14 Capital Journal, Salem, RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAi KGW jKSLM IIM UBS I fiupermaa rhandn Capi. Mldnlfht I Tom Mil News Oeene Maarad On 8nnnr Rid Rimer Peterson Ta-BaAdTled Ta Be Advlied Rew Kkrllon Kew Shell on iTf-TV RHey Iff af Riley BUI Hern, Kperta Rhythm Time Supper Club News f World Pattrl In Rhythm Pailel In Rhythm BrldfClob Bridie Club Bli Town Blc Tawn t.ra 6:H Gabriel Htallar :l& Mututal Ntwsraal :SA Clira Kl lis Ctif KU 7:00 Seen! from Ift Grrat Plara :U H I tat :A Girls 8:00 8n Hirci ;I5 Orrheslra :S0 Hljh Advrntnr ifi Hlih Ady-Milon 9:00 News 15 Fleetwood l.awlon ijlO Nation lis Henri J. Taylor :M Pulton Lewis, Ir. Orchestra IHI-M New r- Orehealra n00 Open Rosea ;IA Open noma j 30 Open Hoaia :t Newt 11:00 Open Ho an Newi Sport Final Band Waaon Morion Downer N'ewa DUeuulon Warn Museum Wax Museum SlirT Off " SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. News Musi March Tim Newt Hodge Podia Hodta Podta News Hods Podge News Rite and Khlnt Cltls Roberts Top Trades Now Hear This Now Hear This Tb Olu Some News Barsaln Cain tar Naws Sons af Plsaisra Orchestra Meet ths Meeks Meet the Meeks Cd MeConnell Ed MrConnell News Cut Pri 8 pea, Paiter'a Call Bariala Coaater News Pablla Affairs Walker's Kitchen News TBA Northwest Naws Hormel Olrls Harmony Hones Farm Horns Farm M Horn F.dw. Tomllnson Report on Europe Harmony House Platter Jock Platter Jock Platter Jeek Archie Andrews Arehl Andrews Stars Tomorrow Stars Tomorrow Hit Tims News Bike Show Buck Nation Stars Tomorrow Stars Tomorrow Man In the Farm Ohio S lata - FSf! Qhl State - 111! Ohla Slats URC Ohio Stals VV TBA TBA Bint Hint U. Wash. -ORG IT, Wash.-ORO V. Wash.-O0 U. Wash.-ORO U. Wash.-OSC Ohio State . Ohio Stale Ohio State Lassie Wash.-OSO Wash.-OSC Wash.-ORO Wash.-OSO New Guest Star NBC Symphony NBC Symphony V. Waih.-OHC NBC Symphony U. Wash.-OKG NBO Symphony Curtain Time Curtain Time Rporlt Palac Orchestra DIAL LISTINGS; KFX, lCV Friday P. M. 5:00, C'hallriue of IMA Yukon i 5:30, Jack Armstrong 0:00 Hporls) :I9, Home Edition) ;30, The Sheriff) 1:fltl, Dane Rand Jamboreei S:0fl, Fat Mam R:3d, Your F HI; 9:110 Break thi Bank 0:30 Western Skies : 10:00, Northwest Nrwsi 10:15, Inlrrmerro: I" :0 Co icert Hour: 11:30- Orchestral 12:00. Extra Bonn 1:00. fllin Off lry Saturday a.m. to 4:15 p.m.) t lLA Down-Beat i 7:00t Roundup Boys: 1:15, Martin Asronskyi 1:80, Newti 1:46. Feaesrcti Adventure: :00, fliioppenT Bpecial: 8:30, HesdlltiM; 11:45, Dlrl Doctor; 9:00, Horn Demonstration! 9:15 Fairy Tales) 11:311, A boot I A Cost r II n Kid Show: 8:15. Weed Trim 10:O0 Tnyland Tunes; to. so, This Is for You; 10:45, Strlnssi 1 00. Rhvthm; 11:10, Saturday Sew Ion; 11:10. Planoi 12:0. Symphony l:S0, Trpnuury Bsnd fllmw; 3:00, TBA; I SIS- I Special Apron This pretty tie-on nprnn makes the perfect gift for a new home-maker and can be dressed up or down ac cording to the materials used. Dainty crochet edges the apron and the useful divided pocket. Pattern Envelope No. R273S contains tissue pattern for medium-sized apron crochet, Instructions for ediiing; material re quirements and complete finishing directions. To obtain this pattern, send 20c In COINS, giving pattern num ber, your name, address and lone number to Peggy Roberts, Capi tal Journal, 828 Mission Street, San Francisco 3, Calif. ACROSS t. Tennis shot 4. Discharged A debt I. Minus 1J. Anger IX. English musi cian 14. Merllclnal plant lft. Dtxftt-uT 20 Staff II. Kstahtlah by evidence II. Oriental ship captain II Leave 14, Web -fooled birds II. Saucy SC. Sanction 31, Immerse S. Ancient shine 16. rull itpart 17. Canvas shelter 40. Least coarse 18. Puts 41. Voral eompo. SO. Newspaper paragraph 3J. Weight 3. Stupid id. Secondhand 2S. Stamp 29. Son of Judaa altlon 4S. Pre us 47. Sunken fence 4ft. Poker term 4D. Not one ftO. High pointed hill ts -;'f.3 ".:n iA I urn W i , 'LA -i 3 sfpr T 35 f ; ?r 1, 'I' 35 3T I I I '"I I I 1 I I I I i Ore. Friday, October 1, 1948 S !koco r'KOIN oS Rleepy Jaa l01N FRI PM , Plnlerhla Knox Mannlnf Ml kevs Brer Rabbit Sport Newt thai. Colliniweed News Music Horiions Muscat II orison I Bins Crosbr Mystery House Myalery House Tom Harmon SO-Yard Line Football Football Football Football Favorite Husband Favorite Husband Columbia Feati Columbia Feature Fverybody Wlna Fverybody Wlna Dirk Jurtrrni Dirk J linens Lowell Thomas Jack Smith show Sweeney dt Marrh Sweeney it Marrh Mr. Are and Jane Mr, Ace and Jane Football Football Football Hrulah Niaht Editor Five Star Final"" Kports Spntliiht I'. N. Polities Orchestra Track (Ml Banelnr In Dark Danrlnr In Dark Trark 1490 New Trark H!0 Track M!Kt Trark lt!M Track 1 490 Rrrenada Srrrnada Alr-fla News Silent Slan Ofl KOCO Klock KfICO Klock KOCO Klock Farm Parade News KOI.N KLUCK KOIN KUK'R KOIN KLOCK Pioneer Pals News Rfiirt ronrrrl Extension Srrvlc Central Church Central Church Central Church Pop Variety Pop. Variety Pop. Variety Mule Without Words KOIN KLOCK Vewt ll's pretend Junior Miss Junior Miss Theatre of Today fhealrr of fori Grand Cent. Sta. Barnyard Follies Cycle of Songs Cycle of Knnis Kins Cole Trio Guest Ktar County Fair County Fair Give and Taka Give and Take News Cowboy Juhllea Hal Dcrwln Hal Dcrwln Mary l.e Taylor Mary Lee Tawim Country Journal Country Journal News Driver's Play. Newftpaprr of Air Newspaper of Air Salon Concert Salon Conrert New Western Bulla i Sal MaTlne SaV Malinr Sat Matinee Sat. Matinee Football Fool hall Football Football Churk Foster Chuck Foster War for Youth Way for Youth AM Klrkhaaa Lake Surer Sal Sports Review Larry La Kaiirr Rnmanra Romance Diana Gal use true use KOCO Km pen KOCO Kapera KOCO Kapcrs KOCO Kaprrs KOCO K a pert KOCO Kapcrs KOCO Kapcrs KOCO Kaprrs News Orchestra (irea While Way Great White Way The Todds 1190; KOAC, 550 l(kr- Frl. P.M. A: On the Upbeat: IXWMV- fi: Newti H:I5 Melodies: A:30 Music: 1:15 Farm Hour: R:0 Here's to Vr-Ui 11:15. Great Sfinpei: 11:30, Pro ram of Canada: R:l.'i. Srtv.t l):IHI, Music; fl :!., Lift Voire: III -mi. Marine Story: W:lft, Serenade: in:!.., News; 11:00 glen Off. KOAC Sat A.N). 10:00, News: 10:15, Especially for Women: 11:00. Concert: 12:00, News: 12:15, Farm Hour: 1:00 News; 1:15, Cow-hoy; 1:30, Melody Lane, 2:llli, Traffic Ssfrlyi t:l5, Rhylhmsi 2: 80, Munlct 8: (HI. Sclcnre Newt; 8:15, Music; 4:15, Children's Theater. 2:30, Melodies; 1 45, Rex Koury; 1:00. Jr. Junction; S:30, MrNellla tt flhel dom 4:00, Rhrthm-a-Tlkt; 4:15, Harry Wimer; 4:30, Profits of Prayer: 4:45, Fuldheim. R 27.3 5 Solution of Yetterday'i Puzzlt HI. Prega f.:. Obtains o3. Understand I AIM? nIJHNltflA4il? I tJa rMp a y O RAB u y I apTat"i f e B a pe l e H s u R E t2 M ol.JHJ ? a?WHa b a s eEIt o at ebs He u t Scot H Et6 L A S SBTh O N C I Na R A ZEDWA n e s Hmm e Q L l N T Cl siPAS Mtft 1 N Q B. m 5 E W n BIZ "eLK HgMPL6 1 s M offiy DOWN 1. Not stift I. Spoken I. Scolded 4. Thin metal dlk ft. Land measure! 4. Feminine name 1. Jeering t. Hid dm t. Gum resin 10. Descendant It. do down 19. Kood flan SI. I'tong 2.1. Went tip '.'4. Not far 2.S. r'ormerlr 2(1. Ininortiine 27. He-tor lonf SS. I't-geiil SI. Preen it?. S.iys strain 14. Itatmea 11. Kaftt-n 17. Italian poet 3. i:.ua 40. Baptismal vessel 41. Foot covering 42. Weed 43. Salt 44. Titi'v 44, till ak In mahogany MATS XfPW IMPYSA 3 Kearby at s jam cCrutfimt 5uxitTZ T Ju5EjlED. j-LAmt I S CAMEL"-FHS6WYmaVOAMAN,yi V yA CANT OOTHISTyFAH AND t3U'VE " kl" 1 OCT SPFAK NO ENOLI5H : TAXMA PavtXP. IL HUNT MM DOWN AND J? TO ClTIZEN'-IVElGCTA ROD INTWS hW. dZ BAAA. onfTHOULDER HARNESS "H P MlVJJJUigWYi r TOW BOTTOM OFTHS WDfcSI VPa A VM m Uf.UA YS JiA uru&z w - & sg- liTZZ.:, II " z 1 1 r 1 r 1 1 et . 1 1 . B BUT NONE O" NONE OP EM I WE DONT EVEN I DON'T YOU GUYS WORRY NONE II A I SO YEP Y7 NOOCO YET EVER I THEM SUCKER WIU. PAY DARE GO ON TH" I I SOT A PLAN, SEE? AND AFTER I SET I OLD MAN'S ( SLAPPED "LITTLE MONSTER" IJ I STOREKEEPERS US A DIME STREET THEY'LL I B VROUSH THEY'LL Sli, PAY...SEE? AMD 1 I cns .w. mi. Aur rr auw 1 1 ic: crDtr n anv bracj rhK i id I fa I rr... TBI I ";ukpt vcjrG" I I B US. EH? with rr' US NO MORE- ON US M rV WANT TO SEE 'Ml S I alv r'w 7 tvwiusr s ns gray. PMoeftEANOWlLBUB EXCEPT ALL THE FUES.T TMeYVE PftEBWeD" f HOmJiyiTTHIS IS.WOXIDEBPuL'.JUSTM m j I INVITED US TO A AWTS AND M0SQU1TOS ) SOME SORT OF SUR 1 YOU IKE I UKE AN OLD FASHIONEDaBSSl "vjp iiawc a mrg UfwCRivP.L?'SUPEe" IN WE N6I6MBORKOOO! PRISE-.TRVAND J IT.F0LKS? STREET CAR IT CERTAINLV BRIN6Sl T VUTbENJovff V?66)1 WWE PICNICS! SURPRISE ME eY J fi-A PARTVJ 7eACK FOND MEMORIES J h,MbSS! "y-TV ACTING AfiREEA6LE "fTJdcFAFIVECENTFAREll rSHMOOS ARC VERY POPULAR VJITH MILLIONS OK FOLKS -BUT) I AND SO DAN'L SHMOONE AND HIS SHHOOIODE SQUAD I TO ONT. CUSTOMER OF OURS THEY ARE PESTS t.' ITS UP I POftR OPF INTO THE HILLS. TO DESTROY THAT GREAT MENACE- I v,. . a., ..u.,tr evrrdMiukTC rM r j I xur rr.-rKyikir; mf at DDnwirilur; Mil K. Donni iriklft LOAI I L - -.-tdT LOVABLE -AND ABSOLUTELY FREE SHMOO.r.'' " ' i i i s i i i ii i ii dtti i - ma-' i- --mr i H SIR, THE WAITER fcH, VOU SE-eTt) WELL--NOT THAT WE V SEi m?SX! a otim 17 W 1 GUESS Y" 'S"r" 'l KA Y iac .TiiaxiKic-riMcnl, ..., , cTlrviKiTT-oi ict Vni i.m it BUT MAVENT VOU A if INSINUATING que l? ;iD . .. MP THAT VOU PANT fiNMVnTUPD r ITS CUSTOMARy TO ii WATCH OR SOME - THAT MV WIFE RUT T ALREADy)-' PAY TWEBIU. OF J SUIT! --ILLGOI LEAVE SOMETHlNesuRETL X!iCANo 1V1SNJ W0RJ V HWE A WIFE)-;- T f ,,-T S3.25 M HOMEANDGET FOR SECURITY Vr'LL LEAVE lL1-t:'wc 3,3.tsr r rmrmSrl I l r-Tk -j. ,M,:, z t ,1U. f ' SSI IJ ) -K-q fMM"j?5T"'"M iwn I WHAT KINP 0p P0U8LE '"rvFFixeo it I ...wuen he gets the sauvJ-"! mV1- "" j TAl K i; THAT 7 .'Bl A7 WITH MILES'S NEW 1 TEST, HE'LL BE DISQUALIFIED. V O r WEIL, ST0SM, I SAVE VOU IS SOINS TO WIN, SO I VET TO 6lVE"8LAZE" 24 HOURS TO COME UP WITH f I'LL SAY! HERE IT 1 BET ON ANOTHER N0SE.' A SHOT OF POPE I fW NOT BAP, STORM... II ,u inr. n-to i.aii.ia a -i cam. E W te rai A7cjC A I I iaiuat'C Tuc fiiMuir 7 acrrioc rue OArc IB I l , n. ic -rue 1 I 110 rt.l YUC CC; (3v rilO UAvC 9 M riK'U Tn Ullhl Cft I J "fl,A7C'll ia,,M ne I 1 I n.llv atmCB ... ',l(..l I VOUSOTOV?? P1" YOU PUT ALL VOU CAN J BV fi COUCS5... HUT ... TUAT'll as IH1 I I I V Anv' enwf n,MiFi? l I I'wakE lIR K, N 1 ik.n.rji&r ,a , ii ' v autowic.- laib ci &mr'.'n lp.,tSJ i TiI. AN ACCIDENT. SIR! AM) fS' 1 LEARN ALL IGOR HA TO 4 J?"'fTw?rM COULD BE-VICE VERSA! STAGE -ABOVEHE DEEP ( f R AN yTI 4 1 M TE.TrNDv sh," Siir Zh I )( vrn ,..111 i v-o Ka i E.:r-isss5sio I 1 T7 C3RAM...THISV; I'LL. HAVE X V0J C30T STUNS t tIjbVcfq it V. EVEM CLEANED J JSkW Deadly (Chapter 14) "nr. BonifcT" Ht felt re laxed, drowsy. It waa an effort to think. "Come Into my office, won t you?" "Now luit lean bacK ana re lax," the oft voice aald, aooth Ingly. Walter Jamei felt hlm lelf linking deeper Into the soft chair. He felt like sleeping. His j eyes, dawn uncontrollably to I Boniface's slender hands, caught I sight of a rectangle of white ! tucked in a corner of the desk blotter. Walter James shook his head. A business card! His mind began ! to claw Its way back onto the j light. "You ought to be on the stage," Walter James said hoarsely. Boniface didn't smile. "Indeed?" he said. "What is the nature of your problem, Mr. James?" "I keep dreaming of dead Fili pinos, ones with knives in them." Boniface turned slowly in his swivel chair, but kept his eyes on Walter James's face. His hands were out of slight in his ;lap. "That's an unusual fixation. However, possibly we can trace it to its source. Have you any I explanation to offer?" "For the dream or for the dead Filipino?" Tra interested In anything you want to tell me." Walter Jamea smiled, show ing only the tips of his teeth. Now isn t that peculiar, Doc tor? I was just going to say the same thing to you." There was a moment of si lence. Boniface frowned. "Per haps I'm a trifle confused, Mr. James. I understood that you had some important reason for . seeing me." I did. But where you jumped the tracks was thinking it was important to me. It's not. It's important to you." The big man's fleshy face split into a half smile. "Of course, Mr. James. Won't you tell me all about It." "I don't have to tell you about it. You know all about it. Fer- Inando Solez was killed last night." Boniface's poker face was per fect. "Yes?" "The police will eventually get to you. They're slower than I am as a rule. Talk now and to me and I'll guarantee you'll have less trouble In the long run." "What interest could the Do- lice possibly take in me, Mr. James?" Boniface asked him blandly. The slender detective Dulled the torn business card from his pocket and slid it across the pol ished desk. Boniface studied it politely, then handed It back to Walter James. "It's apparent ly half of one of my business cards." "The other half was found in Fernando Solez's Coat pocket." Boniface ran his tongue over his teeth thoughtfully. " I found this half wedged in the seat where he was killed." Boniface said, "Mr. James, any professional man's cards circu late to some extent. I have no idea how this ah, Fernando So lez obtained my card." Walter James turned the card over. "And I'll bet you nev er saw the writing on the back. eitner.' Boniface Inclined his head gravely. "It says, when you put the halves together I need another ounce imme diately regular place. Another ounce of what, Doctor?" "I'm afraid that there is noth ing I can do to help you. The delusion lhat you're suffering I unaer is rather uncommon and beyond my efforts to alleviate." "See you in jail, Doctor," Wal ter James said. The receDtionlst wai 1 net re placing the telephone into its cradle when Walter James stop ped in front of her desk. "Excuse me." h niH "nnn- tor Boniface wants you to run next door to Doctor Carlyle's office and borrow his book on erotic DSVcho - nhpnnmena hv Blake." The door had scarcely closed behind her white-stockinged legs before Walter James was behind the desk. He lifted the phone. ROOM AND BOARD gj? OF COURSE 'BK3 TONV' fg?1 WE'LL START BY 1 m WILL EOAE OUT y THS )Wf SETTING A PROFESSOR, p jfl AMNESIA IN WHICH HE OF ANTHROPOLOGY Jg " FANCIES HIMSELF A ffl TO COME AND STUDY J CAVE MAM, EVEN TO HIS PREHISTORIC A, THE GRUNTING CHARACTERISTICS I Tl? LANGUAGE AND N . WE'LL PUBLICIZE Tbcat) - THAT STONE-AGE (GREAT EATURE VERY WGMyJ Q Weapon it. How did he know so much?" Boniface's voice said, " like Another crisper voice snapped at him. "Well, why call me? What am I supposed to do about it?" "I wanted to warn you." "I've told you before not to call me here." 'What are we going to do?" 'We're going to sit tight and do nothing. You're getting ex cited and that's just what thil Walter James wants you to do. Nobody has any proof and they won't get it unless you get rat tled." "You're right, Major," Boni face said heavily ."You're right." "I'll see you at the regular time. Good-by." When the receptionisth cama back she said indignantly, "Doc tor Carlyle didn't have the book he'd never even heard of it." "Doctor Boniface was afraid it was out of print," Walter James said glibly. "Never mind. It was for me. I'll look in the bookstores." He started out the door. "Oh, by the way, ther was a phone call for the Doc tor, but I didn't know how to switch it over to him." The girl acquired a worried frown. "Did it sound Impor tant?" "I don't know. It was a Major Somebody ah I can't quite remember the name." "Oh," she said and the frown vanished. "That was Major Rockwell. He and the Doctor play golf together. He'll call again." "Yes," said Walter James, "he probably will." He opened the door. "And thanks for every thing." . . . . (To be continued) . . Leaves for Stockton Woodburn Miss Marie Mor rison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison of Woodburn, left Friday for Stockton, Calif., where she will be child evan gelism director and organizer in Stockton. Miss Morrison grad uated this spring from the Mult nomah School of the Bible In Portland. 2230 SIZES MOS. I, , 1, 4 "Little Sister" Style Here's a dress and cape ensemble des tined to give little grls that wen-put-together look! Note that the pretty puff sleeved frock has a round collar and that th cunning cape has one too. (Both in one pattern). No. 2230 Is cut in sizes 8 mos., 1, 2, 3 and 4. Size 2 dress, 1H yds. 35-in. V, yd. 35-in. con trasting; cape, 1 yd. 54-in. Send 25c tor pattern with name, address and style number State size desired. Address Pattern D pnnrlmanf Capital Journal, S52 Mission St., San Francisco 5 Calif The Pall-W.nter Fashion Book Just off the press Digger and better than ever. Forty-four pages brimful of the newest In fashion design, bringing you over 175 prac tical and easy-to-make pattern deAlTnx pjic.rln. all n - J - . . n -" ages auu oc casions. And the price Is Jusl 30 nciim Auoress raiiern Department. Capital Journal, 1S1 W lth it. New YorV 11. N Y. By Gene Ahern sl. fM) 1