14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, October 4, 1948 - r Employ-Handicapped Week Actively Observed Here Sunday the nation began its observance of national employ the physically handicapped week, October 3-9, and one of the slogans is "Hire the handicapped, it's good business not because of his handicap, but in spite of it." As the week is observed an effort will be made to stress the ; "fact that the handicapped can perform many duties in spite of the handicap and quite fre quently are the most proficient workers. In Salem speakers not only will carry this information to the public but it will be brought to them through win dow displays, posters, adver tisements, news stories and posters. I Statistics released recently show there is more than one dis abled veteran among every 10 In Oregon or 17,000 in all-services connected disabilities. Civ ilian handicaps are more numer ous and are estimated at six times as many as the veterans. While many of the handicap ped have received special train- ng and are gainfully employed It is estimated over 500,000 are now unemployed in the nation with 130,000 of these veterans. Given as examples of famous personages who had physical handicaps are: Sarah Bernhardt, actress, amputee; Connie Bos well, singer, paralysis; Helen Keller, humanitarian, deaf blind; Elizabeth Barret Brown ing, poet, paralysis; Steinmetz, inventor, hunchback; Wiley Post, flier, partially blind; Franklin D. Roosevelt, states man, paralysis; Senator Gore, blind; Washington Irving, au thor, tuberculosis; Bill Stern, radio sports announcer, ampu tee; Von Beethoven, composer, blind; Thomas Edison, inventor, deaf; Robert Burns, poet, cardiac. j 1 Awaiting Release Patri cia (Satira) Schmidt, the Toledo, O., dancer who was sentenced to prison in Cuba for the slaying of John Les ter Mee of Chicago, on a yacht In Havana Harbor, last year, holds her pet dog as she waits in her cell for her release from prison after be ing pardoned by Cuba's Pre sident Ramon Grau San Martin. (AP Wirephoto) Independence Mill Ready to Operate Independence r The new sawmill which has been con structed by Marvin Pippin just north of Independence is ready for operation. The equipment has been installed and the pond is partly filled with logs. Some logs were sawed early last week and operations will start as soon as gravel can be placed on the road from the mill to the highway. The mill is located Just north and west of the Fred Gouch home to the west of the South ern Pacific railroad tracks. Pippin states that four to six men will be employed at the start with more being added later. North Spring Valley The old bridge on the Oak Knoll road has been torn down and a higher and larger bridge, with concrete foundation is being installed. The hill has been cut down, making a much better roadway. (AdvertUtment) WANTED 1000 RUPTURED MEN TO MAKE THIS TEST Kansas City, Mo A Doctor's Invention for reducible rupture is proving so successful, an offer is now being made to give every one who will test it a $3.50 Truss at no cost. This invention has no leg straps, no elastic belts, or leather bands. It holds rupture up and in. Is comfortable and easy to wear. After using it many report entire satisfaction. Any reader of this paper may test the Doctor's Invention for HO days and receive the separate $3.50 Truss at no cost. Tf you are not entirely satisfied with the in vention return it, but be sure to keep the S3. 50 Truss for your trouble. If you are ruptured just write the Physician's Appliance Co.. 1787 Kooh Bldg., 2006 Main St., Kiinsas City, Mo., for their trial offor. It Is believed that Niagara Falls will wear its way back to Lake Erie in about 5000 years. 10 Down, Fay Monthly Venetian Blinds And Shades Now Available ELMER (THE BLIND MAN) 145J Rune St, Phone 7328 WEST SALEM Slats In Aluminum, Steel and Wood. Choice of Tape Colors Measured and Installed Within 30 Miles Call Anytime for Free Estimates Phone 37328 Quick Starts ..Long Life mm Dtpindoblllty Ptrformonci- long lift 30 tenter St. I'll. 2,-247ti Journal Want Ads Pay -ARE YOU DISCOURAGED because you suffer distress from e FEMALE COMPIAINTS which makes you NERVOUS, NIGH-STRUNG on such days? Ar you troublrti by dlstreaa of ff rala functio.ul monthly dlM urb ane which mnkra you aufler from puio, I1 so nervoua, cranky, rtst Ifsa, wrafc et turh tlmfa Then Co try Ljd'.a E. Pink hut n't Ve t. bti Coir.ponid to rthev auch 8';i prams! In a ifcent tTMlttl tt It proved rrtrkabl helpful to women t. ?u'.id tnu wy. Why Con't jou gr; amart and try It vvurtelff Plnkt.itn-'a Compound la what ro: ll a U'.erlr.a redaUvf. It -.r. a Kr.md aoothlnn fTeet on oni i, woman' moil important organ. TnVen rnilarly Ptnkham'a Com pound help build up rests tanca sMlnat auch diatms. It'a also a great stomachic tonic I MTKt Or jnm m prrr I.TDM R. 'Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND ' Ax Miss Francei Clinton Extension Agent Coming Miss Frances Clinton, above, formerly of Marion county, will address officer training meeting of home extension units at YMCA October 8. I WANTED Walnuts - Filberts - Nut Meat HIGHEST PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY FOR OR CHARD RUN. SEE IS BEFJKE YOU SELL. Morris Klorlein Packing Co. 40(1 N. Front Street SALEM Telephone 3-7631 Miss Clinton To Be Speaker ; When officers of the Marion county home extension units hold their officer training meet ng at the YMCA October 8 they will have as their speaker the state home extension auent, Miss Frances Clinton, former Marion county home extension agent. During the meeting, which opens at 10:15 a.m. and termin ate at 3 a.m.. Miss Clinton will discuss "Problems of Lead ers" at the morning session and "How to Conduct a Business Meeting" at the afternoon ses sion. Reports will be given at the meeting on the state council ac tivities by the committee heads for the Marion county unit. These include legislative, Mrs. E. A. Beugli; publicity, Mrs. Ralph Mercer; ACWW, Mrs. James Keys; research, Mrs. I. G. Lermon; and Azalea House, Mrs. Roy Kuns. In ' the late afternoon there will be special group sessions for the officers with duties of the chairmen and vice chairmen explained by Miss Clinton and the duties of the secretaries and treasurers explained by Miss Eleanor Trindle, county home extension agent. Weeds can cause 12 times the annual loss in crops that insects cause. Let Us Recommend Your Painter or Paperhanger Through 18 Years In the Paint Business and Close Co operation with Salem's Finest Decorators We Feel That We Are Well Qualified to Successfully Cope with Your Every Paint Need. Call Us for Immediate Service. McGILCHRIST & SONS 255 N. Commercial Phone 3-8478 3 H.w tin, tZJtorte WHO SAID YOU ARE DEAF? LET Ml PROVE YOU CAN HE AM ThOQIlDdl Bt a in a ted at the power and clarity of the new BHtooe. Come in today and lot ua ahrrar vou too. M0H0-PAC Pc5af.t C - HEARING AID Hearing Book. Batteries For All Aids SALEA. HEADQUARTERS James N. Taft & Assoc. 218 Oregon Bldg. LISTEN EACH NIGHT AT NINE to BILL EXLINE SALEM'S BRILLIANT NEWS REPORTER BRINGING YOU ALL THE NEWS LOCAL - STATE NATIONAL - WORLD "NEWS LINES BY EXLINE" MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:00 p.m. PRESENTED BY KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD VQnri rEOorecAPiiaoiinnr I490Amc4 SALEM, OREGON COAT FAIR TOO! FOR GIRLS Yes the Kind She Likes Styled just for her . . . coats in easy, free swinging lines . . . with touches of gay young plaid or leopard-printed pile fabric. Worm coats are fully lined, can be worn with contrasting ties, too! Blend of 100 pure all wool fabric for long wear ... these sets will wear and wear. And Penney's prices mean you save on this top quality . . . because here you pay cash! Shop and save soon! 3 to 6, 'to 14. PCNNCY'S 2nd Floor Open Every Friday jL Nite Until 9:00 II I" WVI 1W tTkte. -S ' Y i ; v -sanr. r h vf if mmx m f Toddlers' SNOW WARM SUITS Wonderful colon in combed cotton poplin, "Zelan" treated (except the red) for extra weather protection! Heavy quilted cotton allow hard wear. Snug knitted cuffs at wrists and ankles. Also satin fur trimmed. PENNEY'S 2nd Floor V I. E2x a- Twin Suit 0 k y 7.50 I-Gt- B. Fur Trimmed X.'Jw f 9.90 CtW' AT PENNEY'S