Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 18, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 18, 1948
Group Asked
Before Dance
Among those entertaining
groupi before the Carousel
Dance club party next Saturday
evening will be Mr. and Mrs
Irvin Bryan.
They have invited a group of
18 to their Kingwood drive
home, guests to include Mr. and
Mrs. Hal Byers, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Neal,
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Taylor. Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Foos, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Feike, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Grand Island Honoring their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Will, Sr., at their Jennings
Lodge home for their 59th wed
ding anniversary, which was
October 13, the families of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy . Will and Mrs.
Louis Will of this district and
Miss Pearl Hopkins of Jennings
Lodge attended a dinner at the
Will home.
Woodburn Mrs. Nellie Muir
and Mrs. Stella Kerns were host
esses to Chapter J of the P.E.O.
Sisterhood at the Muir home in
East Cleveland street Thursday
Guests were Mrs. Harry Van
Arsdale, Mrs. Cyril McNary of
Woodburn and Mrs. Suzette
Dille of Los Angeles who is a
house guest of Mrs. Muir and
Mrs. Kerns.
During the program hour Dr.
and Mrs. George W. King show
ad moving pictures and slides of
Grand Coulee Dam and Yellow
stone park and also some local
Refreshments were served by
the hostesses, assisted by Mrs.
Paul Mills.
Club to Meet Sweet Briar
club has planned its first meet
ing of fall for Wednesday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. O. A. Olson.
Beauchamps Feted
On Anniversary
Stayton Dr. and Mrs. Harry
A. Beauchamp celebrated their
40ih wedding anniversary at
their home here. Mrs. Beau
champ has been in poor health
during recent months and for
that reason no formal celebra
tion was held.
However, a group of rela
tives gathered at the Beau
champ home Sunday to mark
the occasion. Present were Miss
Victoria Williams, a niece; Ben
F. Mulkey, a nephew; L. M
Hawlcy, brother of Mrs. Beau
champ, all of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Scott and Miss
Laura Bonny, all of Woodburn.
The Beauchamps were mar
ried October 6, 1908 at the
home of the bride's parents in
Monmouth. The bride was
Maude Hawley, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Hawley. Her father at one time
was representative to the state
legislature. She was born at
Bethel, in Polk county, while
the doctor was born near Shaw
in Marion county.
Graduating from the Willam
ette university medical school,
Dr. Beauchamp has practiced in
Stayton since his graduation 44
years ago. His mother, Mrs.
Carrie Beauchamp, 88, of Al
bany is still living. He is the
only surving son of four, two
of whom were doctors and two
druggists. He has one sister,
Mrs. W. J. Stephens of Pen
dleton. The couple built their present
home in Stayton in 1913 and
have lived there continuously
since. Both have been active in
civic and lodge affairs, the doc
tor serving as mayor of Stay
ton at one time and was a mem
ber of the school board for 20
years. He also served on the
draft board. He is affiliated
with the Masonic and Odd Fel
lows lodges.
Mrs. Beauchamp is past wor
thy matron of the Eastern Star,
past noble grand of Eva Re
bckah lodge, and past president
State Board
Meeting Set-
The state organization of the
University of Oregon Mothers
club announces the first quarter
ly meeting for the state board
in Portland, Thursday, a lunch
eon to be served at 12:30 o'clock
at the Mallory hotel.
Dr. Harry K. Newburn, uni
versity president, Mrs Allan
Wickham. dean of women at tin?
university, and Dean Karl W. I
Onthank, dean of personnel, I
will be the speakers.
Among Salem women plan-
ning to attend are Mrs. George
Alexander and Mrs. Walter
Kirk, district vice presidents;
Mrs. George H. Swift, a director
in the group this year.
Club to Meet Haycsvillc Wo
man's club is meeting Thursday
at 1:15 o'clock for luncheon at i
the home of Mrs. Bruce Willis, !
Claxter road and Pacific high
way. Mrs. G. Farmer and Mrs.
William Brietzke arc co-hostesses
for the meeting. i
Stayton A reception was j
held for Stayton's school teach
ers at the meeting of the Wom
en's club at the club house ;
With 42 in attendance. Miss
Eleanor Trindle, county demon
stration agent, presented "Plan
ning a Meal."
Delegates were chosen to nt
tend the Marion County Federa
tion of Women's Clubs. Repre
senting Stayton will be Mrs.
Harry Rowe, Mrs. Andrew Fery,
Mrs. Taylor Cooper, Mrs. Will
iam Albus and Mrs. W. J. Sam
ples. Refreshments were served by
the hostesses who were the
members of the executive com
mittee, Mrs. Ben A. Schaefer,
Mrs. Harry Humphreys, Mrs.
William Albus, Mrs. J. W. Pea
body and Mrs. Dale Crabtree.
i (l
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Recent Brule Wed October 10 in Portland was Mis. Rich
ard Daniel Berkemeier, the former Margaret Belton, daughter
of Slate Senator and Mrs. Howard Belton of Canby. Mr.
Berkemeier is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Berkemeier of
Milwatikie. The couple will live near New Era. (Logan
Markhain studio, Portland)
Missionary Group The
Women's Missionary society of
the First Baptist church met
last week at the home of Mrs.
Frank Lehman. After the busi
ness meeting, presided over by
Mrs. Floyd While, the address
nf the. afternoon was given by
Miss Sarah Louise Walker of
Portland on home missionary
work in Oregon. Mrs. George
Clipfell led the devotions on
the subject of the "Rewards of
a C h r 1 s t i a n." Refreshments
were served by the hostess, Mrs.
Lehman, assisted by her daugh
ter, Mrs. Patton.
Little Girl
Given Party "
Cheryl Ann Rains, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rains, ob
served her fourth birthday an
niversary Monday and in ob
servance of the occasion her
mother entertained a group of
children and their mothers this
afternoon at the Rains home.
Featuring the party was the
traditional birthday refresh
ments. Honoring Cheryl Ann were
Barbara and Penny Pickhard,
Keith and Ann Strain, Susan
Carl, Karen and Dicky Thomas,
Leon and Loree King, Jeannetle
Warner, Marilyn and Milton
Aleshire, Bruce Stangeby, Linda
arid Ellen Whitacre, Ernie Ba
deau, Orville and Jan Jenkins
and the younger sister of the
honoree, Sandra Jean Rains;
Mrs. Fred Pickhard, Mrs. Dud
ley Strain, Mrs. Kenneth Carl,
Mrs. Lester Thomas, Mrs. Verle
King, Mrs. R. C. Warner, Mrs.
Delmer Aleshire, Mrs. Ralph
Stangeby, Mrs. Ellis Whitacre,
Mrs. Harry Badeau, Mrs. Orville
Jenkins, Mrs. Jessie Carter.
Home for Week-End Oregon
State college co-eds home for
the week-end included Miss
Alicia Cover, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. L.B. Cover and a
pledge of Alpha- Xi Delta at
OSC. Her guest for the week
end was her roommate. Miss
Alice Reeves, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Carroll A. Reeves of
Berkeley, Calif.
Also home for the week-end
from OSC were Miss. Clarilyn
Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Lee, and a pledge of
Delta Delta Delta; and Miss
Zelda Hardy, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ervin J. Hardy, and
a pledge of Delta Zeta.
I1 snm mwxwumwwmw in yw w
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Betrothal Told The en
gagement of Miss Patricia
Morgan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Morgan nf Meha
ma, formerly of Sflem, to
Robert Theodore Freres, son
of Mr. and Mrs. T. G Freres
of Stayton, has been announced.
Parents of Son Mr. and
Mrs. C K. Avery are the par
ents of a son, Keith Richard,
born September 1. Grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Avery of Salem and Mr. and
Mrs. M. H. Royer of Maple
wood, Ore., Mrs. C. K. Avery
being the former Frances
Hearing Aid
MONO-MC Batteries
This Week Special
No. 1016 Battery, 18c
James N. Taft
& Associates
218 Oregon Bids:., Salem
Alumnae Meeting
Sigma Kappa almunae will
hold their first meeting of the
fall on Wednesday evening at
7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs,
Earl Coolcy, 22170 Center street.
All Sigma Kappas in Salem ar
invited. Mrs. Cooley is presi
dent of the local group this
Attend Game Among Sa
lem young folk attending the
Oregon State-California game
in Berkeley, - Saturday, were
Miss Virginia Lewis, Miss Joan
Hoereth and Ted Covalt, all of
whom are attending Santa Rosa
Junior college.
DAV Group Salem Chapter
No. 6, Disabled American Veter
ans and auxiliary will hold a
joint social meeting at the Wo
man's clubhouse, 460 North Cot
tage, Thursday. Games will be
played and there will be refresh
ments. Mrs. Mary Sabrouski is
chairman. On Saturday, Octo
ber 23 the Salem chapter will
hold their forget-me-not sale in
Silverton. Salem chapter No.
6, DAV, is the only chapter in
Marion county.
The average barometric pres
sure at sea level is 29.921 inches
of mercury.
ft'ttifllr firtvJ in ycur htm
Rip. 4, Rnx 411B
Phone ftS-F-ll
of the Stayton Women's club.
The Beauchamps had one
daughter, Constance, who died
from pneumonia in early girl
hood. ,
In 1918 Dr. Beauchamp serv
ed as medical officer when he
was called to Montana to help
fight the influenza epidemic
among soldiers during World
War I.
f -?
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