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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1948)
t. Vinton Ellis Now Rationed Near Tokyo Lt. Vinton Ellis of Ketchikan, klaska, and Salem, who left Sa- em for Japan about August 1, s now stationed at the Shiroi ir base near Tokyo, serving in lie air force. After active air service over pas, Lt. Ellis was connected tvith the Salem airport where he tamed his license as a commer- f-ial pilot. He received his cm- uission as first lieutenant in the regular army while a student in Willamette university. Mrs. Ellis, formerly Ruthanne rrhompson, also a graduate of tWlllamette, expects to join her usband In Japan the latter part of December. Gold Discovery Is Discounted by Army Edmonton, Alta.. SeDt. 23 (JPi Rumors and speculation to day shrouded the discovery of 10 Down, Pay Monthly Venetian Blinds And shades Now Available ELMER (THE BLIND MAN) 1455 Rure St. Phon. 1328 WEST SALEM Slata In Aluminum, Steel and Wood. Choice of Tape Colors Measured and Installed Within 30 Miles Call Anytime for Free Estimate! Phone 37328 the wreckage near Fort Nelson, B.C., of a U.S. air force trans port which crashed with 11 aboard more than five years ago. The Edmonton Journal said nearly $500,000 in currency and gold were aboard, but in Wash ington, air force heaquarters discounted the report. The air force verified the story the wreckage had been found, how ever. (The Chicago Tribune report ed in a special dispatch that the hunters who found the wreckage were Bill Faller L. S. Smith, Harry Smith and Charles Nichols, all of Portland. Ore., and Dr. L. C. Garner of Bend. They had flown into the area to hunt. (Hal Ellington of Bend pilot ing the plane, was quoted as saying they had found S70.000 in currency. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 23, 1948 IS (The party passed through Fort St. John and refueled their plane but declined to say what happened to the money ) Hydraulic dredges have pumped dredged material for distances nf 15.000 to 20,000 feel. '. STREAMLINED rCEILCSS 1 I BALL POINT PEN I WITH A 10 YEAR WRITTEN SERVICE FOLICY WRITES TO 3 YEARS WITHOUT REFILLING TWi mm mad ly entitle fcearer la Hi ftmom nationally aaSrerti4 Ftf tew near kali Mlnt a (M.M alae. Smooth-low Inc. prerinioiw dealt:!. Can't arraUfc. can't leak. Inatant aylnf. Make ta S carbon capita. Sat art at r cam H rob piaettc -barrel, metal rap. Laaki like a flt.AO pen. It rear written, raaraale. Mall ntef Ailed IU extra Hvrr, Sipplr HnHod. Aak for r eerie a pen at PERRY'S DRUG STORK tWl 129 8. Com me r rim I I D D D a to iinii m IS. m- iwvun - van Vf - 'J (TV - - " iiai - M M I a nw a. Copr. AdtHiwn bchng. B6. 194 Cake Flour 37e Softasilk Large Zli lb. Pkg. Cookie Mix 25 Sugar, lemon, or oatmeal-raisin Just add water and bake. Crackers ?';HV. 27s Sunshines crisp, round butter wafer Crackers 2GrlbhaPmkg. 49 Sunshines crisp grahams, made with honey. W I I EE 1 lb. Can. . . Mellow drip or regular. Raisins TsAg. 4 lb. Pkg., 47c Wax Paper To,' 19e 53 ir. 25 Syn Grandee I rut.:- UP 26-oz. Can 57' The old favorite. Prices Effective Friday, Saturday & Sunday Star Open 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. Every Day, Including Sundays. Stock up at these low prices; they will save you money. Only thru our volume purchases and the cooperotion of our wholesaler are we able to past these low prices on to you. Tastv Kernel M f1 r Santiam Cut f AA. CORNNc;2 2 cans 27 BEANS S.? 2 cans 39 Cream Style, Case of 24, $3.09 Stringless, Cose of 24, $4.63 Del Monte f AA Whole Kernel f f1 r CftD kl No. 303 cans " rnRKI No 303 Z cans LI t-UKN cans WRn Cans Cream Style, Case of 24, $3.79 Bocanca, Case of 24, $3.09 Stringless Del Monte f AAr DC AC No. 303 cans Stringless ft OCC -"-' Cans BEANS cans2 Ca"S Ear'y G"den' C"e f 24' $3"79 Creswell, Case of 24, $2.95 j," N 303 3 29 e Roly Poly, Cose of 24, $2.25 SNOWDRIFT 3 1.09 Finest Vegetable Shortening. CORNED BEEF No. 1Can 43e Frey-Bentos 12 oz. Cans MORRELL'S SNACKS Spiced Luncheon Meat Pure Pork, 12-oz. Can 39' FANCY RED SALMON NoCaaU 63 c Bumble Bee Fancy Alaska Sockeye. SUGAR White Satin .... 10 83' KAY NATURAL CHEESE lb .59' Kraft's finest cheddar cheese. fegetdbes BARTLETT PEARS Nor Pac, No. 2 Can 12 cans. $3.10 ELBERTA PEACHES Ful 'lavor In heavy syrup, No. 2 M Can . . . 12 cans, $2.69 PEACHES Crown Point, No. 2Vi Can NEW POTATOES Hun'ts fancy. No. 300 Can 12 cans, $1.15 HOMINY Van Camps, No, 2 Can Sweet Potatoes or Yams 0 n. 95c Fancy Southern ai Cauliflower Fancy Ib. 12 snowy wnlte heads. Concord I" If r GRAPES 5bJkbet45c Fine quality for Jelly. Sunkist A jsff ORANGES 2 dM 47 288's medium size. Celery Hearts 17e ;. 53.10 23c 25c 12 cans, $2.89 10' 2 25e 1 cans 12 cans, $1.44 PINEAPPLE JUICE O 90c Iuei monte, ino. t;an cans Large 46-oz. can, 37c I TE&lS 8-"- Tumbie7 I SAIAO PXESSM SC V' W7 UA0C ty NAUEy.S Fancy, crisp stalks Sirloin Steak Lb. AQc Canning Salmon AQc Young U.S. Inspected Beef. LB.. Lb. T-Bones Lb. AQ Broil and serve sizzling hot. " Fresh dressed, whole fish only, average 10 to 14 lbs. Big Baloney Lb. AQc Mni-reU'a T Lebfnf Lb49e Fryer Chickens LB 59c Fresh New York Dressed. m Fresh New York Dressed. (10c ea. for drawing or cutting) n . rw 1 . A. uuc ea. lor drawing or cutting) Breast of Veal LR 4QC" r your ,avor"e Bby Beef for Lockers WS - 1 lb. Can 2 Ib. Can Drip or Regular ...53' $"05 i:iJ.l .T V.a f.Tl.l-ill--.l:f.l71.iTyTjrTTTTTTTJTI AND FOUR CORNERS 3720 E. STATE ST. TWO BIG COMPLETE FOOD CENTERS -71 .1 1 aaiaattaTg- -'wt 41 9V rt.o- Sfe money-sariig ? fat, on a 1-pound can of wonderful new. Bliss Coffee General Foods wants you to taste their Bliss Coffee the wonderful new coffee at the wonderful lout price! Bliss has a heartier flavor . . . and an exciting new lift that you just don't get in other coffees! So try Bliss at this special get-acquainted price! Tear out the 15 coupon below, and take it to your grocer. But don't wait! This offer good only until October 31, 1948. (If your grocer doesn't have Bliss, he can get it for you from a General Foods representative.) A Pmiuci of Ctnarol Food ONLY BLISS has a blend like this! Bliss 5s a completely NEW com bination of coffees, blended pre cisely to meet today's insistent demand for rich, full-bodied fla vor at a reasonable money-saving price. It's vacuum-packed I It's roaster-fresh! Folks who have tried Bliss are delighted with its deep-down satisfying goodness . . . amazed by the low, low price I Won't you try a cup of Bliss today . . .and see why folks say, "Mmm, there's a cup of real coffee 1" This Coupon Worth 15 wora. ttl pvrttMtt a4 can Btlit CoffM. HI ! yew Mm and a44r and prMf H yoor frwar. City Zen Stat. Halkt f DaaWr D4f coupon ffl b ndaamad by rem Gaara1 Food) Solomon at rovr Mpefta. at fata votwa prt It to hondlina, wha Ta n4 yovr auttaf keti copfa' wHh tha Hrmt of thii oHm GaMroJ Food CorpmotiON Co 110 canl. Thii cna 0n4tv arohib'tad, rated, raVrxred.