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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1948)
rOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS trrv iinflOT, u.ed abort time. Ph. I-19. BEST OFFER TAKES outpoint rinse, O.I. h,evj dutr heat. r aim aeverel table and cabinet mod- i r.iilos. Need room (or new atoclt. MTTCHELTj RADIO at APPLIANC. USD mm. PH- 3'5"- "' TrTTHOMIX CLKANEB air purifier, complete with attachments. H9.1S. 191 i HUh. Ph. "1- nrETER BRUSHES. 1145 Grant. Ph. 8357. J n234 nTiJB for harvest bag of til kinds. We iDeeiallse & cleaning mending, K. & 6 Bag Co 317 Kearney St Ph plant. J-1BT7. Try kb. posts, rh. esm. n33i hfaT TOUR bom electrically. If cod renlent, clean, ooQomiomL See ui for free estimate. 1 y EATER APPLIANCE OO. 355 N. Liberty. a jrfilSTERED coclcer male At Jtud. Otto VtlQiter, U mi'" cinct nc". TaBOE upholstered club chair. Good quality used clothing, sites 12 A 14. Forma 1. coats, suits, drwei. Pur Jack et ft muff set. Call Monday 37th. 731 Kiniwood Dr.. W. Salem. n330 FOR SALE Baker's tahle, gas oven, glass ihowcMB. E. W. Fisher, Box 98, AI biny. Off- nJ3Q fllPFIES for tale. Small breed. 535 N. Vinter. n- TrHEV. sedan. Rte. 2, Box 149. l'i ml. W, of Kelzer. Also elect, fence. See tHer 5 p.m. Paul Plover. n230 jiEW 30-08 eporter with shells, $100. Phone 1-8loi aucr o p.m. n-ou COW fertilizer, IS per aq. yd., or (9 per j-IN. MALL portable elic. saw. Adjust able. Nearly new. Ph. 2-1098. Mr. Por ter. n330 DAIRY WASH TANKS avallabls in two l;es. Constructed for ease In dairy can wash inn. Round bottom, sheet steel units, complete with lea. Single, $19.95; double J36.9S. WARD'S FARM STORE TRADE & HIGH STS. SALEM, ORE. n229 GOOD gas range and auto, gas water heater. See at 864 Jefferson St. n230 PR. linen crash drapes. 3 lane, 5 prs. curtains. Eve. Ph. 39430. n228 FOR SALE: Combination adding machine and caAh register, Cadwell Oil Co. 24no State. n230 6 MM MAUSER ammunition. 310 Bel mont St., Salem, after 8 p.m. n239 ,St HAR 9 shot revolver. National oham pion ship model, like new, aave $20. 1415 Alder Ave Ph. 25944. n330 WHITNEY folding teer-o-matlc baby carriage, $20. Used only few times. 677 S. Com'l. n230 WINCHESTER MOD. 70. 30-06 cal. Brand new. 50 rounds amo. Single horse trail er, $200 takes all. Ph, 2-8848 after 6 p.m. n328 I WHEEL CRAFTSMAN band saw. horse motor, bench and 20-foot exten sion cord. 5 blades. 6 weeks old. Will sacrifice. 1155 Spruce. n333 USED COLEMAN STOVE, 8 rms. heater. Complete with stove pipe, heat regulat or, 54-gal, tank, complete to set up. Reasonable. 2210 State St. n!3B OIL CIRCULATOR, exc; elec. range, good. Ice box, awful. Ph. 23015. n233 USED eleo. ran ne $22.50, steel bed, toilet, kitchen cabinet with sink, floor lamp. 610 So. Com'l. n237 85 REMINGTON automatic rifle, with Texan scope. Beautiful engraved stock. Gun In like new condition. Complete . with case. $235. New L. C. Smith double barrel, 12 gauge shot gun. Sells for $135.00. Will take $125. Call 34016 eves. 38213. n330 PARLOR GRAND piano, Innersprlng mat tress, thick cotton felt mattress, solid oak library table, rug and pad 8x10 ft., kerosene oil circulator heater, sewing machine, two Roller canaries, singers, cloned banded cage and stand, Vigor Ray Ozone generator, 2-qt, Mason fruit jars. 575 N. Capitol St. n330 A A B electric range. 1947 model. Good cond., $90. Ph. 2-6200. Rt. 7, Box 92. n338' SAWDUST BURNER. 265 South 19th St. n339 Portable electric sewing machine, . like new. Phone 3-6574. 1930 S. Church St., Salem, Oregon, n329 ATTENTION NEWLYWEDS FOR SALE Two-tone living rm. suite, davenport tt chair, one dining rm. set, table, 6 chairs, buffet St mirror, wal nut bdrm. suite, bed with springs At mattrfM, also davenport. All In excell. cond. 329 N. 19th. Ph. 3-5483. n229 COLEMAN OIL CIRCULATOR in good cond. Two 50-gal. oil drums tt pump, IfiS. Ph. 33722 or 39831. n329' Wood CIRCULATOR heater, like new, and 2 cords dry wood. Lang Jr. range, copper colls and hot water tank. 1156 8th street, West Salem. n229 JTELLOGG AMERICAN SPRAT outfit. Trailer mounted. 6 horse gas engine, 10-sal. paint pot. 250 ft. hose, 2 mlro spray hand guns. Used about 130 hra. Cash or terms. John Valek, Dayton, Ore.. Box 438. Ph. 13X17. n231 NEW H-FT. BOAT at cost of material. After 8 p.m. 140 E. Rural. n23D AR APT. ELEC. RANGE. 605 Edlna Lane. 5 till 8 p.m. n329 boUBLE BED complete. Like new. HI ah chair, nursery, buggy. Tailor Tot. 2230 8. cottage, mornings only. n229- NO. 10 ROYAL STANDARD typewriter. Whitney ateer-o-matio baby bunny. Tee- terbabe, BiAsell's carpet sweeper, all like new. Ph. 21417. n229 i NEW English saddles. Will sell or trade for good deer rifle or food western saddle. $75 ea. Ph. 2-0113. n232 ITALIAN prune plums. Del. to start Sept. 27. Buying on Co-op basis. Kolstad Canneries, Inc., Sllverton, Ore. Front FRENCH slide trombone. Excellent condi tion. Call 3-1797 or 445 N. 24th St. D229 COMBINATION gas ranee with 2-oap wood burner. Price $180. Used 6 mos. Will sell or trade for good deer rifle. Ph. 2-0113. n2J2 APPRISED $300. DIAMOND ring, $100. Wedding band Included if desired. Baby buggy, good cond., $25, 440 Leslie. n228 MUST SACRIFICE 1941 refrigerator. 7 cu. ft. Like new. 240 Mable St. n230 LARGE TENT for sale. Good condition. 'lr, John Hodges, West Salem. Parkway Drive across rd. Legion hall. Ph. 3-5278. n'etelV' BLOND CONSOLE RADIO. 2 wave bands. 170 E. Judson. Ph. 24728. n229 10-IN. LOGAN metal turning lathe com plete with chucks, motor, etc. New condition. 1940 S. Cottage St. Ph. 28600. n239 In UN ARCH EI.F.C. KI.MiBi rtrw wiriue. 195.00. Ph. 34728. 170 E. Judson. n229 SOLOVOX IMPE ORGAN, violin, saxophone and over - 70 other beautiful tones. Attaches to any piano. 8378,00. Easy payments here at Tallmans. 395 S. 12th. A mils from high prices. D239 One W-4 International tractor '47 model In first class eond., used only for . cultivation. Hurry, If you are inter ested. William A. Brown, Rte. 1. Box 401, Aurora. Ore. Ph. 16-P-13 Hubbard. n23i WINCHESTER model 12 trap, ventilated rib, Monte Carlo stock. New. W. E. Weddle, Stayton, Oregon. nJJ8 LANG RANGE with ell burner blower. 1438 Georta St., Woodburn, Ore. Ph. Blue 252. nlll M. M. GERMAN LUGER With Shells. Ph. 23P24. n228 8-PC. BEDROOM SET $128. 858 HlshTsnd Ave. Ph. 27080. n228 11 MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS, atze 18. Coll springs bed couch. 141 S. Winter. Ph. 36469. n!28 1' ENCYCLOPEDIAS, $8 00. Ph. 14857. n338 Nt SAVAGE DEER BIFLK and 2 boxes shells, 1100. Like new. Bee after 5 p m. 1358 So. Commercial. n3Z9' I 80-GAL. hot water tank, Westinihouse electric range, console model. Lawn mower. Ph. 3-8P08. n228 FOR SALE. Rototlller. Cond. excel. 3225 D St. n328 -ND OIL CIRCULATOR heats 6 rms. 10 ft. copper tubing. $45.00. Ph. 36081. n328 OR SALE: Bieseher tenor saxophone. Mirly new. 1200.00. Call $4821 or see it ! N. CpltOL B22f AUTOMOBILES I Grand Opening Grand Opening w A R N E R M O T O R C O Visit SALEM'S FINEST USED CAR LOT GRAND OPENING SPECIALS 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1946 1941 1942 1937 1946 Lincoln Sedan .... Ford con., rad., heat Ford 4-dr. Sedan . Ford 2-dr. Sedan . Plymouth Bs. Cpe. Ford Convertible . Chrysler Royal Cpe, Stude. 4-dr. Sdn. . Lincoln Sedan DeSoto Sedan .... Check the low prices! These Cars Are Priced To Sell WARNER MOTOR CO. . NEW LOCATION 845 Center St. Ph. 2-2487 REAL VALUES 1948 Stude. Champ. Tudor. Regal Deluxe, radio, heater, overdrive, 3800 miles $2495.00 1947 Pontiac Streamliner 6 Sedan. Radio, 'heater, sideview mirror, back-up light $2495.00 1947 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan. Light gray, 27,000 miles $1795.00 1946 Ford Super Deluxe Club Coupe. Radio, heater. ORVAL'S USED CARS Center & Church St. Ph. 3-4702 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I HOYT ST. SURPLUS OIL CIRCULATORS SMALL AND medium slue, 839.96. Oak bedside tables, $5. Pyrene and 0O3 fire extinguishers, WEED BURNERS, ELEC TRIC LIGHT PLANTS, A.C. 25 kw 5 kw 7.5 kw., 100 kw. Saw mill en gines, FIRE ENGINE, bunk beds and mattresses, acid proof face brick, 950.00 per M. 3x6 underground electric cable, 25c ft. SWIVEL AND SECRETARIAL CHAIRS, 812.50. Fireproof safe. TENTS AND TARPS, small and large. Laun dry presses, extractors, dryers, dish washers, spud- peelers, steam kettles, steam cookers, bakery oveo, NEW MERCHANDISE, TOILETS, shower talis, bath tubs, kitchen sinks, -In. GALV. PIPE. Soil pipe fittings, some Oil pipe. SLEEPING BAOS AND TENTS FOR HUNTING-. ELECTRIC, apt. slse ranges, house and outside wire. RANGE CABLE. ELECTP'C HEATERS. WATER HEATERS. Come South on 12th to HOYT, 'Turn East one Block Tel. 3-7916 h339 WHY NOT SEE THE CLOCK DOCTOR? 100 B. 14th St. n333 OUTBOARD MOTOR, 1948. 3 h.p. Lauson 4-crl. brand new. Ph. 34567 after 5 p.m. n22S PIANOS REBUILT like new In our factory, $336.00 up, $35.00 down, take 2 years to pay bal ance. Shop Tallmans and aave. 393 8. 13th. n239 SPINET PIANOS SEE THE SPINET 84. This dainty Instru ment costs only $385.00. Easy payments. Shop Tallmans and save. 396 S. 13th. A mile from high prices. n229 FINISHING Brooder, 3 oak brooders, 120 bass accordion and 40 gal. hot water tank. Ph. 23061. n228 SEWING mach., repaired, rented. W. Dav enport, 1930 N. 18th St. P. 317671. m249 MU5KRAT coat, excel, cona., 3 yrs. old. Ph. 31834. n239 A LOVELY bdrm. set, extra large vanity mirror. Simmons Beauty Rest springs A mattress. Dishes, odds ft ends, crepe mattress, teeter-babe, small lamp, 2 qt, pressure cooker. Universal allax. Mrs. Simon, 910 Shippingj n33B SPINET PIANOS KNABT, Krakauer. Fischer and Lester Betsy Ross spinets, $50 down, 24 mos. for bal. Pianos at sale prices. Tall mans. 395 S. 13th St. A mile from high prices. n229 GARDEN SAND, Gravei, crushed rock. Shovel Se drac-Une excavating, WALL LINO SAND A GRAVEL CO. Ph. 3-9249. SALEM SAND GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Dltehlnf Sewer A Basement equipment Rental 15 B Vt yds. 12.00 per hr. 10 B S yds. 9 60 per hr. D-7 Cat A Dozer 9 60 per hr D-9 Cat A Dozer 8.40 per bf D-4 Cat A Dozer 1.00 per hr Phone Day 9408 Evenings 8346 or 34408 Salem, Oregon a WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways aement, ready mil concrete, garden aand. Balldoxinr, drainage and ditching K-yd. shovel and drag lint. Ph. 3-9249. WTS6J ALL ALUMINUM sprinkler Irrtra- Hon systems available for tmmedlau delivery, we nave receive: our nnai earload of aluminum robing for this season Call or write Montgomery Ward Farm Store, Irrigation Depart ment Salem, Ore., for complete eelt mate of your requirements NEW COLLINS lec. hot water heater. Sell for $20 off Ph. 34384. n STEEL clothesline posts. Railing la stock. to order. 1148 N. Liberty. n343 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CASH PAID for sewing machines, heads or complete. Any make or eond. Pn, 3-7671. na341 WANTED Barkle poles 30 to 80 fft- Call eoueef izsi Aioany, or write otanaara Pole A Piling Co., P.O. Box m. A in an t, for new price list. na234' WANTED loo sewing mach.. any cond. Sundato Exch. 594 N. Liberty. Ph. 25511. USED FURNITURE. Phone 9185. Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES Grand Opening w A R N E R M O T O R .$2495 , $2095 .$1895 .$1795 $1895 .$1895 . $1195 .$1395 .$ 495 .$2195 $1895.00 PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL Adviser. Mrs. Phillips. Ph. 2-9313, P231 After Sept. 21st, 1948, X will not be re sponsible for debts other than my own. Oeo. A. Ross, Box 473 E., Rte. 4, Salem. P228 DR. J. A. Bombough, Naturopathic and cmropractie physician. 200 3rd St., in dependence, Ore. Phone 220. p248 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P. O Box 724. Phone 35234. pSll AUTOMOBILES OUTSTANDING VALUES in Low Mileage, Late Model USED CARS 1948 Packard model 145 deluxe sedan, only 3,500 milen. 1948 Packard model 143 club nedan, only 200 miles. 1948 Buick Super 4 door sedan, only .6,000 miles. These Cars are Fully Equipped: 1947 Nash Super Six sedan, only 9,000 miles, lots of extras. 1947 Ford Super Deluxe con vertible coupe, 8.900 miles with Columbia rear axle. 1947 Plymouth club coupe, like new, 5,000 miles. 1947 Ford Deluxe 2 door se dan, low mileagp 1947 Hudson Super Six sedan, low mileage. Older Models in Perfect Condition, Priced to Sell 1042 Chevrolet elub coupe, perfect con dition. 1941 Oldamoblle 8 cylinder club coupe, perfect condition. 1941 Hudeon 9 cylinder club coupe, par feet condition. 1919 Hudson 6 cylinder eedtn, lot of extreji. STATE MOTORS, INC. Packard Dealer 340 North High Street q229" FOR SALE or trade. '41 CMC truck. Will trade for pick-up or car. 1358 Kendlewood Dr. q330 Rebuilt Ford Motors ..S179..50 Rebuilt Plymouth Mtrs.. $189.50 (INSTALLED) Pay Cash Pay Less REIMANN'S MOTOR CO. 3250 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7110 qiaa '87 PLYMOUTH. Gfood condition, $400.00. Williams' Th acker ranch. q330 194T BUICK Roadmaster, 15,500 ml. I279S. 1330 South. 18th St., Apt. 4. Going east on Cross, turn right on Saafeld rd. q229 19 l-Dr. PLYMOUTH. New paint. Oood motor. Call after 5 p.m. except Sat. 840 Norway. q230 '3.1 OLDS 2-door. Oood tires, htr., S B. lights. $250.00. After S or Sat. 4c Sun. 583 SO. 16th. q230 FIRST HAND - SECOND HAND FIRST HAND Quality Second hand ears. Olte J. Wilson Company q232 '41 DODGE 4-door sedan, fluid dr., motor recently overhauled, radio, heater, signal lltes. U.S. Royal tires. Inside clean. 107914 Xlm St., W. Salem. q238 '40 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE IMS. CLEAN. 3321 Chester Ave., Just off Lansing Ave. q230 VERY OOOD '38 CHEY. sedan, 1100.00. Phone 22744. q32B 19Ij PLY. 5 pass, coupe. Very clean. RAH. Rt. 9. Box 846, 1 ml. out Liberty R1. Bet. 5 At 7 p.m. n32S '48 CROSLEY sedan, complete with RAH. Low mileage, exc. cond., $900. Rt. 2, Box 390 A. North of Chemawa. 0.339 '41 WHITE S-yd. dump truck. By owner. Can be seen at 2505 Portland road, q229 '18 Feri cpe . gd shape. Pipes, leather upholstery. Evenings, 241 So. 17th, Apt Nt, f 4224 AUTOMOBILES V A L L E Y M O T O R C O VISIT SALEM'S FINEST MOTOR LOT NOW OPEN AND READY TO SERVE YOU Quality Used Cars Priced at Used Prices TERMS To Suit FAIR TRADES or SPOT CASH Check These SPECIAL VALUES THIS WEEK 1947 Ford Convertible Radio and Heater Snooper Light Low Mileage $2095.00. 1946 Business Coupe Heater Snooper Light $1645.00. 1946 Ford Deluxe Coupe Heater Snooper Light $1595.00 1942 Lincoln Sedan Overdrive Heater Radio. An Ideal Family Car $1645.00. OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM USED CARS New Location Center at High Phone 3-3147 SHROCK A TOVCH TELLS MUCH. The wiy that a tion drive telle you a treat deal about the motor. But you can't learn everytntna Just by touch. Per mechanical data, aak your Dealer. For detalta of the ear's former ownership, ask your Dealer. We're proud of our stock, and happy to answer questions about It. See These VALUES Today. 1947 Ford Coupe, heater. Very clean 1947 Chevrolet Club Coupe, many extras. 1946 Ford Coupe, a late model car priced right. 1942 Chevrolet Club Coupe, R&H. 1942 Hudson Commodore Eight Sedan. Recond. mo tor. 1940 Packard 12 0 Sedan, good condition. 1939 Ford Coach, priced right. Many other makes and REMEMBER WE'LL BE HERE TOMORROW TO BACK UP WHAT WE SAY & DO TODAY SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY This Time It's Hudson Where Chemeketa goes to Church Phone 3-7922 Listen to Buck Nation each noon over KSLM 12:45 to 1 P. M. q229 AUTOMOBILES Look Here for the Right Car For the Right Price 1947 Ply. 4-Door Sedan. H. A bargain. 1948 Ford 8 Town Sedan. H. Clean. 1941 Chev. Special Deluxe T-Sedan. H. 1941 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan. H. 1939 Chev. 4-Door Sedan. RAH. New motor. 1940 Ford Coupe. A little dandy, 1933 Ohev. Sedan. New motor. Trucks 1942 Ford 1-Ton Pickup. H. New motor. 1941 O.M.O. l.i-ton Truck. ACME MOTOR CO. Front & Center Trade & Terms Phone 3-7722. q238 WANTED Good clean care. Square Deal Used Cars. 1155 S 13th. a '18 FORD V-8 super-deluxe coupe. RAH. White side walls. Excellent condition. Reasonable price. See at Larson A Klein Union Service, 2540 Portland Rd., Ph. 39150 days, 33661 eve. 3338 1938 OLDS four-door sedan, fine alx-plr tires, radio, heater, S.B. lights, new brakes, generator and battery. Price $300.00. Can be seen any evening. E. E. Parson. 1 block west of school at Hub bard, Ores. q33B. '44 GMC 6x6. Lgnthd. out lor 34 ft. logs. S'i tires. 8ILVERTON Ph. 1508 or call at 502 Lewis street q22Ba 1947 Buick Roadmaster sedan. RAH, ex tras. Call 2-1036. q238 19a MASTER CHEVROLET coach. 1335 Hines St. Ph. 23589. 0.329' 1939 PACKARD 110. Radio, heater, spot light. For sale or will trade for panel delivery. Ph. 2-186L q238 33 PLYMOUTH convert, coupe. Ph. 30797. q236 OUR REPUTATION depends on your at Ufactton. Lees Used Cars, 240 N. Church. IT'S TEAGUE'S FOR BETTER USED CARS ALL CARS WARRANTED SOLD ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN 1942 Hudnon 4-door sedan 1941 Buick 4-door sedan 1941 Plymouth 4-door sedan 1941 Nash 4-door sedan 1940 Btudenaker 4-door sedan 1941 Hudson tudor sedan 1940 Pontiac 6-pass. coupe 19.19 Ford Vfl'65 coupe 1938 Chevrolet 4-door sedan 18.17 Chevrolet tudor sedan 1937 Ford 4-door sedan THE ABOVE AND MANY MORE AT YOUR KAISER FRAZER DEALER TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY USED CAR LOT 352 N. COMMERCIAL, SALEM 0.331 iflan Plvmouth couoe. A-l. 8875. Fred H. Westphal, Rt. 4, Box 438, Sales. q230 GENERATORS REBUILT. TvaDtr axles made to order. Fair prices. 12th St. Junction Auto Wreckers. Ph. 28206. .2t ThU Time It's HUDSON I - Sales Parts Boms oc Oood Dsed Cars SHROCK MOTOR CO Church k Chemeketa Sts. Ph. 1-9101 BUY. SEtX or trade. -Dicker with Dick.' Hrs. 10 to 1 Frl. till 9. 1395 P. 13th. 0.339' We Buy Used Cars FOR HIGHEST PRICES SfE Teague Motor Co. UI M. Libert? raooa 841T3. (AUTOMOBILES V A L L E Y M O T O R C O .229 "SEZ": Deed Car handlej durln, your demonstra 1939 Oldsmobilc Sedan, good condition. 1942 Buick Super Sedanette, R&H. 1938 Hudson Sedan, Recondi tioned motor. , 1942 Hudson Commodore 8 Club Conv. R&H 1937 Hudson Coach, has '46 motor. 1936 Plymouth Coach, me chanic's special., 1936 Hudson Conver, Coupe, R&H. 1931 Chev. Sedan, runs good models to choose from AUTOMOBILES WANTED OSED OARS SHOP AROUND THEN BHINO YOUR CAR HERB WB WILL PAY TOD WHAT ITS WORTH ANDERSON USED GARB 240 CENTER ST. PHONE 3-3734 PONT1ACS HERRALL OWENS CO. 88 N. Liberty Ph. 3-4113 Rebuilt Ford, Dodge. Plym., Chev. Motors with New Motor Ouarantea SAVINGS ON ALL REPAIRS See Us on Our Monthly Payment Plan Amundson Garage S09 Edffewater St. West Salem Phone 1-7131 q22S' GOOD CLEAN USED CARS ALL MODELS, PRICED RIGHT 1947 Desoto Custom 4-Dr. 1947 Chev. Aero Sedan 1941 Mercury Sedan 1941 Ford Sedan 1938 Chev. Coupe MANY OTHERS WESTERN. MOTORS Corner 12th eV Mission Ph. 3-9622 q229' IP TOUR OAR IS THIS "BIG NOISE" Around Town - Call Ua. RON'S MOTOR CO. General Automotive Repair Used Cars Phone 3-4191 240 S. Hlah Vi Blk. Below Elslnore Theater q229 r rr-r MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS FOR SALE: Salsbury motor scooter. Ex cellent condition. Cheap transportation. Plenty of speed and power. Automatic elutch and transmission. Windshield, spare tire, and speedometer. Only 8395, Call at 1310 South 12th St. after 5 p m qa320' 1912-45 HA RLE Y DAVIDSON motorcycle Good condition, $300. 691 Kin wood Ave., West Salem. qa31 1931 HARLEY DAVIDSON 74. Street. 1563 Court qa229 WORLD'S FINEST UOTORCYCL1 Repairing aU makes and models. SHROCK MOTORCYCLE SALES 9007 Portland Rd. Ph. 21438 qa FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: Real estate mortgage loans. Bee us about refinancing; your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loans. Low Interest rates. LEO N. CHII.DS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 r339 PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms on larger loans loot and abort time payments ROY H SIMMONS 138 South Commercial St. Phone 3-9161 GENERAL PINANCX CORP. LOANS 1-139 and M-328 80 d ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 S. Commercial St Tel. 3-9161. Journal Want Ads Pay FINANCIAL INFORMAL LOANS $25 to $500 YES. A LOAN UP TO 61M ON FURNI TURE. SALARY. UP TO 6500 ON AUTO FROM PERSONAL FINANCB CO. IS AN INFORMAL LOAN. INFORMAL because you deal with Just ONE the YES MANAGER, INFORMAL because you select the monthly repayment amount. INFORMAL because there la no "stand ard" security required: furniture, car, equipment, livestock, machinery are ac ceptable basis for a loan. Phone or see the YES MANAGER today. It's "yes" to 4 out of 8. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Ph. 3-2464 M. Oalllnger, Manager 818 State Rm. 135 Lie. 8133-M188 rl34 ADTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 890 State Street - old Quarters Kirst National Bank License No. M-159 6-15 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4 '4 and 8 TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7163. r iVif. REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 High St Lie 8-316 M-33I TRAILERS 5-FT. lfflfi F.I.CAR trailer house In A-l cond., all modern. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Call eve. after 6:30. 3315 Portland Rd. t333 FOR SALE Light Implement trailer, 6 ft. heavy duty Mollne disc. Two hop yard cultivator. E. W. Fisher, Rte. 3. Box 830, Salem, Ore. t230 14 FT. TRAILER HOUSE, good cond. $260 See at 843 Edgewater. D. O. Stacy, west Salem. t329 NEW all-metal trailer. 4 bed. cooking, freezing unit. Ph. 3934 or 34657. t350 FOR A REAL bargain in a factory built Alrfloat trailer house see us at KING WOOD USED CAR MKT. 1221 Edaewater Ph. 26829 1238 '48 Indian trailer house. Sleeps 4. Newly redecorated. 310 Taylor St. t228' Trailer, 33 ft. lone, new paint, redecorat ed, refri... h.w., oil neat. Butane range. Reasonable. Ph. 3-9841. 130 Lana Ave. Welsh. t231 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines, sold rented, repaired. Roen. 456 Court. Phone 3-6778. AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day phone 8-92B6. 1804. 333 Center. AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co. 153 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-5935. ' ke Panek, 373 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake St wheel aligning specialist. o234' BUI.LDOZINQ Bulldozing, leveling, road bid., clear ing teeth for brush. Virgil H us key, 1010 Falrview Ave. Ph. 23146, Salem. O3401 BULLDOZING, GRADING Bulldozing, grading, clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Geo. Wlrth, 840 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 21367. o344' CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA registers. All makes oid. rented, repaired, ttoen, 4S6 Court, Ph. 3-8773. CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling. Ph. 2-4850. 615 B. 3ISt Bt. 0334 CEMENT WORKS General Comcnt Contracting, Cliff Ellis, 1905 N. 19th St. Phone 3-4071. 0i44' CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys, vacuum cleaned. Ensley, 771 S. 21st at. Ph. 3-7176. o234 CO i JRACTOR Alt Brothers Bldg. Contractors. Phones Salem 2-27H0, Sllverton Black 175. o334 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. o334' B.elthaupfs lor flowers. Dial 3-9179. Q .sANDS GAPING Nw lawns, rototllllnc. tree pruning and removal. Light tractor work, Richard Royer. Phone 2-2256. 0339 LAWNMOWER SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharpen' ed. Dexivr. 966 Center. Ph. 36833. o230' MATTRESSES Capital Bcddlnz. Phone 3-4069. METAL STAMPING METAL STAMPING, machining, die Work Your Ideas or patents put on produe tlon basis. tn. a-6690. 641 rerry, 0349 MOVING AND HAULING Moving and hauling. Ph. 2-2395. 0234 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Man. dolln. Banjo, etc. 1531 Court. Ph. 3-7560 0366 OFFICE FURNITURE its SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief cases. Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen. 456 Court 0 OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younner, Ph. 38073. Painting, Spray or Brush. Ph, i'-esif 0234' Elfst""n' are equippid painting. Phone 2-24B3. PAINTING A PAPERIIANOINO Painting and paperhanging. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513 857 Shipping. B2I41 COUPLE. Exp. painters, want work. Also wall papering. Ph 2-2926. Mr. Rom O2401 PA PER HANGING Expert Paperhanglng and painting. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-3018. Free est. o247 PLASTERING FRFJT ESTIMATE. PMJMBINO Ph. 3-4830 eve. 0241' DECATUR A MAF.RE, plumbing, electrical supplies, water systems. Oenerai repaii work. Phone 3-6223. 173 S. Com'l. 0348' RADIO SERVICE Par Moore Reopens Oct. 15. ROOF REPAIRING Shingles Ac roof repair. Ph. 2-6733. o236 SAND AND GRAVEL BAR RUN GRAVEL TOP SOIL Cat. Shovel A Truck work of all kinds. LLOYD M. HILL. INC. Ph. 2-4387 Rt. 3. Box 32B 034S1 Garden Sill, crusned rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand Gravel Co. Phone 2-9349. SEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor-sharp steel cutting blades. Cleans sewers or drains Reptle tanks cleaned ressonable. Ph. 3-5337 or 3-9466. :!!CTNKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9469 - 3-5337, 0234 , HAMEL: Bntle, tanks cleaned. Spar tan :: rit-Jit trvt msrhine serv. Mod, eron. Esxt mehod cletri lines of roots, ire i Pie, i -7408. ate. 1143 Btn at- w. naiam. H4t Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Market Quotations Salem Livestock Marael (By Valley Packing company) Spring Lambs, choice 130.50 Yearlings H3 00 to $14.00 Ewes $2.00 to $7.50 Fat dairy cows $16.00 Cutter cows $12 00 to $15.00 Dairy heifers $1 00 to $30.00 BulU $17.00 to 133.00 Calves 300 to 4!0 lbs.) ..$14 00 to $31.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) choice, $34.00 to $35.50 Hoes Prices paid within 36a of Port- land prices for each type. Pert! an 8 Prodiee But ten at Tentative, auftjeel to Imme diate chant. Premium Quality maximum Portland 76-79e lb., first quality 71 -74c lb.: second quality 69-73c lb.; valley routes and country points, 3o less than first. Ratter wholesale, r.OB, bulk cubes rade AA, 93 score, 74c lb.; A, 93 score. 74c lb.: B. 90 score. 88c : C, 89 score. 67c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale. Oregon singles, 60-55c, Oregon 5 lb. loaf, 63-570, Triplets Via less than stn- ies. Esse I Te wholesaler:, A grade large. SO-fll'ic, medium, 60S4-62liC, A small 31li-l34c; B grade large, S7-S8Ve. E ass Purchased from farmers, current receipts Si'i-aa'Ao, buyers pay 1-3 Vs a pre mium for eggs. Fnriland Dairy Market Butter Pr ce to retailers, a rade AA prints, 80e. AA eartons, 8le; A prints, 'c; A cartons, Slot B prints, T4e. Eire Price to retailer: AA large 74-76C, certified A large 69s dot.; A large 66-68c; A A medium, 68c; certified A medium, 65c; A medium 62-64ct A mall, 51-!t3c; eartons 2e additional. Cheese Price tt retailers: Portland, Oregon Ring lei, 50-67c; Oregon loaf, 6 lb., 03 -oee ; w less tnan singles. Poultry Mve Chickens Paying 'price to produc ers, No. 1 broilers under 3Vfa lbs. 37-38c lb.! fryers 2 to 3 lbs.. 43c lb.; 3 to 4 lbs., 43a lb.; roasters 4 lbs. and over, 43c lb.; fowl, Leghorns, under 4 lbs., 38-390 lb. i over 4 lbs., 3B-39a Ib.t colored fowl all weights, 31-33e lb.) stags, all weights, 16-19C. Rabbits Average to retailers for local ly dressed animals, 58-62c; fryers, live white. 32-33o Lb. I colored. 30-1 loi old or heavy, 15.1 Be. Rabbits Dressed, retail, 80-OSe, Portland Miscellaneous Cascara Bark Dry 300 fb., green 7 lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45o lb. Mohair 25c lb. on 13-month growth. Hides Calves 30e lb. according to weight kips 20c lb.; green beef ll-13c lb.: bulls, lO-llo lb.i country buyers pay 3c less. Nat Quotations Walnats Pranquettes first quality jum bo. 34.7c, large, 32.7c; medium. 27.3c; second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 38.3c; medium, 38.3c; baby, 33.3c: soft shell first quality large, 39.7c: medium, 26.3; aec and quality large 37.3c; medium, 84.7c; baby. 22.3c. Filberts Jumbo, 20a lb.i large, IMi edlum 16c, small 13c. (Quotations above supplied by North west Nut Growers Quotations are on the basis of 100-lb. bag purchases fob plants.) Chicago Livestock Chicago, Sept. 23 UP) (USD A. Salable hots 5500, total 8600; generally steady; top 39.75: bulk good and choice 300-280 lb. 2B.00-29.5O; few 300-330 lb. 28.00-26.76; few loads 400-465 lb. butchers 25.00- 36.25; good and choice aows under 335 lb. 37.50-28.25; 350-375 lb. 26.00-27.00 ; 400 460 lb. 35.00-36.00. Salable cattle 4500, total 4800; salable calves 600, total 600; very uneven; good and choice grades dull weak to 50 cents lower; heifers steady to weak at Wed nesday's sharp decline; cows weak to fully 35 cents lower; bulls lully 60 cents low er: calves and vealers about steady; top 41.60: most good and choice fed steers 33.00-39,60; common and medium greas ers 21.00-36.50; few choice heifers 36,00- 36.00; medium and good heifers 23.00 33.00; canner and cutter cows 15.50- 18.00; medium and good bulls 22.50-36.00; vealers 33.00 down; stoekera and feeders very slow. Salable sheep 3000, total 4000; native spring lambs 25-50 cents higher; slaugh ter ewes steady; good and cholM native spring Inmbs 34.00; some held higher; me DIRECTORY TRANSFER Jj BTORAGE Local St Distance Transfer, storage. Burner oils, coal briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California points. Larmer Transfer 8s Storage. Ph. 9-3181. TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal and Underwood portables. All makes used machlnea. Repairs and rent. Roen, 456 Court. 9 VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. Ph. 3-7338. WEATHERSTRIPPING WINDOW CLEANINU Acme Window Cleaners, Windows, walls woodwork cleaned. Floors clean ed, waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Court, Langdoo, Culberuon and Mather WELL DRILLING J. A. Sneed Sons, well drilling, 3505 Brooks St., Salem. Ph. 3-6809. o352 WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross. Ph. 36178 or 38874. WOOD A SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph. 34031 LEGAL NOTICE OF OWNERSHIP Notice Is hereby given that Alton L. Pierce U no longer a partner In the Pumlllte Block ft Supply Co., Mr. L. F. Sheridan and Mr. Stanley M. Hammer are the sole remaining partners. 3 NOTICE OF-FWALI1 EARING As executors of the will and estate WILLIAM LEBOLD. deceased, the under signed have filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, In Probate, their final account of their administration of said estate of said decedent, and the eighteenth day of October, 1948, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day and the courtroom of said court In the Marlon County flon rt tiniM In Hnlem. Marlon County Oregon, have been appointed by said court as the time and the place for tne hearing of objections to said final ac count and the settlement thereof. EMERY J. LEBOLD LLOYD A. LEBOLD Executors aforesaid RALPH E. MOODY Attorney for Executors Sept. 16. 33 . 30: Oct. 7, U. SnTWK "TTpl4TREE T VACATION Notice is hereby given that on Septem ber 13. 1948, fsco Blunt, Les V. Oh mart, Rudy F. Calaba and seven other persons filed a petition with the city recorder of the Cltr of Salem. Oregon, requesting th Common Counrll of said city to vacate that portion or Calmer Court bounded on the north by the south line of Pear) Street and on the south ny tn smith line of Lot 13. Block 2 of Calmai Addition to the City of Salem, as If said line were extended easterly parallel the south line of Pearl Street, and that the said common council has fixed the 25th day of October, 1948 at the hour of 7:30 o'clock pm. (PfiTi, as the time, and the council chambers at the City Hall of the City of Salem, Oregon, as the place, for the hearing of the said petl tlon and any and all objections and rem onst ranees thereto. Objections to aurh vacation, if any there be, should be made In writing and filed with (he city recorder of aald city prior to th time of the hearing. By order of the Common Council? ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Sept. 33. 30: Oct. 7. 14, 31. 1948 LODGES I. O. O. f meets evpry Wednesday night Vis itors Welcome Fraternal Order of Eagle meets very Tuesday st 8 pjn. More than a million members. A Pacific Lodfte No. W, A P. rte VtwAM. E, A, Degree, Piidsy, rV September 24, 1 pjn. Thursday, Sept. 23, 1948 19 dio t choice, mostly good grade, west ern aiaugnur iu 10.00: Washlneiom spring lamoa 24.00. Portland LlveeUek Portland. Ore.. Bept. 28 SJK)-LtvextfM-k Cattle salable 300. calves 25: marktn opening slow; few early sale tadv: verv few steers sold early; few cutter-common i grades 17.30-12; odd good steers Wednes day up to 29.50; cutter-common heifers 16-22: canner-cutter cows 13.50-16; com mon-medium beef cows 17-19.50; good heavy cows 30; several common vealers 11.50-19; medium grades 30-34; good veal ers quotable to 36.58 or above; heavy calves slow. Hoes salable 150. market steady to M lower; good-cholc 190-31S lb. weights largely 30.90; few cnoice 31: 1M lb. we it h La up to 39; good 350-500 lb. sows salable around 36-27; choice around 108 lb. rec-aer pigs quoted up to 33.60. Sheep salable 100. scattered sales eAotst steady; one sorted lot good-choice 108 lb. lambs 33: common grades down to 18: good slaughter ewes salable around 9-9.58 or above. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers, (Revised dally.) Bel all Feed Pries Eft Mash $4.90. Rabbit Feed Pellets $4.38. Dairy Feed $3.90. Poultry: Baying Piioes No, 1 colored hens. 30-1 lc; no. l Leghorn hens. 36c: No. 1 colored fryers, 3 lbs. and up 43t No. 1 fryers, 3-3 Ibi- 36e lb: No. I oia roosters, 14-ise. Eflll Bqytnr Prices Largo grade AA. M A grade 6Bc; mediums, 60-63ei pullets. 43-430, crax, Jri-too. Wholesale Prlee AA grade, 74ai A grata 72c; mediums, 67c; pullets, 48-60e doa. B turf a l Premium, 77-78ct No. 1, 72- 7sc; no. 2. nn-ioe; iBuyinc prices). Butter Wholesale A, 77c. Retail, grada A, iC. DEATHS Edward Morgan Brooke In this city Monday, September JO, Edward Morgan, Brooks, 77, late resident of 125 Edgewater St.. West Salem. Sur vived by his wife, Mrs. Alma Brooks of Marysvtlle, Calif,; four brothers, Robert Brooks, Balston, Ore., J. H. and R, H. Brooks, both of Salem, and William Brooks. Foster, Ore. and a sister, Mrs. Pearl Herring, Portland. Services at the w. T. Rte don chapel Tuesday. Septem ber 28, at 1:30 p.m. Interment in Belerest Memorial park. Rev. W, Harold Lymaa win oinciate. Staff Srt. Omar S. Snyder Staff Set. Omar S. Snydsr. former resi dent of Turner, In the Philippine Island. Nor. 30. 1944. Survived by wife. Be a trio Snyder, Turner: son. Dennis Scott Sny der, Spokane, Wash.; sister, Mrs. Harry JuuL Salem: brother, Frederick J. Sny der, Sublimity: father, Omar S. Snyder, Sr., Turner. Gravesldo services will be held Saturday, October 2, at 3 p.m. at Twin Oaks cemetery. Turner. Dlreotloa of Clough-Ba trick company. Mrs. Mollle K. Lea t hart Mrs. Mollis R. Lee th art, Ut resident of 1168 South Liberty street, at a local hos pital September 33, Survived by her hus band, Charles Lest hart of Salem; two sisters, Mrs. A. H. Benter of Minneapo lis, Minn., and Mrs. Joala Thompson of Portland, Maine; two brothers, Andrew Mlohaelson and Oeorge Mlchaelson, both of Luverne, Minn.; and several niece and nephews. Announcement of service later by Olough-Barrlck company. Mm. Mary F. Rtehardaon Mm. Mary F. Richardson, late resident of rout 9, box 326, Salem, at a local hospital September 22. Survived hy her husband, James S. Richardson of Salem I mother, Mrs. Josephine Wtrostek of Coos Bay; sis tor, Mrs. Rose Perkins of Ooos Bay; and two brothers, Joseph A. Wlro stek of Coos Bay and August J. Wlrostek of Portland. Services will be held at th Olough-Barrlck chapel Frldsy, September 34, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Frank O. Fer rln officiating. Interment In Belerest Memorial park. OBITUARY Llnnl Hii (ton Harbin Lebanon Mrs. Llnnla HuHon Harbin, 84, died Sept. 31 at her Waterloo home where she had lived for more than 50 years. She was born In Sllverton, August 1, 1B64. Graveside services arranged by the Howe-Huston chapel of Lebanon, were held on Thursday In the IOOF cemetery in Salem. Only survivors are a nephew, Harry Hutton of Salem, and a niece. Mrs. Oscar West of Portland, Albert David Bennett Lebanon Albert David Bennett. 64. dIM Sept, 31 at the Lebanon General hospital i result of head injuries sustained mas creek. He was born Aug. 13. 1894 In Kansas. Survivors are his widow, Ola- n.ti Thnnn ilitara Un nivla, (", 1 1 Prean); Mrs. Zel)& Chamberlain, Eugene Mrs. Lucille Rodahaugh, Eugene; brothers. tor Bennett of Anchorage, Alaska. F nay. wpi. 27. at tne nowe-HiiMon cna- tery. Gay Noll Amity Out Nott. owner or Nott and Randall merchandise store, corner Trad and Filth street, died white asleep early Wednesday morn Inn at his home. North Trans street, runerai arrangement are not complete. Mrs. Ro Dlrklnson Woodburn Funeral service win b hats! .t - n m Vri'tav alanr 9a fnr Un burn for 20 years, who died suddenly at interment win be tn Bene passi cemetery at the traveji. de or ner nusbnnd. Arthur bar. will officiate at the service. N known relatives survive. Cpl. Fred O. Rogers tery honors will be held nt Belle Passl cemetery Saturday Sopt. 38 at 10 am for Cpl. Fred O. Rogers, who was klllrd In the Aleutian Islands August 36. 1943 burn American Lesion will officiate and burn anti-tank comnanr. Col. Rozers is survived by his parenis, Mr, and Mrs Prod Roaers: a brother, Oeorge Roeerj a niece Eileen Rogers, and two nephews burn. (Advertisement.) "GSdat40,50,60r Man, You re Crazy Vnreet your uel ThMlsand" are penny at 70, Try mnrlnwn iMillnaT due nolp T U hti'lr'l art Of Ifna wblcb many mm and wnmn call "old. Try natr-r Tnnirt TahlH fur iwa. vounnfr feeling: this vrr ri-r. New "let acaualntd" lilt only 800, At all drug stores everywhere in Salem at Fred Meyer s. cnFTrnDIICKX- BETWEEN TOES To miicklv relieve and r I rial Soft Corn Bl Or. Srholl'e Zino-pada. Why Suffer Any Longer When others all, use our Chines remedies. Amasint success for 5000 years In China. No matter with what ailment you are afflicted disorders sinusitis, heart, lunts, liver, kidneys, gas, constipation, ulcers, diabetes. rheumatism, tall and bladder, fever. .kin female complaints, CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB. CO. Offte Hears I t I Taee. and Sat. Only 284 N. Commercial Phone SUM SALEM, ORE. i i