18 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: Per Line ISO Per Lint I time 40c Per Lint time 60e Per Lint 1 month 12.00 Outside of Salem lSe per lint per day. Mia. tOct f times roln. 80c time mla. 11.20. No Refund! READERS In Lecal News Col. Only, Per lint 30e To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 Sell Farm Produce for Cash Thru a Want Ad. FOR SALE HOUSES FOE SALE OB TRADE by owner: Mud. 4 BR. bungalow. 17.07 A. Nice Irne, rooms. Oil heat. Elect, water heater, wired tor rantte. Gar., barn, etc. 8 ml. a, Ladd it Bush Bank. Want mod. h.se. same size, city or suburban. Write Box ? 3, Capital Journal. l-ROOM unfinished hou.se. lot S0xZQ. Price $1650. Terms. Ph. 3-6681. 3 BY OWNER 3 year old 3 brdroom home. 1150 James 6t.. Keizer Dust. a249 $2200 DOWN P.H.A. financed, nrw 3 bdrm. house, unfinished attic, elec. heat, hdwd. 11". Bendix washer. Near Leslie it Bush schools. R. C. Lee it Co. 1130 Oxford. Kl. 3-522. CAP1TOLA DISTRICT TWO Bedroom Ho-ise 15250.00 SOUTH ONR Bedroom House, Easy Terma. 18500 KEIZER DISTRICT TWO Bedroom House, Ensy Terms, 18500 EAST ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT NEW Three Bedroom House, $10,800. 12, 800.00 Down. Balance F.H.A. J 49-09 per mo. NORTH 25th ST. NEW Two Bedroom down, two unfinished up. 13800.00 down. Bal. 149.09 per mo. run price 110,800.00. SOUTH ON ACRE NEW Two Bedroom House, unfinished up. Large double Karaite, Easy terma or will take small place In on trade. For additional Information call ABRAMS & SKINNER, INC. 411 Masonic Bids., Ph. 32017 Insurance, Mtg. Loans a247 NEW 4-Bdrm., full bsmt., dbl. garage. Ph. owner for appt. 3-4284. a FOR SALE BY OWNER: New 2-bdrm. home, Englewood district, 4 blka. from school, A blk. from bus line. Possession Immediately. Ph. 25348. a240" FOR SALE By Owner & Builder JUST COMPLETED new suburban home, East. Fireplace, automatic furnace with 378 tal. storage tank. Lee, utility room. Small cherry orohard. f blka. from school, bus by door. Call evenings. Go ut Market across Lancaster, 3rd house on left on Garden Rd., Rt. I, Box 134. Fred L. Booth. a248 4-RM. HOUSE. Rt. 4, Box 640. Baxter Rd., South. B2Q6 FOR SAI.E BY OWNER 2 hdrm. home with att. Bar., almost new, with Bendlx laundry, fir. furnace and elec. water heater. Wired for elcc. ranee. AU dblc. construction and nice level lot. City water, on main highway and Just out alde city limits. Cash or terms. Or will sell on contract or aa little as 1500 down. Guy Miles. 1507 Pine St., Sllvcr ton, Ore. Ph. 4482. a247 $600 DOWN Brand new Cape Cod 3 BR houses, un finished upstairs, hdwd. firs., fireplaces, V. blinds, hte. lot, fine dlst. Bus at door. Full price $BO00. 175 mo. Waller Musgravc, -Realtors 1233 Edgewater Ph. 3-510P a24fl 34,000 n0WN. 19750 hill price. Oak Grove home. Near high school ft bus. Full basement it furnace. 7 room, 4 bdrm. home. 780 Stewart aH. 2255 N. ftth St. after :30 p.m. 249 LEAVING STATE Will aril my equity lor 11800. Payment la $44.27. Will consider late car or H000 down, balance on con tract. Ph. 2-4359. a240 $5250 Two brdrooms, year old home, lnwn and Yen. blinds, lame it nr simp, liberal terma can be arranged. 100 Roberta Ave, Ex clusive. $6700 New two-bedroom plastered home, gar age, poultry house, acre of excellent toll, located near Hnyesvllle. Will sell or trade on a farm, here la an oppor tunity for a state vet. wanting lo cut down on the hlnh cost of living by own ing a little acrpBKf. Exclusive. $6500 New. neat, well conMructrd, 2 -brdroom home, attached garane. 1 block to city bus, 11000 down to a state vrt. $500 DOWN to State Vet. Nice location North East, city. 1 bdrm., attached narniie, Brnrilx wusher. dryer, elrclrlp Move, and misc. furniture, 1m medlnle inversion, lll.ornl terma ar ranged to rcllnblo party. Exclusive. $750 DOWN Immediate possession, new two-bedroom home with fireplace, paved street and city bus. $1000 DOWN New two bedroom home, hardwood floors, automatic heal, over 900 .sq. ft. of floor space. F.H.A. SPECIAL 3-bedrooms. 1304 Franklin St. Pre-war construction, and automatic heat, tx cluaive. $1600 DOWN Large 3-bedroom F.H.A. built home, with heat to all rooms, Immediate pos session. G. I. SPECIAL Beautiful lnrne 2-bedrooin home, al 1144 North 34th street, has a G.I. loan and paid down to 17100 which can be iMumed by anyone, owner waving cny. Quirk possession, furniture M desired, exclusive. $7000 Kmt State Bulldlnaa east. nw S-brd-room home with automatic heat. Very Neat Nice Home Drive by tin home at 410 So 23rd St. corner location, near grade school, city bus. has a basement, automatic heat to all rooms, F.H.A. loan being arrani- d, or liberal terma. Yes, there Is a lire place, and a very nue kitchen. FOR THKSK AND MANY OTHERS SFE JOE, LFT US KNOW YUUK NEEDS. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 W. Capitol. Ph. 38316; Eve. 37217 or 351fl. aJ47 NEW 7 ROOM HOME NEVER HE EN MVEI IN. Double Plumb ing. All electric heat. Has upstairs and plastered basement. Plastered Karaite, all hardwood floors. Terraced back yard to creek. Cost 118.000 to build. lll aacrllice for 118.900. Will consider elder house for down payment. For in formation. Inquire at Stevens Used Cars. 878 8 12th St., Salem. 1255 I-HDRM. IiniiSE, I acre good soil, creek, apring. 15500. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 431 N. High St. Phone 34793. a34 $600 DOWN WILL BUY you a new 3 bdrm. home, un win. upstairs, f'place, V. blinds, hdwd flra., located N E. A. N. WILLICH REAL ESTATE 1111 Riiee St.. W. Salem. Ph. 1-MS1. Open eves, it Sunday . i9 Ore, Friday, October 15, 1948 FOR SALE HOUSES EXTRA SPECIAL BUY LATE modern 5-rm. home, full baaement, oil furnace. Immediate possession. May be seen after $ p.m. it Sunday at 3605 Hulsey Ave. a250 FOR SALE: 1885. 3 rnu. with bath Includ ing auto, hot water heater. Inquire at 190 S- 12th. 14T Check This for Value 1 Modern const. Charming Interior. 3 Extra size L. rm Extra site fireplace. 3 Din. Rm. and kit. Lota of windowi. 4 4 Bdrme. Carpeted hall upstair. ft Sleeping porch. Coxy den and study. 8 Full basement. Automatic furnace air cond. 7 Lee. lot, few blka. to downtown. 8 Priced too low to last I 116,000. ALL ELECTRIC BOM E RESTRICTED DIST. See this lve. L. R. and dinette, 3 master BRs., tub and ahower bath, lovely kit., hwd. firs., yen. bids., at tached garage. Lee. lot, concrete drive and walk. Close to bus, atorei and school. IMMED. POSS, Terms. (10,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-8388. Eva. 3-7440 a247 NEW 4-BDRM. large home In West Sa lem. Ideal for large family. V block to school and the price Is only $8500. JflSO DOWN, balance like rent win buy you a new 2-B. R. home, hardwood floors, fireplace, attached garage, un finished upstairs, lasted N. E. on a large garden lot. Full price only 17050. You can't beat this. A BEAUTIFUL ROME on view lot. com plete with wall to wall carpeting, drapes, genuine tile bath, the latest In radiant panel heat and the best of construction. This house could not be duplicated today for the price the owner Is asking and excellent terms are available. LET US SHOW YOU THIS HOME. Goodwin and McMillin, Realtors 484 Court. Phone 3-4707. Evenings 27283 or 35143 a248 BY OWNER 9 -room house, 6 up and 3 down, 4 lots fruit and nut trees, near schools and churches. Will take late model car In trade. Full price 14800. Write F. J. Schell, P. O. Box 323, Oer vals, Oregon. a250 NOTICE BUILDERS AND INVESTORS: Two large homes and large oversize lots located side by side at 1165 and 1179 Chemeketa can be had either to gether or separately. THIS IS AN IDEAL CLOSE-IN LOCATION and tht total frontage would be 129'. Goodwin and McMillin, Realtors 484 Court. Phone 8-4707. Evenings 37283 or 35148. a248 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 3 -bedroom home in Englewood Dlst. Double plumb ing, weather stripped and Insulated. 3 garages, modern and very nice. Phone 3-3676. a347 FOR SALE: New 4-BR home, lmmed. pos session. Englewood Dlst. Hdwd. firs., f'Place, 3 baths. 114,750. Ph. 39812. a247 FA LI A CITY: Good 6-room house and garage, close to school, large fenced yard. Full price. 12000. Mrs. Leslie Orlp Pln, Fallas City. Ore. a249 HUDKINS BUY-LINES $7000 Completely furnished 4 -room house In fine location for home or rental. Call D. L. BISHOP, 3-4129 $9950 4 -bedroom home, and Income. Large LR, kitchen, utility, bath, many built Ins it closets, hobby shop, garage, apart mcnt at rear of lot rents 34 mo. Call D. L. BISHOP, 2-4129 $10,500 2-year-old 3-bedroom house mile from city. Bus by door, city water, lot 79x 113, LR 14x20. fireplace, air cond. fur nace, large rooms, wardrobes. Easy fin ancing. Call RON HUDKINS, 3-4129 Chas Hudkins & Son Realtors 350 N. High St. Phone 2-4120. s248 SIMM DN. 2-Ritrm. Home. Liv. din. comb., kit., wired for elec. range, bath, unfln. attic with stairway and fl., garage and 8x9 storage rm. in rear. Apples, walnuts, raspberries. In cludes oil clrc. with fan and oil drums. 4 Acre. Unfln. House. 337A0. SMO0 dn. Bnl. 150 mo. at 5. Pas. In few days. Considerable furniture. 3 bedrma., llv. rm., kitchen, shower bath, elec. wtr. system. 40' well, fruit and nuts. See Allen Jones or Mrs. Needham Realtors 340 Slate St. Rm. 4. Ph. 39201 a247 BR. HOME EAST. 1 Yr. old. 750 With j.;uu flown, oaiance (50 mo., including Interest 4. BEAUTIFUL NEW 3 BR, HOME. Lite. LR. Dtl. K., nook, utility, HW floors, fire Place, Inn. lot, beautiful lawn, new shrubs. Bus by door. 115,000, JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 453 Court Street, Salem, Oregon Phone 2-3629. Eve. 2-4789 or 3-3632 a247 NICE LOCATION. SOUTH ALL ELEC. 2-BR home, f place, bsmt. Newly decorated 110.000. Terms, If de sired. SPACIOUS HOME REST location In Salem. A charming 4-11R older home. Carpeted. 3 f places. Bsmt. Lovely yard. Dble. plumbing. And only 313.500. Some terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 6F11 1H mi. N. on Wallace Rd., Rt. 1, llox 243 or Phone 2-8836. 12B9 Sixt.h SI. West Salem. a24B GOOD WEST SALEM HOMES S7IH10 3 BRs. 3 years old. 13300 dn. will handle. JKUiMt 4 BRs, cor. lot. bsmt. Sprinkl ing system in lawn. Almost imm. poss. Terms. SI.I.IWo Very nice 4 BR home. Cor. lot. Some furniture. Offer considered. $H,lHH) 3 BRs. As nice a home as you could desire. Could be a good rental in aarnge. Cor. lot. Wall to wall carpet. F' Place. Patio. FOR these and others see B. Isherwood, Realtor Pll. 6F11. Rt. 1. Box 243. 1 ml. N. on Wallace Road or Ph. 3-8836. 1389 Sixth St. West Salem. a348 BETTER BUYS $500 DOWN AND no month will make you a lmulloid of a 2 room house In the city. Some furnishings go. Price 12150. INCOME PROPERTY FOR THE THHRIFTY PERSON Who wnnts a nice place to live with in come. Buy this nice older style 4-bdrm. home located In the Englewood Dlst. Hits large bsmt., double garage, rental uivttaira. ONLY 160O0. TERMS. 11500 donn and 145 month. I OPEN EVES. TILL 8 COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Cpntrr St. Phonr ?43. ,347 KINKST NEW HOME brim ort.rrtl tor ,.lr In s.l.m. L. n . D. R , 3 B. R., lrn, lln. biurmpnt with pmyrm. I lie WM ,l rleanitt hp.t. 1970 John. Phon, 38336. ,348 I'NMNISIIKU liomr In Krtt.r district. 14100 or trade equity for br.l 34 It. or lur.rr trailer hoiwe. 6148 Newberi At., West of Keller school. .348 IIV !VNr:R-Nrw J.bdrm. he .. .Itiehed rbt.. hdwd. lire., elec. thruotit. IA3H0. terma. Out Center to r.rk, turn left down Park to 8 turn, ao atraltht on .ravel road, turn rliht, 3rd lue la 314K Jriuen At. ,348 tiAl.K OR TRADE, suburban 3-BR home, larae rooms. Automatic oil heat. Recent ly redecorated. FMll basement with toilet shower. Shade trees, nuts, shrubs, sarden, llvlna stream, i bias, to Capitol Bldr. 814.000. Tel. 3-8131. a3M F1KR LITTLE suburban one bedroom home. 3 yrs. old. complctrlr dec. 3 acres. Well landscaped with choice shrubs and trees. Family orchard, ber. rlrs. A1 water arstem. t, ml, cast of Lancaster on Auburn Rd., Sim. eH7 Journal Want Ads Pay IREAL ESTATE BLIVEN, & CRAIG SEEING IS BELIEVING LET US HELP YOU CHOOSE YOUR FUTURE HOME FARM OR BUSINESS IF YOU WANT A LAKE THIS IS IT. 43 acres goes to the center of Lake, unlimited water supply. All farm can be irrigated. 15 acres of hops, fine hop house. 11 acres of new land all in cane berries. Insulated home, modern in every respect, except basement. Located on pavement North. A real value for $21,000. We also have an exceptional value in a real hop yard. Ask us. G. I.'s ATTENTION $1850 down and $41.00 a month will buy a fine Z-bedroom home on bus line with a third of an acre of fine soil. ENGLEWOOD NEW 2-bedroom home with L. R., D. R., bath, kitchen and utility room. Pecan floors, electric heat in each room. Attached garage. $2500 down will buy it. Total price $9750. WE HAVE a 67'xl36' lot East in a district with all new houses adjoining. Rock bottom price for quick sale. $600. ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom house, with extra room in basement and basement ceiled overhead. Fine kitchen, dining and living with fireplace, re decorated Inside and out. Located in Englewood. Terms can be arranged. HOLLYWOOD PARTLY FURNISHED excellent repair, neat and clean. $5250. FOUR ROOM house, stoves included. Large building in rear for garage and storage. $3750. ELECTRIC HEAT Nearly new house on choice North front lot. Four bedrooms, full basement, automatic heat. Terms. CHARMING four bedroom, two baths, a dining room, oak floors throughout, full basement, double garage. Own private well for watering. Price $16,000, and worth it, too. BLIVEN, COONEY & CRAIG REALTORS OFFICE PHONE 2-3617 647 North High Eve. Phones 3-5053 or 3 8918 NO PARKING METERS FOR SALE HOUSES REASONABLE PRICE S-BR ONE STORY home, bsmt., furnace. Just north of Center St. Well const. Older type. ONLY 950. STROUT REALTY 959 8. 12th Pll. 35323. a247 2 -FAMILY UNIT, live In one apt, rent the other, close to downtown, large lot room for other bldgs. 16,650. NEW FHA House, HW floors throughout. restricted district. Immediate posses sion, 1 1,350. down, bal. like rent. SUBURBAN Ranch type house, everything you are looking for, fireplace, HW firs., utility rm., lovely size llv. it din. tits., nook, a-DR's, good district, Shown by apt, only. R. E. MEREDITH. REALTOR Ph. 3-8841 176 8. Commercial 8247 GOOD f.7300 FULL PRICE Almost new 2-bdrm. home, close In east. Att. garase, 1 blk. to bus. Terras arranged. BETTER $1500 DOWN EACH S brand new 2-bdrm. houses In Kel ler Dlst. Unfln. upstairs, could be made Into 3 brtrms. Elec. heat, hdwd, floors throughout. Att. enrage, Imm. poss. Full price only $8600 each. BEST ENGLEWOOD Brand new, 2 bdrm. unfln. upstairs with space tor a rooms. Elec. hent, fireplace, hdwd. floors throughout. Att gnrage; very well built, Imm, poss. Liberal terms arranged. Full price only 112,100. AL ISAAK & CO. Real Estate 3015 Portland Rd. Ph. $-7820, 2-4596, Eve. 2-0473, J-35S8 248 MOO. TWO-FAMILY house, furn.. Consid er trade. Almost new. Vacant If bought now. Exc. income. Ph. 26493. a249 RIVERFRONT HOME BY OWNER 3 bdrm, house with 3 extra lots. Large living room, facing river. Make us an offer. George L. Cooper, 2010 Water. a248 BY OWNER Attention couples any age you can not go wrong on this home. Cherk before buying or before paying next month's rent. 1 bdrm. home, mod ern, elec. WH, wired for range, plenty of kitchen bullt-ins, oil heater, neat and clean, approx. acre lot, E. 3 blks from city limits) 1 blk. to bun, high and dry. Best of location and surroundings. 14950. Exc. terms. Write Box 38, Cnpltnl Journal. a248 H AC, 3 bdrm.. bath, L. trays, built-in!, chic, hse., garage, fruit, flowers, shrubs, bus by door. J6300. Ph. 2-6230. a249 BY OWNER 2 bdrm., hdwd. floors, Imd. pais. Ph. 3-9831 or 3-3722. a249 $tlUM Nice living and dining rm.. 2 BrT bath, kitchen. Ig. bsmt., furnace. Terms. $TOO DOWN buys this new 2 BR home. LR. kitchen, attached garage. Nice lo cation. Call Omer. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Rsaltora 341 Chsmekpta 8t. Phone 3-3371 Evea 3-5091 a349 FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT An exceptionally good view. H acre lot. other bktas. would not obstruct view. Priced right. 13500. AL ISAAK & CO. 3015 Portland Rd Ph. S-78IO, 2-4596; Eve. 2-0471, S-3S.SB a24B BY OWNER: 1 lot In Englewood district, one on corner on Madison St. Ph. 35970 a249 DOI'BLR EAST FRONT lot. 2000 blk. N. Winter street. Ideal bungalow court A large home lot. Ph. 35435 or 36474. or Inquire 1935 Maple Ave. eves. aa347 95x100 WOODED or view. Will build for you. Ph. 3-4384. as FOR SALE FARMS 10$ A. ALL IN CULTIVATION A FEW arret of It In timber and pasture. A live creek, some fruit and nuts. Old buildings, electricity. 1 miles out. Full price $13,000. OENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Ph. 3-3289 355 Center St. b247 450 A. RANCH SPECIAL- CROPS IN Itt A. BOTTOM LAND, 85 A. free water right, Oood 9-rm. home, another old house, good tenant house. Lge, barns, sheds, outbldis., 4-car taraae, 1 silos. Paved road near Tillage, 50 head Here ford cattle. 3 tractors, pickup baler, pickup chopper, combine, truck, Irriga tion system, full line of machinery, mostly new. $47,500 stocked A equipped or 132.500 ranch alone. TERMS. A REAL VALUE. RTROUT REALTY tQ 13th St, Fh, 25131. M47 IREAL ESTATk. OOONEY DISTRICT two - bedroom home in FOR SALE FARMS JO A. RANCH, fair house end birn. Fam ily orchard, balance under cult. Price 110.000. W. G. KRUEGER Realtor 147 Com'l. Ph. 34728. b247 For Sale or Exchange 363 Acre Ranch Year around creek water right, 160 gal. per minute, permit for dam, 122 acres cultivated. Balance pnsture and timber. 4Vj acres large filberts, 4'.4j acres large Royal Anne cherries, gome large walnut trees and some good mint land. Miles of woven wire fencing. Ma chinery, Including tractor, some stock and chickens. School bus, electricity, phone, and milk route. On paved road, l'-i miles to small town. Lots of deer on ranch. Other game, some fish. Price 134.000. Terms if desired. See owner, Walter Corbet, Room 311 Senator Ho tel, Phone 3-4151. b250 FARM BARGAINS 10 ACRES LOCATED IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSON. Level black loam noil and all can be cultivated. 7 NEW HOUSES, 1 has 2 bdrms., full bath, kitchen, LR. not quite finished but very livable. The other Is livable and mnke a good rental. City water. Price $6500. TERMS $1000 down and $40 a month. 20 ACRES LOCATED NEAR INDEPENDENCE. Level Amity silt soil. Very nice three-bed-Toom home with modern conveniences, barn, gnraite, chicken hse.. work shop, all can be Irrigated. Price 18250. TERMS 11850 DOWN. P.S. (You can also get stock and equipment at a very reason able price.. (OPEN EVES. TILL 8 COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Phone 24552. b247 WELL IMPROVED FARM NORTH. 100 A. all cult., ideally loc. on pavm't. at edge of good town. 4 BR. home, elec. heat, 2-car garage, 8 stanch barn, pltry. hse. Over 15000 was netted here this yr. Priced right at 118,000. SIlRITRRAN FARM SOUTH. 30 acres. Good clay loam, all cult., on pavm't.. 3 wells, good 2 BR. home wired for elec. cooking and heat, attached garage, cow and pltry bids. Finest view site with lge. fir trees. $5500. Terms. LARSEN HOME ii LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 38389. Eve. 37440 b248 FOR SAI.E Large 6 rm. house with bath it utility, elect, water system, poultry house 80x24. sm. barn, stanchions for 8 cows. Lights it water to all build ings. 14 a. of cultlv. land, good soil. Just out of city limits. 2 bus. oil hlway. All for 112.000 $4,000 dn.. bal. on terms. If taken lmmed. will Include about 11.000 worth of fryer growing equip ment. Located In Villa Dlst. on Dallas Snlem Highway. Otis Babcock. Rte. 1. t 453. Dallas b249 FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER One of the last few subur ban tracts. 25 A.. 4 miles from Salem on oiled road. mile from school. This Is view property and very suitable for high etnas homes, 2 good springs. Will sell for $6500 and take a good house trailer or small house as down payment. ft ot balance over 10 years. Ph. 2-5993. bb249' BAnOAIN 4 A.. 1 MI. from sch. Spring water. Priced to sell. Ph. 2-4381. bb349 BY OWNER 30 acres in fast growing Sweale school dlst. Good subdivision property. Ph. 39460 or 35437. bb250' REAL ESTATE TRAILER PARK fto.nno Net $350 month, plui 5 room nouse lor owner. 2 OOOD GROCERY STORES BOTH ON busy street. Excellent equip ment, worth asking price. $1050 CAFE INV. LESS $50 Tent. COAST PROPERTY NEW COURT Best of turn. Take adv. ot slack season prices. Selling for less than cost. Owner back east. HIOH CLASS RESTAURANT 175 FT. FRONT on hwy. 101. Best of equip. Oood building. Terms or trade may be considered. See Ed Luklnbeal. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors Phone 3-9271 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-66M r249 ' ACRE. BLK. CITY Bl8 PLASTERED 2-bdrm. hse. Wired for ranee Full bath, attach, garage, nice barn A chicken hse., fine garden, fruit A shrubs, 17000. Terms. 111.500. SOME TERMS WIDOW must sell. 12 acres, fruit A nuts, balance In cultivation, good 5 rm. house. Wired for ranie, full basement, wood furnace, garage, barn it chicken hse. P4l. 3319. OENERAL REAL EST ATI CO. 251 Center S. 341 REAL ESTATE GEORGE W, HUBBS CO. 1853 N. Capitol, Phone 3-3031 ONLY 11 00 DOWN. 2 Bdrm. home, LR, DR. K., bulKins, full basement, garage fireplace. $8500. Contact us about this at once. $7800 FOR 3 BDR. HOME vita Venetian blinds attached gerage, ill elee. heat. Bus 1 blk. Landscaped, berrlea and fruit trees, small chicken house, picket fence. NEW 1 BDR. BUNG., with LR, comb. DR and K, bulltlni. Bus 1 blk. Oarage. Nice house, weather stripped. $7200. $7500 ENGLISH STYLE HOUSE, S bdr.. LR. DR. K, builtins. Venetian blinds. HW floors. Interior plastered. Oarage. 1mm. poss. But lla blk. Shrubs and trees. 31 ACRES NORTH ON PAVED ROAD. 1 houses close to schools, excellent soli, grade A barn. Will take unimproved acreage close In for trade. Don't delay. This Is a good buyll Evening Phones 2-6862 J. Zeeb 2-5481 F. West McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS 169 South High, Salem. Phone 35131 Oood home. P. H. A. approved committment. $7850. 3 B. R . bath. L. R.. large kitchen, electric heating, utility room, garage on paved street, close to busi ness district. REAL BARGAIN High-type beauty shop. Owner leaving town, excellent location, altuated in new building, fully equipped, five-year lease, with option. GIFT SHOP Also, electric appliances and housewares. 5-year lease, around and approximatey $13,000 Id stock, $1350 In equipment very nice business. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME Nicely arranged modern home. Large rooms, plastered Interior, HW floors, 2 fireplaces, 3 BRs, Bath, LR, DR, K., Nook, bullt-lns, full basement with BR anc party room, storage and utility room, new automatic electric furnace, double garage, very large lot, view of the coast range. COME IN OR CALL 35131 or 38620 Evenings Call 34937 or 37163 P-4,. GRABENHORST SPECIALS Must Be Sold DUPLEX Owners quarters Include 3 bdrtrts., liv. rm., din. rm., kitchen, nook, fireplace, hdwd. firs., basmt., outdoor fireplace. Flat upstairs rents for $75 per mo. and has outside entrance. This la a buy. Call Peter Gelaer. Country Home Located close-In on paved road. 7 ac. with strictly mod. 6-rm. home with 3 bdr ma., dble. plbg,, full basmt., oil fur nace, fireplace and brkfst. nook, dble. garage, barn and chicken house. Year round creek, shade trees. A beautiful country home. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, jr. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 2-2471; Evenings 2-3948, 3-7772, 3-4369, 23-F-I4. 3-8010 For Prompt Courteous Service, List Your Property With Us c247 REIMANN FOR $100 Down $30 per month. Move in tomorrow. Only 3 of these homes, so hurry) Sell or Trade One of the coast's better auto courts. Will trade up to 530.000 for farm. Full price $35,000. Investigate this excellent opportunity. Ho. 780. Lots For as little as 110 down and 110 per month. Located North. See them Today 1 Reimann For Real Estate Evenings and Sunday 3-4638, 3-5905 301 S. High St. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS COMPACT LITTLE 3 bedrm. cottage with 50x137 lot on Falrmount hill. Rents for 965 per month, but owner out of town and wants to sell. Only $4500. NEW 2 BEDRM. HOME south on River Rd. with view. Best of construction, basement with oil furnace and priced $2000 under what you. would expect to pay. $8500. 106 ACRES CLOSE IN 'facing two highways. Has 50 acres under cultivation, bal. beautifully wooded providing numerous attractive building sites. $12,000. SEE THIS SOUL SATISFYING 5Mj acres with a home and plantings auch as you have planned for years. Here it is all ready for you to enjoy from the first day of possession. Very finest soil and surroundings and located on bus line north. $23,500, For these and many more CALL or SEE LEO N .CHILDS, INC., REALTORS "32 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evenings call: 2-5855 or 3-4007 c249 REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS HOME BARGAIN $6950 Off State St. 2-BR plastered mod. home with utll. rm., hdwd. firs. LR. Beautiful picnic grounds with shade trees it ar bors. Here's an opportunity. Let's make an appointment. Has O.I. loan. OWNER BUILT $8500 Here is a real value. 2-BR on 1st floor. Large unf. attic for 2 bdrms. LR. kit., automatic oil furn. Beautiful hdwd. firs. Attached gar. Plenty of fruit & nut trees. Lot (80x150) off "D" St. ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY HOME $9850 LR with beamed celling, wide plank firs., knotty cedar walbi. Attractive f'place. DR, kit., nook, 2 bdrms., full bath, full bsmt. with L. trays. Furnace, etc. Only $4150 down, bal., easy monthly pints, lmmed. possession. INCOME PROPERTY One unit on W. Capitol it one on Center St. These are excellent locations. Stop in it get full details from Mr. Schmidt. FAMILY HARDWARE STORE In good location. Will show good earn ing capacity it unlimited possibilities. Approx. $25,000 for stock A fixtures. 1 Vij AC. CLOSE TO TOWN Lge. old house in good shape. Mod. Very good garden land. Trees, price $6500 will trade for larger place. If none of the above meet your require ments tell us what you want. If we do not already have It listed, we probably know where to find It for you quickly. NELSON & NELSONv Specialising Realtors 702 N. High Phone 3-4622. c247 INCOME PROPERTY on N. Commercial street for $12,000. Two-story house with 2 rentals plus owner's apartment. In come Is 1120. Some furniture Is In cluded. This Is worthy of your Investi gation. 8 Acres between here and Aumsvllle, very good 2-story house, fully plumbed, wired for range, barn, chicken house, good year-round spring. Price $8500. A very desirable property on Garden Road. It's new. lot is 110 by 120. 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, garage. 79-ft. well with 6-ln. casing. Please call for an appointment. In the Kelzer district we offer a new home for $7900. Lot 115x90. 3 bedrooms, living room, dining, kitchen and nook. Venetian blinds. Wired for range. Oil heat and Immediate possession. On Falrmount hill, a pre-war built home Is for sale at 114,700. Drapes, blinds and an automatic washer is Included. There are two large bedrooms with big closets, living room, dining room, kitch en and nook. Lane lot, double garage, everything in excellent condition. We have a real buy on a Beauty Par lor, extra good location. 6 working booths, 2 shampoo booths, new ware machine and a lot of extra equipment. Priced at 15000. 13000 will handle. P. H. BELL, Realtor 361 Chemeketa Street Ph. 34896 or 21543 Eves. 28588. 26686. 37563 c248 CALABA'S COLUMN Suburban North: 1 acre with good 3 B. R. 7 year old mod ern home. acre raspberries. Priced to sell. 18900. Business Zone: Close in. Modern 2 Br. home with base ment. Oood rental investment. Full price. $7500. Jail being finished: New home Englewood district. 3 Bra.. Lr.. Dr., kitchen, bath. Hardwood floors thruout. Auto, piped oil furnace. Fire place. A good buy. 19500. Rudy Calaba & Co. Realtors 331 N. Hlitl St. Phon. 3SJ Eva. 39314 . 3SW3 . 33773. f To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IREAL ESTATE 3-8163 J. Herr. 2-0103 Noonchester Beautiful Modern Ranch Style On view lot. llv. rm.. din. rm., lge. kitchen with disposal unit, auto, washer, dryer and Ironer. Carpeted thruout. 2 lge. bdrms. This Is a real home. Call Earl West. Good 8 Yr. Old Home 2 bdrm. 8 yrs. old, plaster Interior, hdwd. firs. ."nice kitchen, din. rm., room for 2 bdrms. in floored attic. Lot 60x 185 ft., oil furnace.- A better buy on today's market, $8500. Call Roy Ferris. Business Bldg. Excellent location. Best of construc tion, 42x50 ft., good lighting, heat and Plbg. Can be purchased at $2500 down. DON'T MISS IT. A real buy. Call Coburn L. nrnbenlii-it-st.. REAL ESTATE 7 Acres Suburban, with very nice 3 bedroom home wlh double plumbing, full base ment, auto oil heat. Double garage. Very cloee In. Easy terms. No. 301. 2 Bedroom Very modern home with all hardwood floors and auto, oil heat. Nice tile fire place. Englewood school district. Im mediate possession. Easy terms. No. 247. Phone 3-9203 C247- REAL ESTATE ACREAGE BARGAIN 30 acres reduced from 34250 to 33330. Six acres In walnuts, balance food grain land. Nr. Sunnyslde. 31000 down. 3 BEDROOMS $7850 A fine family home with lot, of ahrubs. trees and garden space. Close to sch.. ous and snopping. KINGWOOD SPECIALS Two beautiful -homes, modern to the minute. Delightfully located. One at $15,500, one at 118,500. Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1233 EDOEWATER PH, 3-5109 C248' ONLY $6950 New 2 bdrm. L. R., D. R., kltch. Wired tor range, garage, oio acre, 2 blk. grade school. $8350 New. all electric. 2 bdrm. home, plas tered, knotty pine kltch. and nook, hardwood floors. A very good buy. 31.6 ACRES This farm has a year round creek, 3$ ac. cultivated, house, barn, chick, hse. machine shed, milk house, water Tights go wiui piace. jyhoo. IMM. POSS. $3500 K acre, 3 -room house, garage, very good location, liooo down, 135 mo. BURT PICHA, Realtors PHONE 23649. EVE. 21032 337 N. HIGH STREET C247' BARGAIN Have purchased farm. Will sacrifice 5 room modern 2-bedroom home. A Oood building spot. Evergreen near Bunnyvtew. Only 14950. Terms. HOMEFINDERS REALTY CO. 3815 N. Portland Road. c: WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE between State St Market, east of 14th St., with bmt. or 2 bdrms. with possibility of third bdrm. Up to $9,000 with terms. Open eves, till 8. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552. CB247 FOR 8 ATI tl FACTOR! results list your city, suburban and business properties wito EVERIN REALTY CO. Joe HlmmeL afar. 313 N. Blib St- Ph. 4016; Ires. 1901 WE ARE In need of good bouses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 6. Liberty St. Phone 4131 NOTICE) If your property l for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds ot cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL EXCHANGE one year lease on 3-BR furn. home in Los Angeles, Calif., for one year lease on good ranch near Sa lem. Write D. M. Pankey, 1853 Le moyne St., Los Angeles. cb251 363 Acres Improved Equipped, year around creek, on pave ment. See Walter Corbet, room 311 Ho tel Senator or Phone 3-4151. b250 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DOWN TOWN CAFE $3800 GOOD location and a well paying business for a couple. Exclusive. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8216. fd249 FOR RENT: Small Drlve-ln. Oood spot for used car lot or will sell equipment for drive In. Inquire 1141 James St. Ket ex DUW 00348 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS ONE PERSON can handle. Nice Apparel Shop for Men. Choice location. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 6F11. Rt. 1, Box 343. l mi. N. en Wallace Road. Or Ph. 3-1838 1389 Sixth St. West Salem. cd348 YOUR OWN SHOP Shop st residence on 50x165 lot In gone 8. For 11500 down you can pur chase this fine property only 1 blocks from State tie Commercial. Excellent for light mfg. or repair. House can easily be 3 apt. Chas. Hudkins & Son Realtors 350 N. High St. Phone 3-4139. cd348 FOR SALE WOODWORKING it cabinet shop. Best location in town over six weeks be hind In orders. Reason for selling, in jury. For particulars write MATTSON'S WOODWORKING 1480 Fraklln Ave., Astoria, Ore. cd247 BUSINESS BLDG. Located In choice location North. 3000 sq. ft. floor space. Brand new, almost fireproof, autom. heat. 3 rest rooms, lge. parking lot in rear. To be occupied Nov. 1st. Income $200.00 per month. This is better than lr per month. Tenants pay all utilities. One of the choice Invest ment properties In Salem. Full prlee only 119.000 00. AL ISAAK & CO. Real Estate 3015 Portland Road Phone 3-7830 3-4596 Eve. Sunday: 2-0473 3-3558 FURNITURE FOR SALE USED BARGAINS Hotpolnt electric range $35.00 Lang wood range .' $49.50 General Electric washer $39.50 Duo-Therm oil heater $39.50 Smalt oil heater $12.50 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St. Phone 3-9811. d 8-PC. DINING ROOM SET, 170. Table, bullet & fl Chairs. Mod. Ph. 3-3841. 595 N. 24th. d348 DAVENO Jr CHAIR to match, $40. Dining table, chairs, $20. 770 8. Com'l. d247 COMBINATION MAGAZINE table it nlte stand, walnut. Like new, 1342 Saginaw. d247 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Qlenn at wooary Auction Market. Ph. 6110 da MONEY TO LOAN On Watches, Luggage, Tools A Guns ' We buy for cash. Sell or trade. Sun dale Exchange, 594 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-5511 da TOP PRICES paid for used furniture. ioois ana naraware. cau nr. Reiser. 9BB5 285 N Commercial da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK PUREBRED Guernsey milk cow, 6 yrs. old. Miixea i ids. last, iresnening. rnone 2-2234. e24 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED it LICENSED livestock buyer. O. McCandllsh, 1127 S. 26th. Ph. 3-8147. ea254 E. I. SNETHEN SON, Licensed and Bonded cattle buyers. Ph. 2-1345. ea252 PETS DOGS DOGS DOGS Closing out sale of prize winning stock of Cockers and Terriers. Over 150 beau tiful dogs to choose from. Range In price from $1 up to 123 each. Ph. 24552, eves. 26923. ec248 FUEL YOU HAUL DRY WOOD 2575 MISSION GOOD, clean, fresh cut screened sawdust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533. ee2B6 TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh Cut Sawdust Dry 18" Millwood Ask for S a n Green Stamps Prompt Delivery - Ph. 3-6683 West Salem Fuel Co. lfl-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD 16 -IN CLEAN. NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone : Salem 3-4031 tlso pick up wood at 1525 Edge water St. W Salem ee 16-IN. GREEN edging 15.50 a load. Dbl. load 110.00. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 3-3533. ee264 GOOD DRY lfl" edgings, also green it dry 16" slab. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 3-5533. ee264 16" OLD FIR, dry second growth, dry or green slab wood, fresh sawdust, also old fir knots it limb wood. Maker, Ph. 37868. ee247 CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT 6AWDUBT Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS. W.ellj Batches Nt Hampshire. Ph. 33861. Lee's Hatcherr. f PRODUCE GRAPES AND SQUASH Business hours, week days after 5 p. m. Open all day Saturdays and Sundays. Grapes 6c lb. already picked, 2 miles north of West Salem on Wallace road and turn right 1 ml. toward river. Loucks' Vineyard it Gardens, Rt. 1. Salem. Ph. 2-0217. H248 FOR SALE: Cucumbers 2c lb.. U-plck. Ar thur Evans, Rt. 2, Box 284, Salem, at Clearlake. ff252 TOMATOES, U pick or picked. Frlgaards Fruit Stand, H ml. north of Keller school. Bring boxes. ff24S APPLES Choice Spitzenberg, delivered anywhere In Salem. Call 2-4280. f 1349 GRAPES H-PICK. 4c lb. Out W. Salem 3 mi. on Wallace Rd. 1 ml. River Bend Sand A Gravel Rd. Box 191A. A. E. Pelker. ff354 WALNUTS, you pick. Sliver Heights ranch. 1 mile West of Shaw. ff248 WANTED Apples to pick. Kings it oth ers. Ph. 2-2323. ff24a' HELP WANTED MAN AND WIFE or housekeeper for home with children. Good wages and room and board. 3915 N. River rd. g252 NUT PICKERS wanted. 3410 Sunnyvlew. Dial 21308. g349 FILBERT WALNUT PICKERS, S'fc miles northeast of Fairgrounds on Bilverton highway. Frank E. Way. g248 19 CHEVROLET truck. Sell or trade for Model A. At Pen 4-Corners, last house right side of Durbln Ave. L. D. Un derwood, Rt. 6. Box 95S. g348 FILBERT PICKERS. 34c lb. H. P. Han sen. Out Stlv. hlway, 1st cross rd. to right after crossing Pudding River bridge, 3rd house. Rt. 6, Box 397. Ph. 23078 evenings after 7. g347 FILBERT PICKERS, 23 A good picking. Joe Ryan, 1 ml. East of Wheatland Fer ry. Salem Ph. 3-1346. g247 NUT PICKERS. Ph. 31161 Eve. HELP WANTED MALE RELIABLE ABLE BODIED MAN, aae 35 to 45 yrs., for concrete product manu facturing ft delivery service. Ooodes msn Vault Co.. Rt. 4, Box 306, Boone Road. Salem. Oregon. ga248 EXPERIENCED motor tuneup man. Oood working cond. Oood wages. See Tommy Thompson. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 310 N. Commercial Si. ga249 EXP. DONVT CUTTER. 3362 No. Front St. after 8 p.m. ga349 WANTED: Journeyman Form Carpen ters. Long Job. Good wages. J. O. Watts Construction Co, 110 Bo. 30th St.. Cor vauta, Oregon. tusi HELP WANTED MALE EJtP. INT. truck and tractor mechanic, Only exp. need apply. See Mr. Orr, ' shop foreman. James n. Maaen co., 2953 Bilverton road. ga247 HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL WANTED for light housework and care oi cmiaren. GIRL FOR PART TIME. Steographical A general office work. Call 23847 morn, for aPPt. "0 RELIABLE WOMAN for general house work. Oood wages. Write 412 Bhelton Bt. or phone 2238. Dallas. Oregon EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Commercial Placement Agency Technical Sales Clerical Prompt, Friendly Service No Charge to Employers 300 State Street Ph. 1-1481. glial- WANTED PUMIiUro VAN GRIFFITH, builders, finishing. new buildings, remoaeiing. rn, s-ua. h349 WILL TAKE care of 3 children from 3 to 4 yrs., ft days wee, do. oaiem. rnone 3-7B57. h' EXFER. STENO. and bookkeeper desires employment, 40 hour week preferred. Write Box 39. Capital Journal. h35 WELL EXP. young lady wishes light housework it care for children for working parents. 0 day wk. Oo home eves. No phone alls. 457 a. Com'l. Mrs. Vollmer. h247 BABY sitting. Ph. 3-6822. INTERIOR painting. Exp Ph. 3-8796. TREE WORK, trimming, removing. Insur ed operator. Free Estimates. John Payne. Ph. 26014 . 248 8. Church. h25S ALBERT BRANT, bldg. contractor, 510 Beck Ave. Phone 3-1135. Res. it Comm. constd it repair. Attr. rates. Immediate service. h26l LANDSCAPING, new lawns, planting, ,TKf rototllling, grading, tree trimming. Rich- ard Boyer. Ph. 3-2256. h249 WANTED, FURNITURE to flue i Lee Bros's. Ph. 21233. BABY SITTING. Ph. 30580 or 33991. hKl AFIO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray Etter. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101 TREE WORK, trimming, topping, felling, removing. Ins. oper. Free est, W. H. McAllister, 840 Trade St. Pb. 31496. h353 INSIDE painting done any place at any time to suit your pocket. Ph. 3-3081. Mr, J. E. Savoy h24B CARPENTER. Experienced, finished work, new work, remodeling. Ph. 2-4208. h348 CARE FOR children In my home. I mon. to 5 yrs. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 26876. h248a WANTED Carpenter work. Phone 3-4904. Repair, alternation. h248 St. or call 23069. h249 WANTED Position as church Janitor. Mr. and Mrs. L. Chrlatenson, 898 Breys Ave. h249 WILL DO TYPING In my home. 3030 Brooks St. Turn right at 3900 Brooks h362 FAPERHANGING: Painting, Kemtonlng. C. T. Hall. Ph. J173D. h249 YOUNG WOMAN experienced In general office and sales wants work. Civil serv ice rating. Phone 2-7977. h248 DAY CARE for your child In my home. 1125 Columbia St. h34S WANT TO BUILD or help build home by the hour. 1145 James St., Kelser Dlst. h24I PAINTER wants work. Ress. rates. Ph. 32183. hJ48 Attention: SHIPPERS and TRUCKERS Traffic and Office Manager, experienced in truck transportation office proced ure, including payroll, accounting, O. S. it D. and claims, billing; also, have working knowledge of tariffs. I am looking for a permanent position with a future In Salem or Portland or inter mediate points. Please write Box 81, Scotts Mills, for interview. h253 GIRL WITH several years' college and business exp. desires position as recep tionist in doctor's office. Write Box Capital Journal. h248 HOME REPAIRS and Temodeling by Al bert Brant, builder, 510 Beck ave. Phone 21125. Immediate service. Only 10" down, up to 36 mos. on bal. h272 HOME OWNERS . ATTENTION Sidewalks & Driveways Repaired or poured new Call lor asttmete now. . Ph. 3-6333 or 3-1737. 1,351 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRAC. slD. rm.. modern home, enod heat, plenty hot water. 745 N. Church. Jg24B ROOM for man at 1143 Oak. NICE SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman. PH. 3-1558. )k351 WARM, ATTRACTIVE RM. for employed gentlemen, not water always available. Close in. 1143 S. Liberty. Jk24B ROOM for rent to business man. 110 veil ll rd. off Wallace rd., W. Salem. jk24T SLEEPING ROOM for business gentle man witn neat, not a com water. 253 Center St. Jk247" SLPG. RM. for men. Ph. 39058. 39ft N. 14th JM5B" HOLLYWOOD, sip. rnu. Ph. 38093, Jk333 FOR RENT APARTMENTS MODERN CABINS, oil heat, hot water. garage, aaco a. Commercial St. . Jp249 SMALL APT., nicely furn. Suitable for 1 Business gin. 435 H. Winter. jp247 FURN. 3 rms. Prlv, bath, gar. Castle Hall, 99E, 3 ml. S. State St. Jp252 WANTED 2-rm. apt. Near bus & hospital. iw n. ajra St. pn. 38048. Jp248 APARTMENT in Portland to exchange lor apt. in Salem. Box 36 Capital Jour nal. Jp34B HOLLYWOOD AFT. 2 rm. H bath. Phone 3-8093. Jp350 CLEAN, quiet, warm 1-rm. apt. Middle - agea iaoy. eta Ferry. Jp247" DOUBLE and singles. All modern. Elec. neat, city and school bus. 3580 8. Com). v JP348" FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT & rooms and bath, nnfurn. house, laundry trays, elect, water heat er, $48.50 per mo., 14 ml. E. city lim its. Ph. 2-3649. Burt Picha, Realtors. 337 N. High St. Jm249 CLEAN t-FAMILY home 3-bdrms., full basement, auto. heat. 3-rm. apt. No drinkers. 1105 Leslie St. jm348 SUBURBAN HOUSE for rent. Ph. 3-4361. Jm248 CLEAN t-FAMILY home 3-bdnni. 3-rm. apt. No drinkers. 1105 Leslie St. Jm247 NEW 3-BDRM. hse. for lease. Call at 450 Tryon Ave.. Salem. jm ONE OR TWO ROOM apts. No cooking fa cilities. Private shower it garage. Forest Lane Motel. 99E, North at Lancaster Drive. Jm247 t-BCDROOM home, unfurn. 3X0 Veall rd. off Wallace road, W. Salem. Jm247 WORKING GIRL to share small house. Ph. 3-6766. Jm249 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Store bldg. in heart of Wood bum on Front St. Suitable for restau rant with draft beer available or for any other type business. E. E. Piper. Ph. Hubbard 4203 or Woodburn, Main 343. ' J249 TOOLS Keith Brown. Paint sprayer, linoleum roller, asphalt tile cutter, calking gun. linoleum scribing toot, floor sender, floor edger. Keith Brown Lum ber Yard. Front Court Ste. Ph. 3-9183. J' WILL STORE small piano, or willing to pay rent for use of same. Write box 37. Capital Journal. 1248" VANS RADIO shop at Vans Corner, West Salem. Or suitable for other retail store. Dial 34011. J249 (Continued on Page 19)