I jT IV h 1 f flllllil INWIlNkllWMUIIIIUlh ' i .VhlfcMWL 'V.f. -.4 Ik Striking Oil Workers Battle Police Plainclothes police of ficer clamps a headlock on a picket (center) as a police ser geant moves in to help. The fight was touched off at the main gate of the Standard Oil refinery at Richmond, Calif., when non-striking office employes attempted to enter the plant. Five pickets were arrested and several policemen suffered minor injuries. (Acme Telephoto) Silverton Council Asks For Bids on Dam Project Silverton The city council expressed itself favorable toward asking for bids on a rock fill crib dam for waiter supply for the city of Silverton. Plans discussed favorably included a filteration plant.. Members, of the council are of the belief that it will not be necessary to float a bond issue to pay for a dam of this type as there is practically sufficient funds to cover it. A new dam for the Silverton water system has been a much discussed subject since 1943 when the high water took out the former wooden dam which had served for 25 years. Considerable complaint was made last year by water users because of the muddy condition of the local water. B. F. Billings, who served as water superinten dent in a city of comparable size before coming to Silverton, brought the water question up, he said he had been given the job of investigating the local wa ter system by the Izaak Walton League. Billings reported that he had found hog and cattle barns on the little streams feeding into the Ablqtfa a short distance above the city source and sug gested that the city go up the river above the sources of polu tion and then control the water sheds. Mayor C. H. Dickerson ex plained that this had been con sidered but that it would be ne cessary to go up six miles and that the cost of extra pipe would be prohibitive at the present time. Councilman Alfred Ad ams added that he understood that there was talk of diversion from the proposed Detroit dam and that if this were possible it would not be advisable to spend too much on a system now. The council authorized City Manager Robert Borland to make application for street aid from the state highway funds. and write the Southern Pacific company asking repairs to track crossings at North Water street. Borland reported that he had made such requests but his let ters had been ignored. The council will meet October 11 to open bids for street improvement. Dancers Pay Tribute To Famous Musician Dancers in the Salem area will have an opportunity Wed nesday night, October 13, to pay tribute to one of the most popular band leaders this coun try has ever known, when Al Donahue brings the orchestra of the late Jan Savitt to the ballroom at Glenwood. The entire proceeds of a five week tour are to go to Mrs. Savitt. Featured with the band on the tour will be Margaret Brown, a popular and versatile dancer. Savitt, who died last Monday night following a sudden stroke, was known throughout the na tion for his famous music. More than 85 percent of all American churches have Sun day schools with an estimated enrollment of nearly 23 million. 'Body in Well' Case Mystery Dallas, Oct. 8 The case of the "body in the well" remains very much a mystery, according to Polk County Sheriff T. B. Hooker. The human skeleton, that of a male believed to have been between the ages of 30 and 40, was found in a well about four miles northwest of West Salem on September 22. At first it was believed that the body had been in the well on the Carl Wil liams place between two and ten years, but Sheriff HooKer is now inclined to believe tnat the body was placed there over ten years ago. Deputy Sheriff Tony Neu feldt. who is in charge of the case, has been running down all leads, but none have given any definite clues yet as to the iden tity of the body or how it hap pened to be in the well. Many letters have been re ceived from officers elsewhere and persons knowing of missing persons but none so far havp yielded any tangible light on the mystery. Hardware Audience Hears Mr. Olmstead T. D. Olmstead of Indianap olis, representing the. National Retail Hardware association, had an audience of 45 when he addressed hardware dealers of the Willamette valley at the Golden Pheasant Thursday night. Olmstead spoke on the subject "Getting the Most Out of Your Advertising Dollar." Ray Miller of Forest Grove, a director of the north coast or ganization of hardware men, spoke on "Let's Take a Look at Management." Advantages of joining the or ganization were pointed out to the retailers by Neil Cochran and D. D. Stewart, president and secretary respectively of the north coast organization. GOP Candidate Found Murdered Chicago, Oct. 8 U. William John Granata, 42, republican candidate for clerk of the Cook county (Chicago) circuit court, was murdered early today by an unknown killer who struck him down with a heavy knife or hatchet. Granata, former GOP com mitteeman of one of Chicago's tough west side wards, was found dying in a pool of blood in front of the skyline club, a loop apartment hotel where he and his wife had lived since their house burned five months ago. Fighter Wing to Go to Moses Lake Hamilton Air Force Base, Calif., Oct. 8 (Pi The 325th all weather fighter wing awaited orders today to implement a Washington announcement of its transfer to the reopened Moses Lake air force base near Ephrata, Wash. The wing is the principal air force tactical unit in the San Francisco bay area and is equip ped with F-61s and the twin fuselage F-82s. The aircraft have radar for night and bad weather missions. The Washington announce ment said Moses Lake would be reopened within the next 45 days and that about 1,000 mili tary and civilian personnel would be stationed there. Moses Lake was used during the war to train B-17 combat crews. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, October 8, 1948 H Why Suffer Any Longer when others fall, ujie our Chinese remedies Amsslng success for 6000 year In chins. No matter with what ailments you are afflicted disorders sinusitis heart, lungs liver kidneys. ?as. constipation, ulcers, diabetes, rheumatism, sail and bladder, lever sKln female complaints. CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB. CO. Office Hoars 9 to A Tom. and Sat. Only 284 N. Commercial Phone 218IM SALEM, ORE. THE 'iiiii i mi mi miiiiiiwii iwi iiiiiwiiaiHii,iiiMiiii.'iiiMiiiiwii i mi iwininiiiiiiiii f. At The Jewel Box 'The Home of Fine Diamonds Since 1927 You'll Find Amazing Values at PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY! MONARCH REWEAVING CO. NEW LOCATION Rooms 33 and 34 360 State St. ONE FLIGHT UP INVISIBLE MENDING MOTH HOLES - TEARS - BURNS Open 9:30 to 3:30 - Closed Saturdays Fbone 25619 Salem JiiiiiPrllll 111 M MAYFLOWER MILK Means "More Power" for Active Youngsters Active youngsters burn up energy al most faster than you can supply them. One easy way to see that they are well supplied is to serve plenty of May flower Milk at meal time and have it on tap for them in the refrigerator be tween meals. There's no other food that can equal it for body-building nutrition or for budget-saving economy. Order an extra quart of Mayflower Milk today! AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR Diamonds set in gorgeous yellow and white gold and platinum mountings. Make her proud to say "IT" came from The Jewel Box Modernize Your Old Diamond Ring $12.75 Re-set it in one of our exqui site mountings as low as MATCHED j . " 'Bridal Fairs From .... $32.50 To... $1750.00 Finest Selection of Men'a Better Diamond Rings . $49.50 $1350.00 0 From , To . . SPECIAL ORDER WORK Our Specialty "The Store that Sells Quality Merchandise for Less" Price Includes Federal Tax ' ' "Use Our Convenient Lay-Away Plan" Credit of Course, at No Extra Charge i 3 f H W ' -w , mil "i 'TT"V ( Uuuv , v x ;T1 if) ! 1 . i Y They like that clear, clean Taste! j" National Distillers Products Corporation, New York, N. Yj Blended Whiskey. 86 Proof. 70 Grain Neutral Spirits: ' 0 . AIOUHu A NEW ADDITION TO OUR FINE LINES OF HOME FURNISHINGS IT IS OUR PLEASURE TO OFFER YOU THE FAMOUS CROSLEY SHELVADOR REFRIGERATOR APEX WASHERS AND IRONERS AND VACUUM SWEEPERS CROSLEY RADIOS MONTAG AND CROSLEY RANGES FOR COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS KITCHEN DINING ROOM, LIVNG ROOM AND BEDROOM WE REMIND YOU TO OPEN Until 9 P.M. Monday thru Sat. DRIVE OUT AND SAVE AT USE YOUR CREDIT MAURER-BOGARDUS Phone 26306 FURNITURE CO. Phone 26306 SO. 12th STREET HI WAY JUNCTION