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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1948)
10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, October 19, 1948 LEGAL notice or special election Tnodir. November I, IMS Notice hereby i then that on Tut - dar. November 1, 1848, a apernl flec tion will be held In each precinct in the City of Sa(m, Marlon county, Oregon, and In each of the three ireu or terri tories II rat hereinafter particularly de scribed, for the purpose of eubmittlni to the electori of the aaid City of Salem, for their approva. or rejection, three separate propositions for the annexation . to the aaid City or n!m of tne three separate area or territories hereinafter particularly described: and for the pur pose, of iiibmttlng separately to the lee tors of each of the three arras or ter Itorles first hereinafter rtegrrtbrd, being the areas capt.oneo as Territories. A, B. & C, for their approval or rejection, tne proposition! of annexation to the said City of Balem ot sucn territories. The electors of the -aid Cl'y t Balem re hereby inviUfl to vote upon tlie propositions of annexation of each of the said areas or territories 10 the said City Of Salem. Th electors In the territory first de. jrribed. belna the area cailioned 'Terri tory A," are hereby invited to vote up on the proposition of annexation of the said Territory A to the said City of Sa lem. The electors In the territory second described. bein the ap captioned "Ter ritory B," are hereto invited to vote upon the proposition of annrxallon of the said Termor:.- H to the said City of Salem. The e!ert"i in the territory third de irribpd. t".nir the area cam loned "Ter ritory C." are lip.-hy invited to vote up on the proposition of annexation of the said Territory C to the said City of Ba lem. The polhne plnce at which said elec tion will he held in the territory first de scribed, bnn the area captioned 'Ter ritory A," Is dfsinnatfd to be Walllnn Sand Oravel Company Butldini, 1423 . Hoyt Street. Salem. Orenon. The polllnft place at whirh said election will be held In the territory second de scribed, bein the area captioned 'Ter ritory B." Is designated to be at the res idence of D. F. Davis, 83 Lanslni Avenue, Salim, Oreron. Tha polling place at which said elec tion will be held in the territory third described, betni the area captioned 'Ter ritory O," Is deslanatrd to be at the res 1lenct of Jeannette Oraen, 1115 D Street, Salem, Oregon TERRITORY A Berlnnlnir at a point on the west line of Market Road No. 91, the lame belni known as South 12 Street In Section J, Township I South, Ranie 3 West of tha Willamette Meridian, Marlon County, O re-t-nn, the same belni the southeast cor ner of the Pabrltus Smith Donation Land Claim No. 40; thence North BB 11' West lonn the south line of Outlot IB of Mor nlnRslde Addlton to said county and state to the southwest corner of aaid out lot IB; thence northerly along the west line of said Morn in aside Addition to tne northeast corner or Lot 1 of Smith's Fruit Farms No. 3; thence South fl9- 30 West along the north line of said lot 1 to a point that Is South flf 30' West feet and South 0 45' West 40 feet, from the southeast corner of that certain prop crty conveyed by deed to Lewis Judson and recorded In Volume 201, paae BIB, Dred Record! for Marlon County. Oregon; thence North 0" 45' East 203.02 feet; thenre North 89 35 West 257.3 feet; thenco North 14" 33' West 159.2 feet; thenre North 21 39' West 314.18 feel; to a point on the easterly projection of the south line of Block 28, Nob Mill Annex: thence westerly alone the said easterly projection to a. point that Is SO feet eas terly from the southeast corner of said Block 28; thence northerly and parallel With the east line of said block 26 to the south line of Hoyt Street: thence norther ly to the southwest corner of Block 16, Nob Hill Annex; thence northerly alons the west line of said block 16, to the quar - ter-sectlon line running easterly and west erly through Section 34, Township 1 South. Rang I West of the Willamette Meridian In said county and state, the same being the now existing southerly city limits line; thence easterly along the said southerly city limns line to a point where the northerly projection ot the vest line of Lot IS, Subdivision of Lou 3, 6. 7, 8. 9. At 10 in Oar den Home Tracts would intersect said city limits line; thence southerly aloni said northerly projection to a point on the north line of a county road commonly known as East Hoyt Street; thenre westerly along said north line to a point where the same In ter -ecu the line of the Southern Pacific Compan's right of way; thence southerly along the west line of said Southern Pacific Company's right of way to a point where the same would In tersect the northerly projection of the iHt line of Trl-Mountain View Subdiv ision; thence southerly along the said northerly projection and said east line and Iko the southerly projection of said enst line to the south line of Market Road No. 23 where the same runs easterly and westerly; thence easterly and southeast erly along the south and southwesterly line of said Market Road No. 25 to a point where the same would Intersect the easterly line of that certain tract of land conveyed by deed and recorded In Vol ume 373. page H6, Deed Records for Marlon County, Oregon; thence southerly along said east line of property referred to in said Volume 373. page 86 to the southeast corner thereof: thence westerly along the south line of said property and the westerly extension thereof to the west line of County Road No. 839. the same being a point on the east line of Outlot 7 of Mormnxslde Addition; thence southerly along the east line of SBld Out lot 7 to the southeast corner thereof; thence westerly along the south line of said outlot 1 to the east line of Market Road No. 91, commonly known as South 12th Street: thence westerly to the point of beginning. TERRITORY B Beginning at a point on the west line of Lansing avenue where the same would intersect the north line of Lot I of Oar den Road Fruit Tracts. In Township 7 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian. Marion County, Oregon; thence westerly along the north line of Said Oar den Road Fruit Tracts to the easterly line of the Oregon State Fairgrounds; thence southerly along said easterly line of the State Fairgrounds to the north line of Sunnyvlew avenue; thence east erly along the north line of Sunnyvlew avenue to the west line of Lansing ave nue; thence northerly along the west line of Lansing avenue to the place of beginning. WHY SO MANY HAVE. SWITCHED -TO CALVERT TERRITORY C Beflnlni at a point where the north line of Garden Road Fruit Tracts Inter sects the wtit line of Lansing Avenue: thence northerly along the west line of Laming Avenue to the south line of Mar ket Road No. 26, commonly known as Bll verton Road; thence easterly along the south line of said Silverton Road to the w: t line of Market Road No. 91, com monly known as Lancaster Drive; thence southerly along the west line of Lan caster Drive to the south line of the Southern Pacific Company's right of way, commonly known as the Oeer Branch; thence southwesterly along the south line of said Southern Pacific Company's right of way to the now existing city limits: thence northerly along the existing city limits line to the south line of the L N. Ollbert Donation Land Claim No. 41: thence westerly along the south line of satd I. N. Ollbert Donation Land Claim to the east line of that tract of land conveyed to Howard E. and Hilda J. Ol sen. oy deed recorded In Volume 296, Page 26B, Deed Records for Marlon County, Oregon; thence northerly along the said east line and its northerly extension to the southerly line of Market Road No. 31, commonly known as Oarden Road; thence southwesterly along the south line of said road to tha east line of the John Baker Donation Land Claim No. 42 , thence northerly along the said east line of the John Baker Donation Land Claim and the northerly extension thereof to the north line of Sunnyview Avenue; thence easterly along the north line of Sunnyvlew Avenue to the weit line of Lansing Avenue: thence northerly along the west line of Lansing Avenue to the point of beginning. .he polling places at Which said election will be held In the said Cltr of Salem are designated as follows: WARD I: Precinct 9 Orant School, North Cot tage At Market Precinct 10 Basement Salem Woman's Club, 460 N. Cottage Street Precinct IS office of Hunt Bros. Can nery, 163 Division Street Precinct 22 Parrish Junior High School, Capitol Ac Parrish Streets Calvert's greater blending experience makes Calvert Reserve smoother, mellower! CALVERT HKSERVE Blended Whiskey : -88.8 Proof-05 Oraln Neutral Spirits Calvert Distillers Corp., New York City , ARE YOU DISCOURAGED because you suffer distress from FEMALE COfflAliS which makes you NERVOUS. HIGH-STRUNG on such days? Are you troubled by distress of fe male functional monthly disturb ance which makes you suffer from pain, feel bo nervous, cranky, rest Ipsa, weak at such times? Then no try Lydla E. Plnkhsm'g Vege table Compound to relieve luctt symptoms! In a recent medical test It proved remarkably helpful to women troubled this way. Why don't you get imnrt and try It yourself? Plnkham's Compound la what Doctors call a uterine sedative. It has a grand sooth In ft efTnet on one of woman's most important or gam. Taken reprularlv Plnkhanvg Com pound helps 'build up rcnuitance against such distress. It's also a great stomachic tonic I NOT Ei Or ymi may pr-frr I.YDIA R. PINK! I AM'S TA11I.K I S with sui-letl Iron. "Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND z ' a THE WAKE "CHSUEHGER" Diililul icrtlch- pffWM. Olkrl name! Imwh. For the best buy" In oil heat ers, see a QUAKER today Kents a home or a room in a matter of minutes' And only QUAKER offers these optional, low cost accessories that can give you fast, automatic heat this winter: 1. Forced Draft gives maxi mum heat output regardless of chimney by providing ample draft Cuts fuel cosll J. Heot C Ire (flat or gently cir culates heat to every room corner Automatic in action. HO WORKt QUAKER heat Is quick clean trouble-free No coal to shovel, ashes to carry - or wood o chop I Hove Thi QUAKER Installed In Your 095 Home lor Other Models Also Available fi" GEORGE E. Allen hone 3-3106 236 N. COMMERCIAt ST. $IIM. OHIOOM ' lip t(pp WARD J: Precinct J Chris Evangelical Church, 1760 Btate Street Precinct U Hotel Senator, Court & High Streets Precinct 33 Court House, High and Court Streets Precinct 27 Washington School, East Basement. 13th it Center Streets Precinct 28 Court Street Christian Church, 17 as Court Streets WARD 3: Precinct 16 City Hall, Chemeketi Street Precinct 17 Marion Hotel. Banquet Room, Commercial At Ferry Streets Precinct 31 Calvary Baptist Church. 1230 8. Ubeny Street WARD 4: Precinct 4 State Heating Plant, 12th it Ferry Streets Precinct 5 Basement Richmond School, Richmond It Mill Streets Precinct 13 Deaconess Hospital Ba lem Memorial) N. E. Corner Basement. Winter At Oak Streets Precinct 30 Knight Memorial Church, 19th St Perry Streets Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich 'Hey, stop trying to hurry It. ..let the) dial come back by Itself each time!" That's a good tip for better service... release the dial and let H return at its own speed. The Pacific Telephone and Tele graph Company. Precinct T Mayflower Milk Dlstrs, Dairy Coop Assn., 3135 Fa irt rounds Road Precinct a Jason Lee Church Basement, Jefferson A Winter Streets Precinct 14 Immanuel Baptist Church, Harel ft Academy Streets Precinct 21 Veterans of Foreign Wars Basement, 640 Hood Street Precinct 26 Highland School Basement, Stl. it HiBhland Precinct 32 Interstate Tractor At equip ment Co., 3055 Silverton Rosd Precinct 85 Bever Lumber Office, I1S& North River Road Percinct 36 Deaf School, Laurel At Locust Streets WARD 6: Precinct 1 tj. B. Church Basement, 17th it Nebraska Fret I net 1 Four Squire O cm pel Church Bisement. 19th At Breyman Precinct 18 New Huh School Itth aH D Streets Precinct 30 John Sprinter Residence, 3373 Stats Street Precinct 25 Em lewood School Auditori um, 19th it Nebraska Precinct 281380 Madison Street WARD 7: Precinct 6 Coca Cola Bottllni Co. of Ore on. 13th Ac Wilber Precinct 13 Leslie Jr. Hlih School, Howard At 8. Cottage Precinct 18 Leslie M. E. Church Base ment, S Commercial Ac Myers Street Precinct 3i Friends Church Basement, S. Commercial Ac Washington St. Precinct 33 McKlnley School, Wast Entrance, S. Hlih Street 1 onlJ Faulty ignition wastes gasoline and oil makes your car hard to start steals its pep. Be wise and economize with this IGNITION Overhaul. Our experts will adjust your ignition system with factory-approved equipment to factory-approved tolerances. Come in now. Here is wfiat ive co CUon anrf .dlutf distribute pointt 9 Chtck coll and c.ndtniw Clean and adjust ipark plugs Tssl all hlgh-ttnslan wiring Adusl liming a Chick automatic sparit Tssl bantry and odd watir For yuoranl.ed seme, of fair prktt fair, your cor Warner Motor Company Your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer 430 N. Com'l Ph. 2-2487 jaya , miiU:H'ii.f Precinct 34 B. R. Wlnlru Osraie, 873 ' Ju -on Street The said election will be held at said pollinf places, and each thereof, betnn- j nins at 8 o'clock in the morn ins and con- tmuini until 8 o'clock In the evening of the said 2nd day of November. 1948. BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUN. CIL OF THE CITY OF SALEM. OREGON, the 13th day of September, 1948. ALFRED MUNDT, Recorder of the City of Salem. Oregon Capital Journal Sept. 28th, October t, I 12. 10, 26th Only a Paint Manufacturer Knows the many problems encountered and the type of materials necessary to over come them. Why not Let Us Help You To get the best possible Protection for Your Home May we RECOMMEND A CONTRACTOR for you; help you estimate the AMOUNT and KIND of PAINT you will need. Come in to our FAC TORY STORE. Norris Walker Paint Company 250 Court St. Phone 2-1008 perfumes Maison fondea en 1828 Shatlmari H ci $14; l'i oi., $25; 2V4 oi., $43. L'Hour. 61eu, V ot., $9; 1' or $13; ., $27. Vol da Nuili 1 or., $15; ii oi., $30. Prices plus tax, Capital Drug Store SALEM, OREGON State A Mbrrtr "On the Corner" STARTS TOMORROW YEP! We've all gone crazy down at ELFSTROM'S again. We picked a group of fine sofas and slashed the price on all some as much as 119.00. If they don't sell the first day off comes 5.00 on each piece the next day and so on day by day until they ARE sold or the management fires everyone in the furniture and advertising departments. JUST TO PROVE WE'RE CRA Y STAND ON YOUR HEAD AND CHECK THESE VALUES! 1SAVQ M3J AUHA3 SNOIllddV M3N SZ69L OS'861 Baa jioioiu puo 43A3A ousAw ni saxins Od Z C 'ACT 0S LZI Bc5 HA Oao xsedoi ijo 8nia '""id indiinvaa v No-aaow nCQ7C MN 'oo'otfr Baa "vjos hivh U3 OiC -ow aaiund Naaaow "3d z fC'Al oo' uz -63a ,d0 33o " U3 -t-Ul enig -oVa Momid nosmvi 0S 91E "n6e1 3q;SJ3A3J uojijsns 33JI(X 3Z3UJ JIOU.OIU snq ui ydOS 81113 HSI19N3 0SZ6L Xxdj3 ion 3-nox - s(udiu ARE YOU CONVINCED? OK. THE SOFAS ARE ALL DISPLAYED IN OUR WINDOWS. IF YOU'RE NOT CRAZY YOU'LL GRAB ONE QUICK BEFORE SOME ONE ELSE DOES. ' SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS - - r -j REMEMOER 5.00 REDUCTION EACH DAY Si I NEW HOSPITAL PLAN Sweeps OREGON Entire Family Protected for Sickness, Accidents and Childbirth Pays hospital room, surgeon fees, medicien, X-rays, etc. FREE INFORMATION An entire new low cost Hospital plan sweeps this community find out all about it absolutely free and decide for yourself that you want cash in case you have to go to a hospital on account of sickness, accident or childbirth. Hospital Room and Board Paid This new liberal hospital plan pays: (1) Cash for room and meals in hos pital for any member of your family; (2) Cash to pay for various hospital extra charges, such as operating room fee, med icines. X-rays, anesthet ic, ambulance service, etc.; (3) Cash to help pay the surgeon fees. There are many other benefits which make this Reserve Life hospital plan one of the most liberal ever de-; vised. Costs Only a Few Cents a Day And all the members of" your immediate family (ages up to 80) are pro tected under a single contract, on which you pay only one small pre mium each month. Only a few cents for the aver age family. Old Established Company This plan is backed by the Reserve Life Insur-' ance Company which has already paid thousands and thousands of dollars in claims and is rated "A" plus in Dunne's In surance Report. Remem ber, you are paid cash for hospital expenses whether disability occurs at home or at work. And you are not limited to any certain doctor. The money is paid to you. So you pick the hospital. Your policy identifies you at any hospital. Includes Childbirth Many Extra Benefits This liberal plan provides many other benefits, too. But anyone interested can secure full and com plete information free by mailing the coupon be low. There is no obliga tion and no cost to you. Send this coupon now. Mail Free Coupon : Reserve Hospital Plan j Room 23. Beaver BIiIk. : : 248 N. Commercial St. Salem. Oregon : Please send full and j complete Information i : about your new hosoi- : ' tal protection. This i ' : loes not obligate me in : any way. I am interest- : , : ed in i ( ) Family Hospital j Plan : : ( ) Individual I Hospital Plan : Name : 1 I Street i , j City '. j State :- : Phone : ( :