X - 1 ...- I ' Dewey, Dewey Everywhere A republican backer hoists i placard bearing the face of Governor Thomas E. Dewey as President Truman acknowledges the cheers and applause of the crowd that filled Skelly stadium in Tulsa, Okla., the dem onstration occurred as the president departed for his cam paign train. (Acme Telcphoto) Republican Women Meet October 19 The Salem unit of the Repub lican Women's Federation of Oregon has arranged a candi dates meeting and program for the evening of October 19 at 8 o'clock in the Marion hotel. Rep. Walter Norblad, Oregon first congressional district, is to be the speaker. All candidates attending will be Introduced during the evening. Co-operating with the - wo men's group in staging the pro gram are the Marion county re publican central committee and the Young Republicans club. Mrs. Florence Wright is general chairman for the meeting. The meeting is the women's federation's main project pre ceding the November 2 election and all republicans are invited. A similar candidates event be fore the primaries was attended by more than 300. Support Prices on 1948 Grain Crops Announcement by the office of the county agent states that Marion county producers may obtain price support on their 1948 grain crops through the County Agricultural Conserva tion association. - Through purchase agreements and loans the commodity credit corporation guarantees the fol lowing price figure per bushel for U. S. No. 1 grades: Wheat, $2.05. barley $1.29, oats $0.72, rye $1.41 and flax seed $5.79. For grades lower than U. S. No. 1, slightly lower prices are quoted. The ACA office is' lo cated at 203 Post Office build ing, Salem, Ore. Two Monmouth Men Called for Exams Dallas Two Monmouth men are the first to be called for phy. sical examinations by Polk county selective service board No. 10 In the peacetme draft. The men, Charles O. Roneo, 25, and Milton Alvin Bressler, 24, will report to the U S. army Air Force recruiting and Induc tion station In Portland on Oc tober 5 for the examination. When they would be Inducted If they pass the physical is not certain. Tardy registrants are still coming in to the office of Mrs. John Klapp, clerk, to sign-up under the selective service law. Several veterans have expressed surprise upon belatedly discov ering that It Is necessary for them to register, Mrs. Klapp states. 9 Salem Men At Wolf Creek Nine Salem men went to the Wolf Creek country Friday for dedication of the new Wolf Creek stretch of Highway 99. They were Carl W. Hogg. president of the Highway 99 association; R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer; Hedda Swart, Marion county engineer; Grant Murphy, Marion county Judge and member of the Highway board; Clay Cochran, manager of the Salem Chamber of Com merce; Charles A. Sprague, who is to give the dedication speech; W. W. Chadwick, Frank Doer tier and John Steelhammer, all candidates for the state legisla ture. Hogg, Murphy and Cochran went ahead of the others and in Grants Pass last night assited in the formation of a local unit of the association. The association is to employ an executive secretary who will start work December 1. Personnel of Convoy Given Alaska bound, a convoy of 14 army vehicles making a 30,000 mile Journey that started at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, is slated to pass through Salem on its way north from California and with it will be four army officers and 24 enlisted men from Aberdeen Proving Ground. Men with the convoy and their home addresses are: Tha offlcrra and enlialNl mm Capt. Marvin E. Wrekff. Dm Moinr. Inwa; Second U. E. Ray FUlierald. Falrbury, III.: WO Michael Laputlca, Baltimore. M1.; Master Sat. Arthur R. Chaae, Buffalo, S. Dakota; Staff Sat. John Dul. Detroit, Mich.; Tech. 3 Albert J. Muehlbauer. pilUDUran. pa.; pre. carl R. Maine. New Martinvllle. w. Va.: Tech. 4 Charle R. Davis. Auborn, Maine; Tech. Sat. Vernard C. Coking. Oallfornta. Pa.; Sit. Barney Thomas. Inwmar. Mont.; Tech. t Norvel V. Gibson, Vandtuer. Mo.: Tech. I Mon- M. Sehneck. Plnesrove, Pa.i Tech. r. Walter Clohasey. Rumford. Maine; Cpl. Clifford N. Hall. North Charlerol. Pa.; Tech. Sat. Glen A. Oren. Havre Dt Orace. Md.; Tech. Sat. rioyd D. choate. Jackson, Mich.: Staff Sat. Wilson L. Slkes. Hot aprlnaa. N. Max.: atajf Sat. Lonao 8. Ml- Evergreen District Home Is Destroyed Silverton Fire of undeter mined origin completely de stroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lincoln in the Evergreen district Tuesday morning. Some household fur nishings were saved and the house is said to have been cov ered by insurance. The Lin colns plan to move to a small house on the John Overlund farm until other plans can be made. Except for water and milk, Americans use more paper than anything else. Cortez found that the Aztecs used crayons made of metal. Roger Heads State Foresters Blaney Park, Mich., Sept. 30 ff) Nelson Roger, Salem, Ore., was elected president of the Association of State Foresters, at a convention session last night. TREE SERVICE TRIMMING - REMOVING Insured Operator - Frat Katlmatea JOHN PAYNE 248 8. Church Ph. 26014 - WANTED - Walnuts - Filberts - Nut Meat EST PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY FOR KD RUN. SEE US BEFJRE YOU SELL. Morris Klorfein Packing Co. 460 N. Front Street SALEM Telephone 3-7633 Use Control Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Nr-H BE.IM MADE IN SALEM PAINT up 5pp 8 DON'T LET WINTER CATCH YOU UNPREPARED! It is still not too late to pro tect your home from the win' ter storms with NORRIS-WALKER PAINTS Use the paint that It made in SALEM for this climate, We will be glad to recom mend a good Paint Contractor to do the job for you. REMEMBER If You Need Paint See N-W If You Need a Contractor See N-W No Matter What Your Problem, Come In or Phone Norris-Walker Paint Co. SALEM'S PAINT MANUFACTURER FACTORY OUTLET Norrii-Walker Point Co. 250 Court St. Ph. 2-1908 Thermo-rcgulatcd roasted for uniform full flavor COFFEE IM T0W1 x KINDSDR'P ANIV PiRC0LAT0R m www m m vn ) PROMPT RELIEF from itch inB, chafing and chapping with Cuticura. Long used by many doctors and nurses. CUTICURA tfAT.SSJ ttm. E!iLnt, Ark ; Opl. Paul K Linton. Port Deposit. Md : Stan 3it. Jimoj t. Netsaard. Dunlap, Tmn.; Tech. S Donald Fuller. Troy, N Y.; Btl. Mailt Mcin tosh, Jonubore, Trnn.; Tech. 6sl. Cod rad 11. Green. California. Pa.; Tech. I Carl H. NeUon, 8t Paul. U:nn.: Tech. 4 C. Holman. Eaai Talltvuea, Ala.; Tech. S. John R. Rudolph. Terra Haute, Ind.; Tech. 4 Charlie M. Woodham. Riuk Fla.; and Tech. bor, PhillppJ. W. Va. 5 Earl K. Delaud- Turner Sets Date Of Bond Election Turner Directors of Union high school district No. 5 have called a special election for a $38n,000 bond issue to provide funds for the construction and equpping a school building for the district . The election will be held at the Crawford school October 15 from 2 to 7 o'clock, according to Louis Scofield, chairman of the board, and Mar garet E. Riches, clerk. Capital Journal, Salem, Ort., Friday, October 1, 19483 Distrids Divided Upon School Merger Hopewell Unanimous to remain ai la for the present was the decision of the 31 legal voters attending the special meeting of the Hopewell school district called for the purpose of voting on the consolidation with Amity grade school. The crop loss from weeds In the United States each year is estimated at $5 billions. CHANGE ofLlftf Are you goiug through the functional 'middle age' period peculiar to women (38 to 52 yre.)? Does thin make you suffer from hot flashes, feel ao nero otu, high-strung, tired? Then do try Lydla, E. Plnkh&m'a Vegetable Cotn- ?ound to relieve such symptoms. In It hum's Compound Also has what Doctors call a stomachic tonic effect I LYDIA E. FINKHAM'S compound Popcorn Ttta big yellow karnal variety. Contumar ap proved by millions of movU font everywhere. Look for the rod and white candy cane package. AT BETTER FOOD STORES Wheatland With 13 legal voters present at the special meeting called for Wheatland district for the purpose of vot ing on the consolidation with Amity grade school, 13 votes were against the measure and Wheatland will remain as is for the present. Fairview There were 23 of the 38 legal voters of the Fair view school voting to consoll date with Amity grade school at the meeting called for the purpose of voting on the con-school. $ $ MONEY $ $ FHA W Interest 4'i Personal A Auto Loam State Finance Co. 1S3 S Rich St. Lie S216-M22! i!l.lanLvii,,i!ia v. I- ' Optometrists at BORING OPTICAL Co. t If"" '' Dr. E. E. Boring Dr. Sam Hughes Lens Broken? Bring the Pieces to Us When you break your glasses bring the pieces to us. Our experts can fix you up with new lens from the broken parts, fje all the attractive new frames, too! 383 Court DIGNIFIED CREDIT Phone S-6506 America's Largest Selling Gil HEATER I 4 CIRCULATES- Hj B The biggest bargain in the oil heater business. Big heat mm output 30,000 B.T.U., with warm air output of 1 I ,000 $0&$m W cu. ft. per hour. Ideal for homes, offices, stores, cabins, pp S garages, etc. Power blower optional. Drop in ELF- llliPlllil STROM'S for demonstration. j AND LOOK AT THESE OTHER COLEMAN BARGAINS! Here's J OUR COlIMArTN : n CIRCULATES WARM AIR ) J ALL OVER. ..GIVES WAIMftOOISI" the hpofitr With the PYrlncivA "Furnace Type" unit that heats your house like a furnace. Up to 26,100 cu. ft. per hour, gives quick, warm, radiant heat, too. with Coleman heat reflector doors. Power blower unit is optional. No moving parts. . . No electric ity. 55.000 B.T.U. hi per hour. 129.00 lllllill Beautiful grille cabinet in Coleman Duroplastic finish Automatic fuel con trol and automatic draft con trol . . . New low draft performance saves fuel . . . An oil heater that's groat for hard-to-heat rooms. 51,000 B.T.U. per hour. See Them All Genuine turn ace type warm air cir culation, lias beau tiful, streamlined design. Circu lates the warm air in your house three to five times per hour. 50.000 B.T.U. per hour. 119 85 Ask (or a Demonstration CD EC ALL WOOL TREE "WOOL-O'-THE-WEST" BLANKET With Each Heater $97.85 or More 340 Court r Phone 2-2493