Ifj H o o H j) 11 HS? I " s rr IJ-x 1' ,(7. . M ' Wed t Church The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Pemberton (Irene Prlem) was solemnized recently in the Evangelistic Tabernacle. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Prlem and Mr. Pemberton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pemberton of Stayton. (McEwan studio) Boots and Spurs By Gloria Robinson ,qyThe first Friday Fun Night of the year was held last weeK under the genial leadership of Graham Sharkey and daughter, Pat, and if all the Fun Nights to follow pattern after the first one in amount ot lun, mis snouid be a noutous year indeed, me evening negan oy introducing born Horses and riaers to these gathered in the seat sec-' tions. Games included matched pairs, horse bending, stake bending, bean bag race and the ever popular musical ropes. Es ther Ward managed to add to the merriment by taking a tum ble off her horse. Bits of this and that: Pat Sharkey tells us that her favor ite mount, El Bonito, will soon start to school, her teacher be ing Mr. Maxwell, trainer and handler at the Collis Johnson stables . . . Ervin Ward has re cently become the proud owner of Cinda, racing mare formerly belonging to Ethel Rowland. Er vin plans on using Cinda as sim ply a fine saddle mare . . . Ervin Slurgcs has sold Tony Boy Hampton to Columbia Hunt in Portland where Tony will fin ish his training as a jumping horse. We predict a great future for the very promising Tony Boy . . . Midge Rider has added another colt to her collection of horses, a two year old named prettily Glamour Boy . . . Midge Rider and her betroth ed, Bob Blanchett, have set a definite date for their wedding, Noember 21. A linen shower was given last Sunday afternoon in honor of the young bride-to- be at the Robinson home, Robin crest. Tall, lighted tapers and a centerpiece of rosebuds and gladioluses decorated the lunch' eon table. Guests bidden to at tend included Miss Carol Flesh er, Miss Esther Paulson, Mrs. Clara Long, Mrs. Ruth Nichols, Mrs. Robert Blanchett, Mrs. Vic tor Matthews, Mrs. Ben Rider and the hostess, Mrs. Beatrice Robinson. Mrs. Blanchett and Mrs. Matthews are also arrang ing showers in honor of Miss Rider. Returns to Salem After spending the summer visiting her son and daughter in Bakers field and Los Angeles, Mrs. N. E. Turner, mother of Mrs. John H. Carkin of Salem, is returning to this city Saturday. Luncheon -r " Opens Club' Year Woodburn The first fall meeting of the Woodburn Wom an's club was held Wednesday afternoon, at the library club rooms beginning with a no-host luncheon. Officers of the club, Mrs. P. C. McLaughlin, Mrs. W. O. Green, Mrs. Roy Seely, Mrs. Amos Bonacker and Mrs. Harris Nelson were in charge of ar rangements. Following the luncheon en tertainment was provided by Janie McGrath and Shirley Brown in piano solos. Mrs. P. C. McLaughlin pre sided over the business meet ing. Delegates elected to attend the Marion county convention in Salent on October 22 are the club officers. Alternates named are Mrs. E. C. Peyton, Mrs. Fred rrenlz, Mrs. Mark Thompson. Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo and Mrs G. T. Wadsworth. The club voted to sponsor the county health extension pro gram and made plans for the annual bazaar which will be held November 20. Mrs. R. L, Anderson, Mrs. L. B. Detweiler and Mrs. Lester Henn were ap pointed as the committee in charge. The matter of painting tne club kitchen was discussed A report on the recent state convention at North Bend was given by Mrs. A. G. Cowan, junior past president. The November meeting will oe in cnarge of the program committee of which Mrs. Frank Bentley is chairman. She will be assisted by Mrs. E. J. Allen, Mrs. Paul Mills, Mrs. Rosanna Aicner and Mrs. Paul Roberts. Woodburn Evergreen Chap ter No. 41, Order of the East ern Star, will meet in regular session Monday evening, Octo- oer ti, at the Masonic Temple, nosiess committee for the eve ning will be Mrs. Grace Cra mer, Mrs. Lenore Schoor, Miss Mildred Schoor, Mrs. Louise Shorey, Mrs. Florence Butter- neid and Mrs. Marian Ander son. Woodburn Mrs. Alia C.I Westover of Woodburn and James R. Winflcld of San Fran cisco were married Saturday, October 2, at the First Presby terian church in San Francisco. The service was read by John Hayes Crelghton, D. D-, and at tendants were Mrs. Thomas M. Moore of Sacramento, sister of the bridegroom, and O. G. Mc- Cuiston of San Francisco. Mrs. Winfield was employed In the office of the Birds Eye, Snider plant at Woodburn. The couple will make their home in San Francisco. Leave for East Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Gordon are leaving this Friday evening by plane for New York C ity. They will spend two days there, go ing on to Atlantic City to at tend the convention of the Na tional Association of Retail Druggists. They will return by plane also. Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. I John Wittman of Woodburn an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Florence, to Charles L. Nicholson, son of Dr. and j Mrs. George D. Bishop of Sa lem. The wedding took place i September 25 at Osyoos, B. C, at the home of the bride's sis ter. The couple will make their home in Salem. "GREAT SCENES FROM GREAT PLAYS" Tonight and Every Friday 7:00-7:30 P.M. KSLM 1390 MiHiBinnni AtSt isMT ff Xe-usestAeHotSuJs rftfc as Often as lb MsA Mow ye can tnjoy complttaly workfrM woilf day - ECONOMICALLY. Sm lor yourtolf how WHIRLPOOL - with It xclutrv "Sudt-Miwr" can Mvo monay for you WASHES CLOTHES REALLY CLEAN with gtrrtto agitator action prevod boat for clethti, beat for cleaning In 20,000,000 American Homtt. COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC uif let a dial add loop, thtn clothii. WHIRLPOOL fllli . . . waihtt . . rtrmi uvin timet . . . damp drici . . . ctoont iHW . . thwH off. MO BOLTING TO FLOOR -vibrattonltM construction. Con b InitotUd any place R ... - 1 .a ii r ASK US TO GIVE YOU A PERSONAL DEMONSTRATION TODAY! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TERMS BROADWAY APPLIANCE CO. It pays to be a Diplomat If a woman asks you lo guess her age, and you gue more than you should, tell her you're amazed that anyone so young could have such presence. Itparefobiy DlPLOMAT.too Look at the back lakel and you'll see why Diplo mat'sout front among good whiskey buys. It compares with many whiskies selling (or many times its price. ONLY J3- 45 QUART Undid Whlikij K ftwl-72K nil) MOW tfrita 0M Hlckorf DliMnt Cwp, Phils, Pi. Ayers-Powell N , i Wedding Reported Lebanon The marriage of Miss Inez Powell and Ramond Ayers, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ayers of Lacomb, was solem nized at 8 o'clock on the eve ning of Sept. 24, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell, 578 West Sherman street. Lebanon. Dr. John B. Houser, pastor of the First Baptist church, read the double ring ceremony In a setting ot tall candelabrums flanked by baskets of varl-col-ored gladioluses. Candles were lighted by the bride's sisters, Misses Darlcne and DeLoris Powell. The wedding music was plaved by Mrs. Leonard Gainer at the piano. The bride wore a green wool suit, and for something old, her grandmother s wedding ring on a gold neck chain. Her flowers were white orchids. Miss Norma Wood was maid of honor. Her gown was gray crepe with railhead trim, and her corsage was fashioned of yellow rosebuds. Dale F. Weber was best man. At the informal reception fol lowing the ceremony, Miss Doris Ayers of Albany, sister of the bridegroom, cut the wed ding cake. Mrs. Edna Arnold, sister of the bride, poured, and Mrs. Patlie Powell, the bride's grandmother, cut the Ices. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, October 8, 1948 7 For her wedding trip to the Oregon beaches, Mrs. Ayers wore a two-piece dress of rust wool witli wool accessories and black top Coat, to which was pinned an orchid. Both young people are gradu ates of Lebanon high school Mr. Ayers attended Oregon State college and Is a member of Lambda Chi Alpha. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers will make their home In Lebanon. Baby Boy Born Mr. and Mrs. Elton McGilchrist are re ceiving congratulations upon the birth of a son, Thomas Elton McGilchrist, Thursday morning, October 7. at Salem General hospital. There is an older sis ter, Sandra, In the family. Grandparents of the new arrival are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc Gilcliri.st of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. John Black of Portland. r IjpOMilj For school you need a ROYAL PORTABLE X ) ARROW J J M0DEL X- $050 Down Easy Terms Makes school work easier! Helps you get better marks! Royal . . . No. 1 choice of students! Delivery now Mail and telephone orders accepted. Each typewriter guaranteed by both the manufac turer and ourself. We guarantee our prices on new portables are as low as any local store, chain, or mail order house. ROYAL UNDERWOOD - CORONA PORTABLES KAY TYPEWRITER CO, 357 Court St. Dial 3-8095 'J- IsHtt'A' .f., J IM" iO : It; 1 1 53 PIECE SERVICE TROUSSEAU CHEST. INCLUDED . t Teaspoons 8 Oral Soap Spoons 8 Knives 2 Serving Spoons R Fork 1 Buttr Knife 8 $Ud Forks 1 Sugar Spoon 1 Cold Meat Fork 40-P1ECE SERVICE tor ft JWkM CM 1277 IG-NIFIED' RED! T DIAMOND-" HlflTCH6y 44I COURT T.; yiLveRiDfiRe 4 453 Court Salem, Oregon HKS We MUST Have 4$ VV More Room for the If Floor Covering Dept. -So It's H V7 ft SBomlm ON ALL yVsfi DRAPERY MATERIALS PANEL CURTAINS 0) ?'h PLASTIC YARDAGE TIE-BACK CURTAINS HSr;, ;Y.7 SLIP-COVERING FABRICS i V VS' KITCHEN CURTAINS SHOWER CURTAINS S h f I IT FRINGES AND TRIMMINGS Cm VV SHOP AND SAVE NOW! ' j ; SALES NAL " N RETURNS Ji '