, 2000 lb. cap acity, like new. . lioi v. in Hnm. dump-truck, S yd. bed, good tires and general con dition. K-7 motor. WALLACE H. BONESTEELE. INC. I1H1 DnfllanH Dnarf fUlflll Phon 3-4444 or 3-3954. nJS2 I fit aea lunw ricrt tin to 10 ft. long, 110 each. You come and get them. Tay lor Drug Store, Independence, n252' easy Washing machine. Ph. 25570. 1.252 hriimrtTt .ki. vntinik. jtfarf. New. Reasonable. Ph. 39483 after 6 p.m. n253 APT. SIZE AB ELEC. BANGE, used very little, nan n st. na" VED OIL HEATERS. Judaon Pmb; Ing Heating. Ph. 3-4141. n250' SLAsn rtiri. rnuTRi Yon can save UP to 25 on fuel bill with a Duo-Therm ChkDDendal Fuel Oil Heater and the exclusive Power-Air Blower. Coma In. Aak about easy term at OOOD HOUSEKEEPING. .INC. Fh. 1-9611 7 Court St B250 tan'g Tan Oabardlna Top Coat and oiacii and whit. suit. Site 38. Earn 125. Call 2-3956. nJS3 14 hales of hay for salt. Ph. J-8591. 1W Berry. WM F0 SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 " Clrrul.lor u.ed APT. GAK range 670 B. 18th. HOOVKR vaTuurtT Used very little. n2M motor, 130. Ainu imo n,- dnion, (15.00. n353 ATTENTION Xew 111 kilowatt, no volt automatic eln. Wit . plant on .kids, onlx 11200. Phone 2-4. 20. evnunss 2-62!!. 2is. ON AT WARD'S PAHM STOREII o jour Perm Knu Dorini Ward ,""d SAVE EXTRA DOLLARS I Ra. tar Dairy Pall iSc Rn. nil w.ier Bowl ilia R'. U()S s,r,,or j u R'. 12 1(1 Ei Canon. !! II (1 Re 146 50 C.m.nt Mucr Ill WARD'S FARM STORE Trade and H in su. Salem n257 iLS.."" coMFLETE LINE OP 1 HP. POWLR CHAIN SAWS! Fells .1. llm trr in hall in, time of hand eulters. LHht wnsnt. irpe chisel chain, stall proof clmcn. Priced ,100 lower than you nprcl. 16" Bar 1410 WARD'S FARM STORE Trade and Huh Bis. Salem, ores. n260' MARlox ELECTRIC range... First new model since war. Come see them at nuLi,inuuu APPLIANCE CO. 2005 Fairgrounds Road. n USED fcl.EC. RANGE, 322.SO. Used toilet, US. SO. Steel bed. tf Flnnr 610 So. Com'l. ' n25i.' PRANQHETTE WALNUTS 12c lb. you pick up. Turn left at Kelzer school, follow nt 2 miles. W L. Woelk. Rt. 2. Box HOC. n2S7 LUCOHE PIANO, rebuilt, mahogany case, iu ,v acnon, 27s, Kit down. 112.00 a month SHOP TALLMAN'S St SAVE 395 S. 12th. A mile from high price. n250 ELECTRIC CLOCKS and door chimes. VEATER APPLIANCE CO n263 DESK LAMPS, bed lamps, -orld globes desk pen nets. VEATER APPLIANCE CO n263' SUN LAMPS, heat lamps, YE ATE R APPLIANCE CO. n263 FERTILISER. Cow or chicken manure. Delivered in Salem. Well rotted or fresh. 15.00 per cubic yard del. Also manure by sack 11.00 per sack at place or will del. i sack order. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6 Box 118. Salem. Ph. 68F22. n ELECTRIC razors, flashlights, lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n263 PLASTI-KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors, woodwork, linoleum, requires YEATER APPLIANCE CO ' n263 APARTMENT electric and gas ranges. I r.A l g,K AfftjlAiMUIS CO n263 SPINET PIANOS at sale prices. Knabe, Krakauer, Fisher It Lester Betsy Ross Spinet. 150. down, 24 months for bal. SHOP TALLMAN'S & SAVE 395 B. 12th. A mile from high prices. n259 ELECTRIC hair dryers, hair clippers. ItAitn APPLIANCE CO. nso3 ELECTRIC room heaters, 110-220 volts. radiant and fan types, steam radiators. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n363 WIN. .32 Spl, bx. shells, $42.50. 30:30 Model 94. like new. 1509 N. 5th St. n351 THOR Automatic Washers, Oladlrona ALL Automatic Wash. Machine Soap Recommended by Trior Hollywood Appliance Co., Ph. 24439 BEAUTIFUL BLACK winter coat. Site 44. Ph. 3-9670. n251 COOLERATOR REFRIGERATOR. ExC. cond. $65. Ph. 3-6927 or see It at 1530 Hickory. n351 LARGE COLEMAN oil heater, $45. Ph 24620. nzai' 12 GAUGE dble. barrel! shotgun. In per fect shape. Kenneth Hanson. Ph. 2-6779 n254 SMALL METAL turning lathe. Complete with 4-Jaw chuck. J75. 642 Edgewater, West Salem, Cabin 12. n251 RUSSIAN Pony fur coat, size 11. Reas n254' enable. Ph. 2-1064. RM. OIL heater St drum, $40. 3380 Argyle Dr. Turn 1st road to left on Sa lem Helfihts Dr. n351 VICTROLA wood stove St Schulhoff piano. 705 S. 2Ut. Call after 5 p.itl n254 BOY'S bicycle, exc. cond. Ph. 3-1852 after PORTABLE record player, good cond., $15. 3850 Monroe Ave. n251 4x5 SPEEDGRAPHIC. Make offer. See at 1270 Saginaw St. "'51' OIL CIRCULATORS, all sizes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , B263 SALEM SAND b GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 13 B Vk yds. 12-00 Pf or 10 b H yds. o per hr D-7 Oat St Dorer 60 per hr D-6 Cat St Dozer S.40 per hr D-4 Cat A Dozer 7.00 par hr Phone Day 3-8408 Evening 3-8246 Salem. Oregon S RADIOS and record players. YEA it K AffiitArn-e. h263 na.Tnw-i giim nRAVFT. CCi CRUSHED ROCK for roadi and driveways cement, reaay mix concrom. saravo sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching .y& shovel and drag Una. Ph. S-9349. REVERE WARE, preiiure cookers, sheets, fruit Juicers, egg cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO cooLlg ELECTRIC BLANKETS, comforters and ''''YEATER APPLIANCE CO. GUARANTEED Car Radio Service. Marr Radio 2152'j S. Commercial St. n26B CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 68-F-21. USED electric ranges, refrlgeratora, wah ert and water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1.263 SEE l;S for harvest bags of all kind We specialize in cleaning St mending K S Bag Co- 347 Kearney St Ph plant. 3-1877. n ELECTRIC IRONS, steam Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n.263 HEAT YOUR home electrically. If con venient, clean, economical Sea 0 for frea estimate. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 355 N. Liberty. Da GRAND PIANOS at sale prices. Knabe. Stelnway, Lester, Baldwin, Fisher, Gul branson. Steger St others. New, re built ued. Priced from $695. Term to suit SHOP TALLMANS St SAVE . 393 8. 12th. A mile from high price. n259 GARDEN SAf?", &iaveM cruahed rock Shovel St drag-line excavating WALL LINO SAND ib GRAVEL CO. Ph. 3-9249. MIXERS, TOASTERS, waffle bakers, sandwich grills, coffee makers, perco lators, blenriors. roasters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n263 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Sewing roach., any cond. Bundale Exch. 594 N. Liberty Ph 25511 USED FURNITURE. Phone A'?1-8!. -"'J PERSONAL Arlhrltt? Consult Dr. J. A. Rombough, Naturapath and Chiropractor. Inde- ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Box pnone saj. pill AUTOMOBILES IPli FORD truck. Perfect cond. Ha new 1947 Mercury motor. 3-speed action St I-speed Brownie. ThU truck must sell tmmed. n Kooerw r. m '""JiV BY OWNER, 1947 Cher. Fleetmaater aport sedan. Pn. zomb. 'M MODEL A roadster. Flr eond.. good paint. 1100. Bar MendenhalL Rt. I, Box Balem. Inquire Liberty store. q354 7JJ, . mi pontiac edan. Mech. exc, Veat covers, tire if paint. 824 Brey Ave. Ph. 26737. !1 1$ FEDERAL truck In good condition, long wheelbase. '36 Dodge motor. 3 tranamUiiona. Call l 2366 Mlaalcm Bt. M DE SOTO sedan. Overdrive, good condition. Ph. 3-174. Rt. h box iw AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE'S FOR USED CARS IN 30 MINUTES YOU CAN GET A GOOD USED CAR AT RIGHT PRICE AND TERMS YOU PICK IT YOU LIKE IT IT'S YOURS 1947 Ford 4 Door Sedan 1046 Butck Special 4 Door Sedan 1942 Bulck Bedanette 1943 Hudson Cos torn 4 Door Sedan 1941 Dodge 4 Door Sedan 1941 NaAh 4 Door Sedan 1641 Chevrolet 6 Pau. Coup 1940 Nash 4 Door Sedan 1940 Sludebaker 4 Door Sedan 1939 Ford Coupe V8-85 1937 Buick 4 Door Sedan MOST OF THESE CARS EQUIPPED WITH RADIOS AND HEATERS ON DISPLAY AT OUR DOWNTOWN USED CAR CENTER Teague Motor Company Your Kaiser - Frazer Dealer 352 N. Commercial Phone 2-4173 1948 Nash. Priced for quick . 1095 B. 12th St. q250 2X1 101S SPECIAL DELUXE FORD coach. W, 6. tiros. R&H. Ven. blind. Fender sklrtfl, Defroster, clean throughout. Mechanic ally perfect. 1364 So. 13th. q253 II DESOTO, RAH, very clean car. 1545 Rune St.. W. Salem. t.2501 1031 FORD sdn. Good xhape. Clean. Priced to aell. 448 Belmont. q250 ARTHRITIS? Consult Dr. J. A. RombouKh, naturopath and chiropractor. Inde pendence. p273 Eisner Motors to Sell SELL OR TRADE '42 Chev. truck. 2 speed axle, 8.2b tires. Rt. 7. Box 149. rnone 3-1580, 2'.a miles N. of underpass. q253 WANT TO TRADE 1638 Chev. Panel for '36 or '37 Chev. '4 ton pickup. RON'S MOTOR CO., 240 S. High St. Ph. 3-4598. q251 Three Figured Tirifties at 1295 and 1235 S. 12th. Dick's Used Cars Full Lot to Choose From NO CAR PRICED OVER $999 Buy, Sell or Trada Finance any Car Every Car Guaranteed q251 ALWAYS HERE to serve. Your oldest auto agency In Oregon. OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY WANTED - OSED CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRING YOUR OAR HERB WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT IT'S WORTH ANDERSON USED OARS 340 CENTER ST. PHONE 3-3734 PONT1ACS HERRALL OWENS CO. 660 N. Liberty Ph. 2-4119 '37 NASH, radio, new rubber, $525. Clean throughout. 592 N. Summer after 6 p.m. 0.255 MODEL A FORD in excel, cond. See Earl Brooks at Warner Motor. q255 'II MERCURY station watton. New motor, tires. A-l cond Easy Term. 3395 Wln ola Ave. $1300. . q252 WANT TO BUY '37 or later Willy. Con dition not important. Ph. SUverton 1661. 500 S. Second street. q252 '.1ft FORD deluxe 4-dr., R&H, $525. 669 N. Liberty. Ph. 2553B. q251 1011 Pontlac Bedanette. 1140 S. 22nd St. q252 '37 STUDEBAKER coupe, good cond. 770 Chemoketa, upstairs after 6 p.m. q252 '37 DE SOTO convertible, excellent radio, heater, spotlight, clock. Good body. . Dodge motor, clutch, transmission and drive shaft newly Installed. A Rood buy for only $500.00 . 851 Rosemont, West Salem. q250 We Buy Used Cars FOR HIGHEST PRICES SEE Teague Motor Co. 355 N. Liberty - Phone 24173. Eisner Motors to Buy ThU Time It's HUDSON I Service Sale Part Roma of Good Osed Oars 8HROCK MOTOR CO Church St Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9101 Squara Deai Eisner Motors Fine Cars OUR REPUTATION depends on your sat isfaction. Lee Used Cars, 240 N. Church. MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTErlS '47 SALSBURY motor cooter, Rt, 7, Box 90. Cheap. qi252 FOR SALE OR TRADE: My equity In 1948 Harley Davidson 74 O.H.V. 1630 D fit. qa252 WILL sell equity In '48 motorcycle. In quire &iv!5 Newocrg Dr., aaicm. qtur3 LEAVING STATE. Must sell Salsbury mo tor scooter. Exc. cond. Ph. 24359. qa250 WORLD'S FINEST UOTORCYCLB Repairing aU makes ana models. BHROCK UOTORCYCLB BALES 3007 Portland Rd. Ph. 11433 BOATS 14 -FT. BOAT, marine varnish finish. 5 H.P. motor. Never used. 2765 Port land Rd. Sell this week between 6 St 8 p.m.. Ph. 28308. qn.254 FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST Up to 40 Year and NO Commission I Leo N Child. Inc. REALTORS 344 State fit. Phone 23863 r250 CASH $25 to $500 Your way and Fast on Personal's "PICK-YOUR OWN-PAYMENT" plan. It' simple as A-B-O. Just do this: A Tell u how much you need and and a few fact about your credit and loll in person or by phont if you're busy. B Then you lgn without endorser and get the cash. Proof: 4 out of 5 who ask us for a loan, get it! C Then repay In monthly Install ment which you select to fit your purse. Don't borrow unnecessarily but If i cash loan solve a problem, get li touch with Mr. Galllnger, Parson!' YES' Manager, today. LOANS $26 to $300 OO Salary St Furniture, Up to (500 on Auto Personal Finance Co. Ph. 2-2464 E. Oalllncer, Manager 611 state Km. 12; Lie. S122-M165 r360' FIVE FEB CENT Interest on your savings. W have a choice supply of 'eal estate mortgagee, properties In Salem and vicinity, amounts $500 to $10,000. these for sound investments. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8. High St. Ph. 34131; Ive. 25306 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 8. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-1457 Lie. No. M-lftl S-l$4 FINANCIAL 47. REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. IBS S high St. 5-218 M-1JI GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS 8-136 and V-321 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 6. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161. PRIVATE MONEY Special rate and term on larger loans long and short Urn partnenu ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St, Phont 161 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4V and 6 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within re won. Cub for Real Estate Contract and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 201 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph 3-7162. r TRAILERS TRAILER HOUSE 18 ft. Simnson St. $275. 22S2 t250 27 FT. TRAILER house, sleeps 4 81000. See at 460 W. Main. Owner at apt. 7A after 4 p. m. Veteran's Village Mon mouth. 1253 FT. STREAMLITE trailer house. So. 14th. NEW all metal folding cooking, freezing unit. 3-4857. trailer. 4 bed, Ph, 35934 or t2S0 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines, old rented repaired. Roen. 456 Court. Phone 3-6773 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-9286 Night 1804. 333 Center. o AUTO PAINTING AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all makes ol Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co 153 S. Liberty. Ph 3-6955. o AUTO WRECKERS GENERATORS REBUILT. Trailer axles made to order. Fair prices. 12th St. Junction Auto Wrecker. Ph. 2-8208. 0266 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing. Phone 3-6687. Hutcheon Paint Store. Mike Panek, 278 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-5161. Trake St wheel aligning specialist. o260 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fairvlew ave. Ph 2-3146, Salem. o264 BULLDOZING, GRADING Bulldozing, grading, clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Geo. Wlrth. 840 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 31367. o273 CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling. Ph. 2-4850. 515 S. 21flt -Bt. O260 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA registers Ail makes oid. rented, repaired Roen. 456 Court. Ph 3-6773. . Q CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys, vacuum cleaned. Ensley, 771 21st St. Ph. 3-7176. o260 CEMENT WORKS General Cement Contracting, Cliff Ellis. 1905 N. 19th St. Phone 3-4071. o372 CONTRACTOR Alt Brothers Bids. Contractors. Phone Salem 2-2780. SUverton Black 175. O260 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1553 Pearl. o260' B.eithaupt's for flowers. Dial 3-9179. o HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watkln Co. products. Free de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5396. o' LAWN MOWER & KNIFE SHARPENING LAWNMOWERS, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter, 966 Center. Ph, 36833. o256 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069. MOVING AND HAULING Moving and hauling. Ph. 2-2395. o260 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar. Man dolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 1-7569. 0266 OFFICE FUBNITUBB SUPPLIES Desk chairs, file and filing supplies, safe, duplicators and supplies, desk lamp, typewriter stand, brief ease Pierce Wire Recorder. Roen. 456 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger, Ph. 36072. PAINTING A PAPERHANGINO Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o373 PAINTING Interior specialty. L. C Elofson. Phone 3-7697. Painting, Spray or Bruah. Ph. 2-2664. Roy Hanson. Work guaranteed. o260 Elfstrom' are equipped to do your painting, Phone 2-2493. o PAINTING Si PAPERHANGINO Expert Paperhanglng and Painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-3015. Free est. 0373 DECATUR & MAERZ plumbing, electri cal supplies, water systems. General repair work. Phone 3-6223. 173 8. Com'l. o275 RADIO SERVICE Ray Moore, 3270 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-9433 Ray Moore Reopen Oct. 19. o2 50 REDUCING, MASSAGES E-Z Way Weight Control. Steam Bath. Reduced rates. Ph. 3-6283. o261 SAND AND GRAVEL Garden Sol), crusned rock. Shovel atP dragline excavating Walling Sand Si Gravel Co. Phone 3-9249. o Cat. Shovel St Truck work of all klnda. LLOYD M. HILL. INC Ph. 2-4367 Rt. 2. Bo 32B 0272 SEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor-sharp ateel cutting blade. Clean sewer or drains Septio tanks cleaned reasonable. Ph. 3-6327 or 3-9468. o SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel Septic Tank Cleaned. Electric machine service on aewer and drain line. Ouaranteed work. 1143 flth St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. Q272 u iir.-a fbmt in Hervir.a. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewer. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 1-9468 3-S337. o260 TRANSFER ITOBAOtt Local St Distance Transfer, storage. n,i.nM nil e.ol hrinuita. Track to Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Line for hotuenold goods to caiiiornia poinu Larmer Transfer St Storage. Ph. 3-31J1. TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona, Remington. Royal and Uuderwood portable All make used machines. Repair and rent. Roca 456 Court VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. Ph. 3-7336. WEATHERSTBIPFINO Free estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 1-6965 WINDOW CLEAN IN U Acm Window Cleaner. Window, walls woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed. (taxed and polished. Ph. 1-1117. 847 Court. Lang doc. guioetuon ano isatner WELL DRILLING WYMORE well drilling. Ph. 2-5135, Salem. Rta. 1. Box 317 0289 J. A Bneed Son, Brooks St., Salem, well drilling, MM Pb. 3-6809. 0262 WOOD RAWING R. B. C10U. Ph. 3-6171 or 3-6674. 25 Grain Prices Listed Lower Chicago, Oct. 19 (Start ing slightly higher, wheat ran into selling by cash houses with southwest connections on the grain market today. Brokers said there was no buying incen tive, and that sales of flour to the government had been dis counted. At the close wheat was h to lower than the previous close. Decern b er $2.27b-V4. Corn was 1 V to 1 Vz lower, De cember $1.40-404. Oats were y& higher to hk lower, Decem ber 75-t. Rye was V4 to higher, December $1.73. Soy beans were 1 cent to 1 Va lower, November $2.44 Vi and lard was 2 cents to 15 cents a hundred weight lower, October $19.85. Stocks Quotations (By the Associated Press) American Can Am Pow ft U . Am Tel St Tel Anaconda Bendlx Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane , Calif Packing , . lOVi. .152 'i . 37 '4 Canadian Pacific Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth & Sou Cons Vultee Continental Can Crown Ze lie r bach ..... Curtis Wright DouEla Aircraft Dupont de Nem : General Electrio General Foods General Motor Goodyear Tira .,. . 48. , 28 , 59'. Int Harvester Int Paper Kennecott Llbby McN Si L Long Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator Nat Dairy NY Central Northern Paclflo Pac Am Fish Pao Gas St Eleo Pac Tel Si Tel Penny J O Radio Corp , Rayonler Rayonier Pfd Reynolds Metal Richfield Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Standard Oil Cal Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Transamerlca ' Union Oil Cal Union Pacific United Airline U- 8. Steel Warner Bros Plo Woolworth DIRECTORY WOOD & SAWDUST WeM Salem Fuel Co Ph 24031 LODGES I. O. O F meets every Wednesday night Vis itors Welcome Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pjn More than a million members. Salem Lodge No. 4, A.F, & A.M., Wednesday, Oct. 20. P.C. degree, 7:30 p.m. 251 A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, 248 VRj N. Com'l St. Tuesday, Oct. 19, 'W 7: ':30 p.m. P.C. LEGAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 9th day of November, 1948. and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the School District Board of School District No. 24CJ, Marlon County, Oregon, at the School Ad ministration Office, 460 N. High Street, In Salem. Oregon, for an issue of bonds of said School District In the amount of One Million Five Tundred Thousand Dol lars i 1.500.000), said bonds to be deter December 31, 1948, and to mature aerially in numerical order a follows: (20,000 on December 31, 1949, (20,000 on December 31. 1950; $70,000 on Decem ber 31, 1951: $70,000 on December 31.1952; (70,000 on December 31, 1953: $80,000 on December 31, 1954; $80,000 on December SI, 1955; $80,000 on December 31. 1956; $80, 000 on December 31, 1957; $80,000 on De cember 31,1958; 190,000 on December 31, 1959:190,000 on December 31,1960; (90,000 on December 31, 1961, $90,000 on De 000 on December 31. 1962: $90,000 on De cember 31, 1963; $100,000 on December 31, 1964; (100,000 on December 31, 1965: (100,000 on December 31, 1986; $100,000 on December 31, 1967. Said bond to bear Interest at the rate of not to exceed 3fB per annum, payable semi-annually, on June 30th and Decem ber 31st, principal and interest payable at the office of the County Teraaurer of Marlon County, in Salem, Oregon. The principal amount of said bonds I subject to prior redemption as a whole or in part, at the option of the school district on December 31, 1958. or any Interest payment date thereafter upon notice of redemption given by publlca tlon at least once at least thirty day prior to the date of redemption, in newspaper published and circulated In the County of Marlon and state of Oregon at price equal to the principal amount thereof together with unpaid interest ac crued thereon at the date of redemption. Said bonds were duly authorized, at an election held on April 16. 1948. Bids must be accompanied ty a cer tified check In the amount of Thirty housand Dollars ((30,000 00). The approving legal opinion of J. W. Shuler will be furnished the successful bidder. The board reserve the right to reject any and all bids. connen c. waro. uierg. School District No. 24CJ, Marlon County, Oregon. Publication date: October 19, 26, Novem ber 2, 1948. Tells the World "No More Laxatives!" "I was so conntipntftd I had to take laxativps ell the time. That's over now I'll tell the world kellogg'8 all-bran every day realty kopps me straight. Mrs. L.aura ri. mcjnpw, Poplar Bluff, Mo. If your diet lacks hulk for nor mal elimination, this delicious cereal will supply it. Eat an ounce every day in milk and drink flenty of water, f not aatiafied after 10 days, send empty carton to Kellojtff Co., Battle Creek, Mich., and get DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK. T hem tends now chew eteak, laugh, talk almost ae if they didn't have false teeth I They um STAZB. ameiini new cream a handy tube. 8TAZS seals edget TIOHTI Helpe keep out food particle. Oet 35f STAZK. Monev-back guarantee. STAZK HMM FUTU TtOHTU, UHMU Market Quotations Salem Livestock Market (Br Valley Packing Company) Lambs t'0 00 Yearling .110.00 to $12.00 ...12.00 to $7 00 ..$14.00 to $15.00 ,.$11.00 to 114 00 .115 00 to $17.00 ..$17.00 to $21.00 Ewe Fat dairy cow Cutter cow Dairy heller , Bull Cahe (300 to 450 lbs.) $14.00 to $22.00 Veat (150-300 lbs.) choice, $24 00 to 125 00 Hftss Price paid within 3ao of Port land price for each type. Portland Produea Butterfat Tentative, cuoject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum of .35 to one percent acidity delivered to Portland, 69-73c lb., first quality 64-67c second quality 63 -66c lb.; valley route and country points, 3c lea than first Bu ller wholesale. P.OB, bulk cubes grade AA. 93 score, 66c lb.; A, 92 score, 66c lb.; B. 90 score, 62c: C, 89 score, 61c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon sttiKles, 44-51c, Oregon 5 lb. loaf, 47-53C. Triplets '.vc less than sin gles. Eggs t To wholesaler!!) A grade large, Wa-eVtc, medium, 591V601ir, A small 45-50'jc; B (trade larne, 62-S8Mic. Km s Purchased from farmers Current receipt 574-80'ac, buyer pay 3-3 iC pre mium lor eggs. Portland Dairy Market Butler Price to retailer. Grade AA pnnLs, 71c: AA cartons. 72c; A prints, 71c: A cartons. 72c; B prints, 67c. Eggs Price to retailer: AA large 77-78c; certified A large 69c dor.; A large 67-68c; AA medium. 65c; certified A medium. 63c; A medium, 60-62c; A mall, 50 -ft 2c; carton 2c additional. Cheese Price u retailers: Portland. Oregon sinsles, 46-53c: Oregon loaf, 6 lb., 49-55c; triples '3c less than single. Puuitry Live Chicken raytag prict to produc ers; No. 1 broiler under 2'i lbs., 34-36c lb.; fryers 2-4 lbs., 38-40c lb.; over 4 lbs. 38-40c lb.: roasters 4 lbs. and over, 38-40c lb.; fowl. Leghorns, under 4 lbs., 28-29c lb.; colored fowl all weight 31-33c lb.: stag all weights. 16-19c. Rabbits Average to retailers for local ly drcs&pd animal. 5B-62c; fryers, live white, 32-33c Ib.t colored. 30-31c; old or heavy, 15.18c. RabbitsDressed, retail. 60-65e. Turkeys (Prices quoted are net to the producer on a dre&acd weight basis) U.S. No 1 young torn, 41-43c lb.; No. 1, young hens. 50-51. . for l land Miscellaneous Cascara Bark Dry 20o lb., green 7c lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grade. 45c lb. Mohair 25c lb on 12-month growth. Hides Calves 28c lb. according to wpisht kip 20c lb.; grecn beef ll-12c lb.; bulbs, 8-9c lb.: country buyers pay 2c lesa Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquettes first quality lunv oo, 34.7c; large, 32.7c: medium 27.2c. second quality jumbos. 30. 3c: large, 28,2c; memum. 26.2c; baby, 33.3c; soft shell first quality larae, 29.7c; medium. 26.2; see and quality largo 27.2c; medium. 34.7c; baby 22.24. Filberts Jumbo. 20c Ib.j large, 16ci meaium 16c, small 13c. (Quotation above supplied by North west Nut Grower Quotation ar on the basis of 100-lb. bag purchase fob plants.) Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Reader. (Revised dally .1 Retail Feed Prices Egg Mash (4.90. Rabbit Feed Pellet (4.35. Dairy Feed 13.90 Poultry: Baying Prices No. 1 colored hens, 30c; No. 1 Leghorn hen, 37c; No. 1 colored fryers, 3 lbs. and up 38c; No. 1 fryer, 2'-3 lbs. 34c lb. No 1 old rooster. 14-15o. Birrs i Buylnr Prices Large grade AA 69c; grade, 6Bc; mediums, 68-63c: pullet. 73c: mediums. 65-67c; pullets, 45c doz. Wholesale Price AA grade. 73c: A grade 72c; mediums, 85-67c; pullet, 60c doz. Butterfat Premium, 71c; No. 1, 67 c: No. 2, 60-flSc. (Buying prices.) Butter Wholesale, A. 71c. Retail. grade A, 78c. Chicago Livestock Chicago. Oct. 19 M' (USDA1 Salable hog 10,000, total 17.000; moderately ac tive, around 25 cent lower on butchers: steady to 26 cents lower on butchers; steady to 25 cent lower on sows; closed slow; bulk good and choice 190-380 lb. Advertisement Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When vour skin Is irritated with pimD.cs red b' -tches and other skin blemishes from exter- causes vou re crazy with itching tort.ire try Sanitone Ointment. Itchinir stoDs orompt- ly bmartinp disappears imme diately Sanitone Ointment Is also wonderful for itchinj? feet cracks between toes and Ath letes Foot. For Sale "t Wlllett's Capital Dm; Store State at Liberty Phom 3118 PIHV0RF.1S I New Treatment VVi Get Real Results Don't let roar child gaffer the torment of Pin-Worms! Today, thanka to a special, medically reeognired drug, a highly elite. tivt treatment has been made possible. Ro watch for the warning atsns, aope clally the embarraeefng rectal itch. Get JAYNI'S f-W right away and follow the directions. These email, easy-to-take tablets were developed after year of patient re search in the laboratories of Dr. D. Jayne Son to act in a apecial way to remove Pin-Worms. It's easy to remember : FW for Pin-Wonna I SALEM Salem Electric pays all the taxes Imposed on It by present laws and will pay all taxes Imposed In the future. The people, through their elected representatives, set the rates of taxation and the kind of taxes. Salem Electric consider this a just system HAS NOT AND VIM, NOT ATTEMPT TP INFLUENCE THE STATE, COUNTY, OR CITY TO GIVE SALEM ELECTRIC ANY TAX ADVAN TAGE. ON THE OTHER HAND The Portland General Electric Co., spent $3,000 of the money received from power bills on behalf of the sales tax which was designed to burden the man w ho can least afford to pay. $3,480 to an organization to keep down their own property taxes. And 6,733 was spent at the State Legislature to Improve their own selfish Interests at the expense of the common man. Residential Rate Commercial Rate 50kwh. 200kwh. SOOkwh. 750kwh. 1500kwh. 6000kwh. Salem Electric Regular .... (Within Salem & W. Salem) 1.00 PGE Regular Rate 1.6S PGE Special Rate (Salem Only) 1.57 Pd. Adv. by Board j, Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., butcher 36.00-26.25; 26.25 popular price and practical top: two loads 26.40; few 160-180 lb. 25.50-26.00: heavy butchers scarce; good and choice sows under 400 lb. mostly 34 00-25 00: weight over 400 lb. downward to 23.00; early clearance. Salable cattle 7000: salable calves 700; total 700; hlgh-aood and choice steers dull, 50 criiis to 1.00 lower; lower grades stea dy tc 50 cent lower; heifers opened about steady; late bids lower; cows stea dy to 35 ents lower; bulls and veaWt stroni; load high-choice steers held above 40 00; most early sales good and choice fed steer 31.00-38.00; medium to low-good gradr 36 00-30.50: two loads choice 951 lb. led heifers 35.50: good cows up to 34.00: canner and cutters 14 00 17 25; medium and good sausage bulls 21 00-23.00; few good heavy beef bull Up to 23 50: veaters 32.00 down: stockers and feeders strong. SAlaole aheep 2000. total 3000: native slauxhter lamb 25-50 cents hiaher: ewe scarce, steady: bulk good and choice na tive lambs 35.00-25.50. OBITUARY Elisabeth Graier Aurora Mrs. Elizabeth Grazer, 76. a resident of Aurora since 1910 and of Ore gon since 1895, died at an Oregon City hospital after an Illness of several moiitlis. Funeral services were at the Miller Funeral home in Aurora with Rev. Sidney Harris, pastor of the Aurora Presbyterian church of which Mrs. Orn zer had been a member for the past 20 years, conduct In a. Burial was In Zton Me morial park, Cnnby. Mrs. Graier was born Nov. 13, 1872 at Marlon, Kans. She c me to Oretton In 1890 and in 1895 she was married to Lewis Grazer at Canby, where the couple lived until 1910, when they moved to Aurora. Mr. Grazer died in 1919. Surviving are three sons, Walter of Dallas, Leslie and Guy of Aurora three dauahters. Mrs. Frances O'Brien of Blue Rivrr. Mr. Eva Smith and Mrs, Lorraine Small, both of Portland: one brother. Frank Roth of California: and two grandchildren. She was a sister the late Fred M. Roth. Virgil Ottser was soloist at the funeral services. Pallbeare were Ray Tripled, William Lowrle. A. 1. Fry, W. P. Koenlg, P. J. Hunt and Matt Leavy. Win field Scott Pesheek Albany WindeSd Scott Pesherk, 64, 330 North Denver street, Albany, died In the Albany General hospital Sunday. The re in ins will be forwarded to the Price Funeral home at Dickinson, N.D., whei final services will be held. He was born In Stearns county, Minn., July 33, 1884. He marrlrd Eva Van Vleck at Sauk Cen ter. Minn.. August 7. 1907, who died in February, 1B38. Surviving are three chil dren: Fern A. Pesheek, Albany; Francis Pesheek, Tangent, and John L. Pesheek of Minnesota; four grandchildren and three brothers. Ralrlih L. Chandler Albany Raleigh L. Chandler, ret red Albany chief of police and for nearly 25 years a member of the Albany police force as a police officer, city marshal or chief, died at the Willamette hospital aauiraay alter an extended illness. Fun era! services were held from the Fish er Funeral home on Tuesday. Burial In the Masonic cemetery. Ex-Chlcf Chand ler had lived in Albany since 1923. H was born at Ashland, O., October 30, 1887, tie served in tne ntn cavalry, v.?. my, for nine years, from 1901 to 1910 and at Fort Oglethorpe. Ga., married Sa die L. Johnson, who died July 19. 1944. Surviving are a son, Robert E. Chandler; a daughter, Mr. Dorothy Helen Lund, both of Albany; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Escott, Seattle. Wash., and Mrs. Esther Gil more. Woodland. Wash., and four grandchildren. Chandler was a member of St. John's lodge No. 17, AF & AM; Al bany lotlce NO. 359. BPOE: the County Sheriffs posse and the Episcopal church. He retired from police service here August 1, 1048. Benjamin Franklin Overholser Lebanon Qraveslde cervices for Benja min Frnnklln Overholser, 81, will be held at the IOOF cemetery here Wednesday at i O'clock, Elder George Simon off! elating. He had made his home In this area for 75 years, being born In Indiana Oct. 35. 1867. Surviving are hi widow, Mrs. Faye Overholser, Lebanon; sons, Victor, Yakima. Wash.; Claude, of Jef. ferson; Ralph, of Fossil: Archie, of Wa terioo; wiimnr, of Newport; Darrel, Onklnnd, Calif, and Everett Overholsei Crescent City, Calif.; daughters, Mrs. Asthma Mucus Don't lot cmiKhlrifr, nncezlntf. chnklnff, reourrlnff attneka of Bronchial AHthma riiln sleep tun) onefRV another day with out try! tiff MKNDAOO. This great In trirnnl inetllchm works thru tho blood, thtift reiK-lihiff tho bronrhlal tuba and lung. Usunlly starts helping' nature Immediately to remove thick, sticky mm-us, thus alleviating coughing- and promoting froer breathing and moro re freshing sleep. Oat MKNDAOO from your druggist todny. Quirk satisfaction or money back guaranteed. IS YOUR WATCH TAKING TIME Cef your wafeft info offon to do the job you expert It Bring It In and let our ipeelsllth look it over. Reliable service it our watchword. And for n.w beauty, rettyle your watch with a imart uat, witch iiho m -n A OFF f ELECTRIC ON TAXES 3.00 3.8S 4.50 6.05 1.67 6.77 of Directors, Salem Electric, Dr. Tuesday, October 19, 194815 .atlia Hubbard. Ol.n Gd.n Brach; Mrs. rt,la Brooks, Nrwport: and Mrs. R.ta uk.r, Lont Beach. Caill.i brother, John rhoh.r. Cottaae Drove and sister, . Ella Terhune, Salem. Mrs. Cora Kpurlorli Silverton Mrs. Cora Spurlock. 74. died nriny at the home of a daughter, Mrs. ckley, her only survivor. She was born llllnoiji December 20, 1874, and had vrd In and near Silverton for 17 yesrs. Services at 3 o'r!ock Wednesday afternoon the memorial chapel of the Ekman Funeral home, with Interment in Pioneer eme'.ery. David Charles Davis SUverton David Charles Davis. 67, died hi home, 527 South Water street, Tuesday, Oct. 19. He ii born January 12. 1881. in Spencer, la., and had lived In SUverton 1C years. Survived bv h wife. Ida: a son, William of Seattle: a granddaughter; a brother. Dr. John Da is of Topeka. Kans.: a sifter. Hairier in Davis Of Los Angeles. Announcement ater by Ekman Funeral home. DEATHS Robert John Jam In this city October 18. Robert John Jans, late resident of SUverton. Suivived by two brothers, Arthur Jam of Silver- on and Walter Jans of Tne Dalles, and sister, Mrs. Anna Chambers of Oreim City. Private services will be held at Ml. Crest Abbey Mausoleum Wednesday, Oc tober 20. at 10:30 a.m. Direction W. T RIM don company. Mrs. Fannie Eddy In this city October 13. Mrs. Fannie Eddy, late resident of Monmouth, at the age of 74 years. Survived by tnree sisters, Elsie o Bourne and Mrs. i bents. both of Monmouth and Mrs. Claude Jar- an of Portland; two grandsons, Phillip Eddy and Arthur Eddy, both of Corvsl- a great grandchild and several niece and nephews. Services were held at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum Monday, Oriober under the direction W. T. Rigdon company. Chris Jarobsen At the residence at 3630 North Front street. October 16, Chris Jacobsen, at tha of 73 years. Survived by his wlfo. Minnie Jacobsen of Salem: two sons. Jacob O. Jacobsen of Leighton, Pa., and ilng Jacobsen of Salem; two brother. Peter Jacobsen of Raskin, Neb., end John Jacobsen of Racine. Wise; five grandchil dren and one are at grandchild. Service will be held Wednesday, October 30, at 3 p.m, at the W. T. Rigdon chapel with concluding services at Betcrest Memorial park. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson will oil. el ate. Anna O. Rowland At the residence, roufr 6, box 308, Sa lem, October 17, Anna C. Rowland, at tha age of 43 years. Wife of Fred Rowland of Salem: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emit Folk of Salem; and sister of John Folk and Otto Folk, both of Salem. Service will be held Wednesday, October 20, at p.m. at the W. T. Rigdon ohapel with entombment at Mt, Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Rev. H. W. Oros will of ficiate. MIGHTY FAST RfLIEF fti RHEUMATIC ACHES-PAINS why guess about your next permanent wave? ANALYSIS 'oui, next ufove IOOK fOR THIS tMtLEM In fieoufy Shops oufhonzed1 fo give you Fflff Fermo nenl Wove hair A no fy til. BERLINER'S INC. Portland - Seattle - Spokans Distributor ( KVVD. 11 KWD. 30 KWD. 9.50 14.70 18.30 24.57 57.00 80.37 Same as above (See schedule 32) 0. A. Olson, Salem, Ore. i