I I SALE MISCEULANEOUS CIRCULATORS, all sixes. f YXATER APPLIANCE CO. 36J pTRIC room heaters, 110-330 volU, Aimni and fan type, steam radiator. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n33 tfJSU SAND ORAVfiL COMPANY . Contract Work i Road Charing Dltcblm J Sewer A Basement f tquipraeot Rental U B yds. 13 00 per br i$ B yds. 9 00 per br 4V1 Cat St Dozer 9.60 per br 0-6 Cat 4i Dozer per br V4 Oat St Doier 7.00 per br i Pnone Day uwa tvanlnss 8340 oi 34400 Salem, Oregon IOS and record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n2 WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CO CftUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways s fement, ready mix concrete, garden Knd. Bulldozlm. drainage and dltchini yd. shovel and drag Una. Ph. 3-0349. Li VERB WARE, pressure cookers, cookie Jheets, fruit Juicers, egg cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n363 YSB ALL ALUMINUM sprinkler, trrlga--Won systems available for Immediate id ell very We have received our final -i( carload of aluminum tubing for this aeaaon Call or write Montgomery Ward Parm Store, Irrigation Depart ffment Salem, Ore., for complete tilt ate of your requirements ELECTRIC BLANKETS, comforters and sneets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n363' Steel clothesline uosts. Railing In rtnek. ; to order. U4ft N. Liberty. na ESED electric ranges, refrigerators, wash ers and water neater. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1.363" EE us for harvest bags of all kind soeciaiua in cleaning et menaina k S. Bag Co. 347 Kearney St Ph plant, 3-1877. ELECTRIC IRONS, steam Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1.263' EAT YOUR borne electrically It's con ventent, clean, economical. Bee us I or free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty. DESK LAMPS, bed lamps, -orld globes, desk pen sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n263 DUCK HUNTERS ATTENTION Remington Magnum 12 gauge shells and Remington 10 gauge shells now available at Wards. Quantity is limited Montgomery Ward Co. 155 N. Liberty St. Ph. 3-3101 1,339' ELECTRIC CLOCKS and door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n363' CEMENT mixer mounted on trailer with gas engine. Next to last house on left side of Durbln Ave. Robert Burns. n33B PLASTI-KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors, woodwork, linoleum, requires no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n263' CONN B flat wood clarinet, exc. cond. 190.00. 120 bass accordlan, good cond. $150.00. Ph. 2-3807. n238' APARTMENT electric and rqs ranges. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1.263' VEN. BLINDS St shades, assorted sizes, misc. furnishings. Ph. 28677. n339 ELECTRIC hair dryers, hair clippers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, n263' FOR SALE 2-burner oil circulator with fan. Ph. 2143. n230 SUN LAMPS, heat lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. APT. SIZE RANGE, 85. 270 Hansen Ave, gflRADE IN your old Piano on a beautiful T new Ivers & Pond Spinet piano. See W. F. Holbrook, 1690 S. Cottage. n242 1 30-30 RIFLE, Call 3-3438. n239 CORONA ADDING machine almost new, 385. 3 new elec. celling fixtures, 15.50 each. Violin, case it 3 bows, 130. 1703 Broadway. Ph. 2-0413. n239 MIXERS, TOASTERS, waffle bakers, sandwich grills, coffee makers, perco lators, blendors, roasters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n263 HOWARD PIANO. Ph. 35063. n242 PRACTICALLY NEW OIL CIRC, heater. 3-6 room type. All fittings. 2 55gal. drums, complete it ready to set up. Cost $125.00 yr. ago. Will sell for 175.00. Call 21312. n239 THOR 4-IN. H.D. elec. drill, reasonable. K. St K. Lumber Co., 3916 N. River Rd. n238 GE RADIOS AT GEVURTZ. FULL line of Montag Electric or Wood it Coal Ranges at GcvurU. n338 SEE COMPLETE General Electric model kitchen at Gevurtz. n240 SEE FULL LINE of General Electric Ap pliances at Gevurtz. n240 CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 68-P-3I. ELECTROLTJX CLEANER St air purifier. Complete wtth attachments. 360.75. 101 S. High. Ph. 7719. n260 FOR SALE Vi young short horned beef. Ph. 3-1630. n240 CROSLEY Radios at Gevurtl. ZENITH radios at Gevurtz. ranges at Ge n340 KIMBALL PIANO. Reconditioned. 1146. 135 down, S10 a month. TALLMAN'S 393 S. 13th. A mile from high prices. n239 LAD AM SCIIAAF piano reconditioned, $165. r t35 down, 110 a month. TALLMAN8 305 8. 13th. A mile from high prices. n239 10" TILTING ARBUR saw and floor, mod- sories. Call 24057 or 3060 McCoy. 1.340' ONE 8-FT. 1948 refrigerator. One lge. 1S4B washlna machine, used 3 mo. Other misc. Items for sale. One bdrm. hse, for rent after sale of fum. 1645 Hickory. n340" SINGER SEWING machine, dresser, chest of drawers, 9x13 rug. wood range St oil circulator. Other misc. households. &9 No. Liberty. n340' S MM MAUSER Sporter, Hand checkered stock it amm. 165.00. Ph. 34880. 770 Breys Ave. n340' 12 FT. used cedar hop posts 35c each. Also used hop wire. Peter Lelack, Rt. 1, Box 86, Brooks, Oregon. B339' KiTCHETVEBhn 339 ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS RANCHERS Pick Fern for Callisons EXPERIENCED pickers make exception ally high wages. Beginners do unusually well. YEAR ROUND WORK WRITE CallUons. P.O. Box 1143, Eugene. Oregon nn23 CASH PAID for sewing machines, head? or complete. Am make u cond. 3-7671, na241 WANTED Sewing roach., any cond Sundato Each. I9t N. Liberty. Ph. 15111 USED FURNITURE Prion 9183 PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL advisor. Mrs. Ph. 30313 for appointment. Phillips p24I' 1 WILL NOT be responsible for any debus contracted for by anyone other than byself. Pete Btoitenoen. uci. 1048. P238 VISITORS to visit the sick. Write Box 1 Capital Journal. 7338 DR. J. A. Romboush. Naturopathic and ' chiropractic physician. 360 3rd St, In dependence, Ore. Phone 320. P34I Al l riHdMCa ANONYMOUS 734. Phone 33234. Pill Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES MODEL A FORD Sedan. CaU 34057. 3060 McCoy. PRACTICALLY NEW (less than 500 ml.) 63 Cadillac 8 dan lor best casn oner. Send bids to Box 36 Capital Journal. 0343 lt4 TUDOR SEDAN, 1190.00. . , Lancaster q340 Pour Corners. WANTED - DSED CARS SHOP AROOND THEN BR1NO VOUR OAR HERB Wl WILL PAY YOO WHAT ITS WORTH ANDERSON USED CARS 340 CENTER ST. PHONK 3-3734 SMALL SELECTION BIG BARGAINS OTTO J. WILSON COM PANT 1KM OLDS CONV. R&H St serachlt. Good buy at 1306.00. call at iui . cnurcn, Apt. 3 after 6:00 p.m. 0.339 PONT1ACS HERRALL OWENS CO. 660 N Liberty Ph 3-4U1 We Buy Used Cars FOB HIGHEST PRICES SEE Teague Motor Co, 355 N Liberty Phone 34178. Eisner Motors to Buy This Time If HUDSON 1 Service . Sales Pans Home oi Good Daad Cars SHROCK MOTOR CO Church Sm Chemeketa Sts. Ph. 3-0101 LEAVING for Australia, must sell Jmmcd., '49 Ford V-B Bur. D xc. C ub cpe. R&H All extras. Good cond. Extra clean. Prl. party. Ph. 3-433, Dallas. o240 WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO., SEZ WE REFUSE to be undersold. See xu before you buy. 735 N. Commercial St. Ph. 3-4010. Q.240' 41 CHKV. 4-dr. sedan. Exc. cond. See at Richfield Service Station, 1026 N. Com'. q240 'SS FORD panel sedan, 1200. '35 Graham sedan. 150. Trade both for '36 or Model A. Ph. 3-4022. q243 '37 CHEV. Master Deluxe coupe. Exc paint, recently overhauled. New gener ator. Seal beams. Radio. See at Davis Oil Co.. 2320 Fairgrounds Rd. q238 FOR SALE 1936 Bulck 2-Dr. sedan, feet cond. 1475 McCoy. 1036 FORD V-8, new 1948 motor. Good cond. Tom Syron, 1305 Chemawa Rd., Salem, Ore. q243 1S47 SUPER DELUXE 5 -pass. Ford Co lumbia overdrive, radio St heater, seat- covers, side rearvlew mirror, vanity mirror 5 new air-ride tires, airplane type shocks, white aide wall rims, aun vlsor for windshield, fender skirts and chrome fender pads for back fenders. 31005. Call 3862, or 3980, Dallas, Ore. q240 10:U PLYMOUTH 3-Dr. sedan, takes. 1338 N. Winter. Best offer q240 '3fl DESOTO sedan. Overdrive. Ph. 3-1764. Rte. 2, Box 192. 0.243 38 PONTIAC Club Coupe. R&H. Good condition, 1585. 1390 S. 20th eves. q240 Eisner Motors to Sell FOR SALE, 1936 V-6. Runs good, S200. . Bee at St. Louis, 3 Ml. W. of Gervals. Jules Taylor. q238 BY OWNER 1940 Torpedo Pontine. pass coupe. R. Sc H., $450 complete overhaul, will sacrmce tor natt. rn 30831 or 33722. q238 WILLYS Civilian Jeep. Late '47. Com' plete with aluminium top. 1155 Mission St. Come to house trailer in back q23B 11)17 CHEV. 5-pnss. coupe. R&H, Fog llKhts and back up lights, windshield washers. Price (2075. Sec at 3320 Sun nyvicw Ave. or Pli. 26159. q238 30 CHEV. Sedan. Four new tires. Paint, seat covers. 1375. 624 Breys Ave. Pn. 2-8737 0.239 IDSfl HUDSON. Hew clutch Actrans. Heat er, good transportation, 1226. 240 Mable St. Ph. 31318, q340 MUST HELL 1939 Dodge 4-dr. sedan. Must see and hear to appreciate. Radio, new beater St new seat covers. Highest bid takes, 383 Tryon Ave. (Maple ton Addi tion) eves. n243 1033 CHEV. Master Sedan, Good tires St body. 1315. 435 N. 20th before t:od p.m. q33S WHY PAY MORE? WE PRIDE ourselves with the fact that we have saved the public thousands oi dollars In the purchase of good, clean used cars. WE WOULD LIKE TO DO THE SAME FOR YOU FOR BETTER USED CARS IT'S TEAGUE'S 1947 Ford 4-Door Sedan 1348 Bulck 4 -Door Sedan 1942 Hudson 4-Door Sedan 1941 Dodge 4-Door Sedan 1941 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan 1941 Chevrolet 5-Pass. Cpe. 1P41 Nash 4-Door Sedan 1940 Studebak-r 4-Door Sedan 1040 Pontiac 5 -Pass. Cpe. 1040 Nash 4-Door Sedan 1930 Ford V3-85 Coup 1938 Chrysler 4-Door Sedan See these and many more at our used car lot. 352 N. Commercial St. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. Your Kaiser-Frazer Dealer q281 '37 CHEV. coupe. Vista Ave. Good cond. See at 650 q239 1910 PONTIAC sedan. Good cond., 3895. Ph. 3-5610 alter a p.m. Eisner Motors Fine Cars GENERATORS REBUILT. Trailer axles made to order. Fair prices. 13th At. Junction Auto wreckers, pn, suoa. q240 DOG DAYS Are Here Buy A GOOD DOG CHEAP 1 1939 Model A Sedan 1114 1929 Dodae Sedan (2) Choice , 1105 1933 Dodge Sedan 1195 1933 Chevrolet Pickup 1333 1932 Chevrolet Sedan. New Mtr. ..1235 Dickerin' Dick's 2 Lots 1395 and 123S South 13th WE FINANCE ANY MAKE OR MODEL EVERY CAR GUARANTEED Op"n 10 a.m. t 7 p.m. Friday till 10 p.m. Q33I STATE MOTORS INC. 91 Years' Fair Dealings In Salem Offers You Late Used Cars Priced to sell at Lowest Bank Finance '17 PLYMOUTH special deluxe Club Coupe, 3000 milts. '47 NASH super deluxe Sedan. '17 FORD super deluxe Conv. Coupe. '4A DESOTO custom Club Coupe. 'IK DESOTO custom Sedan. 4l FORD super deluxe Sedan. SPECIAL PRICED FOR TODAY! 194 HUDSON SUPER SIX SEDAN, ONLY 11315 1941 FORD super deluxe Sedan. 1941 HUDSON I eyl. Club Coup. 340 No. High SU ! BLOSSOMS Dorothy Bouquet", white dahlias AUTOMOBILES OL'R REPUTATION 0P,IK on your sit. Inaction. LIM U4 c. 2,g n. vnurcn. .17 DESOTO. RAH. Mult see to appreciate. 680 Center 8t. q0 '48 WILLYS 4 wheel-Dr. pickup. 87 G.M.C. i-ton 4apeed. 78 tanking Ave. Ph. J-J183. q2J8- MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTErlS INDIAH WORLD'S FINEST UOTORCYCLS Repalrloi all make, ana models. BHROCE IIOTORCYCU SALES 8007 Portland Rd. - Ph.' 81438 US- BOATS ONE 13 -FT Weldwood boat. Practically new, 1I79.0D. one uow uountry BBooie. Almost new. 1100.00. Ph. 3-3281. qq241 FINANCIAL CASH $25 to $500 Your way and Fast on Personal's "PICK-YOUR-OWN-PAYMENT" plan. It's simple as A-B-C. Just do this: A Tell us how much you need and and a few facts about your credit and Job in person or by phone If you're busy. B Then you slsn without endorsers and get the cash. Proof: 4 out of 3 who ask us for a loan, let itl C Then repay In monthly Install ment which you select to lit your purse. Don't borrow unnecessarily but If a cash loan solves a problem, iet In touch with Mrs. Oalllnier, Personal's 'YES' Manaier, today. LOANS 135 to 1300 on Salary it Furniture, Up to 1500 on Auto Personal Finance Co. Ph. 3-3404 E. Oalllnur, Manaier 618 State Km. 135 Lie. 8133-M1M r3B0' SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST Up to 40 Years and NO Commission I Leo N. Child. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 33003 r33B FIVE PER CENT Interest on your savings, We have a choice supply or real estate mort Rages, properties In Salem and vicinity, amounts 1500 to 110.000. Tie these for sound Investments. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTOR8 153 S. High St. Ph. 34131; Eves. 35206 OENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS 8-13B and M-328 and ROY H SIMMONS fNaURANOE AND LOANS 136 6. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161, AUTO LOANS WILLAMBTTI CREDIT CO tBO State Street old quartarg lrM National Bank License No M-159 6-114 PRIVATE MONEY Special rate and terms on larger loans long and short time pay me nis ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St. Phono 1-9161 f ARM AND CITY LOANS 4 and b VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cajsh lor Real Estate contract and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO 201 Plonwr Trust Bids. Ph. 3-7163. r 4 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 High St Lie 8-216 M-323 TRAILERS ONE WHEEL trailer with hitch, 340.00. Good cond. 1131 7th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-9008. 1238 16-FT. TRAILER house for sale. 1400. See owner at 860 N. Front. FURN. TRAILER house. 640 Marlon. t239 15-FT. 0I1 ELCAR trailer house In A-l cond., all modern. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Call eve. after 6:30. 3215 Portland Rd. t239 A NICE modern home tor sale on wheels. Travelo Coach trailer house. Modern, and dolley. Alio 1942 4-dr. Bulck. All for 34100. Rte. 3, Box 317, Salem. t338 NEW all-metal trailer. 4 bed, cooking, freezing unit. Ph. 35934 or 34857. t250 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes uw) machines, sold rented repairs d. Roen, 456 Court. Phone 3-6773. AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day phone 3-9286, Night 1804. 333 center. AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Btatlon (or all makes ol Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co. 153 S. Liberty. Fh 3-6955. Mike Panek. 375 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-5161 Brake it wheel aligning specialist. o380 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing teeth for brush. Vlritl Huskcy. 1010 Fairvlew ave. Ph. 33146, Salem. 0238 BULLDOZING, GRADING Bulldozing, grading, clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Geo. Wlrth, 840 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 21367. 0344' CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling. Ph. 2-4850. 615 8. 2 1st St. 03SO CASH REGISTERS Instant dsllvery of nei AH makes oid rentd. 456 Court. Ph 3-6773. RCA registers repaired Roen 0 CEMENT WORKS General Cement Contracting, Cliff fills, 1903 N. 19th St. Phone 3-4071. 03441 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys, Ensley, 771 31st St. vacuum cleaned. Ph. 3-7171. 0360 CONTRACTOR Alt Brothers Bldg. Contractors. Phone Salem 3-2780. Silverton Black 175. 3 SO EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service. Fh. 3-1051. Lee Cross, Mil Pearl. o3S0' B.elthaupt' for Hewers, Dial 1-tlTt. Brcniral peck, throurh "Brlde'i at New York flower show. DIRECTORY LAWN MOWER 6 KNIFE SHARPENING LAWNMOWERS, scLvtors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 960 Center. Ph. 36833. o256 MATTRESSES Capita) Bedding. Phone 3-4069. METAL STAMPING METAL STAMPING, machining, die work. Your ideas or patents put on produc tion bails. Ph. 2-5S90. 643 Ferry 0345 MOVING AND HAULING Moving and hauling. Ph. 3-3395. o260 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar. Man dolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 3-7569. 0266 OFFICE FURNITURE: A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and Mint supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief eases Pierce Wire Recorders Roes. 481 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger, Ph. 36072. Painting, Spray or Brush. Ph. 2-2664. Roy Hanson. Work guaranteed. o360 Elfstrom' are equipped to do your palnttna. Phone 3-2493. o PAINTING A PAPERHANGING Painting and paperhanglns. Free esti mate. Ph. ?-9513 867 Shipping. a244 COUPLE. Exp. painters, want work. Also wall papering. Ph 3-3936. Mr. Ross. O240" PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanslns and painting. J. Wood worth. Ph. 3-3013. Free est. o247 PLASTERING FREE ESTIMATE. Ph. 3-4830 eve. o241' PLUM II I NO DECATUR A MA KHZ. plumhlng. electrical supplies, water systems. General repair work. Phone 3-6233. 173 B. Com'l. o249 RADIO SERVICE P.ay Moore Reopens Oct. 13. REDUCING, MASSAGES E-Z Way Welaht Control. Steam Baths. Reduced rates. Ph. 3-6363. o26r SAND AND GRAVEL BAR RUN GRAVEL TOP SOIL Cat, Shovel it Truck work of all kinds. LLOYD M, HILL, INC Ph. 1-4367 Rt. 3. Box 32B 0246' Oarden Sol), cruaned rock. Shovel and dragline excavation Walling Sand Si Gravel Co. Phone 3-9349. o SEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented r.izor-aharp steel cutting blades. Cleans sewers or drains Septic tank cleaned reasonable. Ph, 3-6327 or 3-9468. o SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 107S Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468 - 3-5327. o260 K. F. HAMELj Septlo tanks cleaned. Spc.-. tan electrical sewer machine serv. Mod. econ. Easy method clears lines of roots, grease, eto. 1143 8th St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0346 rilANSFEK BTOBAOl Local St Distance Transfer, storage, Burner oils, coal briquets. Trucks lo Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Lines for household good to Cnlifomla points Larmer Transfer St Storage. Ph. 3-3131. TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal and Underwoori portables All makes used machines. Repairs and rent. Roen. 456 Court o VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. Ph. 3-7328. WKATIIERHTHIPPINO Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5965 0261 WINDOW CLEAN1NU Acme Window Cleaners, Windows, walls St woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Court. Lang doc, Culberuon and Mather WELL DRILLING WYMORE well drilling. Rte. 2, Ph. 3-5135, Salem. J. A. Sneed Bona, well drilling, 2505 Brooks St., flalem. Ph. 3-6809. o252 WOOD 8 AWING R. B. Cross. Ph. 38118 or 38674. WOOD Sm SAWDUST We.it Salem Fuel Co Ph 24031 LODGES I. O. O. F. meeuj every Wednesday night Vis itors Welcome Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pjn More than a million members. Salem Lodge No. 4, A.P. & A.M. Wed. Oct. 6, Stated Communication 7:30 P.M. 239 !' f X "!). -'" - ' ';' t ' III A -- t Market Quotations Salem Livestock Manet (By Valley Packinf Company .Lambs No quotation Yearling 110.00 to 113.00 Ewes 13.00 to 1750 Fat dairy cows HS.oo to 114.00 Cutter cows 310.00 to 113 00 Dairy hellers H&.00 to 117.00 Bulls 117.00 to 133.00 Calves (300 to 450 lbs ) ..114.00 to 131.00 Veal (130-300 lbs.) choice, 133 00 to 134.00 Hogs Prices paid witmo aoc oi ron. land prices for each typo. Portland Produce Butterf at Tentative, suoject to Imme diate change. Premium duality maximum of 35 to one percent acidity dellverrd to roruana n-nc id., ursi quamy oy-i.se second quality 66-69c lb.; valley routes and country poinu. 3o less than first. Butter Wholesale, FOB., bulk cubes grade AA, 93 score, 70c lb.; A, 93 score. 70c lb.; B. 90 score. 05c: c, 89 score. 04c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal, Lbffie selling price to roriuno wnoie- ale Oregon singles, 46-&3c, Oregon 5 lb. loaf, 49-53c( Triplets .ic less than sin ales. Erst To wholesalers) a grade lane. 63H-66'ic, medium, &9l-i-(J01c. A small 45-50tac; B grade large, 53-58'fcc. Es as Purchased from farmers. Current receipts 55-58 Hoi buyers pay 3-3tto pre mium lor eggs. Portland Dairy Haraet Butter Price to retailers. Grade AA prints. 75c: AA cartons, 76c; A prints, 75c; A cartons, 76c; B prints, 70c. Eras Price to retailer: AA large 76-77c; certified A large 69c dor.; A laree 67-68c; AA medium, 66c; certified medium. 64c; A medium. 61 -63c; A small, sl-53c; cartons 3c additional. t'bceit Price u retailers; Portland, Ores on slnales, 48-55c, Orecon loaf 5 lb., 5l-57c; triples 4c less than singles. Poultry- Live Chickens laying price to produe s; No. 1 broilers under 3 lbs. 37-38c .; fryers 3 to 3 lbs., 41-42c lb : 3 to 4 i., 41-42o lb.; roasters 4 lbs. and over. 41-43c lb.; fowl. Leghorns, under 4 lbs.. 8-29C lb.; over 4 lbs.. 38-290 lb.; colored fowl all weight. 31-33e ib.i Hags, all weights. 16-19c. Rabbits Average to retailers for local ly dre&srd animals, 58-62c; fryers, live white. 33-33o lb.: colored. 30-Siei old or heavy, 15.18c. Rabbits Dressed, retail, I0-65C. Portland Miscellaneous Cascara Bark Dry 20c lb., green 7c lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 25c lb. on 12-month growth. Hides Calves 30c lb. according to weight kins 20c lb.: grern beef U-Uo lb.; bulks, 8-9c lb.; country buyers pay 3c Its Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquettes first quality Jum bo, 34.7c; large, 32.7c; medium 37. ae; second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 38.3c; medium, 26.2c; baby, 23.2c; soft shell first quality large, 29.7c; medium, 30.2; sec and quality large 37.2c; medium, 34.7o; baby. 22.2c. Filberts Jumbo, 20c lb.i large, Ufli medium 16c, small 13c. (Quotations above supplied by North west Nut Growers Quotations are on the basis of 100-lb. bag purchases fob plants.) Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Oct. S (URl Llvest oek : Cattle salable 150. calves 60. holdovver cattle 200; market very slow, scattered early sales around stendy at Monday's late 1 decline, some grass steers and canner-cutter cows off more; load good 1046 lb. fed steers Monday up to 31; best grasseri around 37; good heifers up to 36,60; canner-cutter cows today 11-14.60; fat dairy-type cows 16-16.60; medium bref cows 18-19; good cows quotable to 31.26; good beef bulls salable 33-33.60; good vealers 38-37; heavy calves 25 down; cull common calvea-vealers 12-20. Hogs salable 100, total 250; early sales $1 lower than early Monday; good-choice 190-210 lb. weights largely 26; selected lots including show rejects 26.36-20.60; odd good sows 22.50; good-choice feeder pigs Monday 26-30. Sheep salable 250; market active, stea dy; good-choice woolcd lambs 21.50-33,60; common shorn lambs down to 17; Hunt culls downward to 10; medium fecdrra 17; good ewes weaker, salable around 8.50- Chicago Livestock Chicago, Oct. ij Wl (USDA1 Salable hogs 9,000, total 13,000; slow; butchers 1.00-1.50 lower than Monday's average: closed at full decline; sows unevenly weak to 1.00 lower, decline on weights under 400 lb.; top 34. SO sparingly; bulk good and choice 100-260 lb. 23.15-34.U5; few 270-290 lb. 2J.25-23.7S; few 160-180 lb. lights 23.00-23.75; Rood and choice sows under 350 lb. 22.00-23.25; 315-450 lb. 30.7-31.75; 475 lb. and over mostly 20.00 21.00. Salable cattle 8500, total 8100; salable calves 600, total 600; steers and heifers grading average-good and better moder ately active and strong; lower grades alow, steady to weak; cows slow, steady to 50 cents lower; medium and good kinds mostly 35-50 cents off; bulls strong to 35 cents higher; vealers strong to 1.00 high er; bulk good and choice steers 31.00 3B.50; 113 head 1478 lb. Montana grasseri 27.50; common grass steers down to 30.00; good and choice fed heifers 38. 80-38. SO; common to good beef cows 17.50-21.50; frw up to 23.00; canners and cutters 14.00 16.7; medium and good sausage bulls 22.00-23.50; bulk vealers 27.00-31.00; top 32.00. Salable sheep 2500, total 4000; few early slaughter lamb sales steady to 50 cents lower; early top 24.00 sparingly; most Interest bidding around 33.50 for good and choice native wooled lambs; no fat western lambs offered; other classes scarce, not established. Salem Markets Completed from reports of flalem dealers for the guidance, of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised daily.l Retail Peed Price Ess- Mash J4.B0. Rabbit Feed Pellets 14.25. Dairy Feed 13.90 Poultry: Buying Prices No, 1 colored hens, 30-31c: No. 1 Leghorn hens, 21c; No. 1 colored fryers, 3 lbs. and up 42c; No. 1 fryers, 24-3 lbs., 38o lb; No. old roosters, 14-15o. Bass Buying Prices Lame grade A A 60c; A arade, 69c; mediums, SB-UJe; pullets, 73c: mediums, 65-61c, pullets, 48-S0c doz. Wholesale Price AA grade. 73c; A grade 72c; mediums, 85 -67c; pullets, 4fl50n doi. But I erf at premium, 75-75c; No. 1, 70 Uci No. 2. 63-81C; (Buylnx prices!. Butter Wholesale A, 73-7&0. Retail, arade A. 80c. Jefferson Memorial This view ol the Jefferson Mnmorial at Washington, D. C, was made through a hole In the side of bridge across inlet to Tidal Basin in Potomac Park. tVv"S. kttrh . ..)aai''a Grain Futures Show Firmness Chicago, Oct. 5 (Pi Grain futures carried a steady to firm tone in today's board of trade session. Wheat advanced on ex port buying, and corn found support in a higher cash mar ket. Corn bookings were placed at 69,000 (T) bushels, of which 13,000 bushels was old crop. At the finish wheat was 2 higher to lower than the previous close, December $2.24--25. Corn was Vs lower to 1 cent higher, December $1.39-'8-40. Oats were Vt to high er, December 73,i-74. Hye was 2 to 2 'A cents higher, December $1.64 Vi. Soybeans were 3Vi to 4W hgher, November $2.43 l j V4. Stocks Decline Irregularly New York, Oct. 5 (PI The stock market stumbled today after advancing for three ses sions in a row. Losses didn't amount to much, with most in fractional terri tory. A fair number of stocks clung to small gains through out the day, and now and then faint signs of an all-round rally developed. Trading activity remained at recent low levels. Turnover was at a rate of around 600,000 shares for the full stretch. The foreign news continued to bulk large in Wall Street's calculations. Marked down were Good rich Tire, Studebaker, Sears Roebuck, International Harves ter, Boeing, U. S. Steel, Ameri can Can, Du Pont, J. C. Pen ney, Standard Oil (NJ), and Paramount Pictures. Steadier spots included Gen eral Motors, Firestone, Mont gomery Ward, Woolworth, Unit ed Aircraft, American Tele phone, Consolidated Edison, Chesapeake & Ohio and Gen eral Electric. In the bond market railway issues faltered after early rising tendencies. U. S. governments moved narrowly In over-the-counter dealings. List Jury Panel For District Court County Clerk Harlan Judd Tuesday announced the drawing ol 12 names ol citizens to serve as a jury in district court, to re port October 7 at 9:30 a.m. Included are seven residents of Salem and five from the out side as follows: Dora E. Hill, 682 N. Commercial; Vinton L. Green, 2145 S. Cottage; Chester B. Johns, 1275 N. 16th; George V. Barnes, 580 S. 24th; Percy W. Cooper, 2430 Myrtle; Ruth Prince, 2395 N. 5th and Max F. Rogers, 1995 S. Cottage, all Salem, and Martha E. Wood, De troit; Raymond H. Jungwirth, route 2, Salem; Glen Smith, Ma rion; Agnes ij'unrue, route 1, Silverton, and Theresa Hassler, Mt. Angel. Purring Along Convalescing from a broken leg, a 6-week-old kitten purred her way through a 600-mile air plane ride from Columbus, O., to Kansas City, Mo., recently. It all began when a Columbus resident found the injured kit ten and nursed it back to health. Visiting relatives saw the cute convalescent and fell in love with her. When they left, their niece decided to surprise them by air expressing the kitten to Kansas City where the new arrival was promptly christened "Little Eva." That's because she has a new playmate now, a dog nam ed "Topsy." They're getting along fine to gether, according to latest re ports. There are about 1,500 known species ol mosquitoes. Journal Want Ads Pav Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Stocks Quotations Br the Associated Press) American Can II Am Pow it Lt 91 Am Trl St Til 152i Anaconda 36 Bfndll Aviation 34 Beth Steel 3I' Boeing All-plan ,,,,, 34S Calif Packing 37 Tanadlan Pacific 14, case J I 38 'i Caterpillar 51 S Chrysler &s Comwlth Si Sou 3i Cons vultee in; Continental Can 34 Crown Zellerbach 39ri Cunts Wright 10 '4 Douglaj Aircraft 55 Duponl de Nem 170 OenerAl Electrlo ,, SO11, General Poods 38', Genual Motors 63 Ooodyear Tire i6'i Int Harvester JTa Int Psper Kennecott Llbby McN ft L .... Loni Bell "A" . . . , Montgomery Ward Nash Krlvlnator ., Nat Dairy NY Central , Nortliern Pacllio , Pao Am Flsn ..... Pac Gas ft Eteo ... Pao Tel ft Tel .... Penny J O Radio Corp Rayonler Rayonler Pfd Reynolds Metals Richfield Safeway Stores ... Sears Roebuck ... Southern Paclfla , Standard Ol Cal . Studebaker Corp , Sunshine Mlnlni . Tranasmerlca .... Union Paclfla ... United Airline .... u. s. steel Union oil Oal .... Warner Bros Plfl .. Woolworth sn'i , 37a Funeral for Pvt. Herrman Funeral services will be held at the First Methodist church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock for Pvt. Roy M. Herr mann, who was killed in action in France August 19, 1944. Rev. Brooks Moore will officiate at the rites and Interment at the Lee Mission cemetery will follow. Herrmann, son of Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Herrmann of Mon roe, Oregon, was born March 21, 1925 at Vernonia, Oregon, and during the first 11 years ol his life spent most of the time about 20 miles west of Hanford, Wash., with his parents. Later he lived near Oregon City and in 1937 with his par ents moved to Newberg, where he attended high school. The family moved to Dundee in 1940 and young Herrmann con tinued to attend the Newberg high school. In July, 1943, Herrmann, then a junior in high school, report ed lor duty with the army and first served with an anti-aircraft division at Camp Collon, Calif. In the fall of 1943 Pvt. Herr mann was transferred to com pany F, 318th inlantry regi ment and In July, 1944, went to England with his outfit. Shortly afterward they were sent to France and August 19, 1944, while still serving with company F Herrmann was kill ed about 100 miles south of Paris. Surviving besides the par ents is sister Carol B. Herr mann of Salem. OBITUARY Adnlph E. Kuensl Silverton Adolph td Kuennl. , Sslent Rt. 6, Box 401 (Central Howell) riled Monday. 1U hnd been a resident of that community for 50 years. Funeral serv ices will be held from the memorial chap el of the Ekman funeral home at 2 o'clock Wednesday with burial at Bel crest Memorial park In flalem, Rev. Ar thur Bates offlclatlni. He was born In Berne, flwtlterland, Nov. 37, Iflflt). and came to this country when a you tin boy. .rvlvlnc are six sons and two dauihter. Earl Kucnil, Loni view, Wash.; Clyde Kuenzi, Aberdeen, Wash.; Ted. Euienf and Donald Kuensl, all of Salem; Harold Kuensl, Portland; JuanHa Sinrlart, Port land and Erma Neal. Fort Worth, Tea : also flvt brottwra and two sisters. J. O. Kuensl, Portland: Alfred and Herman Kuentl, both ol Bslem; E. J. Mrtntandnn and Louis Montandon, both of Salem; Mrs. Meyer, Portland and Mis. Immi Dftwller, Silverton. Pfr. Timothy MIHon Ilayts Ballsion Memorial services for P(r. Timothy Milton Hayes, 18, killed in a fall from a winnow at Rosenheim. Germany, Juna 11, 1948, were held at Dallas Fri day. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hays and was born at Newport, Feb. a, 1030. He rnltsUd for service with tha occupation forces Oct. 21, 1941. Survlvltiv are his molher; two broth ers, Robert Wlllard Hayes and Jack Wil liam Hayes; two half brothers, Harry Brum well Todd and Kennath laster Todd; three sisters. Canilyn Jean Hayes, Char lene Joyce Hayes and Sharon Joan Hayesi grandfather, W. A. Brooks, Hos' kins, and grandmother, Mrs. Florence Brooks, Salem. Ills father was killed sev eral years am in a lousinx accident. Rev. H. N. Waddell. of Falls City, official- ed with the Veterans of Forelan Wars participating, lntorment was In the IOOF cemetery at Independence, John Thomas Ray Albany John Thomas Ray, 45, wis found dead at his homi at 1341 Cfi Front strret Saturday nlsht under cir cumstances which prompted performance of an autopsy. Deputy Crronrr Waller Kropp reported Monday, Results of the autopsy are hrlna awaited to determine cause of rtrnth, which occurred, it wits LEGAL NOTICE In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for the County of Marlon. In the Matter of tha Cham a or Name Of EDWARD FLOYD STRIKKR to EDWARD FLOYD JONES. NOTICE IH HF.HF.J1Y OIVEN that EDWARD FLOYD STRIKER has filed a petition In the above entitled court and cauflfl seeklna an order Chans Ini hl ame from Edward Floyd Striker to Edward Floyd J one., and all persons are hereby notified that they may offer and show cauA. If they have any. why a de cree should not he entered ehanKlnt the name In accordance with the prayer of jaid petition. This notice Is belnf published once by written notice In tha Capital Journal, a newflpaper of central circulation in Mar tin County. Oregon. In pursuance of an nrder of Ihr Honorable E. M. Pane, one of the iudsea of the above entitled court, which order was mada and entered Oc tober 2nd. 1041. This notice Is to ba published In one issue In accordance with the terms of said order and the date of publishing Is October Sth, 1948. DEVERS DE ARMOND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 414 T. A. Livesley Bldf. Salem. Oreann At torn era for ratitiontr. fM Tuesday, October 5, 1948 17 1 EL rT-W'! PRESIDENT- This re. cent picture or Harry S. Truman shows the president of the United States in a typical coni veraatlonal pose. estimated at 11 am. Saturday. Mr. Ray was born December 13, 1903, in Mexico but had llvfd for the mot part In tha United Slates, servins many yesrs In tha US. army. He aas rrtlred In 19iS with the rank of warrant officer junior grade. He had been stationed at Caino Adair be fore Kolna oversrns to Europe dunnc World Wiir II. He married Hrln H. Johnson at Fort Lewis, Wash., Jun 17, 1040, who survives. Warrtn Jtlvlrk Falls City Graveside services for Wsr- ren Jelvlcic. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jelvlcic. of Carlton, wera held at the IOOP cemetery her Saturday. H. was the srandson of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Worden. of Boulder Camp and a areat-irandsnn of Mr. and Mra. J, W. Lacy, of Falls city. DEATHS Marsartt E. Moor Mamaret E- Moore, late resident of Salem, In Alaska, Autust 31, 104 S. Sur vived by har parenU. Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Moore of Salem; and a sister, Mrs. Hrlen 11. Oiffln of Hayward. Calif. Pri vate services will be held Thursday, Oc tober 1. at the ClouictwBarriek chapel with interment in Belcrest Memorial park. Please omit flowers. Jsmei Harvey Yunr Jamas Harvey Yung, lata resident of route. 3, box 48K, Salem, near Salem October 3, at the age of 34 ytara. Sur vived by his wlft, Mrs. Betty Yiinu of Salrm; a sister, Mrs. Bertha Bartruff of Portland; six brothers, Don Yum, Paul Yung and Roy Yunt, all of Salem, Ouy Yung and Oeora Yunz of Med ford and Lovell Yung, with the U. 8. Air Force in California; and several nieces and neph ews. Charter member of VFW post No. 424S W. Salem. Services will be held from the Cloush-Barrick chapel Wednesday, October 8. at 4 p.m. with Rev. Dudley Strain offlclatlni. Interment In Lt Mis sion cemetery. Isaac Nnrrls (lkel Bacon Near this city October 3, Isaac Norrlt (Ike) Bacon, late resident of 1810 North lSlh street, at the age of 84 years. Hus band of Oladys M. Bacon of Salem; father of Jamrs N. Bacon and Warren Lee Bacon, both of Salem; brother of Al len E. Bacon of Dayton, Wash., Mra, Ot to H lutein of Sourla, N. D., Mrs. Irs, Oaulkc of Orand Forks, N. D., and Mrs. Lester Morse and Mrs. Leah McOrath, both of Webster, N. D. Past commander of Capitol Pnst No, 9, American Leu Ion and member of 40 et B. Services will be held Wednesday, October 8, at 3 p.m. at th W. T, Rindon chapel with Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson offlclHllni. Ritualistic services by Capitol post No. 9, American Lesion. Entombment at Mt, Crest Abbey Mauso leum. Roy Miltnn Herrmann In France, August lt, 1944, Roy Miltnn Herrmann st the sue of 19 years. Sur vived by his parents, Rv. and Mrs. H. O. Herrmann of Monroe, Oreion; and a sister, Carol Brrnlece Herrmann of Salem. Funeral services will bs held from tha First Methodist church, Salem, Wednes day, October 8, at 3 p.m. with Rev. Brooks Moors officiating, Interment In tha Lta Mission cemetery. Direction W. T. Rtidon company. Fred I.. Marks Fred L. Marks, at tha reitdtnea at Brooks. September 3D. Survived by his wife, Esther Marks of Brooks; flva chil dren, Larry, Robert, Ronald, Lana and Jana Marks, all of Brooks; three alittrs, Mrs, Mary Roberts of Wyomlni, Mrs, Dor othy Trump or Wheatland, Wyo., and Miss Ruth Marks: and two brothers. Ar thur Marks in Wyomlnn and Rover Marks of Wheatland, Wyo. Services will be hsld 1 (he ClouBh-narrlrk chapel Wednesday, irtober 8 at 1:30 p m. with Rev, Orvtlla W. Jenkins offlclatlni. Homer Hulsey In Washington, D. O., October 3, Homer Hulsey, lata resident of Wsalilnilon. D. O., and former resident of Salem, at tha ase of nl years. Husband of Thema HnUry of WaAhlniton, D. C; son of W. N. Hulsey of flalem; and brother of Clif ford Hutsey of Yreka, Calif.. Mrs. Donald MuMlhaupt of Salem and Mrs. Clara Hill of Katv. Texas. Life member of Paclfla loda No. 4. AF St AM. Services will ba held Thursday, October 1. at 10:30 a.m. at tha W. T. Riirion Chanel with Rev. Chester W. Hamblin offlclatlni. Ritual istic services under the auspices of Pacific lodie No. 4. AF At AM. Inter ment In Belcrest Memorial park. Wilbur Edward Obrnhaw Wilbur Eduard Obrrshaw. lata -resident of 1343 Elm St., West Salem, near Lake view Saturday, Oct. 3, at tin ate of 80 years. Survived by his wife, Elta Ober Jihaw of West Salem; two sons, Wilbur of Denver. Colo . and Howard of Salem; a daughter, Mrs. A. J. Prlen of Bell Fair, Wash : three brothers, Ueorse of Black foot, Mont., and frank and Ouy Obrliw of Twin Falls, Idaho. Member of the Stilcm CHruentr-nT union and tha Nasurenn church. Annoiinri'inent of serv ices later by the HfiWt-1. -Edwards cSn.iel. John William Slraver John William Stmyrr. Lite resident of 2310 N. 4t)i St., at lite reden.-e Mon day, October 4, at ih ate of n vsrs. Survlvtd by a dmifht?r. Mi An'ointt'a Vanderbcck of Mt Anil; Dure brother, P. A. Strayer of Salrni, A, F. Atrnver of Pep Hay and B I . Strver ol Jen nliis I.otni"; five arandchildrnt and four Krcnt-sranrii hlldren. Mcmhcr f t.ia F:-f, ChrUtlnn church of .si rn'ton, Nehru k a. Sfrvirrs from ihe Howell-Edumria chnp. el Thursday, October 7 i 1 p.m. Ip. lernirnt In Relrrwt. Memorial park (Arivi Asthma Mucus I'un'i M ('(iumMuk. MH'.inir. ch..Vlrisf, rei-iii I'lnir MlHrki o lliotu'luit! Aitmi& ruin nlii and tiiiertrv mini I e r tiny wilh nut trylntr MKNIMCO. This pit'.it tn Ifrnal tiwdlHiio work thru 'lie- hl'iPd, thua ft!ii' hln tlii- hit'ii'-hliil tubes unci lu riK m. Usually a (hi In hclntiir nut lira Itrinic'llatuly to remove Hiu'K, ntlcky iiiui-UH, thus 11 v i 1 1 1 1 r r-iiuvhlnir tnrl pifiitKilliiK frcHi- lii-KUtliliirT htkI ninra r frewhiuK aim i. Ht;t MKMDVUO frfiin ymr druifitlil t"dnv. yulrk satisfaction or money liHi k u u :t rtm t (- I . tAdveitiaemeiit' PIN-WORMS CAUSE FIDGETING AND THAT AWFUL ITCH On of ths warninjf ina of Pin-Worm la a nairRing rectal itch which often csusm flilBeliitir and broken sleep, and may ltJ tii even mure serious distrets. It li no l-mtrer m-ceasary to put op with the trouble caused by I'in-Worma, bffcaua cienca hu at last found m way to Uek li)M atubUrn pesij aasily and safety. Get JAYNt'S PW at tha nrtleign of Pin Worms. P-W la a medically sound treat ment tnwtctl on an ofticially recognited dniff lenient whi h has proved ery afTectiva In ilenimir with this ugly infection. The small P-W tablets act in a special way to daalroy fls-WoiEM. rw rnaftAi Mo-Worm iua t ' 1 I5 fa