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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1948)
sur Dream Conies True Her favorite movie star was In town and 11-year-old Sylvia Jane Upshaw, of Indianapolis, was bedridden with rheumatic fever. She wrote to the editor of the Indianapolis Star, and cowboy Roy Rogers and Trigger dropped in for a visit. An open porch window gave her a '"chance to pat Trigger's nose. (AP Wirephoto) Lebanon Gets Set For Chest Campaign . Lebanon A goal of $7100 was set for the 1948 Lebanon Community Chest drive by bud get committee members, submit ting their report to the chest board of directors. Only items in excess of last year were amounts asked by the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and a reserve fund of five percent of the budget, deemed advisable by the directors for emergency purposes. Approved by the board is the following budget: State chest, $2350; Boy Scouts, $2000; Girl Scouts, $1912; cancer drive, $500; Lebanon chest emergency fund, $338. , Dick Peters, board president, announced that plans for the drive are almost completed with opening date set for early Octo ber. Mongrel Pup Saves Lives at Lebanon Lebanon The insistent bark ing of "Fritz" six-month old mongrel pup saved six persons living in trailer homes in Lowe's downtown park from injury, or possible death, and loss of their possessions, when flames began sifting through walls of a nearby building. Ronald Hix, owner of "Fritz," had planned to destroy the dog because of a long record of night barking. He set up such an urgent clam or that the roused Lee Ervine in a neighboring trailer who nO' ticed the flames and awakened residents. Occupants of the three trailers parked next to the burning community building were removed without inury. A newly purchased Cadillac car was among possessions saved before flames destroyed the building. Trailer houses were saved by the Lebanon volunteer fire department. Origin of the blaze was not known. Insurance amounting to $2000 was reported earned. Jewish Holidays Will Be Observed Here At 8 p.m., October 3, Jewish New Year services will be held at Temple Beth Sholom. The High Holiday services will be officiated by Rabbi Ben jamin L. Marcus of Seattle. Rosh Ha Shona, or the Jewish ir New Year service, will be con eluded on Tuesday afternoon, October 5. Then on October 12 at 8 p.m. The Day of Atone ment (Yom Kippur), the holiest of Jewish holidays will com mence with concluding services on October 13, at 5 p.m. Corn Harvest Over . . Wheatland Sweet corn har vest in the Crawley-Magee Wheatland average was finished .Wednesday. Harvesting almost three acres of Croft Easter lily bulbs at the same place was started Thursday. The commer cial size bulbs will be graded and remainder will be replanted in about three weeks in new land here. GOOD SELECTION OF xSHRUBS Ready for Planting Now FerrilFs Nursery PH 21307 OPEN SUNDAY One-Third Mile East of Kaiser School . 4Jw I Commissioners Court The followini Is the official publication of the record of claim before the Marlon County Commissioners' Court for the May Term for 1948, with the amount allowed, bills continued, etc., according to the records In the office of the county Clerk. Miscellaneous State Industrial Acci dent Comm., Ins., 755.87; Public employee Retirement Syatem. Retirement, 3,673.01; State Tax CommUulon, State Tax, 1,136.20; Ladd St Bosh Salem Branch U S Nat'l Bank of Portland, Withholding 3,543.42. County Alienor C. a. Lewis, Deputy, 193.69; Ray Lick. do. 159.06: J. L. Blez- mund, do, 168.89; Grace Babcock, do. 145.33; Ida M. Bail He. Clerk. 132.81: May Holtorf. do, 131,16; Helen Snyder, do. 116.59; Doris Barrett, do. 108.58; Marie M. Getty, do, 135.81; dordon Tower, Draftsman, 206.19. Circuit Court A. A. Richards, Court Reporter, 213.74; Ruby B. HuBhes. Deputy, 157.44. County Clerk Reznicsek. Deputy, 148.42; F. Crosby, 167.51; R. . Howard, do, 178.14; Dora Barrett, do, 152.43; Vernon Wind sor, do, 158.72; Helen L. Mulkcy, do, 166.84; W. M. Gilford, do, 134.91; T. L. Hamilton, do, 69.35: R. J. Stanton, do, 47.14; A. M. Preanall, do, 138.62. County Court M. Reznlcsek, Clerk, 40.00: R. J. Stanton, Stenoe., 80,00. Court House Edw. Brasher, Janitor, 148.62; W. A. Grit ton, do, 143.36; Wm. Morlarty, do, 125.76; Edwin Booth, do, 150.54; Ruth Hutciiins, Elev. Opr., 67.94; M. . Lindsey. do. 71.94. District Attorney R. S. Williams, Deputy, 210.64; Anna M. AstUI, Steno.. 134.94. District Court Clurus Brown, Dep. Clerk, 147.54; Qioria Rooituon. do. 59.15. mm. Court Constable Gloria Robinson. Dep. Court Constable, 85.00. Health Dept. Frank Staler, Health Officer, 470.34; W. J, Stone, do, 45.83; F. R. Coleman, Co. Sanitarian, 370.16; I. G. Lermon, do, 236.66; W. B. Quinn. do, 228.64; Lcnore Headlcy. Co. Health Educ, 210.44; Bernlce Yeary, Supr. P.H.N.. 237.51; Helen Stey aert, Co. P.H.N., 181.28; Erna-Berstecher, Asst. Co. P.H.N., 181.64; Mcrwyn Darby, Co. P.H.N. , 192.19; Eleanore Swedenburg. do. 163.28: Joan Schneider, do. 183.37; Jane Domkowski, do. 210.54; Marie Simon, Cllnlo Nurse, 122.52; L. L, stone, do, 328.21; Vera Wood, Clcrk-Steno. II. 169.94; Ardlth Holt. Clcrk-Steno. I, 124.87; Betty Martin, Clerk-Typist I, 137.87; Helen Schuctz, Clcrk-Steno. I, 151.14; Mary L. Cotton, Clerk-Steno. I, 28.47; Alice Berg mann, Clerk-Typist I, 74.51; E. Odessa Melby, Clerk-Typist I, 23.11. Breltenbush Justice of Peace Dist. Edison Vlckers, Justice of Peace, 89.10; Chas. F. Stutz, Constable, 24.45, Jefferson Justice of Peace Dlst. E. E. Howell, Justice of Peace, 113.35; J. T. Jones, Constable, 14.53. Mt. Aniel Justice of Peace Dist. N. M. Lauby, Justice of Peace, 9.50; Peter J. Burger, Constable, O.OO.HIIverlon Justice of Peace Dist. Alt O. Nelson, Justice of Peace, 155.55: F. N. Burch. Clerk. 49.24; E. J. Jackson, Constable, 73.95. Slayton JubIIcc of. Peace Dist. W. H. Bell, Justice of Peace, 133.75; Henry Smith, Constable, 19.50; Woodburo Justice of Peace, Dlst. T. C. Gorman, Justice of Peace, 183.15; W. C. Miller, Constable, 49.20. Juvenile Dept. Nona White, Probation Officer, 210.08; D. J. Jepsen, Assistant, 190.05; J. Anderson, Stenog., 87.15. County Rec order Frances Mattson, Deputy, 151.14; Adclla Dickman, do, 148.28; Grace Bru nello. do, 146.54; Virginia Gritton, do, 154.42; Pauline Burokcr. Clerk, 138.34; Bonnie Wilson, do, 138.29. Rcr. and Elcc. Gladys White, Dep. County Clerk, 162.36; Rural School Dist. J. F. Rc mine ton, Deputy, 108. 00. School Supt. J. F. Rem ington, Deputy, 165.90; Carmallte I. Wed dle, Supervisor, 211.55; Vivian S. Hoenig, do, 187.54; Christine V. Morlcy, Secretary, 132.82. County Sheriff A. I. Johnson, Deputy, 186.80; Wm. DeVall, do, 108.98; Donald Jar vis, do, 192.40; B. R. Smith, do, 191.88; John Harger, do, 197.70; Louis FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS 'PLUMBING-HEATING 279 N. Commercial Phone 3-4141 fDiicnciicsni) nil iii niTrirr Journal Want Ads Pay Bonney, do, 108.60; H. T. Domocalla, Tax Deputy, 330.69; H, T. Evans, Cashier, 200.38; Vlolette West, Bkkp. Mach, Oper., 173.26; C. Hammang, Deputy, 153. J4; Lydia Ma Its on, do. 174. OS. Surveyor's Of fice A. D. Graham, Deputy. 285.14: Nel la Sim me. Secretary. 138.34. County Treas urerAudrey H. Ewing, Deputy, 135.60. Veterans Service Office H. C. Saalfeld, Service Officer, 273.84; Lillian Kllppert, Secretary. 54.84. Countr Property H. Wm. Thielsen, Land Agent, 158.62; J, Anderson, Stenog., 45.00; Charles J, Zerzan, Tax Dep.. 148.50. County Engineer H. S. Swart, Engineer, 323.04; Barbara Smith, Secretary, 145,03. Doc Control Fund Paul Marnach, Dog Control Ent. Officer, 170.49; T. L. Hamilton, Clerk, 100.00; Miscellaneous Alice J. Balllle, Reg, it r.iec rfl.Ba; Nuriel L: Pugh, do, 168.57; Anna Tasto, do, 113.05; J. P, Asplnwall, Labor, 206.74: J. J. Hollett. do, 131.37; Harry H. Lawrence, do. 208.80; H, A. Mar tin, do, 171.44; Harold L. Martin, do, 152.13; Edward Schmltt, do, 165.14; C. W. Wooldridge, do, 181.82; D. L. Wool drldtte, do, 167.76; O. D. Blnegar, do, 186.25; Henry Bower, do, 157.21; J, A. Burns, do, 157.37; E. E. Cocran, do, 158.20; Wm, P. Croker, do, 158.18; Or vllle L. Dunlgan, do, 188.47; S. K. Ely, do. 177.47; Harvey M. Glrod. do. 169.15; Roy Hatfield, do, 157.62; Harold K. Kep pinger, do, 177.56; H. W. Kinney, do. 213.00; R. C. Kirk, do. 179.89; Laurel iiamD, 00, 178.81; E. A. Lawrence, do, 178.05; John E. McAllister, do 164.56; Ralph McAllister, do, 155.73; D. P. Scharf, do, 240.73; Robert W. Smith, do, 176.56; G. L. Spencer, do, 148.71; Earl D. Stand ley, do, 189.26; Lloyd E. Taylor, do, 182.73; Orvllle L. Trussell, do, 193.18; Hugh we do, ao, 213.85; Lee A. wells, do, 185.98; Frank Woelke, do, 334.06; Tony Woelke, do, 178.39: Theodore Kuenzl, do, 264.03; William R. Brenner, do, 177.11; Menno uaiKp, 00, 178.32; William Green, do, 180.32; Lloyd Jarman, do, 179.37: C. J, Miller, do, 105.43; Tom Rltchey, do, na.aj; jm, a, kodi, ao, 135.30: W. Shel ley, do, 105.44; Gene Shilling, do'.i 178.93; L. W. Webber, do, 165.47; W. O. William son, do, 161.40; J. c. Cornutt, do, 165.06 A. W. Bellle, do, 168.42; R. O. Childress, uu, joi.kj; c. j, uoover, OO, 101. os; ft. Lt, Gingrich, do, 161.53; F. T. Lauber, do. 155.42; H. J. Peterson, to. 181.93; C. G. koss, ao, iHi.25; m. J. McCormlck. do. 154.47: David DuBols, do, 129.85; Virgil k. rancy, do, 165,22; H. E. Lenhardt, do, 213.44; S. M. Martin, do, 152.23; Wil liam Naftzger. do, 174.66; Delbert G. Shel lito, do, 164.02; E. J. Richards, do, 192.31; Arthur Blacgburn. do, 175.55; A. A. Rich ards, do, 167.85; Chas. Tucker, do, 192.20; Donald Cobine. do. 172.98: E. H. Busby, do, 180.50: F. L. Hcrsha, do, 188.52; Phil ip H. Sims, do, 8.61; John Hannn, do, 9.44; Dora Barrett, Reg St Elec. 7.50; Florence M. Crosby, do. 3.36: W. M, Glf- iora, 00, 4.67; Twiua Hamilton, do. 10.54; R. Howard, do, 8.07; Ruth Hutchins, do, 2.32: M. E. Llndsey, do. 1.97: Helen L. Mulkey, do. 8.56; A. M. Presnall. do, 8.14; M. Reznicsek, do. 1.32; G. E. White, do, 1.38; Vernon Windsor, do, 3.83: Mae Ledgerwood, bailiff. 9.88; Floy Mudd, do, 26.33; General Electric Supply Co., equip., 14.78; C. A. Lewis. T.E., 15.95; Ray Lick, do, 3990; Robert H. Scott, misc., 15000; J, L. Sicginund, T.E., 83.35; Oregg Publishing Co., sups, 56.70; Spa, meals, 53.05; L. E. Barrlch, misc.. 31.43; Frank A. Neislus, exam.. 6.00; E. L. Rogers, T.E., S7.67; .Ideal Power Lawn Mower, repair. 1.31: Otis Elevator company, rent, 6.50; ' Sa-Icm-Wlllamette Supply, sups, 1.82; Vanco, sups, 13.75; D. A. White St Sons, expense, 70.00; M. B. Haydcn, T.E., 12.2S; Sliver Wheel Motor Freglht, exp 1.20; Sybil C. Catlln &, Frank H. Spears, rent, 100.00; A. C. Gregg, potmaster, postage, 27.00; Earl Adams, T.E., 113.13; Dr. Dominlo Calll crate, exam., 5.00; Dr. William C. Croth ers, exam., 5.00; Dr. Irvin B. Hill, do, 5.00; Dr. Roacoe C. Wilson, do, 5.00; Ken neth Bothum, reward, 25.00; John Schmld, garbage disposal, 100.00; American Jour nal of Nursing, sups, 4.00: Capital City Laundry Ss Cleaners, maint, 12.07; Dr. Morris Crothers, med aerv. 41.66; R. L. Elf strom company, sups, 6.00; Dr. Lucille Former, med serv, 45.00; A. C. Gragg, postmaster, postage, 43.75: Hcndrle Med- SALEM WOODWORKING CO. CABINETS 1125 Cross. Salem. Phone 3-5953 FRAMES "Holly" Says Gee Folks, wasn't he great? Dewey, that is. He has a wonderful personality and a pronounced determined square jaw ... I liked that jaw. in fact my horse has a square jaw and he's determined too, and my wife, now oh. oh, better stick to selling jewelry; just wanted you folks to know I appreciated you waiting to get into the store last Monday so I could go up to the S.P. Station and see President Dewey. Oh. you say you're for Truman? well, I'll tell you what I'm go'n' to do. I'm going to ar range a little competitive betting. All the Truman boost ers wi'l bet a set of International Sterling from Holly Jackson's that he wins and all the Dewe followers will bet a set of International Sterling that Dewey will win. We will keep track of all the bets and will wrap up all the sterling silverware. After he Inaugural speech we will exchange any of the sets of sterling for anything of equal value in the store like diamond rings, watches, electric clocks, sterling sil ver belt buckle sets, costume jewelry, watch repairing, saleslady no eliminate that last one, we seem to go overboard in our endeavor to please our customers. Not too long 'til Christmas folks, a selection now. a pay ment now-and-again will mean the difference being a really nice gut and a gut. tr Jackson Jewelers! 225 No. Liberty Just North of Court St. f Near the place where you pay your lite bill, lt you do. r2 lib Students Given Fire Protection While the Salem schools can not be made fireproof every ef fort is made to see that the sev eral thousand pupils and in structors are given adequate protection against disaster, said Superintendent Frank B. Ben nett as he commented concern ing measures taken to eliminate "fire traps." His statements were made in connection with nation-wide publicity being given fire prevention moves. Fire drills held in all schools, indicate that the buildings can be cleared in from 45 seconds to two minutes, depending upon the location of the pupils at the time, the superintendent said. He added that the fire depart ment is entirely co-operative in efforts to locate and eliminate fire hazards. New buildings being contem plated will be constructed with an eye to safety and those con templated for the Capitola and Four Corners districts will be of a single story with the maximum number of exits provided. The frame Washington build ing, considered by many as a "fire trap" is in reality one of the easiest schools in the district to clear of pupils. It has four large stairways in the interior and four fire escapes on the out side. It's maximum capacity has not been filled for a number of years. leal Laboratory, lab, 126.00; Hoyt Street Sales Warehouse, equip, 110.09; Dr. R. E. Joseph, med serv, 36.00; Lactona, do, 7.60; I. G. Lermon, equip, 20.00; Dr. Wm. Mac- NMl dental aerv. 80.00 wuiscnuerry s Pharmacy, med sups, 59.78; Dr. Delbert Rofri med sitv. 30.00: Dr. Lawrence RIkrs, cl. psy, 87.00; Salem Masonic Temple As soc, reni, iuu.uu; uaiem mcmcm lbuui tory, lab, 8.75; School Dlst Ho. 4, maint, i IK- fiimmmm Carbon Co.. suns. 40.50: Frank Slsler, do, 18.74; Steelhammer Drug Store, med sups, 1.75; Dr. C. J. Stout, dental aerv, 60.00; Valley Motor uo., trans, 70.02; Dr. Carl R. Wilson, dental aerv, 80.00; Dr. John Wood, dental serv, 90.00; John W. Hanrahan, herd inspector, 197.50; Fred W. Lange, do. 357.75; A. W. Sim mons, do, 462.75; Martin J. Albers, Indem nity of diseased cattle, 7.50; Brltt Aspln wall, indemnity, 8.00; Alice W. Pohle. In demnity, 24.00; John D. Stelner, do, 7.50; Dr. M. K. Crothers, exam, .00; Dr. Wm. Crothers, do, 6.00; Dr. Arthur Fisher, do, 6.00; Dr H. A. Cueffroy, do, 20.00; Dr. G. F. Keller, do, 6.00; Dr. Frank A. Neusius, do, 6.00. Miscellaneous Dr. Ralph Purvlne. exam, 5.00; Dr. Leo H. Schatz. do. 5.00; Dr. Theo. Stuckart, do, 5.00; Dr. Jtoscoo Wilson, do, 25.00; Dr. Paul Wolfe, do, 20.00; Dr. Charles Wood, do, 5.00: Morrl K Croth ers, M.D., med aerv, 5.00; Red Cross Phar macy, medical, .70: Sanitary Servlvce Co., Inc. misc. 1.90; Denver Young, board of prisoners, 525.54; Chas. F. Stutz, mileage. 12.00; Alf O. Nelson, rent. 25.00; Emery J. Jackson, T.E., 34.33: T. C. Gorman, rent. 100.00; W. C. Mller, T.E., 10.00: Mrs. Joe Ditchen, hospital, 12.00; Mrs. Mary Hal verson, do, 3450; Wm. F. Howell, county sheriff, misc. 3.45: Millers, expense, 4.95; Mrs. Reed Simmonds, hospital, 60.00; Nona White, postage, 4.00; The Boys' tc Girls' Aid Society, court committed, 29.04; cath olic Charities, Inc., do, 50.00; Children's Farm Home, do, 69.48; Oregon protective Society, do. 20.00; Mr. J. H. Turntdge. do, 35.00; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, control, 6300; Rccordak Corporation, sups, 111.68; H. A. Judd. postage, 72.20; W. P. Emery, misc. 3.00; Walter S. Ball, 1 cougiir, iu.uu; tiamuei w. tvooniz, ooocats a cou gar, 20.00; Bob Trask, 1 cougar. 10.00; Vivian S. Hoenig. T.E.. 55.40; GeorRc W. Hubbs, misc, 3.00; Harlcy W. LIbby, do, 3.00; Genevieve Oldenburg, do. 3.00; J. F. Remington, T.E., 7.00; Homer H. Smith Ins. Agency, office equip. 70.00; Carmallte I. Weddle, T.E., 67.35; Depart ment of Agriculture, sealer, 65.25; Al) rams St Skinner, Inc., bond, 10.00; Burke's Camera Shop, misc. 2.95; City of Salem, radio, 6.00; Valley Motor Co., trans, 7.44; Denver Young, off sups, 11.93; Brandt Automatic Cashier Co., off equip, 310.00; Merchant Calculating Machine, maint, 30.00; Shannon &i Co., sups. 32.74; Salem Blue Print Co., do, 2.40; Salem Hardware Co., do, 4.80; A. C. Gragg, postmaster, postage, 50.00; A. C. Gragg post in niter, postage. 18.00; H. C. Saalfeld, T.E., 2000; Paul Marnach, T.E., 60.15; George Angel, 3 goats killed. 3.00; Vera Coburn, 1 lamb killed, 6.00; B. Homer Davis, 3 lambs TREE WORK! Trimming - Topping - Falling Insured Operator FREE ESTIMATES w. h. McAllister 840 Trade Ph. 21496 GLAZED SASH AND DOORS Building requirements lor glazed sash and doors can be met here ECONOMIC ALLY. All our millwork is of guaranteed quality in workmanship as well as in materials. Your request for an estimate based upon your present or future needs is cordially invited. kilted, 9.00; Ed mirer, T fnepe tmta, i jz. so; jonn niner, z laraos tinea, a.uu; A. Kochn. 1 sot killed, l-tt): William Lldbtclc, 7 sheep killed. 60.00; J. Linn. 3 sheep killed, 20.00; Prank A. Oiborn, Sr., 2 lamba killed, 10.00; John Welti, S iambs killed, 20.00; tan u. wint ers, 3 sheep killed, 17.50; American Law Book Co., law books. 22.50; We&t Pub lishing Co., do, 6.00; Geo. E. Allen Hard ware, reps. 24.70; American Brush Co,, do. 86.10; Ballou & Wright, mlec, 17.64; Blake, Mofflt & Towne, sups. 53.05; Tom Bowedn. nilsr, 100.00; Agnes C, Booth, sups, 180.16; Bradlield Lumber Co., reps. 6.20; Bureau of Labor, In&pect. 13.50; E. H. Burrell, reps, 35.36; Capital Auto Parts, do. 10.07: Capital Cliy Bindery, Uips, 914.43: Capital Journal, aclvt, 17.80; Monroe S, Creek, trans. 15,08; Leo Chllds, rlghtway, 25.00; City Water Department, water, 69.06; Columbia Equipment Co., reps. 25.00; Clyde Equipment Co.. do, 85.64; Colyear Motor Sales Co., do, 1295; The Commercial Book Store, sups, 11.17; Cooko Stationery Co.. do. 100.40-. J. w. opcland Yards, lumber. 276.53; Henry R. Crawford, right of way, 25.00; Commer cial Sand Az Gravel Co., gravel. 35.68; De troit UrHiige fc Service Station, reps, 8.05; l-rank uoolttile Master serv.,,; Doughton Hardware, sups, 2.75: Engin eer Sund k Gravel Co., gravel, 309.00; Eutertlc welding Alloys Corp., mtsc, U1.00; Farmers Fire Relief A&n or But- vvtlle, PL 37. 1.1)1; Ray L. Farmer Hard ware Co., sups, 16.57; Free't Garage, reps, 7.77; Frere's-Frank Lbr. Co., lumber, 48.96; Gill Company, sups. 35.98: A. D. Graham. T.E., 7.0b; J D Hariwell, sups, 28.00; Harvey Lumber Co., lumber, 18.72; J. E. Haseltine As Co., reps, 98.26; Her-rold-Phlllppl Motor Co, do. 3.38: Howard Cooper Corp., do, 2.19; Hutchron Paint Store, slans, 2.39; Interstate Tractor 61 Equip. Co., do, 184.62; Johiuon, Slewert & Aldrich, sups, 109.73; Ira Jorgensen, do, 164.70; Jorgensen-Steinke's rep, 5.35; Har vey Kanoff, lumber, 16.00: Keith Brown Lbr. Co., reps, 6.09; Keizcr Sand A; Gravel, gravel, 6.25; Kraps & Long Printers, sups, 111.45; B As R LogRing Company, lumber, 399.30; Jas. H. Madcn Company, reps, 15.42; Douglas McKay Chev. Co., reps, 1.08; A B. McLauchlan Co., reps, 3.50; Mill City Service station, do. .50; Mill Supply Corp., do, 29.16: Mongtomery Ward, do, 94. OS; Mt. Angel News, at'v, 1.40; Mountain States Power Co., LAP, 49.53; Needhams Book Store, equip, 98.38; Ore gon Gravel Company, gravel, 278.59: Ore gon Physicians Service, sal ded, 297.05; Pacific Building, rent. 167.50; Peck Broth ers, reps, 10.26; Pacific Tele. Telle. Co., sups, 275.20; Perry's Drug Store, do, 4.49; Phllippi's Tire Service, reps, 3.75; Pho tostat Corporation, sups, 92.65; Portland Gen. Electric Co.. L St P, 236.04; Quonset Garage, reps, 9.40; Remington Rand, Inc., sups, 4,429.22; Richfield Oil Corp. dlesel, 111.79; Richfield Oil Corp., oil. 2.00; Saf fron Supply Co., reps, 4.41; Salem Auto Parts Co., do, 6.61; Salem Concrete Pipe &i co., do, 87.58; Salem Memorial Hospital, hospital, 67.65; Salem Navigation Co., reps, 2.82; Salem Steel & Supply Co., do, 13.88; Salem Tire Service, do, 107.99: Salem Title Co., expense, 12.50; Clyde Salisbury, reps, 20.50: Shell Oil Co., dlesel, 11.40; Shel IOU Co., gas, 7.11: H. A. Simmons, trans, 61.60; H, A. Simmons oil, 2.05; Southern Pacific Co., rent, 5.00: Standard Oil Co. of Calif., dlesel, 146.01; State Tire Service, misc. 390.09; Statesman Publish ing, adv. 218.03; Stay ton Gravel Co., gravel, 112.70: Stayton Mall, adv, 0.31; Stevenson As Mefford, misc. 45.22; E. G. Svron As H. Byron Ronald, do. 288.60: L. R. Tweed ie, dlesel, 10.41; Truck sales As Servlco Co., reps, 3.20; Union OH Co. of Calif., gas, 2.799.86; Valley Motor Co., reps, 43.92; Valley Welding Supply Co., do, 10.95: Walling Sand As Gravel Co., gravel, 121.63: Walton-Brown Electric Co., reps, 38.55; Western Union, tele. 15.06; Willamette Valley Transfer, reps, 36.41; Woodburn Independent, adv. 1.20; Wood bury Co., mlsc, 400.96; Zellerbarh Paper Co., exp, 99.46; Walter H. Zosol Co., misc. 160.40. PROCEEDINGS May 1, 1948 Adjustment of sewer rental approved; Copy of Resolution 5626 and No. 5627 by City of Salem accepting Iowa Ave. and Bcarh Ave., placed on flic; Order for County Clerk to advertise for board of prisoners. May 3, Pipe line permit, Harvey Lincoln; Indemnity claim of Ar nold L. Stcffen, final hearing May 15, 1948; Dance Hall license, Glenn H. Wood ry; Order appointing Lawrence M. Wright as Dep. Constable for Silverton district; Petition for appointment of J. Fowler as Constable for Breltenbush District; Res ignation of C. F, Stutz as Constable of Breltenbush Dlst. placed on file; May 4, Order incorporating "Keizcr Rural Fire District" and setting date lor election of Directors. May 5. Final hearing on In demnity claim of Martin J, Albers, Alice W, Pohle; Permit to move building. West Coast House Mover Co.; permit to haul logs, Charles W. Fantz, Clyde E. John son. May 6, Permit to'movo building, Kay Simmons; Pole lino permit, Portland General Electric Co. May 7, Pipe line permit. John Bostrack; Order continuing Road Proceedings Nos. 937 and 939. May Ike PaH - Og B.. Pmil Yealrr It has often been said "The eyes are the mirror of the soul." That may be both truth and poetry. Folks are becoming more light conscious as time goes on. Lamps and fixtures nowadays are selected for "light" before beauty and finally lasting quality. Hundreds of satisfied custom ers have consulted us for the proper lighting for their homes. Let us help you make the selection that you will have to live with for years. Better Light for Better Sight Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 236 N. High St. Senator Hotel Bldg. Phone 3-9412 Your House Will "Feel Like a New Man" . . . when you take care of those repair jobs you've been putting off. Drop in lo the Fred W. Smith Lumber Yard for the dependable materials you need. Wc have full stocks of top notch items . . . al fair and square prices I I m STATE ST. FOUR CORNERS tv, rermnt o mvn comoroe. rrn . Peters; Permit to haul logs, R. M. Bolea and Dale G. Miller, Harold E. Weatiiert; Order creating "Four Corners County Drainage District": Permit to haul pil ing. Artnur Anaersen; oraer Kt; meeting of land-owners in Four Corners County Drainage District on May 25 lo elect di rectors; Lifct of polling place fur Primary election; Addition list of Judges and Clerks of election; May 11. Indemnity claim of John Small, linal hearing May 32; Contract for sale of real property to James T. Love et ux; Minutes of Court house commission meeting. May 12, Pipe line permit, Alex Ltrhty: Permit to haul logs, Eddit C. Uoschie: Order RE: testing of bovine animals for Bangs disease. May U. Order appointing Jay Fowler as Con stable for Breltenbush Justice of the Peace District: Pole line permit. Portland General Electric Company; Permit to haul logs, Alex C. Muzrhcnko; Corpora tion Quit Claim deed from Cascade Op erating Co., to Marion County; Contract for sale of real property to James F. Snook et ux: Contract with Smith Bros. RE: prices for road and oil rock. May 16, final hearing on Indemnity claim of Arnold L. Steffen. May 17, Permit to haul logs, Breitenstein Bros. Lbr. Co.. James Burrell, Phillips Bros.. David Schal- . er; 'iransrer oroer icorrectionsi ; Order 1 authorizing County Judge lo sign for Im- j provement of Firht Street in Silverton: i Contract for sale of real property to Sot I B. Taylor et ux. May 18, Indemnity : claim of W. Robert Terhune. final hear- ; lug set for May 39: Permit to move beet ; need cutter, etc.. West Coast Beet Bed I Co.; Permit to move tractor. John M. 1 Stafek; Permit to move Caterpillar, Geo. 1 R. Wirth; Permit to move bulldozer. Ball Bros. Mav 19. 6 Quit Claim deed from ! Lester R. Evans et ux tn Marion County ior iBiia 10 do usca lor roaa purposes. May 32, Final hearing on Indemnity clalr.i 1 of John Small; Bond of James Cameron Fowler as Constable for Breitcnbush Jus tice of Peace District approved; P:pe line permit. Salem Heights Water Dis trict: Pipe line permit. Richard H. Davis; Permit to move building. West Coast House Movers: Permit to haul lngs, Chas. O. Bland. J. H. Wilkinson, Car) Budeau, Norman MrCallistcr. May 24, Permit to move building, chas. Gates and Son; County agrees to take over certain Streets as County roads when name conform to certain specifications. May 25, Permit to haul logs, C. I. Gale. Owen Bishop, John Cook, A. M. Dennlscn, Hugo Cook:, Plat of "LaVista" approved. May 26, Beer license, Breltenbush Mineral Springs Co.; Beer licence. Glen and Florence Smith; Permit to haul piling, Lewis Meyer; Permit to haul logs, Phillips Bros.. Mildred Volkman, Wm. Shepherd, Ltvesays Lumber Yard; Quit claim deed to Thomas L. Workman et ux, Breiten stein Bros.; Pipe lino permit. Max A. Brown; Petition to annex land to Four Corners County Drainage placed on file; Order fixing tlmo for hearing on peti tion to annex land to Four Corners Coun ty Drainage Dist. set for July 7. 1948; Notice of Budget estimates, hearing set for June 30. May 27, Permit to haul logs, Highway Fuel Co.; U. 8. Engineers Survey and Exploration permit for test ing purposes; Quit Claim deed to State Highway Commission. May 29, Final hearing on Indemnity claim of W. Rob ert Terhune; Memorial to John C. Sicg- Kodak Finishing Rolls Developed and 8 Jumbo Prints 35c Extra Prints 4c ea. Every print an enlargement Quality Work WHY PAY MORE l'rce Mailing Bags Furnished on Request Mail to: JUMBO FILM CO. PAYETTE, IDAHO ;See Stevens Grand Display Of Children's Jewelry What a thrill to the small Miss or Mister when lie finds real jew elry on the Christmas tree. Something to cher ish and to keep. Stev ens has a fine collection . . come in and make your choice. Ask about our Lay-a-Way Plan. STEVENS & SON 339 Court St. PH. 3-8515 capital journal, saiem, are., mund, deceased; Permit to haul logs, H. W. McAuley, George Vachtcr, Robert M. 1 SENSATIONAL 1 qt. Homogenized milk can be churned into approximately 2 lbs. COUNTRY-STYLE BUTTER followinc our formula. Takes just a few minutes with crr beater. IT'S AMAZING. Formula $1.00. If you arc not satisfied send the formula back to oh witnin 10 days and iutly refunded. Columbia Sales P.O. Box No. 588 OUR SURVEY SERVICE If your insurance program isn't "tailor-made" it won't fit. Our survey service can bring it up-to-date. No obligation, of course. SALEM'S GENERAL OF AMERICA AGENCY CHUCK 00 mm m "' m in im SALEM'S GENERAL OF AMERICA AGENT SAI.K.M AND COOS BAY 129 North Commercial St. Dial 3-9119 Enhance Beauty Personality Glasses! Better to see better to be seen In ... a large selection of the newest stylo frames enables you to choose the ones most becoming to your facial contours. Stop In tomorrow. Dr. Henry E. Morris OPTOMETRISTS AT MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 444 For Lasting Enjoyment ORTHO POISE FOOT FORM SHOES Trimly crafted over scien tific lasts, these fine shoes translate correct foot posi tion into solid comfort. Appointment Not Necessary Your lonu; sea fell for shoe case is fulfilled tit ORTHO POISE FUNCTIONAL FOOTWEAR 309 LIVESLEY BUILDING "Wear Ortho Poise Shoes daily. Consult your :h'ropodist periodically. '' ...forget traffic worries Enjoy the scenery and fun of highway travel with out straining your temper or your purse. Relax in air-conditioned comfort. ..Greyhound takes you anywhere you want to go, at V the cost of driving! There Aro No Lower fares! Roicburg .... Klamalh rails flan t'ranclica . .t"i o ADOITIONAl SAVINGS ON HOUND TRIP FAXES sffi C. T. Itea ic-.' 476 All Setirduld In Oreacm Saturday, October 2, 19135 Howard; Pole Una permits (tt, Mt, Suw- Power Co.; Transfer Order. DISCOVERY your money will be cheer- Scoppoose, Ore. INSURANCE Dr. Kenneth Morris Statu St. wear !.o Anieki l?.Af) (.'no Ray I HO Sraltlo 3 0 N. Church Ph. 2-2428 Now Operate on Orrion Standard lime. GREYHOUND