i II 10 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVIMTISINOi Per Una 1M Per Lint I time ....-40c Per Lint tlmw We Per Lint 1 month U 00 Outside of BaJem l&a per Hot per day Mm 10c; I tlmw mm. lOe 6 time mln. 11.30 No Refund READERS Is Lecal Ntwi Cat Onlyi Per line 30e To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 - FOR SALE HOUSES LG. FAMILT home on 1. lot. S bdrm., dole, plumbing. Dbl. iraie. Ph. 3M41. FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern home, amttl 1 atory Colonial style, with emftll home rentable at 0 monthly. Beml-furntihed. Lot B0 x 125. Pom. In 1 weeks, full price. 14950. Soma terma. Will eomlder good car In trade, lea iRth. Call 38433 or 3473. allft FOB VALE Year-old raneh atyla hout. 3 bdrm., bath, comb, llrlnt-dlntni rm. with firaplaee, kitchen, utility rm. with tray. Elect, w. h.. auto, oil fur nace, hdwood. floors. Larae lot. Rea. onable down payment. Sea after 5. week- day, at 3880 Peck ave. a314 FOR SALE by owner, am. noun In new district priced for utck aale because of ilckneaa. Uri. D. W. Ron. Foaaholm Rd Silverton. lADSO 3-bedroom home In aood location K. Owner leevlnk town, aelllnt at Joss, 11300 will handle, bal. ISO mo. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtor 41 Ohemekela St. Ph. 1-8171 Eves. 3-i2C0 a314 Itwon On Falrmount hill, food home, LIT. rm., D. rm., kit.. 3 bdrms., bath down, 1 bdrnu.. bath, up, Dbl. tar. Ue. .lot. Call Mr. Walter. HUFP REAL ESTATE CO. Realtor 31 Ohemekela St. Ph. 1-0371 Ev- 3-5380 a214 KINGWOOD SPECIAL Nicely located weat end of KIntwood drive, this aplendld home command a Tlew from ery room. Built In the modern ranch atyle, It 1 aure to please with Ita lane bedroom, apa eloua llvini rm., beautiful maple flra., two baths, a host of built-in, hlfh celllni baaement, auto, oil fur nace. dbl. larase, lane lot. All for 115,500. Excxlualve with Uff. Modern Suburban $2000 Dn. l-BR with 4th possible. Conveniently arranied to allow entrance to up atalra, kitchen or bath without colng thru main area. Lane lot, eloat in. 110.500. Call Walt Musirave. i Walter Musgrave Realtor 1333 E DOE WATER PHONE 3-6109 aJlB' BUT THE HOME yon want at THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N, Htih St. Phone 34793. a2la' S'MHMW dn. mod. 3 bdrm. houae. 3810 Monroe. a21!t BV OWNER New home, all elec. In W. Salem 1 blk. to school Ac bus. 3 bdrm., LR. DR, bath. kit. it nook. Inside utility, hardwood floor thruout. Lota of closets. Oaraae. Term. Phone 7213. 3-7312 after Sunday. a-214 NEW - SUBURBAN - EAST WELL-BUILT S-bdrm. home, hdwd. floora. fireplace, DR, all electric, double gar age, large lot, good well, close to city school buses, Inaulated St weather stripped, food term. Consider food pick-up or car In trade. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phon 3310: Eve. 3390. 337 N. Hlth (After Sept. 4, Office Phont la 3-3849) a214 OWNER LEAVING TOWN THIS beautiful suburban home must be aold Immediately. Built for home, with beat of prewar material. 7 years old spacious rooms, Ilv. rm.. it rec. rm. 24x 1ft'. Muster bdrm. U'xir. 3 bdrm. 15'x 11'. Dbl. plumbing, fully Insulalrd At wen the rat ripped, hdwd. firs. Lot 130x200. Beautifully landscaped, 14 everareens. 1 peach, 3 apple, 1 cherry, 3 walnut, a few raspberries it a rapes, over 100 choice rcie bushes. Near Bus St school. REDUCED TO 117,500.00 For nulck sale! Ph. 9418. a3!4 NOTICE! NEW HOUSE below cost for nulck sale, close to bus At school. Call JffiffO. 13S3 Second St.. W. Salem. b317 BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. home. Oil furnace, automatic hot water, wired for electric ranee, also 3 rm. house with bath and double graae on back of lot. Priced for quick aale. Bldg. 8 yrs. old. Owner eln transferred. 440 S. 17th. a218 SUBURBAN LOWER FARES $8,100 1 bdrm. unflnlnhfd attic, attached Karaite, very near, built 7 yrs., a Ige. walnut trees, 1 blka. to bua. 91,400 Terms. 4 bdrm. 3 down. 3 up, DR, nice kltch., 1 blk. to arhool and bus, garage and chlk, hse., some fruit, r,aoo Near atore, bus, 3 bdr.ns., DR, lat est kitchen, fireplace, hdwd, flra. throughout, V ahadea, alt. gar., good well and water, fin.nno Term, 1 A., built 6 yra., nice diet., 3 bdrms., with DR, hdwd. flra., some fruit and shrubs. 9) I .AOO10 A. berry farm, Haiilgreen Dlat. Incoma from 1 A., 98,000, atory 4 hlth, chick, hse., family fruit, not a weed on the place. Let ua ahow thene and others. Alio city homes, GENERAL REAL ESTATE 35 Center St. Ph. 3:389 e3H SUBURBAN BEAUTY EXCEPTIONALLY nice 3 BR home. Lo cated Juat outside city Umlta, Lame rooms, Inculdlng utility room. And very nlra large bath. Oood big lot. Double garage. Has It's own well. Bus X blk. Full price only 110,000. KNOI.EWOOD BARGAIN THE MAN SAIIt SELL. So the price drop ped considerably on this nearly new 3 hdrm. ranch type home. Ideal loca tion, close to srhool and bun. Dining room la nice slae. Large living room with fireplace. Lota of bullllni In the roomy kitchen. Nicely landscaped, and makes a good place lor the kiddles to play. 14000 should handle. Balance FHA. Easy payments. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-83)8; eves. 3-8MR a316' CLOSE to 17th St Center, living anddhv Inn room, ((replace, hdwd. floors. 3 bedroom i, bamt., wood lurnarr. Also has basement bedroom with plumbing. Price $8000.00. CI.OSK TO Market St Broadway. A good A room house, full baiement. fiiriiaie, aho extra room In basement. Trice nsoo.oo. ri.OSK TO Market St 17th. S bedroom. 3 up. 2 down, double plumbing, Inrfje living and dining roomi. Price 113, 760.00. R OSTEIN ADOIPH. INC. 110't N. Commercial Bi. Phone 3-3030: eves. 3-83 14 a 2 1 S NEW t Bit. home, utility porch, hdwd (Irv, Cias conking and hestlnR. Also 3 room house renting lor 133.00 per run. Larue lot ISfiOO CLOfcK TO IIIC. II SCHOOL. 3 bdrm.. auto heat. Flreplare. Pre-war ronul ruction, but very modern. Newly decorated in and out. Only HO.&oo JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 455 Court St., Salem, Oregrn Ph. 3.1 MB; eves. 3-419 or 3SB12 e3lS 94950 NFW f NORM, home with hdwd. floors, elec. heat, full balh, attached garage with laundry travs. OPEN TILL 9 COLBRATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 34553 iJU FAIR SPECIAL FOR ONLY 98000 you ean buy a very attractive Vt acre suburban place lo cated 350B Cherry avenue. There Is a one bedroom house, shop, pump home, poultry house, variety fruit. Pleased to how any time. SALEM REALTY CO., Realtors 149 N. High St. Ph. 3-1880 a34 NEARLY NEW, clean two bedroom houie, attached garage, north, near school and bua line. Price 98160 with 91600 down; Immediate poiieulon. SALEM REALTY CO., Realtors 149 N. Hlih St. -Ph. 3-7880 a314 NEW fliinilRrlAN 3 bdrm. rottagr. 949507 WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 8. Llberty-Ph. 3-7113 a3t4 NF.W l-BDRM. Cape Cod, Ue. rooms, l'fc plumbing, hdwd. floora, insulated, auto, oil heal, fireplace, dble. gar, playroom with fireplace, full bsmt., bus by door. Nothing spared to make this a fine home. 1 blk. E. of 8. Commercial on Rstcllff Drive. Blue shake house. Own era Phone 34384. MODERN WELL BUILT medium all ed home near school. Fleaiant neighbor hood. 3 bdrm i. down, extra room up Weatheratrlpped, Insulated, auto oil heat water heater. Nice yard. Muil aee to appreciate. 936 Imperial Dr., off D St.. acroaa from high arhool. a31S To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Ore., Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1948 FOR SALE HOUSES SL'B. Vi ACRE. 6-rm. home. Fruit, chick. hse. Ss lot. Garage. 1340 Hoyt. a31 1 BDRM. FURNISHED NEARLY Vt acre, small neat house with good electric stove, refrlf erstor, dining set. bedroom set St etc. The price la 14150. Excellent terms. 1SB5 Pleasant view Drive. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210: Eve. 35300. 337 N. Hlih (After Sept. 4, Office Phone Is 2-3S49 a314 Open for Inspection New 2-bdrm. house. 1030 N. 22nd. St. a3U DRIVING to Chicago Sept. 10. Will take 1 ot 3 passengers to hrlp drive and share expenses. Call at 1110 Lee or Phone 3-3619. a314 FOR SALE LOTS OStlOfl. WOOOFO. Owners. Ph. 343B4. aa" FOR SALE FARMS CATTLE. RHEFP. GRAIN. FRUIT 2.1 ACRES 8 ml west. 8 rm. hse., full bamt., Ige. barns, aheds and chlk. hse. 177 under plow. 4 A. Bartlett pears. 8 A. cherries, family orchard, all fenced and cross fenced. Full price 838,000. Ill ness forces sale. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 2S5 Center Ph. 33280 b214" tMflfl 104 A. 3 BR cottaae, am. barn, some fruit Si berries. 6 ml. east. tSiWH) ON. 6 A. ft 4 BR hse. Nr. Hopewell. Consider tride for city property. 110. 000 full price. Good walnut it peach orchard. 988.000 N.W. 75 A. St lfe. home. Includes all equip. 13 cows. Consider trade for hse. serv. sts, H. ISHKRWOOO. REALTOR PH. fl-Fll. Wallace Road. R. 1. Box 182 or 1283 Sixth St. West Salem b21' NEAR ELDRinOE SCHOOL ! ACRKS, old modern 4-room house, chick house, good well, only 15500. Con sider swap for amall suburban home near Salem. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph ie 3210: Eve. 353PO. 337 N. Hlfh St. (After Sept. 4, Office Phone la 3-3649) b314 11000.00 DOWN 30 ACRES north on pavement, near Hop mere, old 6 room house, barn, ehiok house good well. Full price 1H400. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210: Eve. 25300. 337 N. High St. (After Sept. 4 Office Phone Is 3-1649) b214 FOR SALE ACREAGE A CHALLF.NfiF. S ruRged acres, some fruit, unfinished but livable house, deep well with abun dance of pure wsler, marvelous view, electricity, six miles south. Full price 14000. ohout ' cnli. Cnll Mr. Beckett. RAl.EM REALTY CO., Realtors 149 N Hisfh St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phone 24501 bh314 MR. NEWCOMER Tf ymt are desirous of finding a real honest -tn-icoodiir.ss country home, where you enn live In piace and quiet and produce your own living, you should sec this lovely r In lit seres with nrsrly new, strlrtly modern house, small barn and poultry house; nboiit half In cul tivation with bnlanre beautiful fir tim ber, nn Little Pudding river. Immediate paase-!nn. Cnll Mr. Holmes. SALEM HFALTY CO., Realtors 149 N. Hloh St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phone 34773 bb214 (il.KN CRKKK ROAR. l A. Sz 3 BR home, hwd, firs., (place. Fruit. Nicely land scaped. 113 son Terms". B. ISHFItWOOn. REALTOR PH. fir'H. Wallace Rnnd. R. 1. Box 162 or 12fl!) Sixth S(. Wcit Snlem hb21fl 9 AC. 7 MILES OUT Sfl.Rllf) OlTcrriP.i, chickens, cows, Just the hou.w fnr family with children, also small barn, chick, house, soli Is good. Elec. fence, oil circulator, cream sep. eo. so ac. tn.oonoo I? Ml. NORTH. Will. soil. 20 ac. tim ber A: bnifh. fair bldss.. pvd. rd. Close to school. Worth the money, Call Ed. Luklnhnnl. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chcmrketa Rt. Ph. 2-1540 Eves. 2-fiHHO hh314 WOULD YOU like lo live In a suburban home have a anrdnn, a few fruit trees, be near a school St store? This modern 2-BR plnst. home wilh LR, hdwd. flra, flrenlare, kit., elrc. rnokln St wtr. heat er. Indry. trays, offers all this for only 16300. Larson Home & Loan Co. 164 8 Com'l. St. Ph. 3-4114 bb214 17500.00 $7500.00 17500.00 17500.00 .31.4 ACRES, m in I Irs from Rickey school. good hnrn. chirk house, machine shed, (turnup, milk house, old ft-room house, nice family orchard, year 'round creek, timber BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210: Eve. 25390. 337 N. High St. (After Sept. 4, Office Phone Is 3-3649 hh314" REAL ESTATE RESTAURANT, PRICE S1000 Includes Equipment . Stock Si Lease. Living quarter available. HOME Si 1NCOMK 3 BdniiK., liv. rm,. din. nu , kllch. St bnth tor owners. UpstAirs rented (urn. wlt-h outside entrance, lift per month. Bnsenipnt. auto, oil furn. North. Call Mr. Vlcary. SELL OR TRAUE 7 Rm. modern house. Barn. Hen house. 1 1 5 Acres rime in on paved road Price tonno or trade for 10 or 15 acres with Improvements, flee ALLEN JONES OR MARK I, NEFDHAM Realtors 341 Stale, Rm. 4 Ph. 3-9301 (lOOH SI RrilllAN home in a lnvetv set tins of ever rem trees on acre of ground. The home Is f nil v plumbed with 2 bedrooms, living and dinlna room combined, kitchen, sarace. wired for mime and oil circulator. P'enty of room for chickeiw and enrdrii. Priced at 18 000 00 WK OFFER for your consideration a 79 acre chicken ranch with 26 acres under Irrigation with perpetual water rlshts. 12 acres of whrnt. 13 acres of rye. 20 acres of outs and vetch and 8 acres of cherries and orrhnrd. There's an 8 room hou.ve toitethrr with 4 large rhtrken linu.rs horn Biid aaraae. Lights and wr-ter in all. The poultry houses will hold 3000 chickens. And In addi tion to the above, we Include all the farm marhinrrv and took. We consider this an ideal setup for a money innking Chicken ranch. Priced at $'.'5,000 00. A LITTLE country home wthln the limits of the city. Itts of berries and fruit trres. A 3 bedroom home with bath, living and dining room combined, k li chen, full basement, wrrd for ranae. Tile fruit room, small ham and chicken coop. Lot 200x300. 11500 00. M'J FERTILE acres with frame house. 145 acres cultivated, 100 acres pasture and timber, full sprints and strrams, 3 barns, poultry house and other bnitd Inis. Machinery and stork available. Thla farm is a moneymaker. Old aae ts the on!v reason for selling. Priced at 428 nno no, l?A ACRES bordering the Santlam river. All good level soil with irrigation sys tem. 4 new beau plrker cabins equipped with lights and stove. Oood sired barn with 8 stanchions and poultry house. 4 bedroom home ulth fireplace. 835.O00. P. II. ItEIL. REALTOR 381 Chemeketa Street Ph. 3-4896 3-1545 Eves.: 3-8666, 3-7565, 3-8681, 3.6686 C316' SMALL buildine site for summer home on crmsan Creek Road. Creek, trees, maradam road, 4 miles from Salem. Phone 3-6893. f3J SPKCIAL 4-ROOM HOUSE, must be moved, wired, souin oi jinn and Mission. Why rent, buv tins for 4M 00. 1 ACRE. 150 ft frontage, along ME north or moons, good location for a bust ness or home. 1850 00. HOMEF1NDERS REALTY CO. 3815 N. Portland Rd. Al llauth, Broker c318 We HAVE acres of top trade Willam ette Silt loam with fair Improvements on the highway in the Union Vale Dis trict. This is a real buy at 918,000. Terms. ARE you Interested In buying t home with a low fiown payment and balance like rent Call us. Woi l.n you like to own and operate one ot the rinest restaurants in Sa lem Coma In and we will tell you about it. Goodwin nnd MrMillin Realtors, 464 Court Phone 9410T Evening 119 eJ14 RIAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS EAKT Or IALEM HIGH t bdrm. close to schools, llv. rm., din. rm., kitchen, fireplace, hdwd. flra., dble. plbf. full baemt., fine yard, f 10, 500, Call Roy FerrU. LOCATED EAST V ac. with nice, clean 4 rm, plastered home with 3 bdrms. St brkft. nook, ga rase, barn St chicken house. Oood soil. Price 91000. Cali O. K. Orabenhorat, Jr. FIRST CLAKft BRAND NEW 1 Bdrm. home all on one floor, auto oil furnace, dble. garage, hdwd. firs., fireplace. This Is truly a buy at 113, 900. Call Earl Weat. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 3-3471; Evenings 3-3948, 9-7713. 9-4369, 3S-F-14, 3-8010 For Prompt Courteous Service, List Your Property With Us LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS WHY PAY MORE when you ean buy thla t jr. old 3 badrm. home with living rm., dining rm., kitchen and utility rm. with oil floor furnace and about 4 acre of ground for only 15500? VERY ATTRACTIVE 3 bedrm. home with living rm.. flreplare. dining rm.. kitchen utility rm. All on one floor. Att. garage. Patio and outside fireplace. Good loca tion. 913.200. LAROE OLDER TYPE HOME In thriving buaineas section en main hlway. Cloae In downtown. 4 complete apta. Large 74x150 lot. 913,600. EXCEPTIONAL BUY on Falrmount Hill. Lovely 2 bedrm. home with extra large living rm.. dining rm.. kitchen, basement, auto, oil heat, double garage, Large well shrubbed lot. 914.000. MILL CREEK PROPERTY located cloie In. S very large well-eonitructed homes on a lot about 100x165. Both homes have hot water, auto, oil heat. There is a double garage and paved alley. Aik for an appointment to aee this property. 930.000. ror tnese ana many more call or bf.e Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors "S3 years of dependable eervlee to home owners." Evenings call S630, 2-5856, or 3-4007. 244 Stale St. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 189 South High Phone 5131 I 9,250 Nlee 3 BR hnme, good district north, close to schools and bus, plastered Interior, fireplace, bath, LR, Kitchen and butltlna, full basement, electric cooking is water heating, garage, Immediate poaa. 92,000 down will handle. 9 1,300 Engllah Style Home, plastered Inferior, HW St Fir floora. Fireplace. 2 BR down, 3 BR up, Bath, LR, DR, K At Nook, bulltlna, Basement, electric cook ing, double garage, K block to bus, close to schools. 9 ,500 Eight Year Old Home, North, plastered Interior, HW St Fir floors, Flreplare, LR, DR, K, bulltlna, Ven. blinds, 1 BR down, I finished BR up and 1 un flnlahed, basement, garage, t block to bus, corner lot, nice lawn and shrubs, S blocka to schoola. 910,900 Grocery Store, 3 gas pumps, and 3 BR living quarters, bath, LR. Kitchen, electric cooking and heating, garden spot, 69 loot h of an acre, good location. DAYTIME PHONES 3-5131 or 3-8620 Evenings Call: 3-4937 Bill Brown or 3-7163 Andy Halvorsen LEE OHMART & Exclusive Location Plus Just lots of llvabillty In this older Victorian type home; 4 bedrooms; 3 fireplaces: interior newly it expensive ly decorated: beautiful large corner lot on FAIR MOUNT HILL; immediate pos session; let Mrs. Mankerts show you the Interior of this home. Price la only 913,500. Rental Income Close In on Mill 8t.; large, deep lot with 3 rentals partially furnished; will sell complete for only 18,000 to settle an estate. Ask to see It now. Lee Ohmart & 477 Court St. Phone 34115-6 REAL ESTATE CALABA'S COLUMN FINISH IT YOURSELF Save money and do your own work. This neat little 3 bedroom home has all plumbing and wiring rouahed in, in cludes all flooring, plumbing fixtures, outside fully finished and painted buy It now (or ony 14100. JUST A PLAIN GOOD BUY Very attractive 3 bedroom home with oak floors. (Ireplnce, large garage, dou ble clckiels, insulated and weather stripped, lot Is 10x140, In the Reiser District, and lust 18500. 13600 DOWN Will move you Into this modern S room home located on North Cottage St. It's nearly new and in fine shape throughout. Let us show you thru before you buy. RUDY CALABA St CO., REALTORS 331 N. High Rt. Phone 35R3R Eve. 35A14 - 3B593 33779. c ONE ACRE $8500 Older type house In good rondttlon, four bdrms., full bsmt., fireplace, furnace, gar., terms arranged. Keizer District Brand new two bdrm.. very attractive and well built. BeautKul floors, bullt Ins, auto, oil furnace, attached gar age, paved driveway and street. Pri vate well. Full price 111,500. F.H.A. loan available. $1250 Down Three bdrms,, close to bus, stores St school, inside city, paved street, posses sion before school starts. Reduced for quick sale, 15950. Alvin E. Isaak Real Estate Broker (Formerly M. O, Humphreys St Co.) 3015 Portland Rd. Phone 3-7630 - 3-4596. Eves. 3558 r314 WANTED REAL ESTATE - FOR SATISFACTORY results list your city, auburban and business properties with SEVER IN REALTY CO. Joe Hlmn.el, Mgr 313 N High St Ph 4016: Eves 6U01 WK ARE in need of good houses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sate aee QRARRNHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 4131 NOTICEI It your property la for aale. rent or exchange, list It with ua We have all kinds ot cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS S S High St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE OR SKLL-Vlew property. 3 B. R., L. It., D. R., kitchen, nook, basement, 3-rar garage. On li acre with fruit, nut tiees, chicken house. 113,500. Rt. 8, Box 448. 5th house from Wallace rd, on Oten Creek drive, West Salem. cb316 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT A gdod country storeT Makes man and wife 20r. on 125.000.00 stock. Closed Sundays. Clean. Self-service. Low rent. P. O. Box 203. Hubbard. Ore. cd316 Auto Paint Shop Right in town, A-l location, a Rood paying business that will stand investigation. Good bldg. Reasonable rent. Lease if wanted. All tools, equip ment and supplies go. Listed exclusive with us. Don't wait if you are interested in this type of business. Tollman Real Estate 725 N, Commercial Phone 34010 Salem, Ore. ra31S IF YOU'RE INTERESTED in the service at at ion business. Inventory running 2A0Q to 3000, please make application to Frank Doollttle. distributor of Gen , eral Petroleum products. Wallace Road. West Salem. Ph ait. 9-4911 after Sun day. ed317 QRO. a nnwi. at inventory. Lease. House to rent. Good opportunity. R. W. Stout. Perrydale. Ore. cd3l9 !. INCOME per month on business property. 115.000 total price. Write Bos 313. Capital Journal. cd318 TAVERN Ml SOO.m aura thu well established busi ness, eons is ting of Steak bouse. Beer tavern and 30 furnished rooms. Nets between 11008 00 to 11800 00 per mo. This price includes buildings, furni ture and all equipment. Very good. Call Ray Davis. M.nM.a Grocery, Service station, with living ejuartere. Monthly trosj 18.000 00. 9 year lease. All stock goes. Call Ray Davis .'UPF REAL ESTATE CO. Hltara )d Chemeketa St Ph. 1-9171 3-8658 crtll4' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 I REAL ESTATE CANDALARIA We have three nice homes for aale In the Candalarla District, one 3 bdrm. one with 3 bdrms. it den and one with 3 bdrms. These are all new and dis tinctive homes and range In price from 913,100 to 119,800. For a home In the finest residential area In Salem, call Peter Oetaer. DON'T MI8H THIS GROCERY STORE Has excellent fixtures it splendid lo cation Offered for lease on 10 yr. ba sis, immediate possession. An excellent opportunity. Owner must leave. Locat ed at 3153 S. Commercial St. Can be leased for other type atore purposes. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorat. Phone 3-3663 c214 CO., REALTORS Home and Income Here A substantial 3 bedroom home with basement At furnace located at 2461 S. Com'l Also 4 room rental on rear of lot, Includes refrigerators At range. Call Mrs. Mankerts. Pre-War Construction Here la your chance to buy a nrat Si cozy 3 bedroom bungalow located at 740 Electric Ave., owner will give Im mediate possession; drive by, then call for Mr. Sullivan; excellent terms on thla one, Co., Realtors BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SNAP SERVICE RTA. and lunch counter doing good bu.il ness. Full price 13500. Drop in and let us give you full particulars. OLSON St REEVES, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590 945 S. Com'l. Phone-3-4590 cd2l4' OWNER DESIRES to sell or will trade for el( operating bung n low court, a 30 bed mountain, resort court. The nicest gud largest in center of summer and winter vacation land. Beautiful srt tlng, good Income. Write A. B. Ol.son. Rhododendron. Oregon. cd315 INCOME PROPERTY. 3-year lease. 1100 per month, new building. 14.000 will hnndle. Total price 18200. Call owner. 98904. rd2l' FURNITURE FOR SALE HOME FREEZKR 1 yr. old, 9 cu. ft. 1300. Monarch auto, double- oven range, 4 mo. old. 20' off. Monnrch enamel wood range used 2 yrs. 190. Alexander Smith rug, like new, 9x12. mo. piano, good tone 165.00. Scot Is, Mills. R. W. McCoy. Ph. Silverton lOfli. d215 BROADLOOM New Cut Order Service WOOL RUGS Plain or Figured Styles 8X10 9 44 50 9X13 49 95 0x13.6 67 50 9x15 74.95 erne it. 95 9x18 89 85 9x20 99 50 9x23 10y 50 13x13 79 95 13x13.1 89 95 12x17 113 65 13x20 133 65 12X22 146 35 12X34 160 00 13x26 173.65 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INO. 467 Court St Phone 9611 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market ph 5110 da FURNITURE wanted. Ph. 25511. da TOP PRICES paid for uied furniture, tocla and hardware Call Mr Reiser 9685 285 N Commercial da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK JERSEY-GUERNSEY cow, 8 yrs., 6 gal. per day 1st 8 mo, fresh, Heavy creamer, giving 3 gal. per day now. Gentle. 9175. C. M. Ferguson residence. mile east Falls City on Dallas-Falls City Hlway. white house on right side of road with Ige. porch. Call Falls City 381. e214 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandlish, Rt. 9, Box 233. Ph. 8147. ra228 PETS REGISTERED white collie puppies, re duced prices. Unusual opportunity to obtain high class pet or stork dog. KOLUMBIAN KOLLIE KENNELS 255 Park Ave., Salem. Phone 2-1959 ec217 REGISTERED COCKEK puppies. Olto Y linkers, Rt. 2, Box 29B, mile North of Kelr.er school. ec214 RIN GLANDS PET SHOP St Ken n el, 1448 8. 13. Full Line Supplies. Bathing, Hoard ing, Eng. Bulldogs, Stud Service. Ph 6859 ec235 HORSE MEAT, 3 and 4 lb. cartons. 30c per lb. Free delivery weekly. Le Gray Kennels. Ph. 3-3168. er225 FUEL DRY WOOD, mixed aecond growth and old fir tops. 19 inch. 314 per cord. Phillips Bros, Rt. . Boa 118. Th. 68F22. ee335 TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh Cut Sawdust Dry 16- Millwood Ak tar BAH Green Stamps Prompt Delliery - pn. 6683 ee2J7 SPECIAL FRMH CUT serrened sawdust. OREGON FUEL CO. Ph. 5533. ee3SS" GREEN 16" edging 13.50 a load. Double load 110.00 Th. 5533. OREGON FUEL CO. , ec320 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Store Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 1444 ee West Salem Fuel Co. ll-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD 16-IN CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIK9EL AND STOVE OIL Phone : Salem 3-4031 klo pick up wood at 1535 Edgewater St W Salem ee FOR SALE POULTRY URT CHICK. Wkb H.trhM Nfw H.mHhli.. ru. 131(1. Lni mtoji.rj. I NOTICE to ADVERTISERS If you are running an advertisement in these columns please advise us of your new tele phone number. PRODUCE MORE Bartlett Pears at Reduced Prices. 3645 Portland Rd. Altrma Motel. Ph. 2-4510. Bring containers. ff215 FOR SALE Sweet corn for canning and lockers Alio melons. W. O. Pounds, Rt. 2, Box 155 Straight W. at Keizer school, last house on end of rd. ff316 Bi:Y VOl'R canning peaches at the Boy Scout fruit stand. Best quality. 3795 N. River Road. 216 IMPROVED Elbert a peaches. U pick. Also wind! alls. Wed. only. 3 miles nor.h on Wallace Road from bridge. Stgurdson's Peach Orchard. ff214 FOR SALE Cucumbers. Any size. Ph. 25773. 11316 ALBERTAS St MI'RIS ready. Clings later. J. Townsend, Mission Bottom. ff 331 CANNING peaches, corn, beans, cu cumbers, tomatoes. Frtg&ard's Prult Stand. 'A mile North of Keizer arhool. 11316 ELHERTA PEACHES now ready at Carl Aspinwall Orchards at Brooks. Phone 21261. fI214 BLL'F.LAKE BEANS for canning. You pick 5c per lb. Clearlake Bean Farm. Rt. 2, Box 274. Salem Ph. 2-3419. ft214 HELP WANTED TURKEY PICKERS report Tuesday morn ing at 8 a.m. Willamette Packing. West Salem 8218" HOP PICKERS. We start late hops Mon day, 6th. Hops are heavy, easily picked. Yard clo&e to Salem on South River road. For information call 6137 or 23101. Rogers At Bishop. S219' HOP PICKERS WANTED VIESKO Si HILTIRRAND yard 10 ml. North or Salem, North River road in Mission Bottom. Picking commences Wed., Sept. 8. Price 5c per lb. Will leave employment office 0:30 a.m. b218 EXP. WOOL PRESSER. Kennedy's. 1245 State St. g HOPPICKERS Oood crop, late hops. Picking starts Sept. 2. 'a mile east of Auburn school at Illahee Hop Ranrh, Rt 9. Steve Van Houten, Supt, Ph. 22631. g214 HOP PICKERS JOHN J. ROBERTS St CO. BUS SCHEDULE BEGINNING September 1, busses will leave each morning at 6:00, routed as follows: Capltola Bonesteele Garage Fairgrounds Rd. and Myrtle Ave. Highland Ave. and Myrtle Ave. Highland School I.armer Warehouse Liberty St. First BHptlst Church Liberty At Marlon Commercial St Center Srhreder's Mkt. State A Commercial Employment Office Ferry St Cottage 12th and State Mis.sion and Hinh Mission and Commercial Owens ad Commercial D and Capitol Market and Capitol Market nnd 21st D and 21st D and 17th Center and 17th Center and Slat State and 25h Ferry and I9th Lee and Turner Rd. 12th and M ins ion Lrslle School Commercial and Hnyt Jefferson Hwy. St Hansen Ave. Salem Heights School HELP WANTED MALE YOUNo"MEN as Doormen. Must be able to work afternoons. Apply Capital The atrr. ga218 A REAL OPPORTUNITY FIRST CLASS auto mechanic, top wage guarantee. Plus bonus opportunity. Ask for Verno. Trague Motor Co., 355 N. Liherty Ph. 24173. ga HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED Waitress. Marlon Hotel. gb216 YOUNG LADY for General Office Work, shorthand, bookkeeping required. 40 hr, week. Answer In own handwriting giv ing experience. Write Box 214 Capital Joiirunl. gb216 SOME ONE to enre for 2 children in my home 6:30 A.M. to 2: P.M. 459 Blller, Mn Plot mi Add. gb216 CATHOLIC hl-srhool or rollrKe girl to work for board and room, small waitcs. Ph. 2B229. gb216 RELIABLE young woman for light house keeping and child care. Hours 9:30 to 5:30. call after 6 p.m. 24676. gb214 HOUSEKEEPER for 2 adults. Modern home, good salary, Dallas. Write Box 210 Cnpltnl Journal. gb217 WANTED Exp. fountain girl, good wages. Apply in person The Ace Confeclonery. 127 N. Hlch. & PARTY TO watch child t ). ta. to C p. m. In my home. Mon. thru. Friday, fl a day. phone 3S317. gb216 WANTED SALESMAN WANTED SALESMEN! OUR MEN must earn over (100.00 per week. Men chosen will have opportunity to advance to higher position after training by our personnel. Apply in person. Room 23. 248 N. Commercial be tween the hours ot 10-2 only. an 2 16 SALESMEN wanted in this territory to handle quality line of Ladles' Luggage. Highest commission. No objection to non -compel ing line. Replies confiden tial. Write, Better Luggage, Inc., DuBoR Pa." gp.214 WANTED POSITIONS M ETA I. STAMPING, machining, die work. Your ideas or patents put on production basis. Ph. 3-5530. h219 FIR WORK re-llne, repair or restyle. Suits and coats made to order. Spe cialize In out sizes. Call 26735 for ap pointment. h223 CABINET MAKER and finishing, carpen ter wants work. Ph. 24786. h2l SFiY painting, Ralph Alsman. Ph. 24248 or 2.1121. h235 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. TREE WORK, trimming, removing. Insur ed operator. John Payne. Ph. 26014. :48 S Church. h338 VAC iNl'Y for 2 or 3 small children. North Salem. Ph. 96S8. h3l4 TREE WORK, trimming, topping, felling, removing, Ins. oper. Free est. W, H. McAllister, 840 Trade St. Ph. 31496. b223 DISCING St plowing. Al Mom. Ph 33957"" h332 UNDSCAPING. new lawns. plaiitlnT rntottlUnc. grading, tree trimming. Richard Borer. Ph. 3-33S6. h333 Painting, carpentry, remodeling Ph. 8031 h316 W Belike, hill WANTFD FURNITURE to glue repair we moss. pn. 31133. Tin PAINTING lust 1 shade better b Ray Ktter. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-1101 D 'ESSMAK1NG. hemstitching, alterations on new end old clothing, buttons St buckle covered, buttonhole. Ph. J-39MV To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 HELP WANTED HOP PICKERS ATTENTION Lakebrook Hop Yard NOW PICKING Bus will make the following pickups starting at 5:45 A. M. daily except Sunday. Fairgrounds end Highland Capitol and Market 17th and Market 17th and Center 17th and State 12th and State 12th and Mission LAKEBROOK HOP YARD Rt. 2, Box 188, 8 mi. N. on River Rd. Ph. 2-2385 EDUCATION FREDERICK WILSON Piano Studio 1531 Market St. Ph. 245S8 Salem, Ore. hh228 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM. Kitchen prlvlleiesT710 So. 13th St. jk210 CLOSE-IN ror women only. 435 N. Winter. Call 2-1835. jk216 SINGLE ROOM, SflO Parrlsh. Ph. 3-8738. Jk216 CLEAN ROOM. Close In. Outside entrance. Hot water. Gentleman preferred. 830 Hood. - Jk214 SLEEPING RM. 2131 Center St. Jk223' SLP. RM. 395 N. 14th. Ph. 9752. J k 21 6 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 RM, FURN. APT. Close in. Adults only. No drinkers. No pets. Ph. 3-7055. JP214 LG. RM. unfurn. apt. Prlv. bath and ent. All utilities furn. No children or pet. Walking dtst. 830 N. Com I. Jp215 SMALL 1 room, electric heated apartment. 535 N. Winter jp214 .1 ROOM furn. apt. Adults. Ph. 3-4489 be fore 12. After that come to 314 N. Water St. jp215' L ROOM clean apt. Working adult. Close In. 760 N. Church. Ph. 2-9201. Jp214 3 ROOM apartment. Adults only, 770 S. Commercial. jp215 CLEAN, nulet 1 room apt. Middle-aired lady. 845 Ferry St, Jp215 ROOM apt., sleep, rm. Also cot for man, fiOc day. Ph. 38048. 140 N. 23rd. FOR RENT HOUSES 'in ACRES. 5 rm. modern house, 1 ml. West or Liberty on Skyline Rd. Rt. 3. Box 73B. R. A. Erixson. Jm214 NEARLY NFW 2 bdrm. house, unfurn. No garage. fSO.00. Ph. 2-3095. jm214 WILL RENT OR SELL 5-rm. house Ac lot. Modern, fruit trees, plastered, hdwd. firs. Rt. 3, Box 278, Clearlake Dtst. Can see Sat. At Sun. Jm214 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 3 NEW MOD. office In business district. Phone 3-8389. J217 HOOVER or Elcctrolux cleaner with at tachments, Si. 00 a day. HOWSER BRGS.-Ph 3648 ) BUSINESS KM. for rcn',. H. L Stiff. J V DRIVE trucks, cars Ph. 9703 GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. J TO DO a good lob rem a good floor sand er. We sell everything to complete the lob. HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3646 J HOUSE JACKS, oome along, chain and rope hoists auto tools HOWSER BROS. Ph 3646. J GARDEN TRACTORS, plumbing tools paint sprayers, lawn roller, lawn mow ers, auto toot, drills, bell and disc gander, hedge clipper. HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3646 J IRONFRS by week Phone 24439 FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgorr-ry Ward 1 ARMORAYS Or.one Good Health. Rent Sell. H. G PUKh, 684 N 17th Ph 4692 TRUCKS and cars for rent Smitty'a Clip per Service. Ph, 3-9800. Corner Center and Church Sis i WANTED TO RENT RESPECT. ADULTS wish to rent 2 BR modern home with option to buy. Best of refs. (Close-in Suburban pre ferred. Ph. 2-0477 after 6 p.m. Ja216 YOUNG WORKING Couple desire turn, apt. Reasonable. Veteran. References. Ph. 3-5550. ja215 WANTED Listings of dwellings, apart ments and board and room available for rent to school teacher Phone 9137. School Administration Office. Ja3H t-RDKM. house preferably near grade irhool. Will give references. Call at 3950 S. Comm'l between 8 a m. Sz 5 p.m. or write Box 211 Capital Journal. ja214 ROOM AND BOARD BHD., RM., care for elderly people. Coun try home. Write Box 206, Capital Jour nal. JJ216 LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold costume bracelet about A up. 16. Wheat design. If found, please call 3-7885. k215 17T Sunday evening In theater or on the street. Small old-fashioned pin set with brilliants. Shaped like a horse shoe. Valued as a keepsake. Reward. Return Mrs. Lane, Capital Journal. k21B MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men hatter. 464 Court. Closed Sat. p.m. m234 LAW N M O W ER S, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 968 Center. Ph. 6833 m230 DEAD and worthless atock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 5000. m219 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State At Commercial Sts SALEM Phone. 8311 - m HEAT your home electrically, tt'a con venient elean, economical See us for fret estimate. Y EATER APPLIANCC CO.. 355 N Liberty m" HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3512 for free pick up and de livery service on all makes of machine Pre estimate given berore work is started. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Comm'l. m TIME TO FERTILIZE P9B ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS At GARDENS 8 SACKS 15 00 110 PER TON FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN SALEM WEST MUSHROOM PARU PH 8137 EVE 2-4397 tn' BUILDING MATERIAL G' On USED fir flooring. 2x10-12 ft. Wash bowl. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-7113 ma2I4 BUII.nr.RS Reallie ft aavlng by buying lumber direct from manufacturer. Check grades and prices at the West Salem Lumber Co. Located i mile north of Edgewater at. on Wallace Rd. Free delivery, contrac tor discount. Ph fS9i ma:.t tr'tM-i'i" REJECT Plywood. While It last He per sq ft. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD" IHELP WANTED 8 Leslie School 8 State Unemployment Of fice 10. Commercial and Center 11. Maple Tree In West Sa lem. 12. Commercial and Columbia 13. Keizer School BUILDING MATERIAL WRECKING 3 houses at 344 N. Front. All materials for sale Including some fur niture. ma229 INSULATION and Weatheratrlpplng. Cro foot Brother. Ph. 24656. ma. PERM A-STONE rour home. Dial 7896 ma221 SHINGLES, shake, plywood, masonlte Let us quote you price. Eola Lumber Co. Salem-Oalla Hwy. Phone 3-3950 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DAVENPORT Si chair S5. Swing rocker 145. Oak drop-le&f dck 110. New chrome At leather breakfast act. new 7 ft. M.W. elec. box. 1 yr. old M.W. Wash ing machine 185 Hardrock Maple bed room et by Wiliett, both full and twin ize, electric Hot Point tove with 3 burners $50.00. Shoe Ice Skate sire 1 J3.00. 42 Abrams Ave. n214 SIMMONS tudlo couch in good condi tion. Also child' coat, elze 10. Like nett'. Ph. 2-8229 n21C lliifl APEX washer, Lovell ringer and pump, good condition. Ph. 2-0247. n215 CANNING CORN. Golden Crois. 34D7 N. River Road. Dmty Moore. n219 CUCUMBERS. Ph. 2-3035. n214' ATTENTION BY OWNER, best plumbing and appli ance business In up and coming valley town. Inventory and equipment f 17, 000. Good lines, good location, good lease. Should pay out In 1 yr. Mu.it be ( seen to he appreciated. Write Box 213 uni'imi JUiinirw nzu WESTINGIIOUSE range A: refrlg. Bdrm. sets, springs and mattresses. Dinette set, piano and other misc. article. 1835 Madison St. n216' SINGER SEWING machine, elec. range, large mllklnz machine, elec. Coca Cola box, 1 gas motor, and other furniture reasonably priced. 594 N. Liberty. n219 NFW COLLINS elec. hot water heater. Sell for $20 off Ph. 34284. n 17 DELUXE 7','a h.p. Mercury outboard motor, 1 135.00. Ph. 24292. n214 ELIIERTA peaches, you pick. 2 a bushel. You pick them up, $1.50. Sat., Sun., Mon. J. C. Savage. Rt. 1, Brook. Ph. 22344. n214- WESTINGHOUSE elec. stove At wood range. Rt. 8, Box 378. Off Glencreek Rd. Ed. O. T. Larson. Ph. 47F23, n214 BOLT-ACTION RIFLE, 300 caliber. New condition. Ph. 7931 after 6 p.m. n2l4 PIANOS New Pianos from $295.00 Up! Baldwin Conover-Cable Jesse French Mini vox Wide variety of style and finishes. Liberal terms, prompt delivery. See our exhibit at the Fair or at Stone Piano Co. "The Valley's Finest Piano Store' 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. (Corner N. Cottage Salem - Phone 2-5281. n218 LAN'GE RANGE, Hoover vacuum cleaner, 55 mhl. oil barrels. Small oil heater, hot water tank, small wood heater, small cook atove. Twin burner hot plate. 190 S. 25th St. n214 SMALL PAINT SPRAY GUN complete, will sell or trade for deer rifle. S, A. McLaren, H after St., 1 block S. of McClay. Ji218 Tuberous Begonias Thousands of them at their best now. Visitor j welcome. 7 mi. west of Salem at Greenwood. Watch for sign Dallas highway. n217 NOW picking improved Elberta peaches at the Jrss Mathls orchard and fruit stand, 6 ml. north of Salem on Port land highway, n215 CUCUMBERS, tomatoes, peppers, order now. Phone 22713. n215 ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS, Steggg. r dlant and fan types. Y EATER APPLIANCE OO. 255 N. Liberty n223 O'. CIRCULATOR In Good Condition. 125. Must sell. Come to 1935 Broadway, second house back, or Ph. 9367 after 6 P-m. n215 'S1H M 71 Winchester rifle with 3 boxes shells. 1125. Cartridges for foreign dis continued rifle. V. Sackett, 1510 So. Winter. n316 j WORLD Gl.OItE, desk lamps. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n223' SEWING MACH. repaired, rented, bought I W. Davenport, 1930 N. 18th St. Ph. I 3-7671. n222 ELECTRIC Si GAS water neater. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n233 DISTILLED tVniTE PICKLING vinegar for all pickling purposes. 'Keep your pi i k lea krlsp" also old time pure apple cider vinegar, aged in wood, the best made. Puritan Cider Work. W Salem. n232 ELECTROLUX CLEANER At air purifier. Complete with attachment. 169.75. 191 S. Hlah. Ph. 7719. n334 FULLER BRUSHES. 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357. n234 USED ELECTRIC range, 122.50, used toi let, floor lamp, gteel bed. 610 8. Com'l. n216 PRESSURE COOKERS, Revere Ware. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n223' OIL CIRCULATORS, all sires. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n223 SEE US for harvest bagt of all klm.1 We specialize In cleaning At mending. K A. S Bag CO- 347 Kearney St Ph plant, 2-1877. rt RADI1S and record player. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n223' ELECTRIC IRONS, steam Iron. Y EATER t PPLLANCE CO. 355 N Liberty n233 HEAT VOIR nome electrically It's con venient, clean, economical Sea u for Ire estimate. Y EATER APPLIANCI CO. 255 N. Liberty B On Display At the Pair. 2nd Floor, Asr.culture Bldg. THE BALDWIN ORGAN and The Hammond Solovox Stone Piano Co. 1940 Fairerotind Rd. iCorner N. Cot:aae Salem Phone 3-5281. nJ18 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS RIVEB SILT Pnone 35912 ELECTRIC hair dryera, vibrator. Y EATER APPLIANCB CO 355 N. Liberty n223' GARDEN SANrt, Gravel, cruaned rock. Shovel St drag-line excavating WALL LINO SAND At GRAVEL CO Ph 1581. USED ELECTRIC RANGES water heater. washers. Y EATER APPLIANCI CO. 3S& N. Liberty n223 APT. SIZE go At electric range VEATKR APPLIANCE CO 355 N Liberty 8333 SALSM SAND it GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer At Buemcnt fcquipment Rental 13 B H rd. 13.00 per hr, 10 B S yd. 9 00 per hr, D-7 Cat At Dozer 9.60 per nr. D-8 Cat At Dozer 8.40 per hr. D-4 Cat At Dozer 7.00 per hr. Phone Da ye 9408 Kventng 9348 or 34400 Salem. Oregon 0 WALLING SAND At GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roadi and driveways cement, ready mtx concrete, garden gand Bulldozing, drainare and ditching. 4-yd. ahovei and drag line Ph 8S61. FLASTI-KOTE, the cellophane like fin ish for your floors, linoleum, woodwork, . requires no waxing V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty n333 CEDAR POSTS. Ph. H234 WVSS AI L ALUMINUM tpr'nkler Irriga tion syitemi available for immediate delivery We have recelveo our final carload of aluminum nihtng foi thla season Call oi write Monteomery Ward Farm Store Irrigation Depart ment Salem. Ore., for cnmDletf eslt rnte of your requirements p WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-Barkle poles 30 to80 feet. Call collect 1287 Albany, or write Standard Pole St Piling Co., P.O. Box 282, Albany, for new price list. na234 WANTED 100 sewing mach., any cond. Sundale Exch. 694 N. Liberty. Ph. 35511. USED FURNITURE Phone 9185 PERSONAL AUTOMOBILES 191? BUICK Super sedanette, R&H. 11500. Ph, 4904, after Saturday 3-4604. q315 ',19 FORD CPE., mechanic' car, R&H. Good condition throughout. Floyd Hain, Rt, 5, Box 290-A. Past Rickey school. q2l4 91R CIIEV. COUPE. Good and clean. 641 N. 16th. Q.215 Iflll PLYMOUTH club coupe. Good cond. 11275. Ph. 24901. 1061 6th St., W. Salem. q214 WANTED TO BUY Gd. '37 or '38 Ford tudor or cpe. from private party. Cash. Ph. 6725. 0214- !7 BUICK pickup. 850. Gd. Urea, gd shape. Rt 8, Box 378 Off Glencreek Rd O. T. Larson. Ph, 47F23. q214 1941 CIIEV. 5-pasa, R. At H., clean, seat covers, new tires. $1450.00. 3135 Myrtle Ave. q216 '31 CHFV. sedan. Good rubber. 3440 Sun nyview j214 '4ft DODGE 1-ton pickup. 9' box. A-l con dition. Well broken In. One owner. S1625. Ph. 34678. q214 41 STUDE. 5 pass. Gd. shape. New paint. Cnll 6371 after 6 p. m. Monmouth, Ore. 1875. 0.318 MODEL A roadster. New paint, top and upholstery. 16-inch wheel. 1095 B. 13th, q214 OUR REPUTATION depends on your at- tsfaction. Lees Used Cars, 240 N. Church. WANTED Car to wreck All makes and models. We buy scrap. 12th St. Junc tion Auto Wrecker. q.218 NEW CAR arrived. Sacrifice '38 Bulck Spec, cpe., '42 mtr., RA:H, completely overhld. Private owner. Shell Station, Owens At 8. Com'l., till 6 p.m. 0.216 WE SEE BY THE PAPER Some guy back in Washing ton is knocking 'em silly with his comic used car ads. We've seen some funny ads, too, but we like "Pitching Horseshoes" better. We still say, turn to the funny paper for a good laugh, and turn to DICK'S USED CARS For A Good Used Car! Two Lots! 1235 & 1295 S. 12th Open Friday Till 10 p.m. q214 GENERATORS REBUILT. Trailer BXles made to order. Fair prices, 12th St. Junction Auto Wrecker, ph. 28208. n239 '3!) BUICK Century 4-door sedan. R. At H. Very good cond. 1875. 635 Blller In Mr plcton Add. qJ19 II STUDE. Champion coupe. Good con dition. Ph. 36213 or 1330 8th St. W. Salem. q316 .17 PONT. Club coupe. R. At H. New mo tor Job. A-l condition. Phone 2-0477. l31S Thla Time It' HUDSON) Service . Sale - Pan Home ol Good Osed Can SHROCK MOTOR CO Church & Chemeketa Sts. Ph. 3-P101 WANTED - USED CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRING YOUR CAR HERB WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT IT'S WORTH ANl'ERSON USFD HARP 240 CENTER ST. PHONE 3-37.14 q We Buy Used Cars FOR HIGHEST PRICES SEE Teague Motor Co. 355 N. Liberty Phone 24173 FEW AND FAR BETWEEN but only the I . best. 1 OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY BUY, SELL or trade. "Dicker with Dick." Hrs. 10 to 7 Frl. till 9. 1295 P. 13tn. q229 WANTED Good clean ear Square Deal Used Cars 1155' S 12th q PONT1ACS 40 Olds Station Waaon HERRALL OWENS CO. 880 N. Liberty Ph 3.411s MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS INDIAN .' WORLD'S FINES! MOTORCYCLE Repairing all makea ana nodal. SHROCK MOTORCYCLE BALES 3007 Portland Rd. Ph. 31431 FINANCIAL WANTED Private money to loan on Sa lem and vicinity residential property. TALLMAN REAL ESTATE 725 N Commercial - Phone 34010. r2i5" SEE US FOB ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST Up to 40 Y.ar nd NO CommUiiont Leo N. Chlldj, Inc. REALTORS 1H Sllte S:. . Phon 2-SM3 rJ14 PRIVATE MONEY Special rate and term on larter loans loni and nnort time payment ROY H SIMMONS 1?0 South Ccmm-reial St. Phone I-91SI (Continued on Page 11) 1