t Long Series of Suits Settled Albany, Oct. 6 Signing ol of four dismissal orders by Cir cuit Judge Victor Olliver has rung down the curtain upon the long series of damage suits that grew out of the disastrous crash which took the lives of five Bend-Albany bus passengers on U.S. highway No. 20 near Cas cadia June 6, 1944, when a tree fell on a bus. ' Judge Olliver dismissed the four cases upon being informed they had been settled out of court after pending on the Linn county docket for four years. These four cases involve total damage claims of $93,052.33. Another claim of $10,000 had been previously dismissed after being settled and in another a $500 claim as stipulated after a jury had awarded a verdict in the only cases arising from this accident that never came to trial. The four dismissal orders af fect the following causes, in each of which K. F. Bloom and Val ley Motor Stages are named de fendants. Elizabeth O'Kelley, claiming $5,325.35 personal in jury damages ana iuizaoem O'Kelley as administratrix of the estate of Thomas G O'Kel ley, 'fatally injured in the crash; Charles K. Weil", claiming $67,- 500 damages for persona! injur ies and Janiece Killis, adminis tratrix of the estate of Gene A. Gillis, suing for $10,000 dam ages because of Gillis' death. The three cases previously disposed of are those of George M. Holton, administrator of the estate of Gertrude D. Holton, killed In the accident, claiming $10,000; William Slavens vs. Glen Ohling, William Lightle and Charles Brown, awarded a $750 damage verdict on Decem ber 7, 1945, by a circuit court jury and Irene Marsh vs. Ohling, Lightle and Brown, who accept ed a $500 stipulated judgment. No indication is given as to the amounts on which settle ments in the first named five cases were based. These and the last named two cases show a total of $104,302.33 claimed or paid. The accident resulted from the falling of a tree across the highway by Lightle and Brown, who had been employed by Ohl ing to cut timber on his property. Pacific may be reconsidered, Interior Secretary Julius A. Krug said yesterday. After talking with represen tatives of Pacific fishing inter ests, Krug said he would dis cuss the proposal with President Truman and Secretary of State Marshall. Industry spokesmen told the secretary that future competi tion from the Japanese could destroy the west coast fishing program unless government protection is provided, Ballard Opens Shop Dayton Verne H. Ballard has again opened a place of business here in Dayton. He has located between the Jones Sad dlery and Carl Francis law of: fice. Ballard has been a watch maker and jewelry repairman for some 35 years but has been in ill health for the past six months. He has resided in Day ton many years. Reception for Teachers Jefferson The Jefferson P. T A. will hold the first meeting of the year Thursday night, Oc tober 7, at the school house. The hospitality committee will be hosts for the teachers reception. Group of Six to Study Comic Books Portland, Oct. 6 P Propos als to control crime comics and other publications consid ered improper for youngsters will be eyed by a committee of sjx. Representatives of 80 organ izations met yesterday at the invitation of State Senator Jack Lynch. The legislator has pro posed a bill which would em power a three-man board to re view literature in the state. Members of the committee are Mrs. Dale D. Miller, region al vice president of the Oregon Congress of Parents and Teach ers; A. J. MeCann, Portland at torney; the Rev. Arthur J. Sul livan, archdiocesan superinten dent of Catholic schools; L. P. Putnam, retired Presbyterian minister, and Miss Marie Zol linger, supervisor of languages in Portland public schools. A Portland public library repre sentative will be named later. IMPORTANT DETAILS IN HOME BUILDING Strong, weather-proof win dows and doors are as im portant in a home as its roof. Made of staunch, har dy wood and sturdily con structed, they will outlast your home! Let us estimate when you build. SALEM WOODWORKING CO. CABINETS 1125 Cross. Salem Phone 3-5953 FRAMES Albany Overhead Not a Race Track Albany, Oct. 6 Increasing the speed limit on the Albany overhead of highway 99E by ths state highway department does not mean that the four-lanj roadway can now be used as a race track, Chief of James Bverlcy noted, The chief had in mind $80 paid into city court Tuesday by two motorists who were as sertedly caught racing over the overhead by Officer Harol:l Hockett, who clocked them a! 70 miles an hour in a dead heat. Paul F. Burris, Salem, de posited $40 bail pending his trial set for October 11, in Po- Police, Capital Journal, Salem, Oreenn, Wed., Oclnfier 6, 191811 lice Judge Rex Butler's court. Winifred M. Weedon, Portland, pleaded guilty to a speeding charge and paid a $40 fine. United States churches are housed in buildings valued ai approximately three and one half billion dollars. PALE tlGHT COIUMIIA BCWIII, INC. IACOMA. WASHINGTON DISTRIBUTED IN SALEM BV GIDEON STOI.7, CO. SAVINGS EARN SAFELY at Salem Federal Your SAVINGS ore Federally Insured Safe to $5000 by the Federal Savings 8. Loan Insur ance Corporation, an agency iho United Slates Govern ment. Invest with confidence today. 560 State Street Facing Court House SALEM, OREGON CURMNT RATS SVi PER ANNUM Texas Gasoline Eases Shortage 1 Portland, Ore., Oct. 8 U.R) The tanker Government Camp, back in Portland with the first gasoline from the gulf coast since the start of the oil refin ery strike in California, unload ed more cargo today at the Union Oil Co. dock. - The Government Camp, built at the Swan Island shipyard here in 1945, discharged part of its gasoline at the Texas Oil Co. dock Tuesday before moving to the Union Oil dock. The tanker, owned by the Cities Service Oil Co., Ltd., arrived here direct from Beaumont, Tex. Meanwhile, Oregon Oil Co-or- dinator Robert Ormond Case said the gasoline supply situa tion in this state has eased to We point where it now is about equal to demand. Krug May Rescind Jap Fishing Rights r. San Diego, Calif., Oct. 6 VP) A government proposal to give pthe Japanese fishing rights in 'the mandated islands of the (Advertisement) Beware Coughs From Common Colds That HANG ON CreomulsionrelievespromptlybecauM it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or vou are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, ChestColds, Bronchitis , It nJm dlstrta ef MONTHLY , FEMALE COMPLAINTS Are you troubled by dlatreas of female functional periodic disturb ances? Does tbu make you suffer from pain, feel so nervous, tired at such times? Then do try Lydla K. Plnkbam's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Pink bun ' has a grand soothing effect on one 0 woman' mott important organ f IVIIIl r DINKHIU'S ""T"i HEALTH TO YOU After Correcting Hemorrhoids . ' . (Plies) Fistula, Fissure, Prole pie, and other Rectml Dis orders. No Hospitalization Writ or Call for Fret Booklet Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Nature- Procotnlgtsl SILHjjrlySSalrniJrr For Safe Winter Driving on Icy Roads Use ALLSTATE Safety Tread Tires, Guaranteed for Life! ALLSTATE TIRES Safety Tread 6:00 x 16 Hot Waters Heater Soua Dependable Allstate Quality . Comfort Even for Short Rides WZte0& 33klli RS MfSM f VV 4l,l Xt Quiet, Automatic. 47 y. si Vkfe fMWgftf - l Pow.rful double ton blower warms your Heats from Hie door up In 90 secondv ji Vt fJntsSP f9xSj Tf&S 5 lli F"TsSP!i 1 cor with 220 cu. ft. of olr a minute I Operate! Independent of cooling sys- . V WrV' fl ftSWf&li'M X Vpfc "Am0'"..-li0r 9 ten. VW Seon todoy, tee this roluel JV f,it'2jLfM: ' WpSSSZ"" 1 ALLSTATE TIRES LIFETIME GUARANTEED I f ' jfltlblFiL " ' ' njrijttiiIi 0 Workmanship and materials guaranteed without j ifclil 1 Loistl.i NEW ALLSTATE ' plus tax installed COMPARE PRICES! COMPARE QUALITY! You'll prove the saving on this Allstate Safety Tread: tough tread for wear and quick stop-ability; heavy carcass for blow-tit resistance; tough beads to ho'd tire to rim. Liberal trade-in on your old tires. Lower Priced Tires 6.00 x 16 plus tax installed Here's a remarkable buy to save you extra money. Dependably built tires for normal speed driving with tough tread and body construction. Buy now! $1.00 Trade-In Allowance Allstate Safety Tube 6.00 x 16 plus tax & old tube Trade-in your old tubes now on BETTER Allstate Safety tubes that fight punc tures, resist blowouts, last longer. Spe cial design of 100 natural rubber. Auto-Therm Heater Ford, Merc. 41-4o2895 Givei direct fait heat indirect radiation. Custom mounting with defroster tubes, fittings, cable and twitch. Hot-water type. Ultra Deluxe Heater Universal Model'. 21 95 Engineered for "yar round" com fort. Abundant warm air circulation, excellent defrosting capacity. Fits all makes of cars. Hot water type. Tt&SEAT COVERS 14 Amp. Generator Duroble, Dependable Service 995 exch. rVotongt Hie life of your car't battery, more trouble-free lighting, better bat tery charge. Come In, tee It today! Bright Spot Light Chrome Plated Brass Shell 6Vi -in. Lamp Head . 169S Spots objects 2000-ft. away! Full 360" revoivtlon. 1 hand pistol grip control, built-in toggle switch. See It today! . Rich-texture plastic in lively new' patterns Color-fast, not affected by water, grease or dirt : r Vinyl artificial leather trim in beautiful medium blue Got an eve for glamor? Well, look these beautiies over! Like the feci of smooth-riding comfort? Run your hand over this smooth-textured plas tic, that dirt won't affect! Want last ing beauty? These covers wear as long as any yet designed. Expect savings? You get more at Scars! Don't fail to se these new Alstate plastic Seat Covers. Chrome Fog Lights Shallow Lamps 49eaCn Moke bad weother driving safert 5 -inch amber sealed beam light. For 1941-46 cars, earlier models. Wire and Instructions Included. Electric Auto Fan Keeps Vapor Off the Windshield Prevents Fogging ... 6 Ideol for winter when used with car heater. 3 rubber blades, 2 speed switch. Vhit Sears today, choosa yoursl Voltage Regulator For Popular Cars 369p Clos current tolerances protect generator, battery and nition. Duplicates original equipment. Buy It at Sears today and savel 2 hQ5 2 or 4 dr. A I A" . f I Sedans . v ', 1 sr l, R Easy Terms 1 N g'fgpr 1 i t'- 1 , i Rebuilt Engines Dodge 6 1799e?cn. Plymouth engine 169.1)5 exch. "New car" performance from Sears factory rebuilt precision-fitted mo tors. 90-day, 4000-ml. guarantee. Single Blast Horn 1 . I98 electric . One blast from this single-toned electric trumpet type horn and your car commands attention. Universal underhood mounting. Sealed-Beam Kits Pre-'40 Cars 49?t Made to produce twice output of old reflector type headlight on pre -'40 cart. Provide better light for safer night driving. m .-J Allstate Mufvlers Rust Resistant 3,p A new, be(lr, poit-war muffler! Sturdily built of ruit-resiilant jteel. Reduces back presiure giveimore power on lei gaioline. n pout, money Jac6 " $HR$ 484 State Street Phone 3-9191