Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 01, 1948, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Capital Journal, Salem,
To Operate
Alaska Barges
" Seattle, Oct. 1 MV-John P.
Johnson, general manager of the
Alaska railroad, 1 due in Seat
tle today to work out a contract
for barge shipment of essential
feed supplies and construction
materials to Alaska.
Acting Secretary of the Inte
rior C. Girard Davidson yester
day ordered the railroad to op
erate the barges out of Seattle
and Tacoma to ease the impact
of the west coast shipping strike
In Alaska.
The railroad wlil operate
three barges, capable of carry
ing about 2000 tons each, H. Rex
Lee, assistant director of the in
terior department's territorial
division, said.
Lee said the barges were
towed from Pearl Harbor and
recently reconditioned. They
are not powered barges, he in
dicated, and it will be necessary
to contract for towing.
The department's order fol
lowed a message from Alaska
Gov. Ernest Gruening that most
Alaska towns are out of fresh
provisions now and canned
goods, clothing, meats, hardware
and dairy supplies will be ex
hausted in a month. Essential
construction is being slowed by
ihortages, the governor said.
William Gettings, regional re
presentative of the international
Longshoremen's and Warehouse
men's union, said the union has
advised the Interior department
that longshoremen will load the
barges under "prevailing"
Aumsville Teachers
Offered Reception
Aumsville The Aumsville
PTA held a reception for its
teachers in the school dining
room. A large group of parents
were out to meet the several
new and greet the old members
of the teaching staff.
The program opened with
community singing led by Mrs.
Ted Boehme, followed by two
numbers from the trio of the
Santiam Choral club accompa
nied by Mrs. Wendell Weddle of
Stayton. Piano solo, Idyll Bates;
talk by Mr. Barbar of the Union
high board, and a talk by Mr.
Tate of the local board; electric
guitar solo, Ray Sutton; reading,
Janice Riches.
Mr. Ed Holmquist, PTA pres
ident, Introduced Roy Hough
and ht In turn Introduced the
teachers. Refreshments were
Street in
West Salem-
Prompt - Courteous Radio & Appliance Service
Ore., Friday, October 1, 1948
: Iff
tL .; .t:-...L:.J.. Ltlf at Wi
Gels Last Wish Col. Chang Ya-min former chief of the
Shanghai garrison economic affairs section (center, rope
around neck) Is about to be helped to one of two bowls
of Chinese wine which he asked for before he was shot by a
firing squad, near Shanghai. He was the second Shanghai
garrison officer shot within 16 days after conviction on cor
ruption charges. (AP Wirephoto)
Mideast Bloc of
13 Nations in UN
Paris, Oct. 1 VP) Twelve
countries are nnout to form a
middle eastern bloc in the Unit
ed Nations, reliable informants
said today.
Greek Foreign Minister Con
stants Tsaldaris and Egyptian
Foreign Minister Ahmed Khas
haba Pasha cleared the way for
formation of such a bloc at a
meeting ycslerday, the inform
ants said. The 12 countries gen
erally oppose Soviet policies.
Representatives of the 12 are
to meet Saturday to organize,
these sources snid.
The countries were listed as
Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia,
Greece, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon,
Parisian, Saudi Arabia, Syria,
Turkey and Yemen.
Chinese Commie Executed
Shanghai, Oct. 1 ,OT Wang
Hsio-Oho, former employe of
the American owned Shanghai
Power company, was executed
today for what was described as
a "communist inspired" plot to
sabotage the plant.
a.m. to
Out of the
High Rent District!
Lower Overhead!
Lower Prices!
Savings for You!
Wallace to Speak
In Portland Oct. 7
Portland, Ore., Oct. 1 (U.R)
Henry A. Wallace, progressive
party presidential nominee, will
fly to Portland for an address
Oct. 7.
He is scheduled to speak at
Benson Tech high school, 8:30
p.m., that day.
The Oregon Journal reported
President Harry Truman would
probably pass up Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho in his current
campaign swing of the country.
Democratic running mate Alben
Barkley has scheduled a Seat
tle speech, Oct. 8, but Multno
mah county democrats said he
was not expected for a Portland
Demos Lead GOP in
Multnomah County
Portland, Oct. 1 W) Voter
registration in Multnomah coun
ty totals 225,879, James Glea
son, elections registrar, reported
today. Democrats total 116,302
and Republicans 105,949.
Our Sales Are
Never Final
Your Complete
Satisfaction Is
Our Goal !
Conclave Absolves
Farmers of Blame
Portland, Oct. 1 VP) The Na
tional Association of Commis
sioners, Secretaries, and Direc
tors og Agriculture closed its
convention here yesterday with
a defense of farmers.
Farmers, said the officials,
are not responsible for high
prices of food. The farmers get
only a small share of the retail
price, they said.
W. H. Allen, Trenton, N. J.,
was elected president of the
association. D. A. Stubblefield,
Boise, Idaho, was elected vice
president for this district.
Keithley President
Santiam Songsters
Stayton The initial meeting
of the Santiam Choral club at
the high school featured elec
tion of officers for the coming
year. ,
Leland Keithley was elected
president, Mrs. Barbara Show
er, vice-president; Ora Baehme,
secretary; Marian Klecker,
treasurer; Kathryn Weddle, pi
anist; Ruth Spanlol, assistant
pianist; Felix French, director;
John Brand, membership chair
man; Bill Covert, publicity
An invitation is extended to
anyone wishing to join this
group which is sponsored by
the Stayton Chamber of Com
merce as a means of bringing
people together through a mu
tual interest In music.
London President
Farm Union Local
Woodburn George A. Lan
don of Woodburn was elected
and installed as president of
the Woodburn Farmers Union
local No. 263 at the annual elec
tion of oflicers this week. Oth
er new officers are Albert
Rhe i n h o 1 d t, vice president;
Mrs. J. F. Coleman, secretary
treasurer; John Cornwell, Chris
Owre and Oscar Ostrom, execu
tive com m i 1 1 e e ; Clarence
Marks, conductor and Fred
Zurlinden, doorkeeper.
St. Louis Chosen by
Teacher for Convention
Chicago, Oct. 1 The Teach
ers today announced its 1949
convention will meet May 16
through 18 in St. Louis.
About 2,000 delegates and vis
itors are expected to attend.
The congress' board of man
agers selected Long Beach,
Calif., for the 1950 convention,
the dates to be chosen later.
May Command Official
reports circulating in London
indicate that Britain's Field
Marshal Lord Montgomery
(above) will head the new
western Europe military com
mand. Forces of Britain,
France, Belgium, Holland
and Luxembourg would be
under his command. (Acme
Free Transportation From
Busses will leave Salem office of Oregon State Employ
ment Service at 7 a.m. daily until further notice. About
55 acres of late, heavy crop of pole beans to be picked
at L & H Farms near Albany.
Pickers Paid 2 lie a Pound
Ft rther details at Employment Office, 710 Ferry St.,
for Comfort, Speed
and Economy
620 N. High St.
f2 r
irmll Quality...
This label is your
guide to quality
to selecting the
brand you want.
TonAT ESPECIALLY, with the short,
age of fine aged whiskies, it's impor
tant to know the age and amount of
straight whiskies in the blend you
buy. That's why we urge you to
make sure to look at the back label
as well as the front label before you
choose a whiskey.
Yes, today it's good news to dis
cover that Three Feather barked
by America's largest reserves cf fine
old whiskies continues to give you
the same generous quantities of five,
six, and seven-year-old whiskies.
Corn Put Back on
Export List After Ban
Washington, Oct. 1 VP)
The government has put corn
back on the export list after a
year-long ban.
It did so because of this
year's record crop of 3,500,
000,000 bushels more than
enough to meet this country's
own needs. Last year's crop was
a near failure.
The agriculture department
announced yesterday that it will
permit 19,000,000 bushels of the
grain to be exported during the
October-December quarter.
Most of it will go to Europe to
help revive meat and dairy in
dustries cut low by the war.
Electa Chapter Has
Prominent Masons
Dayton Electa chapter No.
29, OES, held its regular com
munication with a good attend
ance. Miss Madalene Rossner
of Portland presided as worthy
matron. Mrs. Winnie Williams
of La Fayette became a mem
ber by degrees.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haver-
Phone 3-3815
when aged whiskies are scarce...
blended with choice grain neutral
spirits. Read this special formula:
86 proof. The straight whiakiea
in this product are five years or
more old. 33 straight whiskey,
65 grain neutral spirits. 12
whiskey S years old. 20 whiskey
6 years old. S whiskey 7 years
old. Three Feathers Distributors,
Inc. New York, N. X.
nick of Forest Grove and a large
group of members from La Fay
ette were present.
Electa chapter can boast this
1948 year of having four mem
bers who are serving as wor
shipful masters of their respec
tive blue lodges. Ernest Hav-
ernick, Holbrook lodge, Forest
Grove; Sam Gott, Sidney Croft
lodge, Brookings; Floyd Mock,
Jappa lodge, La Fayette; Eddie
Clow, Jacob Meyer lodge, Day
ton. These men had a picture tak
en during grand lodge in June
and it was presented to Electa
chapter by Earl Coburn, worthy
Havernick, Gott and Mock
have all served as worthy patron
of Electa chapter. Havernick
Aulmilk DEIC0-HEAT hi
General Motors' Delco-Heat Oil Burners are built of the
finest materials by craftsmen skilled in the production of
fuel burning equipment. Before you buy sny oil burner
consider Delco-Heat craftsmanship, quality and value.
If your present hetrint plant li laedequeae,
ask jour local Delco- Heat dealer a bo at
replacing it with a Delco-Heat Boiler
or Cooditioniir ... for iieim, hot water of
verm air heating lyjtemi.
Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co.
"Heating Headquarters"
1085 Broadway St. Telephone S-855J
inliiy 1
for two yean and Mock for 1 tt
years. i
Polish-Russian Pact Sirned
Warsaw, Oct. 1 VP) Tha
government announced today
the signing of a $36,000,000
trade agreement between Po
land and the Soviet zone of Ger
many covering the remainder of
1948. Total trade this year be
tween the two is expected
reach $96,000,000.
Envoy to Greece Die
Athens, Greece, Oct. 30 W)
Arthur W. Parsons, 48, alternate
U.S. delegate to the United Na
tions special commission on the
Balkans (UNSCOB), died last
HiTt your local Delco-Heat
dealer make a heating sur
Tty in four home. No obll
gation.Writt or phooe your
dealer lifted below.
At Yowr IMVfCI In CMei
evtrf Uwm freei COAST TO COAST
This label is required1
by the U.S. Government
It tells yon the age and
amount of base whiskies
in the blend.
J 0f Three Fe"1'"'