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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1948)
Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER ltllllllllli'wwlMllllmlw.llllwllMll1(lrJWM, 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Ortnher 14, 1948 Benefit Fashion Show, Card Parry Friday Eve An anticipated event for Friday evening attracting a large group will be the benefit fall fashion how and card party of the Junior Woman's club in the Chamber of Commerce. The fashion how will be at 8:15 o'clock followed by the gamei. Bridge, pino chle, and gin rummy will be played at the card gamel. Miller'! mmkMijjuavJi store is presenting trie new lau fashions for the revue DAR Tea Members of Chemeketa chap ter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Salem, have been invited to a tea to be given Fri day afternoon by Multnomah chapter at the home of Mrs. Fred C. Livingston, 2188 S.W. Main, Portland, Friday after noon to honor Miss Jeannette Dentler, vice president general and former state regent of the DAR. Hours arc from 2.30 until 5:30 o'clock. Mrs. Leserer Is Honored Honoring Mrs. Francis Leser er of Portland, formerly of Sa lem, Mrs. Frank Chatas Is en tertaining at an informal lunch eon party at her home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leserer are leaving soon for Hartford, Conn., to make their home. Honoring Mrs. Leserer Fri day will be Mrs. Floyd Bowers, Mrs. Edgar Reay, Mrs. E. J. Zwaschka, Mrs. L. J. Stewart, Mrs. E. E. Boring, Mrs. M. E. Gadwa and the hostess. Birthday Party Patrick Croghan observed his aecond birthday with a party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croghan, on Oc tober 12. The afternoon was (pent in playing games in the yard, followed by opening of gifts and refreshments were served. Honoring young Patrick were Mrs. Robert Corey and Douglas, Mrs. Thomas Mommsen and Julie, Mrs. Wally Flazer and Gary - and Carol, Mrs. Harry Aston and Sharon, Mrs. Clinton Miller and Lynda, Mrs. R. D. Mesereau and Siusan, Mrs. Charles Bowers and Claudia, Mrs. Roy Strawn and Diana, Mrs. C. F. Barton and son, Thomas Brantner, Patrick's grandmother, Mrs. Caye Morris, his aunt, Mrs. A. G. Davis, his brother, Jerry, and his parents. Among those who have made reservations for the party are Mrs. George Blrrell, Mrs. Clar ence Stanley, Mrs. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Mrs. Raymond Ran dall, Miss Lavina Koenig, Mrs. Frank H. Newell, Mrs. Donald Parker, Mrs. Ted Kerr, Mrs. Maurice Walker, Mrs. Lee Thomas, Mrs. Leonard Ahsen macher, Mrs. Wallace Wilson, Mrs. Jack Folk, Mrs Oliver Mansfield, Mrs. Sam Campbell, Mrs. Donald Cooper, Mrs. Lauchlen Hodges, Mrs. Arthur Roethlin, Mrs. Marvin Helland, Mrs. A. W. McKillop, Mrs. Clin ton S. Ault, Mrs Kenneth Dodge, Mrs. Ralph W Johnson, Mrs. W. R. Criswell, Mrs. Cora Paynter, Mrs. Elizabeth Bagley, Mrs. Sydney Levene. Mrs. Rod ney Fety, Mrs. Nelson Hickok, Mrs. Donald Rasmussen. In addition to the names of the club members acting as models for the style show, Mrs. Ned Gerlinger and Mrs. Estill L. Brunk from the Salem Wom an's club also will be models. The club held its regular meeting this week. New mem bers welcomed were Mrs. Jack Mennis, Mrs. Terry Randall, Mrs. Donald Freel and Miss Nellie Hathaway. The group voted to give the proceeds from its Friday night style show and card party to the state Junior Woman's club proj est of aid for training school for boys at Woodburn. Mrs. Wallace Wilson and Mrs. Cedric Reaney were named delegates to the Salem Council of Women's Organizations. Guest speaker for the eve ning was Gordon Gilmore, Boy Scouts executive. Son Born Announcement has been received by Salem friends of the birth of a son, Keith Richard, September 1 to Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Avery of Maplewood. Mrs. Avery is he former Francis Royer. Meeting Friday The Wom en's Relief corps is to meet Fri day at 2 p. m. In the VFW hall. Past Matrons Kay's CENTER AISLE SPECIALS SLIPS s Regular 3.98 Special for This Week ' $249 PURSES Regular 12.98 Special for This Week $5.0(L,, SILK SQUARES Formerly 2.98 Special for This Week st.95 First Quality Only NYLON HOSE 51 Gauge Special for This Week $1.39 PAIR Angora Top ANKLETS ONLY $1.00 ,M White and Colors Kay3s . 460 STATE ST. The October meeting and dinner for the Past Matrons as sociation, OES, Is to be Friday evening in the Golden Pheasant at 8:30 o'clock. Hostesses are Mrs. Ernest Pe terson, Mrs. Byron B. Herrick, Mrs. H. E. Crawford, Mrs. D. X. Beechler, Mrs. L. A. Pepper, Mrs. E. L. Byers. Engagement Announced Of interest to Salem is an nouncement of the engagement of Miss Barbara Jean Arnold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd S. Arnold, to Thomas John Adolphson, son of Mrs. A. L. Adolphson of Salem and the late A. L. Adolphson. The wedding is planned for June. Founders Event Salem So roptimist club observed found ers days at Its luncheon Wed nesday noon, Mrs. Harold A. Rosebraugh, who was the char ter president here, giving the talk on the founding and pur poses of Soroptimist. The lunch eon was at the Golden Pheasant. Miss Irene deLisle, Mrs. Ab ner Kline, Mrs. Winifred Petty john and Mrs. Marie Ling re ported on the Soroptimist con ference in Spokane last week end. Mothers' Meeting Sigma Chi Mothers' club of Willamette university is meeting at the fra ternity chapter house Friday at 1:30 p. m. for dessert luncheon, a business session and election of officers to follow. Large Group Present at B-PW Club's Annual Event About 180 members and guests attended the "public relations banquet," given by the Salem Business and Professional Women's club Wednesday evening in the American Legion club as the high light event of the group's observance of the "National Business Women's Week.' Guest speaker was Dr. O. R. Chambers, professor of psychol ogy at Oregon State college, who discussed informally "the way we learn to get along with peo ple and the 'why' of our atti tudes toward other people." He reminded his listeners there are two kinds of knowledge book "larnin' " and the "know-how" type, or as Americans express it, "the savy." The first kind is to keep us from being "dumb bells," the second to keep us from being "dumb bunnies," he humorously explained. The printed word passes on infor mation but unfortunately, it does not provide that which is learned through personal con tact, Dr. Chambers commented. The speaker quoted from the club's collect to give emphasis to his point, "Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are at one." "The big things are easy, we really can get along very well in handling the big things of life, but it is the little things that bother us the little ges tures that go along with what you say and do," he commented, adding: "It is not so much what is said but the tension that goes with what is said or with what is not said." He warned against saying things with the wrong gestures, pointing out that the Dsvcho motor tensions that re- I suit cause the differences and the wrong impressions. Many guests Attend Mrs. Anna P. Morgan, club president, presided at the ban quet. Presidents of other civic and service groups were intro duced' each giving a short state ment of the purposes and proj ects of his organization. Among the guests were: J. L. Franzen, city manager, who responded in behalf of the city government, and Mrs. Fran zen; James Walton, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and Mrs. Walton; Charles H. Hug gins, commander of Capital post, No. 8, American Legion, and Mrs. Huggins; Mrs. Helen Mc Leod, president of Capital Unit, No. 9, American Legion aux iliary; Miss Vada Lee Hill, na tional president of Rotana club; Mrs. Guy N. Hickok, president of the Salem Woman's club, and Mr. Hickok; Harry B Johnson, president of Salem Rotary club, and Mrs. Johnson; L. J. Stewart, president of the Salem Lions club, and Mrs. Stewart; P. H. Schnell, president of Salem Ki wanis club, and Mrs. Schnell; Mrs. Vernon Wiscarson, presi dent of the American Associa tion of University Women, and Mr. Wiscarson; Mrs. Cedric Reaney, president of the Salem Junior Woman's club, and Mr. Reaney; William Sullivan, pres ident of the 20-30 club, and Mrs. Sullivan; Mrs. Harry W. Scott, representing the Salem Zonta club, and Mr. Scott; Miss Irene de Lisle, president of Salem Soroptimist club. Other special guests intro duced included Mrs. Arthur Weddle, Salem, president of the Oregon Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs, and Mr. Weddle; Mrs. Kathleen Miller, Albany, and Mrs. Byron B. Herrick, Salem, both past state presidents; and members of the Business and Professional Women's clubs at Albany, Sil- verton, Lebanon, and Coos Bay, and other guests of members. Officers Hosts To Cama Group Last year's officers and the present ones will be hosts for the informal social hour pre ceding the Cama club's dance Friday evening in the Crystal Gardens. The social hour will begin at 8:30 o'clock, the dance at 9:30 o'clock. Officers this year are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kinzer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Muhs, Mr and Mrs. Eugene Jarvis. Last year's offi cers also serving as hosts In clude Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rei mann, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jar vis. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Will marth. A no-host supper at Winona chalet for members and guests will follow the dance. Leaving for South Dr. and Mrs. Richard Upjohn are leav ing Friday for Los Angeles to be gone 10 days, Dr. Upjohn to attend a surgical meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Home from Walla Walla Mrs. A. C. F. Perry has return ed from more than two weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Roger Baker, in Walla Walla. Bride-Elect Is Feted Miss Sibyl Brown, bride i, it rank J. Healv. was complimented at a charmingly arranged luncheon party and kitchen shower given this after noo by Mrs. E. J. Scellars and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley at the Scellars residence on Fairmount hill. Nosegays decorated the luncheon table. Invited to fete Miss Brown un Mm W. I. Needham. Mrs. C. B. McCullough, Mrs. R.. L. Edwards, Mrs. William L. Phil lips Sr., Mrs. Gene Vanden eynde, Miss Patricia Vanden eynde, Miss Dorathea Steusloff, Mrs. F. Frederick Chambers, Mrs. Fred H. Thompson, Mrs. Ernest Crockatt, Msr. Clifford Farmer, Mrs. Dan Johnston, Mrs. F. B. Langdon, Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard, Mrs. George Alex ander, Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, Jr., Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. Peter Buck, a guest from Portland; Mrs. Thomas Tongue, also of Portland, Mrs. Walter Kirk. Mrs. Frank S. Healy, Mrs. Richard L. Cooley, Mrs. Flora Thomas and the hostesses, Mrs. Cooley and Mrs. Scellars. Board Meeting Members of the board of the Women of Rotary will meet for dessert at 1 p.m. Friday at the home of Mrs. Floyd Bressler. The October meeting for the Women of Rotary comes Mon day, October 23. Alumnae Greet Npw Members ) Several new members were welcomed at the meeting of Gamma Phi Beta alumnae Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. Hollis W. Huntington. A supper was served with Mrs. F. B. Langdon and Mrs. John H. Car son co-hostesses with Mrs. Huntington. The new members Included Miss Carolyn Davis, Miss Mar tha Taber, Mrs. George Beane, Miss Frances Coffield, Mrs. Ka therine Hobbs. A visiting alum na was Mrs. Velta Rawhauser ol Long Beach, Calif. Other mem bers attending were Mrs. John Taylor, Miss Genevieve Cocker line, Mrs. Walter A. Barsch, Mrs. C. C. Higgins, Mrs. Bert Ford, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Miss Mar garet Simms, Mrs. Richard Nel son, Mrs. Roger Putnam, Mrs. Lester Carter, Miss Louise Raw son, Miss Peggy Sears, Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Carson, and Mrs. Huntington. Plans were made for a rummage sale in Novem ber with Mrs. Carson as ehair- Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dutro and little daughter, Cynthia Louise, of Oakland, Calif, are visiting at the homen of Mrs. Dutro's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Reid. 4 HARD OF HEARING Fresh Hearing Aid MOWO-ftK Batteries HEARING AID All Aids This Week Special No. 1016 Battery, 18c James N. Taft & Associates 218 Oregon Bids;., Salem THI STORII OF BITTER VALUES SAVfeKS proves it pays to walk a block further for savings like these rrirn rnese mem (J 1 MM icDnnrMiw fr mm With these MEN Cr WOMEN'S WATERPROOF IMS Sold at This Unbelievable Low Price IMS u $J)77 f f Regular Length Jacket Type $1.97 Ideal for Golfing Set our Complete Lint of Umbrellas Rain-dana's and Rain Hoods Regular Length $2.77 Jacket Length . If perfect would sell for $8.93. We defy you to find the flaws. FROM ONE OF AMERICA'S FOREMOST MANUFACTURERS WILL NOT CRACK, STICK, OR PEEL! ELECTRONICALLY HEAT SEALED PLASTIC MEN'S FEATURES Zipper Front Sea Green Only Women's Features Wrap Around Stylet Belted Styles Clear Plastic Additional Outstanding Features All Are Waterproof Featherweight! You can fold them small tnough to carry in a handbag Sturdy Nylon stitching Washable will not show soil Small, Medium or Large Sizes Don't Miss These SENSATIONAL SAVINGS! ON SALE FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. For Nationally Known Brands Shop 136 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET Regular Length, $2.77 THI STORES OF BETTER VALUES' Store Hours 9:00 to 5:30 k3 SALEM, OREGON mmMtm-fj mu