FOR RENT HOUSES TpTS. SINGLES it double. Everything furnished. 1S10 S. Commercial At. Tip Top Motel. )m332 "mod. CABINS, regaonabl rent. 3500 S. ConVl. g Jm336 oTe"aSI! 6 A., small barn, chicken hit., 5 rm. mod. house, wired for range. 4 blki. from SunnyMde school. High ch, bui by door. IRQ a mo. 1 mo. In ad Yunre. Pb. 27315. jm333 forTent miscellaneous BUSINESS KM. lor rent H L 6:lff. FOR RENT Floor lander. Wallace Hard ware, 2058 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-6I7T. J343 fjjoOVER or Electrolux cleaner with at taehmenta. 11.00 a day. HOWSBK JJHOa. rn, I-SBtB J T DRIVE truck, cars. Ph. 3-0600 J flOOD USED PIAWQCh. L. Stiff. ) rn do a good lob tent a good floor aend r. We ael) everything to eompltt the Job feocsE JACKS, come along, chain and rope hoists, auto tool HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3646 GARDEN TRACTORS, plumblnf too!, paint sprayer, lawn roller, lawn mew era, auto tool, drill, belt and dUe lander, hed?e clipper HOWSER BROS. Ph. 1-3846. ! IRONERS by week Phone 3443B FLOOR SANDER for rent- Montgorr'ry warn. J arm or AY 8 Ozone Good Health. Rent. Sell. H. C. Puth, 664 N. 17th. Ph. 3-4892. J trucks and oar for rent Bmltty's Clip per Service. Ph. 1-S600. Corner Center una unurcn ova WANTED TO RENT VETERAN Se wife and baby want large tinfurn. apt. or small house. Ph. 3-9377. , Mr. c. c- Miriow. jijj ynPNG employed couple desire furnished nt. for rrnt Nov. 1st. No children, pets or drinking. Call 3-8073 between 6 and 8 p.m. Jaaii YOUNG SALESMAN tt family desire nice 2 bdrm. furn. house. Pleas write Box 8. capital Journal. Ja333 Family of three wish furn. he. in Hollywood flia. nest on references, rn 37820. Ja232 'ANT FARM TO RENT up to 300 eore. Use own equipment. Stock myself. Roy Marti, Rt. 1, Aurora. j"3 J. p. EMPLOYEE, wife & child desire 2 or 3 bdrm. lurn. nome. rn. a twin, lata BUSINESS MAN want to lease unfurn. 3 or 3 bdrm. home. Preferably 2 car far., close to Jr. m St ou. rn. z-hth, Ja233 ROOM AND BOARD 1 OR S CHRISTIAN LADIES or couple to share a small modern horn. Ph. 24094 before v a.m. or alter o p.m. jjxj VACANCY at 1563 Court. Room St Board. JJ232 LOST AND FOUND CAME to my ranch about Am. 29. Approx, 40 head of sheep. Owner please pay pasture bill, adv. S: remove. Frank M. Sexton. Rte. 5, Bx. 246. k233 Tost Oold Rlnir In West Salem Sat, Word-EIectrolux on Set. flO Reward. Ph. 3-1835. k233 LOST: Persian kitten all white 3 mo. old one blue eye one copper eye reward Mr. Proebstel 1425 Trade Bt. k233 MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE TO WRECK or move. Call 36361. Henry Martin, Rte. 6, box tJ7A. mu XawnmowERS, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 965 center, rn. ann-u. . m356' LES SPRINGER, men hatter. 464 Court. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES nn HARRY SEMLER DENTIST AHnioh nirfe. stnte & Commercial St SALEM Phone 3-3311. m it AT Vour home electrically. It' con- venlant. clean.-. economical. See us for free estimate. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO.. 255 N. Liberty. IlAVE-YOUR SINGEit Sewing machine repaired by a o.ualllled singer represen tative. Pn. 353.3 lor ire pic up no w it KurvlAA on all makes of machines. Free estimate Riven before work la darted. SLnser Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Comm l. TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS ft GARDENS 6 SACKS 15.00. 110 PER TON FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERB IN SALEM WEST MUSHROOM FARM PH. 8127 EVE. 2-4397 O SEWING mach., repaired, rented. W. Dav- nnnrt. 1010 N. lflth fit. Ph. 37671. m249 DEAD and worthies stock removed on moments notice, rn. j-auuu. m BUILDING MATERIAL vn 17.00 oer sn.: 2x4 No. 4 com., 125.00 per m.; Hi" Maonlte, 10c per sq. ft.: cement. $1.50 per sq. Eola Lumber Co., eaiem, uanas nwnwg), Ph. 3-5950. mmiJ 2x6's No. 3, $50 per Thous, wnue tney lasi. iree cei. West Salem Lumber Co. ftTILDERS Realize a laving by buying lumber direct from manufacturer. Check grade and price at tne West Salem Lumber Co. Locatad Va mil north of Sdnewater it. on Wallace Rd. Free aeiivery, contrac tors discount. Ph. 3-9593. ma235' t4"xt"xt4" REJECT Plywood. While It lasts. 130 per sq. It. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD - ma1 INSULATION and We athe stripping. Cro- foot Brothers. Ph. 246o6. ma" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS at REMINGTON pump and ammunition, 190,00. Ph. 3-8021. m34 GREY FUR coat. Practically new, 830.00, Ph. 3-3582. n3 VHAT DO YOU DREAM ABOUT? If you dream about real heating comfort, bet ter have a Duo-Therm Hepplewhtte Fuel Oil Heater In your home. No more lire tending, wood mopping, coai naui Ing, dirty soot, ashes or worry. Power- Air Blower slashes fuel casta up to 2-1. See the Duo-Therm Hepplewhlte now at Good Housekeeping, Ph. 3-9811 467 Court St. n232 DEER RIFLE, 30.06. Good cond. With 10 boxes shells. 160. 09 Evergreen Ave, n334 11-IN. TABLE Saw. h.p. electric mo tor, cheap. 401 View St.. Harder Add! tlon, Dallas, Ore on. n334 BOAT A Trailer, 165.00. 436 N. 18th. n232 WARD'S CEMENT OR FEED MIXER mix a batch a minute) Three 1- pleee fins mix cement or feed thor emhlr. l-ea.. 2 cu. ft. slef) hopper. rigidly braced anzle Iron frame. Easy to move, mounted on steel w nee is. Reg. S7.M. During Sept. Sale only ....148.44 WARDS FARM STORE TRADE ft HIGH STS. SALEM. ORE. n333' i BEDS, spring', mattresses lewinx ma chine, gas range. 470 N. Church. n234' CHEAP hot water. Factory bit. drum type trash burner, 30 ft. copper coll, 116.00 TJPRIGHT piano. Reasonable, 1540 Pearl, n234 MTLf-EV. 200 mD. arc replder ued about 1 nr. COitS 8155.00. Will fell for 8140.00. can be een at Tom Gordon Oar aie in Shaw. Oregon. n234 DEER RIFLES perfect cond. Ph. VRADK 19 IS GLIDER trailer for bow n23 'j Sewing machine, sto Trade st .4 3A-,f,7. 1 36752. I lt-TN. Lf5i J plete wl . LOOAN metal turning lath com Condition. 1940 S." Cottage. Ph. 38400. I 8 POUT trcller, double bd. Ire hng ter link. ? birnr sat plate, (julre at ChemaTa Store. 1)313 6 ga In. B231 UVU Sat. P&oai 15)12. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LADIES' grey Persian Umb cott. Bit in. ie.uv. Min i overeoet, T,og. Ph. 35271. " Bl32 DAVENO CHAIR, wine colored; elec. range, a.b o. washer, Call after eves' uia n. winter n333 BOCK LATHE, plywood, Plastic glass creen. lavatory, toilet. FmUh lumber. umer DUiiaini material. Ph. 18801. JAP CARBINE HEAVY Lug, altered to 100 lavage. 165. iuju wnoer. nJ33 DAVENO, 9i 11. Btfilow rug, like new. 334 . uapitoi. n233" I.H.C. 10-10 rubber tired tractor, 1 In ter. TD-6 dleael. light A ctarter. Crelghton Jone, Otrvlej, Oregon. Salem Ph. 31843. ' n333 SLASH FUEL POHTSl You cm Java UP to 36 on fuel bill with a Duo-Therm Chippendale Fuel Oil Healer and the exclusive Powr-Alr Blower. Come In. Ask about oay terms at-- OOOD HOUSEKEEPING Ph, S-96U 481 Court Bt. nasi CUSTOM AIRE Circulator, 10", 145.00. wonmn uu circulator, , iio.oo, rn. 3-6838. 33B5 Triangle Drive. n233 roR SALE Deer rifle, 18-55 Winchester lever action. 38-30 Martin lever ac tion, 35 Remington pump. Will sell two of the three. F. O. Loveland, Box 293, R R. 8. nJ32 HARD TO OET cartridge foreign and domestic. Also fine 30 66 rifle, Texan cope. V. M. Backett 1610 So. Winter, Salem. Phone 1.4813. nil 4 LANGE RANGE with oil burner ft blower. 1435 Oeorge St., Woodburn. Ore. Ph. Blue 253. n234 30-10 KBKG BPOETER, 40 rounds of am munition. Set chief of police, West fin lem. n332' WHY NOT SEE THE CLOCK DOCTORT 190 s. 14th St. nail GARDEN 8Ar?h. Gravei. crushed roefc snovei ft drag-line excavating wall- ling SAND ft GRAVEL CO, Ph. 1-9349 SALEM SAND ft ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Dlteblm Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 1ft B H yd. 12.00 per hr 10 B yds. 9 60 per hi D-7 Oat A Dozer 9.60 per hr D-6 Oat ft Doxer 8.40 per hr. D-4) Cat ft Dozer 1.00 pr hi Phone Day 9408 Evening 8246 or 34400 Salem, Oregon o' WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveway cement, ready mix concrete, garden and. Bulldozing, drainage ann ditching K-yd. shovel and drag line. Ph, 39249. WYSS ALL ALUMINUM sprinkler Irriga tion lystems avauaoie tor immemau delivery. We have received our final carload of aluminum tubing for this season Call or writ Montgomery Ward Farm Btora, irrigation Depart ment Salem, Ore., for complete sit mate of your requirement n1 NEW COLLINS lec. hot water heater. Sell for 20 off Ph. 34284. n STEEL clothesline posts. Railing In stock. to oraer. ins w. iiioeriy. n3 ELECTROLUX CLEANER ft air purifier. Complete with attachments. 169.75. 191 8. High. Ph. 7719. n334 SEE US for harvest bag of all kinds. We specialize in cleaning at menaing. h.. 8. Bag Co, 347 Kearney St. Ph plant, 3-1877. n CEDAR' POSTS. Ph. 68F32. n334 HEAT YOUR home eleotrloally. It's con venient, clean, economical. Sea u lor free estimates. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty. 8a WRECKING A HOUSE. 481 N. Front. 2"x4"'s 36 per thousand. Sheeting $26 per thousand. Windows ft doors. One complete bathroom. Madsen Wrecking Co. n233 WOOD or Coal range, also hot water tank. r. u. uonaia, sjh ntatesman tit. naja DEER RIFLE 32-40 Winchester, very good cona. utti jsagewaier, jsvei. alter . n233 30-06 SPRINGFIELD SPORTER. 2 boxes shells. 185.00. 1030 Wllber St. n233 COW fertilizer, 15 per sq. yd., or 19 per load. pn. 3-bdzi. 2-WHEEL CRAFTSMAN band saw. V, horse motor, bench and 20-Ioot exten sion cord. 6 blades. 6 week old. Will sacrifice. 1155 Spruce. n233 OIL CIRCULATOR, exc.i elec. range, good. Ice box, awful. Ph. 23018. n333 USED elec. range 122.50, steel bed, toilet. kitchen cabinet with sink, floor lamp. 610 So. Com'). n237 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT sawmill logs. 16 ft. to as long as you want to haul them. Prefer 40 ft. or longer. Silver ton 3283. na237 CASH PAID for sewing machines, heads or complete. Any make or cond. Ph. 3-7671. na241 WANTED Barkle pole 30 to 80 feet. Call conecc uu Aioany, or write etanaara Pole ft Piling Co., P.O. Box 283, Albany, for new price list. na234 WANTED Sewing mach., any cond. Sundal Excb. 594 N. Liberty. Ph. 35511. USED FURNITURE. Phone 9165. PERSONAL I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted tor by other than myself. Virgil L. Garst. Sept. 27. 1948. p233 DR. J. A. Rombough. Naturopathic and chiropractic physician. 260 3rd St., In dependence, Ore. Phone 320. p245 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P. O Box 724. Phone 35234. p31I AUTOMOBILES lfMR FORD Vanette Delivery truck. ton heavy duty chassis, 6 cyl. engine. 12,500. Tel. 3-5318 or 2-9136. q234 1947 DODGE '4 -ton, 38.000 actual miles. Exc. cond., 4 speed trans., new rear tires ft heater, 11250. CHEV. Va-ton. Clean ft solid motor. Complete overhaul. New upholstery. Good cond. 1650. 220 Elm a Ave. Ph. 21248. q233- 31 CHEV. 4-door sedan, good condition. Phone 22025 or see 3440 Sunny view. q235 Cnop TOP '32 Ford coupe, chaneled body with act down frame. "41 Mercury mo tor, hydraulic brakes, chrome dash. For sal or trade, 8800. 1537 N. Winter 8t. q232 1M7 WINDSOR CHRYSLER sedan. RftH. extras 49S 1(M7 FORD SIX 1-ton express pickup, overlds., RftH 11695 See at, 1625 N. 30th St. q232 FOR SALE: 1934 Ford coupe. 1940 en a me. 1125.00. 1040 Monroe Ave. q233 SI CHEV. flat bed truck. 440 Mill St. after 5:30 p.m. 133Z 1930 OLD CONV. RftH ft aearehlt. Good buv at 1398.00. call at iasa n. unurcn. Apt. 3 after 6:00 p.m. 1334 Rebuilt Ford Motors ..$179.50 Rebuilt Plymouth Mtrs.. $189.50 (INSTALLED) Pay Cash Pay Less REIMANN'S MOTOR CO, 3250 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7110 q333 LATE 'I NASH 5-pass epe., clean, good cond., nearly new rubber. 1675 Ber ry. Ph. 34697. ASSa 1936 HUDSON. New clutch ft trans. Heat er, good transportation. 1225. 340 mi ble St. Ph. 21316. 0,334' 19 MODEL A pickup. Covered back. Re built motor, 8160.00. 1230 Oxford. q233' GENERATORS REBUILT. Trailer xles mad to order. Fair prices. 12th 8t. Junction Auto Wrecker. Ph. 28308 q340 FIRST HAND - SECOND HAND FIRST HAND Quality Second hand car. Olio J. Wilton Company q232 WANTED Good Cleab ears Square Dea 0ed Cart H5S S i3tb a OUR REPUTATION depetxn on your sat is 1 action, mm used car. 240 N. Church WANTED TJSZD CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRING YOUR CAR flERI Wl WILL PAY VOt) WHAT IT 8 WORTB ANL'tRSON C6FD CARS ttO CENTER BT. PHONI J-17J4 AUTOMOBILES USED CAR Investigate Our Lowest 1947 Ford Four-Dr. Sedan. 1947 Ford Convertible, Overdrive, R&H. 1947 Ford Two-Door Sedan. R&H. . 1946 Ford Two-Door Sedan. R&H. 1946 DeSoto Sedan. R&H. 1946 Ford Convertible. R&H. 1941 Chrysler Royal Coupe. 1940 Mercury Four-Door WARNER MOTOR CO. New Location 545 Center St. Salem's Finest Used Car Bargain Corner "Buy, Trade or Sell, We Treat You Well" This Week's "Get Acquainted" Special! 1946 Ford De Luxe Coupe $1445 Heater and snooper light. A reconditioned and guaranteed car. CHECK THESE, TOO Chevrolet Fleetline Aero Sedan, radio and heater plus other accessories. Clean as a pin. 1946 Chev. Fleet Master Coupe 1946 Ford DeLuxe Tudor 1942 Lincoln Sedan, radio and heater. A dandy! 1942 Studebaker Sedan-Coupe, R&H, overdrive. 1941 Ford Super De Luxe Sedan 1941 Ford Super De Luxe Tudor, radio Yes, we have some used truck bargains, too Valley Motor Co. Lot Onter at High Phone 3-3147 Open Evenings by Appointment ZIP! ZUPI ZEP! OR ZEEB SAYS COME OUT TO 2325 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD WHERE PARKING IS PLENTIFUL, TRADING IS E-Z Sharp 1947 Chevrolet convertible, radio and heater, lots of extras $2395 Sharp 1946 Chevrolet Aero, sedan, extras, only $2095 Sharp 1947 Mercury 4-door sedan, R. and H. $2095 Good 1941 Ford, newly reconditioned, R&H . .$1195 Good 1941 Chevrolet 5-passenger coupe, R&H $1395 AUTOMOBILES LOOK WE ARE SURE YOU WILL FIND THE. USED CAR YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR AT TEAGUE'S BLG DOWN TOWN USED - CAR - LOT LOWER PRICES BETTER TERMS ALL CARS GUARANTEED 1947 Ford 4 -Door Sodan 1946 Buick Super 4-Door sedan 1941 Dodge 4-Door Sedan 1941 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan 1941 Hudson Tudor Sedan 1941 Bulck 4-Door Sdan 1941 Nash 4-Door Sedan 1940 Studebaker 4-Door Sedan 1940 Pontlac 5-Pasa. Coup 1940 Nash 4-Door Sedan 1939 Ford Coupe 1937 Ford 4-Door Sfdan 1937 Chevrolet Tudor Sedan MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM YOUR KAISER-FRAZER DEALER , TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 352 N. Commercial, . Telephone 24173 q235 1985 HUDSON. Good cond. 844 Marlon. qJ32 in CHEV. 4-DR. RftH. Good cond. Prtes Used Cars. West Salem. q334 10 FORD 2-DR. Original paint, new mo tor. 11095. Pete Used Cars, West Sa lem. q234 10 FORD 4-DR. Clean, 11745. Pete Used Cars, West Salem. q!34 IN FORD 4-DR. Custom Interior, PftH, Pete's Used Cars. West Salem. q234' 17 FORD crE. Clean, 11795. Pete' Used Cars, West Salem. q334' 1910 FORD 4-door deluxe sedan. I960 Cn ter St. ' q234 HOME-MAC r. tractor. Full track. Four cylinder Chev. engine. Equipment in cluded, 1200. Lloyd Relnwald, 3170 8 Com l. St. Phone 2-4523. q235' PONT1ACS HERRALL OWENS CO. 660 N. Llbtrty Ph. 1-4113 This Tim It' HUDSON t Serrte Salt Part Horn ol Good Used Cara 8HROCK afOTOR OO Church ft Chemektta Bt. Ph. 3-9101 We Buy Used Cars FOR HIGHEST PRICKS SEK Teague Motor Co. 155 N. Liberty Phon 34172. q MOTORCYCLES. SCOOTERS WHIZZES MOTORBIKE, Cheap. Call af- U: . HX. 365M. 3J! (AUTOMOBILES VALUES Payment Plan Rates R&H. R&H. Sedan. R&H. Ph. 2-2487 q33S MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTErlS 1942-45 HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcycle. uooa conaiuon. 000. 991 Kingwood Ave., West Salem. qa333 INDIAN WORLD'S FINEST MOTORCYCL1 Repairing all make and model. BHROCK atOTORCYCLB SALES 1007 Portland Rd. Ph. 31431 a' FINANCIAL GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS -13I and U-J39 and ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 6, Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161. SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST Up to 40 Year and NO Commission! Leo N Child, Inc. REALTORS S44 State St, - Phone 33661 233 PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms on larger loan long and short Mm pay menu ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St. Phon 3-9161 INFORMAL LOANS $25 to $500 YES. A LOAN UP TO 6300 ON FURN! TURE, SALARY. UP TO 1500 ON AUTO FROM PERSONAL FINANCE CO. IS AH INFORMAL LOAN. INFORMAL becaune you deal with Juit INFORMAL because you select the mommy repayment amount. INFORMAL became there no "itand ard" security required: furniture, car, equipment, livestock, machinery are ae cepiaoi oasis lor a loan. Phone or see the YES UANAGKR today 11a - ye to out 01 t. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Ph. 3-3464 R. 0 11 Inter. Managi 61 Btat Rm 138 Lie. B123-M168 r334' AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 190 State Street - old quarter nri National Bank L.cente No U-169 S-1M FARM AND CITY LOANS 4 and 6 TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment wlthli reason. Cash for Real Estate Contract ano second Mortgage. CAPITOL sEcimnTra 00 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 37163. 44 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE OO. 11 K High St Ltc R-216 U-393 TRAILERS NEW U-mtl trailer. 4 bd. cooking XTMUOS unit. PA. 16934 tt 14417. 4350' TRAILERS tTEEAMLTTE trailer, sleep 4. Good condition. Inquire between 1-6. 190 una Ave. tui FT. TRAILER house. Inlaid linoleum. Full house ua enamel gas ranie. in ternational circulating heater. A real neat ana clean house. Price 1650 cash. Inquire manager Fir Orest Trailer Park, on River Road, tight out Front irert north. ' tJ34 CAMP TRAILER Complete with rooking compartment. Bitrpt 2. c tie a p. call al ter 6 p.m. at 83B Chadwiok St., Silver ton, Orejon. tlll 194S INDIAN TRAILER. Sleep 4. Fully equipped. Bargain, S850. 310 Taylor. Ph. 33686. t232 FT. 1946 ELCAR trailer house in A-l cond., all modern. Will sacrifice for quirk sale. Call eve. after 5:30. 3015 Portland Rd. 1233 TRANSPORTATION DRIVING to San Francisco Oct. 14. See Mrs. Barnrs, Apt. 4, 639 Center. x234 LEAVING SEPT. 30 for Los Angeles, 1 pas senger to hare expenses. Se Wayne Fields. 1330 S. lflth St.. Apt. 3. X232- DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes usrd machine, sold rented repaired. Roen, 456 Court. Phone 3-6773. AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day phone 1-9286. Night 1804. 333 Center. 0s AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co. 153 8. Liberty. Ph. 3-5955. 0 ke Panek. 275 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake ft wheel aligning specialist. 0234 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, rond bldg., clear Ing teeth for brush Virgil Huskey. 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 23146, Salem. O340 BULLDOZING, GRADING Bulldozing, grading, clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Geo. Wirth, 840 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 31367. o244 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA register. Ail make told, rented, repaired Roen 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. 0' CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling. Ph. 2-4850. 515 S. 21St St. 0234' CEMENT WORKS General Cement Contracting, Cliff Ellis, 1905 N. 19th St. Phone 3-4071. OZ44' CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys, vacuum cleaned. Enaley, 771 8. 21t St. Ph. 3-7176. o234 CO-iJRACTOR Alt Brothers Bldg. Contractors. Phones Salem 3-2780, SUverton Black 175. o234 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. 0234 Btelthaupt's for flowers, Dial 3-9179. o AWNMOWER SHARPENING MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phon 3-4069. METAL STAMPING METAL STAMPING, machining, die work, Your idea or patents put on produc tlon basis. Ph. 2-5590. 643 Ferry. 1 o245 MOVING AND HAULING Moving and hauling. Ph2-2395. 0234 MUSIO LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Man dolln. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court, Ph. 8-7569. 0266 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, afe. duplicator and supplies, desk lamp, typewriter stands, brief cases. Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 456 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger, Ph. 36072. Painting, Spray or Brush. Ph. 2-( Elf strom'e are equipped to do your painting. Phone 2-2403. o PAINTING Si PAPERflANGING Painting and pa per hanging. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513 857 Shipping. a344 COUPLE, Exp. painters, want work. Also wall papering, rn a-aaae. Mr. kom. O240" PA PER HANG ING Expert Paperhangtng and painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-3015. Free est. o247 PLASTERING FREE ESTIMATE. Ph. 3-4830 eve. o241 PLUMBING DECATUR A MAF.HZ, plumbing, electrical supplies, water systems, uenerai repair work. Phone 3-6223, 173 8. Com'l. o24! RADIO SERVICE Ray Moore Reopens Oct. 15. SAND AND GRAVEL BAR RUN GRAVEL TOP SOIL Cat. Shovel 4; Truck work of all kinds. LLOYD M. HILL, INC Ph. 8-4367 Rt. 2, Bog 33B 0246 Oarden Soil, crusned rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand Ac Gravel Co. Phone 3-9249. o SF.YVER SERVICE Electrlo Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor-sharp steel cutting blades Clean aewers or drains Snptlc tanks cleaned reasonable. Ph. 3-5327 or 3-9468. o SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468 - 3-5327. OU34 K. F. HAMKLs Septic tanks cleaned. Bpr.r- tan eirctrical srwer mncninc scrv. moo. eenn. Easy method clears lines of roots, grease, etc. 1143 6th St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0246 TRANSFER A STORAGE Local St Distance Transfer, storage. Burner oils, coal briquets. Trucks to Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California points Larmer Transfer it Storage. Ph. 3-3131. TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington. Royal and Underwood portables. All make used machine. Repair and rent. Roen, 45fi Court o VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. Ph. 3-7328. VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Laundry & Repair Service. Pick-up A Delivery. Ph. 2-1B03. o255 WEATIIERRTRfPPINO Free estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5965. oil 5 WINDOW CLEANINU Acme Window Cleaner. Window, wall A woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Court. Lang doc. Culberuon and Mather WELL DRILLING WOOD RAWINfi R. B. Cro.J. Ph. 38178 or 3B874, WOOD it SAWDUST West Salem Puel Co Ph. 34031 LODGES I. O. O. F meets every Wednesday nignu vis Itors Welcome Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every Tuesdfty at 8 pjn More than a million members A Salem Lodge No. 4. A.F. rV tjRVAM. Wed. Sept, Z, MM rw degree, 7:30 p.m. 233' A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201. 24B VTw Com 1 Rt. Tiir-Miay, Rpr - v 28. 7:n p.m MM. 232' Journal Want Ads Pay Stocks Advance 1 to 2 Points New York, Sept. 28 ) Strength In rails and oilc boost ed the stock market a little higher today in a gentle re bound from yesterday's sharp break. The volume was around 1,000.000 shares. Steels and most other groups, with the exception of utilities, followed along. Leaders gained from 1 to 2 points, but the ma jority were fractions to around a point higher In late trading. The market opened with a rush that developed into a mix ed affair with rails and oils heading upward but others in a mixed and narrow range. Within a short time the whole market inclined up. Utilities were an exception. They added small fractions for the most part and maintained a steady tone-. Phillips Petroleum announc ed a 35 cent per barrel increase in their crude buying price, and the stock gained more than 2 points. Other oil stocks were up major fractions to around 2 points. Among the wider gainers were Santa Fe, Nickel Plate, U. S. Steel, Kennecott, Phillip Morris, Y. S. Gypsum, Richfield Oil, Standard Oil (NJ), Texas Co., and Sinclair. Warren Pleads lor National Unity Concord, N. H., Sept. 28 m Gov. Earl Warren, lepublican vice presidential nominee, said today he was- "more interested in national unity than in win ning the election." The GOP running mate of Gov. Thomas E. Dewey told 1, 000 delegates at the republican state convention here: "Whatever happens, we want to come out of this election cam paign as a united nation. That is more Important than a re publican victory on November 2." "These are troublesome times," Warren said. "Anything can happen, any day. I am more interested in national uni ty than In winning the elec tion." The California governor said national unity was what the American people want most. Colonies of thnusnnHc rt In sects, which feed on the banyan and other oriental trees, pro duce the animal resin lrnnum commercially as lac, base of shellac. Stocks Quotations (By the Associated Press) American Can Am Pow It Lt Am Tel At Tel Anaconda Bendlz Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Cnllf Packing , 34H , 35 'i Canndlan Pacific Case J i Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth At Sou Cons Vultee Continental Can , Crown Zrllcrbftch Curtlss Wright D nun Ins Aircraft Dupont de Ncm , General Electrlo , General Foods General Motor , nnodyear Tire , tnt Harvester , fnt Paper ,. , , Knnnccnlt .. Llbby MrN fe L ; , Long Bell "A" , Montgomery Ward Nash Kdvlnator Nat Dnlrr NY Central Northern Pnciflo Pac Am Fish Pnc Ons Sz Fleo Pac Tel z Tel Penny J O , Radio Corp ., Rnyonter Rayonlrr Pfd Reynolds Metal Richfield finfpway Stores .Scars Roebuck . 51S , 55 . 34 , 10 'i . 33 '4 37'4 , 59 '4 . 44'fc , 27 , 55 , 55 'k . 0'i , 25 , 53 '4 , 16 Ti ' 16 'i . 10 T4 Southern Pacific Standard Oil Cat Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Tranxamerlca us , 31ft Union Pacific United Airline , . 114j . 76 'i S. Steel Union Oil Cal Warner Bros Plo LEGAL NOTICE OF OWNERSHIP Notice Is herrby given that Alton L. Pierce s no Innger a partner In the Pumlllte Block St Supply Co.. Mr. L. F, Sheriff an and Mr. Stanley M. Hammer are the sole remaining partners. 232 WHAT AVERAGE AMERICAN PAYS IN TAXES L 41ssa aJv'T . I'Vii'ln 1 Prf capita total- If If ti0&OUDC:U 3 flog AU Of cffijffirflt iH Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Market Quotations Saleaa Livttlere Marvel By Valley Packing Company) Lambs t!9.0 Yearling 110 00 to 113 00 Ewe 12 00 to 17. SO Fat dairy row 114 50 to 1 15. f0 Cutler cows 11100 to 115.00 Dairy heifer M6.00 to 11600 Bull 117.00 to JSVOO Calves 1300 to 450 lb.O ..115.00 to S32.00 Veal (150-300 lbs. I choice. 124 00 to 125.00 Hogs Prices paid within 25o of Port land price for each type. Portland Frodure Ruiterfat Tentative, au&Ject to Imme diate change. Premium atiality maximum Portland 76-79o lb., first quality 71-74C lb.; second quality 69-72c lb.; valley route and country point, le 1 than first. Ru Her Wholesale, F.OB, bulk eube grade AA, 93 score, 72c lb.; A, 92 score. 72c lb.; B, 90 score, 67c; C. 89 icore, 660 lb. Above price are strletly nominal. Cheue Selling price to Portland whole sale, Oregon singles, 60-55c, Oregon 6 lb, loaf, 53 -57c. Triplet Vie less than sin gles. Kgga ( Te wholesaler) A grade large, 63,i-66'fcc. medium, 604j-611bc, A small 46-51',c: B grade large, 52-58 4c. Egga Purchased from farmer. Current receipts 55Vft-SBl,-ei buyer pay 3-3 Vic pre mium lor eggs. Portland Dairy Market Butter price to retailer. Grade AA prints, 17e: AA eartons, 78c; A prlnU, 77e; A eartons, 78c; B prints, 73c. lege Price to retailer: AA large 74-78C, certified A large 69e doi.: A large 65-68c; AA medium, 68e; certified A medium, 65c; A medium 62-64c; A small, 51-53c: carton 2c additional. Cheeta Price lt retailers: Portland. Oregon singlet, 50-6 7c; Oregon loaf, 6 lb., o3-59c; triple Via less than singles. Poultry Live Chicken Paring price to produfl- s; No. 1 broilers undrr 2' lbs. 37-38c lb.; fryrm 3 to 3 lbs., 41-43c lh.; 3 to 4 lbs., 41-42c lb.; roasters 4 lbs. and over, 41 -42c lb.; fowl, Leghorns, under 4 lbs., J8-29C lb. i over 4 lb., 38-39o lb.i colored fowl all weight. Xi-33o lb.t stag, ail weights, 16-19c. Rabb ta Average to retailer I or local ly dreaded animals, B8-62o; fryer, live white, 32-33o lb.i colored. 80-31ei old or heavy, 15.18c, Rabbits Dressed, mull, 60-050. Portland Miscellaneous Caicara Bark Dry 3 Do lb., green 76 lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grade. 45e lb. Mohair 35a lb. on 12-month growth. Hidei Calve 30o lb. according to weight kips 20o lb.i green beef ll-12c lb.: built, 8-9c lb.; country buyers pay 3c les. Nut Quotations Walnuts Fratiqulttf first quality Jum bo. 34.7c; large, 32.7c; medium, 27.2c; second quality Jumbos, 30.3c; large, 38.3c; medium, 36.3oi baby, as. 3c; soft shell first quality large, 39.7c; medium, 26.3; aeo and quality large 37.3c; medium, 24.7c; baby, 22.2c. Filberts Jumbo, 30e lb.i large, 18ci medium 16e, amall 13c (Quotation above supplied by North west Nut Growers Quotation are on the basl of 100-lb. bag purchases fob plant.) Salem Markets Completed from reports of flu lem dealer for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Reader. (Revised dally.) Retail Feed Price Rag Math 14.90. Rabbit Feed Pellet I4.M. Dairy Feed 13-90. Poultry: Buying Prices No. 1 colored hens, 30-31c; No. t Leghorn hens, 38c; No, 1 colored fryers, 3 lbs. and up 43c; No. 1 fryert, 3'.i-3 lbt 3 Be lb; No. : old rooster, 14-1 5o. Kget! Buying Prlrea Large grade AA, 66-69C, A grade 68c; mediums, 5B-63c; pullets, 42-43C. crnx, 36-40C Wholesale Prlre AA grade, 13c: A grade 72c; meritumi, 66-67c; pullets, 48-50e dos. Butterfat Premium, 77-78c; No. 1, 72 73c; No. 2. 65-70c; (Buying prices). Bulter Wholesale A, 77o. Retail, grade A, 82c. Portland T.lrrnlorV Porlland, Ore., Sept. 26 (U.W Livestock: Cattle salable 300; calve 25; market very alow. Few beef cow and beef steers about steady with late Monday when most of the early advance had been lost. Canner and cutter cows steady: bulls weak to 10c or more lower; few medium steers 27-27.50; no good led steers availa ble; few common grades 20-23; rommnn mcdlum helfrra 19-36; load good beef cows 21 sorlrtl; canner and rows mostly 13.50-16. Good herf bulls 24-24.50; good venlcra up to 27; heavy calves sala ble 25 down. Hogs nalable 100; market steady with Monday's close or 50c below early that dale; Rood-rholre 160-330 lbs, largely 30.50, one lot 30.75: 270 lbs. 2R.50; good 350-600 lb. sown 25. 60-26. 50; feeder pigs salahle 31-13; one apprlnliy lot 100 lb. weight 33, Sheen salable 200: market steady: gooct- ehnlre spring lambs 21.50-22; good year lings 17.50-le; goon ewes salable 9-B.oQ. Chkain Livestock Chicano, Sept. 26 fPi (UAHA) Salable hoes 7.SO0. total 11.500; alow; butcher mostly 60 cents lower; sows unevenly 60 cent to 1.00 lower: most off on sows over 400 lb.i.: top 29.35 sparingly; bulk giod and choice 200-280 lb. 2R. 50-21100; few 260-330 lb. 27.00-26.50: few loads 375 450 lb. 25.00-26.35; limited number 160 190 lb. 27.00-38.50: good and choice sows under 330 b. 26.50-27.50: few 27.75: 350 375 lb. 25 00-26.00; 41)0-450 lb. 24.00-25.00; 475-6O0 lb. 23.00-24.00. Salable cattle 4500, total 4700: salable calves 700. total 700; slaughter steers and hrtfers steady with Monday's close; low grade cows fully steady; beef cows slow, about steady; bulls steady to weak: veal era firm: three loads choice to prime fed steer held above 40.60; miut good and choice fed s'rers 30 00-38.00; load me dium 1400 lb. Wyoming grass steers 24.00; lond hlKh-choIco 1036 lb. led hrlf. ers 36.00: most good and choice heifers 27. 50 -3ft. 00: good western cows bid 23 00: canner and cutters largely 15 00-17.00; medium and good saiisane bulls 21.50- 23.00: bulk medium to choice vealers 29 00-33.00; Storker and feeders slow, 60 cents to 1.00 lower for two days; choice 443 lb. steer calves 28.60. Salable sheep 3000, tnlul 5000: active; slauKhler lambs opened 75 cents high er; five cars good to rlioice Washington spring lambs averaging around 9 ft lb. 28.00; load medium to good Monlanas 24.75; bulk good and choice native spring lamb held around 26.00; scattered early : sales slaughter ewes around 50 cents j higher; few mixed common to good na- tlve lot 10.00: three cars of western 1 ewes unsold. Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1646-1 Buying Boosts Grain Prices Chicago, Sept. 2R (IP) C mercial and commission h buying boosted grain fut prices today. Corn was up n than 3 cents a bushel and wl about 2 cents at times. Reports of export bush boosted corn prices. Anot factor was reports that the ernment loan rate may be a $1.43 on arms, or about $ Chicago basis. There was mill buying wheat. News of sales of Ca dian wheat to India and Sol Africa also encouraged buyirj Wheat closed 1 to tVt eJ higher than the previous finl I) T i OCT . I uenMUDtfr ni-7,, uuru up 2 Vi to 3 Vi cents, Decern $11.39-1.39 ', oats were hi er, December 73 and H beans were 4"i to 2 hig December $2.40V-V4. Greyhound Denied Feet for Loading Zor! The city council doesn't thil the public should be depriu of 64 feet of automobile pal ing space in front of the nl Greyhound bus station una construction on North ChuJ street. It denied the eompanl application Monday night. The space la wanted br bus people as a loading and i loading tone not for buses, but for private cars earn ing persons to the depot a meeting them there. City Enl neer J. H. Davis told the coil ell lt would be a permanent oo cession. Alderman Maple said would not be In favor of givii the Greyhound company a foot loading zone anywhere. Pakistan Launches Anti-Red Drive Karachi, Sept. 38 WV-Tl government of Pakistan hai 1 gun an anti-communist drivt all provinces, lt wai announce here today. Polic aald thfl have arrested about a dozd top-ranking communist leadel in, roundups at Lahore. Peshl war, Rawalpindi and KaracH Other leaders apparently ha gone underground and polio are itlll trailing them. The government accuses tn communists of sabotage an spreading false reports aboil government leaden. DEATHS Mel R. Eoff In Yakima, Wash., September 26. R. ICoff. late resident of Yakima, at ti age of 61 year. Survived by hi wife, Hul da B. Eoff of Yakima; two chlwrel Mrs. Isabel Roth and Robert P. Bofl both of Seattle; five sister. MH Georgia Miles of Olymplft. Waarl Mrs. Grace Hlbler and Mrs. Juarl Ita Paulus, both of Salem, Mrs, AHhJ Hartley or Los Angeles, end Mr. Selerl Hayes of Bnkersfleld. Calif.: threw broui era. Henry Eoff of Sherwood. Oregon. sen Koff of Shelton, Wash., and Cllfforl Eoff of Portland: and four grandehlldr Graveside services will he held In Sales Wednesday. September 39, at 3 p.m. nrl der the direction of W. T. Rlgdon oi pany. Chirlee Gregg Charles R. GreKg, late resident of ' Wilbur street, at a local hospital, Sa4 urday, September 36. Survived by hi wifJ Mrs. Stella P. Gregg of Salem: threi daughters, Mrs. Ruby Nolan and Mra Helen Wright In California, and Mr Lornine uratier or smem; tnrea sons. Eanj A. Gregg and Glenn II, Gregg, both Rend, and Lloyd Gregg of Salem; etghl grandchildren and two treat grandchtll dren. Service will be held Wednesday Sr t ember 39, at 1:30 p.m. at the dough I Rarrlck chapel with Dr. Charles Durdea officiating. Interment In Belerest Meml orlal park, Henry M. Tloffman Henry M. Hoffman, late resident Manxanlta, at Tillamook, Sunday, Sepl remoer is mirviven bv nil parents, Mri and Mr. Marrun Hoffman: two sister J Mrs. Ruth Huber and Judith Hoffman! and an uncle, Otto Peterson, all of Man! Jianlta. Announcement of service! latefl by Clough-Rarrlck company. Roy Milton Herrmann In France. Auguit 19. 1944. Roy lillto Herrmann, at the age of 19 years. Sur-I vlved by his parents. Rev. and Mrs. Hi u. Herrmann oi Monroe, Oregon; and sinter, Carol Rcrnfecr Herrmann of flaleml ninerai nervires will ne held from tha Ftrnt Methndlat church, Salem, Wednei-I day, October B. at 2 p.m. with Rev. Brook Moore offlrlattng. Interment In the Lea MISKlon cemetery. OBITUARY Mitchell LeMarr Conn Falls City Oravenlda funeral servicai wehe held for Mitchell LaMarr Conn ol Forrent Grove it the Dallas eemeter Friday. He wm as months old and wai the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Conn of For rent. Orove. Mm. Conn will be re membered ad Rub Ann Tome, the dauRh-l ter ni judge waiter Tooae, jr., or port land. Shelby F. r.alnea Independence, Sept. 37 Funeral Mrf ice were held Monday for Shelby P. Gaines at the Walter L. Smith mortuary in Independence. Rev. V. O. Eggebraaten, pastor of the Baptist church, officiated and interment was In the I OOF cemetery south of Independence. Shelby pierson Oalne. son of John and Lucy Galne, was born near Elk City. Nebr.. on April 3. 181 and died In Salem September 34 at the age of 67 years. He u survived by his widow, Mrs. Ethel Oalne: two sons. Wesley Gaines of Independence ami Arthur Gaines of Patterson. Idaho: three dnuahters. Mrs. Lura Parrlsh and Mr. Vera Joynt r of Independence and Mr. Mary Klein of Salem and seven grano- children. Mm. Mamya Trier Independence Services were held fof Mrs. Mamye Tyler from the Walter L. Smith mortuary Sunday. Mrs. Tvler died In Salem September 23 at the age of 61 year, 7 mnnlh. Rev. C. O. Heath, pastor of the Met hod Wl church officiated and Interment was In the Fir Crest remeterf south or Monmouth. Mrs. Tyler was born In Warsaw, Win., on February 13. 1896. She moved to thli community from Cen tral!, Wash., about It years ago. 8h Is survived by her husband, Phillip Ty ler; her mother, Mm. Anna Miller; hf father, .tame Canfleld; on daughter. Mm. Beverly Palmer; three son. Leter, ,Um an telehton Ptuard and f"'if brothers Clurenra Jame. Floyd & Charla Canfleld. w