Local Paragraphs Corners Barricaded Both the southeast and the southwest corners of. the State and Liberty street Intersection are barricad ed because of construction op erations. Flush with the side walk edge covered pedestrian lanes have been built for con struction of the Hawkins & Rob erts building that is to replace the old Guardian building, and on the opposite corner the Liv esley building Is undergoing main floor remodeling for the Stevens & Son jewelry firm. Porter Rites Held Final rites f,ir Mrs. Eva Mabel Porter, 67, who died in Salem, were held at McMinnville with burial in the Masonic cemetery. She was the mother of David W. Porter, Salem and Laurence F. Porter, Lafayette. Mrs. Porter, who was born in Iowa in 1880, had made her home here the last four ears and previously was a resi dent of Dayton and Lethbridge, Canada. She was married to Walter Porter in 1904. He died in 1941. She was a member of the Eastern Star in Iowa and the Methodist church. Also sur viving are a brother and sister, both in Iowa. Back From Roseburg Wil liam Wharton, who has been vis iting in Roseburg at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wharton, has returned to Salem. Committee Files Certificate of assumed business name for Salem Development committee has been filed with the county clerk by Jack A. Frisbie, 1000 Garnet street, Salem. Quits Surplus Store Certifi cate of retirement from Salem Surplus store which he has been conducting with R. A. Green as co-partner, has been filed with me county cierK by Charles A. Brown. Log Permits Given Freeman Gatchet, 1434 Pine street, Sil verton, has been granted a county court permit to haul logs, and Bert J. Oiler, Silver Edge Trailer Park, Silverton, a permit to haul logs and piling. Folk Dance Club A group of persons interested in the forma tion of a folk dance organization met at the YMCA Thursday night to discuss the program. Saturday night the committee will discuss the program with a representative group from Port land. The night of October 23 an open meeting will be held which will be open to those in terested in such an activity. John Black of the Richmond school has been named tempor ary chairman of the committee on plans. Associated with him are Neil Brown, assistant prin cipal at Parrish; Mrs. Lovald of the Sons of Norway; Carlton Greider, member of the YMCA board and Ellen Sangster of the YWCA. Sylvia Kepelstad, for mor school teacher in Norway, and a recent newcomer to Sa lem, will instruct in Norwegian folk dances. Jaycee Division Gordon Keith, president of the Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce, today announced the name of the first new member to be add ed during a membership drive of the club. The new applica tion came from the Rev. John Goodenberger, assistant pastor of the First Presbyterian church. General Dismissals Leaving the Salem General hospital with recently born babies are Mrs, Aurelio Calumpit and daughter, route 2; Mrs. B. F. Meeks and son, 1935 Center; Mrs. E. M. Tib- bits and daughter, 399 Mission, and Mrs. B. R. Best and daugh ter, Independence. Bike Recovered Mrs. Walter Gagle, 2706 Brooks, reported to police Thursday that a bicycle which had been stolen from her , son had been recovered by Al- len Mead, 2415 N. Fifth. She said the Mead boy forcibly re trieved the cycle from another boy, but asked police to find the thief as the machine had been damaged. . Building Permits A M. Han sen, to build a one-story dwell ing and garage at 1075 Howard, $8500. W. F, Browning, to alter a one-story dwelling at 910 South 21st, $400. Neva Wool ery, to reroof a two-story dwell ing at 1570 South Commercial, $150. Claude Boone, to alter a -story dwelling at 2049 State, $1000. Hugglns Insur ance Agency, to build an office building at 375 North Church, $20,000. William GUlings, to reroof a garage at 1805 South High, $50. James D. Mitchell, to build a one-story dwelling at 2320 Adams, $3800. BORN POTKRBOH To Mr; end Mri. John F-etenon. 115 Abrenu Roid, a ion it -lem Memorm noipuil. UTRINBOCK To Mr. and Mrl. Abe attlnbock, 3210 Breymin itreet, a daugh ter at Salem Memorial hospital. BATBS To Mr. and Mr. Albert BateJ. route 3, box 66, Turner, a daufhter at Salem Memorial hoapltal. POWELL To Mr. and Mr. Byrle Pow ell. 66 Abrama Ave., a dauihter, at the Salem Memorial hoapltal. WITHERS To Mr. and Mre. larl With ere, route I, box 739. a dauihter at the TSnlem Memorlil hMpltal. FELLOWS To Mr. and Mr. Mill Pel lowj. selo. It the Salem Central aupltll, a nrl, ootobir It. Gabriel Case Dismissed The city court case involving E. B. iiaDriel on a charge of interfer ing with a police officer at tempting to make an arrest has been dismissed on motion of City Attorney Chris J. Kowitz. The case was scheduled for jury trial Thursday. Initiation Held Girls' Let ter club at Salem high school Thursday, initiated 48 new members, including 40 sopho mores, 5 juniors, and three sen iors. Ruth Kneft and Sophia Polales were named the out standing sopohomore girls. Peg gy Meyers is president of the club. To be eligible for the club a girl must earn 100 points in her activities. Another in itiation will be staged in mid winter. Mrs. Myllenbeck Dies Mrs. P. A. Myllenbeck, who was known in the Salem and Silver- ton communities, died October 6 in Seattle, and funeral rites and interment were la Snohom ish, Wash., October 9. Mrs. Myl lenbeck was the mother of Mrs Nina Adams, former Salem res ident who was for many years with the Capital Journal print ing department. She is now with the Seattle Times. Among other survivors of Mrs. My lien- beck is her husband Had she lived a few weeks longer they would have celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Drunk Teenager Fined A 17-year-old boy from Neotsu was listed on police records Fri day as being found guilty of a drunk and disorderly charge for which he was fined $40. Norwegian Pictures Motion pictures taken during a three- months tour of Norway by Mrs. Louise Arneson were shown for the benefit of the Salem Board of Realtors during their lunch eon Friday noon. Many scenes taken under a "midnight sun," depicted the mountainous nature of the country. Mrs. Arneson said, that in spite of discourage ments and threat of war the Nor wegians were hopefu' of again living a normal life. The gov ernment is currently taking 62 per cent of salaries in an ef fort to put the country on a sound financial basis. Plan Ceramics Class The Salem Art association reports a second class in ceramics is to begin Thursday, October 21, in the art department of Willam ette university with Ivan Hous er of the Old Colony potteries of Aurora as teacher. Those in terested are asked to notify Da vid Duniway, state archivist, room 7, basement of the State Library building. An introduc tory lecture will be given next Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Wil lamette art department, the class opening Thursday. Camera Clinic Files Certifi cate of assumed business name for Camera Clinic, camera and projector repair, has been filed with the county clerk by Roy T. and Gladys K. Todd, 1560 N. 17th street. Electric Firm Change Leon L. Andrews has filed a certifi cate of assumed business name with the county clerk for Mar ion Electric company, electrical supplies and contracting. J. A. Gorton, former partner, is re tiring from the same firm. On Business Trip County Commissioner Ed Rogers left for Seattle Friday morning on a business trip. S & N Clothiers, the only men's store in Salem giving S it H Green Stamps. 247' ' Silver Falls Lodge open Sun days for dinner, 1 to 8 p.m. 248 FILL DIRT wanted Ph. 36196 or 33424. cheap. 248 Thor Washer and Thor Glad iron, recent models. Ex. cond. 555 Marion. Mgrs. Apt. 247" LAUNDERETTE, 1255 Ferry. 247' Johns-Manville Shingles ap plied right over your old roof. We might not be able to apply your new roof immediately, but by waiting for us to do your job you will have the best on the market. Free estimates gladly given. Ph. 3-4642. Mathij Bros., 164 South Commercial. 247 Dr. Rollin E. Baker, dentist, has opened his office at 2O0A Llvesley building for practice confined to full dentures and partial dentures. Phone 25271. 248 Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730. 247 All help report Mon., 8 a.m. Marion Creamery Sc Poultry Co. 945 N. Com'l. 247' Karagul Karpet It's new, it's reversible, it's 100 virgin wool and woven through and through and only $4.95 per sq. yd. Ph. 3-7648 or 3-3364 260 Insured savings earn more than two percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association, 560 State street. 3 Men File for West Salem Council Three new candidates for seats on the West Salem city i council filed Friday morning, bringing competition for all po sitions as the three incumbents previously had filed for re-elec tion. Filing today were L. F. Sher idan, C A. Ruft and L. Copen haver. Incumbents are Roy Ste vens, Donald Kuhn and Dr. A. F. Goffier. Mayor Walter Musgrave has filed for re-election and is be ing opposed by W. S. Hise, who has one more year to serve on the council. Accountants Retire Charles R. Brown and R. A. Green have filed with the county clerk a certificate showing their retire ment from Capital Accounting Service. License Approved Restaur aunt license application has been approved by the county court for George P. and Grace V. Dwyer, 3725 Portland road. Prepare Poll Books A crew at the county clerk's office is preparing the poll books for the 92 voting precincts of the coun ty to be sent out when the bal lot boxes are distributed for the November election. The books pnrrv nil nf tho names of reeis- terert voters for the resDective precincts. . Back to Army Lascoe Gil bert, Ft. Lewis, Wash., booked at the sheriffs office on a charge of being absent without leave, has been turned over to army authorities. Administrators Meet The annual conference of Oregon school administrators will be held here Monday and Tuesday Among problems to be discussed at the two-day conference will be that of financing new build ings to meet the demand im posed on schools by a rapidly expanding population. In addi tion to the educators prominent farm, labor and industrial lead ers will take part in the discus sions. Pomona Grange Meets Morton Tompkins, stale grange master, will be the principal speaker on the lecturer's hour at the meeting of Mar ion coun ty Pomona grange at the Silver ton Hills Grange hall Wednes day starting at 10:30 o'clock. Tompkins will discuss the legis lative program of the state Grange with special emphasis on the referred SB an wnicn amends the state hydroelectric act. W. M. Tate, Pomona mas ter announces that the portion of the meeting when Tompkins speaks will be open to the pub lic starting at 1:15 o'clock. Mrs, Cornelius Bateson is acting lec turer. The Silverton Hills Grange hall is eight miles south east of Silverton on the Silver Falls highway. Californians Injured Mr. and Mrs. George U. Simmons, Hollywood, Calif., are patients at the Salem Memorial hospital after their automobile went over an embankment south of Sa lem. Simmons received chest and other injuries and Mrs. Sim mons a fracture of both arms. Simmons, who was on his way to Seattle, is business repre sentative of Southern California Waiters Alliance, AFL. Hospital Dismissals Leav ing the Salem Memorial for home are Mrs. Norris Walen Mrs. William Schmidt and Mrs. Milford Barnes, all with infant daughters and Mrs. Lewis Pat terson and infant son. Gilmore's up - stairs Dress Shop, 439 Court. New shipment of suits, coats, dresses, fine se lection. Half sizes and regular. 247 Walton's Cafe, 223 Chemeke- ta will remain open on Sunday beginning Oct. 17th. 247 Auto glass installed. Floor sanders for rent. R. D. Wood- row, 450 Center street. 247 Air-steamship tickets, Kugel, 735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7694 247 Home made bread, rolls, cakes, pies, etc. Only farm fresh eggs and fresh milk are used in our baking. 1376 N Church. Phone 3-8645 247 All help report Mon., 8 a m Marion Creamery & Poultry Co 945 N. Com'l. 247 Young Tom Turkeys, 45c lb. Buy Now for Thanksgiving and save $1.50 to $2.00 per bird Also cow front quarters of beef, 35c lb. C. S. Orwig Co., 4375 Silverton Road. Ph. 26128. 247 Jim Sc Helen's Coffee Shop, 309 S. Winter will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 a.m. beginning Mon Oct. 18. Serving waffles; break fast, dinners & short orders Ph. 25673. 248 Salem's largest, moat com plete stock, unfinished furni ture; 20 off, Woodrows, 450 Center. 247 Reductions up to 80 in dec oraior waupapers. Come see our new fall pattern Wallpa per Dept. R. L. lUfstrom Co 340 Court. 250 7 - I II, I'd' . J Major General Albert E. Brown, commanding officer of the Northern Military district, Sixth army, with headquar ters at Vancouver barracks, will be the speaker Monday at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon. General Brown's subject will be "The Political Situation in Korea," based on a period of service in that country. Military Men and Veterans Friday. October IS Salem Seabee unit at Building T-514, Salem airport. Monday, October 18 Companies B and O and head quarters detachment, Oregon Na tional (juaia, at saiem armory. Capital post No. 9. American Legion, at .American Legion, hall on South Commercial street. Pioneer post No. 149. American Legion, at American Legion hall on South Commercial street. Infantry battalion, 635th com posite group, Army Reserve, at Army Keserve quonsec nuts at r.iu pjn. - Sewer Is Installed Installa tion of 650 feet of drainage sew er on Sixth street between Rosemont and Senate streets has been completed in West Salem. The 12-inch line, ex tending nearly three blocks, will relieve flooding c the large area at the foot of Kingwood Heights. Work started about three weeks ago with Polk county and West Salem financ ing the work which was in charge of a city crew. Escaped Youths Captured Four of six youths who escap ed from the Oregon training school at Woodburn were cap tured by police in Eugene yes terday. State police said they were in a stolen automobile with small arms, ammunition and stolen clothing. The youths were being questioned before return to Woodburn. The other two were captured earlier. Salem Court News Circuit Court Mabel O. v ThomM J. Stamp, applica tion for trial. Paclfio Trader. Inc., v Rey Clerk Bever and Inga N. Bever. default Judg ment for 1U77 alleg-ed due plaintiff Irom defendant. Walter I. vs Nellie May Allen, divorce complaint allege desertion. Married Oc tober S, at Lexington, Neb. Marion County v Paulu Brother Pack ing company and others, default a to Qeneral Construction company entered. .iirV AnHnrann vs. Georae T. Lund, complaint for 472B plus interest alleged auo on a note. Wayne Wrlaht vs. Earl and Lester Shrull. complaint seeking to enjoin de fendants Irom entering onto piainim premises. Laura McPhee vs. Elmer R. and Anna M. Stauffer verdict of Jury for defen dant In accident damage case in which plaintiff asked 16,ooo general and $1000 special namBRes. im ; it- trial In the previous proceedings a non suit being had. Reta M. Beard vs W. H. Foster, appui cation for trial. Juanlta Vivian vs Albert Kldon John ton, application for trial. Anna M Hansen v Paclfio Greyhound a.swer of Pacific Qreyhound lines alleges Donald W. Billings, driver for the Jour nal Oarage company, wa negligent in an accident south of Salem Nov. s, 1047, ana that aji far a the defendant wa con cerned the accident was unavoidable and accidental. State v Kenneth E. Allen, order to re turn I1S0 ball to Sam Allen, grand Jury havint returned a not true bill a to Kenneth E. Allen. State v Everett Baker charged- with malicious destruction of property, case transferred to Juvenile court. Mid-Valley Lumber company vs Mary Mac Lumber company, 'default for $1345.19 and Interest. Severin Lange vs C. M. Powell and others, answer of defendants Jack and Arlyne Parson alleging they have per formed all their share of a lease agree met and ask dismissal of tha com plaint as to themselves. appna Marlon County vs Paulu Brothers1 Packing company and other, order de olare all defendant In default with ex ception of Paulu Bros. Packing company and ordered that 1460 tendered by Marlon county be retained by the clerk until right of way matters for Indepn dence bridge involved In the suit be deter mined by the court. Pearl M. Btanton v Harvey H. S'an ton and United State National bank, de cree of divorce to plaintiff, property set tlement confirmed, plaintiff restored for mer name of Pearl M Arnold and suit dis missed a to defendant United States National bank. Probate Court Edward E. Emery euardtanahiD. Pioneer iTusi company named guardian. Adolph Fd Kuenel etat valued 15000, Anna Elizabeth Kuensi named exec utrix, and Dorothy Crawford, Mary Bean ana jonn r. stelehemmer appraisers. Mary C. Warnkk estate, supplemental final account filed by John and flenah rnurman, executors, and closing order Is sued. Harry L. Bancroft estate, no Inhcrl (nee tax jound on $7330.34 net taxable estate. Fannie Kay Buihop estate, final ac count shows receipts or 171. 03 1.02 and disbursements of 144.565 51 leaving 13, 473.47 cash on hand. Tha account also 19 P-T Associations Working in County The county has 19 organized Parent-Teacher association units and two more may be added in the near future, it developed during a recent meeting of the Marion county council PTA held at the First Christian church in Salem. The Marion county council is represented by six persons on the state board. The program during the re cent meeting included piano so los by Miss Dorothy Peterson and a talk by Miss Muriel Ben son on "Reading Readiness." Miss Peterson stressed the im portant things children should know before they are ready for school. Air Defenses (Continued from Page 1) The B-50 is a radically chang ed version of the wartime B-29. It has a top speed of 400 miles an hour, a 10-ton bomb capacity and, the air force says, can reach targets "over 2300 miles" from the take-off point. Training Missions While B-50s have been in use by the air force for several months they never have been flown under Arctic conditions. This, said the air force, is the purpose of the training missions to Alaska, including studies to get the longest range out of the planes through fuel-conservation technique. Similar training was conduct ed last winter with the older B-29s. Georgianna Byrn Passes at Age of 82 Death Thursday claimed a na tive Salemite, Georgianna Byrn. Miss Byrn, who was 82 years of age, died at her home at 1095 North Broadway street. The daughter of the late ban dy Byrn, who came to Salem in the early 1860 s, and Roseanna Spong Byrn, who came to Sa lem in 1852, Miss Byrn was born in Salem July 15, 1866. Surviving are a sister, De tonia Byrn of Salem; two nieces, Mrs. J. H. Housman and Mrs. Hollis Heath, both of Portland; a nephew, Roy Glover of Salem, and a cousin, Jack Spong of Sa lem. Funeral services will be held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Monday, October 18, at 10:30 a.m. with interment at Belcrest Memorial park. Rev. Dudley Strain will officiate at the rites. shows remaining In the estate In addi tion to the cash on hand property valued at $02,329.14 which Includes stocks, bonds, and real property. Final hearing Is aet for November 18. Earl Wilcox Bnell entate, $774.36 Inheri tance tax determined on a net taxable estate of $63,463.03. Joseph Rund estate appraised at 8096.80 by W. O. Krueger, Clarence Byrd and Thomas M. Streeter. Kay Wellington Watson guardianship, Pioneer Trust company, guardian, au- thorlged to invest certain guardianship funds. District Court No brake: Gerald R. Lewin, fined 15 and costs. No mud flana: Jame H. Burrel, SBS N. High, fined 15 and cost, fine suspended, Pojweion of china hen in closed season: Lloyd M. Wlckett, route 1, Jefferon, fined 150 and cost and fined 135 and cost on second charge of no hunting llcenae; Robert C. Qualaey, route 1, Jefferon, fined 150 and cast. No driver' license: William S. Hunter. 95 Robert fined II and costs; Lavonne Peter. Turner, fined tl and cost; Roland O. Bowman, 3775 N. River road. fined 11 and costs. Violation of banks speed rule: Carl L. Maxwell, 1583 Franklin, fined $10 and costs. Assault and battery: Marvin Dittos, trial held, found not guilty. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor: Duane H. Smith, continued for plea until Oct. 18, held on $3500 ball. Police Court Illegal reverse turn: Emmet L. Gilmer, 1013 7th, ball $3.80. Violation of basic speed rule: Willie H Sc hater, Rt. 3, ball $7.50; Robert L. Kroeplln. 791 Gerth. fined 110; Evan D. Pruitt, Portland, ball 17.50; James E. Aaron. Seattle, bail 110: Allan J. More- lock. Sweet Home, bail 110; Leonard O. Wittenberg. 1369 fl. 13th, cited; Paul V. Neier, 3390 Silverton road, fined $10. Marriage Licenses William August Bolmeler, Jr., 35. station attendant Standard Dll company, Silver ton, and O era I dine Louise Thomas, 17, typist and file clerk, Salem. Enos Harold Gwlnn, 33, farmtr, route 1, Rlckreall. and Jacqueline R. McCaulav. 34, itudnt, Salem. James Scott B rem mer, 32, meat cutter, and Corlnne A. Lowry, 18, filing clerk, both Salem. Fred WUmes, 33, farmer, and Patricii Leavy, 23, at home, both rout 1, Aurora, Lorla Orvllle Orttton. 39. farmer, and Mary Louise McDanlel, 17, housewife, both route 1, Salem. Ivan Elvie Korb, 41. bartender, and Pre id a Ann Burns, 34, telephone operator, both Salem. Robert M. H ask Ins, 36, truck driver, Portland, and Leatta Bignell, 31, tele phone operator, Salem. Charles Calvin Collier, Arlene Fay Peterson, '. Turner. , lOMer, and clerg, both Larry Anthony Hoffman. 31. fsrmer. route 1, and Helen Jean Faulluber, 18, at home, both Mt. Ansel. Elmer Rankin, 41, promotion man. and Olndy Dortha Doherty, 44, bookkeeper, both Portland. Bartell Francis Sherman, 35, mdr editor, Rome. N. V., and Phyllis Esialle Wolf, 31, nurse, Oervsls. Donald R. McMsrttn. 35. office clerk. St. Thomas. N. D. and Helen Joyce Werner, 30, student, Woodburn. Dewey Target (Continued from Page 1) Lockwood added that Dewey also will talk about "the devel opment of a prosperous agricul ture, aided by price supports, soil conservation programs and rural electrification to feed the people of our country and help to feed the world." But it was the foreign policy question that topped all others in interest as Dewey cut across Minnesota for first rear plat form talks and off-t rain speeches at Owatonna and Man kato. Dewey had the double-barrelled job of making not only his own views clear but of urg ing the election of Sen Joseph Ball, who bolted the 1944 Dew-ey-Bricker ticket but is back in the GOP fold this year. Ball has seldom seen eye to eye to what the New York gov ernor's supporters call Dewey's "internationalist" views on for eign policy. The New York governor con tinued in Kansas City last night his attack on the Truman admin istration's handling of foreign affairs. "Whatever may be its inten tions," Dewey said of the pres ent administration, "the tragic fact is that it is not strengthen ing America." Speaking on "good govern ment" in the home bailiwick of the Pendergast organization of which Mr. Truman has been a member Dewey told a crowd of 15.000 persons which over flowed the Municipal audi torium: "You have known how bad government can be. You rose up and threw it out and you know how good government can be." To Bury Cable Permit for a buried cable telephone line in the Chemawa area has been granted by the county court to the Pacific Telephone & Tele graph company. Stocks Quotations (By the Associated Pre) American Can 81 Am Pow tt Lt 10' i Am Tel St Tel l'.s Anaconda 37 Bcndlx Aviation 36 'i Beth Steel 37 Boeing Airplane 24 s; Calif Packing 39', Tanadian Paclfio 14 Case J I 40 Caterpillar S Chrysler 59 Com with St Sou Ji Cons Vultea OH Continental Can 35 Crown Zellerbach 2t Curtis Wright 10 Douglas Aircraft 58 Dupont de Nem 171 General Electric 40H General Foods 38 General Motors ti2H Goodyear Tire , 48 Int Harvester 2BU Int Pnper 59 'j Kennecott 594 Llbby McN te L 91, Lona Bell "A" 37 i Montgomery Ward 58't Nash Kclvlnator 18 Nat Dairy 27Ti NY Central lhi Northern Pacific 20 Pac Am Fish Pac Gas St Flea 33 s. Pac Tel & Tel Penny J O 47 Radio Corp 13li Rayonler 33', Rayonier Pfd Reynold Metals 12 H Richfield . . 33' Safeway Store lV'-i Sear Roebuck 2t Southern Paclfio 58 Standard Oil Cal 7u'.i Studebaker Corp 31 Sunshine Mining 10 Tranamerlca 11 I'nlon Oil Oal 32 Union Pacific 00 United Airline 11 U. S. Steel 82 Warner Bros Plo 10 Wool worth 45 1 DEATHS Mrs. Fannie Eddy In this city October 13. Mrs. Fannie Eddy, late resident of Monmouth, at the age of 74 years. Survived by three sisters, Mrs. Elsie O'Rourke and Mrs. Ed Lentt, both of Monmouth and Mrs. Claude Jar man of Portland; two grandsons, Phillip Eddy and Arthur Eddy, both of Corval lls; a great grandchild and several nieces and nephews. Announcement of services later by W. T. Rlgdon company. Georganna Byrn Oeorganna Byrn, at the residence, 1095 North Broadway. October 14, at tha age of 83 years. Survived by a sister, De tonla Byrn of Salem; two nieces, Mrs. J. H, Housman and Mrs. Hollls Heath, both of Portland; a nephew. Roy Glover of Snlem; and a cousin, Jack Bpong of Sa lem. Services will he held at the Colush Barrlck chapel Monday, October 18, at 10:30 a.m. with interment at Bnlcrest Memorial park. Rev. Dudley Strain will officiate. Mrs. Leah F. Leal ham At a local hospital October 14, Leah F. Lralham of Junction City, Ore. Sur vived by husband. Warren, of Junction City; son. Michael of Junction City; father. Haymod Orover: sisters, Mrs. Ua McBride, Miss Ona Orover. and Miss Belva Grover; brothers, Howard, Kent and Leslie Orover, all of Archer. Idaho. Announcements later by Clough-Barrick company. George Waller Reeve At a hospital October 14, Oeorge Walter Reeve. 455 Vista. Survived by wife, Ea iher Elizabeth Reeves of Salem; daugh ters, Mrs. Ruth Etlert ot flilem, Mrs. Inez Brster of Portland, and Mrs. Ber nlce Nflson of Salem; sons, Harold W Reeve of Springfield. Ore., and Loren W. Rreve of St. Helens, Ore.; eight grand children and two great-grandchildren. Annoucement later by Clough-Barrick company. Prices Greatly Reduced on All Oil CIRCULATORS At RAY L. FARMER HARDWARE CO. 286$ Silverton Road Opp. Stnte Fair Grounds Buy Where You Can Park Buy Where You Can Save Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., John Tho mac McPhee At the residence, 3280 Portland Road. October 15, John Thomas McPhee. at the aie nf 53 yrar. Survived by hi wife, Catherine McPhee; two daughter, Irene McPhee and Faye McPhee. both of Sa lem; and a brother. Earnest McPhee of Pittsburgh. Pa. Shipment will be by W. T. RiBdon company to Tarentum. Pa . for act vices and Interment. OBITUARY Edna l.olfl nenlemann Independence Service will be held from the P:rt Baptist church here at 2 o'clock Saturday for Mr. Edna Lois Gememann who died at the Salem Gen eral hasp Hal Wednesday. October 13, at the awe of 62 year, 10 month. The .serv ices will be under the direction of the Walter L. Smith mortuary and Rev. V. O. Eaebraaten will officiate. Interment will be tn the IOOF cemetery south of Indeiendence. Mr. Gentemann was born Dec. 7, 18JI5. and tu married to Martin Henry Grntemann at Hillsdale on October 6. 1906. She is survived by her husband, Martin H. Gentemann, four eons. Fred of Monroe. Henry of Clearwater. Wash., Wil liam and George of Independence; two daughter, Isabel Miller of Orchards, Wash., and Oertrude Dore of 01vnula, Wash.; two sisters, Myrtle McCulstlon of Dallas and Bertha Hllke of Clackamas; one brother, Loren Steptoe of Clearwater, Wash., and 17 grandchildren, Mr. Nellie Ashland Woodburn Mr. Nellie A.,hland. 6ft. widow of the late Halvor Ashland, died suddenly Thursday afternoon at her home 1059 Young strtx't. She was born June 13. 1882 at Oldham. South Dakota, and had been a resident of Woodburn For 28 years. Member of the Immanuel Lutheran church. Mr. Ashland died In 1935. Sur vivor include sons Alfred Ashland of Long view, Wash.. Harlan of Woodburn and Dale of Portland: daughters, Helen Mathteson of Portland. Myrtle Free man of Long view. Lila Skovberg of Port land: sisters, Mrs. James Falconer of Welser, Idaho, Emma Nelson, Annie Ek.se, Mrs. Andrew Lee, Mr. Fred Trystad and brother John and Jacob Kkse. all of South Dakota ; eight grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral service will be held at the Rinio chapel Monday, October 18, at 1:30 p.m., followed by Interment In Belle Pasl cemetery. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES AH make U5ed machines, sold rented repaired. Roen. 458 Court. Phona 3-8773 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day phona 3-9286. 1804. 333 Center. AUTO PAINTING AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co. 153 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-5955. 0 AUTO WRECKERS GENERATORS REBUILT. Trailer axles made to order. Pair prices. 12th St. Junction Auto Wrecker. Ph. 3-8208. 02fi8 BRAKES Mike Panck, 375 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-5161. Crake Ac wheel aliening specialist. 0260 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bide, clear ing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fairvicw ave. Ph. 3-3146. Salem. 0204 BULLDOZING. GRADING Bulldozing, grading, clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Geo. Wlrth, 840 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 31387. o273 CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and rcmod el Inn. Ph. 3-4850. 515 S. 31st St. o260 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery nf new RCA registers All make old rented, repaired Roen 456 Court. Ph 3-6773. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys, vacuum cleaned. Ensley, 771 21st St. Ph. 3-7170, o2(IO CEMENT WORKS CONTRACTOR Alt Brothers Bldg. Contractors. Phone Salem 2-2780, Silverton Black 175. o260 EX f f ERM I NATO R X Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pear). O360' B.elthaupt's for flowers. Dial S-9179. o LAWN MOWER & KNIFE SHARPENING" LAWN MOWERS, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 966 Center. Ph. 36833. 0256' MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4089. MOVING AND HAULING Moving and hauling. Fh. 2-3305. o280 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian aultnr. Man dolin. Banjo, etc 1533 Court. Ph. 3-7580 02116 From where The "Dnlch" Mlllnn colchmtpd Ihtir Tin Wedding Anniversary Saturday. Ertrjrthinjc had to be tin. Fnlki (Ten ate off tin platen, and drank coffee ont of tin ciipa. When it waa time to drink a toast to the "bride and (room," out came the final touch: ice cold beer In cans. And come the Millrra' Ulh anniveraary (Clnss) I expect we'll be toaating thorn with epar kllng beer in boMctl And I couldn't help thinking thnt there was a teuton for married folki in the wny Dutch and hia Copyright, jlb 'master' 7-- It fall m fe" FUR SALE f Friday, October 15, 1948 17 DIRECTORY OFFICE FIKMTLKe SUPPLIES Desk cruirs, flies and filing supplies, aafes, duplicator and auppllej, desk lamp, typewriter (lands, brief eae. Pierce Wire Recorder Roen. 450 Court. 0 Oil. lllim.ATOR SKRVICE .Ul Cy YiiuiiBer, Ph. 36012. PAINTING A I'APKHHANCilNG PAINTING Interior specialty. L. C Elofson. Phone 3-7697. 0211 Painting, Spray or Brush. Ph. 1-2664. Roy Hanson. Work guaranteed. o360 Elf strom" are equipped painting. Phone 3-3193. PAPFK HANGING Expert PaperlianElng and painting, H. J. Woodworm. Ph. 3-3015. Free est, o34T DECATUR MAEKZ, plumbing, electrical supplies, water systems. General repair work. Phone 3-6233, 173 8. Com'l. 0349 RADIO SERVICE Ray Moore Reopen Oct. 10. REDUCING, MASSAGES F-Z Wny Weight Control, Steam Bath. Reduced rates, Ph, 3-6253, o361 SAND AND GRAVEL BAR RUN GRAVEL TOP BOIL Cat. Shovel & Truck work of all kinds. LLOYD M. HILL. INC. Pb. 3-4367 Rt, 2, BOX 32B o3ia Garden Soil, crusned roafc. Shovel and dragline excavating. Wallln Sand St Gravel Co. Phone 3-9249 0 SEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor-sharp steel cutting blade Cleans sewers or drains Septic tank." cleaned rea-sonnbte. Ph, 3-5327 or 3-046B. o SEPTIC TANKS K P. Hainel Scptto Tanks Cleaned. Electric mochine ervlc on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143 Bth St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o273 Mike's Septlo Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468 - 3-5327. 02 80 TRANSFER A STORAGE Local &i Distance Transfer, storage, Burner ollt, coal briquets. Truck to Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California point. Larmer Transfer it Storage. Ph. 3-3131. TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona, Remington, Royal and Underwood portables All makes used machines. Repairs and rent. Roen, 456 Court 0" VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer tho Blind Man. Ph. 3-7328. WEATHERSTR1PPINO Free estimates, T, PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5085 0361 WINDOW CLEANINU Acme Window Cleaner. Windows, walls Si woodwork cleaned. Floors clean ed, waxed and polished, Ph. 3-3337. 347 Court, Langdoo, Culbertson and Mather, WELL DRILLING WYMORE well drilling. Rte. 3, Ph. 3-5135, Salem. Box 317. 0389 J. A Sneed Son, well drilling, 3505 Brooks St., Salem. Ph. 3-6809. 0352 WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross. Ph. 3-8178 or 3-8674. o369 WOOD St SAWDUST Weu Salem Fuel Co Ph 34031 Better Tasting Always That's why thousands have switched to uniformly superb Calvert Reserve. cai.vhht kkhkrvb Blended Whiskey 8G.8 Proof- fi5 Grain Neutral Spirits, Calvert Distillers Corp., New York City I sit ... &y Joe Marsh; MM , . ft... -.l,-rtiifr-'--hJ How to Celebrate Your Wedding Anniversary missus huve got along together in their policy of live-and-lct-live, with never a criticism of eack other's differences in taste. From where I sit, it's due to tw things: Temperance as that mod erate preference for beer suggests, and Tolerance for their iwi differences of opinion and for tha tastes of others, whether applied to beer, to politics, or how to cele brate an anniversary. 194$, limited States Bttuitit Foundatiem i