Salem How One of Leading Market Centers in U. S. Salem has become one of the country'! leading metropolitan markets centers, according to the American Home Market Book of 1948, just released. Metropolitan markets are defined as markets with central cities of 60,000 population or over. Based on the 1940 census, there were only 138 of them, and Salem was not then among them. But on the basis of the latest population estimates Salem now joins 22 other markets in at taining metropolitan status. "This," says James J. Dar ling, sales promotion manager for the American Home, "means new and important recognition for your city on the part of ad vertisers and sales managers who concentrate their greatest sales efforts in these influential metropolitan areas." Of the 23 new metropolitan markets Salem is one of 10 clas sifying as C markets or those with no city over 250,000 popu lation but with a lolal trading population of over 100,000. The other nine cities so classified are Anderson, Ind.; Battle Creek, Mich.; Green Bay, Wis.; Jackson, Mleh.; Lorain, Ohio;' Muskegon, Mich,; Pittsfield, Mass.; Raleigh, N. C; and Tuc son, Ariz. Salem is listed as the center for 103,000 people, or 32,100 families. The figures are for 1947. The effective buying in come is $89,124,000, or $2,778 per family. Retail sales for 1947 were $85,190,000. Food store sales were $24,158,000; drug store sales $1,803,000; general mer chandise sales, $12,789,000. Higher Security Benefits Sought Portland, Oct. 15 W) Oregon congressmen have been asked by the state public welfare commission to work for in creases in federal social secur ity benefits. The commission said about 2000 Oregonians who receive social security checks have alsj had to obtain additional state relief. The appeal was heard by Sen. Guy Cordon, Rep. Homer D. Angell and Rep. Walter Not blad. Inclusion of agricultural wor kers in social security programs and federal allotments for me dical care of relief recipients were urged. ORDER YOUR MUMS For the Saturday U. of O. vs. USC Game PICK THEM UP ON YOUR WAY OUT OF TOWN HOLLYWOOD FLORIST 2073 Fairgrounds Rd. Hear GOV. WARREN Tonight 8:00 P.M. His Only Major Oregon Address Direct from MacArthur Court In Eugene. KSLM 1390 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, October 15, 1948 IS FALL BULBS TULIPS DARWIN - COTTAGE BREEDER Assorted Colors 12s Per doz. $1,20 HYACINTHS Assorted Colors 23 ea. 3 for 65 BRILLIANTLY COLORED FLOWER POTS Will Brighten Anv Room 5-4-3-2 Inch Sizes MILLER'S COMPOST MAKER Pkgb;80eb;$2.85 SALEM SEED & Implement Co., Inc. Front and Stat Salem. Oregon; Phone 34903 'i Ml fTMliriaaaaaaaaM Ma BBBBBBBI SSI 1 i waimmmmfm,-ml: m m Our vast reserves assure you off true pre-war quality ll.JMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIII The best bet in blends. Remember to ask for It by nam. SS.8 PROOF 6S CHAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS CONTINENTAL DISTILLING COHPOIt ATITOC PHILADELPHIA, PA, ELFS AS LlfllE GENERAL ELECTRIC - ADMIRAL - ZENITH Need We Say More? The Big 3 at G-E A. The ALL-AUTOMATIC WASHER Automatic washing at its finest. Just 20 seconds oi your time and this washer does the rest. 369.75 B. The SPACE-SAVER REFRIGERATOR 8 cu. ft. of storgae in same space as the 6 cu. ft. model. The most wanted refrigera tor today, , 329.75 C. The PUSH BUTTON ELECTRIC RANGE The greatest advance in electric cookery since the war. Due to the terrific demand you have to wait awhile for delivery but come In and look it over anyway! 369.95 I lll 1 1 GENERAL ELECTRIC ckktikaL f - -v ... V. ; 1 ' RANGES and REFRIGERATORS . 10 Cubic Feet Of Storage This new refrigerator by the 'up and coming Admiral Co. has all the features you want most. Imagine a 10-foot box for less cost than most smaller boxes, and the beautiful new design adds a note of luxury to any kitchen. See it now. 299.95 5 ' 1 AVAILABLE NOW We've begged ond cajoled our distributors for months to get us enough of these famous ranges, washer, and refrigera tors to be able to write an od in which we could say "avail able now." For as long as they last you can now select from the best brands on the mar ket. You can't make a mis take in choosing any of these wonderful models. Select the one that best fits your needs and purse but get down ear ly. THE WON'T LAST VERY LONG. APPLIANCE DEPT. First Floor ASK ABOUT OUR EASY PAYMENT BUDGET PLAN -UP TO 15 MOS. TO PAY WASHERS and REFRIGERATORS BUILT TO DO.A.BIG WASHING Zeniths "THERMOTUB" for faster, more efficient washing. Precision Built with welded auto-hody 129" construction Automatic Electric RANGE Imagine t range that eliminate constant attendance while cooking. Imagine hav ing units that heat even faster than gas. You must be thinking of 339" ADMIRAL. Deluxe Model " THE ROOMY REFRIGERATOR There's room for 40 to 60 pounds of frozen foods space for 15 quarts of milk In the new Zenith! Shelves are extra deep . . . Adjustable, too. ZENITH has ail the fea tures you want in 269" refrigerator 340 Court Phone 2-2493