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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1948)
(Capital Journal, Salem, Ort., Monday, Sept. 27, 1948 COMMUNITY CHEST DIVISION LEADERS W1 Russell Pratt, chairman of the contractors and bulldera di vision takei tome time from hit transfer and storage busi es auues o oiscuss me payroll aeaucuon plan 01 me immunity chest with Charles fctzel, one of Pratt s employes. '.11 payroll deductions, of one hour's pay for five pay pe- kods, are on a volunteer basis. Pratt's division quota for 048 Is $10,800. The Chest campaign starts October S and nds October 19. iM CAPITAL Hollywood Shows a Heart By PATRICIA CLARY lollywood (U.R) The movie debut of the unknown son of a ous father proves that Hollywood does have a heart. he title to the new Argosy picture reads: "John Ford and ian C. Cooper present Peter s- tyne's immortal story of the t "Three Godfathers." '.,., ii .mi,- Then a lone horseman rides away, and these -words appear: 'To the me- Jmory of Harry Carey, bright star of the early '-, western sky. :; Present ing Harry , Carey, Jr., in i...i:ijahis father's ori- iltlel. Cl.rr ginal role,.. he words were written by d himself, fulfilling a prom- he made to his old friend ley as the great cowboy star near death. he story starts in 1917, when Id, a strapping stunt man and ble for his brother, the ac- Francis Ford, got a job as stant director at the old Bul ly - Universal studios. He lied on two-reelers with an t beginner, Harry Carey. when Ford was promoted to ctor later that year, ht and key were assigned to a two- er called "Straight Shoot " They liked the story so 1 they shot five reels. ha bosses wanted to fire d, but Carey stuck by him the picture, that studio's long film, did so well that d and Carey were teamed for more. bne of them, made in 191B, "The Three Godfathers," la- titled "Marked Men." It es- lished Carey as the top west- star of the day and Ford Hollywood's No. 1 outdoor dl- or. orot went on directing mov- and won three Academy prds. Carey, In ill health, re- d with a fortune In cattle ranch lands. IVhen Carey died last year, d was at his bedside. Tarry Carey, Jr., a gangling haired youth, today is co- starring with John Wayne and Pedro Armendariz In a million dollar technicolor movie, the newest member of the "John Ford stock company," an Infor mal group of 20-odd actors who get into every Ford picture. Association to Elect Officers Annual meeting for the Salem Memorial Auditorium associa tion is scheduled for next Thurs day evening, September SO, at 8 o clock in the Chamber of Commerce. Election of officers, reports from committees, and discussion on i proposed site for the planned civic auditorium will feature the meeting. The associ ation location committee has favored a site In Bush Pastures for the proposed building and Rex Kimmell, outgoing presi dent of the association, is to pre sent a proposed ordinance at the Thursday meeting, and will re commend that the association in turn present the ordinance to the city council for consider ation. Every organization holding membership in the associaton Is asked to be sure Us represen tative Is at the Thursday meet ing, and every Individual hold ing membership is asked to be on hand. A general invitation to the interested public also is ex tended. Mining Claims Deadline Oct. 5 Portland, Ore., Sept. 27 (U.B W. H. Horning, northwest re gional administrator of the bu reau of land management, said today that Oct. 3 is the deadline for filing of a copy on notice of location for mining claims In the Oregon and California rail road grant lands and reconvey ed Coos Bay wagon road grant lands. Horning said claims must be filed for record with the Ore gon district land office at Swan Island, Portland. 131 ONI-SIDEOi The Douglas Broth ers, a local sandlot baseball team of Clendale, Calif., defeated the Western Etectric team from L. A. by the score of 37 to 4 in 2 hours and 9 minutes of play. The Brothers had 16 stolen bases, 3 homers and 7 triples. QUirtA SWIM! "Zimmy." a Fiji Islander, set a new world en durance swim record of SI hours continubus swimming. Zimmy's performance is unique in the fact that he had no legs. RETURNS HOMI, WINSi Tommy Armour, lormor Briliih gollar and now playing lor Iho U. S rolurnorj to hit naliva land lo win Iho Srllith Opon crown by (hooling 296. dolooling Join Jurado el Butnoi Airoi by ano Iroko. IXPBIU.IN, Billy Petrolle, the "Fargo Express," defeated Juato Suarez of Argentine by a k.o. in the 9th round at Madiaon Square Garden, to become a leading con. tender for the title in hit weight. Distributed In Salem by Gideon Stoli Co. StATTll v. PORTLAND! Frank Rodin of the Broadmoor Golf Club of Seattle defeated Emery Zimmerman of the Riverside Club of Portland 8 and 7 to win the N, W. Pro golf title. TOUOH lOSSl Id Gaming, Woil Cootl ft-milo chompion from Iho U. of W., lotol Iho Notional fill lo Dalo lolli ol Chicago in Iho lait 200 yard! Of a thrilling race. SURPRISE! Navy won the Pough keepsie regatta in an amazing upset. Cornell waa second and the favored U. of W. waa third. The Husky Frosh won the first race easily, 1041 Till OOODi Alt Heidelberg Beer is still the favorite of thou sands who have tried it. Try bottle today and see why more and more are calling for Alt Heidelberg Beer GEGB iThis NEW olavina card ends suit mixups forever! 1 NEW. Monro M NEW, MODERN LASTIC COATED PLAYING CARDS to 2, f If VERY SUIT A DIFFERENT COLOR I :'i -r. . i Mb i nr. rwuLrnUUr I No mora costly, embarrassing condition of soadei with eluht orti with diamonds! New, ..citing FORCOLAR Plostie-Coated laying Cordi give each suit distinctive color. Clubs are green, spades lock, hearh red, diamonds orange. Each card's valve and suit symbol Inled in all four corners. Hands assemble easierl lassie face designs with tested modern improvements! Durable . . . ipe clean with damp clofhl lack designs: horses, doat. duct. .-..I, Smarm packaged in suede bos. YouH want FORCOLAR for your pest gamal GIFT SHOP Y ill U i O I iV m New Students Seen With School Resumed Macleay Macleay school opened with an enrollment of 38 pupils. In the first grade this year are Marilyn Martin, Doug las Walsh, Sylvia Eurvert, Charles Way and Leland Bettle youn. Delores Ostrem, Ronald Walsh and Jack Ostrem are new this year, having come from Grand Forks, N. Dak., and are living with their parents on the Wells farm. Robert Spaulding Prompt ftellel Emollient Cuticura Ointment aoothca promptly.itartf at once to help heal. Staya on the akin. Try itl Buy today atyourdniRKiit. CUTICURA OINTMENT cam her recently from Ari zona with his parents and is staying at the Magar home. Mrs. Ethel Ramus la principal and upper grade teacher and Mrs. Dora Firth is lower grade teacher. There Is a new floor In the upper grade room and the floor Lee Home Burned With All Contents Unionvale Fire thought caused from a defect In elec tric wiring, totally destroyed and stage'irT" the lower grade room has been sanded. Let Us Recommend Your Painter or Paperhanger Through 18 Years In the Faint Business and Closa Co operation with Salem's Finest Decorators We Feel That We Art Well Qualified to Successfully Cop with Vour Every Paint Need. Call Us for Immediate Service. McGILCHRIST & SONS 25S N. Commercial Phone 3-8478 the house In which Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee and three child ren at Elmira, near Eugene. Mrs. Lee is a teacher in the city school and was absent. A neighbor caring for the child ren all escaped without injury. Mr. Lee if employed at t read job and wis also absent at the time of the lira. Her mother, Mrs. Martin Braat of this dis trict, and Mr. and Mrs. Dala L. Fowler of Grand Island drove to Elmira. COMPARE OUR RATES CASH Monthly Pawiti YOU 1 OCT 15 ano. 12 MM. $100 $ 9.26 (300 31.86 37.78 8500 38.10 46.30 1 100(1 76.19 I 93.5 Moke appllootlon SET CASH TODAY U0WMUCtt? Get a CASH LOAN of s100t.$1000MRo Aula ansl Peraonal Leasts COA1A1ERCIAJL CREDIT FLArV incorpohatio SALEM AGENCY: 444 Cistn Strstt . Til 41ll i BEGINING NEXT SATURDAY CapitalpJournal COMIC CTIO N FEATURING lMA GREEN j 6, BUD,RSHCa tw TTn Has SJneiasoe. ism.) rfisa tW nit li. . pc imim at c. WE'LL BE SEEING YOU AMD OR YOU WILL BE SEEING US EVERY SATURDAY STARTING SATURDAY OCT. 2ND. - -1 -iimn owiBMjsomawasuiajuust-jiL SeSS