s da: he! chi Su th lar at at' Bel A. Vit mt LI. Bi, foi wi Br CI; ne Kl 1 n 1:1 eel J D( Tr Re 12 10 Capital Journal, Balem, m (uwimo ABTimTiiiai S- Far Un 1M m Par Un. I lime 400 rtr Una tlmea , ,.,.60o I Per Llna 1 month 11 DO I outsld. of Balem 16 per Hoo par I dir. win. I0i I tlmu mln. loa tlmea mln. 31.30. No Refunds MADEM 1 Loeal Nawa CoL Onlrt Par Uno 3W To Place an Ad Phone Z-2406 iwant Ad Results Don't End With Daylight Saving Time OR SALE HOUSES' ITREAMLLVER. Her la that home you would have planned. Rancn styie, moa- m mm. with 14'9"xl9'8" LR, DR. 3 lge. BR's, lie. study, spacious kitchen with nook, lovely bath, ahower with glass panel door, lea. utll. rm., tne nrepiace, hdwd. thru-out. mercury lite switches, C Fully insulated to weather stripped, cn Jer lined eloaeta, French doors to patio A area. Celled I-car garage. acre, ige, ft.Fa.ur Mnareta drive St walks. City bus. M TRULY A TASTEFULLY. WELL BUILT IOUI IN AN EXCELLENT tl&lue.N I I TIAL DISTRICT. Shown by appoint M tnent only. (17,250. If I DARE TOU to aee this well-construe I1 tad 1-BR home close to Parrlsh to Sr. I High. Offer lte. llv. rm., fireplace, dln- Ing room, hdwd. firs., dble. plumbing, full basement, furnace, well landscaped, ' fenced back yard, fruit it nut trees, fine aarden. Ideal loo. lor scnooi lamuy. Worth the price to any family, IM- MED. POSS. (9050. Terms. arsen Home & Loan Co. xclusive Listings - Personal service 164 S. Coral. Ph. 3-8JB9; jsve. a-mo. nnn 8-hedroom house N. Balem. Will truvU Amaller house East Salem or Bell. Reasonable. H. O. Shields, Oregon Bldg., L I10O0 DOWN A-BEDROOM home with unfinished up. at airs, living room, fireplace, dining m m room, kitchen, attached garage, auto If1 matlo heat, tub to ahower. 155.00 month II on balance. This la the house you have I W been searching for. The price only 18600. 1 OaH D. L, BISHOP, 2-4139 Chas. Hudkins & Son 1 BaaltAi-a HO . Hllh St. EVERIN REALTY CO, rE BELIEVE THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN SALEM. Lot IB X 126. 2 bdrmi.. dining room, living rm., kit ehen with Inlaid lln. HW floors, double 0 garage and 3 blocks from Richmond i school, ah tor tetiou. JNE OF OUR FINEST HOMES, t BDRMS. m Llv. rm., dining rm., HW floors, flre- a place, full basement, aut. oil heat, large j lot, aprlngllng system, garden space with fruit trees. Thla home Is a show ri place Inside to out. Drive by 3020 Mkt. St.. then call us for appointment. i EVERIN REALTY CO. Eve Phone 9-6001 or 8-3084 231 'OR BALE a bdrm. house. 'A acre, 1 yr, old. Fence, lawn, garage, to utility. Turn left at Kelier school to Rlckard'a Mar ket, then right 9th house east aide of street, (fl.ooo.oo. Terms. a t WW 4-Bdrm., full burnt,, dbl. garage. Ph. owner for bppi. 3-tn. a- Y OWNER. 3-BR mod. home close to bus A school. Bsmt., fireplace, hdwd. lirs. Zmmed. poss. Priced right. (3,000 will handle. Ph. 88244. a3l0 IfODERN HOME, 3-bdrm., hdwd. firs. ' good basement. Close to school & high way ahops. SOB 8. 33rd. a233 BED RM., llv, rm., kit., nook. Extra cot tage. 1819 N. Liberty. n231 OWNER. VA story house, Englewood, 3 blocks grade, 6 to HI sch., 3 bus lines. New decorated ext. Si int. Full basement, tubs, furnnce. Lots of shrub bery, garage. Price (7&00.00. Ph. 3-9040 or 32461. a232 r FAIRMOUNT HILL D1ST. ' VLTRA MODERN home In Salem's finest district. Llv. rm., din., kit., 2 bdrms., re, den to bath on main floor. Full fin, basement with knotty pine pluyrm. St i bar, bed rm., shower rm. St laundry. Kleo furn., Insulated, weather strlp t ped, dbl. gar. Lot 100x160. 1970 John St. Ph. 8-B226. aftO ("ATTRACTIVE 2-bdrm, home, elec. hot VC water heater Se oil circulator, 3 le. wal-X-.. nut trees, close to school, bus St store, ., ' ,600. Ph. 3-S75B. a232 7:flflhR SALE BY OWNER, suburban, living K:flfl xra,, dining rm,, 2 laTge bdrms., bath, Mai )oti of bullt-lns, elec. water henter, full Mr basement, oil furnace, nice lawn St Mm t limbs. Be seen after 6 p.m. it Sun days, immed. pom. afloa iiuisey. a230 KEso ROUSE TO BE MOVED. New 8-rooms tun A bath, Fowler elootrio water heater, Bom wired for range. Also 70'xlOO' lot close 10:0 by with basement. Well with new pump. Veil Two walnuts, two prunes St 1 filbert. Thlt All goes for (3600. Ph. 35170. a231 BOUSES A BOOM for S or more. 2 not Thl1 yet a year old. 1-3&4 bedrooms. Mofl el am, with elec. heal, on corner. Lot tM 520170 ft. Lawn, shrubbery, fruit, nuts Btoi berries, on bus line. Just a step from r' Bollywood. Leaving Salem, reason for elllng. Ph. 86273 for appointment. B2J1' ft Dvnn'rvnie t oan V NICELY arranged family horn. Oom Th Pletely re-decorRted Inside and out. T Sxtra larga lot for garden space. Nice "! shrubs A trees. Close to bus, park & 1 schools. LOVELY KINOWOOD HOME UTHIB beautiful home, formerly priced an at (19,600. Is a real value today at rrii 116,600. Basement, auto, oil furnace, l beautiful living room. Maple firs., flre uO; place. Extra large bath, loads of bullt- Ins. It's vacant. Wa have the koy. M" WALTER MUSORAVE REALTORS OP' 1333 Zdgewater Phone 3-M09 bet -n, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF neat 6 -room house, near Sr. St Jr. 1 HI. Price reduced to (7950. Call L. H. ,, Bills, 3120 Garden Road. Plume 2-1331. noi 8t rBT OWNER Small, neat 2-bdrm. house, pi B 310 N. 10th. Phone 3-7B27. a233 BY OWNER AND NEW 2-bdrm. home Juat com shc Pleted. Fireplace, Venetian blinds, colo- . trie bath, elec. heat, utility rm. These rooms are all large, Including bath and M kitchen, floored altle for storage. 1200 B sq. ft. living. Drive by 1965 Hazel Ave., EL 3 blks west o( Hollywood dial., then Ej cell 8-8B17 for appointment, a231 1 BDRM. home, one small hoiut and 1 acre ground. C. H. Coy. Corner Sun i arvlew h oarden Rd. Rt. , Box I7A. J 23S INDUCED to sell, 3 bdrm. home, full 12, basement, auto, turn., I rm. apt., good II. terms. 1105 Leslie St. a330' TtS, Ot'R NUMBER STII.L 6F11 EN Q I. E WOOD D1ST, lUduced to ISi50 ISM10 Dn. will han dle. 8 BRS. fplaca, DH, Bamt. Playroom m bsmt. Corner lot, hwd. St fir firs, M,Mr Charming Cup Cod. 3 BRS, 8 jra. old, fplace., hwd. fir. V-blinds. verms. B. ISHERWOOD, REALTOR HI. eril. Wallace Road. R. 1. Box 1A2 or 1289 Sixth St. West Salem a230 H DESIGNED FOR GRACIOUS LIVING 11 Lovely Falnnount HIM homo In beaut 1 34' ful setting. La. LH. fireplace, DR with li, hdwd. fir,, tiled kitchen St bath. 2 Ige. bedrooms with large closet. Basement with auto, oil heat, elec. H.W. heater, large lot 100 x 150. Beautifully land scaped. Will sacrifice lovely draperies, Van. Blinds St Launder nil washing ma chine. Priced at (14.000 for quick sale. Must be seen to appreciate value. 195 Falrmount Ave. a23S 75 Llivtoo. See thla 6 room home located at 1912 N. Blh St. Owner leaving Balem. Several lame fruit and nut trees in rx yara. i-nuo ana ouuiae nrepiace. r Drlva past then call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 2i ids e. nun oi. rn, stui; avea, afiOO aJ30 T.9WM. H acre East with late built 3 BR oen apace, irrms. 3i Call O. V. Hume with TATE FINANCE CO. KI.AI.TORS 151 . High St. Ph. 1412U Eves. 32(16 a230 hl.MOOn of tin better 7 rm. homes near Englewood school. Only 8 yr. old. Full basement. Fur. hwd. firs., fireplace, alt. ga. Call Mr. Walters. HUPP REAL ESTATE CO. Real tor 341 ChemrktU ft Ph. 3-B371 Eves. I -S3 90 a 231 Or., Saturday, Sept. tS, 1948 FOR SALE HOUSES OUR NTJHBEB II (TIM. nl WEST IALEM HOMES W10O 11100 DO. I BRA. OU .ooklnt wtr. ht. Garage. Immed. pom. 1 lk. to but. Will 3 BRS, tun ato. oo4 iMltlon, good rantal. MfiOO 1 BRS. Loa. lot. Wlrod for range. B. 1BHERWOOD, BEALTOB PH. OFU. Wallace Road. Rt. 1, Bol 161 or 1389 Sixth St. Wait Salam a230- 910,000 NEW 3 bed rm. home furnished tno. range St refrlc. Ha Iff. llv. rm., D. rm. Carpeted to wall. OU fur. Fire place. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 141 Chemeketa Ph. 1-9271 Eves. 2-6360 a231 FALL SPECIAL One of thoaa good, substantial, elder homes, thoroughly renovated with new full basement, automatic oil furnace, elec, water heater, rour bedrooms up, one down; double plumbing, lty wat er; choice, close In auburban location on about acre lot. Better take time out to sea this one. Price 111, BOO. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone t-7660 Ev. Phones 2-4778, 3-4691, 3-6580. a230 Bargain! 11800 SMALL house on beautiful lot, plumbed, wired. Near school, atore. OLSON REEVES REAL ESTATE 046 SO. Com'l. Ph. 3-46S0 231 BY OWNER For small down payment St 47 per month, you can have thli 3-bedroom home, hdwd. floors, unfln. upstairs, att. garage. 2066 Bruce Ave., 1 block east of Park off Sunnyvlew. a231 MUST SELL new completely mod. 3 bdrm. home. Less than cost of replacement. Suburban Income property. FHA loan. Ph. 3-5B07. 231 DO YOU WANT something better than the average in a 3 B.R. house In a good location In Hollywood Dist? Let's look at this then compare with other houses at the same price. S B.R. DBL. OAR. ALL ON one floor, 1300 sq, ft. In house, piped oil heat. Fireplace, dining room, the kind of kitchen any woman would want. All fin. in nat. wood. Lge. lot excl. buy, 113.500. Call Ed Luklnbeal. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-0271 XveJ. 3-6680 a231 6-RM. HOME on bus line near Univer sity St State Bldg., hdwd. firs., fire place, oil heat, bullt-lns, full base ment At attic, garage, fruit trees, deep lot. Bee owner, 1427 Trade St. a231 65 PARK AVENUE That's the address of a small livable home on a Vi acre lot that can be pur chased for (1000 down and 136 mo, BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 23649; Eve. 25390, 31033. 837 N. High a332 Kingwood Heights Deluxe Truly a livable home with 2 bdrms., 2 baths, hardwood floors, fireplace, base ment, double garage, auto, oil heat, generous amount of bullt-lns St clos et space, at less than replacement cost of 116.500. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 33049; Eve. 35390, 21033. 337 N. High a232 TODAY'S BEST BUY (8360 buys this new well-built 3 bdrm. all electric home, hardwood floors, ell plastered, beautiful kitchen At nook fin ished In knotty pine, attached garage, restricted residential district on View Drive, good terms. We have the key. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 23649; Eve. 25390, 21033. 337 N. High a232' U050 New 1 Bedrm. plastered, elec. heat, city water, pavement, bus by door. IH250 Plastered, 3-bdrm., fireplace, basement, with 1 bdrm., close to Parrlsh school. moo 3 Bedrm., LR, DR. Kltch., full base ment with Apt. renting for (46 per month. GENERAL SEAL ESTATE Ph. 332B0 26B Center St a 2 30 FOR SALE LOTS DSxioo WOODED or Tlew. Will build for you. Ph. 3-428. aa BUSINESS corner and other choice front age on Portland Rd. NICE view lots for your dream home. 100 It. rrontages on Cascade Drive In West SKlem. (1500 St (2000. Phone or See A.N. Willich Real Estate 1131 Huge St., W. Salem Phone 2-6631. Open Eve. 4t Sunday aa330 LOT FOR SALE with small house founda tion & lumber to build house 22x26. 1358 Kcndelwood Dr. aa230 KINGWOOD DR., 90 ft. frontage facing east saoo. Call s-4830 eve. a233 NICE BUILDING LOT on Crolsan Creek. 125 foot frontage on hard surface road. Creek, timber and 20x53 ft. cement slab for house. Will sell for 11800. Terms. Go up Crolsan Creek road to end of macadamized road. Sign on the prop erty. aa230 FOR SALE FARMS SMALL FARMS Sz LARCIE FARMS Vi A. 4 bedroom house ( 7.400 l'i A. 2 bedroom house ( 8,300 4 A. 3 bedroom house 111,500 10 A. 4 bedroom house (12,600 105 A. Old Bldgs 112,000 66 A. S. E. All in cultivation. Good 2 bedroom house to fine barn. Some ma chinery. Will take In house as some pay ment, (15,000. Also have some larger farms. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. 355 Center St. Ph. 33289 b330 GRADE "A" DAIRY Stkd. St eqpt., 118 A. dairy farm. North or saiem. Cows, bull, tractor, tools, drill, mower, combine hay In barn. Modern house and bldgs. (30,000 takes all. C. W, 6TULLER, BROKER. R.T. Wallace Road Mi Ml. N. of Bridge b330 160 A. FARM for sale by owner. 75 A. oimv., 14 a. in cnerrleji, 8 rm. house, new dairy barn, small payment dn. Fruit payments from there on. Hte. 4. Box 441, Salem. b331 310 ACRE GRADE A DAIRY WK CAN SHOW you more than 120.000 yearly nei on investment or 156,000. This 310 Acre GRADE A DAIRY Is the finest we have ever heard of. Nearly all cult, loam, lays along lge. yr. atream, Irrlg., perm, pasture. 50 tanch. barn, new milk hse. St mach. shed, elec, equip ped granary, 2 good hses., BO tons al falfa A; clover hay In barn. Over (25, 000 in mod. tractor equip, to milk cows. Ideal for 3 family operation. SEE THIS TODAY I 40 ACRES good level land, small new hse. ana Darn. Mostly cult. Road on two Side. ONLY 13250. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusiva llstlnws - Personal Service. 164 S. Com'l. Ph. 8-83B9; Eve. 8-7440. b331 OUR NUMBER IS STILL AFU 7S ACRE FARM. Not far out. Ue. home. everything goes Including dairy herd St all farm equip. Will consider city prop erty a part trade. B. IM HER WOOD, REALTOR PH. 6P11. Wallace Road. R. 1, Box 163 or 1389 Sixth St. West Salem b3S0' FOR SALE ACREAGE 10 A. 7 RM. mod. plastered home, large living room, fireplace, dining room, bed room with fireplace In one. Wired for range, elec. water heater, dbl. plumb ing, hardwood floors, full eement base ment, furnace, large poultry house, barn, spring, fruit, nut. 3 large oaks, beautifully landscaped. Located on good fishing stream and highway. (25,000.00 value for less than li price account slckneAj. Terms. J. C. MORLEY 305 N. Water St., Silver ton, Ore. Ph. 1134 bbJ3l 85 ACRES EAST On pavement. 9 miles out. almost all cultivated, good flax crop thl year, no buildings but priced at only (BS50. 212 ACRES EAST On pavement. 13 mile out. 70 acres tlsciif. 59 acres pasture. 83 acre grain, unusable buildings, $17,000. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 31449; Eve. 3490. 31032, 831 N. Hleh M333 REAL ESTATE 2 MORE HOMES for $250 Down at LABISH VILLAGE 14 Mile North of New Drive-in Theatre OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 P. M. Also Unrestricted Lots With Water $25 Down $15 per mo. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE Phone 3-9203 201 South High McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 169 South High Phones 35131 $6,000 FURNISHED Exceptionallr altan 3 BR home, plaatered Interior, good north location, garage, i block to grade ichool, close to bus, nice ahrube, good Income property, $1,000 DOWN PAYMENT Will handle this 3 BR house, plastered Interior, fireplace, good location, elose to schools and churches, Immediate possession, WALKING DISTANCE OF TOWN Six year old house, close to stores St bus St state buildings, corner lot, nice lawn St shrubs In, modern 2 BR home, bath, LR, dinette, kitchen, bullt-lns, Ven. blind oil heat, garage, immediate possession, ONLY (7,950.00. 3 BR. HOME Very good location In newer district, all nice homes, approx. 8 yrs. old plastered Interior, HW floors, fireplace, bath, LR, DR, K, built-lns, Ven. blinds, basement, garage, y block to bus, elosa to schools, nice lawn Si shrubs, corner lot, ONLY (8,050.00. NICE HOME SOUTH On quiet residential street, shade trees, large rooms, plastered home, fireplace, basement, automatic oil furnace, close to bus and schools, Insulated and weather stripped, Immediate possession, price (10,000, $1,000 DOWN PAYMENT Will handle this 3 BR home, plastered interior, fireplace, basement, double gar age, good location, close to schools and churches, immediate possession. Daytimes Call 3-5131 or 3-8620 Evenings Call 3-4937 or 3-7163 Steve Sadowsky Bill Brown Andy Halvorsen GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1995 Maple 3 bdrm. home, llv, rm., dinett. . fire place, hdwd. fir., nice bath, full bsmt., located on fine corner lot, close to schools. Owner leaving city. (8,500. Call Roy E. Ferris. Silver Creek Falls Road If you want a real nice, up-to-date farm, b sure to see this. 40 acres of beautiful farm land, 4 nice springs, modern 8 rm. horn In wonderful condition. Very good Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 3-2471; Evenings 3-3048, 3-7773, 3-4389, 23-F-14. 2-8010 For Prompt, Courteous Service, List Your Property With U Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors 1750 DOWN, BALANCE LIKE RENT: 2 bedroom home; living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and utility room. Approx. Mi acre. Hurry, thl won't last, 85500. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: of this 8-year-old, very neat, Insulated, 3-bedroom home. Located on well-landscaped B5x 11B lot. Price only 17500. LARGE 5-BEDROOM PLASTERED HOME: 3 bedrooms down, 3 up; double plumb ing, Located on Falrmount Hill; double garage; lot 75x150 with large trees. An excellent value (8600. For These and Many LEO N .CHILDS, "32 year of dependable 344 State St. Evenings call: 2 - FOR SALE ACREAGE ONCE IN A WHILE RARELY ever are we privileged to of fer property of this type for sale. There are eight lovely acres, with about half In cultivation and remainder In lovely fir timber with Little Pudding river at rear. The house 1 strictly modern with two bedrooms and un finished upstairs (stairway ln; a gar age, good poultry house and small barn, variety of young orchard and berries. If interested In a lovely coun try home, you should see this one, SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phones 3-4773, 2-4591, 2-5580. bb230 ACRES WELL LOCATED S MILES FROM courthouse, ab. 6 A. bear ing fruit St nuts, would divide nicely. I 4 GOO. WALTER SOCOLOFSKY REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-8835. bb232 FOR SALE by Owner: B acres, enough land for a living. Desirable home with business frontage and berries. One mile South of Dickson's Market on 8 BE. Rte. 4, Box 2B2. Immediate Possession. bb230 6 A. unimproved In Kelr.er Dist. on paved rd. All modern services available. Wil lamette silt loam. Good drainage. No flood danger. 4 A. for IS 000 or 6 A. for (4000. Some trms. 6 Discount for Cash. A. B. Black, Rt. 3. Box 41. Ph. 34250. bb230 AC, McCain Ave.. 3 ml. from city limits, N.E. Some filberts. Nice bids, site, close to stores, school to bus. (1500. Inq. 3020 Broadway. bb233 FOR SALE: Vi A. on Child Ave. Restrict ed dist. Priced right. M. O. Knode. 390 Park Ave. bb230 NICE BUILDING LOT on Crolsan Creek. 125 foot frontage on hard surface road. Creek, timber and 30 by 52 ft. cement slab for house. Will sell for 11800. Terms. Oo up Crolsan Creek road to end of macadamised road. Sign on property. bb230 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS 15500 Full Price 3 BDRM. house, close In South. 30 mln. bus service. Double gar. (6900 FULL PRICE OLDER type 2 bdrm. house. Very close in. full basement, garage, close to school. Very clean. ABOUT (2000 DOWN BRAND new 2 bdrm. with unfln. up stairs, fireplace, auto. heat, attach, gar. Private well. F.H.A. specifications. Full price 110.300. AL ISAAK to CO. REAL ESTATE BROKER (Formerly M. O. Humphreys Co.) 301S Portland Road Ph. 3-7830, 3-4596 - CVf. 3-3558, 3-8649 C332 15950. New 3 BR home N.E. Hardwood floors, elect, heat, attached garage. 11460 down. bal. 141.25 per mo. 7000. 3 BR late built homo East. Close to bus. Lot 65x105. Terms. 96050. 7 yr. old home. H.W. floor, floor rurnace, 6 room, a-ear garage, viauu Down. 11 no, & room 1 yr. old home close to Highland Ave. Elec. neat. Attaonea ga rage. 12400 Down. ooo. New 2 BR home N.E. Fireplace, H.W. floors, floor furnace, att ac tied ga rage, unfln. attic. (1600 down will handle. 9500. A. South. New 3 BR home. H.W. floors, floor lurnace, iruit tree, xuxai shop. Terms. 1 10. 300. 5-room home N.W. Ha unfln. attic. Floor furnace, attached garage. (3000 down. bal. 160.94 per mo. Call O. V. Hum with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 133 S. High St. Ph. 34121; Eve. 3HC6 C230" (2OOO.00 DOWN 94000,00 FULL PRICE for this 61 acres with clean 3 bedroom house, chicken house. Close to Shaw. Iiiwo.oo acres filbert, no building. beautiful view. 93000.00 MAJOR service itatlon. now pumping 30.000 gal, per mo. Perfect location. HUPP REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Ph. 1-9371 Eve. 3-86.M 331 1REAL ESTATE $27.50 per mo. outbuildings, Including barn, chicken house, brooder house St hog house, new corral, all bldgs. newly painted. Lights St water to all bldgs. Cement sidewalks. This Is all first class and worth the money. 117,000. Q. H, Grabenhorst, Jr. Business & Industrial Sites Best of location North. Paved sts., front age to suit purchaser. Near J-B Drive in. SEE IT TODAY. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst, LOOK AT THIS, MR. INVESTOR: 10 unlt plastered court; only two years old. Each unit consists of living room, dinette -kitchen, bedroom and bath. Attached garage with utility room; elec. heat; hot water heater and elec. range. Showing good returns Price 150,000. OUTSTANDING FARM VALUE: Unim proved 106 acres about half in cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture; year round springs; several good building spots; located close to Salem on paved road. Well worth the price (12,000. 30 ACRES: Few miles out on good road; part timber and fruit; small year around creek. Price (4300 terms. More CALL or SEE INC., REALTORS lervlce to home owners." Ph. 3-3663 5855 or 3-4007 c231 REAL ESTATE NOTICE: A 3-BR home With INCOME. Basement apt, brings 150 per mo. Very nice 2-BR living quarters for the own er. Upstairs has outside entrance and could be fixed to rent for (SO or (60 per mo. Be sure to see this. NEW SUBURBAN home lust being com pleted. Ranch type, hardwood floors, picture windows, automatic heat and Is 'ocated on an oversize view lot. 12350 down, balance 4 F.H.A. Better buy this before It Is completed. 00 ACRE dairy farm, nice house, 22 stan chion barn, machine shed, chicken house and other buildings. This Is top iirade, all equipment can be had, and with excellent terms. It won't Inst. 60 ACRES of the best land In the valley. Fair Improvements, at the price of 116.B00. This Is an excellent buy. WE HAVE A VERY GOOD 2-BR home that can be had for a low down pay ment and balance easy terms. Call about this. GOODWIN & McMILLIN Realtors, 484 Court Phone 3-4707. Eves. 2-7383 or 2-6148 C230 CALABA'S COLUMN Small Cute Home VERY ATTRACTIVE, all electric, corner lot, a dandy little home for $5900. 8 Acres Nice Home GOOD LITTLE berry farm, not far out, modern 2 bedroom home, good barn and chicken house See It for yourself. Only (8350. Excellent Suburban Buy VERY MODERN 6 room home, 1140 sq. ft. floor space plus garage, oak floors, fireplace, lots of closet space, dandy throughout, lot Is 60x122. Kelser Dist., (2000.00 down, full price only 19850. Drive By 2229 Breyman THIS HOME has a huge living room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, part basement with auto, oil furnace, very attractive interior, out of town owner, we have the key to show you thru, RUDY CALABA St CO., REALTORS 231 N. High St Phone 8-5838 Kve. 3-5514 8-8398 I-4B24 3-3779 A SPLENDID home on N. 18th street close to bus and school. 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath room, circulator heat, garage, lot 50x125. Priced Rt 110,000.00. GLEN CREEK DRIVE with halt an acre, lots of shade, garage and chicken house. The housa has 3 bedrooms, liv ing room, dining room and kitchen, utility room. An ideal retreat. (6000.00. A MAGNIFICENT homa on Center street. Lane living room, fireplace, dining room, unusually well appointed kitchen and nook, bedroom and den down stairs, bedrooms upstairs, full base ment, gas furnace, bedroom, laundry room, double garage and a secluded back yard. Call for an appointment. P. H. Bell, Realtor 861 Chemeketa Street Phs.: $-4896, 3-1543 Eves: 3-6686, 3-7565, 2-8568 C330 DUPLEX I RCDRMS., Llv. Rm.. Kltch. St Dinette. Bath, hwd. firs., utility rm., elec. heat, exceptionally well built, bringing In (150 per month. Priced at 116,500. (6300 down. Bal. at (70 a month, 44 V in terest. Call Bertlund for Appointment Art Madsen 1336 State St. Pt). 3-3580 Res. 3-643B. c331 WANTED REAL ESTATE YES, WE NEED LISTINGS, call US for prompt, courteous service. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Phone 33649 337 N. High St. c131' FOR SATISFACTORY result list your city, suburban and business properties with SEVERIN RIALTY CO. Joe Hlmmel. Ugr 111 M. High St, Pa. 4016) Eras. 9901 REAL ESTATE UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY An excellent luburban 60-cr. tract Very close in. Moderately Priced Center St. and Lancaster Drive THE REAL ESTATE MARKET REALTORS 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 GEO. W. 1833 N. Capitol LOVELY 3-bdrm. plutered bung, with HW (loon, fireplace. Venetian blinds, LR, DR, K, nook, butlt-tnj and baaement. 111. MO. WE HAVE 1ft lovely building lota on 811 verton road priced . from Soon up to 1650. else approximately S0X133. 3 BDRM. plaatered home, LR, K, built. Ina. Cookini and water heatim aleotrlo. Oaraie. Bui blockj. Electric atove oea. I5SB0. Evening Phones HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED 40 women members of Cannery Local No. 670 to work the 7 p. m. to 4 a. m. shift at Birds-Eye Snider, Woodburn. Bus Transportation will be furnished from the Labor Temple, 445 Center St., Salem and return; leaving the Labor Temple at 6:15 p. m. Please contact the Union office before Monday, Sept. 27, by 4:00 p. m. if interested. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED to buy from owner: House, lots or small acreage in or near Salem. Give full particulars and price in reply. F. C. Loveland, Box 293, R.P.. 6, Salem, Oregon. ca230 WE ABE In need of gooa bouses to sell in or near Salem, if you wisn o us. your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 4131. a NOTICE! If your property ts for sale, rent or exchange, list It with u. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S High St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE Salem residential property for Lebanon or vicinity acreage or Im proved. Write C. R. Kingan, 865 Main St., Lebanon. Ore. cb235 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED: Good grocery store In Salem. Write Box 7, capital journal. vata OPLE. TO MANAGE dry cleaning store, furn. good refer., St can meet the pub lie ean handle this job. No exper. In dry cleaning nec. You can earn over 100 to 135 If you are a good worker. Good bus. already established for you St we will give assistance to you while build ing more. Wife to manage store while man del. Car or light truck needed, good commission in a good community. Nu-Method Cleaners, Inc., Sliver ton, Ore. Ph. 741. cd331 SERVICE STATION for sale. Business good, also living quarters, inquire iau. Parrls. 20 Williams Ave. cd333 GROCERY St HARDWARE stock at in ventory. (5600 will handle. Gross (27, per yr. Lease available on store. House located in exc. farming community. Ideal setup for man to wife. R. W. Stout, Perrydale, Ore. cd241 DRINK-O-MAT CUP DISPENSER for COCA-COLA State distributorship, city and county agency franchises now available for the new Drlnk-O-Mat Cup Dispenser for Coca-Cola. 1000 drink1 capacity . . . makes change automatically from quar ters and dimes. Only financially re sponsible Individuals and established organtiatlons will be considered. Write R. L. Talbot, Franchise Division, Drlnk-O-Mat Industries Corp.. 230 West B7th street. New York 19, N. Y. "Coca-Cola" and Its abbreviation "Coke" are the registered trademarks which distinguish the product of the Coca-Cola Oo. cd231 S UNIT apartment. 8135.00 per mo Income 18400. BUSI. BLDG,, mod. const, (900.00 per yr. Income. 110.000. 6-UNIT APARTMENT. (2,180.00 per yr. Income. (15,000. 3 UNIT apt. bide. plus owners apt. 4 blocks from Ladd to Bush bank, cor. lot. 122.000. Income property close to city center. Ideal for bus!, offices. Extra lge. lot. 137,300. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S Com'l. Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 3-7440. cd231 FURNITURE FOR SALE 8-PC. CHROME blue to grey dinette set. 6-pc. Duncan Phyfe mahogany dining room set. 3 walnut twin bed steads. Call 36907. d2S0 ATTENTION! SAVE I I by shopping the Woodry Fur niture Market. For example: New baby cribs (19.7B; Unfinished high chairs 16.93: Swing rockers 139.50: New bed room suites starting at 199: unfinished knee hole desks 117.95: finished desks 136.95. Famous Deep Sleep innersprlng mattress $39.30 while they last. Other Innersprlng mattresses starting 134.50 to (39.30. Remember your t goes fur ther at the WOODRY FURNITURE MKT. 1605 N. Summer St. Lowest Prices in SaJem. d3J0 OFFICE FURNTTURI LOVELT walnut desk, chairs to match, settee. Very late design. Room 338 Ore gon building. d230 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Olans at Woodry Auction Market, Ph. 1110. 4ft I REAL ESTATE HUBBS CO. Phone 33031 NEARLT 3 acres of food aoll with fruit and filbert treea, berries, lota of garden apace. Near 1 acre la clover. Large highway frontage. Good well with enough water to Irrigate, one bdrm. home. 16,000. WE HAVE MANY OTHER LISTINGS OF BUSINESS PROPERTIES: AUTO COURTS, RESTAURANTS, GROCERY STORES 6s ETC.: LOTS, CITY AND SUBURBAN HOMES. 36863 or 8-8163. e330 I HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED FURNITURE MONEY TO LOAN On Watches, Luggage, Tools St Guns We buy for cash. Sell or trade. Sundale Exchange, 594 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-5511 ' da. TOP PRICES paid for uied furniture, toon ana aaraware. uau ur rteiser, 98B6 285 N Commercial. da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: 3-year-old registered fresh Guernsey cow. Rt. 6, Box 382, Salem. SUverton highway, near Little Pudding river bridge. e230 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED & LICENSED livestock buyer. C. McCandllsh, Rt. 9, Box 233. Ph. 38147. ea254 !. I. SNETHEN A SON, Licensed and Bonded cattle buyers. Ph. 3-1346. ea252 PETS WANT HOME FOR DOG. Loves children. Rt. 8, Box 1044, Keller. ec232 LOVELY Cocker puppies 115. 1145 Hood St. after 6 p.m. ec230 RINGLANDS PET SHOP to Kennel, 1448 S. 12. Full Line Supplies, Bathing, Board ing, Eng. Bulldogs, Stud Service. Ph. 3-6859. BC235 FUEL GOOD WOOD for sale, 115 lge. load. Send orders to Rt. 1, Box 271, Salem. ee232 10" OLD FIR, dry second growth, dry or green slab wood, fresh sawdust, also old fir knots St limb wood. Maker, Ph. 37868. ee247 GREEN 16-lnch edging 15.50 ft load. Dou ble load 110. OREGON FUEL CO. Ph. 5533 ee234 TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh Cut Sawdust Dry 16' Millwood Ask for S H Green Stamps Prompt Delivery - Ph. 8-6683 ee237 SPECIAL FRESH CUT screened sawdust. OREGON FUEL CO. Ph. 3-5533 e233 West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD 16-IN CLEAN. NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone : Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1335 Edgewater St. W Salem ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Otla. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 i FOR SALE POULTRY Choice 3 mo. Christie N.H. pullets. Sam uel C. Kelcher, Rte. 1, Box 197, Amity. Ore. Ph. 378. 1331 BABY CHICKS, Weekly Hatches New Hampshire. Ph. 33861. Lee's Hatchery, f PRODUCE BANTAM CORN 30c dog. Rt. 6, Box 116F. E. state st. fiaao FOR SALE: Italian prunes, 11.00 box. Ph. 31639. "235 TOMATOES, bushels. No. 1. L. H. Zielke. Ph. 31578 at Roberts. II231 ITALIAN PRUNES (1.98 ofr 40 lb. box. GREEN APPLE MARKET 2 mile north of underpass on 99E. ff231 CANNING TOMATOES, corn St cucum bers. Prtgaard' Fruit stand, ml. N. Keizer Sch. f.235 GOLDEN CROSS canning corn. Irrigated. L. l. Ziflkl. Ph. 31578. ff234' FOR SALE Oolden Croxs Hybrid sweet corn. Rte. 4, Box 472. Ph. 2-3176. 233 GOLDEN CROSS sweet corn, irrigated. L. H. Zielke, Ph. 31378. ff233a SWEET CORN. 10 Dob. or more 20e per Dot. Rt. 9. Box 338. Drive out Fast Hoyt. rross Tracks, 1st road to right, lit home Journal Want Ads Pay HELP WANTED HOP PICKERS WANTED, Will pick Sun day and several days next week. 4c per lb. 13 mile north on Wallace Rd. Roy Michael. g330 HELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED Standard Stations, Inc. PROM 18-30. NO EXP. NECESSARY. APPROX. STARTING SALARY 1245 PER MO. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. HIGH SCHOOL ED UCATION NECESSARY. APPLY AT STATION NO. 637. 12TH it STATE STREETS, SALEM, MONDAY, SEPT. 27. ga330 CARPENTER WANTED by veteran build ing small home. Want to start soon. Good wages. 996 McGllchrist St. ga232 WANTED: Man with Hardware and Sell Ing experience. Permanent position. Reference required. Salary based on past experience. Stayton Hardware and Furniture Co. Phone 374, Stayton. ga230 EXP. WEATIIERSTR1PPER. Must have car. Exc. earnings possible, 3385 Mis sion St. ga230 MAN EXP. In Installation of metal gut ters. Judson's, 279 N. Com'l. ga230 WANTED- Man for circulation work. Must have car. steady position for the right man. Apply In person to W. A. Scott, Circulation Mgr., Capital Journal, ga A REAL OPPORTUNITY FIRST CLASS auto mechanic, top wage guarantee. Plus bonus opportunity. Ask for Verne. Teague Motor Co., 366 N Liberty, Ph. 24173. ga HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESLADY, must know music St be able to play piano. Wills Music Store. gb231 PRACTICAL NURSE, confinement case Month of December. References re quired. Call 2-5350. gb232 WOMAN for light housework to care of 2 children. Go home nights. 6 day week. Ph. 35018. gb230 WOMEN TO LEARN silk finishing Sz pressing. Good working cond. Good advancement. Local help preferred. Nu Method Cleaners, Inc., SUverton, Ore. Ph. 741. gb231 CARD SALES PEOPLE. Best deal on Coast 25 and 50 Xmas cards for 11.' Fast service. Avoid Eastern delays. FREE SAMPLES. Write Ideal Card Company. 16S N. Hill, Dept. 603, Pasadena, Calif. gb230 MAKE SOME real money for yourself as exclusive Avon Representative In your locality. Avon Cosmetic Gift sell on side. For appn't., write Dist. Mgr., 8225 S.E. Yamhill, Portland. gb231 HELP WANTED, part time sec. to the Music Sch. See Dean Gelst. Ph. 3-92S6. Willamette U. gb230 WANTED Comptometer operator. One who Is well qualified and understands office routine. Steady employment, 6 day week, 8 hour day. Write Box 250, Capital Journal. gb230 HOUSEKEEPER 3 adults. Mrs. Shephard or others, please call again after 6 p.m. 3-1267. gb230 WOMAN, housework, stay nights. 695 N. Liberty, call mornings. gb230 GOOD PAYING position open for qauli fled stenographer and bookkeeper. Must have had Banking and FHA experience. Write GB, Box 242, Capital Journal. gb" WANTED: Women from 25 to 36 with gen eral bookkeeping knowledge for credit office work. Exc. opportunity for ad vancement. Apply Montgomery Ward it Co., Salem. gb WANTED Exp. fountain girl, good wages. Apply In person. The Ace Confeclonery. 127 N. High. gb WANTED SALESMAN MAN or Woman with some exper. oper ating ft camera. Call at The Mueller Studio, 229 Com'l. Ph. 21057. Call Fri. morning if possible. . g230 WANTED POSITIONS CAPABLE hsckeeper St cook. Either In or out of Salem. Ph. 37670. Rm. 207. h230 CURTAINS laundered it stretched. Ph. 34613. h330 AMBITIOUS HIGH SCHOOL BOY needs work evenings and Saturdays, Phone 27356 after 5 p.m. h232 WANTED RELIABLE high school boy wants job for after school and Saturdays. Call 3-4025 after 4:00. h230 TREE WORK, trimming, topping, felling, removing. Ins. oper. Free est. W. H. McAllister, 840 Trade St. Ph. 21498. h353 ALBERT BRANT, bldg. contractor, 510 Beck Ave. Phone 2-1125. Res. St Comm. constd St repair, Attr. rates. Immediate service. h251 Dressmaking: Expert work, modern styl ing, moderate prices. Alice Matheny, 248 Marion St. Tel. 2-8335. h231 BABY SITTING. Ph. 20380 or 33901. h251 LANDSCAPING, new lawns, planting, rototuung, graaing, tree trimming. Kicn ard Boyer. Ph. 2-2256. h249 LANDSCAPING new lawns, pruning, planting, general clean up. Ph. 25623. 11232' CARPENTER WORK. new. remodeling, al terations or repair, Pn. 36252. naao LAWNS LEVELED St seeded, have light tractor on rubber with dozer. Ph. 28127, h24S SPt'Y painting. Ralph Alsman. Ph. 24248 or 23121. h235 HOME LAUNDRY for men. Ph. 2-6822 h333' INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 8-6796. WANTED FURNITURE to glua repair Lee Bros's. Ph. 21233. h' AUIO PAINTING lusi a shade better by Ray Etter. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101 D 'CSSMAKING, hemstitching, alterations on new and old clothing, buttons St buckles covered, buttonholes. Ph. 3-3000. h230' HOUSEKEEPER or light nursing. Mother- less home preferred. Ph. 36079, 5 P.m. HIGH SCHOOL girl will work for board to room. Ph. 3-7126. h23I FOR RENT ROOMS CHOICE sleeping rm. for man. 478 N. Cottage. Jk230 FOR RENT furn., modern 2-rm. apt. 636 n. winter. juajo' LARGE WARM ROOM, light housekeeping n desired, on transportation. 1424 N. Winter. Jk232 SLEEPING Room, gentleman, 635 N. Sum mer. Ph. 2-7779. Jk231 LOVELY large room, newly decorated. In good home available to refined non smoking, non-drinking lady interested In having own furniture. Auto-heat. Call 3-4025 for appointment. Jk230 LGE. NEATLY Furn. Rm. (25 mo. Close in. Air conditioned heat. 1434 Ferry. ' Jk230 HOLLYWOOD, alp. rms. Ph. 36093. jk252 FOR RENT APARTMENTS MODERN APT. with private bath St re frigerator, for 1 or 3. 468 N. Winter. JP230 t BEDROOM APT, 5 rooms ground floor. Gas range. Garage. (75.00. Contact Mrs. Dorothy Ashdown. Ph. 2-0588. JP330 FOR RENT HOUSES S BDRM. unfurnished house, full base ment, double garage, at 2050 Myrtle Ave. 190.00 mo. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 23649 337 N. High St. Jm232 HOUSE for rent. Calf 2-7420. Jm231 NEW 2 Bedrm. house. 1543 Huge St., West Salem. Jm230 5 ROOM house, Cleerlake District. Rt. 2. Box 278. Jm230 S-RM. HOUSE, (60.00. Poss. Oct. 1. Un furn. 507 N. 19th. jm230 APTS. SINGLES to doubles. Everything furnished. 3580 5. Commercial St. Tip Top Motel. Jm232 MOD, CABINS, reasonable rent. 3390 S. Com'l. Jm236 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS BM. for ren- H L Stiff 1 FOR RENT Floor ganders. Wallace Hard wart, 203$ N. CapItoL Ph. 3-6871. J242 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BS'NS. BLDG. SUITABLE for beauty shop or any small business, 3641 Port land Road. Ph. 3-4553. .330 HOOVER or Electrolux cleaners with at tachment!, ll.oo ft day HOWSER BROS. Ph. 8-3646 ) V DRIVE truck, cars. Ph. 1-9600 GOOD USED PIANOS. H, L. Stiff. J" TO DO s good Job rent a good floor gand er. We sell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS. Ph. t-3646. J HOUSE JACKS, oome along, chain and rope hoist auto tools' HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-381 J GARDEN TRACTORS, plumbing tools, paint sprayers, lawn roller, lawn mow ers, auto tools, drills, belt and dl ander, hedge clipper HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-9646. IRONERS by week Phone 34439 FLOOR SANDER for rent Uontgor-ry Ward. I ARMORAYS Oxone Oood Health. Rent. Sell. H. O. Push, 684 N. 17th. Ph. 8-4802. TRUCKS and cars for rent Smlttr's Clip per Service. Ph. 3-9600. Corner Center and Church Bt. 1 WANTED TO RENT FAMILY OF THREE wish furn. hse. In Hollywood dist. Best of references. Ph. 27820. JB333 WANT FARM TO RENT UP to 800 acres. Use own equipment, stock myself. Roy Marts, Rt. 1, Aurora. Ja232 S. P. EMPLOYEE, wife to child desire 3 or 3 bdrm. turn. home. Ph. 26715. Ja232 FURN. or Unfurn. small house or apt. by employed lady. ax. 248, capital Journal. Ja231 FURN. HOUSE or apt., family of 4. Write station A, L. O, Hofstedt, Stat Hos pital. H231 RELIABLE business couple it child desire unfurn. 2 bdrm. modern house In su burban Salem near bus. Your property guaranteed good care. Please write Box 4 Capital Journal. Ja231 BUSINESS MAN want to lease unfurn. 2 or 3 bdrm. home. Preferably 3 ear gar., olosi to Jr, HI St bus. Ph. 2-1478. Ja332 SALES REPRESENTATIVE for reliable firm desires to rent unfurn. 2-bed room house or apt. Bx. 243, Capital Journal. Ja230 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD room. 493 N. 81t. Men only. JJ330 VACANCY at 1563 Court. Room at Board. JJ232 LOST AND FOUND LOST: BLACK male Scottle, family pet. Anyone Knowing wnereaoouu Please call 2-1723. k230 FLUFFY TIGER KITTEN, end of tall broken. Please return to sad boy St girl. Ph. 3-6713. k230 MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Commercial St. SALEM Phone 3-3311. m HEAT your home electrically. It'i con venient clean, economical. See us for free estimate. Y EATER APPLXANCB CO.. 255 N. Liberty. ma IAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3512 for free pick up and de livery service on all makes of machine. Free estimate given be for work la started. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Ooram'l, ma TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS St GARDENS 6 SACKS (5.00, (10 PER TON FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN SALEM WEST MUSHROOM FARM PH. 8127 EVE. 3-4397 tn" VIOLIN LESSONS. State accredited teach er. Rawlins Music Studio. Ph. 36013. m23l. SEWING mach., repaired, rented. W. Dav enport, 130 N. 18th St. P. 317671. m249 DEAD and worthies stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 3-5000. m245a BUILDING MATERIAL SIDING NEW WHITE asbestos siding only $11.26 per square. New flush type doors, all sizes. 88.75 to $11.00. 4-In. vertical grain flooring, $125 per M. C. G. LONG Rt. 3, Box 3B, Salem, 1 mile N. of Kelxer ma230 FOR SALE Second hand windows, drs. to some lumber. 1073 Oak St. Bert Ztelln ski. ma230 2x6's No. 3, $50 per Thous. while they last. Free del. West Salem Lumber Co. tt Ml. N. of Edgewater St. en Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593 ma332 ATTENTION CONTRACTORS & HOME BUILDERS Wt now have a good stock of shakes, shingles, hdwd. flooring, paint, build ers' hardware and millwork. For com plete coverage and prompt attention with your building requirements, phone 2-2054. Epping Lumber Co. 680 Fisher Road Salem, Oregon ma231 BUILDERS Realize a saving by buying lumber direct from manufacturer. Check grades and prlcei at the West Salem Lumber Co. Located V mile north of Sdgewatei st. on Wallace Rd. Free delivery, contrac tors discount. Ph. 3-9593, ma235 24"xflfl"xW" REJECT Plywood. While lasts, 13o per sq. ft. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD INSULATION and Weather tripping. Cro foot Brothers. Ph. 34656. me. SHINGLES, shakes, plywood, masonlte. Let us quote you prices. Eola Lumber Co. Salem-Dallas Hwy. Phone 3-5960 ma330a FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINE. 870 Trade St. s Ph. 36752. n232 IO-IN. LOGAN metal turning lathe com plete with chucks, motor, etc. New Condition. 1040 S. Cottage. Ph. 2860. n232 1 USED bedspring, 3-6x6, Sx panel doors with some hardware. 3800 Fairgrounds Road. n330a SPORT trailer, double bed. ice box, 8 gal. water tank, 3 burner gag plate. In quire at Chemawa Store. nJ32 LADIES' gray Persian lamb coat. Sir 16. $75.00. Man's overcoat, $7.00. Ph. 35271. n333 DEER RIFLE. 30.06. Perfect condition. Custom made stock, K25 Weaverscope. 1598 Court Bt. n230a DAVENO, mixed blue, 135. 740 Chemeketa. H232 FOR SALE: Girl's bicycle, 1946 model. See at 1225 6. 19th St. , D230 A GENUINE DUO-THERM FUEL OIL HEATER FOR ONLY $78.95 Its the 712 that gives you quick, even, thrifty heat at the turn of a dial. Has all the fam ous Duo-Therm performance features) See It now at Good Housekeeping, Inc. Ph. 3-9611. 467 Court St. n231a DAVENO St CHAIR, wine colored; elec. range, A.B.C. washer. Call after 6 eves' 1715 N. Winter. n232 SPITFIRE FLAME THROWER Throws 3000 degree windproof flame 18" long, 3" wide. Kills weeds, bums stumps etc. Uses kerosene In four gal. tank. Come with pressure gauge, hose and control valve. Regular 17.95, NOW ONLY 13.09. WARD'S FARM STORE TRADE & HIGH STS., SALEM n231 ANTIQUE ORIENTAL ru(ti, excellent con dition, lovely linens and brasi, heir looms, from Europe. Albany, Ore., 71$ West 7th St. n230a OIL CIRCULATOR. 3 to 8 rm. size, used 2 months. F:d 1100.00. Will sell for 115.00. Call 25207. n230 (Continued on Page 11) r