Capita! Journal, Salem, Ore., Fridav, October 15, 1018 If Harvest Sales Bring Great Savings! Special Purchases of 'Good Quality ' Bargains Well Known Brands of "Known" Quality in Many Instances at One-Third to One-Half the Former Price! h i', ) 5 j 5 I'' I Deer-Skin Gloves Reg. $3.95 Pair 570 Now Pair Natural ond cork shades. Smart sport style. 6 to 7. . Main Floor Cardigan Sweaters Reg. $4.95 Now S49 Women's Helen Harper quality cardi gans in pastel shades for now and later wear. All sizes. Bnd Floor Covered Button Maker Kit Reg. $1.95 ... Now $100 Dritz handy kit to make your own cov ered buttons. Notion Dept., Main Floor Men's Neckties Reg. $1.00 Now 69c Stndard, well-known brands ! Select now for Christmas gifts. mm? - , STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30 Houbigants' Wisteria BATH SOAP Reg. $2.00 Now $100 A very fine French-milled soap. Kind to most sensitive skin. Delightfully scent ed in Wisteria. Cosmetics Section, Main Floor ... hand-rolled edge Madiera Handkerchiefs Reg. 59c Now 25c White embroidered with hand-rolled hems. Main Floor Virgin Wool Fabrics Reg. $2.98 yard Now Yard $249 , Gay plaids for your shawl, jacket, skirt or men's shirts ! - Main Floor Amercian Lady PANTIE GIRDLES $5.95 In three lengths. Expertly fitted. Save! Buy now! 2nd Floor Downstairs . . Harvst Sales! Junior Frocks Sizes 9 to 17 . . . Of fine quality chambrays, ginghams and prints . . . these come in a variety of gay pat terns and "slim look" styles! Regularly at f 8.95 values ! $488 Downstairs Apparel Section All Wool Navy Pea Jackets Navy blue pea jackets, army style, here for your ski wear this winter. Warm meltons . . . warmly lined. Detachable hoods pockets . . slash $10.95 me as above except for swing back styles and wool plaid linings. Inn all wool melton. Cm m fm rey. Downstairs , . ItJ Special Announcement! TOYLAND OPEN SATURDAY! Downstairs mmM im) iir Sale!"Wool-0-The West" Blankets $995 Wool Sweater and Sock Yarns 100 wool in wanted colors. Excel lent for smart Argyle patterned cocks. Downstairs Art Needle Dept. Cretonnes, Glosheens, Chintz 86-inch drapery fabrics in this Har vest Sale. Reg. to $1.25 Downstairs Famous Quality Shower Curtains Six by six feet. Peach, blue, green and white Downstairs Marquisette Panels 43x81 inches in soft ecru shades in dotted swiss 4 q Style 31.4? Downstairs $279 WOOL 0' THE WEST . . . vir gin wool, mothproofed blank ets go on sale at a generous saving today and Saturday 1 Large 90-inch lengths, moth proofed for five years. Virgin wool, celanese satin bindings 1 Reg. 12.95. Downstairs Fire King Ovenproof Glassware Regular 15c Now Qc Dinner plates . . . soup dishes. Early Amer ican pattern. Downstairs ., Fire King Ovenproof Serving Plat and Meat Platter 15 Furniture Floor Shades for Floor Lamps $295 Wanted colors and white in this celanese taffeta lamp shade for floor lamps. Choose now and save. Shades for Table Lamps $295 For your table lamps . . . assorted colors in this lovely lamp shade of celanese taffeta. They're new! They're bargains! Stock up now for your winter's supply and save! Housewares . . . Downstairs MILLINERY SPECIAL! NOW $500 2nd floor millinery offers choice of 36 fall felts regularly priced to $7.95 Women's All-Wool Sweaters Reg. $4.00 Value $98 NOW! COLORPHONE $4.95 Transform your ordinary black telephone into a smart ly colored, decorative instrument to match the color styling of your home. Easy to install. Completely cov ers your phone. See window displays and gift shop dem on stration. Colors: White, ivory, red, blue, green, etc. Gift Shop Helen Harper's fine wool slip-on style sweaters for all service wear. Your choice of bright and pastel' shades. 2nd Floor, Sports Shop Boys' Pajamas JUST 125 IN THIS LOT! Good quality outing flannel and broadcloth pajamas for boys are here at bargains in this sale! Sizes 8 to 18 years. Two-piece styles in good patterns. Main Floor $139 II I ; ?