4 AUTOMOBILES I Grand Opening Grand Opening Grand Opening W A R N E R M 0 T 0 R C 0 Visit SALEM'S FINEST USED CAR LOT GRAND OPENING SPECIALS 1947 Lincoln Sedan $2495 1947 Ford con., rad., heat. $2095 1947 Ford 4-dr. Sedan ..$1895 ' 1947 Ford 2-dr. Sedan ..$1795 1947 Plymouth Bs. Cpe. $1895 1946 Ford Convertible ..$1895 1941 Chrysler Royal Cpe. $1195 1942 Stude. 4-dr. Sdn. ..$1395 1937 Lincoln Sedan $ 495 1946 DeSoto Sedan $2195 Check the low prices! These Cars Are Priced To Sell WARNER MOTOR CO. NEW LOCATION 545 Center St. Ph. 2-2487 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS R.C.A. Vlctrola it phonograph, table mo del. 110 Park Ave. 1.231 VrC. bdrm. set for sale $168. Also bathl nette & teeter-babe. Also lovely desk, ISO. 910 Shipping. , "330' Ttr. OLD OH Burner, 5 room, fan, 195.00. Rt. 4. Box 393T. Orchard Heights Rd. n230 lo-'fWt 8PORTER. Excellent condition and performance. A gun to be proud of. 1S90 Jefferson or Ph. 3-488. IrWft MODEL A Ford pickup, flee at 3950 Monroe after 8. n330 ilKK LOW CORT HEATT Get a Duo Therm Royal Puel Oil Heater. Power Air Blower will nave up to 35 on fuel, give you workless, dirties heat. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. Ph. 39811 467 Court Bt. p230 1 WOOD RANGE, 1 gajt range. 1 tu fireplace heater. Ph. 3-7631. 340. Ever green Ave. 330 HARD TO GET cartridge foreign and domestic. Also fine 30 - 08 rifle, Texan scope. V. M. Beckett 1510 So. Winter, Salem. Phone 3-4912. n234 yoR BALE; Oil circulator heats rms., also barrell, pipe 6c fitting. Ph. 3-4302. n33l RIVER SILT. Phone 35913 CAMERA 35 mm Mercury II, 3.7 len. with carrying case, like new. Abo West on II exposure meter with carrying cae. Both for 150. Ph. 3-4373 after noon. "231 HYACINTH bulbs. Blue white, yellow & pink. 4-burner smooth top gut range, oven control it broiler. Vacuum cleaner it attachments. Boy's roller akates. misc. Call 3-0500 Sat. it Sun. n330 BUNK BEDS, with box spring it Junior mattrexses, Reasonable. Ph. 3-3143. n230 tft REMINGTON automatic rifle, with Texan scone. Beautiful engraved stock. Gun In like new condition. Complete with case, 1235. New L. C. Smith double barrel, 13 gauge ahot gun. Sell for 1135.00. Will take 1135.00. New 4-cylln-der 9 710 h.p. Evlnrude motor. List 1371. Sell for 1336. Call 3-4016. Eves. 8-8213. "331' APARTMENT Double Rollaway Bed. Ph. 3-3844 or J-8635. n331 PLAT PEN with pad. Nursing chair, Bath lnette, baby scales, beautiful cream colored Duo Therm oil heater, complete with pipe. Padded leathertte bed stead. Mahogany coffee table, glass top, 3 new galvanized tubs, midget elec. washing machine, 8 ft. tree pruner. Power mower with Briggs-Stratton motor. 931 Cas cade Dr. or Rt. 8, Box 130, W. Salem. n33i LANGE RANGE with oil burner & blotfer. tt. nnran fit.. Wood burn. Ore. Ph. Blue 252. n" NEW A USED full Size elec. ranges. New apt. size elec. ranges. New and used full i refrle. Gns ranges. Gas water heater, hot plate, elec. iron, wood heaters, oil heaters, bicycle, breakfast lets, dining set. Ice boxes, tnrow rugs & misc. liinerai creait terms. HARDMAN BROS. Just this side of Drive-In Theatre. Open from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., seven days week nJi jr. niRYCi.IL good condition, good tires, J20. Ph. 3HA97. n230 SMALL SIZF. PIANO, reasonable. 1690 S. Cottage St. Ph. 20725. n230 80-40 KREG SPORTER. 40 rounds of am munition. See chief of police, West Sa lem.h urn' WHV NflT REE THE CLOCK DOCTOR? 100 B. 14th Bt. n233 USED WOOD Heater. 486 N. 14th. GARDEN SAND, Gravei, crushed rock Shovel it drag-line excavating. WALL LING SAND it GRAVEL CO. Ph. 3-8249 SALEM SAND ck GRAVEL, COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer tt Basement Equipment Rental 19 B 'A yd. 13.00 per hr 10 B H yds. 9.60 per hr D-7 Oat it Dozer 9.60 per hr D-6 Cat A Dozer 8.40 per hr. D-4 Cat it Dozer . 1-00 per hr Phone Days 9408 Evenings 8246 or 24400 Salem, Oregon WALLING BAND A GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK tor roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, garden aand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching fc-yd. shovel and drag line. Ph. 3-9349. WTSS ALL ALUMINUM iror'nkleT lrrlgt' Mon systems available for immediate delivery We have received our final carload of aluminum tubing for this season Call ot write Montgomery Ward Farm Store, Irrigation Depart ment Salem. Ore., for complete ae)t mate or your requirements MEW COLLINS elec. hot water heater. Bell lor 120 off Ph. 342B4. BTEEL clothesline costs. Railing In it nek, to order. 1146 N. Liberty. n243 BEST OFFER TAKES BOTPOINT range, G.E. heavy duty heat er. Also several table and cabinet mod el ra rllo. Need room for new stock MITCHELL RADIO it APPLIANCE, 180 Btate, Ph. 37577. n230' ELECT ROLUX CLEANER it air purifier. complete with attachments. 169.75. 19 8. High. Ph. 7719. n234' PULLER BRUSHES. 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357. n234 EE US for harvest bags of all kinds. We specialize in cleaning a menaing & ft 8 Bag Co- 347 Kearney Bt Ph plant. 3-10f I. CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 68F22. D234 BEAT TOUR home electrically. It'a eon venlent, clean, economical See as for tree estimates. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty REGISTERED cocker male at stud. Otto Y unker. mile N. Kelzer Sch. nJ30' URGE upholstered club chair" Oood quality used clothing, sizes 13 Pormals, coats, suits, dresses. Pur Jack' et & muff set. Call Monday 37th. 73 Kmiwood Dr. W. Salem. n330 POR SALE Baker's ttbi, gas oen. glass showcase, s. w. fisher. Box 98. bany. Ore, &33Q AUTOMOBILES w A R N E R M 0 T 0 R C 0 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW SO-Ofl aporter with hella, f 100. Phone 3-8163 after 6 p.m. n COW fertilizer, IS per aq. yd., or 19 per load. Ph. 3-6021. nz3 IN. MALL portable elec. saw. Adjust able. Nearly new. Ph. 3-1098. Mr. Por ter. n230 GOOD ga range and auto, ga water heater, See at 864 Jefferon Bt. nasn FOR SALE; Combination adding machine nd cash register. Cadweii oil co. awo State. ai30' 22 H&R 9 shot revolver. National cham pion ship model, like new, save ua. 1415 Alder Ave Ph. 35944. n230 WHITNET folding ateer-o-matlc baby carriage, 130. Uaed only few time. 677 8. Com'I. n330 l-WHEEL CRAFTSMAN band saw. H horse motor, bench and so-root exten sion cord. 5 blades. 6 weeks old. Will sacrifice. 1155 Spruce. n333 OIL CIRCULATOR, exc; elee. range. good. Ice box, awful. Ph. 33019. naaa USED elec. range $33.50, steel bed, toilet. kitcnen cabinet wun sinx, noor tamp. 610 So. Com'I. H337 33 CHBV. sedan. Rta. 2, Box 149. 114 ml. w. of Keller. Also elect, fence. Bee after 5 p.m. Paul Olover. n230 PARLOR GRAND piano, mnersprlng mat tress, thick cotton leit meuresi, sous, oak library table, rug and pad 8x10 ft., kerosene oil circulator heater, sewing machine, two Roller canaries gingers, closed banded cage and stand, Vigor Ray Ozone generator, 2-qt. Mason fruit Jars. 575 N. Capitol Bt. n330 ii B electric range. Good cond. Ph, 2-6300. Rt. 7, Box 93. n231' TLLOGG AMERICAN SPRAT outfit. Trailer mounted. 6 horse gas engine, 10-gal, paint pot. 350 ft. hose, 3 mlero spray hand guns. Used about 130 hrs. Cash or terms John Valek, Dayton, Ore., Box 438. Ph. 18X17. n231 One W-4 International tractor '47 model In first class cond., used only for cultivation. Hurry, if you are inter ested. William A. Brown, Rte. 1, Box 401, Aurora, Ore. Ph. 16-F-13 Hubbard. n231 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CASH PAID for sewing machines, heads or complete. Any maxe or cond. fix. 3-7671. na241 WANTED Barkle poles 30 to 80 feet Call collect 1ZB7 Aioany, or write etanaara Pole tt Piling Co., P.O. Box 382. Albany, for new price list. na234 WANTED Sewing mach., any cond. Eundale Exch. 59 N. Liberty. P&. assn. USED FURNITURE. Phone 9183. PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL Adviser.- Mrs. Phillips. P331 Ph. 2-9313. DR. J. A. Rombough, Naturopathic and chiropractic physician. 360 3rd ot, in dependence. Ore. Phone 320! p246 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P Box pill 724. Phone 35234. AUTOMOBILES '31 CHEV. 4 -door sedan, good condition. Phone 23025 or see 3440 Sunnyvlew, qzaft Rebuilt Ford, Dodge, . Plym., Chev. Motors with New Motor Guarantee SAVINGS ON ALL REPAIRS See Us on Our Monthly , Payment Plan Amundson Garage 809 Edgewated Bt. West Salem Phone 3-7138 q230 CHOP TOP '32 Ford coupe, chaneled body with set down irame. i Mercury mo tor, hydraulic brakes, chrome dash. Por sale or trade, 1800. 1537 N. Winter St. q232 lOSfl FOUR-DB, Dodge sedan. 1365 N q230 21st. 1&J7 WINDSOR CHRVSLER sedan. R&H, extras lfit7 FORD SIX 1-ton express pickup, overlds., RAH 11695 See at 1625 N. 20th St. q233 FOR SALE: 1934 Ford oupe. 1940 sine. $125.00. 1040 Monroe Ave. qzaa '34 CHEV. flat bed truck. 440 Mill fit. after 5:30 P.m. jz IBM HUDSON. Good cond. 144 Marlon. q333 WANTED "35 or '36 Ford body frame or complete car with bumea out motor. 350 W. Bslem Heights Ave. or Phone 3-5438. Call evenings. Wl LOOKING for cheap transportation? '35 Graham, f 150. 710 Beck Ave. Pen Pour corners. hj FOR RALE 193 Plv. Station Wsron. New motor, good rubber, good body, 1750. Or will trade for good model A and cash. M. G. McGulre, 1030 West Nob Hill, Ph. 3-5495. q331 1910 STUDEBAKER sedan, i mechanically perfect, good paint and tires, in fact a good car. Priced reasonable. Privately owned, cash or terms. 1440 N, Church. Ph. 3-4R9B. 1330 'M CHEV. Sedan. New motor, tires heater. Clean Inside. Must sell this week. 1695. or best offer. 2nd Lincoln, Sllverton, Ore. q231 1936 OLD CONV. RAH St searchtt. Good bur at 1395.00. Call at 1535 N. Church, Apt. 1 after 6:00 P.m. q234 FOR SALE or trai, 41 GMC truck. will trade for pick-up or ear. 1358 Kendlewood Dr. 0.330' Rebuilt Ford Motors ..$179.50 Rebuilt Plymouth Mtrs.. $189.50 (INSTALLED) Pay Cash Pay Less REIMANN'S MOTOR CO. 3250 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7110 q333 17 PLTMOI'TH. Oood condition. 1400 00. Williams' Thicker rantn. qJIO 19t-Dr! PLYMOUTH rNw pVint. Good motor. c alter 1 p.m. excep. sat 140 Norway. 331 AUTOMOBILES ZIP I ZUP! ZEP! OR ZEEB SAYS COME OUT TO 2325 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD WHERE PARKING IS PLENTIFUL, TRADING IS E-Z Sharp 1947 Chevrolet convertible, radio and heater, lots of extras $2395 Sharp 1946 Chevrolet Aero, sedan, extras, only $2095 Sharp 1947 Mercury 4-door sedan, R. and H. $2095 Good 1941 Ford, newly reconditioned, R&H . .$1195 Good 1941 Chevrolet 5-passenger coupe, R&H $1395 AUTOMOBILES M OLDS 3 -door, Oood tires, htr.. B.B. lights. 1350.00. After ft or Bat. Sun. 583 So. 16th. q330 PIRST HAND - BECOND HAND FIRST HAND Quality Second hand cars. Otte J. Wilson Company q233 '40 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE 9M. CLEAN. 333ft Chester Ave., Just off Lansing Ave. q230 Compare These Prices Cars Are Getting Cheaper '44 Ohev. Aero Sedan. Just like new, 13095. '48 Pord Sedan Coupe. Perfect. RAH, $1950. '41 Pord Tudor Sedan. Heater and de froster 11350. t '41 Pord Club Coupe, R&H 11165. '40 Packard "6" Club Coupe. R&H, Ov erdrive. .1965. '31 Chrysler "6" Sedan 1895. '38 Nash Laf. Sport Coupe $595. '35 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan 1195. '38 Chev. Clean transportation 1100. 3160 South Commercial Bt. Ph. 3-6615 BOB MARR USED CARS 2160 S. Com'I Phone 26615 q230 87 CHEV. Panel. New '40 motor. Condi tion .rood. Rte. 7. Bx 133. Mobil Station. q230 WANTED Good clean ears. Bcuere Deal sed Cars 1155 a lam mm reputation AeuehCa on your sat isfaction. Lees Used Cars, 340 N. Church. 'iu pi.v. Tudor. Gd. rubber, new paint, runs good. Cheap for cash. 110 Park Ave. 0331 EQUITY 1300. A-l '40 Master Chev. Coach, Good tires, paint, motor, heater. Ph. 3-6849 after 4 p.m., Mr. Ward, 481 N. Winter St. il WANTED - USED CARS SHOP ARODND THEN BRING YODR CAR HERI WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT ITS WORTH ANDERSON USED CARB 340 CENTER BT. PHONB 3-3734 PONT1ACS HERRALL OWENS CO. 660 N. Liberty Ph. 14113 1IS9 Plymouth coupe. Al, $878. Fred H. Westphal, Rt. 4, Box 431, Salem. q330 This Time It's HUDSON! Service Bales Parts Rome of Good Uaed Oars 8KRO0R MOTOR OO Church ChemekeU Bta. Ph. 3-9101 We Buy Used Cars POR HIGHEST FRICES SEE Teague Motor Co. 855 N. Liberty Phone 34173. q1 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS WHIKEER MOTORBIKE. Cheap. Call af ter 5. Ph. 28555. W32 1&42-4K HARLET DAVIDSON motorcycle. Good condition. 1300. 691 Kingwood Ave., West Salem. qa233 INDIAN WORLD'S FINEST UOTORCTCLR Repairing U makes ano models, 8HROCK MOTORCYCLB BALES 1007 Portland Rd. Ph. 11438 qa FINANCIAL GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS 8-131 and U-33B and ROT R. SIMMONS -INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 6. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161. SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOAN ONLY 4 INTEREST Up to 40 Years and NO Commission) Leo N. Chltds. Inc. REALTORS 144 State St, - Phone 33663 333 PRIVATE MONEY Bpeelal rates and terms t on larger loans long and short time payments ROT H SIMMONS 186 South Commercial St, Phone 1-9161 INFORMAL LOANS $25 to $500 YES. A LOAN UP TO 1300 ON FURNI TURE, SALARY. UP TO $500 ON AUTO FROM PERSONAL FINANCE CO. AN INFORMAL LOAN. INFORMAL becaune you deal with Just ONE Uie YES MANAGER. INFORMAL became you select monthly repayment amount. INFORMAL because there is no "stand ard" security required: furniture, car, equipment, livestock, macninery are ae ceptable basis for a loan. Phone or see the YES MANAGER today, It's "yes" to 4 out of 1. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Ph. 3-2464' 8. Oalllnger, Manager 511 state Lie. SI 32 -Ml 61 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO 190 State Street old quarters First Nationa. Bank License No. U-159 8-154 FARM AND CITY LOANS 44'. and 6 TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7163. 4V REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS BTATE FINANCE CO. 153 B tch 8: Lie S-316 M-333 TRAILERS lMt INDIAN TRAILER. Sleeps 4. Fully equipped. Bargain, 1850. 110 Taylor. Ph. FACTORY BUILT Eastern trailer houses. . 35 it 28-ft. Late models, George Fuller, R;ckreall. Ore. t231 NEW all-metal trailer. 4 bed. cooking, ireesint unit. Ph. 11914 or 148)7. 1350' IAUTOMOBILES TRAILERS 35-PT. 194 ELCAR trailer house In A-l cond., all modern. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Call eve. after 6:30. 3213 Portland Rd. t23S POR SALE Light Implement trailer. 6 ft. heavy duty Moline disc. Two hop yard cultivators. E. W. Fisher, Rte. 3. Box 130, Salem, Ore. 1330 Trailer, 33 ft. long, new paint, redecorat ed, reirig.. n.w.. oil heat. Butane range. Reasonable. Ph. 1-9841. 130 Lana Ave. Welsh. t231 TRANSPORTATION LEAVING SEPT. 30 for Los Angeles. 1 pas senger to snare expenses, see Wayne Fields. 1230 8. 16th St., Apt. 3. X233 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines, sold rented repaired. Roen. 456 Court. Phone 1-6773. AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NABH SERVICE Towing service, day phone 3-9386, Night 1804. 333 Center. o AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes ol Auto Redlos Morrow Radio Co. 153 8. Liberty. Ph. 3-6955. o ' ke Panek, 375 S. Comm'l. Ph. 1-5161. Brake it wheel aligning specialist, o234 BULLDOZING Bulldoilng, leveling, road bldg., clear ing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 1010 Pairvlew Ave. Ph. 33146, Salem. O240 BULLDOZING, GRADING BuUdoelng, grading, clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Geo. Wlrth, 940 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 31367. 0344' CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA registers. All makes old. rented, repaired- Roea. 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling. Ph. 2-4850. 615 S. 31st St. o234' CEMENT WORKS General Cement Contracting, Cliff Ellis, 1905 N. 19th Bt. Phone 3-4071. o244 CHIMNEY SWEEP furnace chimneys, vacuum cleaned. Ensiey, 771 S. 3 1st St. Ph. 3-7176. 0234' CO-RACTOR Alt Brothers Bldg. Contractors. Phones Salem 2-2780, Sllverton Black 176. o234 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Motn Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. 0234' Bielthaupfa for flowers. Dial 1-9179. o LANDSCAPING New lawns, rototllllng, tree pruning ad removal. Light tractor work. Richard Boycr. Phone 2-2258. O 355 LAWNMOWER SHARPENING Lawnmowers, scissors, knives sharpen ed. Dexter. 960 Center. Ph. 36633. O230 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069. METAL STAMPING METAL STAMPING, machining, die work your laeas or patents put nn produc tion basis. Ph. 3-5590. 643 Ferry. o24 MOVING AND HAULING Moving and hauling. Ph. 3-3393. o334' MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Man dolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 1-7569, o26 OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies. safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands. Oriel eases. Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 458 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger, Ph. 36073. Painting. Spray or Brush. Ph. 3-6511. o334' Elfstrom's are equipped to do your painting. Phone 1-2493. PAINTING PAPERHANGING Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513 657 Shipping. a344' COUPLE. Exp. painters, want work. Also wall papering. Pn a-aeao. Mr. Ross. O2401 PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H. J. Woodworm. Ph. 3-3015. Tree est. o347 PLASTERING FREE ESTIMATE. Ph. 3-4830 eve. o241 DECATUR MAERZ, plumbing, electrical supplies, water systems, uenerai repair work. Phone 3-6223. 173 B. com'l. 0249 RADIO SERVICE Ray Moore Reopens Oct. 15. ROOF REPAIRING SAND AND GRAVEL BAR RUN GRAVEL TOP BOIL Cat. Shovel it Truck work of all kinds. LLOYD M. HILL, INC. Ph. 1-4367 Rt. 3, Box 33R 0346' Garden Soil, crusned rock. Shovel and aragiine excavating waning nana Gravel Co. Phone 3-9349. SEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor-sharp steel cutting blades. Cleans sewers or drains Septle tanks eleaned reasonable. Ph. 3-6337 or 3-9468. SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks eleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm Bt., W. Salem. Ph. 1-9461 - 3-5327. 0334' K. F. HAMEL: Septle tanka elaaned. Spar tan el'etrleal newer machine aerv. Mod, econ. Eaay melhod eleari llnea of roots, arcane, ate. 1143 8th at.. W. Balam. Ph. 3-1404. 034 TRANSFER A) STURAOB Local At Dlatanca Tranjfar, atoraca. nurnet oiu, coal briquet. Trueea Portland dally Afent Lyon Van Llnea tor houaenold t-ocxu to California point Larmar Tranalar e Btorai-a. ra. l-lll TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona, Rcmlntton, Royal and Underwood portable. All make uaed machines. Repair and rent. Roeh. 4.SS Court VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind lien. Ph. 3-1331. VENETIAN BLIND I.AKNDBT Laundry At Repair Serrlee, Pick-up Delivery. Temp. Ph. 3-1803. 039a WEATHIRSTBIPPINn Pre estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. I SMS. Ill1 WINDOW CLEANINU Acm Window Cleanera. Windows. wall Aj woodwork cleaned Ploor. ciean. ed. waxed an4 polulifd. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Oourk LAojdoo. C ulnar uoa tn4 uathai Grains Work to Lower Levels Chicago, Sept. 25 ( All de liveries of grain worked lower at today's session of the board of trade. Toward the close a flurry of selling carried .all grains to the day's low There was some telling in wheat attributed to northwest interests, although at the start these interests were on the buy ing side. Large purchases on a to ar rive basis in corn, and a decline of around S cents in the cash market weakened the yellow cereal. Wheat traders continued to display disappointment over the small interest shown by domes tic flour rtade. At the finish wheat was T4 to 2V4 lower than yesterday's close, December $2.23-23 Mi. Corn was 24 to 2T4 lower, De cember $1.37 W-4. Oats were to lower, December 72 H. Rye was 1 cent to 2Vt lower, December $1.57 "A and soybeans were 5V4 to 8 cents lower, No vember $2.34-32. Earl Sande Lore Told by Stern Over the air waves Friday night between 7:30 and 7:45 'clock on the Bui Stern radio program came a sports sketch of former Salem man destined to become a famous Jockey, Earl Sande, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sande. The sketch, from the early life of the jockey whom Stern de scribed as the "greatest jockey of all time," told of his partici pation in a race at the Arizona state fair a number of years ago and an accident that almost cut short the career that made Sande so famous that a poem was written about him. Prior to the race the military had given an exhibition and demonstration. In clearing the track they had missed a cannon The race started and soon taking the lead was a horse ridden by only a boy. As the horses mov ed down the track the cannon was noticed but hard as they tried the military men were un able to budge it. The lead horse moved down the track and piled into the can non pitching his rider over the gun. The horse and four or five others that followed him were killed. The youngster riding the lead horse did not stop his career as a jockey with the ac dent but rode on through the years. He was Salem s Sande. Sprague Favors Courthouse Plan Charles A. Sprague, . Salem member of the courthouse building commission, has advis ed the commission by letter that he approves of the suggestion of Pietro Belluschi, architect for the new building, that the main entrance face to the north of Court street. So far this makes on commissioner for and one against the proposal, Karl Steiwer, member from Jefferson having committed his disap proval. This leaves Ray Glatt lay member from Woodburn and the three members of the county court to express them selves. Sprague slates in his com munication that actually every face of the building must be at tractive as it stands alone in the block available to public view from all angles. Probably other entrances would be provided, he says from one or more of the other streets. A Court street facing would harmonize with the state capitol, he comments. He sug gests the post office probably faces on Church street because the loading and unloading door faces cottage street where traf fic is less so is seen by fewer people. I believe," he concludes, "we should trust the architect's judg ment for he has the training and experience to qualify him to solve auch problems." London (Pi Among modern Innovations being made in Bri tain's reconstructed House of Commons are air conditioning, loud speakers, and a well- equipped gymnasium. DIRECTORY wer.i. DRILLING J. A. Bneed Bona, well drlllim, 3606 Brooke Bt.. Balem. Ph. 3-6609. 253 WOOD SAW. NO . CfOM. Ph, 36171 or 18674. WOOD SAWDUST Weat Balem fuel Co Ph. 94011. LEGAL NOTICE OP OWNERSHIP Notice U hereby el vert that Alton L. nerce u no jonier a partner In thi Pumlllta Block At BuddIv Co.. Ur. I.. Btierldan and Mr. Stanley M. Hamme re the aole remalnlnc partnera. aar LODGES I. O. O. r. meets every weanraaay nignu vu itors welcome Fraternal Order ot Eagle meet very Tuesday at i pjn. Mora than minion memwri. A Kinifw VTvy a.iv A Hon. Kingwood Lodeii No. 204. A F. M, Speclfll communica tion. F. C. Degree. Mon., Sept 37, 7:30 pjn. 331 Salem Markets Completed from report et Balem dealers (or the tuldanco of Capi tal Journal Reader. IReTUed dtuly.t aun F.., prim Ef, M.lh !4-,0. B.bklt ra4 r.ll.l I4.H. Dairy r4 IS.,0. P.llrri BarlBi rrl.wlto. 1 Mlar.d h.nj, 0'31c; No. 1 L.,hern htra, 3Sc; 1 colored frytri. 1 lhi. .nd un 42e; No. 1 ItT.rt. JH-1 Ibl. U lb: No. old rooalorft, U-L.c Im Rsrlat- Prictt Ltrio trad AA, Mai flr.da Mc; mdiumj. fO-SSei pullau. I3-43C. em, 3d-40c. Wb.lMal. Frieo AA Irada, lie A trada c: mr-diunu. 6Te; pullau. 4a.&0e doa. Botl.rtat Premium: ll-He; No. 1, 13 c: No. 3, B6-70e; taurine prteas). Bullar WholaaaU A, 71a. Retail, irada lie. Frosh Dunked I n Mill Stream Willamette university's an nual feud between freshmen nd upperclassmen had its first uprising of the current school year on the campus Thursday night, as about 100 freshmen were tossed into the mill stream. The affair was Ignited several hours earlier, when Scotty Washburn, Willamette's yell king, led a group of upperclass- men in throwing the freshman class president Into the stream. The dunking of the freshman eader is almost a tradition at the Methodist institution, but evidently this year's freshmen hadn t been so informed. At any rate, a gang of first-year stu dents mobilized and decided to toss Washburn into the chilly campus waters. It was the plan of the fresh men revolters to coyly lead Washburn away from the Beta Theta PI fraternity house, then guide, carry or drag him to the mill stream and let him test his swimming abilities. But somewhere along the line he freshmen plans backfired Word of the revolt spread fast among the fraternity houses, and in a few minutes hundreds of upperclassmen were out to dunk every frosh we can find." So the freshmen swam. They swam In street clothes, work clothes, pajamas, or whatever else they happened to be wear ing when the seniors caught them. A kangaroo court, where freshmen will be tried for cam pus "crimes" such as disrespect to upperclassmen or failure to wear their "beanie" caps, etc. will be conducted by the Wil lamette lettermen club some time next week. And the frosh would be wise to bring along their water wings. Market Quotations Salem Lire. toe Mmrl (By Valley Paeklnf company l Sprint. Lamb, choice t2fl.so Yearlinsa iii.uu .o i..uu Ewcji ".00 to $7.50 Pat dairy cowa Cutter cowx 112.00 to 115.00 Dairy heifer llH.oo to mo.oo Bulls 117.00 to (23.00 Calve (300 to 450 Hut.) .. I14.n0 to 131.00 Veal (150-300 lb.v enoice, hvod io w-vou Hoe Price paid within 3So ol Port land price lor each type. Port! an it Produce Ruttertat Tentative. auBieei to imme diate chanee. Premium Quality maximum Portland 76-79c lb., Ural Quality H-74c lb.: aecond fluallty 69-72c lb.: valley route and country point, le lea than IlrAt. Butler Who tu t. f.o.b bulk euoe trade- AA, 93 acore, 74c lb.; A, 93 core, 74c lb.; B, 90 acore, 66c; C, 89 score, 67c lb. Above price are atrlctly nominal. cheese Bellini price to Portland whole sale. Ore on a In a 1m, 60-ftSc, Oreann 6 lb. loaf, 63-67C, Triplet tto le.u than aln- Enre ( Te wnoiaeaieri) a irane targe, Vi-flle, medium. 60tt-62c, A email ,6-M'c; B trade large, 52-5Re. Purchwtfl from larmer. our rem receipt S5l-ftB'ct buyer pay 1-3 Vie pre mium lor elan. Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailer, tirade AA print, 77c; AA carton, 7flc; A print, 77c; A carton, 76c; B print, 72c. Eire Price to retailer; AA lane 74-75C, cfUlfled A lane 69o doi.; A lar.ee 65-68c; AA medium, (Be; certified medium, esc; a medium ea-6c: a email, &l-63c; carton 2c additional. Cheeie price it retailer: rout ana. Oregon alnglen, 60-67c; , Oreion loaf, A .13-&BC triple toe lea .nan ainiie. Poultry Live Chlckene Paying price to produc er; No. 1 broiler under 3'A lb. 17-38c lb.; fryer 2 to I lb., iU lb.; a to lb., 43c lb.; roaater 4 lb, and over, 42c lb.; fowl, Leehorn, under 4 lb., 38-29e lb. over 4 lb.. 38-29B lb.) colored fowl all we lint. 11-330 lb. atai. al) weight, 16-19C. Rabblle Average to retailer for local ly dreued animal. 58-62e; fryer, live white, 33-33e Ib.i colored, 10-llei old or heavy, 15.16c. Rabbi tt Dred, retail. 60-660. Portland Mlacellaneote Caicara Bark Dry 20c lb., green le lb. Wool Valley coarae and medium grade. 45c lb. Mnhalr 3m lb. on 13-month growth. Hid Oalvu 80o lb. according to weight kip 30c lb.t green beef 11-lle lb.; bull. 10-110 lb. I eountry buyer pay 3c lex. Nat Quoted one Walnoli Prenquette II Ml quality Jum i, 34.7c; large, 12.7c: medium. 7.2c: second quality Jumboa, 30.3c; large, 38,2et meoium, se.sct Bany, aa-sc; aott men urn quality large, 38.7c t medium, 16.2; asc end quality large 17.3c; medium, 24.7oj baby, 13.3c. Filbert! Jumbo, 20o B, large, llei medium 16c, amall 13o. (Quotation above auppiiM by Nortn- weet Nut Grower Quotation are on the baU of 100-)b. bag purehae fob plant.) INSULATE! Save Your Heat 10c Per Square Foot for Three Inches of Blown Rock Wool in Your Open Attic. Kasv Terms ABC INSULATION. CO. Journal Want Ads Pay Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Heads Bank Superintend ents A. A. Rogers, above, Oregon state superintendent of banks, who was elected in Louisville, Ky., Friday as elected in Louisville, Ky., president of the National Associ ation of Supervisors of State Banks. Full Agenda For Grand Jury The Marion county grand Jury which starts Monday on what promises to be a three-day sea sion faces what may be one of the biggest grists to come before such a body with possibility of 50 or more cases to be up for consideration. The last grand jury met in July and the cases have been accumulating from the district and justice courts over the county. A considerable share of the defendants involved are on bail. The jury has had at least two postponements from called ses sions and absence of a juror held over an August session. One homicide case pending, that of Charles Henry Weldon, who allegedly shot and killed his son In a house in the Stay ton area, is not expected to be considered at this particular ses sion. Weldon, after shooting his son, turned the gun on himself, according to the case as recon structed by the officers, was in a hospital here for some time but is now in the county jail. DEATHS Edward Morgan Brooke In thi city Monday, September 20, Edward Morgan, Brook, 77, late reldent of nas Bdaewater Bt., Wet Salem. Sur vived by hi wife, Mr. Alma Brook of Marvsvillf, Calif.; four brother, Robert Brook. Beuton, Ore., J. M. and R. Brook, both of Salem, and William Brook, Ffuter, Ore. and a Jib ter, Mr Pearl Herring, Portland. Service at the w, T. Hi arm cnapei i uewiay, Bepiem ber 28, at 1:30 p.m. Interment In Belcre.it Memorial perk. Rev. W. Harold Lyman win oniciaie. Mn. Mon a A. I.nti In this city September 24. Mri. Mon a A, Luts, late resident of 1276 North Liberty street, at ine ago oi oo year, survived by her husband, P. C. Lull of Salem; three eone. Prancli P. Lull of San Diego. Carl L. Luts of Loa Angelee and Don H. Luti of Salem; three daughter, Mn. Cla ra Chrlstrnsen, Mr. Helen Hamilton and Mrs. Barbara Victor, all of Salem; and gtu grandchildren. Servlre will he held Monday, Sep! ember 27, at 1:30 p.m. at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel. Entombment at Mt. Creit Abbey Mausoleum. , John W. Bean John w. Bean, at the resldenr at 1491 South Commercial street, September 24. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Henrietta Bean of Salem. Service will be held rrom the Clou ri -Bar rick chapel Monday, September at 1ri:30 a.m. with Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Interment In Belcreat Memorial park. Mrs. Mary B. Mrkel I Mrs. Mary B. Lirkel. at the renldenre at 503 North Summer street, September 24. Survived by a daughter, Mrs Sylvia Shreve of Salnm; thrre son, Alfred Berk man of Inwond. Iowa. Clarence O. Rerkman of Melvln, Iowa, and Fred C. Beckmnn of Raymond, Wnh.; three sis ters, Mr. Emma Bohnett of Ha.ttlne. Nebr., and Mr, Roae Kennedy and Mr. Ella Lambert, both of Kanaa Cliy. Mo.; a brother, John WlUon of Fulda, Minn.; 17 grandchildren and 14 great grandchil dren. Service will be held at the Clough Barrlclc chapel Monday, Septembor 27, it 2 p.m. Interment will be In Hull, Iowa, Plea omit flower. OBITUARY Guy Harold Noli Amity luy Harold Nolt. 67, died ear ly Wrrineaday morning while aleep at hi ' $ Central Location. NaxC Easily reached by public A Jltf transportation. S yCrflK Amrle Parking Space in our yTyy own parking lot. Jj&VV Funeral Service within sa Ur mean,' Saturday, Sept. 25, 1948 11 j home here on North Trad atreet. Rt had lived in Amity 16 year and oper atad a general merchandise More, Prior to that time he had operated a dry good tore In McMtnnville wU-i hi father. Mr. Nott had long been te1 in lvle affair and had aervrd a clerit of the rhool board. He wu a cem ber of the Chamber of Commerce andj I.O.O.P.. and wa alo a member of the Methodbt church. He wa born tn Waldo Hill, Marlon county, July 37. 1881. Boiru hi parent and grandparent were pi oneer who migrated from the eat. Sur vivor are hi widow, Lottie Irene, at the home here; one daughter, Vfielme (Mr.. Kola McCIellan) Salem; one brother, Xarl A. Noit, McMinnville, and one grand dauahte: ;er. Corall McCIellan, Selem. Pun-i lervlcr were held Saturday at' aral e 10:30 o'clock, Macy V Son chapel, Mc Minnville. Rev. Fremont Paul. patof or Amity MethodiL church officiating. Interment wa In Mt, Orrt Abbey, SaJem.i Pearl Mar Parker AlbanyMr. Pearl May Parker, wt. lay Parker, wt, iny General hoa- W al aervlcM, In 11 neral home, wlUi ( Haley, riled in the Alba: pltal Thursday. Punera charge of the Fiaher Fu be held from the Halxey Methodtat church s to "mil at 2:30 p.m., Sunday. Burial win o the Alford cemetery, Mr. Parker i Neb., and came to Halitey two and a'y half yrar bko. She wa married Octobt 35. 1904 at Svracuse. Nebr.. to Lon Parker, who aurvlve, a do four children: Holll C. Parker, HnUey, Dele n. Parker, OomMock. Nebr., Mr. Thelma P. Hud-,n .ton, Broken Bow, Nebr., and Mr. Ruth B.tf1 Seat of Springfield, Ore.; three U ter and two brother. 1 B( Pearl Lorraine Landahl -i Dalle Funeral tervlee for Pearl Lw-u, 1 Ta..hl t h Iwa DAwit.-ilUI 1 Thursday, will be held from the Renk.lt ana eonman cnipu m a oci ounaar, - Rev. Dale Sherwood officiating and burial J at, I m in iuur c? met very, one wu Born x Morton, Wah., Jan. 22, 1943, and 1 ur- i vlvnA hv ir DirpnU. Mr. and Mr. Ralph UJ Landahl. Dalle. Rt. 1, and a brother, at,.. I Ralph Landahl, lCjtiJ Rev. R. T. Cooklngham lent Lyons Rev. R. T. Cooklngham patter ren at Lyons Met hod Ut church, died on,-, pi inursaay irom a near, aimc at. u o'clock. i Raymond Tyler Cooklntcham, third sob of William H. and Elenor Cooklngham. was born In LaOrande county. Indiana on the 10th of Sep tern her, 1676. In In- , fancy moved with his parents to Sturgli, Mich., where he spent boyhood day t-t . tending grade and high school and work- Ins on hi grandfather' farm during va-t cations. clggj drew him to that city where with hlil father and two brother he engaged in n carpenter trade, and did ome contract ing business in the suburb of Ravens-., wood In the northern part of the city,1! He attended a Methodist revival meet- l lng In the Bowen Methodist church and j was converted and felt the rail of God10 tn dedicate his life to the ministry and p set himself to the work of preparation . J I by attending Northwestern u. and Pc14 u tenure courses unner un. ritx, lorry, i Little, Hayes and Comttock. in lflos he waa appointed as s local preacher to the charge of Melrose Park, by presiding Elder H. O. Jarkion. While continuing his studies h aervea e this charge for four years. Rev. Cook- I ine. nam wa receive! on inu in in hock River conference In 1895. ordained a CI deacon In 1897, following the disciplinary p, course of study was ordained as aa ' elder In the church. In 1899 was appoint- r, ed to the Francis B. Wlllard Memorial rhurch located at Douglas Park boule-18 vard and St. Louis avenue In Chicago where he preached until I90S and trans- rerrea to tne Famine street cnuren ana H from there to Marseilles, 111. He relln- i finished his pastorate temporarily and returned to tht bulldini contracting bus- - Iness. j In 1910 Mr. Cooklngham moved to Out : bertson. Mont., where he again entered I into church work and appointed as pas tor of Oulbertsoo and Mondak charge. In Oulbertson Rev. Cooklngham was elected Ii to the slat legislature at Helena serving n two term In the lealalatlve assembly at a the same time preaching every Sunday. In 1912 he waa appointed to Malta, u Mont., where he preached for three l" years and In 1916 waa appointed io h Scobey. . In March, 1990, Mr. Cooklngham wan a united In marriage to Miss Sarnh Scho fle.ld and soon after was by epcclal ap- t polntment of Bishop Matthew Hughes transferred to the Klamath Indian mis- u slon and marie superintendent of Indian work In Klamath county under tne mis- a nlonary bonrd of Philadelphia, Here Rev. Cooklngham and wife served for two ' years. In November, 1922, ha relinquished rj nis work ann moved with nls family to i Pendleton. Ore., and engaged In the In suranre business. Hera at Pendleton ha held his membership tn tha church as a. local elder and sold Insurance during tht U week and prearhed on Sundays. He or ganized a Sunday school and preached at Rleth during 1933. . In 1924 the Umatilla county WCTTT and L the united effort of the churches pre- f vailed upon Mr. Cooklngham to btcomt an Independent eandldat for tha office of sheriff of Dm a title county and wag , elected to enforce the prohibition law m and for four years gave his untiring ef fort to law enforcement with the special ll emphasis on bootlegging In the Blut ' mountain area. J In 1932 through the efforts of U . Sen- ator Frederick Steiwer he wa appointed i by Sanfdrri Bates, director ot lederal prisons, superintendent ot the federal prison camp at Fort Lewis, Wash., and . held that office for two year until tht ' administration at Washington changed . and lost his appointment. In 1934 at the Invitation ot Dr. T. Yarnrs, superintendent of the Caseadt ( dlitrlrl ronference Mr. Cooklngham ac cepted the pastorate of the church at Wasro where he served for two years ag pastor and In 1936 was transferred to Dundee and served this church four I, years where with the help of the men t ot the rhurch he built the new parson tte whlrh was dedicated by Dr. J, I Purriy then superintendent. In 1940 Rev, Cooklngham was appoint ed to tha rhurch at. Monroe and Alpine .! where he and his wife eerved four years. : He waa then appointed to 8 1 ay ton and . Lyons. : Rev. Cooklngham was In his lecond ft year as the pastor of tht Lyons church 1 and had almost completed the building I of a $10,000 parsonage free of debt. Funeral services will be at Lyons under the direction of District Silpt. Roy A. Frdje of Balem, Burial will he In Salem. He leave the widow, Sarah, two aorta, ' William c. of Malta, Mont.; Paul C, Portland, and three daughters. Grace Amholl of Lombard, 111.; Klva Blunt, ' Wlnalow, III., and Ruth Becker tt Med- i ford; end six grandchildren. 1 94