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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1948)
A oo O I 1 ' 3 Q 3 iQ fit) . r ..W , :..-T&sazL. ,iitjai&e Salem Goes for Better Lighting This view at top of a section of Portland road was taken before turning on the new highway lights installed during the summer by the Portland General Electric company. Below, the same section of road illuminated a fewi minutes later by mercury-vapor lamps of 16,000 lumen intensity, the first modern lighting of this type to be used in this area. Highway safety is greatly aided by such lighting, according to Fred G. Starrett, Willamette valley division manager of PGE, who says that similar lights are now being installed on the recently annexed portion of South Commercial street. Teen-Agers Held For Robberies Portland, Oct. 8 W) Two teen-aged Grants Pass boys, ac cused of coming to Portland for "'a few hold-ups and mailing the booty back home, were turned over to juvenile authorities to day. The boys were arrested yes terday afternoon emerging from a downtown theater around which police had thrown a guard. The President hotel had been robbed of $68.16 ten minutes before, and the theater cashier told police two boys an swering the robbers' description had come in to the movie. Patrolman R. H. Fielding ar rested the boys as they slipped from a side exit. The elder, aged 17, carried a loaded .45 caliber revolver. The 16-ycar-old had a toy pistol. They gave their names as Kenneth M. Smith, 17, and Donald Ray Eruner, 16. Detectives M. A. McMeeken and C, H. Robertson said the pair admitted both the Pr ildent hotel hold-up and the previous night's $100 hold-up at the Gov ernor hotel. 0 TAK A LOAD Off YOUR MINOj YOUTOO, CAN 44AV A CAS44 LOAN s100t.$1000 Auto and Personal Loans MORE COMMERCIAL CREDIT FLAN SALEM AGENCY: 444 CiirHiSttMt. P". - set cash today I If A GRAND OLD TlF h. i X CANADIAN NAME brtW' BUY WITH SAVINGS! j W.'" '"S,"-""T" "ra')i I jl rptm'''''. Storm S a s if many times ' JjC ITOIO Mil thVaTyyaeinr,,hbeemS - PRODUCED IH THE U.S.A. 5- Wll I TU:- lrS 1 because you are going to ... , . . , I JEd. I 'UUULj -MiR'' Pay tor them anyway! Undtrth.on parvlii.i.., I rTYslflJ TM'"''" V rilH How? In coal or oil cost?. Our Inwl Canodlon Hands if I SVf'l H f r lVLU u Jfl In discomfort. In medici- i g 1 jfi1 JLfB 1 C I bills. Storm Sash pay for j CORBY'S lio light, sociable iUu'" II I W llr. rln! themselves out of what J ... ... t 'L t -Uifr U ' i 1 1 they save, actuallyl blend. It Is our sincere belief PfjMMIC lru you'll enjoy Its smooth, satisfy. V 'Zzf SALEM WOODWORKING CO. lnflm.llown....N.xttim.aA fait CABINETS US Cross. Salem. Phone J-5953 FRAMES for CORBY'S..a fine whiskey. JVt F-TISWffli? TPff CLw QUART PINT 2T Ifs TRAIIWAYS 120 N. High St Silverron Library Adds More Volumes Silverton The library report for September shows a total circulation of 620. New borrow ers registered, 4'. Books added to circulation by gift and pur chase, 64. Books removed from circulation, 63. Doflpra were Dr. and Mr. A. J. McCan nel. Mrs. Orvllle Totland, Mra. E. L. Starr. Mrs. C. W. Keene, Mr. and Mrs. Jos Kercher, Mrs. Peaar Bcott, Mrs. Mil ton Thostrud, Mrs. O. C. Rustad. Mrs. George Steelhammer. Mrs. A. M. Roaers, Mrs. Farl Dedrick, Mr. and Mrs. Loyall Beats, Mrs. B. P. Browning, Mrs. Thomas Chidsey, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Allen, Mrs. John Tweed, Mr and Mrs. Scott Me- pike, Dr .and Mrs. R. E. Kletnsorae, Elizabeth Kleiiuorge and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Preston. Cold Weather $490 Special " Flush Radiator Inspect Cooling System tor Leaks Install Anti-rust Compound Check and Service Swipes Check and Service Heater Adjust Generator Charging Rate Test Battery Condition and Service SHROCK Motor Company 316 N. Church St. Ph. 39101 Salem, Oregon 3r ""l"Vi V ,1 COMPUKE OUR RATES CASH Monthly Parmontt YOU GET 15 12 KIM. $100 $ 9.26 $300 22.86 27.78 $500 38.10 46.30 $1000 76.19 92.59 ill iMi iarciay i co. uMiito, I (Jjj f3j2u03!I!DE!SSZ I1 1 . L . .... MOIA, KUNOI I la Phone 1-3815 tmmm : Boy, Mistaken For Bear, Killed Coos Bay, Ore., Oct. 8 W) A boy, mistaken for a bear, was shot out of an apple tree and killed, meager information re ceived here today Indicated. Deputy Coroner J. Dale Taylor said he was advised Arthur Cot ter, 15, was with a group of boys shaking down apples from trees near Myrtle Point, south of here, yesterday. A member of a hunting party mistaking the moving boy In the tree for a bear, fired, and the boy fell dead from the tree. Dr. E. E. Boring All lenses and Glasses Completed in Our Own Laboratory Assuring Prompt and Speedy Service. If you have a prescription to be filled, a lens to replace brir? it o US. Our modern equipment and instruments guarantee exactness and satisfaction at BORING OPTICAL 383 Court DIGNIFIED CREDIT Fhone 3-6506 em l pw v Four Corners Teen Kanreen Plans Saturday Night Frolic Tour Corners, Oct. 8 The Teen Kanteen is having its first fall meeting Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock in LaFollate's barn. The barn is located on South Lancaster drive just across the road from the bus stop at Lancaster drive and Beck avenue. ilnnnLnri nnA musipal nrnlrim. - R - " , New officers for the year are, president, LaJune Rahtz; vice president, Ralph Wilson; secre tary, Joann Greene; sergeant at arms, Gary Cartright Commit tees: refreshment, Ross Chris man; entertainment, Terry Gan non, Lee Gentleman: program, June James; advertisement, Inez Hovey; decoration, Edson Le Valley; clean-up, James Stew art. Cafe, Bakery Open Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Pop) Lacy of South Commercial street, Salem, have leased the Frank Gabler building at 262 South Lancaster and will open their business, "Pop's cafe" Sat urday. Lacy has been in the bakery and restaurant business for 23 years and is experienced in catering to the public. There will be fountain service, short orders and meals. Of much in terest to the housewives of Four Corners will be the bakery in the same building under the management of Harvey (Shorty) Campbell. He will carry a full line of bakery goods Supply Pastors Named Rev. Julius Herr will supply the pulpit at Four Corners Bap tist church Sunday at both morning and evening services. Topic for 11 a.m. will be "God's Work," at 7:30 o' 3 THAT WELL 1 HEELED LOOK I Everybody notices 1 your heels and judges i your grooming accord- ingly. It's so easy to s present a good appear- ance. We "tip" heels f inexpensively . . . stur- I dily. WHILE-U-WAIT I DOWNSTAIRS J-'" ur rf' Specia"y LO Promptness , Optometrists Dr. Sam Hughe. ts,. ir-fti, AOnn Uni son, will go to Aumsville to sup ply the pulpit there at Bethel Baptist church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Batterton and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Deen of Durbin avenue, left Wednes day by automobile for Kimball, Neb., to attend' the funeral of Mrs. Batterton's twin sister, Mrs. William Batterton. The sisters married brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace North and children who were living at 455 South Lancaster have moved to Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and Jacqueline Taylor who came here recently from Creswell, Ore., now live at 455 South Lancaster. Mr. Taylor works for Southern Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Binegar, 160 South Lancaster, have re turned from a few days at The Dalles where they attended the funeral of a friend of Mrs. Bin egar, Mrs. Rose Jordan. The American's Creed was written in 1917 by William Ty ler Page, clerk of the U. S. house of representatives. It was accepted on behalf of the Am erican people by the house the next year. Delightfully rich wonderfully mellow Tj: SAVINGS EARN mVMA sooner i8iLnV-i ?CD at Sa,em Federal WjJlJ "" Money placed in your ac count during the first 10 days of any month, earns from the tjjaj. 1st of that month. Start now r earning our current 2 Vi pei . ... m$$$ . i I Lm - -JkmvM..u.., jkLsm wwmrmmmm m)s&MgfflS&tB$-? I. Each year we search the world to find the finest crops for M.J.B's richer blend. On each plantation, cofTee quel ity varies from season to season but only th top crops com to M.J.B. Rep. Halleck in Albany Monday Albany Word was received here Thursday by local repub lican leaders that Representative Charles Halleck of Indiana, ma jority house leader and the man who nominated Governor Thom as E, Dewey at the 1!)48 republi can national convention, will ad dress an audience at the Albany high school auditorium at 8 p.m. Monday. Representative Halleck will be accompanied by Representa tivve Harris Ellsworth. Oregon's NOW BUYING FILBERTS and WALNUTS Highest Cash Price Paid on Delivery H. R, JONES at the Shryder Transfer 285 S. Cottage Ph, 34966 1 560 State Street Facing Court House SALEM, OREGON SAVINGS MDf RALLY INSURID il when you make it mild... even when you make it strongl 2 "Individual roasting" coaxes out all the secret goodness locked in every bean of M.J.B's top-of-the-crop coffees. (These subtle flavors are lost by ordi nary roasting methods.) 3. Highest-vacuum pack sesls In every whiff of M.J.B's fragrant goodness till It reaches your cup. Try M.J.B today and you'll agree you can't make i bad cup of M.J. a Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, fourth district congressman. The campaigner will come here from Corvallis. The evening meeting here will be public. Oregon Boy Winner Waterloo, Iowa, Oct. 8 fT Leo Stephan of Warren. Ore., today was awarded a gold em blem for judging in Future Farmer of America competition MM WtlMV RAYON and NYLON PANELS Add sheer magic to your windows before holiday entertaining enters the scene. All ore washable. 43x81" )IF4SS7 III DRAPERY DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR 340 Court K Friday, October 8, 194815 at the national dairy congress. He was a winner in the Judging of dairy products. NYLON MARQUISETTE PRISCILLAS Lovely to look at . , , Easy to launder . . Economical to buy. 49x84 Inches 1150 ner r. per pr. Phone 2-2493 iii PAY' 4 of ACCEPT,) .MORE.7miuions. LESS V