Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 13, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    Dayton Floral
Show Discussed
Dayton The Dayton Gar
den club met at the home of
Mrs. Roy Edwards Monday aft
ernoon with small attendance
due to the fall harvest. The
president is Mrs. Gordon
The coming flower show
committees were appointed by
the general chairman, Mrs.
James Penland. The tentative
date being set for October 30 at
the Civic club rooms in the city
Plans were formulated and
discussed. Mrs. Orr Goodrich
gave a short talk on "preparing
flowers for exhibit and for ar
dangement." Club prizes were
given by the committee, Mrs.
Roy Edwards, Mrs. Wiley Em
mert and Mrs. Orr Goodrich.
Later two carloads attended the
Men's Garden club show at the
high school In McMinnville. A
number of women from the
Country Garden club received
blue ribbons on their exhibits
at the show.
The next meeting will be
with Mrs. Mariam Krake No
vember 8.
Lebanon Surveying
Future Sewer Needs
Lebanon With an eye on
further expansion of the city
limits, surveys started this week
to determine the drainage flow
of districts lying south and west
of Lebanon. Main object is the
location of sewage lines de
signed to serve these areas when
the city's planned sewage dis
posal plant is in operation.
The Corvallis firm of Cornell,
Howland, Hayes and Merryfield
is laying out the over-all drain
are system being installed by
the city.
Union Prayer Hour
Offered at Woodburn
Woodburn The fifth union
proyer meeting in the series of
seven preceding the evangelis
tic services by Christian Hild
which will open November 1,
will be held Thursday evening
at the Free Methodist church on
the corner of Young and Gatch
streets. Rev. Lester Gibson of
the Full Gospel church will be
the speaker.
Albany Closes Shop
For Armitice Day
Albany Albany merchants
are balloting ten to one in favor
of closing stores here on Armis
tice day, according to the count
of returns being made by Wal
ter Underwood, chamber of
commerce manager.
The merchants are voting for
the second time on this ques
tion, after having balloted once
in favor of remaining open. The
revote was decided after Cor
vallis merchants voted two to
one to close.
' Albany will go to Corvallis
this year where the Armistice
day ceremonies will be held,
climaxed by the annual Albany
Corvallis high school football
The two towns alternate each
year with the observance.
Nut Drier Starts
Dayton The H. G. Coburn
drier near Dayton started the
season run Tuesday morning.
There will be about one month
of commercial drying of filberts
and walnuts, with Keith Coburn
in charge.
Grover Home Scene
Birthday Surprise
Dayton Miss ' Vonda Mc-
Kinister was surprised when 12
of her girl friends gathered at
the home of Arlene Grover for
a birthday party. Games were
played and refreshtients were
served by the hostess Misses
Pat Huffman and Ramona Web
ster of Portland were here-for
the occasion.
Ball Room
4 ml. N. of Salem-
OCT. 13
The Famous
Directed by
t9 Till 1 Adm. 1.20
Cottonwoods '1
I Ballroom
i Saturday, Oct. 16
4 DANCING 9 to 1 v
J Admission S1.S0 ' S
U Including Tax
Street Improvement
Bids All Rejected
Silverton At a special meet
ing of the city council called for
the purpose of receiving bids on
street improvement, all bids re
ceived were rejected being far
excess of estimates made for
such improvement.
The city council recently re
leased four beaver along the
Abiqua river above the intake
of the city water system. It is
thought that the beaver operat
ing in the smaller streams lead
ing into the Abiqua will assist
in protecting the watershed.
Plans are being made to re
lease several more in the near
future. The beaver are being
obtained from the state game
commission at Corvallis.
Nut Pickers Short
In Albany District
Albany Walnut and filbert
pickers are needed in large
numbers in orchards of the Al
bany territory, William Sloan,
manager of the Albany office of
the state employment service,
said Monday.
Sunday's heavy rain caused
and excessive fall of nuts, Sloan
explained, and growers are anx
ious to get them off the grounds
and into dryers as soon as pos
sible. Walnut growers are pay
ing from one and one quarter to
one and a half cents a pound to
pickers and filbert pickers are
getting three cents.
Hunters Get Deer
Fairview Mr. and Mrs. John
Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Wood have returned from a
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 13, 1948 S
four-day hunting vaoation,
spent at Iee with two medium
size bucks. During their ab
sence Carl Rasaka had charge
of the Wood farm and Wallace
Wood was a gueet of his grand
mother, Mrs. Rose Wood at
Amity and Monte Wood was a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ros
i A CA5 LOAN .
Auto and Personal Loans
SALEM AGENCY: 444 Cntsrsum rh. s-tm
CASH Murthhr Payiaaati
GET " m- 12 mm.
f 100 9.36
1300 22.S6 27.78
$500 38.10 46.30
$1000 76.19 92.59
Malta Application
Let Us Recommend
A Contractor
It is still not too late to win
terize your home with Nor-ris-Walker
Salem - made
Paints. We have paint for in
side outside water
proofing. Come Into Our . .
Norris-Wolker Paint Co.
250 Court St. Ph. 2-1908
Good news travels fast.
And the news about Rose
Valley pasteurized cheese
from the Mt. Angel Coopera
tive creamery is around so
thoroughly that our supply has a
hard time keeping up with de
mand. But Rose Valley cheddar
cheese is available. Also, every slice
has the mellow flavor of natural
cheese made from rich, whole milk.
And pasteurization is another guaran
tee of healthful goodness.
In our 36 years in the dairy business
we have never made a finer product nor
one that we are more proud to recommend
" to your family. Ask your grocer.
you're lucky you may be able to obtain tome
aged Rose Valley Cheese. A limited quantity
is on the' market and more is on the way.
Mt. Angel BQgg WMM
From the 2500 members of the Mt. Angel Cooperative Creamery,
Mt. Angel, Oregon . , . Makers of Rose Valley sweet cream butter.
9'xl2' . . . 49.95
Cut Orders at $4.95 sq. yd.
This is the first post-war shipment
of these lovely hand-set rugs and we
have them in all sizes for every room
in your home. Woven seamless from
end to end they are reversible for
double wear . . . less cleaning. So soft
under foot you'll need no rug pad.
Choose from five gorgeous tone on
tone textured broadloom shades,
warm brown, soft rose, beige, iade
green, and medium blue. Or if it's
a patterned rug you desire select an
authentic and faithful reproduction
of a hooked rug original. All sizes
Other Sizes:
27" x 51" 5.95
48" x 72" 14.50
7'i'x9' 39.50
8' x 10' 44.50
9' x 15' 74.95
12' x 15' 99.50
SCRIPTURE VERSE: God is our refuge and strength, a
very present help in trouble. Therefore will we not fear,
though the earth be removed, and though the moun
tains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the
waters thereof roor and be troubled, though the moun
tains shake with the swelling thereof. Ps. 46:1-3.
' r i fi i:WM v ilk- ...
Oennisons offers you
this lovely pair of fire-reshtant PLASTIC
IN COIN FlusTwolab.ltromuiy
of the following Dcnnison'f
Foodi:Tomaio Catsup; Chili 4
Sauec; Chili Con Carnc; Lima f
Beam With Ham; Meat f ,
Balls With Grivyi
Fork It Btani.
MAIL TODAY Dtnaisofl'i Food Product!. Box Chicago, Hi.
State which color you wuit'in jrotir plutic window curuin Mt. Piiot your
name and addresi clearly. Mailed poatpaid to you I Allow -wttki for
delivery, This offer good only in U.S.A.
( irs FAHcy (tuAury that
vcnimun vtttKS. . fi
DENNISON'S TOMATO CATSUP... It's the tomaton that make the
catsup! Not 2, nor 3 but 8 or more plump 'n' juicy tomatoti go into
every bottle. S-l-o-w-l-y "vacuum-simmered" by our exclusive flavor-locking
process. It's Fancy Quality by Government standards yet thriftily priced!
DENNISON'S CHILI CON CARNE... "Sunday-Dinner Beef" . . .
freshly ground T-Bones, Porterhouses, Prime Ribs, Top Rounds ... gives
Dennison's a wonderful, wholesome beef flavor. Here's t Chili Con Carnt
cooked to the American taste with plenty of plump, tender Idaho Red Beans
slowly "vacuum-simmered" to perfection.
Yellow; Green; Pink; Blue. Each
color bordered by 2-in. lace-design
white ruffle with matching ties.
Curtain width, l9Vi-ia.; 51 -in. long.
Mad especially to order for Dennison's. Several hundred
housewives who have been shown these curtains exclaimed ac
their beauty, practical value, lovely colors and fine quality. Many
set their value as high as $3 to $4! No wonder! These curtains
are made of fire-resistant vinyl plastic in your selection of 4
lovely pastel colors, accented by a 2-inch white lace design
ruffled border. They are watcr-stain-acid-and-dirc proof; resist
heat up to 220 degrees! So easy to clean with a damp cloth!
Guaranteed in writing not to fade, dry out or crack, Notice tho
rounded bottoms and matching tic-bands. 19'2 in. wide; 51-in,
long more than ample for the average window. An unsur
passed gift for your friends . an excitirig way to brighten up
your home. Send for your first set TODAY! There's another sur
prise offer from Dennison's included with your curtain:
DENNISON'S FOOD PRODUCTS, Box 8532, Chicago, Illinois
Gentlemen: Please send me nair(s) 19Vi -in. x 51-in. heavy plastic
window curtains with 2'in. ruffled border and matching ties. I wish the
Green PinkD Bluet color.
For each pair of curtains I enclose 30 in coin ; check ; money
rderD; (NO STAMPS), plus 2 labels from Dennison's Food.
(Chili Con Carnc, Tomato Catsup, Chili Sauce, Lima Beam with
lam, Meat Balls With Gravy. Pork & Beans.) Please Print Otarly!
Offer (nod Mity la U S A. tJ It void If this farm of nrhindiifn li tit!, lien
tmfiti MciMi4 la jm tin, imh mm. CmA tiy M V4,