' 'I ! V 'J Kk-..-.: :.iJr.VV iiaAVniMBigmriMW R jfK:Y DRESSES . Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 29, 19487 Right Out of HARPER'S - VOGUE - CHARM - MADEMOSELLE I '$ FALL FASHION REVUE! SHOWING AUTUMN'S AND WINTER'S NEWEST AND SMARTEST FASHIONS IN WOMEN'S APPAREL AND ACCESSARIES--- THURSDAY-FRIDAY ELSINORE THEATRE Beginning at 8:30 o'clock Margaret Allyn, Commentator The long line is the correct line lor lall! And Miller's Fall Fashion Revue will demonstrate the "longer line for you look" at the fashion parade at the E!si nore Thursday and Friday nights. With twenty-one models showing approxi mately seventy-five fashion Dicture scenes, fashions for morning, day, after noon, sports, dine and dance to formats with Margaret Allyn of radio fame as commentator, Mrs. Barton at the Wurtlizer Grand and special stage setting. FASHION'S FAMOUS BRANr 'AMES REGULAR PRICES WILL Pix , AIL FOR ENTIRE SHOW. COATS AND SUITS Marjone Colleen Judy Jr. Mize Bon-Ray Lynbrook Jack Huston Koret Sally-Forth Sheila-Lynn Marie Hobbie Babs Jr. Justin McCarty Mademoiselle Winfield Starlight Sergee of Calif. Natalie Nicoli Adorable Bridal Gowns Nelly Don Whitely Tailleuri Stylecraft Vogel Donnybrook Donnybrook Jr. Modish Youthmore Pamm Jean Del Mode Sterling Womancraft Stefan! Furs Hobbies Jantzen Helen Harper Olympic Royal of Calif. Koret of Calif. White Stag Ladyarn Ship n' Shore Trohman and Masket Hendan Pearl Arts MANY OTHER FAMOUS BRAND NAMES WILL BE FEATURED IN ACCESSORIES SUCH AS . . . Peacock Footwear Hansen Gloves, Bags Belle Sharmeer Nylons Charles of the Ritz Make-up Textron Robes, Undies Linda Robes Van Raalte Consolidated Millinery YVONNE GARDNER Modeling a "SALLY -FORTH" FROCK The Movie Show Includes One of the Best Pictures of the Year THE SEARCH" with Montgomery Clift and Wendell Corey ! "CALGARY STAMPEDE ft IN TECHNICOLOR AT REGULAR ELSINORE THEATRE PRICES! PLUS THE FOLLOWING SHORTS DAFFY DUCK CARTOON WARNER NEWS WARNER MUSICALS IIIHIMI IMII HI 'I uin SPECIAL! Miss Catherine Kay, style co ordinator for Belle Sharmeer Hosiery Co., New York, wilt have her models representing the Brev . . . Modlte . Duchess nylons. SALEM , OfilCON . 9 " M ...,IIJIIMHIWI1H1I ijii-M l.j," il M I i tm awMaLiiT:iii8i TmmYnrf i V i ii rr it ridi itvmk A C iMiilh frr' 11 11 r i"r ' V ' r'i 'iCitiuwMt