14 Capital Jotrrnal galem. Or., Wnarfar, Oct 13, 148 East Salem Home Extension Units Are Work for Season East Ealem, Oct. IS In October th fint regular local e-x-tension unit meeting! are held with officer! installed In May pre liding for the first time. Th first meeting for th fiv unit! in the luburbans east of Salem wai held Monday with last Salem unit meeting in th horn of Mn. Charlei Norton on East Gar den Road. . ' The new president, Mrs. Boyd Wilkinson, presided and the fol lowing standing committee chairmen were named: membership-hospitality, Mrs. E. E. Brandt; luncheon, Mn. William D a m e r y; recreation, Mri. Charles Norton; publicity, Mrs. William Hartley; standard unit, Mn. Menno Dalke; 4-H clubs, Mrs. Clifford Yost; internation al relations, Mrs. Mary Swegle; and care of children, Mrs. Os car Forgard. Two special projects to be considered in October and No vember are "Party Planning" and "Meal Planning." Miss El eanor Trindle, home demonstra tion agent presented the lesson on "Meal Planning" using as her outline a bulletin prepared by Lucy A. Case, extension nutri tionist on "Planning the Day's Meals." Consideration was giv en to the cost, labor, availability of supplies, equipment needed, size of family and how all plans can be worked out for the health and happiness of the family. A special bulletin with 150 tested recipes for money-saving main dishes were given to each wom an present. Meeting closed with a social hour with refresh ments served by the hostess. Lansing Neighbors unit will meet Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock in the home of Mrs. W. A. Marsh and will also have the lesson on "Meal Planning." Swegle Garden club will meet Thursday at B o'clock in the home of Mrs. Clifford Yost on Swegle Road. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo McClain of Monroe avenue have had as their guest her brother, Edward Hinkle of San Francisco. Mrs. Jack Scorgie and son, Gary, have returned to their home in Auburn district from CfAier d'Alene, Idaho, where they were visiting her father. Mrs. Emma J. Van Green who has been visiting in the homes of her daughters, Mrs. Edwin C. Sunderlin and Mrs. Keeps your car Alwoyt on th ob, elwoyi rtody to Oo-lhal'i th itrvlte you gel Iron longOif Mobil bolttry. 6 montht to pay of your Mobilgas Dealer by Patricia (Satira) Schmidt, night club dancer of Toledo, O., smiles as she steps from a plane In Chicago on her way to Toledo. Her release from a Havana, Cuba Jail was obtained by presidential edict. She was sentenced to serve IS years for the slaying of John Lester Mee, a Chicago attorney and navy veteran. (AP Wirephoto) Nimrods at Aurora"' Prove Their Skill Aurora A U-year-old Can by high school girl Beverly Pulley, pulled In a Chinook weighing 32 pounds 12 ounces to win th weekly prize of the annual 811eti river salmon der by that ends October 17. She landed her prize winner close to th boat works In the lower Silets. Hunters from the Aurora area returning from their hunt ing trips with a 4-pomt buck, include Paul Gooding, J. S. Cooper, Albert Ehlen and Ar min Netter. From th Canby area Glenn G. Makin and Cal Lewis rolled into Canby with two mule deer. Ray Hagerott brought in a large buck, John Nordhauser, Otto McGill. Ben Sherman, Arden Harms and Owen Dalen came home with five bucks, the smallest a four-point, th larg est a six-point. Others who were successful were Otto Hansen, Orvllie Brock, John Harms, Frank Morse, Duane Zacher, Ivan Learfield, Edward Yoder, R. H. and H. B. Etzel, Edward Koch, Henry Herkamp, with a buck apiece, and George Cutter, Art Wolf and Art Shrock returned wrth on der for 1h thrc. Also deer were stored for Frank Galey, Frank Pond, D. A. Yoder and C. E. Kraft. Gillman, in Auburn district for several weeks, was taken to Portland Sunday where she took the streamliner for her home at Kearney, Neb. Lindquists Entertain With Dancing Party Butteville Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Lindquist were recent hosts at a dancing party in th Butt Grange hall, honoring their daughter, Miss Lorna Ma Lind quist on her 17th birthday. At contests, priz winners ware Bob Krueger, David Peterson and Miss Joan Safaiik. Jerry Schoen won th guest priie. Guests were Misses Margaret Tretheway, Joan Safarik, Ester Bolland, Shirley Raines, Lois Blake, Jeannette Oathes, Donna Gillespie, Valerie Holden, Ber nadine McTighe, Rooert Chris tian, Allan Hildebrand, Jimmy Harms, Jerry Schoen, George Hoover, Tommy Kee, Richard Stefani, David Peterson and Bob Krueger. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hilde brand assisted the hosts in serv ing. ! CUTICURA I SOAP and OINTMENT B For PROMPT RELIEF 0 externally tamtd PIMPLES BLACKHEADS Ttps softened for easy removal Scientifically mediratnd, Amrwinjrly successful for over 65 ycara. Used by manyjdoctoraand nuriei. Buy today. YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER n then FEED. EXIDIULV- Here's Good News! Are you between the agpn or 38 nd i'l and golug through that trying functional 'middle -a Re period pe culiar to women? Does this make you Differ from hot finishes, feel clammy, to nervous. Irritable, weak? Then do try Lydla E. Plnkham a Vegetable Compound to relieve such ymptomal It's famous for this) Many wise 'middle-age' women take Plnkham's Compound regular ly to help build up reals la net against this distress. Plnkham's Compound contains no opiates no hablt-formlng drugs. It helps nature (you know what we mean!). This great medicine also has what Doctors call a slomachlo tonic effect. NOTE i Or oi m.r prnfer t.YTHA K. rmniiAM'H l AHLiriS with ntlHitd Iron Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND sHBaBHHJM Bk fitt 'JjprtPW' j I "Magic Circle" Route Go Esjt by the beautiful Banff route through the Canadian Rockies. Visitcities with old world charm . . . then return via sunny Florida, colorful New Orleans, glamorous California. Or you may return westward by ny direct route. Travel the "Magic Circle." See your local agent or . . , CANADIAN PACIFIC JOT AMERICAN SANK BIDG., PORTLAND, ORE. BROADWAY JCM GE HOME FREEZER CLINK and a chance to meet MARTHA TABER in our new ruiinr rif-r i a i ODEL KITCHEN I RUM., UW I , It IIJUp.lTI. . ,..r... n HOME k CZviJk N FREEZER k If you now own a Home Freezer or contemplate buying one- you should not miss this discussion by Miss Tober, our Permanent Home Economist, on the proper scien t i f i c methods of home freezing. Miss Ta ber, who was for merly with the Mary Cullen Cottage in Portland, is a quali fied freezer special ist and will gladly answer all your questions. Do You Know How To Properly Package Foods for Freezing? Here's the Answer! REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED BRING A FRIEND Appliance Dept. Basement St. Nazaire served as an American army base in World War I. BETTER HEALTH! Hamoirfcofoh .tol and Coa Ooafrfa Ww Trt.Wd without HotpHal Operation WrtUoro.il for FTEI i HUjtimithTridji 10 A.M. Hi P.M. fiVmmf, Mtmjsj, IFnimtidtf, Pruimy tmM 9 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC E. I. Comr I. Bunutde end Grand Aveniia ilaphone &A 3918, Portland 14. Orqoa Any I ime is t Gift Worch Time Come into Stevens' and see our great display of gift watches. Watch names famous through Ihe years o service to Iheir owners . . . watch names nationally Jinown for their high slandard of excellence. Terms, of course. STEVENS & SON 339 Court St. ilrTTeiT. mv your family up to 4 times at much Life Insurance protection for far leu than 4 timet the utual premium. This new Family Security Plan, offered exclusively by The Business Men's Assur ance Company, PATS rft FIKIlT S15.00C.0fl IMMEMUar In event of your death dur ing the nest 15 years or a wide choice of Income plans may be arranged, ro txAum, Cimm.1 and II M.N mam Ik llu nrt I3yara AFTER 15 YEARS the bene, fits ore adjusted to suit re duced family needs and the plon continues to provide valuable protection. Then at any age you select IT PATS TOD FN ICTIKKEIfT (Utl I a mtnn satf caatkiulnt avaqr moota for lha taat , rv, ma. OiMblUrv t.a.li l $1 50 00 V C. W. Robbins - 229 N. Commercial Ph.2-1900 East Side Sewing T Club Entertained f' Amity Mrs. Jay Heller was hostess to the East Side. Sewing Club at her home eait of town. Fourteen members and two guests attended. The club did some hand sew ing for their hostess and tied a quilt for the Howard Davidson family who lost their home by fire recently. The next meeitng will be held at the home of Mrs. Adeline Vogle November 4. Refresh ments were served. Entertained at Dinner Pleasantdale Mr and Mrs. vAm.r irnllnn and son Wayne and daughter Colleeen who re cently purchased a zu acre iarm in the Hopewell area were din ner guests of Mr. ana mri. Adolph Schuti (Dorothy &nep-pard). Beee Slow Down Portland, Oct. 13 If Oregon Our Specialty Is Promptness Dr. E. E. Borlnr Optometrists Dr. 8am Hogbi All lenses and Glasses Completed in Our Own Laboratory Assuring Prompt and Speedy Service. If you "lave a prescription to be filled, a lens to replace bring it to US. Our modern equipment and instruments guarantee exactness and satisfaction at BORING OPTICAL 183 Court DIGNIFIED CREDIT Phone 3-6900 1 L1 CLEARANCE SALE! 50 0 DISCOUNT Simply Can't Keep Track of Them All, So We're , Closing Out One Complete Book of 125 PATTERNS PASTELS WOOD PATTERNS CHOOSE NOW AND SAVE! STRIPES FLORALS At HUTCHEON'S PAINT STORE "BUY YOUR PAINT AT A PAINT STORE" 162N.Com'l. Ph.3-6687 bees have been en a slow-down. The department of egricul-V ture reports honey production in Oregon averaged 28 pounde a colony compared to a western average of 52.9 pounds this year. Total output was 2,048,000 pounds, down II percent from. a year ago. jf iehemei ii m tiMcim iirrf m 1 j V in theeat g s On this oaision foi special f femtmbrance Sotiete'i taditionilly fins candies wiil"welr" express your iboughu tnd apMedaiton...Tbe new Societe "Bird of M Paradise" Package U a delightful assortment ofSociete't finest chocolate coated tavoites. M Tit Stom ht tf Fmtl Cnam Cbmhti k iilmm & tuMimnt if IMlMaopiiMg, sll ufi, mam) mutt. I At thorp ftpulm wtnmni Mt Unit tmm , THESE LITTLE WORDS are causing a power shortage in Oregon! ...by discouraging fhe building of new power plants A serious shortage of electric power threatens Oregon today! Many industries may have to curtail their use of power this winter. Even homes and farms may have to get along with less electricity. New industries can't come to Oregon, especially if they use large amounts of power. Three little words in the Oregon hydroelectric law are largely responsible for this power shortage. These three words give the state, or any city, the right to take over any Oregon hydroelectric plant AT ANY TIME, upon short notice. Power companies haven't completed any new power plants in the state during the past 17 years that these three little words have been on the statute books. Investors won't put millions into new power projects, when the dams can be seized, and the company left without a source of power. Power companies in every western state have built many hydroelectric plants, but not in Oregon! ... biii AT TITLE OFFICII. " HYDROELECTRIC COMMWON ACT PURPOSE: " ,rai,.ior. P"' J ,. up0 p.ym.n. piod. .1 ' '"' . t,dmn..i.n. . project dunnj nj ' m REFERENDUM 306 CORRECTS THE LAW AND ENCOURAGES BUILDING OF POWER DAMS IN OREGON Tht last suit ItgisUturt corrected tht obsolete Oregon hydroelectric law by making it read that the state or any city can take over i power project built under state license UPON EXPIRATION OF THE LICENSE (and not "at any time"). The vote was 70 to 20 to correct the law. Now the voters are asked to approve the action of their state legislature by voting 306 X YES. Eliminating the three tittle words providing that any new power dam can be taken over AT ANY TIME is the pnn 306 DOES THIS: 306 DOt -vm.- " provide r L. M lof Mw idwtnei. oittt, thtf w,ll r T.t '. ",0' "0T lour ,o'- cipal change provided by measure 306. The measure ah corrects two additional sections of the state hydroelectrit act. These changes require the licen.e for a hydroelectric project to set forth the maximum rate of return which a power company may earn, and otherwise make the state hydro electric laws conform to the Federal Power Act. The people s and the state s right of condemnation remains unchanged under the modernized law. .Approve ihe slate legislature's amendments to the hydroelectric law Vote 306 x m THIS AO PAID FOB Br MOE POWEB FOB OIEGON COMMUTE! I C Ummtn. a.. t. Ul. Snnr. I IIS OaWa SI., klo 340 Court Phone 2-2493