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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1948)
Local Paragraphs Wilson Visits Father Forrest E. Wilson of Portland visited Friday with his father, W. H. Wilson of Salem. The Portland man is parcel post carrier for the Portland post o(fice. Here from Indiana Mrs. Grace Menaugh of Delphi, Ind., and Mrs. Rose Ruck of Lafay ette, Ind., were guests for three day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Viesko of Ger vais. They left Friday evening by train for Hollywood, Cal., where they will visit Mrs. Viesko's son, Charles Latshaw and family. From there they will return to Indiana. They are making th'e trip by automobile. Treated for Bump Ruth Early wine, 1170 Spruce, was taken to Salem General hospital Friday for treatment of a head cut and other possible injuries after she was struck by a car driven by William D. Dotson, route 7, on Fairgrounds road near the intersection of Donna avenue. Cub Pack Meets The firsi fall meeting of Cub Scout pack No. 12 will be held at the Vet erans of Foreign Wars hall Wed nesday nieht at 7:30 o'clnrk All boys and parents interested in Scouting are invited. Stalnakers Parents Dr. and Mrs. John H. Stalnaker are the parents of an 814 pound daugh ter born Tuesday at the Eman uel hospital in Portland. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lucas, Salem and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Stalnaker, Portland. She has a sister 15 months old. Doerfler to Speak Frank Doerfler, Salem landscape en gineer, will speak on fall land scaping at the Wednesday night meeting of the Mt. Angel Gar den club. A part of the program will be the annual fall plant sale. Carnival Planned The Mo ther's club of the Cloverdale district is holding a carnival and bazaar October 23 witn Marjorie N e w k i r k general chairman. Others assisting are Mildred Kreger, rummage; Es ther Brown, candy; Edna Ste venson, supper; Edith Waldrop, fish pond; Nellie Thomas, script and M. Archibald, ice cream. Special booths will be provided to amuse the youngsters. Accountants Gather James E. Keys, president and Lester Barr, member of the executive board, will be in Albany Mon day night to attend a meeting 01 me ooara oi governors or me Oregon Association of Public Accountants. ... In Midland Fraternity Mel- vin Langeland and Howie Baum gart, both of Salem, who are members of the freshman class at Midland college, Fremont, Nebr., have been accepted for membership in Kappa Phi fra ternity. Langeland is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Lange land, 265 South 18th. Baum gart is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Baumgart, 3075 Garden road. Goes to Chicago George O. Raugust, district agent for Con tinental Assurance company of Chicago, has qualified to at tend his company's Pyramid club educational conference in Chicago October 14, 15, and 18. More Chamber Members New members of the Chamber of Commerce to be introduced Monday are: Harvey E. Tautfest, city juvenile officer with police department; Edith Kyle and Mary Reinke, Public Secretarial Service; and John R. Hunt, Commercial Placement Agency. Partner Added Certificate of assumed business name filed with the county clerk shows that the name Stuart M. McGilchrist has been added as a partner in jthe business of McGilchrist Si . Cnn ORB M , :1 l t along with those previously en gaged in the business, Gordon McGilchrist, Gordon H. McGil christ and Elton E. McGilchrist. Young GOP to Meet The Young Republicans of Marion county will meet Wednesday night in the Chamber of Com merce rooms at 8 p.m. A 17 minute transcription of a speech made by Governor Dewey to the Young Republicans of New York will be run off as a part of the program. Direct Brooks Drive Direct ing the Community Chest cam paign at Brooks are Mrs. John Archer, chairman; Mrs. Sam Ramp, Mrs. Edward Edmunds, Mrs. Dwlght Wood, Mrs. Ray Hillyer, Mrs. Dewey Lowrey, Mrs. John Henney, Mrs". Mar shall ChrUtoferson, Mrs. Char les Fitzgerald, Mrs. Orville Wy more, Mrs. William Ramp and Mrs. Oran Sturgess. Children of the Brooks school are also as sisting. BORN SALEM WOLF To Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wolf, 10S Evergreen, at the Salem Oeneral hos Pita), a eon, Oct. 8. SHEITOH To Mr. and Mrs. Perry Snel len. 450 B. Winter, at the Salem Memor ial hospital, a ion, Oct. 8. T WATSON To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Watson. Wecoma. at the Salem Memorial hospital, eon, Oct. 8. Visiting at Liberty Guests at the Floyd Bacon home in the Liberty district are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pressler, of Los An geles, Calif. Car Stolen A green, 1938 Hudson car was reported stolen from Jack Moustachettl of 314 Water street Friday a police re port showed today. Camera Club The Salem Camera club will present a program of an illustrated lec ture on the making of Christ mas cards at their meeting Monday night at the First Meth odist church. All camera fans are welcome to attend. Disease Report Five cases of pneumonia were reported in Marion county during the week ending Oct. 2 by the state de partment of health. Other com municable diseases during the period included two each of chicken pox, dysentery, scarlet fever and ghonorrhea. Infants Taken Home Leav ing the Salem General hospital with infants are Mrs. B. G. Tur ner and son, McMinnville; Mrs. Phil Pitney and daughter, 2058 Warner; Mrs. Calvin Kent and son, 2345 Hazel; Mrs. William Hardman and daughter, route 1 and Mrs. Robert Brown and son, 2210 Fisher road. Townsend Hosnitalizerf Lafayette Townsend, 585 South Commercial street, is a patient at the Salem Memorial hospi tal. Mrs. Nelson Home Mrs. Ralph Nelson, 1105 S. 19th street, and her infant son, Levi Henry, were dsmissed from the Salem Memorial hospital Fri day. Nelson is principal at the Keizer school. Dads, Mothers to Meet The Salem units of the University of Oregon Dads and U of O Mo thers will meet jointly at May flower hall Monday night. The state presidents of both or ganizations will be present. It will be a dinner meeting. The Salem U of O Dads have over 50 new members this year. Wilier Now Commander Wilfred Wilier is now comman der of Salem chapter No. 6, Dis abled American Veterans. Don McCall resigned to go away to school. Wilier was in the 96th division and was wounded at Leyte in the Philippine islands. After spending two years in the hospital he returned to Salem to make his home. Customer Bilks Lumber Company Salem police were endeavor ing to locate a "customer" for a lumber company Saturday aft er the concern was unable to deliver $25.24 in lumber. The address given by the cus tomer proved to be just as fic ticious as a check he cashed in payment for the supplies. The check, however, was made out for $84.50 and he had taken the change. It was payable to Carl G. Nelson and signed by C. R. Shullz. Under neath the signature was a church denomination. Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730. 241 For Sale Two wicker Invalid chairs, twin wicker beds with coil springs and mattresses, six walnut D.R. chairs. Call 34714. 243 Old Time Dance tonight, 259 Court. Everbody welcome. 242 Drawing hse. plans. Ph. 38921. . 242 Chests, desks, cor. cabinets, chairs, tables, unfinished, 20 off. Woodrow's, 450 Center. 238 Dance tonite Glenwood. 242 Neon Electric Clocks. Broad way Appliance Co., 453 Court. 243 CAR POLISHING, WASH ING & STEAM CLEANING. Otis E. Ackerman, corner Church & Center. 246 Just received new shipment of CCM skates and accessories at the Salem Ice Arena. 242 Coming to Glenwood Ball room Wednesday, Oct. 13th, the Jan Savitt Orchestra, directed by Al Donahue. 244' Dance tonite Glenwood. 242 Hollywood Auto Parts, your headquarters for Smitty muf flers, Hollywood hub caps, chrome side walls, grills, grill guards and seat covers. Also complete line of automotive parts and equipment. 2002 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4713. 244 Karagul Karpet It's new, it's reversible, it's 100 virgin wool and woven through and through and only $4.95 per sq. yd. Ph. 3-7648 or 3-3364 . 260 Insured savings earn more than two percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association, S60 State street. Irene Sweeney Irene Sweeney Here October 1 3 Miss Irene Sweeney, organi zation secretary of the League of Women Voters, and Mrs. Blair Stewart, state president, will be in Salem October 13. They will be at a luncheon meeting at the home of Mrs. Hal DeSart, president of the Salem league. Miss Sweeney will discuss plans to arouse citizens to take a greater part in government, and will help In pre-election work here. Miss Sweeney served as a major in the women's army corps, for 4 years. Stationed in Omaha, Neb., she directed recruiting activities and pro moted the program of the corps in the mid-west. Before enlist ing in the army, Miss Sweeney had been field secretary of the Indian League of Women voters, and executive secretary of the St. Paul, Minn., and the Indian apolis, Ind., leagues. Miss Sweeney is a native of Minnesota and spent two tyears at the Manakato Teachers col lege in that state. That she is particularly well qualified by experience and aptitude to work with people is evidenced by the praise which follows her visits with local and state leagues. Aldermans Go East Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Alderman left Friday on a trip to the east coast. They will visit a daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. (Ruth) Tait in Gouverneur, New Ycrk. They will visit friends in Washington, D. C, where they were both employed before coming to Dayton. From here they will go to Florida and then to Califor nia to visit a son and family be fore returning home. Held at County Jail Harold Joseph Johns, route 3, Salem, was brought to the Marion coun ty jail Saturday by Constable E. J. Jackson of Silverton, and is charged In Silverton justice court with rape. Bail was fixed at $2500. He is to appear and enter a plea Monday. Permits Not Necessary With the coming of wet weather it is no longer necessary for Salem residents to get permits from the fire department to build outdoor fires on their premises, Fire Chief W. P. Roble said to day. Permits are necessary dur ing the summer months. Apts. for rent. Double and singles all modern Elec. heat. City and school bus 3580 S Commercial. 242 Brownie's Fountain & Coffee Shop at 1140 North Capitol will be closed all day Sunday, Oct. 10th. 242 Dance tonite Glenwood. 242 Early English chrysanthe mums in blossom. Make your selections now for next year's flowers. Cut flowers for sale. Beckman's Gardens, Glencreek Drive, Rt. 1, Box 122. 242 Mom's and Pop's Grocery & Service Station at 590 S. Lan caster Drive is now open under new management. Wt are here to please and serve you. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rupp, proprietors. 241 Name imprinted Christmas cards, 50 for $1, up. Ph. 2-6488. 242 Dance tonite Glenwood. 242 For Sale; King Sllvertone trombone, good cond. Also man's wrist watch, Speidel band, 1980 W. Nob Hill St. 244 Co - Z - Air Portable Electric Heaters, UL Approved, 60 discount. Broadway Appliance Co., 453 Court street. 243 Kitchen - Aid, Dormeyer & Knapp Monarch Mixers. Broad, way Appliance Co.. 453 Court. 243 The Monarch Re-Weaving Co. does invisible mending on all fabrics. Tears, burns, moth holes expertly repaired. 360 State street, rooms 33-34. Ph. 25619. Open 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Closed Saturdays 245 Reductions up to 50 In dec orator wallpapers. Come see our new fall patterns Wallpa per Dept. R. L. Elfstrom Co. 340 Court, 250 Rose Society ToCorvallis A large delegation from the Salem Rose society will go to Corvallis the night of Wednes day, October 20, to hear Dr. George A. Sweetser, president of the American Rose society, who is touring the nation in the interest of the national organ ization of rose enthusiasts, ac cording to President Earl W. Benbrow. Plans for a caravan to carry the Salem delegation to Corval lis were made at a meeting; of the directors of the Salem so ciety at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Canfield, 1109- South High street, Thursday night. The caravan will leave the YMCA building here at 6:45 Wednesday evening. The Corvallis address will be one of two Dr. Sweetser will make in Oregon. His only other Oregon stop will be in Port land. His topic for the Corval lis meeting will be "Mistakes in Rose Growing." Dr. Sweetser, who has been growing roses for more than 50 years is a nationally recog nized authority on rose soil science and fertilizer. In addi tion to his post as president of the American Rose Society he is executive secretary of the New England society, honorary vice president of the American Hor ticultural society and a mem ber of the Pennsylvania Hor ticultural society. Activities in City Schools Salem high school students will conduct an election Monday for the purpose of selecting of ficers for the year. At the same time the sophomores will ballot on a slate of officers, according to the schedule of activities for next week as prepared by the superintendent's office. Next Thursday morning Parrish jun ior high will Install officers elected this week. The sched ule for the week: Monday: 8:fto a.m. Associated student body election, senior high; 1:60, sopho more class election, senior high: 1:30 p.m. secondary principal! meeting, olllce building: 3:48 p.m. student council meeting. Leslie: 3:00 p.m., elementary principal! meeting, office building; 1:1B p.m. Adult education elaasei, eenlor high. Tueaday: 12:20 p.m. Danelna- class. aenlor high: 1:15 p.m. Fifth grade as aembly, Richmond; 7:30 p.m. School di rectors- meeting, olllce building; 1:00 p.m. pta executive meeting, Swegle. Wednesday: 4:00 p.m. Art work con ference, grades 1 and 2, office building; 4:00 p.m. Audio-visual work conference, office building. Thuraday: 8:4S p.m. student body in stallatino, Parrish. t:0 p.m. airla' Let ter dub. senior hich: 0:00 a.m. fllxth grade assembly, Oarfleld: 1:00 p.m. Fifth grade assembly, Knglewood; 4:00 p.m. Audio-visual work conference and Belem xeacners' Association meeting, office building. Friday: 1:00 p.m. All school assembly, Highland; 1:00 p.m. Assembly, grades 1, 3 and 3. Bush; 3:00 p.m. 4-H club meeting, Auourn: 3:4B p.m. Football, Ol lnaer field, parrlah Cards vs. Wast st. lem: Leslie Oolde vs. Leslie Blues. Leslie iieiu; p.m. wintn grade mixer, Les lie: 8:00 p.m. Community club meeting. Prlngie: 8:00 p.m. Football, Salem va. 6prlngfleld, Sweetland field: 8:30 p.m. Community club meeting, Prlngie; 8:00 p.m. Football, Balem vs. Springfield. Sweetland field; 8:30 p.m. Community club meeting. Middle Grove 10 p.m. Honor Society dance, senior high. Chin-ups to Open Store on N. Church Chin-up club members of Ore gon are going into business for themselves and In the near fu ture will open a store at 1275 North Church, a lease having been signed. The merchandise department will include for sale articles made by physically handicapped persons, with a stock of grocer ies and a "white elephant" an nex. Novelties and used toys for children will also be in cluded. In addition to several show cases for the display of wares there will be one specially for candy. A completely equipped office will also be available. In formation may be obtained from the Salem headquarters of the club by telephoning 2-4321 be tween 1 and 9 o'clock. Salem Court News Circuit Court oladys M. va. Wallace V. Hemenway, application lor trial. J. W. DeYounc va. Silverton Cooper ative Lockers, verdict of Jury lor 1400 in favor of plaintiff. Cue Involved fee southt for preparing plana and apeetfl cations for food loekera In Silverton. Rita Ann va. William Lvle Kent, di vorce complaint alleles eniel and Inhu man treatment, asks custody of a child with 150 a month for Its support. Mar ried Mar 15, 1047, at Roaeburt. Marjorie Baker Yunf vs. Dorothy Vap and others, demurrer of defendants Vap and Frank A. Masselll. State on relation of Martha Baker va. Herbert Baker, order modlfrlnf decree as to support money, reducing It from 145 to 130 a month, defendant to con tinue paying 145 a month until delin quencies are made up. Probate Court Alexander M., Byron R. and Francis Lee LaFollette guardianship, authority to Beryl H. LaFollette Lamar to borrow 110.000 to meet Indebtedness for handling peach crop valued at 126,000: 1003 cases having been processed. Mike Eenselhardt estate, final account of Anton M. Fngelhardt. administrator, final hearing November 15. William Henry Newton guardianship, Violet Newton Heth. gunrdlan, authorised to make monthly payments for benefit of ward Petition for order for sale of real property and hearing In petition set for November 15, Mike Cngelhsrdt estate, arrangement as to finances approved la connection with widow's allowance. Harry B. Read, manager of Salem Electric who died in hospital Saturday. Union Sponsors Kiddie Shows E. S. Benjamin, secretary for Local 670. Cannery Workers, Salem, announceds that the members of the local have voted sponsorship of a regular pro gram of free kiddie shows. Full details of the program are being worked out. The first show is scheduled for Novem ber 2 at Dundee and will be the main attraction at the school festival to be held in Dundee on that date. The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts have volun teered to help. The first show in Salem will be held Satur day, November 6. Shows will also be held in Silverton, Wood burn, and Albany the same week. Buttons are bring made to give to the children attend ing the shows. Preliminary plans call for the staging of a free kiddie show at least once a week. The shows will be patterned after the kid die entertainment which is be ing carried on with s marked degree of success by Joint Coun cil No. 44 of Los Angeles. If any voluntary donations are made at the kiddie shows the money received will be con tributed to the milk fund in the city of Salem. 'Local 670," Mr. Benjamin concludes," is hopeful that the idea of free entertainment for members of Teamster Unions will spread throughout the state. These shows not only are welcomed enthustically by the children, but form a great serv ice in strengthening the bonds between a union and it's mem bership, and will provide clean and wholesome recreational en tertainment for hundreds of children in the Salem area. Court Reporter Dies in Portland Word has been received in Sa lem of the death in Medford Thursday evening of Cloyd D. Rauch, former Salem man and a reporter in the U. S. federal court in Portland. Rauch, who was well known In Salem, had suffered a heart attack earlier in the evening and death was sudden. He was vis iting at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Dixon Rauch, Jr. Surviving are the wife, Mrs. Regina Long Rauch; the son in Medford; two daughters, Mrs. James C. Davis and Mrs. Stan ley Lythgoe, both of Portland; two sisters, Mrs. May Rauch Smith of Salem, and Mrs. Ruth Lefebvre of Oregon City; and a brother, Edward N. Rauch of Portland. Funeral arrangements will be announced later . by Finley & Son of Portland. Iowi 14. Ohio State 1. Princeton 7, Penn 39. Harvard 6, Cornell 40. VPI 0. Maryland 38. New Hampshire 27, Main 8. DePauw 8, Rochester 13. Rhode bland State 8. Brown 83. Holy Orou A. Dartmouth 10. Indiana Central o, Otterble 48. Springfield 10. Conn 7. Florence Zinn estates valued at IflOiiu, C. O. Zlnn named administrator and Evelyn Eaelhoff. Jos. M. Devers, Jr., and Robert W. OrArmond appraisers. Rir Willie Jone wtite vilued it . Ifi. 000, Mirjori 2. McKay named ad mlnlAtntrlx. Brown E. fllMon tuardiansiilp, William A. SlMOn named guardian and K, E, Wenter, Milton Merer and Floyd Bow er named appraiser. District Court No driver' lieeiue: Homer C. Stlftler. I03S Hit hi and, fined fl and coaU; Alfred O. Oretory. H0 Waller, fined II and coat; Oeoria Olanti, Brooks, fined fl and coata. Truck apeedlnc. Walter M. Oenex, Tur ner, fined 110 and cou. Defective brakea: Rom fined 12 and conU. E. Brown, Rt. Police Court 1 Violation of biuMe apeed rule: Richard ! D. Nlenke. Wejit atayton. ball 17 M: Phil- I Up Gardner, 1M0 Warner, bail i Drunken drlvlna- Edwin B. Mile, Rt. 5, pleaded not guilty, ball aet at 1250. Vetrener, Kenneth port, releaaed. E. Walllni, New- Marriage Licenses William Andrew Sparllni, SO. mill wor ker, Vancouver, Wuh,, and Vera Marie Hague, 11, jeanuttrtM, 8a lem. Ray Maurice Cady. 45. foundry work er, Portland, and Haul Mae Harper, 40, leeratary, Balem. Carl B DamaJke, 41, builder, and Fran st Bower, to, teacher, bold Balem. Claude White's Funeral Held Funeral services were held at the Clough-Barrirk chapel Sat urday afternoon for Claude C. White, old time Salem barber, who died at his home at 595 Statesman street, Thursday, af ter being in ill health for a num ber of years. Rev. Wilmcr N. Brown and Rev. George Millen officiated at the rites, which were followed by Interment in Belcrest Memorial park. White, born February 21, 1878, in the Silverton Hills, was the son of William A. White and Jane King White, both members of old Oregon families. While still a boy he moved to Salem. Retired for the past 10 years, White was one of the early Salem barbers and followed that trade his entire life. He had the first four or five chair barber shop in Salem and for a number of years operated the barber shop in the old Salem hotel. A lover of horses, as a boy White worked for the Club Stables here and he and his three broth ers worked at the old While House restaurant. Surviving are his wife, Mat tie White of Salem; a brother. Clifford White of Turner; and nieces, Mrs. Rosalie Kilgore of Willamina and Mrs. Bernardine Myers of Silverton. A sister, Mrs. May Ledgerwood, died re cently. Cleveland Wins (Continued from Page 1) The 27-year-old righthander hadn't started a game since September 19 when he shut out the Philadelphia A's with three hits. He worked only three re lief innings since then. Indians Start Fiercely During the regular season he started only nine times. The Indians started out though they were going to knock Sain back to Belleville, Ark Mitchell singled to center and moved to second while Doby was being thrown out after hit ting a hard smash to Torgeson Boudreau sliced a double to the deep right field corner, a drive that kept curling away from Right Fielder Tommy Holmes as it bounced down the line. Mitchell scored with no play, but Boudreau tried to stretch it to a triple and was thrown out on a very close play at third Holmes to Alvin Dark to Bob Elliott. Oddlv enough the um pire who made the call was Bill Stewart of the National league who was involved in the disput ed pickoff play at Boston in the openers. Box Score: notion NI.) AB H H O Holmcvrt s 0 0 0 Dark.AS 4 0 0 3 4. 0 2 11 Elliott. 3b 4 0 0 2 Rtckrrt.lf 4 1 7 2 M. McCormick.ct ...4 0 1 1 Maal.c 3 0 0 3 A-Salkcld 1 0 0 0 Stankcy,2b 3 0 1 1 Saln.n 2 0 1 2 Total 32 1 7 24 A Piled out tor In Oth. Cleveland (AM AB R H O Mitchell, If 4 1 1 2 ., 3 1 1 3 Boudreau, m 3 0 12 Gordon. 3b 3 0 0 4 Kelt nor, 3b 3 0 0 1 .ludnich.rf 3 0 0 1 Kennedy, rf 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 8 HeHan.c 2 0 0 5 Gromek. p 3 0 0 1 Tola 1a 27 3 f 21 Boston (NL) 000 000 1001 Clevdnnd AU 101 000 OOx Error, none. Run.1, bnttcd in. Bnuilrenu, Doby, Rlckert. Two brine hit. TorKeaon 2. Boudreau. Home tuna, Doby. Rlckert. SncrlMcrfl. Snln. Heaan. Double play, Boudrcnu. Gordon and Robinson. Earned runs. BoMoii (NL) 1; Cleveland (AM 3 Left on basea, Boston (NL 0; Cleveland (AM 2. on ball, off Orornek 1 Tore.sonl. Strikeout by Sain 3 (Drome, Judnlch 2); by Gromek 2 (Rlckert. M McCormlrk). Umpire. Grieve (AL) plate; Barr (NL) firat base; Summer (AM seC' ond bane; Stewart (NL) third bae; Pin ellf (NL) left field: Pnpnrella (AM right field. Time 1:31. Attendance, 81,897. Nordstroms to Leave Silverton Mr. find Mrs. J H. Nordstroms, who have sold their home on Reserve street to Rex McCurdy, expect to leave soon for San Pedro, Calif. where they will spend the win ler with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Ware. Mrs. Ware is the former Esther Nordstrom. YOU DON'T HAVK TO BP! A CON TORTIONIST TO PUT YOUR FOOT IN YOUR MOUTH, but ymj aure have to have your ahoea of ft Now, 1 -liink ynl can allv avoid thlx xoclnl error If you're abort in a pair of Pop'a fine Cordovan, They're ao good-looking, you'll aeldom. If ever, have a chance to take them off 1 Ht li Raid that nome proud ownera even wear them to bedl. Furthermore, Pop's Cord ova. nil are nought right ao that you Ret the benefit of the buy. And that'a why the price la only ten dollan I 1 JIM'S SHOES 175 North High Street Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Gale Sweeps Down Coast 7 Vessels in Distress Seattle, Oct. 9 (US) Seven vessels with crews totaling more than 30 men flashed distress calls last night and today as a howling 50-mile-an-hour gale roared out of Alaska down the Pacific northwest coast, Seattle coast guard officials reported. One man was reported missing in the Columbia river. Coast guard cutters from Kodiak and - Ketchikan. Alaska and Astoria, Ore., were dispatched to the scenes. Two search planes and a Canadian tug also were tak ing part in rescue operations. Heavy seas were battering two cannery tenders the Sea beck and Nora, off Pt. St. Elias in the Alaska gulf 50 miles southeast of Cordova. A total of 10 men were believed aboard the disabled craft. Both sent out radio calls for help and the Seabeck radioed waves had opened up seams. The vessel was taking water. A large army tug Ata-192 was en route to the vicinity from Kodiak. A 38-foot herring boat, the Prince, was being tossed by huge waves and drifting before the gale-force wind In the same area. Its master radioed nine people were aboard, the vessel's cabin had been smashed, and the steering gear disabled. The army tug LT-60 was en route. In the Columbia river the tug Multnomah rammed a jetty on the east end of Puget island last night. The two-man crew was tossed overboard. The engineer was picked up by a passing vessel, the coast guard said, but the master of the Multnomah was reported missing. Identity of the crew men was not known. Military Men and Veterans Monday, Oolober 11 companies B and O. 182nd In fantry regiment, Oregon National uuard, and Headquarters detach ment, Oregon National Guard at Salem armory. Marlon Dost, No. Ml. VFW. at VPW hall. 369th boat and shore enrdneers regiment and 409th quartermasters at army reserve quonset nuts. saiem post No. 136. American Legion at American Legion hall, Tuesday. October 12 weaver wavy post no. 7775. vfw. at vi-w nan. Ordinance battalion and signal company, casta composite group, army reserves, at army reserve quonset huts at 7:30 pjn. Medal to Breette With the Eighth Armv In Sendal Japan MaJ. Ralph M. Bieese. 2040 soutn Commercial street. Salem, Oregon, has recently been present ed the Army of Occupation medal at Headquarters IX corps, located on the outskirts of this city. The malor. who entered the army Au gust 1, 1942, sailed for duty In this meater Novemoer 14, iy47. AMcndinr School Two former saiem men. Lt. Col. Kenneth O. Schellberg, QMC, and Lt. Col. Edward L. Burchell, TC, are among those officers attending the Army's Command and Oeneral Staff College. Port Leavenworth, Kans.. and presently arc observing the amphibious training exercises being held In Southern Callforina. col. scneiiberg la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schellberg of 1725 Plr street and Col. Burchell Is the son of Mrs. Mae Burchell of 1335 North Cottage street. Bain in Japan With the Eighth Armv In Kvote. Japan Salem, Oregon, man pres ently serving here with the head quarters aetaenment l corps is Pfc. Richard L. Bnlne, son of Mrs. Emmal Buel of route 5, box 28, Salem, Oregon. Pfc. Richard L. Balne, who has been with his present unit since April. 1948. enlisted In the armv In September, 1946, at Salem, and completed his basic training at Port Bragg. N. C. On arriving In Japan in December, 1947, he was assigned to the 35th infantry regiment. I corps military police platoon and wns transferred to his present unit from there. Home on Leave from Japan Salem man home to spend a 45 day leave In the States and then return to duty In Japan Is Tech. 5 Eldon R. Oaede of route 6, box 113A, Salem, now visiting here. Young Gaede, who on termina tion of his enlistment in February of next year will be 20 years of age and plans to re-enter the army, is stationed about eight miles from Yokohama, Japan, as a cook with the 736th engineers heavy shop company. He arrived In Salem MAKE FENCE with this POST HOLE DIGGER LSS5-RlJ it. ::.: Fins for letting out seedlings. gets fence made quickly, between rush seasons or In spare time. Ask for a demonstration. Mikei hole, for building founda tlona. ALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY 530 Chemeketo Saturday, Oct. 9, 1948 9 Truman Confers (Continued from Page 1) In no quarter was there any official confirmation that such plan had been considered. But neither was It denied. Said Abandoned There were reports In any event that this idea was no longer getting consideration that it has been abandoned it it ever was given serious con sideration. Marshall's plane arrived over the airport about 10 minutes before the president reached the field from his train. The Mar shall plane circled overhead until Mr. Truman could arrive. When the president's car drovt up, the plane quickly landed. Marshall got out and shook hands with the chief executive. "I am grateful to you" (for meeting the plane). Marshall said. They posed for photograph ers for several minutes, but se cret service agents prevented reporters from approaching either man for the purpose of asking questions. Reception Arranged For Brooks Teachers Brooks The P.T A. held a teachers' reception In the school house. Mrs. Waldo Lowery was general chairman; on the com mittee were George Nolan, Mrs. Kenneth Isham, Mrs. OretvStur gis, Mike Lowery. Mrs. Harry Bosch and Mrs. Andrew Gil christ poured. The teachers, Mrs Esther Franz, principal, Mrs Lauretta Martin, Mrs. Alta Simmons and Mrs. India Reavis, were each presented a corsage. Thursday and will leave October 22. Oaede enlisted In the army October 24, 1936, through the lo cal army and air force recruiting office and left for overseas duty February 23, 1947. Appoint WAC Director San Francisco Sixth Army head quarters this week announced the appointment of MaJ. Ruby E. Her man, Newburgh, N. Y as Sixth Army Wac staff director. The major, who started her army career in August, 1942, has been In administrative and staff work since Joining the army. A graduate of the inspector general's operation course In Washington. D. C, she recently returned from Germany, where she was deputy Wac staff director of the European com mand. Ike rH-M Br Paul Tester Now Is the time for all good men to come to the realization that winter is only a few days away. Lighting season Is in full swing, so stop in and let us show you the fixtures you have been wait ing for. Better LiRht for Better Bight Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 236 N. High St. Senator Hotel BIdg. Fhone 3-9412 MUCH FASTER Digging post holes by bend ig hard work. The Danuser post hole digger attaches quickly to the Ford Tractor and can dig up to 600 post holes a day. Lifts and lowers by Hydraulic Touch Control. Pays for Itself in time and labor saved . . . Ph. 38131 Salem, Ore.