County Needs School Space The state unemployment com pensation commission expects to vacate its present quarters in the school administration build ing at Marion and North High streets early in 19S0, the Salem school board has been informed through the medium of a letter written by Grant Murphy, Mar lon county judge. The transfer of the commission to the new office building now under con struction will release some 32, 000 square feet of space which will approximate the needs of the county during the time the county is engaged in the con struction of a new court house. Judge Murphy said that the re lease of the space would come t an appropriate time insofar as the county is concerned. While expressing a willing ness to lease space in the school office building to the county, the board did not commit itself, stat ing that uncertainties involved precluded a definite statement at this time. Montana Lawyer Has Show at Elfstrom's The old supposition that all great artists had to starve in a garret in order to achieve great ness is just so much "back wash" in these modern times as testified by the exhibit of water colors by James M. Haughey, currently showing at the Elf strom art galleries. Mr. Haughey is a lawyer es tablished in practice in Billings, Mont Son of a Billings physi cian, Haughey majored in art as well as law, graduating from Kansas university and later studying under Leroy Greene, famous landscape painter of Montana. This summer Haughey visited the Oregon coast, painting the scenes that appealed to him which resulted in the . present one-man show at Elfstroms. An exhibitor throughout the midwest including Chicago gal leries, the Montana artist has gained an enviable reputation as a modern painter who han dles watercolor in true trans parency with a gift for harmon ious coloring. The exhibit lasts through Oc tober 11 which will be followed by two one-man shows. Beat rice Appia of Paris, France, and Howard Fisher of Portland. bunioiis Got thia quick relief. Lift thoft nressura. ioothei. cushions tha lensitive w. Clyde Balrd Red Cross Will Hear Mr. Baird Among officials here Thurs day for the state-wide meeting of American Red Cross chapter chairmen and fund campaign chairmen will be Clyde Baird, San Francisco, regional direc tor. The meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. in the American Legion club here with luncheon there at 1 p.m. All 36 county chapters in Ore gon are expected to be repre sented to discuss program anc' budget needs in Red Cross this coming year. Silverton Residents Entertain Visitors Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Lars Rugdiberg and son Or ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. O. A. Broten. Evening guests of Mrs. Broten and Mrs. Graden were Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Carpenter. Mrs. T. P. Risleigen, daugh ter of Mrs. Broten, Mrs. Luis Johnson, Mrs. Cora OJson, Mrs. O. Valentine and Mr. and Mrs. Jess McWithey, all of Oswego and Portland and Mrs. Helen M. Wrightman of Silverton, spent Sunday afternoon and evening at the Broten home. B-36 Bomber Soars Over City Salem residents were cheat ed of a view of the world's largest bomber Air Force day, but they not only saw and heard the big B-36 Tuesday evening, but also felt it. The big plane, which on its first trip over Salem flew too high to- be visible to most resi dents of this area, arrived over Salem shortly after 6 o'clock and circled the city four times. Flying so low that the props on its three engines, which push rather than pull the plane, were clearly visible, the huge plane shook the homes of many residents. The plane, on its return trip to the home base at Fort Worth, Texas, from McChord field, has a gross weight of 300,000 pounds, is 163 feet long and has a wingspread of 230 feet. It carries a crew of IS men with a relief crew of six men and its bomb bays contain 12,300 cubic feet. The six pusher-type engines total almost 20,000 horse power. Myrtle Point Paper Purchased by Hall Aurora Purchase of the Myrtle Point Herald in Coos county from Rogan White has been announced by E. Floyd Hall, ex-publisher of the week ly Canby Herald at Canby, and his brother Williby of Tampa, Fla., new owners. The Halls will take possession October 1. Hall sold the Canby newspa per a year ago to Mr. and Mrs. William Weston, present own ers, Aid last week sold the new Herald building which houses the newspaper plant to Fred and John Stefani for $21,500. Party Is Arranged Kitchen Residence Falls City Mrs. George Kit chin was hostess to a plastic party at her home. Games were played and Mrs. John .Gilbert won the prize. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Eva Powers and daughter, Mrs. Frank Campbell and two children, Mrs. Terresa Smith, Mrs. William Poland, Mrs. Floyd Jones, Mrs. Ed Wilson, Mrs. Leonard Westbrook, Mrs. Anna Short, Mrs. Z. B. Parson, Mrs. Jessie Moyer, Mrs. Ingram and Mrs. Tilford Darley and the hostess, Mrs. Kitchin. Hofstetter Heads Marion Draft Board Appointed permanent chair man of the Marion county draft board at a meeting held this week was Hans Hofstetter, who has been serving as temporary chairman. Paul Hendricks was selected as the permanent secretary Other members of the board are Cleave Bartlett and John H. Black. During the meeting Hofstetter announced that the board would hold two meetings monthly, on the second and fourth Mon days. The office, now in the ar mory, is slated at a later date to be removed from its present location to the Court street lo cation housing the records of selective service. Notice from Washington will, however, be necessary before the move can take place, according to Chair man Hofstetter. Weeds harbor insects and act as a breeding ground for plant rusts. (Advertisement) Great to Relieve munihlt FEMALE PAINS Are you troubled by distress of fe male functional monthly disturb ances? Does this make you suffer from pain, feel so nervous, weak, high-strung at such times? Then so try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such aymp tomsl In a recent medical test this proved remarkably helpful to wom en troubled this way. Any drugstore. Mvnu t DIWKUIU'S kiwin Im iiiiiiniii v MJMruunv Let Us Recommend Your Painter or Paperhanger Through 18 Years In the Paint Business and Close Co operation with Salem's Finest Decorators We Feel That We Are Well Qualified to Successfully Cope with Your Every Paint Need. Call Us for Immediate Service. McGILCHRIST & SONS 255 N. Commercial Phone 3-8478 JUST ARRIVED! LARGE SHIPMENT OF WHITE J'POSTURIZED" Tennis Shoes and Oxfords FOR SCHOOL GIRLS MERCON SHOE CO. 357 State St. NEXT TO MIDGET MARKET NO EXTRA CHARGE MAKE YOUR OWN REASONABLE CREDIT TERMS Pay at Utile ai 50c a Week for clentifically-fltted Olanei on Dr. Oalden's Liberal Credit Plan. Tab 3, 10, 13 Months to Payv 1 DAY SERVICE Including ll-focali and TrMocallt EXAMINATION Without APPOINTMENT MMfc, i d rinriiii Hill-in Adactnf fa SEMLER Donlal OFFICES Wafer$ Adolph Bldg., STATE t COMMERCIAL " ' OMICIS ALSO IN lUOINI I POITUNO cowpmic pun MTES CASH Monthly PajmtaU YOU 1 GET 15 ". 12 mot. $100 $ 9.26 $300 22.86 27.78 $500 38.10 46.30 S1000 I 76.19 92.59 Mak Application GET CASH TODAY UP Get a CASH LOAN of '100 1. '1000 OR MORE Auto and Personal Leant COMMERCIAL CREDIT FLAJLV INCORPORATED SALEM AGENCY: 444 Centtr Strut Til. 4181 Above the Floor, the dimin utive TIDY ... a new kind of above -the -floor cleaner. The Answer to All Your Housecleaning Needs On tho Floor, the distin guished .TALL . . . perfect for rug cleaning. Tidy, the IVa pound cleaning wonder that slings over your shoulder by an adjustable strap. Complete set of light weight attach ments clean upholstery, lamps, draperies dust floors, walls, stain spray insecticides and light lacquers. Tall, a marvel of ease and efficiency cleans rugs to perfection. Handle locks in position for easy under-furniture and rug-edge clean ing. Dirt-spotter light hunts out dark-corner dust Easy-to-empty, accordion-top bag. They're the "PERFECT PAIR" right for all your housecleaning needs. Other G-E up right cleaners can also be bought in combin ation with the Tidy. FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty The Portland General Electric Co. vs. SALEM ELECTRIC To All Electric Users, Court actions, such as those by the Portland General Electric Co. endeavoring to keep Salem voters from having their government power and the low rates of Salem Elec tric, are ommon practice of Wall Street corporations in tent on maintaining their lucrative monopolistic position. See Federal Power Commission Report number 59. The purchasing of government power at wholesale, operating on a non profit basis, building of a distributing system and making rate reductions to owner users out of the proceeds; are required of Salem Electric and other gov ernment power distributing systems by the Bonneville Act and other Public Power Acts of our United States Con gress. Salem Electric pays all of the taxes required bv law, including an occupational license tax to the Cities of Salem and West Salem. Its operations are entirely within the laws of the land, even to meeting the requirements of the State Public Utilties Commision. which rejects the filing by and regulation of Municipals. Public Utility Districts, and other customer owned systems, though monopolistic PGE in terests would have it appear that Salem Electric operates illegally. Over the protests of Salem Electric, during its baby hood, PGE got a franchise question on the ballot knowing that it would be defeated. It was. by B3 votes. That company did not then complain about the cost to our city for an election, but today when an election may not be favorable to their exclusive position, they make big issue of the elec tion costs. It could be that some of their lucrative accounts would get away from them, and save for themselves the lucre. Those of Salem Electric who have government power as intended by the Acts of Congress, feel that they should make attempts to place a franchise question before the citizens of Salem so that everybody may enjoy their low cost government power and the service our Salem Electric. However, we must look forward to citizens committees and taxpayers leagues, paid for and sponsored by private monopoly as well as law suits that would take away your right to vite. These schemes are designed to destroy your inherit rlchts and freedoms guaranteed bv nur constitution. They would take away your rights and throw away the keys. The Board of Directors Salem Electric L. R. Tweedie, Secretary Salem, Oregon Paid Adv. by L. R. Tweedie, Sec. Salem Electric, Salem, Ore. SLACKS! Hundreds To Choose From 495.. 650 If you fellows hove not teen our selection you hove a real f reo awaiting you. . ASM;: 260 SO. 12th. PHONE 3-4638 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1948 DRY UP thai Damn Raqpmpnt CZ? I Seal Moisture Out of Walls with B0NDEX Add Color at No Extra Cost I Yes, Bondex does rwo jobs at one low coit. 1. H checks wall dampness. 2. ft brings color. You ean brush on Bondex and really tnjoy your basement. lb. pkg. makat about ) on gallon, white (eofort ifahtiv Mhw) f!5 BONDEX the -patented, ISinejit Paint Color Styling Ideas in the BONDEX Color Chart. Fret, from., Ames Hardware Silverton Oregon Borkman Lbr. & Hdwe. Co. 2460 State St. J. W. Copeland Yards 340 South 12th St. J. W. Copeland Yards West Salem Hutnheon Paint Store 162 North Commercial McGilchrist Paint Store 255 North Commercial F. O. Repine Co. 2585 Portland Road Macy Builders Supply Co. Monmouth. Oregon Dick Meyers dumber Compan; 25 Lana Avenue Ore. Pulp & Paper Company Front & Ferry Sts. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. 254 N. Commercial Salem Hardware Co. 120 North Commercial R. D. Woodrow Co. 325 Center St. Wallace Hardware 2056 North Capitol St. BONDEX HYDRAULIC CEMENT 1 Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs SALEM, OREGON Month - End FEATURES Big day to take advantage of these savings we are offering to you. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th is the day. Shop early in order to insure yourself of these values. Open Every Friday Night Until 9:00 Perfect for School BOY'S CORDS Sizes 6 to 10 Shop Early MAIN FLOOR 298 Just the Thing for Wear MEN'S CORDS Elephant Tan Sizes 29 to 34 MAIN FLOOR 398 Good for Hunting WORK SOX 100 Poir Winter Weight m 0 For Heavy Shoes "f MAIN FLOOR A Real Saving WORK PANTS Green Herringbone Weave Sizes 29 to 33 MAIN FLOOR 199 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL WOMEN'S COVERT COATS Plenty to choose from. Assorted colors. 100 wool. Shop early for this one. 2ND FLOOR 3275 Its' Sure to Rain MEN'S JACKETS 488 Water Repellent Heavy Weight Rubberized Innerlining MAIN FLOOR Fine for School GIRLS' SUITS Two Piece Sizes 7 to 14 100 Wool 590 SECOND FLOOR YOU SAVE WHEN YOU SHOP AT PENNEY'S