Beaver Stale Lures Travelers Oregon playlands loom large in the vacation future of many mid-westerners and easterners who visited the Oregon exhibit at the Chicago Railroad fair which closed last week follow ing a mid-summer opening. Enthusiasm for beaver state vacations reportedly had never been so high in the mid-west. The exhibit, showing off Ore gon's famed scenic attractions, was sponsored by the Oregon chambers of commerce execu tives association and the Ore gon state highway commission travel information department. The Union Pacific railroad co operated in providing booth space in its exhibit covering the western states it serves. From the period from July 20 until Labor Day, when the booth was staffed by Oregon repre sentatives, more than two mil lion people visited the vast rail road fair. Most of this total saw the Oregon presentation of its famous scenic areas. Invi tations in the display urged in dustrialists to investigate Ore gon manufacturing possibili ties. A direct reflection on appar ent success of Tourist Host Schools, as sponsored by the Oregon Advertising club each spring since the war, were the many comments by visitors, who had been to Oregon, on the friendliness, hospitality and good service given out-of-state motorists. Others, who have not been to Oregon, were eager for vacation information, with most saying they had heard so much of Ore gon scenic lures in recent years that tours were on their early agenda. Several thousand pros pective visitors signed informa tion requests covering all parts of the state, with a substantial percentage indicating they are planning 1949 trips. People from 40 states, which do not include the western areas, signed re quest cards. If these indications hold true, Oregon is in line for increas ingly more middle-western and eastern travel, officials said. City Manager Asks Street Work Bids Silverton Robert E. Bor land, city manager, has been authorized to ask for sealed bids for the improvement of Center and Westfield streets. The bids will be opened at 7:30 p.m., October 14, at the coun cil rooms of the city hall. Peti tions for the improvement of these streets have been in the hands of the city for several months and work will get un derway shortly after the bids have een accepted. 1 to 3-Day SERVICE ArrtdfeniMtf can to inadt tt vt all of your D.ntil Work tanalttarf In from 1 to S days, Wlcalt caitl tiuatad. Tail aranat tarvlea It avallablt ia alt 1 Dr. Saailar Daatal offle.i la Portland, Salom and Enqana. NO ADVANCE . APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Camo la NOW for a canalofa daatal oiamlaatloat Yon don't aaad aa advanea appointment t Dr. Somlor'i Dontnl Officot , . yon aro woleomo anytlma AT YOUR CONVINIINCI. iLc ias - i.,..-,!,.,,.. ,,T, , lliiTrrii Lots of Pumpkin Robin Miller stands with a 100-pound Australian pumpkin which won blue ribbon at Los Angeles County fair for Robert E. Jones, Chino, Calif. Pumpkin, with cross-pollinization in its ancestry, looks like squash LEGAL UNCLAIMED DEPOSITS PRESUMED ABANDONED The following unclaimed deposits, in cluding deposit other than those payable on demand, are held by the Ladd & Biwh Salem Branch of the United States National Bank of Portland, Oregon of Salem, Oregon, as of July 1, 1948; the owner or owners of which have not for a period of seven successive years prior to said date, (a) negotiated In writing In respect thereto, or b) been credited with interest on the passbook or certificate of deposit on his or their request, or (c) had a transfer, disposition of Interest, or other transaction noted of record In the books of the above bank or trust com pany, or (d) incerased or decreased the amount of the deposit; ATTACHED OR GARNISHEED PROPERTY OR FUNDS Herbert Bodln's attached by W. St. John, 75.00. W. L. Mercer attached by Standard Investments Co., 21.56. Roy Reeves attached by Signal OH Company, 31.01. CHECKING ACCOUNTS C. W. Bean, admr., Notify W, W. Mc Klnney, Pioneer Trust Blrg., Salem, $311.60. Charles Cawrse, (Exec) Gen. Del., Salem, Ore.. 1309.69. Mr, or Mrs. D. Cor mier, Lebanon, OreRon, 1425.84, Ruby N. Hoffnell, 1775 Falrmount Ave., Salem, Ore., (23.50. W. M. Johnson, "Admr.". Rt. 4, Beacon Bulb Farm, Salem, Ore., $179.82, Frank M. Kennon, Gen. Del.. Salem, Ore., $1,4.00. Otto Meier, Rt. 1, Woodburn, Ore., $58.71. Joseph A. McCormlck & Charles M. Ross, 318 Oregon Bldg., Salem. Ore., $727.62. Anna Nelson. 775 Nortnt capital St.. Salem, Ore., $574.50. Lawrence Pie- trock, Exec, Stayton, Ore., $28.68. Terue Otsukl, Gneeral Delivery, Salem, Ore., $162.25. Ethel M. Splllman, Powell Butte, Ore., 1106.19. Mr. or Mrs. B. D. Young, 835 Breys Ave., Salem, Ore., $23.59. No record, $42.40. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Avis White or Hellen K.. 247 So. Cot tage, Salem, $.23. Elizabeth or Ralph Worden, Rt. 7, Box 316, Salem, Ore., $.59. Mr. or Mrs. Wilbur J. Wheeler, Rt. 1, Box 14, Salem. Ore.. $.04. Mr. or Mrs. E. E. Buckles, Rt. 1. Boxx 242, Salem, Ore., $.97. Lois Ida Maxfield, Rt. 6, Box 65, Salem, Or., fl.20. Mr. or Mrs, Ermal Reeves, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., $.52. Mr. or Mrs. James Gordcn, 191 Clay St., Mon mouth, Ore., $.27. Mr, or Mrs. Calvin Thomas, 2134 Broadway, Salem, Ore., $.04, Amos eJhn, 1020 Garnet St., Salem, Ore., $.05, Bob Brady, 350 Garden Road, Salem, Ore., $.53, Betty Jacobson, Gen. Del., Sa lem, Ore.. $2.81. Theodore Ryall, Rt. 5, DR. B mmi ):(' A, ..'V is Box 28, Salem, Ore.. $.20. Barbara or Gor don Wm. Davidson, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., $2.27. Mr. or Mrs. Kenneth M. Sides, 1515 Jefferson St., Salem, Ore., $.07. Gor don V. Nelson. Rt. fl, Box 153, Salem, Ore., $f.l0. Wm. Holman, Oen. Del., Salem, Ore., $.29. Leland C. Scott, 1780 N. Church St., Salem, Ore., $.07. Ethyl Mae or Carta Williams, 1440 S. Liberty Bt., Salem, Ore., $.23. Elizftbetht Wellard, 333 S. 17th St., Salem, Ore., $1.74. Marguerite Smith, 585 No. Summer, G lend or a Apts., saiem, Ore., $.25. Mrs. C. H. Maison, Gdn, for Paul Brian Maison. 1930 Laurel Ave., lem, Ore., $1-23. Mrs. Nona L. Strake or Rosemund Peterson, Newport, Oregon, $.96. Mrs. Mack Hamby, Jefferson , Ore' gon, $1.07. Helen Codington, 138 Sansome St., San Francisco, California, $1.87, Maxlne Rogers, 701 N. Church St., Salem, Ore,, $.20. Seth T, Jayne. Tip Top Apart ments, 2470 No. Capitol, Salem, Ore., (.03, Clayton E. Stelnke, 725 South Commercial, Salem, Ore.. $.13. Mrs. Ell7abeth Temple ton, 770 Mill St,, Salem, Ore,, $.46. Ray mond E, Folda, 1335 N. 19th St., Salem, Ore.. $.37. Josepnine Bross, in court Bt Salem, Ore., $.22. Wallace Totten, Box 88. Chemawa. Ore.. $1.13. Mr. or Mrs. Ed ward Strode, 1345 Broadway, Salem, Ore., $.46. Roberta B. Rogers. 348 N. mn Bt Salem, Ore., $.89. Glenn H. Woodry, 1610 N. Summer St.. Salem. Ore.. $2.97. Jose phine Burr, Henry Barr, iibo s. Lib erty, Salem, Ore., $.76. Bonnie Bell Hath away, General Delivery, Salem, Ore., $3.26. Marguerite Devore or Helene Crawford, General Delivery, Salem, Ore., $1.90. Mer rill L. Reed or Arleta Wood, General De livery, Salem, Ore., $3.31. Sam I. Bloom berg, 1195 North Summer St., Salem, Ore., $1.49. Mrs. Clifton M. Irwin, 325 Sunset Ave., Salem, Ore., $.41. Alwyn M. Grlner, 1565 Jefferson St., Salem, Ore., $.08. Gladys A. Ray, 415 Marlon St., Salem, Ore., $.55. Llyod Reinwald, 148 West Wilson St., Salem, Ore., $.07. David Ec cles, '248 W. Superior, Salem, Ore., $.19. Milo Kllewer, Rt. 3, Box 753, Salem. Ore., $.90. Bernlce E. Smith, Rt. 8, Box 103, Sa lem, Ore., $3.25. Mary Lois Swayne, 330 N. Summer St., Salem, Ore., $2.03. Artene Mossing, R R 2, Box 476, Salem, Ore., $.50. Elizabeth Mason, 1710 N. Cottage St., Salem, Ore., $56. Juanlta Glrod, Rt. 2, Box 319, Salem, Ore., $1.88. Don W, Gll mour, Jefferson, Ore., $00. Maurice Lald law, Rt. 2, Box 51, Salem, Ore., $.40. Mrs. Byron E. Coolcy, 587 N. 22nd St, Salem, Ore., $3.32. Guy Tucker, Hd. Battery 249CA, Camp Clatsop, Ore., $3.07. Harold Loyd Slack, 477 Center St., Salem, Ore., $.50. Maxlne Olson in trust for Sandra Sue Stlffler, Rt. 1, Boxx 410, Salem, Ore., $2.20. Glenn E. Lucas, Box 111, Brooks, Ore., $2.94. Cecil E. Young in trust for Ellison Young, 125 No. 14th St., Salem, Ore., $2.00. Robert Austin, 1353 Edge water St., West Salem. Ore., $1.00. Carl Ai1n. Bat M. Portland Highway, Salem, I Ore., $3.60. UNCLAIMED flAFB DEPOSITS STORAGE I J, E. Badley. "1 O, V. B idler. I4S Ferry :.. Salem. Ore.. Miscellaneous papers. A. V. Caldwell, Salem, Ore., MUcellane. ous papers. Frances Cornelius. General I Delivery. Salem. Miscellaneous papers and key. Florence Corum, 1947 Saginaw St., 1 Salem, Miscellaneous papers. C. Elmo Crondall, Gen. Del., Salem. Ore,, Miscel- i papers. Jesse J. UBiy, fo box hub, Eugene. Or., Miscellaneous papers. Lewis F. Denton, Gen. Del., aaiem. ure.. Mis cellaneous papers. O. E. Eoff, Oen. Del., Salem, Ore., Miscellaneous papers. Sydney Jory. 1195 Market St.. Salem. Ore., Moa cellaneous papers. James William Jones. Oen. Del., Salem, Ore., Mosceiianeous papers. F. J. Lafky. 210 Mission St.. Sa lem, Ore., Miscellaneous papers. O. B. Powers, Oen. Del., Salem. Ore., Miscel laneous papers. H. B. Rupert. Oen. Del., Salem, Ore., Miscellaneous papers. A. L. Seamster, Gen. Del., Salem. Ore., Miscel laneous papers It pKg. Everett service, Gen. Del., Salem. Ore., Miscellaneous pa pers. Russell Smith, Gen. Del. Salem. Ore., Miscellaneous papers. W. H. Waterbury, Oen. Del., Salem, Ore., Mlscellaeous pa pers. UNCLAIMED SAFE KEEPING H. C. Ackerman. 470 North liberty St.. Sa lem. Miscellaneous papers. William Adams, r William Delany, Oen. Del., Snlem. Ore., Miscellaneous papers. Victor H. Allen. Gen. Del.. Salem, Ore., Miscellaneous pa pers. E. H. Anderson. Liberty. Ore.. Mis cellaneous papers. Mrs. E. H. Anderson, Rt. 3, Balem, Ore., Miscellaneous pa pers. Ferdinand Anderson, Rt. 1, Jeffer son. Ore., Miscellaneous papers. Roy J. Anderson. 267 North High St.. Salem. Ore.. Miscellaneous papers. Ernest and Arthur Annus, Turner, Ore., Miscellaneous papers. Victory Bailey, Oen. Del., Snlem, Ore., Miscellaneous papers. Lena Baker, Gen. Del.. Portland, Ore., Mlscelln neons papers. Jacob Bane, Gen. Del.. Salem. Ore,. Miscellaneous papers. Mrs. Knte Bnrendrlck. 684 North 16th St., Salem. Miscellaneous papers. E. E. and Ida E. Bnssett, Oen. Del, Salem, Ore., Miscel laneous papers. Laura M. Bean, 595 Cen ter St., Snlem. Ore., Miscellaneous pa pers. A. M. Beacham. Gen. Del.. Salem. Ore., Tin box No. 617, authority given to Mrs. A. M Beneham. William B. Beardsley, Oen. Dpi. SPlem, Ore.. Miscel laneous papers. Geo, Beaty, Oen. Del,, Salem, Ore., One package cnnreHed checks. E. G. Beley, 330 South 14th St., Salem. Ore., Mtscolla neons papers. My belle Bents, G1n.. " W. C. Winslow, Ma sonic Bldg.. Salem. Ore.. Miscellaneous papers. 8. O. BerMng, Rt. 9, Salem, Ore., Miscellaneous papers. Mrs. LilUe Blllle. General Delivery. Snlem, Ore., Warranty deed. Beatrice Blackburn. Brotherhood of American Yeomnn, Nellie Vnrley. Cor respondent, 1820 South High St., Salem, Ore.. Twenty pay life policy, the Broth erhood of Ann-man Yeomnn, No. 203127. Jam en H. Bohle, Gen, Del., Salem. Ore., Surety Bond American Surety Co. A. M. , Bolter, Brook, Ore., Miscellaneous pa pers. Fred A. Bowmen. Brooks. Ore. Miscellaneous papers. Fred A. Bowman, Neskowin Oariige Neskowln, Ore., MIs rcllnneous papers. Mrs. Lizzie Bowman 2545 Lee St.. Salem. Ore., Mlsrellanrmis papers. J. J. Boyd, Oen. Del., Salem, Ore., 1 tin box, various k. sundry oppers. Mrs. Frances Branch, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., Envelope. MlacUaneous papers. Wm. Bra nchf lower. Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., packace, Miscellaneous pnpprn. Alia Branson. 638 Breys Ave.. Salem. Oi., Warranty deed. Mrs. M. Brcy, Gen. Del. Rnlem, Ore., 1 tin box. Frank Brogelt, Rt. 3, Box 240. Snlem. Ore.. Certificate Mrs, A. L, Brown. Gen. Del.. Salem, Ore., abstract Minthorn mntter.H. Brun- didge. Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., Envelope, ranroan receipt. Henry uumie, cram rep. Ore., Envelope, policy the Twenty Fiv Hiincireti. Mrs. s. A. Burnett, oen. Dei., Snlem, Ore., 1 tin box. B. E. Bushy. Tur ner, Ore., Miscellaneous papers. Mrs. M. A. Cndy, Rt. 8, Box 232, Salem, Ore., 1 envelope. Mrs. E. Calmels or Aug. Cai rn em, oervais, ore., Ins. policy. Jolin Camos, 1973 N. 4th St., Salem, Ore,. En velope, pacific Mut. Life Ins. 1593497, Prudential Ins. 1236674.J. H. Carlco. Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., Two Banks, contain ing $2.92, cash. H. P. Carsna, PO Box 1, Snlem, Ore., Envelope, containing various letters. O. H. Carson, Gen. Del,, Salem, Ore., Envelope, with notes. Mrs A. H. Churchill, Monroe, Ore., Envelope Prud. Ins. policy Co. 37,438,428 ft, various k. Sundry Agreements, et cetera. Jessie Cork erline, 1275 Nebraska Ave., Salem, Envel ope, two outdated notes. John Cary, Brooks, Oregon. Miscellaneous papers. B. B. Colbnth, 253 Union St.. Salem. Ore.. Miscellaneous papers. Eugenic H. Cole, s ray min, ure.. Memo oi atorK transnc tlons. M. J. Coleman, Jefferson, Ore., Lease from H. B. Looney. J. L. Combs, uen. Del., saiem. Ore,, Miscellaneous pa pers, envelope. J. A. Cooper, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., Note. Frances Cornelius, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., Abstract of title No. 13244, Mut. Benefit Life Pol. 45.1-5309, Mut. Benefit Health Pol. 45J6315, key to lock box 1st Nat. Bank. Florence Cor um. 1947 Saginaw 8t., Salem, Ore., Fire Pen rfo.vs- " . tee. u , ieBto " weekly o h0W te. . A the" "? or. r t - HOUHS: t:0 AM rtfm ni. Policies, Or. Cert, of title No. 233080, Chry. coach, Life ni. Pool. 301940, North American Accident ns. Co. 5849897. J. C. or S. J. Cowitr, Ronald C. Glov er. Note and $32.50 CM. S. J. Cowtts, Gen. Del., Balem. Ore.. Note and Storks. C. S. Cr angle, Gen. Del.. Salem, Ore., I Miscellaneous Stocks. Marie E. Cram- ! ton. Gen. Del,. Salem. Ore., Stocks. L. i Cromer, Turner, Ore., Tin Box No. 85. T. L, Davidson, Jr., Rt. 9, Box 370, Salem, Ore., 1 package. Mrs. A. H. Davis, Rt. 5, I Box 105, Salem, ore., Ins. receipts. F. ! F. Davis, 529 Court St., Salem. Ore., Stock. , Mrs. Mary E. Davis, 1062 Skinner St., I West Salem. Life lease. Frances L. Den- I lson, 757 Center St., Salem. Ore., Envel ope, 2 watches with fob. Oregon Vehicle title, Lease. C. K. Dennkson. 1540 N. Lib erty, Salem. Ore., Miscellaneous papers. Conrad Dlllmna. 2011 Maple Ave., Salem, i Ore., Receipt. Mrs. A. E. Dlnsmoor, 1854 : State St., Salem, Ore.. Fire Ins. Policy. ; Joseph A. Doerfler, Marlon, Ore., Ben cert. Neignoori oi wooamen no. aoou a stone. A. N. Douthart. Gen. Del.. Salem. Ore.. Stocks. John Doyers. Gen. Del., Salem, ure., Keceipi lor sd.wj. Anna n. Driver, 216 Ferry St., Salem. Ore., Benefit Cert. No. 19173, Fraternal Tribune. Ray Easter, . 254 Ferry St.. Salem, Ore., Receipt. Os wald k Empey, Gen. Del., Salem. Ore., Partnership agreement. G. E. Eoff. Rt. 6, Box 42, Balem. Ore., Mtg. W. D. Eoff, Gen. Del.. Salem. Ore., Quit claim deed, Mrs. Ha met H. Erb, 575 South 1 19th St., Salem, Fire Insurance Policy. Aline E. Evans, Rt. 7. Salem, Ore.. U. 6., War riAk for Fred Evans. W. B. Farrier, i S. 12ht St., Salem, Ore., U. 8. 816. Envel- pe, policy. The Twenty Five Hundred ceri. No. 1474. Levla L. oor J. E. Farrls, 1695 S. High St., Salem, Ore.. Miscellan eous papers. E. A, Dunlap, Gen. Del., Sa lem, Ore., Note. Henry Fawlc, Gen. Del., Balem. Ore., N. Y. Life Ins. Co. policy No. 3178115. Mrs. Ellen Feddit Feidt. 267 North High St.. Salem. Mtg. and Will. James M. Forsythe, 277 North Front St., Salem, Benefit Cert. Modern Wood men of America. E. C. Fosnot, Rt. 1, Salem, Ore., Fire Ins. Policy. Mrs. P. A. Foster. Rt. 3, Box 103C. Balem, Mutual Life Ins. Co. 3,786.285, coniract, etc. Mrs. Ellen Frohnaricr, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., Receipt. Charity Gamble, Gen. DpI., Salem, Ore.. US 2481, Envelope, Receipts. John Gcdleman, Deaconess Hospital, Salem. Ore., Contract. Mr. or Mrs. L. B. Geer. Corvallis, Ore.. Letter. James Gcrig, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., Stock; R. D. Gibson, Rt. 3, Salem, Ore., Stock. R. D. Gibson Rt. 3, Snlem, Ore., Ins, Policy Fire. Mrs. A. N. Gilbert, Mrs. B. C. Srhuckings. Rt. 4, Salem. Ore., 42 shares First Nat. Bank of Joseph. E. N. GilliiiRhnm, Turner, Oregon, Miscellane ous papers. O. Gllsdorf, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., Miscellaneous papers. Gentry J, Given, 'g State Hospital, Pendleton, Ore., Ore. Life Ins. Co. Policy No. 6035, Ben. Certificate Woodmen of the Woorld 325226, etc. James T. Glenn, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., Two Swamp Land Certificate. Ad olph Giffln, Rt. 1, Box 88, Monmouth, Ore., Farmers Fire Relief Policy. Miss L. E. Goodhue. 251 S. 17th St., Salem, Ore., Will. Geo. W. Gould and J. McClcod, Gen. Del.. Salem, Ore, Lease. Christian Graber, 2726 Cherry. Ave., Snlem. Ore., Miscellaneous papers. Christian urauer, 2726 Cherry Ave., Snlem, Ore.. Miscellane ous papers, r. n. urenen, uen. uenvcry, Salem. Pearl Ring, Wedding Band, Lock Books. Jenne uroce ureen, uenerai Delivery. Salem. Tin Box No. 216. Griffith. J. H. Williams. 796 North 14th, Snlem, Ore., Note and Mortgage. Frank Grimes, Rt. 4. Salem, Ore.. Warranty deed. Mr .and Mrs. S. E. Guthrie, Dallas, Ore., Receipt. H. Haiti, Rt. 4. Reaverton, Ore.. Fire Ins. Policy, various letters. Lewis Hall,, Grn. Del,, Salem, Ore., US 1R94 Envelope, w. w. nan, uen. uei., sa iem, Ore.. Package, Basement Vault, Tin Bin. Books, Ledgers, J. c. Hauey, uen. Del., Snlem, Ore, Abstract, Warranty deed, etc. Ira Hnmtlton, Saginaw and Mlssloon Sts., snlem, ore., ins, policy Hamilton, 1501 7th St., Oregon City, US 2021 Envelope. Hester P. Har ding, Roth Grocery Co., Salem, Ore., Life Ins. Co. policy. L. A. Hawthorn, 1600 Highland Ave., Snlem, Ore., Class A. Ben. Cert. Neighbors of Woodcraft Ben Cert. Woodmen of hte World. A. R. Hayes, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., US 790 envelope, uoiumuia ijiie i rust jo, Pol. 3983. Hcnrv W, Hpinzelman. Gen, Deyl., Snlem, Ore., US 2622 Envelope. War ranty deed. S. B. Hill. Rt. 1. Jeffer son, Ore., State of Oregon Cert, of title Oaklnnd auto, etc, Clara Belle Houcnam, 1107 W. Slate St., Salem, Miscellaneous nnpers. Dnn L. Howard. 743 Marion St Salem. Ore., US 1254, Envelope, Central He Southern Pacific RR, Employes Mill. Benefit Assoc. No. 7921. J, Conner and Walter Morley, Gen. Del, Salem, Ore., Agreement. M. A. Hodges, Jefferson, Ore., Fire Ins. Policy. Balm Mann Hodgson, Ve J. W. Hodson, 369 State St., Salem, Ore., Miscellaneous papers, D. C. Howard nnd J. Conner. Gen. Del., Ba lem, Ore., Agreement. Caleb Hughes, Gen. Del.. Snlem, Ore., Agreement. Grace Vel- era Hull, Station A. State Hospital, Ap plication for war risk Ins. Hatllc I. Hull, 146 Center St., Salem. US 2103 Envel ope, Recorded statement. Mrs. E. E. Hunt, or Elizabeth Hunt, Gen. Del., Ba lem, Ore., 1 box, C. H. Hutchlns, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., Miscellaneous papers, Geo. B. Jacobs, Gen. Del., Salem, Ore., US 2236 Envelope, Bankers Life Pol- WEAR DENTAL PLATES WHILE PAYING Buy them this easy way on Dr. Semler's Liberal Credit Plan . . . take as long as 5, 10 or 15 months to pay. This lib eral offer includes the beautiful new Trans parent Palate Dental plates . . . individually styled to help you re gain Pleasing Youthful Appeorqnce. ASK YOUR DENTIST ln9 Aec Uw- Vltt ""- to Te - NEW PLATES . . . in cases where no extraction is required. Come in before 1 0 a. m. (any day except Saturday) and your new plafes will be delivered by 5:30 p. m. the same day. Convenient Service . . . particularly helpful for out-of-town patients. WATERS-ADOLPM BLDG STATE t COMEEROAl SUi, Oregon 5:90 M . . . rW )0 f freTffilrff. fllrffMflp flSP-Wfa No. 313335. etc. Olenna Jayes, 341 South 25th St., Balem, Old insurance policy. Thomas Jennings or Mary Jenntngn, Rt. Box 39. saiem, ore., will & Mtsrel- aneous papers. D. F. Jerman. 38u South 18th. Balem. Application war risk Ins urance. Ethel Johnston, Auburn Road, Sa lem. Ore., Miscellaneous papers. D. M. Jones, . 8. Williams. Gen. Del.. Miscel laneous papers. Mr. or Mrs. H. ft Jones. Rt. 3, Salem, Ore., Share No-1 J. G. B. Fruit Co. 8. W. Jones. Oen. Del, Salem. Ore., Note. Wm. J. Jones, 1109 Htnes St., Salem. Ore.. US 3315 Bill of Sail tc Note on Bulck Touring Carl Tony Rasper, Rt. saiem, ure., uie I m. policy. Ed ward or Andrew L. iKavanaugh, 55-56 McKay Building. 3rd i- Stark St., Port- and. Ore.. Receipt. C. C. Kavs. Rt. 3. Sa lem. Ore., Fire Relief Policy. Andrew 633 Ferry St. 'Sa em. Ore.. Note and CM. Phoebe Kemn. 968 Saginaw St., lem. ore.. Envelope 3 First Nat ona Bank Chicago Travelers chks. i $50 each. Kennell Ellii Studio. Silverton. Ore., Fire Ins. Policy. C. I. Kephart. Gen. Del., saiem, ure., us 1735 Enveloope Guaranty Trust Co. N.Y. Draft 20.000 in ar ics. Nora Kircnner, Mccieay. Ore., us 1491 Envelope. Ins. policy No. 172116. James Kirk wood, Gen. Del, Salrm, Ore., Bill of Sale. T. L. Klrkwood. 459 Union St. Snlem, Ore., Fire Ins. Policy. F. E. Kellman. Gen Del, Salem, Ore, Tax Re- elpt. John G. Kieln, Gen Del, Salem. Ore. US 772. Envelope. Bond for Warranty deed. Ladies Aid Society, List of Do nations, G, F. Kuril, Gen Del, Salem, Miscellaneous papers. Mrs. 8. La- Flemme or Mrs. Almire Isham, Rt 9, 8a- Ore, Miscellaneous papers. F. T. Lam, Gen Del, Salem. Ore. Miscellaneous lpts, u. M. Lambert, Praium. Oregon, Receipt . Hans Larson, Toledo, Oregon, Note. Mr. or Mrs, A. Carter Lee, 234 Baker St, Albnnv, Cert. No. 803. The Twenty Five Hundred, Cert. No. 882, The Twenty Five Hundred. L. C. Lee ft Co.. Gen Del, Salem, Ore,, Envelope US 629, various cert of stork, and other papers, Llnnie or Clarence E. Lewis. Gen Del, 6a- em. Ore., Grand Lodge Brotherhood of Trainmen No. 80489. Cert Mr. or Mrs. H. C. Lorkhart, Oen Del, Salem, Ore, warranty deed. Rosalia E. Loveland, ! 1455 Mnrlon St., Salem, Certificate of marriage, quit rlalm deed Ac Mtg. Knte Loya, uen uei, saiem. ore., us, eae, ure Ins. Policy. Mrs. A. E. Lour Ics. 276 3rd Avp., San Francisco, US 2818 Fire Ins, policy. Sam Ludl, Gen Del. Salem, Ore. Old Tnx Receipts. Mr. Wm. Lush, Gen Del. Ha lem. ureaon. US 619 Envelope, Chnttel Mort. Paid note. Sarah W. Mann, 1395 S. High St.. Salem, US 2496 Envelope, Warranty deed, Agreement k Fire Ins. policy. Leona Marsh, 1327 Shipping St, lem. ua zeen. Mtg. tc Mtg. note. J. . Marshall. 2222 North 4th St.. Snlem. US 2222 Abstrnct of Title No. 16938 Miscel laneous papers. Thomas and Agnes Mars land. 758 North Comm. St., Salem. War ranty deed. D. W. Martin, Rt. 3. Gervais, Oie.. US Envelope. Misc. papers. E. L. Martin. Turner, Ore, Cert, of Member ship Hort. Fire Relief. Olenn H. McCad rinin, Oen. Del. Salem, Ore. US 1424 En velope. Rnuuabie Assurance soc. foi R864512. Martin Lemuel. P. M. Massey, Salem, Ore, Agreement. M. R. Mathews, Gen Del. Salem. Ore, Agreement. Anna M. Maxwell Exec. Turner, Ore. Ins. pol- Ebben E. May, 265 North Com 1., Snlem, Ore. Receipt for note, R. L. or Johanna Meyer. Rt. 6, Box 98. Snlem, Ore, US 2475 Envelope, Box containing various old trinkets. Mary Mlnkenhmn, C. GanU. Rt. 2. Albany. Ore, Bank book and Misc. papers. W. F. Michaells, Rt. a. saiem, urn, Miscellaneous papers. Ada Flewelltng Miller. 155 South 18th Bt., Snlem, Abstract of title. Donnld V. Miller, west Stayton, Ore, ins, policy. John T. Miller, Gen Del, Snlem. Ore, No. 1B0 1 pnrknge several warranty deeds. W. E. Miller, Gen Del, Snlem, Ore, Warranty deed. Leo Mlnickel, Grn Del. Snlen Warm nty deed. Emma Mlinton, 1300 Broadway St., Salem, Fire Ins. Policy, Warranty deed. Mrs. L. E. Mitchell, 388 Third St., Portland, Misc. old papers. Mrs. L. E. Mitchell, 388 Third St., Portland, Warranty deed. C. A. Moody, Gpn Del, Salem, Ore, US 2107 Envelope, Misc. pa pers. Mrs. Hester Moody, Gen. Del. Salem, Ore., US 2445. Envelope Will. Mrs. L. E. Morgan, Gen. Del, Salem, Ore. Will. Mod ern Woodmen of America, Salem, Ore, 1 tin box. Clair Morley, Shaw, Ore, Cert, of title covering Ford. Mrs. C, I. Lewis, Gen Del, Salem, 1 National Reserve Pol icy. Dr. W. S. Mott, Gen Del, Balem, Ore, US 1980 Package, 2 abstracts, Tax re ceipts. Mary K. or David Mowery, Rt. 3. Salem, Ore, US 1519, Envelope. US Ins. Pol. W. W. Murphy, Howell, Marion Co., Ore. 5 warranty deeds, Mrs. C. A. Muths, Rt. 1, Salem, Ore, Miscellaneous papers. Mrs. C. M. McClary, 1325 8. Comm. St., Salem, Ore. Fire Ins. Franklin Mc Cormlck, Rt 2, Gervais, Ore., US 1597 En velope, Life Ins. J. H. McCormick, Gen Del, Thousands now chew steak, corn, applet without fear of slipping plates I They use 8TAZE, amaring new cream in a handy hi be I STA2E seals edge TIOHTI Hclpi keep out annoying food particles! Money-back guarantee. Get 35 STAZE I STAZE HOLDS PLATES TIGHTER. LONGER IN 1 DAY! 3-3311 AM ta I OntV Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Salem. Ore. Warranty deed. Little B. MrCorquodale, 1010 N. 311 St , Balem, Warranty deed. Ella B. McDowell, Gen. Del. Ore. Mtg. cert, of title to lands of Virgin F Sallng. Cornelia M Mcintosh, Gen Del, Salem, Ore, Tax Receipt. Mary Mclntyre. Gen Del. Snlem. Ore. 1 tin box. Joseph McMillin, Mehama, Ore. Cer tificate of membership, Ore. Fire Relief Ass'n. Frank A. Nelson. ; Robin Day, Salem, Ore, Interim Option Warrant Cert. Selktrlc Power Co. Lt:. ll.ioo.OO. Henry Nelson, 164 S Front St.. Salem, Cert, of membership Ore. Fire R. Ass'n. Mlsrel. receipts. N. F. Nelson. Rt. 3. Oregoon City, Ore, Articles of Agreement. Jarkof Neu brlch. Gen Del. Balem, Ore, Naturalization papers. Mr. or Mrs. Hudson Nicholson, Oen Del, Balem. Ore, Three Ins. policies, Discharge papers U. 8. Army. L C. Noor ton, Rt. 6. Salem. Ore, US 1121 Envelope. Warranty deed. E. J. Nunn, Rt. 1, Jef ferson, Ore. Norlh American In, policy, C. W. oor Geo. O'Flying, Gen Del, Salrm, Ore, Letter. E. O'Flying. Gen Del, Balem, Ore, Warranty deed. Oregon Loganberry Co,, " Rrltt Aspinwall. Brooks, Ore, Cert, of stock, various Bill of Sales, etc. J. J. or Ella Owens, 750 Ellis Avenue, Poort Inad, Power of attorney. Tax receipt. Dr. C. B or Emily E. Philbrook. General Delivery, Balem, No. 98 Misc. papers, see misc. file. Mrs. J W. Phillips, Oen Dei, Salem, Ore, US 616. Stork, and depd. Louisa J. or I. L. Pinneil, Gen Del. Balem, Ore, US 2744, Envelope. Note. Jay 8. Por ter. Gen Del. Salem, Ore., Letter. A. L. Patton. Gen Del, Salem, Ore. 1 tin box. E. B. Patton, Oen Del. Salem. Ore. Life Ins. policy. E. M. Paxton, Gen Del, Salem. Ore, Patent Mtg., two ahstracts. M. A. Peck. Gen Del, Salem, Ore. Territory of Washington deed. W. J. Pelers, 715 8. 21st St.. Salem. Two Insurance policies. Geo. Pettingell. 421 Court St.. Salem. Ore, Note, two agreements. Ins. pol. Mrs. Guy F. Phelps, 1293 N. 20th St., Salem, Life Ins. policy. Mary Price, 171 North 13th St.. Salem, Ins. pollry. fire. Mary Price, 665 rey s Ave. Sa em. Two exolrert fire Ins. policies. E. A. or Mary A. Prultt. Gen Del. Salem. Ore. Agreement. W. F Prunlt Gen Del, Salem. Or;. 1 tin box. Fred Purvine, 456 North Church, Salem. Stocks. Dr. May Putman. 1010 Leslie St.. Salem. policy expired. Geo. Quaintancrp. West Salem. Ore. Abstract to Lot 13. block . K-tngwooa Far, warranty deed. J. H. Radandt. 409 Enst Salmon 81., Port land, Various paid notes. Life Ins. policy. e. u. Kaision. Mayvine Gllllnm Co., Ore, Expired fire Ins. policy nnd letter. Al bert P. Ramseyer. 1450 N. lfith St.. Salem, Warranty deed. W. F. Crawford. Oen Del, Salem, Ore. Will. Mrs. Minnie J. Rape. Rt. 9. Salem, Orp. US 1503 Envelope US In Cert. No. 339661. Wm. or E. T. Ray, Rt. 9, Box 29, Salem, Ore, Warranty deed. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rpeder, Gen Del. Balem, Orp, 1 box silverware 1 grppn 7ipper case. H. Rich, Gen Del, Salem, Ore. US 3373, Envelope., Contract. Geo. W. Rlchter, 979 B. Coommercial St., Salem, Ore, Hort Fire Relief Policy Two. Cora Ricka baugh, Rt. 4. Box 36, Snlem, War ranty deed. Mrs. C. H. RlckabaiiRh, Rt. X Balem. Ore. Cert. Lowers Cool. Fire Re lief Ass'n. I. N. Rldgewny. 438 8. 22nd St., Salem. Ore, Norlh American Acri dent. Policy. I. N. Rldgewav, PO Box 465, Snlem, Ore, Ins. Coo. policy. C. F. Royal, 412 North 21st St., Salem. Cert, of mem bership In Ore. Fire Relief Ass'n. Mrs. M. E. Snnders, 1695 S. CotlaRe St.. W. E. Johnston, Snlem. Ore. Miscellaneous pnpera. H, M, Sanderson. Gen Del, Salem, Ore, Note. W. H. Snvage, Oen Del, Sa lem, 1 roll papers. Mr. or Mrs. Emanuel Schlndler, Rt. 2, Salem, Ore, Note. Olive Srhinnker Schomnker, South Commrr cinl St.. Salem, Ore, Warranty deeds. Jnmes Scott, Gen Del, Salem, Ore. Article of Agreement.. J. C. Scott, Gen Del Salem, Ore, Tin box No. 775. F. Wallace Sears, Rt. 6, Box D, Salem, Ore, Abstract Lois l YOUR home; say THE INSIDE FARING? m . t T IN Nt.tU OF SOME REPAIRING? Stops Heat, Cold, Sound Fireproof TEN TIMES lighter than sand. Works easier than sand. Won't freeze in winter. Sticks readily to lath. Applies and finishes easier and faster. Resists cracking Cleaner. ZONOLITE . Fill Insulation. Save fuel in winter, keep cool In lummer. Light, fireproof, rotproof, rodent proof . SPANISH LEATHER FINISH MASON IT E Combines strength and low cost with the appear ance of luxurious comfort. 316 MASONITE WALLBOARD Combines the durability of Masonite with the low cost of wallboard. ROOF BARGAIN TAN 3 in 1 SQUARE BUTT ASPHALT SHINGLES Per Square $725 KEITH LUMBER Froit & Court Sts. Tuesday, October 5, 1948 13 20 and 21 in Block L. In West Salem. C. E. Keeley, Rt. 9, Salem. Ore, 1 packape, C. E. Sherwood k Catherine Sherwood, Salem, Ore, U. S. Bureau ol Pensions Cert. Mrs. C. W. Simon or Elizaheth Emenrk, S High St.. 3a:ni!. Ore. Cert, of Ins, Met. Life Co., Portland Lone Fir Cem. deed. Benefit Pollcv. Women of Wood craft, 111. Com. Mens Accident policy 2 Met. Life Ins. pol. Charles A Smith, 212 South Cottage St., Salem. Ore, Ins. Policy. Mary E. Smith. 359 Center St.. Sa lem, Exp. Fire Ins. policy. Pension Cert. W. M. Sparc. Gen Del, Salem, Ore, Ab stract and 12 deeds. John or Minnie Spranger, Rt. 6. Box 19, Salem, Ore. Tel egrams. Catherine Spray, Gen Del. Salem, Ore, Life Ins. Policy. Square Deal Weld ing Co.. Gen. Del, Salem, Ore, Fire Ins. Co. Policy. Mrs. A. L. Sllnson, 710 Whit, tier St., Los Angeles, California. Deeds, various notes. P. W. Stock. Gen Del. Sa lem, Ore. Miscellaneous papers. A. Strong Heirs, 485 S. Commercial St., Salem, Ore, 1 box. Mrs. J. L. Stroud. 1195't North 17th St., Salem, Miscellaneous pa pers. Janet or Cora Sullivan. Gen Del, Sa lem, Ore, Cert, of stock 200 shares Oie gon Diamond Coal, mining and Develop ing Co. Edward W. Thlelsen. Gen Dei, Salem Ore, Fire Ins. Policy. Geo. A, Thomason, Gen Del. Salem, Ore. Affidavit. J. I. Thompson, Gen Del, Salem. Ore, Lease. Geo. W. Tobin. Churchmer Add.. Rt. 2, West Salem. Ore. 4 agreements, will, Ins. policy, Warranty deed. Cert, from Mnccabre.i Home fund, warranty deed. B. F. Townsend, Gen Del, Salem. Ore, U3 1117, envelopes, various cancelled notes, agreement receipt. Maurice E. Townsend, Liberty, Ore, Cert, of Membership. Ore. Fire Relief, Life Lease on property. Maud Lrla TrnAk or W. H. Butler, Stats Training School, Woodburn, Ore. Acci dent Ins. Policy. Mrs. Evangeline Tricker, S. Comm. St.. Salem. Ore, US 2377 En velope. Warranty deed. Nellie Tchudl, Gen Del. Salem. Ore, Note. Henry Tuck er. 415 N. Capitol St.. Salem, Ore, Mis cellaneous papers. Hans Tuffli, Gen Del, Salem, Ore, US 1346, Envelope, various pnpers. W. I. Titrch, Gen Del, Salem, On, US 2646, Envelope ck of $25.00 on Am er. Sav. Bank & Tr. Co., Seattle. Clara, E. Tuttle. Gen Del, Salem, Ore, Agreement. Ung Lung Chung, Gen Del. Salem, Ore, Affidavit. J. T. or Lillie Vickers, Gen Del, Salem, Ore, US 2210 Envelope. E. J. Ward. Gen Del, Salem. Ore, 3 warranty deeds and I mtg. Mary J. Ward, Odd Fellows, saiem, Deed. F. J. Welhams, Gen Del, Snlem, Ore. US 617 Envelope, mtg. As note. Nellie A. Worden. Rt. 2, Box 187, Ba lem. Ore, U. S. of America Pension Cert. Charles R. Welch. Gen Del, Salem, Ore, Various papers. John 6. Welch, Rt. 1, Jef ferson, Ore. Life Ins. policy. Mr. or Mrs. Edw. N. West, Gen Del, Salem, Ore, Pol ley. Rupert E. Whitchner, Rt. 6, Salem, Ore, US 857 Envelope, Receipt. B. N, White, Gen Del, Balem, Ore. Cert, of membership, Ore. Fire Relief Ass'n. Geo. PH8 White, Gen Del. Saiem, Ore, War ranty deed. J. C. White, Gen Del. Salem, Ore, 3 receipts. B. F. Wiley, Gen Del. Ba lem, Ore, Miscellaneous pnpers. A. J. Wlllcox, 1321 N. 16ht St, Salem, Ore, Ore. Fire Relief Policy. Carle F. Williams, Gen Del, Snlem, Ore. New York Life Ins. Co. Pol. Erwin Williams. Aberdine, Wash ington. N. Y. Life Ins. Pol., Ladles of the, Maccabees Ben. Cert. C. E. Wilson, PO Box 444, Salem, Ore, Words to comic opera. Harvey E. Wilson, Exec, Turner, Ore, Cert, of Membership Ore Fire Re lief. J. G. Wilson, Brownsville, Ore, War ranty deed. Mrs. J. G. Wilson. Browns ville. Ore. Abstract. Mr. or Mrs.. W. K. Winslow, Turner, Ore, Assignment ol policy Anchor Ins. Co. Clara Wolf. Gen. Del. Salem, Ore, Deed. John Wolf. 407 8. 24ht St.. Snlem, Ore, N. W. Hospital Assn. 10203 and 10204; Cert, membership Ore. Fire Relief policy, Modern Woodmen of America No. lOOn. Abstract of title. ) hows. -V-'J PLASTER AGGREGATE amnnnfnimw BROWN O YARD Phone 3-9163 1 ) lruP' X ml:- LOCAL TRAUEMAHKS. lor" 7